SEVEN "THAT LITTLE GAME" The Ladies Are In Again THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING to INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY Five, Krw clow in, fine buildings, on pav ; . - arwrjsart! the daily capital journal good road, only $200 per acre, terms to suit. Acreage with modern im aBaaanannnannnaannnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnni provementa, Newton, Kansas, for 1 mml C J ttJ Ducinaas land near Salem. S acres, 6 acres in VlOOOlllCU DUSIIlCOS prunes, $2000 take house. Fire room en a . house on paved street, 1000, trade eitfDllOne DireCtOIV for livestock. Five acres oxooo in, good asa mm an aaaon bob bbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbi improvements to trade for farm and will asaome. $1000 to loan. Wood t i . socoiofaky. Phone 2i48j or ii57i) A Quick, handy reference for busy people 1-23 S2HHHH2i55B!I evebtthino. elect rioai. 1 n " NOvlF I HAVENT60T JACKS WHAT DO i DO. NK. Sweeney ' Them iou Say Pss" missus'. do i just say "Pass': na. setY ? ites. missus, jost "Pass"-' Au.Ri6ht Them- 1 PASS V roo'u. do S' I J NoTHr4' OF "STv.i vtr U V The kind, 1 jompinoat ' "fESl M J A Thiciche-ao, ro ( YM ) YA CAN OPEvl, ) l-T W e i 0RJS5 S IMlMuSj Willamette Valley Fruitland Items (Capitaf" Journal Spatial Service) Fairfield, Or., ,Tau. 5. Leonard .Ma honey au.i Freeman MartliBlei left Monday to attend the tanners institute at Corvallis. The Misses .Veil and Agnes DuBette are spending the holidays at their home. Mr. and Mis. John Martlialer enter tained a party of fiftv-six at a New kaar watch Dart Sunday ovenin.r. : ThJ. k.. l,.',..,,,0 n ,. ui, them and is looked forward to with keen anticipation by the neighborhood. The evening was spent in card playing while the young folks made the even ing lively with games, dancing and music ushering out the old year appro-; priately. a delicious lunch was served ; at midnight, and all departed dechir ing the Martlniler family ideal enter tainers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foltz and three small daughters, from Conrad. Mon tana, are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. F, W. Mahony. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mahony enter tabled at a delicious dinner Xew Years day. Among the relatives and friends enjoying their hospitality were: Mr, and Mrs. John Marthaler, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Breed and twin daughters, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mahony and family, Mr. and Mis. F. W, Mahony and family, Mrs. Ed Kavanaugh and son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foltz and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. I). R. Moses Leornard, Celes tine and Kenneth Mahony. Mr. and Mrs. D, li. Moses came down from Jefferson Saturday to spend Xew Years at the Aksarbon ranch. Mrs. John Imlah spent a few days in Portland the past week. Harry Brooks and wife and Arthur Brooks of Portland spent Xew Years at the home of their sister, Mrs. T. A. Ditmars. Cecil DuRette who is attending the O. A. C, spent the holidays at his home Mr. and Mrs. John Tmlah presented their daughter Myrtle with a beautiful new piano for a Xmas gift. The Misses Rita and Margaret War thaler are home from Salem during the holiday vacation. The Misses Celestine Mahony and Winifred Forcicr returned to Wood burn Monday to resume their studies after having spent Xmas vacation at their homes. liberty News (Capital Journal Special Service) Liberty, Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rump motored to Portland to spend Cbristnfc8 with Mrs. Ramp's sister. The Liberty Progressive club met Saturday evening and held its first debate. A great interest was shown and a large crowd was present. The question debated was, ''Resolved, that pursuit is better than possession" The affirmative side was represented by H. P. Cleveland, Archie Free and Chas. Ramp. On the negative side was Mr. Arnold. Lyman McDonald and Elmo Jory. The" debate was won by the nog- A USEFUL PAIN Salem People Should Heed Its Warning Have you a sharp pain or a dull ache across the small of your back? Do you realize that it's often a timelv sign of kidney weakness.' Prompt treatment is a safeguard ag.iinst more serious kid ney troubles. Cse Doan 's Kidney Pills Profit by a Salem resident's experi ence. C. C. White, barber, 104G Mission St., Salem, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are all right. 1 know that from experience, for I have been taking them off and on for a number of years and they hive never failed to do the work. Standing in one position so much was hard on my back and kidneys. At times, I could hardly strnd up straight. After I had taken a box or two of Doan's Kidney Pills, my back felt as strong as ever." Price 50c, at all dealers. Donrt simply ask for i kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. wftite nad. r oster-Milburn co.. x-rops., Buna 10, . 1. ativc side. The judges being Miss Car- son, W. H. Harris and Frank Kruhetz. ' It was decided by the club to hold ai debate once a month in the future. 1 Helen and Will Harris went to Port-1 land Tuesday and spent the remainder oi the week visiting at the home M. li. Mills. Several of the young people ed the .New Year's dance at the armory Alondav evening. ..11. i N'l J . . . . I 1 S Ull i n 1 - vr.. j 1 T T , . , , ., ,!,,. ,,r,i m Prtl..d t ., tAiu.h. ,..ui. ...,it: 1 ( K,1m Holder a4 li'WUitf r J cms, Oregon, came home to spend the vacation. The iiarent teaehers association will , meet Friday evening at the hull. A good program is being arranged; tin speakers for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Fulkerson, There will be several points Of interest discussed and every I one interested in the welfare of tliej school is urged to attend. Rosedale News (Capital Journal Special Service) Rosedale, Or., Jan. !5. J. D. Alexan der is spending a few days at the far mers institute at Corvallis. li, X. Smith and wife spent part of their vacation on their ranch. He is a teacher in one of the Washington schools. Allen J. Pemberton, who was a for mer resident of this place died after a lingering illness at his home in Salem Monday evening. Interment was made: in the cemetery here. The C. E. society held a social at Mr. Carnmack 's Friday evening. Every body enjoyed a good time. Mr. Watson of Marion hud charge of the service at the Friends church Sun day morning. C. A. Hadley of Portland attended the Pemberton funeral. Mark liloom and family have moved i onto Mrs. Palmer's ranch. W. S. Pemberton was at Brownsville and other points last week buying up horses. Miss Lesta Cook and Helen Cnmmac-k .attended the watch night service at Highland Friends church Sunday even ing. Cecil Pearson returned to his school duties at l'aeiiic i.oliege hunuay even- ing. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates returned from The Dalles on Thursday. They report a fine time. The Sunnyaidt Mutual Telephone Co. held its annual meeting nt Hope Chapel Tuesday afternoon. Eola News Notes , . , , . Loin, Jan. Mora Clement went back to her school Monday. (.eorge Mitty has gone to Hillsboro , to work tor awhile. ,..! Mr. and Mrs Arthur Stewart of Dal-; i 4T i - .,' alZ i it mm i hti r wufi mm he St p warts 9.11 if Davis Sunday. Earl Ferguson lias secured a job at j the legislature. Mr. and Mrs. J ugh and the .Magee family took dinner with the Acutfs Xew Years day. There was a dance at B. t. Fergusons Xew Years night, about thirty were We are verv sorrv to near ot tnei' , , , " death of Jesse Chamberlain of Mill family I absence. Also the cow is what Citv. He and hi wife were well known!18 ca'lpd a "scrub," a "boarder cow," in Eola. as they had lived here a few nt leing a high grade, or of pedigree yea rs ago. dren have Mrs. Chamberlin and chil- our sympathy. Fruitland Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Ore., Jan. 5 School resum ed Tuesday. Saturday the large front room received a generous coating of floor oil applied by the teacher, H. C. Todd. The new Webster ordered by the board has arrived and occupies the place of honor on the principal's desk. It is the latest edition (1916,1. It is vast, immense in scope and value. It weighs 15 pounds and coat 72 eents a pound, though it was not bought in that way. January 1, 1910. .snowed to the depth of about three inches. Cold, freezing Ot0OOOt044OtOOO0O0OOO440tO' News t fTtMv44444444T4- wenthe Potatoes and other vegetables not Drotected in dancer " Second: "Still cold but not near zero." Diary 1910. Those New Year's resolutions dear r(,a,lor you ma,u, al.(, vot fah, Salt them d()Wn for (laUv llst,. Th,. neC(i tookJng kftst all the time.' Thev nre about as attend-LVMive as the golden fie raji ecc or the holy The doctors wav back east had a con .. a i -r fh(4-veunou or sometning a lew aayi ago, days ago, x guess it was in -New York. Ihey ss it was in New York. Thev voted against birtli control, that is the major itv did, therebv saving "let 'em come." One or two of the minority warmed up 1 and accused some of the majority of i something I will not ask the Capital 1 must keen the cr'oi, ui to a mod num-, ericnl standard to take the place of those they hand over to undertakers. Here in Fruitland we never try to pre vent anyone coming here in the way na ture provides. It would not be fair to the doctor. In'the Capital Journal of Janpary i, Miss (or Mrs.) Ella M. Finney mounts the "Open Forum" and jabs at Mr, Bryan with her sharp pen or pencil- She thinks if he doesn't quit trying to make prohibition a national issue he will wreck the democratic party. If he should, there are plenty of people who would not look on it as an unmixed ca lamity. But dear lady, he nor no other "mere man" can do that, though the women might. The old donkey will be hard to knock out. The only way will be to repudiate the principles he stands for which will not be for some time aft er you anil I are laid away. No, Dr. Smith was not elected governor though it was hardly because he expressed him self in favor of prohibition. The people who did not vote for him or at least some of them helped defeat the brewers anti-prohibition measure and put through the "bone dry" proposition The ladv would also boycott the news- papers and the preachers. Now look wise C. J. and Bio. Avison and Bro. Porter and the rest of you. She also declares that "a little liquor" alias booze, among other things will cure "love sickness." We are left to wonder whether she speaks from personal ex perience. ednesday there was a meeting of the stockholders of the Garden Road Cheese factory. One of the men hold- ing stock told me the price of shares has been advanced from $10 to Jfj 1 5 per share and that the enterprise is more successful than was expected at the start. The dove of peace has flown from battle stricken Europe. The "Christian nations" are still at their diabolical work. "Christian nations?" No, no. This world has never yet beheld a Chris- tian nati(m an(J probablv npver will Hqw ,g he of war Hqw repugIlant to thp .Avinilv of him who came that there might be " peace and d wi ,0 men Thinking it might be of interest to . B P . . j the readers of the. Capital Journal I j wish to put on record what one cow : has done during part of the year just past. From March 16 to December 12, I 1016: Butter sold, $35.51; cottage I cheese, $15.65; butter, cream and milk 'used in the family during thig time (9 j months), at least' $12; total, $62.10. I Aside from this a neighbor kept the cow stock. Now this showing is not nut on record because it is something great for it is not, but because scores of other such cows can be made to do as well if taken good care of and because of the value of keeping a weekly record that one may know how one is coming out. I curry and groom the cow as I do a horse and aside from green grass and hay she is fed beets, carrots, kale, spuds and pumpkin. We use little or no mill feed. Cost of keeping this cow during the time of this record, probably $10 or $12. I might say further that from about 16 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST OvR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA hens from January 6 to December 28, llllh- Amount nf txrero unlit .1Q ,1 i Imi sides what we U9e(i jj the fainiiv. ' w, raise mostly our own hen feed. In cold weather wo boil two or three times a week cull potatoes and corn, feeding the mixture warm. Seattle Breaks All Records for Health Seattle, Wash., Jan. 4. Seattle established herself as the healthiest city in the world, and shattered records of all time, past, when official figures compiled Thursday showed a- , -Aft i f 1ftnn population died here during 1916. Last year the death rate was 7.44. There had never before been such a lot,' record for cities of corresponding population. ''The 1916 rate of 7.06 has never been equalled anywhere in the world during all time, so far as I can find out," said Health Commissioner Mc Bride. The total number of deaths last year was 2,443. 1915. In This number is 19 less than the meantime Seattle's population, according to the United States census report recently issued, increased from 330,834 to 34"8,639. ASHORE AT MARSHFIELD Marshfield, Or., Jan. 4. The gaso line schooner Roamer, Captain Olsen, went ashore on the south spit at the month of the Rogue river toduv, but it is believed she can be floated with out much damage at high tide. She was loaded with freight for Wedderburn and Cold Beach. She is a sister ship of the Rustler and owned by her master. THE MARKETS The following prices for frnits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not 'what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections axe made daily. There seems to be a little stiffening in the price of eggs. Some dealers claim they can buy for 30 cents cash, but the majority have been paying 32 cents cash with 34 cents in trade for several days. Dromedary dales are again in the market. This is the date that cornea in large packages. They really come direct from Persia. The veal market is strong with 12VL' cents for the top. Grains Wheat $1.151.20 Oats, new - 42c Rolled barley $40 Bran $28.50 Shorts, per ton 32 Hay, clover $1213 Hay, cheat $11 Hay. vetch $12 Hay, timothy .... $16 Butter Butterfat 38- Creamery butter per pound 40e Country butter 28(g),12c Eggg and Poultry Eg?s, case count, cash 32c Eggs, trade 34c Hens, pound 12c(a;14c Roosters, old, per pound 9c Turkeys, live 1921c Turkeys, dressed 23ftrZDr Ducks, liv 12ii14c Geese, liv Il(gl2c Pork, Veal arse Mutton Pork, dressed 12',(S)13c Pork, on foot TVAc Spring lambs Veal, according to quality. .. 10(212 Steers 6 flVjc Cows 4(t5c Balls 33Me; Ewes So DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Cairo ?rectic's Fountain Head, Davenport, owa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chirepwxctic spinal adjustments and get well. Of Tics 406 7 8 U. & National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Boaidsarc. Main 82S-R. UNDERTAKERS WEBB CLOUGH Ca C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral I directors. Latest modern method? known to the profession employed 409 Court St. Main 120, Main 0888 RTtfDON -RICH ARDSON CO. Praeral directora and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. MISCELLANEOUS FRTJTTLAND NURSERY Sale yard now open for business at High and Ferry Sts. Full line of nursery stock Italian prunes a specialty. Nursery located one mile east of penitentiary. Phone 23F21. tf MRS. M. T. SCHOETTLE Osteopath ic physician, graduate of Founders School Of Oslteopathy, Kirkaville, Misouri. Treatment by appointment. Phone Main 392R, 628 N. Winter, Sa lem. OREGON SCHOOL OF NBTXROLOGY Dr. Flora A. Brewster, doam of the Oregon School of Neuroloay, has romoved from the Hubbard bldg. to 712 State St., corner Cottage St. Ex amination free. Phone 1350. tf ARB YOU GOING Fastf Consult us about roduced freight rates on house hold goods to all pointH. Fast through service. Capital City Transfer Co., 181 S. Commercial St, Salem. Phone 933. YOUR HEALTH Is important. Mag netic healing and electricity are rec ognized as the two great healing pow ers in tho treatment of all kinds of diseases. Come and see me. Dr. Eva Murphy, 384 State-St. Room 11. janl2 PAY The highest market price for all kinds of live stoca at all times. G. VI. Byre, 2206M, Salem. tf INSURANCE AND REAL HSTATE CHAS. B. HODGKIN Gen end Insur auce, Surety Bonds, real estate and rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phone 386. tf MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN I have mad ar rangements for loaning nastem money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved fams. Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack Bldg., Salem, Ore. Phone 98. Wethers 5c7c Figs and Dates Figs, 36 12-oz - $2.75 Black figs 9c White figs 10c (olden dates 15c Vegetables Cabbage 2c String garlic 1012e Potatoes, sweet 4 Vic Potatoes, per 100 pounds .... $1.251.50 Green onions 40c Artichokes $1 Lettuce, California, crate $2.25 Onions $3.00 Celery 75(ffi90c Cauliflower $2.25 Parsnips, carrots and beets $1.25 Corn husks, lb. 12Vic X-TU1TS Apples 50c$l Oranges, navels $2.75 Oranires. Japanese $1.2" Lemons, per box $3.50(cl4.00 Bananas, pound oc California crane fruit $3.50 Florida grape fruit so.w Pineapple . sc Honey $3.50 Cranberries $12.00 Retail Prices Sugar, cane Sugar, beet Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat $7.95 $7.75 45c $2.00(32.40 $l.i0(?2.05 Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Jan. 5. Wheat, club $1.48 Red Russian $1.42 Bluestem $1.58 Fortvlold $1.52 Oats', No. 1 white feed $35.50 Barley, feed $39 Hogs,' best live $10.25 10.30 Prime steers $8.50 Fancy cows $7.25 Calves $7 Spring lambs $11 Butter, city creamery 38c Eggs, selected local ex. .'16(i 38c Hens UaflSe Broilers l8Ma Geese 12c MICKENHAM & CO. Will pay highest cash price for veal, poultry and eggs. 160 S. High. Phone It :;: ak Salem Eleotrts Co., Maaonis Temple, 127 PLUMBING. STEAM FITTING AND TINNING . Ban, 104 South Commercial street Mats ta TRANSFER AND DRATAGE Jalem True Dray Oo. anraar (Hate ana front streets TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, aorni soon 16 Oregon Express 5 :00 a. m. 24 Coos Hay 8:02 p.m. 28 Willamette Malt red . . . 9 :22 a. m. No No. No. No. No. No 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m. 18 Portland Pasmftjrar . 1 :3f o. m 14 Portland Hxnras ... . 7 :nT. p. m. 12 :0t a. m. ! :20 a. m. .11 :63 a m. No. 223 Portland mat rretflbt No. 226 Local wag PretgM. . . SOSTB BD No. ISIXTnllfornla Bxprasa . . N". 17 A si. I a ad PasBmCT. . .9:32 a. m. Ho. 23 Coos Bar M :01a.m. No. 19 Cottage Grove Pas. ..4:16 p.m. Makes connection with N. 74 dear branch. No. II Shusta Uarttad 6 :43 p. ro. No. 27 Willamette Knitted . . . :2l p. m. no. 13 nnn rrancmto auuiesa ia :aop.m. No. 221 Stm Francisco Fast Freurht 12 :01 a. m. No. 228 Local way lTretgnt 11 :4Sa. m. Halsm-Ohbb Lira. No. 79 Arrives at Balem :lSa. m. No. 70 Leaves Solera 0.30 a.m. No. 75 Ar Salem ImtxaST) ....2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 8 :00 p. m. No connection south ot Seen. Sxutu, Palls Cm aam Wbstbbs No. 161 Lv. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 163 Lv. Salem, motor :4fi a. m. No. 105 Lv. Salem for Ueaaiootk and Alrlle 1:40 p.m. No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor 4 :00 p. m. No. 1611 Lv. Salem, meter ,S;13p m. No. 239 War Frt lv. 8atsJ a 10 a.m. No. 162 Ar. Salem 8 :3u a. m. No. 164 Ar. Salem 11 :10 a. m. No. 166 Ar. Salem 8 -.10 p. m. No. 168 Ar. Salem 6 :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Salem ". 7 : p. m. No. 240 Way Pr t ar Salm 2 .36 p.m. W1LLAMETTB KIVrfB BOOTH Oregon City TrmmpartaMon Clomps nj Boats leave Salom tor Tortland Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m. ; and Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday mornings at 6 a. m. VorCorvutrls the bouts leave Salem Tdesdnv, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o 'eJocli. Boats leave Port land for Salem at 8 :45 eack mornfuf. FOR 3ALB FRUITLAND NURSHhY' Sals yard High and Ferry streets. Full line of nursery stock. Italian prunes a spe cialty. Grafted franquekt walnuts, Roman strain. Nursery located one mile east of penitentiary. Phene 23F21. HAND MADE RUXXBB -Andi nfcber boots for sale. Jacob Voat, 879 Soatb Commercial street. Cobbling neatly done. Janl2 WOODSAW and pay taxes in Balest, t Salem people saw yonr weed. Phone 269. 1198 N. 21st. F. L. Blister, Wm. Frost. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advance. ELECTRIC SOPPLY Co., 22$ N. Liberty Phone 263. A cam plete line of Electric Supplies end fixtures. 8CAV ANGER SALEM SCAVBNGER Charles Ssos. proprietor. Garbage and refuse of aB kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence, Mala 2272, STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND HEPAIRHD 50 years experience. Depot National and American feace Sizes 26 to 58 la. high. Paints, ail and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 256 Court street. Phone 124. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate &f Amer icas school of Osteopathy, Kirlcsville, Ho. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute- and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-568 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence, 340 North Capital street. Phone 439. FOB EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1240 acre stack or wheat ranch, 800 anres in cultivation, $14,000.00 cash income, 1916. Will accept Willamette valley farm as part pay- Square Deal Realty Co., 202 if. 8. Bank bldg. A six day bike race ride in New York stole the spectator's bluff by go ing to sleep during the race. He was just as interested as the gallery. North High Mala tat Mali ORBOON KLECTBIC BAILWAT CO. Komit BOUND Lv. Salem Train No. Ar. Port tan 4 :8 a m 2 Owl 8 :58 a. bl 7 :15 a. m. 8 0:28 a. av 0:45 a. m 10 I. faulted II -AS a m 11:20 a. m 18 1 :60 p. m. 14' 1 4 :00 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. 16 Limited ... 6 :6a p. av. 8 :30 p.m. 20 7:40 p.m. 7:86 p.m. 22 10 :80 p. SL soots bo! ink Portland to Salsu Lv. Portland 8 :B0 a m. Salem 8 :3B Eugene 16 :55 a. OX 8:30xd. ... 8 Limited 18 :11a. i 10 :40 a. m. T .12 :BSp. m. . 4:16 p .m. . 8 :40 p. m. . 8:1 p. ox. .11 :26 p.m. . 1:08 p.m. As. Salsa . 8:80 p. m. Ar. Salem . 0 .48 a.m. . 4:90 p.m. . 7 :8S p. ax, . 4:30 a.m. 2 :05 p. m. 4 :40 p. m. . 0 :0B p. m. . 0:20 p.m. . 11 :45 p.m. . . 18 Limited . ... 17 Local . , 19 .... ... 21 Owl .. HOSTS BOUSD '.20 Lv Corvallis 4 :10 p. m. . Lv. Hiigene, 7 :35 a. m. . I :66 r m. . 8 :28 p. m. . 12:08 pm. . . 10 Limited . 18 Limited 22 .... .. 2 Owl .. SOUTH BOOn Lv. Salem, At. 1 :B6 a. m. 21 Owl 8:80 10:15 a.m. Lv. Salem 12 :85 p. m Lv. Salem. 4 -.16 p. m. 5 Limited .13:26 pm. Ar. Albany 7 1 :5o n. nx. Stops at Corvallis Ar. Albany 8 o ro p. nx Ar. Albany .. 7:86a.m. 18 R lltnm. Lv. Salem. 6 :46 p. m COIIVALLIS CONNni-TlUH NOtiTH BOUND Lv. CorvalH Ar. 8a Teat 9 -AS a. at, 1:48 p. ax, 4 .00 n. m. 6 -.38 p. nx, 7 :B6 c m. . CoivaliU 8 :2B a. m. 10 .... 14 .... IS 20 .... 22 SOUTH BOUND 12:12p m. 2 :41 p. m. 4 :10 p. m. 6:18 p.m. Lv. Salem. 10 :15 a. m. 4 : IB p. in. 12 :6B p. m. 6:48 p. m. 5 . 9 7 . 18 ....11 :33 a.m. .... B:30p.s .... 2-.20p.rn. .... riOOp. ax. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMHN OF AMHBICA Ore- ?on Cedar Camp, No. 5248, meets every 'hursday evening at 8 octoek fn M Cornack hall, corner Coort and IJnwty streets. Elevator service. Qeo. Kelkohl, V. C; J. A. Wright, aerk. HALI1M t.OD(JH! Nx . A. F. A A Stnted communications Bret JBtmfl m each month at 7 :30 p m. In the Masonic Temple. Chas. McCarter, W. M. ; R Z. Solver, secretary. UNITED A BTI8ANB Capital AsSBMftty, No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. C. O. TfctaHook, M. A. 0. A Vibbert secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State street. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18. Pnrnnrk hutlftinff. Tuflodi BL. Of E- Me- Tuesday evening 08 each week at 7 :3Tj. a E. BarBoar, C. C. W. B. QllsoD, K. of It. and B. A O. V. W--Protection Lodge No. Meets every Monday evening at 8 IB ta McCornack hall corner Court and LUwroy streets, A. K. Aufrance, XL W. : ft A. MrFaddeo, recorder; A. U Brown, financier; R. B. Duncan, treasurer. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. noise, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, mrcteltrv. All cases of cruelty or neglect of domk animals should be reported t ta secretary for Investigation. R. N.ot A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening la McCornack botlding. Court and JJfcertr streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia rkhanpp, 1701 Market, oracle ; Mrs. Melissa per sons, recorder. 1296 North Commercial. Phone 14S8-M. OB MOLAT COMMANDBRt, No. 6, K. T. Itegular conclave fourth Friday to sack month at 8 o'clock p. m., In Masoala Temple. Bsloarnlng Sir Knights ar courteously lavtted to meet with us. Lot L. Pearce, B. C, Frank Tumor, recorder. BODSON COUNCIL. No. 1, H. 8. M. atated asSemlily first Monday tn eacal month, Masonlo Temple. N. P. BaaaToa sen, Thrice illostrlous Master; 1ena C. NUs, recorder. HAL KM COUNCIL NO. 2(122 Knights as Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd en 4th Wfldjatiday eack month at Horst Hall. VudHng members are ravlted t attend. B. If. Walton, financier, 480 8. 14th Street. PACIFIC LODGE No. BO, A. F. A. at Stated communications tniro inw In each month at 7 :30 n. m. Jta tfc Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M. Brnoat U. Choate secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORID Jtost avers Friday night at 8 o'clock In Stcrnxck plock A.. Saelnlnk, C C; C 8. Ueor, clerk, 507 Court Street Phone 888. LM.HU1 CARD OF Ykk So Tom CHINESE MEDICINE TEA COMPANY A3T9 Has medicine which will Any known Disaas Open Sundays from 10:00 8. nsrrxl 1:00 p. at. 18S South High 8tat. : SafaBB, otagon.