Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" ntDAt EVEXINC January S, WB. OH A BLEB H FTBHEK, Mttor aa Mseafu POHLWHF.D EVERY EVENING EXCEPT B0NDAT. SALEM, OBEOON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. & BARNES, President CHAS. H. FTSBEB, Vice-President. DORA C. ANDRE8EN, Bee. and Tress. ally by carrier, per year Dally by mall. per yea . SUBSCRIPTION BATES 5.00 Par month 45e 3.00 Per month 56c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EA8TERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. g. Stockwell, Peopled Oat Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the area. If tke carrier does not do this, miaaea you, or neglects getting the aaper to you on time, kindlv phone the circulation manager, aa thit it the only way we can determine whe'ther or not the carriera are following instruction. Ploae Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper wiU be sent you by special er if the carrier hat missed you. MORTGAGING THE FUTURE RAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets Congressman Henry, says his committee will pay no attention to the charges made by Lawson as to leaks in the departments of news that is of benefit to the stock gamblers. Mr. Lawson says he can prove what he says, and Senator Stone agrees with Lawson to the extent of admitting a leak. Under the circumstances Congressman Henry will do well to investigate the charges. If there is a private snap in the offices of the departments otit of which the employes draw pay from the gamblers, and by which the latter raid the markets, it should be exposed and thft Piiiltv narties minished. If there is nothintr back -- i tA. ...mi l i i i a t i i purely vegetable compound mixed with oi me cnarges, u win De uiscioseu anu ivir. L,awson piaceu ; ijve oil. Vou wil! kn,,. them by their along with Ananias and the celebrated Baron Munchau-j ol color. Itn and it must be admitted that Tom Lawson is a wind- M matea" a f eeimg" otbmvSerE jammer of no mean distinction. chjidhotKi dayi yoo must get at the cause. " Ldwards Olive Tablets act on the 7 liver and boweii like calomel yet have Just a word to all correspondents and those writing wdarw,tkeM for publication in the Capital Journal. Sign your articles! stiptaiau That's why millions0 o? boxes plainly and if you do not care to have your name printed, ' ire soI.d at J and 2Sc per 1 j . , .,, , f. j a 1.1. iL ' km All druggists, lake one or two say so, and your wishes will be respected. Another thing: ; nightly ami otc the pleasing results. in preparing copy do not use the ampersand & unless Just a Little Kid Written For JAMES M. HEADY, JR. I am just a little KID, I've got no SIS or BROTHER, the only one that EVER WUZ, there never was na OTHER. Sometimes I get LONESOME like but still I Dr. 1'dwards' Olive Tablets are a Medford has a hard problem to meet in providing -f Ua infAHnot lV lUkvw KaiiW icciiac with- . . . . . . . wiw ,. means iur pujans . uiiw. ..v, lt 1S in writing tne name ot a tirm. Write on one side olipiete. almost, from a out workinc irreparable injury on her citizens, ine re- tha nan(iV nriiv hP onr-pfnl tn ritQ nmiwv nams ?atrteted of two lea.i pipes ii 1 . .. . .......o nA fm iw.m.Iq rrar i . . . r r nonrii. SUllS OI 1)00111 COI1U1UU11S aif ill vi ,?. uau, iui puiuic If your skin is yellow complexion pallt'J tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub stitute for calomel were prepared by s&huSSJf' 17 y"rs f study b'lieve rd RUTHER that there would be just us THREE just Mt: and dad and MumiiK. It's awful handy lots of times, not to have a PASSEL, of kids a trottin' 'round with YOU, kids that fight and WRASSEL. I just take my FATHER'S hand, MOTHER takes the OTHER and off we go a happy THREE ME and DAD and MOTHER. Some day I'll be grown up BIG and workin' for a LIVIN.' I hope I'll heed all good ADVICE that DAD and MOTHER'S GIVEN; and will not live just for MY SELF but look a little FURTHER and at least take the FAMILY IN ME and DAD and MOTHER. return incline to SCOTS- pn.im.v UIM1 ntr Iiqm Itopn ivlainlv Thp nnprntnvs nn trip mnoriinpc pan fpll f mm snnnlii'H for tht- nin ottr Thr.. nt enthusiastic and discount a future they can not be surelfVl. 'roYr ww on qvpvoo-p io nv uVinniri hp Knf I m ia by too promoters. t j J . 1 1 V V ' i 1 V V - V V VTAAMV M I V I J V .'IH'IIIU SV- y VU V of, but which at tne ume iooks rosy ana piomisiiig. nu with 8 th can Q j wh th are , f . . the future, as it appeared to our neighbor a few years ; not fainy written aler Ot Weights ago, proved as bright as it gave promise of being, all i , Will ASK More Help would have been well ana iUeaiora w oum na e ueen cieu-. Th t rherHan hannnet was tin to date and it was held a 1 .l 1 A.1 . i .-4 ,11!., iltlALl 1 I n I tcea wim neing ine most Vi uK3hmvc u "tMC Vj the second of the year too. fortunately that future did not materia hze However it gtart to tapS) and the w a come ncht it time is given tne naru pusneu iax- ma , c ! I lie 11U UK H Uk o rt .1 i 1 . j 1 ?u a. L. 4 n ' j , . . , , . , t . 1 - ,-va t iwi (ii t i' 1l iiniaii in iui I'i'i iii ill t ! .( i- ably rich section, one that will come to the front again and snap its fingers at the difficulties it has had to con tend with. Salem and .Marion county wiseij lenu-.eu uj have met the en and Wfi are theirS- mortgage the future for any purpose, and the wisdom of; rt k that w their eoiu.se is now apparent. io matter wnat comes tne county and city debts are small, though the drain for pav ing has been felt, and is still so. It has taken a large amount of money out of Salem that will never come back but we have the paved streets and the worst of the drain is over as a large portion of the debt has been paid and the interest stopped. Snenee Wortman. There was not a dull minute; sealer of weights and stunts were genuine surprises. ; took th piaee vacated plendid and the water flowed like cham- Bhtei when he t The oratory also flowed much like the water. lepoty state measures, who by Fred O. public serv ice commissioner, announces that he will ask an increase of two men on the ame Those who read the newspapers although they are told some of the troubles of publishers owing to the soar ing news paper prices, have but a faint idea of what pub lishers are up against. Paper that a couple of years ago was selling at about $1.60 the hundred is now held at $5.50 or even higher. The smaller papers feel it badly enough, but with the big ones it means to some, bank ruptcy. The worst feature of it is that it is the independ ent newspapers that can be least spared that will go under. Those having he backing of the trusts or of cer tain magnates, can stand the drain, for their losses are nothing to the gains those backing them are making as a result of war prices. tnrnn . , t 1.,, . aval U The motto of the Carranza generals seem to be "we i four are not ablet to coV-or the state In a year. He will also ask a law mak ing it a misdemeanor to tamper with weights and it made possible to prose cute offenders in a iustice court l without the necessitv of going before a grand jury for an indictment. Mr. Wortman would have the law specify that any one having in pos session weights that were evidently tampered with was guiltv of a mis demeanor without tie necessity of using a stool pigeon. Although he does not approve of it, he says he will recommend that the half-pint berry box be made standard. This measure is standard in both California and 1 i. StSmm fin. Old Uncle Sam IS tiring Of Cost Of LlV- ekuge in weighing and making bread ina" fuss nnrl nnw hp ia inrniirincr inst. whviniay also be made. s - 1 ....v. mw.i - b J J But they don't': UNCLE SAM BUSY News From Washington Keeps Market iiuessing I Court House News mi i ne of the hp he months ending November WO, 1916, materials valued at $4,960,302,630, This in gold would weigh about 8,000 tons. During the same time we exported goods and ma terials to South America valued at fcl97,a01,!S4K, and nn nnrtPd them of the value of $383,821,074 nf the r:nidlv erowinc trade with our southern neigh bors is the most gratifying feature of the whole year's business. such things are thus. When government' committees go snooping round for facts, j in all our towns and cities, and populated! tracts, we feel there's something doing; wTe, shake off our despair; now Justice is pur-j suing the pirates to their lair. But we'll bei dead and sleeping, our weary frames at; rest, before the land is reaping much good from Uncle's quest. It is a thousand pities, j wret blankets to produce, but government! Oh, thunder, whats the use? Perhaps mi A SIGNIFICANT DISPATCH New York. Jan- ii. The New York Kveuing Hun financial review today aid l Wall street hi quite frankly confused by the lack of definite news of any na tare. There is very little that is tang ible to be uiilized as a guide to stock market operations. The public is hold ing aloof from the stock market until it cau be determined with some degree of certainty whether tlie world is teud ing toward peace or a continuance of the war. President Wilson seems determined to keep up his efforts for peace. That is the way the matter stands, while the financial district, amuses itself with leading the reports of the stock scandal in Washington. The market in stocks remains in the hands of the professional element. The openiug today was weak, followed by a movement of great irregularity. After the afternoon session advanced further losses were recorded, mainly in the industrial list. United States steel sold down nearly to 109 after apening at 111 to 110 1-2 against a closing yes terday at 112. Similar losses were suf fazed by the other steel and copper shares. The equipment issues and the munitions specialties yielded two to business transacted five points. There was a good deal of backing and j filling in the last hour. At one moment . j prices sagged, again made material ad J vances. In some cases, prices moved , near the level of the previous closing. In the action brought by W. L. Gil bert against the Globe and Kutgera Fire Insurance company for th re covery of money alleged due, the jury that heard the "case yesterda filed it verdict in favor of the plaintiff ia the sum of $1200. e ..i,., imoinncc -;th thp hilanM committees! e world is one of such stupendous quantities as to nineteen-thirty committees will report that speculators yond understanding. We exported in the eleven I dirty should all be haled to court, for boosting eggs and, then be lying dead. The little chortling suckling will be! all bent with years, and down to labor buckling, when that report appears. The happy schoolboy friskers, en-S hiis showing joying sunny lives, will have long, snowy whiskers, when1 niai report arrives. Ana prices win oe normal, ims crisis all forgot, when, all correct and formal, that blamed report is brought. And I who write this ditty will sleep 1 beneath the yam, before the first committee reports to; Uncle Sam. Amsterdam, Jan. 5. Great significance was attached td passage by Austro-German cen sors today of a quotation from the Vienna newspaper Arbiter ZeituuR. asking the government to "discover if the entente would be ready to negotiate peace after an evacuation by Teutonic troops in the west, and if so. that the evacuation be made immediately. The newspaper asserts the en tente's reply "is a peace note if rightly understood."' Significance attached to this dispatch arises from the fact that British sources have all along maintained if Germany was in earnest about peace she should evacuate Belgium and' that part of France she now oc cupies as a preliminary to peace discussions. Wheat Prices Drop Account Peace Talk Chicago, Jan. .". The grain market was lower today, the renewal of peace talk overcoming the bull influence of the seaboard buying for export. May wheat opened down half and later lost 2 1-2 to $1.8H4- July open ed up half, but at noon had lost 2 1-8, standing at $1.4S 3-8. Corn also was weak, after a firmer opening, which was based on the ac tion of the British government taking i over all corn stores at yesterday 's prices. .May opened up t-n ana sub sequently reacted 7-8 to 97 5-8. July opened up quarter and lost 8-8 going to 90 1-2. Oats were very narrow, but fell with wheat. Slay opened up quarter, then lost 1 to 56 H-4. July opened up Vi and lost 1 point to f3 3-4. Provisions were strong on large in vestment buving. Another German raider is reported on the Atlantic, and a couple of big ships as well as several smaller ones are overdue, it is claimed on account of this new sea rover. The now raider is described as being about 450 feet long, 45 foot beam with a single funnel and two large masts. From this it is evident someone has seen her or thought they did. At the same time it should be remem bered that English shipping cii-cles are easily frightened and it is possible this raider has no more tangibility than had the much exploited "Bremen." .Christmas day in a strange w3y. The . iQfga, while romping ia the stable u'ard. caught a light wire in its month. ;the wire wedging between its teeth. In i its struggle the horse wore through the irsi;!ation an t was killed bv the 120- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl A The ,jur In the case of J. G. Woodari against the Willamette Valley irrigat ed Land company, an action for breach of contract, awarded the plaintiff damages in the sum of $1000 iitb in- t terest at six per cent from October 27, 1913, and $430 with interest frooa date. On account of sickness at home an! various other causes Judge Kelly cused 11 jurors out of the first panel drawn after the grand jury had beca selected. This left 13 jurors witk which to start one of the largest term of court for some tune. As a result a MW venire of 11 men was called. Fred J. Siewert, executor of the ea tate of Daniel A. Siewert, filed a peti tion with the county court asking au thority to loan the sum of $1100 to J. . Hcckley and wife on property ia also asked. VVJ. Culver, executor of the estate of. Samuel Sebastion Gimble, tiled a petition With the county court asking permission to sell personal property of the estate to satisfy claims against it An order granting the petition waa made by Judge Bushey. Tu the action brought by the Cbarlea K. Fox eompauy against O. K. Bein hart. 5alem shoe dealer, for the recov ery of money for goods sold and deliv ered, C. K. Reinhart today filed an ans wer to the complaint which states tha between January 2, 1914, and July 28, 1914, the Fox company sold and deliv ered shoes to Mr. Reinhart to the am ount of $1037.98. On November 13, 1914. Mr. Reinhart was declared bank rupt and at a meeting of the creditor the'- agreed to accept 20 cents on the dollar. At this meeting, Mr. Reinhart says the plaintiff was present. He says he has paid all the claims at the rate of twenty cents. Regarding the claim of Adams Brothers for $151.29 and the Summer Shoe company for $71.40. he "d asks makes tin- that the same statement plaint be disiss- Why the Journal is popular It prints the world's news to- day while it 's news. CASTOR IA Fcr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature STATE NEWS volt current. 15 After an all -day j Tnjrc various phases of i nirald: In England the impression is said to be general that the Germans were forced to make an offer of peace owing to scarcity of food and the people's unwillingness to longer bear the hardships forced on them by the war. It may be possible this estimate is all wrong, and in that case the second offer to negotiate peace terms may meet with a more favorable reception. Only a few days until the lawmakers wrestle with the problem of making a small blanket cover a large bed. Already a few of the members have arrived and are get ting themselves located comfortably. went notes in Hermiston Mauv sales of land have been the propeet were gone into and the mal? during the past three months terms of the proposed franchise diseuas J? fSJIST! !2S ed M length the Coos county MM SLES i" V . mated the Smith-Fowers eompanv a t ' dss and start improTements.- SSafct for the construction 71 rail-1 f 'J' !..iu the vast side of the highway ! ' .. TTT" ST hiu and Summit, met ,. , .. . j ... r road bc wen 1 t'rauehijc 13-' WHUSANDi nKer i for a term of In years. That woolgrowers of th Northwest will receive as high as 10 cents for their 1917 wool clip is the opinion of W. B. Barratt president of the Oregon Wool erewtrs' stsociat'on. says the Heppner Ga ;et'e Times. He bases his conten tin m part frm a recent letter re ceived from S. V. McClure. secretary of the National Woolgrowers' asaocia- CHAFTER CXIII. BROKEN RESOLUTIONS An Old Violin That we all did?" With each evening's absence from; While I wrs getting ready I con-1 he is lovely," I answered. home, my uneasiness concerning Uif- soled myself by thinking that what I! "My son was crippled for rears be ford '8 friendship-with either of the did made no difference to Clifford, i fore he died. He was injured in the beautiful women I knew he visited was and so why should I care what anv- mine of which he was superintendent. deepening to real alarm and at last an- one else said! He spent his time She made him happy all those jeers by ger. I had nothing more tangible than with people he liked; 1 would do the playing on that old" violin and Bnpport- my own thoughts ana tears ana tne some. -na j. aia uk i.eonara .Brooke ed turn by giving music lessons. When the street to the school house grav eled. A novel business operated at Eu- i gene is thus described bv the Register: A miniature bowling alley is in full swing, when the weather permits, on m vacant lot off the alley running be- iween cum ana cevenin avenues east, v. v ti t w.i f ,.. i,.k.n.i v T K; i.v w.... j.j . . . ."' .. in the Register hWk .mt U mwr..l W !T , "-TV" " f uru ir w.u us io aeu some ume. r . - - - mnT.mu Knr tnew seenien sui- nnvono l Knew. hnt nr. until -.. . .. ,. -""' . v. h V niu: v.u, W1V UWU MW ficient. . Another thing which did not oc-! to anvone who didn't understand vio- 1 cannot I WILL not bear it cur to me until later was the fact lins. So now my husband is too old ta bv three small boys, who have dis played no small amount of ingenuity) in its construction, ine allev is com- The last susreestion coming from the east is in effect that "in time of war prepare for peace." is the motto the American people should keep in sight. ur: The government snag boat Mathalona is pulling snags and , logs in the river near here today. It has been working up the river between Atbanv ;.nd l'eoria aince Christmas day j a:id has list come above Peoria. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes .SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Divorce suits outnumbered marnase ! license ia Clackamas county during the ' year just ended, counts made Tuesday kaow. Ouriag the year 1916. 237 divorce j suits were brought ia the circuit court, i and 10 marriage licenses granted. The j ree rdt shew a slight increase in the DWfefeet of divorces, as 234 actions were instituted during 1915. The national forests of Oregon sud Washington are b?ing jwoteeted, not only from fire, but from the ravages N insects Occasionally bark beetles be come so destructive oa certain areas that the infected timber must be j prompt cut aed burned to preveut furth ct damage to valuable timber. TIE MERE FACT THAT Scott's Emulsion is generously used in tuberculosis camps is proof positive that it is the most energizing prepa ration in the world. It has power to create power. It warms and nourishes; it enriches the blood, stops loss of flesh and builds you up. scotts is mm and mm AND FREE FROM ALCOHOL. self miserable by imagining how those Clifford s neglect, while more ap j are going to sell it she said it I older women must mugn at me tor oe- parent, did not hurt me so much., worth thousands.' 'ing such a fool. I felt I had done ai I never stopped to aaalyae the reason.! "Oh. I hope soV I exclaimed, "and ! possible, to keep my husband, and had I It was as Leonard had eeid. a glor j Mr. Brooke will know. He is a great failed. Just as 1 came to this conclusion ious morning, and I thoroughly enjoyed! musician himself." I told her, just aa I for the hundredth time the tele- j my ride. When we stopped at a quaint ; Leonard commenced to nlay I had not phone rang. ! old farmhouse, and tho dearest old lady known he played the violin, and it waa "Hello! " I called, and was surprised; insisted that I come in while the violin a complete surprise. He afterward told to hear Leonard Brooke reply: j was shown, I was delighted to comply. I me that when a young boy he had plav- "Oood morning, Mrs. Hammond! lj While ihe old man and Leonard i ed, but given it "up for the piano have promised 10 go quite a ways in discussed and examined the violin the "It is ft Stradivarius. all rigbt." the country to inspect an old violin, old lady insisted that I have some tea. j Leonard said when he finished placing, Some fellow thinks he has a Strad, andjand let me Tol'ow her into the kitchen"a wonderful instrument." 1 am commissioned to find out. Won't while she made it. They were not real ! "It is very valuable, then I asked, you go with met It's a glorious morn- i poor farmers, yet there was nothing to "Worth thousands. " : he replied, thea iag-" show prosperity sufficient to warrant J to the old man, "I will report that it But you know," I said, "ia Muriel keeping a valuable violin in the house.) is a genuine Stradivftrius. and corn going?" j especially as neither of them played. jmonieate with von in a few dan." No. she isnt at home. And what' While I sipped my tea I said some-; All the wav home he eouW talk you said doesn't matter." j thing of thiSj and the old lady re- of nothing but his Wjonderful find- "Perhaps you are right, and what plied: i but I thought nf th k. ij I say doesn't make any difference," ii An Old Lady's Story, replied, my thoughts on Clifford. ' And j "Tha" violin belonged to my eon's isn't there a saying that a bad reeo-; wife. Wait. I "1 show you her picture." tution is better broken than kept?" i she ran from the room, but waa back queried. la'most instantly. "TV yon wonder he "Indeed, there is! I'll call for loved hert" she asked as I looked at lady had told me. liehtenedr thp wor ship of the cripple whose wife repaid him many fold and I thought I, tcx could do great things for love. Act aa (Tomorrow Leonard Brooke Escort) M-M you in 15 minutes." ' I the loveliest face I had