THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1917. THREE Sunday Only THE OREGON Your Money's Worth Always Sunday Only No Raise in Prices vaudeville PILGRIM GIRLS S 5 51 , 1 Q 1 ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN MADE FOR A BIG FEATURE AT THE DNE8DA V BLJfiH N'KXT FRIDAY AND WE I n VIOL-A..DANA in"THEjGATEJ OE1EDEN A Refined Musical Act, Each one an Artist 5 VIOLA DANA THE YOUNGEST STAR IN PICTURES in b The Gates of Eden f s A METRO WONDERPLAY Selig Tribune Weekly Continuous Show A Titagraph Comedy TIjc " I'll writteil Law," a seven jiart photoplav adaptation of F.ilwin Mil ton Boyle 'a well known story anil play1. One of the screen 's best aetresses, eatrico Michelena, is featured in the Tole of Kate Wilson. Jn speaking ot Miss MrHielena's woik in this picture. Ifoyle, tin' author of the play, said it-ee-ntiv: '.Her work in the witness ft Ana "cere is the most real and eon vineing emotion 1 have seen in picture art. It is free from exaggeration and approaches artistic perfection. It is a great triumph ' ' "The Unwritten Lair' ' attains a high reornl level. It concerns itself with powerful luunan emotions. Klements of goodness and love, augmented Ivy the showing of the contrasts of life, arc the mainspring! of the action. If every man liked gymnastic ex ercises as well as he ought to like them, no better prayer meetings lure could be devised. But for that matter if every man liked prayer meetings as well as. he ought to like them, the i gymnastics lure would be needless. I11II11BIBII1111HH11II11I Charles Wakefield Cadmun, Ameri can composer playing his own composi tions and appearing in his celebrated American Indian talks with Princess i m a roomers aacnnce II flppF j I calloused vvomnu of the Alas- HHHmHl ' 1 iiiPlBM JHiL daughter I ' & dual rule in his . lV i I 31 11 S O1 HER 1 1' jhhh I haries vvakeneid cadman- SJ II If I 111 I Ml UDVrBdfRWl.l. ' "HB H i Ik Moral Lesson Every Mother Should See jflplSSf Distinguishing the Best From the Rest 1 yjmBk IQgQgHJjjjgQQQjQQBJgQgQfjljy Princess T. Sianina. mSh .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmif "IT Tsiauina Red Feather, aii"Indian maid en, who sings "From the imti of the Sky Blue Water' s ml otner well known and beautiful songs composed by Cad man have been offered to the Salem public in concert for the evening of March MS. The -same concert to be giv en in Portland the HJth under direction of Steers-Coman, whose management ul wav insures hiiih class attractions. To obtain the Cadman concert the people at Salem must guarantee a certain amount of money by sex) 8turday, January 18. A subscription paper will be left at Wills' music store, Patton's book store and Commercial book store and all who desire this concert must subscribe us on as possible as that date will be held open' for Salem only a short time. The prices will be $1.50, ifl, 75 cents, and 50 cents. The concert t be given at the opera house. Princess Tsianina (meaning Wild flower) is the only full blooded Indian to achieve artistic recognition in sing- iiiL'. She is a beautiful iiirl and will appear in urn inman costume. This concert will appeal to pianists as well as vocalists who will enjoy the Indian music, talk, illustrating the In dian tribal melody,-prayers, chants, etc. Mr. Cadman will play these as well as other of his own composition as no one else can piny thein, and the fact that he has chosen the Indian princess to in- terpret his Indian songs is the highest praise she could receive. The inanagemeiit will not place this concert unless the amount is guaranteed by January 13. Address mail orders to Minnetta Magers, Moose building, Salem. Simple Way To Take Off Fat Hon Tablets from your druggist (or f you prefer, send 7.")c to MnrmOla v, nii4 woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich i and follow directions. No dieting i i exercise. Eat what you want- be I lazy as you like and keep on gettin,' slimmer. And the best pari of Murnm n Prescription Tablets is their luin lessness. That if your absolute safV guurd. , Bp There taking en cedVo lutfc a A4i be nothing s'u convenient little tnl Icr than ilet four norma I case of That 's nil just Mnnnola I'rescrip- ( Jiicngo is a healthful and die stitute tor meats and other staple foods, according to the federal bure: i of homo economics. Which is v$f$ true, all except that about it's being cheap, and that about it's being a slit1 stiftite. GRAND THEATRE, 2 Days Only JAN. 15 SPECIAL MATINEE ON TUESDAY r I Accompanied jWlffiS Mr. Grifiths by IQS? first and only ass 0 fHIRTY milTn Nation Prices: Nights $1.00, ?5c, 50c, 25c; Matinee, 75c, 50c, 25c Seat Sale Opens at Opera House Pharmacy, Tues., Jan. 9th, at 10:00 a. m. SUNDAY IPPODROMC VAUDEVILLE GORDON HIGHLANDERS Instrumentalists MAYNE & MAYNE GEO. HUSSEY Present Ventriloquist and his famous A Breeze From Southland Walking Figures BLUEBIRD FEATURE THE BUGLER of ALGIERS A Great Photo Drama of Patrotism Glorified The Love of Home and Country. Bligh Theatre, 2 Days JOSS? Jan. 9-10 Beatriz Michelena Big Scoop Positive ly First Time- this Picture has ever been run in the Northwest THE UNWRITTEN I AW IN SEVEN La VV BIG ACTS The Big Thing in Pictures Now. No Raise in Prices