EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1917. Holiday Mail Carrier Welcome Figure to European Soldiers i WANTED All Around Town Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest Hone oil. r price -c I IIM V MM , Meyers Money-Saving January Clearance Specials A sweeping clean up of short lines left from Full and Christmas seasons Id Many Instances Prices Are Way Below Cost CLEARANCE PIRCES ON MEN'S HATS, SHIRTS, BATHROBES, ETC. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT JANUARY CLEARANCE PRICES A SWEEPING CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S AND MISSES GARMENTS. CLEARANCE SPECIALS ON LACES, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKER CHIEFS. January Clearance Prices in Every Section COMING EVENTS Jan. '-. quet. TONIGHT Annual I herrian ban- tl The rotanda of lh.' cnpitol between I the senate and the house of representa tive i Ix-ing lined up witb telegraph mill telephone mo liances, rli desks, ami the other usual h rajiliu na t iu cuatoniary to ;i session of the legiata-lure. , thins TOMORROW'S BIG SALE Bed Comforts at WEDNESDAY SURPRISE NO. 828 $1.19 For inexpensive c'omforts here's the big value of the season various colors and patternesilkoline covered cotton Comforts, regular double bed size. Attend this sale early if you want a good choice. Special Tomorrow $1,19 aCh Sale starts at 8:."0. . See Window Display January i. Ki.ighU of P annual boriv-coniiug. Jan. 813 . Marion County Poultry Show. Jamiai d 12. "F. Pagliaeei" at Salem puMic library, m p. m. .Innoaiy IH IX. Annual confer ence Ministerial A-sH niiuii, friends 1 i-liiirrh. January 2J, 24 and 25. Oregon State Association Grocer 1 As sociation at Commercial club. ? l x You Can Always Do Better at Meyers H" 4-f-M-4 o Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits class I eorrectly. D. 8. Bunk. Bid.. John H. Albert ill represent the Sa lem Commercial elub us delegate to thi Commonwealth conference to be held it Portland Januarv 3 and 4. Along wit other business, the meeting will adopt a highway i mil' for Oregon. Person seen to have picked up purse ion Mn'i strict is aske.i to return same I to Journal office. 1-2 "Judge Bingham, electee in November one m tin- .tuites ror lmm merrier, J which comprises Marion and I. inn i-'um- hps, in eouri in .uuniiv iuiihv. nt- will t-ike department No. 01 Icpurtnii nt of the circuit court, e position hold by Judge (iallo Law FORM i Salt-in. II rtkyeonbe Blowers of Hood River fo- it-iifl a visi' to Co crnoi-1 on official tinaineag. o equity the w ay. o Dr. Stone's Drug 'delivery. Phone So, Store makes IMtHMXH M M M t f I jfr "NO "USE ARGUING MS PERSONALS YOU Can get anything you want by advertising. If you have any- Want ! V. II in the C. V i at the . Colemnn, of St. Paul, is a visitor city. . Tigard, of Tigard, is registered Biigh ildwi ..f Klamath Falls, thing to advertise, Capital Journal Ads is a good way. i Norton DIED At his e, I860 Monday, utberton, TriMBKHTON iWouth Commercial street, Januarv i, 11117, Allen J. l. in his Sslth year: He is survived by his wife, two sons and three daughters: Albeit Pemliorton, of i.a Grange, Iowa; lmther (1. l'einber ton, of Marslialltown, iown; Mrs. Albert Bates, of Kosedalo, Ore.; Mrs. Fred Cro sier, of Hosedule, Ore.; Mrs. George Wilde, of Vancouver, Wash. The funeral services will be, held nt 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from the South Salem Friends church and will be conducted by President 1'cniiingtc.n, of Newborg college, and the llcv. H. E. l'einl.erton. Burial will be in the Hose dale cemetery. Mr. Peinlierton cnnie to Oregon about 18 years ago from Marshaltown, Iowa. He is also survived by an only "brother, t'larksnn Pemberton, living on South High street. BORN DI'Pl'KN To Mr. and Mrs. Deppen, of 1ST4 Broadway, at the Salem hospital, Hominy, January 1, 1917, a daughter. EBB To Mr. nod Mrs. H. at the Salem hospital, Bund tier .it, itnti, ii son. He nan been mimed Hurl Ripley f. Webb v, Deoem Refused Again to Indorse the Note (ieorge T. B; i is in the city. ! M i . nod M is. j iug al St. Helens. Fred W. Steusloff is in Portland to- day transacting business. J. Harper, of Junction City, was a Salem visitor yesterday. diet Erasure left, this morning on a j business trip to Astoria and Seattle. Miss Pearl 1,'giiiw, of Portland, was the New Year iues of Mis. Hurt Den- again t ion peace The dorse senate on resoln Wilsiui 'l hiiiglon, .Inn. 2. Tilt today refused to vote endorsing President note to belligerents, house, later also refused to en tile president's note. A resolu tion by Representative MiKcllar, of Tennessee, was referred to the foreign affairs committed. Wax, ut' Portland, was a visitor with friends in the Makes Third Attempt. , Washington, Jan, 2. A thin Tempt to have the senate endorse president 's peaos note was made afternoon bv Senator Hitchcock. called up for consideration his second resolution seeking congressional en dorsement of the note. Monte J. New Year'y city. John Key, a painter at the asylum, will lenve for California in lew days where he expects to make his home. Bay Lehay, of Balem, returned this ' afternoon after a visit here with rela- tives. He is employed al the Marion j hotel. Koseburg Review. Mr. and Mrs James L. Clark returned I to Sitlem yesterday after a visit with relatives in Sorinaf ield. Eucrene Bw- .V ister the. this He KURTZ To Mr. Kurtz, at their street, Snlurda, a daughter. and Mrs. home on December Ered A. I iberl y 80. IBlo, 8TRAPSKH To Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Btrauaer of Smith Sixteenth street, a daughter. The paper shortage caused several roada to abolish waste baskets, the dis carded paper being saved and made in to scratch puds. TO FORWARD TEXT OF NOTE Washington, Jan. 2. The state de partment announced shortly niter noon it expected "some time today" to for ward the official text of the reply of tlie entente allies to Germany's peace proposals. It was stated, "no comment or snp- plemental communications " will ac company the text. BIO LINER ASHORE. jondofi) Jan. 2. The Leyland liner Xestorinn is ashore and breaking Op. She will probably be a total loss. Thirty members of net crew have been saved. The Nestorian is a steel screw steamer of ii,3!lo tons, 400 feet in length. She is registered ut Liverpool. CHURCHES DID NOT UNITE Baltimore, Mil., Jan. 2.- After a lengthy session today in the Mount Vernon Methodist church, the joint commission on the unification of the Methodist Episcopal church and Hie ft. Piocr. of Portland, nf.llie firm Scott 41 Piper, spent New Year's in home of J. E. nteit at the i been Rachel r home Of the citS Scott Mrs. F. H, Shanks, who ha spending the holidays n ith M 1 1 Ueeder, left this morning for In at Arlington. L. A. Hailey. Who has been employed in the mechanical department of a local newspaper for some time past, will leave Tuesday for Salem where he will be em ployed in the state printing office dnr ing the coming session of the state legis latino.- ltosohurg Review. A. G. Steiner anil I. eon I.enngraee lease this evening for Providence, H. i. Thev will travel over the Southern Pa cific to New Orleans and from there on the Southern Pacific steamer Antilles to New York City. Mr. Steiner will In away about 30 days, making several vis its in Ohio. Methodist Church South, 'failed to reach n decision on tlie project to unite the. two lirauches of the Methodist Episco pal cnurcn ami adjourned. Dr. F. t, Thompson of 41G Bank of Commerce, practice limited to diseases of the. eye, ear, nose and throat, also surgery. o A marriage license was issued this afternoon to William FroeHch, of route No. 8, 8alem, n fanner, and Miss Mcta Marie Elizabeth Walter, of 17th street. Start the New Year right with a box of La Corona cigars. On sale Mi most Salem stores. tf The Cherrians will banquet this even ing at the Marion hold nt promptly 7:.to o'clock. After a sumptuous ban quet, the real entertaining features of the evening will begin. Dr. D. X. Beechler, dentist, located 8-4 mile north of the fair grounds, Port land road. Owing to no office expense prices reasonable. J-ii The evangelistic party, the Rev. Frank .tint his and Mr. and Mrs. Her nard Yessoy, who are holding services at the First Methodist church, will be guests of the Argn hotel during their stay in the city. A complete line of bracelet watches, diamond! mid jewelry, tor your inspec tion at Salem 's most reliable jewelry store, (lardner 4c Keeue. The store with the street clock. 2-2 0 All the representatives and senators j. F. Wilson, a former Salem boy who is now a partner in the firm of Wilson and Lambert, expert stove re pairers with office in South Taconia, who lias been in Salem for the holi days returned to his home in South Til coma today. o The funeral of Byron T. Randall, who died December 31. will be held Wedm dav afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from thr chapel of Rigdon k Richardson. The services will be conducted by the Rev. R. N. Avison and the Rev. Leach, of Al bany. Interment will be in the Odd Fel lows' cemetery. Mrs. Anna Culbertson. Miss Prudence lYunk, Will Daniels, Miss Pearl Daniels and Dan Bruner, of the Stockton store, returned yesterday from Eugene, where they have been invoicing and packing for shipment the .f.'iO.OOO stock of the. Stanley Caw Store, bought by J. L. Stockton. WBL WjMm -EM ; glj v ?M PIANO TUNING I -i 4K" Ht. if ot repairing . 1 win i;nr- f Mti1 x , anteed. Twenty i ' jean ex- s n perieme. Leave or - if- TT"'"jM B ) M t'er Di : Sto I hi I9t, JjJ 1 !'". .HjBjMjK Highland Avenue. CLKAN CARS. CAKFI'l l. ll(IVINi ".lrraWy!1 J. A. KAPPHA1IAN i h nil am -m,jm-Ji i . v-ra, o3 ia' aw t DELIVERS HOLIOFIV MHO- V ' ' -" 1 Hll W Ml 1 I rVlL. Bringing welcome news from home, the Red Cross nurses in many of the European armies often net as .messen ger', and mail cniriers. Their services are highly appreciated at holiday time, when absence from home weighs most heavily on the soldiers' spirits. The Woman in the picture is a Rn.-sinn Red Cmss nurse bearing a load of holiday mail for soldiers. The Imperial Furniture company will put in an entirely new front to take the place of the one partially destroyed by fire lust month The tilntn irhiae will be set within 10 inches of the sidewalk I J'"1"!- o.,.t tlo, IMtlhill ivlll l,t, ,,. I ii n, to in,, lh l-WftBh. Till Kalis. el. Montana, and Caldwell. Idaho. From the number of inquiries received for exhibit blanks. Mr. Smith feels the I coming exhibit will be one of the larg est ever held.s J- 0. Murray, of Port land; who will judge the exhibits, is I shoAV at Bellinghani, how w'ill open Tuesday, gophers. The appropriation amounts n" i ll to $4,125, und when this is exhausted there will be no more bounty. Of this number 2.74!' were brought In by J. F. and Claude Harris, who live on 2lsf street. They brought in the large-t number oi scalps last year. The- total icceived last year on the first day Ibo aODreDriatloa was available was abo'at -'O ooo new front M, Post. ii; , Januarv Icial str drn 8, in a room on South Commer Bt, adjoining the J. 0. Perry store. The official weather record for the ! mouth of December is about as follows: j Thefairfall for the month was 4.71 of the legislature In meet in t week have been sent clnb c the Salem Commercial (dub, them to the courtesies of the Lllg their 40 days' stay in the alem next irdfl from entitling club dur- Tlie latest goods, newest fashions, best workmanship, tasting qualities are the features found in 1). II. Moaner's Salem made suits and overcoats, and you get an extra pair of trousers frte. 474 Court St. l-il County school superintendents are in session at the state house looking oyer the examination papers sent in as a result of the recent state teachers examination. Practically all the su perintendents of the state are present. House for rent and some furniture for sale. Enquire at loo South 19th shape. Plans for the been drawn by (ieorge Slab wood for sale After Jan 1st, we will have slab wood for sale in carload lots, if in need of one or more curs t-uU or Udeldinne M.'i and we will send a l enivuen I a t i m to ee vim. Palls ! inches, which might be termed ordinal Citv Suicm Lumber Co.. ' fevervthinff ily a dry month for December. Six in building material." A. B. Kelsay, j were clear and 25 were cloudy. The low Manager, ill! S. 12th St. 2-2 est temperature of the month was on n the nights of the 29th and 30th, with a Corporal Lacewell, recruiting officer record of 2.1 degrees above. The warm for the Salem station, returned this I est day was when the mercury climbed morning from a short visit in .Portland. I up to the 49 notch on the 19th. The STRIKERS GET DECISION. Chicago, Jan. 2. The United States court, of appeals today reveised the ruling of the United suites district court at ndiapanolls and dismissed the injunction against William D. Ma lum and employes of the Indianapolis company Traction and Terminal straining them from declaring a against the traction company court ruled that the lower trlbui no jurisdiction. re- trike nu ll i. d daya I St. tf CARD OF THANKS -o- their lllnei and sister, Bugene for wish t.O thank our friends Cut sympathy and help during the and death of our befoved wife dsn to the Klk lodge of their kind services. 3, A. Cwiun, Ms. Chas. Mayhew, Elmer Renshnw, Theodore Renshaw, William Renshaw, Samuel Renshaw. ARMY EXPERTS TRY TO DISCOVER PROPER GARB FOR WINTER FLYING W. H. GRABENHORST & COMPANY Farms and Fruit Lands Small Tracts and Investments 275 State Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone 2315 f f John Sundin THE TAILOR Believes in Trading at Home. Others Should Do fhe Same, Then Salem will Grow. We do cleaning and pressing SUITS THAT SATISFY 347 State Street, Salem, Oregon Phone 282 US f)fMY TESTS oiaaHBR '-MfjJr to Bk As part of ,ne flight of ruteen gov prum.'iit army aeroplunes from the Bvi ation Held at Hempstead, N. Y l'hiladelphia. a test was planned of proper clothing for cold weather ing. The best clothing heretofore been found to be fnrMined hoods, coats, gloves and leggings, and the result of the lest flight is expected to confirm this opinion. In the pictures a full regulation army costume of leather is shown, as well as part of n fur lined costume dowsed tor the test flight. In many of the reported flights iy the Kuropean war, especially iu recent months, stress has been laid on the sufferings of the men from the cold which is intense at high altitudes even in summer. Je reports that for the month of De cember, the recruiting stations in Ore gon accepted and enlisted 154 men ior the I.. S. army and const artillery. This number Of enlistments was larger than any month of the year. A meeting will be held in the near future in Salem between the fruit grow ers in this vicinity and representatives of the Oregon Agricultural college to discuss fruit tree diseases in general and especially brown rot and cyfindros- porium. The time nor the place of the meeting has not as yet been decided. o " A housekeeper is panted by a family or. man, wife and yiree boys living at Bend. The Commercial club is in re ceipt of a letter asking that one be recommended. The party writes: "I can give a first class home and fair wages to the right party. We do not ob ject to a lady with a little girl. " Ap ply Ivan G. Ale Daniel, Commercial club. Earl Hunt and Hailey Hunt, sons of j Air. and Airs. M. J. Hunt, of !11 North v ortage street, nave cast tneir Jot with service in the U. S. navy and w iiy. leave xnursaay tor ttie training station i at Mare Island. The young men were members of the Loyal Sons club of the. First Christian church, the organization t that has sent eieht vounsr men from So I lem to joi nthe D. S. navy. Several office changes have recently been made in the l,ai'd t Hush bank building. Durbln & t'ornoyer -v ill oc mpy the offices formerly used by Judge Oeorge O, Binoham. The Durbin & Cornover office will be occupied by he law firm of Heltzel & (iehlhar. who will also take the rooms formerly used by Krnest Blue and Robin Day. The office rooms formerly occupied bv .Tas. Heltzel will be taken by E. R. Riu , former prosecuting attorney. At the annual banquet of the Cher- rinus. nsutes having the nest to eat that the Marion hotel can provide, there will be entertainment of various kinds. One of the specialties secured by the en tertiiininent committee in romand. u Aliss Rose Reingold. one of the best en tertainers in the notrhwest. Besides the singing and dancing of Miss Reingold, there Will be the ceremonv of crowning King Bing l.erchen and the initiation ot several members, and according to the entertainment committee, it will all be something entirely different. o The newly appointed policemen will not go on duty until ihursday morning as thev will not be officially chosen un til the meeting of the council Wednes day evening. They will wear thcustom ary police uniform with a black hat lustead of six. the city will now be tak en care of by five patrolmen. J. A. Poland, night desk sergeant, will be the only hold-over. The retiring policemen are Rowe. White. Victor, Del.ong ami Beck. The new policemen to go on duty Thursdny besides Chief of Poliee Coop er are Burkhart, I.ueas, Wright and Palkner. Polk county will be well represented at the ninth annual exhibition of the Marion County Poultry association, ac cording to Walter H, Smith, the secre tary. Calls for application blanks have been reveived from 'points as distant as mean maximum temperature was 44. i and the mean minimum, I1H.4, with the mean temperature 38 degrees above. On January 1 the river was L'.i) feet above the low water mark. The wind wagj 23 days from the south, seven from the north and one day from the west- Today is "Gopher" day at the court house. From seven o'clock this morn ics until time for closing people came from nil parts of Marion county with gopher scalps to receive the bounty of j 10 cents each the county pays. Up to I 2 o'clock thi afternoon the sum of $1.0l8.(i0 had been given out in war rants as bounty for the scalps of 10,1861 ANOTHER CAPITALIST HAS BEEN ALIENATING Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. t, Charging alienation of his former wife's affec tions, AVade H. Alelntosh. member of tho Hulled States army, stationed at Hie Wright aeroplane factory at Day ton, Ohio, sued l.ouis Cantor, secretary treasurer of the American Smelting and Refining company, today, f. n 25,00Q, HELD UP APPOINTMENT Washington. Jan. 2. Afr senate ibis afternoon held isa'tion of Winthrope Moore the interstate commerce for reappointment. forecast ti:e up the UOIU- Damels Ot 'ommission TRY JOURNAL WANT .ADS Great Clubbing Offers by the Daily Capital Journal WE Have made arrangements by which any sub scriber of the CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price $1.00 Today's Magazine, regular price $ .50 Household Magazine, regular price $ .25 Total of regular price $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in advance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: , CLUBBIN G LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. ft Today's Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and better than ever before. McCalTs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. MAIL SUBSCRIBERS to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may secure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of S3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address. CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 1