TWO THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 191 fl. Potato Doughnuts (Write for LITTLE MEN MAKES BIG HIT AT MACLEAY retain the moisture several days. An excellent wholesome food when made with the pure KG Baking Powder Always sure to please. Try a can today at our risk. A Handy Book containing 10 Cook ing Lessons and 54 Tested Recipes will be mailed you FREE if you will send your name and address to Other Features of Christmas Program Were Well Received (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mallear, Ore., Dec. 28. Marley peo- THEORISTS SIZE UP AFTERMATH Of WAR New York, Dee. 28. Mr the red god of war is under the microscope I of science today. Pour thousand of l America's leattiiig scientists are at- tending the convention 'it' the Aiiuri cau assoi Union for the advande ol science and each and every scientist is i finging a war angle to his own parti.- ( ular branch of science. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. REPLY 0LALLES (Continued from page one.) d to 01 sf seen I ll'Bl Ale, when the children i fhool staged a scene o 's book. "Little Mi the finest mateur at f the Mac Louisa M n," at the Robert DeC. Ward of Harvard t'ni versity today told the members of the American Genetics Society that the The aluive ilispati-h was numbered, acrurding to the press bureau's custom arv r.ian in sending news, nuiiiber 5!.i!. That it was delayed in transmission is; apparent from the iact that the Berlin1 wireless dispatch of December 2H, giv I ! inir the tevt il lite (lerniMii relilv to! I war would make eugenics a necessity , president Wilson 's note was auBibertd ! in America. luge inns pn Sold by all Grocers SOCIETY By ALINE THOMPSON Mr. ami Mrs. David w. Graham who February 22 and nil members are re havc been the house guests of Mr. ami ' quested to be present. Mrs. Frank II. Spears, have returned! ,i u i. The marriage of Miss Kdith Slur to their home in Lugenp. B . , wood it 11 1 1 Harry Mason took place on Mi. ami Mrs. E. F. nrloton are in Wednesday afternoon at the hoi Garrett. Especially well noted were the parts !of tue American Philosophical aaooeia Ktf.f Ji-tor' at trade in war munitions hac Yilhe Bartels and Alt. Martin. , already started a movement for th. The program was as follows: Song, " Christina.! Bells," by the school. Play, "Little Men." Ftature song, "My Dear Old Mother and I," by H. K. Martin. I I'lnv I HMimIm I'., .. . !.',, , i .jwit'ii.i i ni i t ,,(, ui inn- Portland attending the meeting of thel,ho brillt State Teachers association and are it Sherwood parents, Rev. n Gross and Mrs. Ed-itreet. I ley 1 Song, "Carol, Sweetly Carol," bv the school? rhe bride's father officiated and the Play, " Sorrow in Santa Clans Land. " eremony was followed by a weddingl The I'lnvs, "Surprise Party at Brink inner, ilev's" and "Sorrow in Snntit Clnus rill be a large banquet tonight with Only a few friends and relatives ' Lnnd " were also of high order and re covers for 100. 1 Were asked for the ceremony which i cei veil much urnisn from ntl who saw the Motel Portland, ular sessims of the liesiiles the rcg ussociation, there rair IS to l0 given at the! was a verv simi.le ntfi.ii- Portland dad will be followed by a I The rooms were decorated with ever Jarge reception for which the Oregon ! greens, and silver stars, w ith which Congress of Mothers will be hostesses mingled the fragrance of orange bios t the Chamber of Commerce. jsoms. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore entertained I bride, was bride's maid mid (ml ah informally on Tuesday night with ajson the groom's brother, acted as best mem, After the program the tree was rob bed nf its presents, much to the satis faction of the youngsters, who were bountifullv remembered bv their manv igi hi i H . " miss i. race cMicrwooit, a sister ot tue , mends. had the standard metric system of measure ments and urged it as a great help to American commerce in the inevitable struggle for trade which will follow in the wake of worldwide peace. A national movement for the stand aril metric system wns started. Portland Sawmills Win Rate Case Decision Washington, Dee. 28. In the case of' lnman-Paultis Lumber company vs. the Southern Pacific company, the in terstate commerce (omission today held that rates on fir and helock lum ber and lath in straight or mixed car loads from Portland, Or., to San Fran cisco, Cal., San Francisco Bay points and points on the defendant's line , 1 ... n jolly stopping party; their guests 1) ing a few friends and relatives. The rooms were prettily adorned with mistletoe and the hostess was as oisted in serving u dainty repast by her niece, Miss Ida Gibson. The guests were the Misses Ida Gib son, Violet Hoffman, Jessie Gibson and Mrs. C. Heise, the Messrs. Oris Hoff man, Frank Hindi, Walter Uranium, Wesley Heise, Beryl Birch and Lynn Heisr. Mrs. Klla Critclilou is passing the. holidays in Portland. 8aturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Howe entertained with a delightful dinner party in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. HOf I Thompson, on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Besides the hosts the guests were: Mrs. Kiln Jones of Portland, Mrs. W. II. (total and Arthur Moles of Philomath, Miss Kathryu Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. El bert Thompson. An important meeting of the Duugh -ters of the American A evolution will bo held on Friday (tomorrow) after noon at the public Jibrury, at 2:30 o'clock. Plans will be discussed for the big dance to be given at Hie armory on man. After the singing ot the solo "1 Love Vou Truly" by Miss Grace Sherwood, the wedding march was ployed by Mrs, Alma Clrich. The bride who has been teaching at Mill City, is a gruduate of the Wil lamette University. More Men Than Women Have Appendicitis Surgeons state men are slightly more oubject to appendicitis than women. Salem people should know that a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, glycer ine, etc.. as mixed in Adler-i-ka, often relieves or prevents nppendicitis. This mixture removes such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost. ANY CASK constipation, flour stomach or gas. The INSTANT, easy ac tion of Adler i l;a is surprising. J. C. Perry, druggist. Mr. and Mrs. Mason left today for their home in Mill City, where Mr. Ma son is associated with a lumber com pany. As n pie-nuptial attention to the bride, a delightful shower was given at the home of her parents on Tuesday, the guests being only a few close friends. , Mrs. W. 11. Holes tind A. It. Boles of Philomath and Mrs. Klla Jones of Portland, who novo been the holiday guests of Mr. and Airs. Harry Rowe and Mr. nnd Mrs. Elbert Thompson, re turned home today. Sunday School Has Program. In addition to the regular services of the week, attendants at the Macleay Sunday geffOo were entertained with Christmas songs and recitations by Mrs. Elton Mackenzie. William and Ellen Tower. The progiam follows: Song, .M rs. Elton Fackenzie. Recitation. William Tower. Recitation, Ellen Tower. Song, "No Room in the Inn," Mrs. K. Mackenzie. Reading of the Christmas story, Mrs. F. E. Goodell. Recitation, Ellen Tower. Duet, Mrs. F. K. Cloodcll and Mrs. E. Mackenzie. After Sunday school the superinten dent, Delbert Mackenzie, treated the scholars to oranges. Air. and Mrs. Elton Mackenzie, brother and sister of Del bert Mackenzie, were present. They visited at. the "Mackenzie Oaks" over Christmas. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Rishop and son, Christmas visits with their accom Arthur Malcolm Bishop, are visiting l'nnying dinners were in vogue this year at the home of Mrs. Bishop's parents, and practically all Macleay played eith Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clongh. I tr l"l!it or guest. H. O. Taylor and fam- ily dined at the Frank Robinson home Mr. avid Mrs. G. K. Bchuneman left ond enjoyed, as they reported it, The Parent-Teachers' nssocintios, true to the promise made last week, treated everyone to popcorn balls and apples winch were thoroughly enjoyed. u. ..-.y prejudicial to the extent that enemy in a way contrary to neutron iney exceed rates contemporaneously m tarried December 2ti. ' ' o9tKl " or one number after today's! "Immigration in the next few le i dispatrh. It is therefore apparent that ... ... ,,. , - , ithe above dispatch was ori-'inallv file I , . , ... 1 1 sues aiicr ine war wil ir oi a lower . i r ,. I last Fndav evening. Much . . . . . , ' , , in advance ot the text ol the BtftaM credit i, due to Miss Byers, the teacher J,," Eugenie, w7 be K Xlav' EpSek, XrVforeT ho ably directed the play. It would. the remedy," said Ward. fers 0lllv to th(. QonsM note, the text! be hard to say which was the leading "urent numbers ot soldiers, although 0f which was part as all the characters were repre- i not f " spect.c dis sented with the best of talent. TV?" eventutt vom': 0 ,ht; 1 ': The cast of characters is as follows: ta,e md, orippled, enfeebled Mother Baker, Marion Tnvlor; Father 1 b ."l!08"'0 f' JS"' . Baker, George Young; Toiiimv' Bangs, . ltt ,s ,he "? deBree uji -Amen-Willie' Bartels; Dannv Arthur Kirsch-' , ' " rn YjZJ5 any such mf ux , m , , r . . ; .. xr ... I oi alien immigrants as will make the u V ft u x u' A tB! Process of assimilation and af amalga- Mart.n; he IT.acess Hilda Bartels; , . of f j ropulatioils Demi, Walter R.eck; Nat Blake, Albert !,... diffi(.,llt ,hnlit ,,v Ur. ueorge r, Kuuz told the members Beply is Eeceived Washington, Dec. 28. Germany's answer to President Wilson's peace j note reached the state department to-; day. The official who announced the re ceipt of reply said nothing con ideutial wos attached to the answer. There ha I been suggestions that Germany might give her terms secretly in a message ;u Ambassador Gerard for transmission here. The stato department cable office notified Secretary Lansing of receipt of the message about 10 o'clock and immediately provided him and Presi dent Wilson with copies. Secretary Lansing had purposely avoided study of the note as contained in press reports so his mind would be clear on the exact points made by Ger many and not confused by any possible misstatements in press texts. The of ficial copy was understood, however, to conform in all essentials with the press versions. Secretary Lansing gave out the text which was practically identical with that sent to the press by w ireless. The German reply follows: "Alter investigations made by Ger man naval authorities, the ship Delto, chartered by the Italian government for transportation of coal was stopped October 13 of this year, about forty sea miles southeast of Cape Holos and SHIPLEY'S Odd Ends and WEEK Exceptionally Lo Prices On All "Odd Lines" of Hosiery. Knitted Underwear, Muslin Un derwear, Lingerie Waists, Crepe Dechine Waists, Leather Purses, Handkerchiefs and Novelty Rihbons. Some Lines are mussed from holiday display. Priced at Extraordinary Savings. U. G. Shipley Co. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices -onf to and including Marys Cal., and also to Auburn, Cal., ! sunk by artillery fire for assisting tlv .. 1 1' , I. . . i J 1 Mi t ... Mrs. W. U Fulkerson has Portland to attend the meetin State Teachers association. IQIIO to of the today for Portland where they will pass the week end visiting friends. REWARD FOB BOMB PLOTTERS Salt Lake 1'ity, I'tah, Dec. 28. With a reward ot 8,,illu ottered lor arrest ot the plotters who sought to blow up the home of Governor Spry Sunday night by means of uii infernal machine, an army of government secret service agents, deputy sheriff and private in vestigators is running down every clue but without result so fur. An expert on explosives will make a complete exiiniinat ion today of the in fernal machine found at the comer of the governor's home. indy galore." i). L. Martin and family motored to Kose.lale, where they spent the day with Mrs. Martin's brother, Willard Campbell. llarrv Martin, who is batching at effect from Willamette valley points and from points on the defendant's Til-lamook-I'ortland, Or., branch to the same destinations. "Traffic from Portland east is more highly competitive than to the south" says the commission's decision, "and the first, point south to which rates from Portland and the Willamette val ley should be the same may properly be more distant than the first point east of Portland. We are of the opin ion that rates south of Marysville. however, should not exceed rates from the Willamette valley." James G. Wilson represented the Portland mills. New fates in accord ance with the decision were ordered established on or before March MS, The case was argued by Tames G. Wilson for the Portland lumber mills and by C. A. Durbrow for the Southern Pacific railway. coast for some time, returned home last week. .Taunitn Nash, small daughter of Y. T. i. ill will. tin-llto. h haul tv and here the German government cites article fort six, first paragraph, line three of the London war law dec larations. "After the German commander had possession of the ship's papers and caused the crew to go into the boats half an hour was given to the crew for leaving the ship. The weather was good and very bright, with extremely low (seal. The boat had to travel a comparative snort wa, .o . "I'-' of his lif v. ... rcsi(icl.. f the Threshermen 's association of Oregon, of which organization he had long been a KEEP A JAR OF MUSTEROLE HANDY It Quickly Loosens Up Coughs and Colds in Throat or Chest Just a little Musterole rubbed on yonr sore, tight chest before you go to bed will loosen up congestion and break ur most severe colds and coughs. Musterole is a clean white ointment made with oil of mustard. Simply rub it on. No plaster necessary. Better than mustard plaster and docs not blister. 'ri,,... .,,!,. ...1. . !..-.. ... .:, completed his course there, lie returned , ,,w 7r 7 ', TZ2 JT. . to Oregon, where he has since mode his ' J$ cf . 11 from sore throat, horn. In the vear 1884 he was married I br"nchltls' tons.lit.s, croup, stiff neck, to Miss Ida Hen-en. of Saleni. flga. headache, congestion Mr. Morris conducted a business in I P1" .rheumatism, lumbago, pains ami Albany for 12 years and later moved toiad,es.of ,,e.back M? s,Prains; srf Marion eoonty where he remained for I muscles brm8es chilblams, frosted feet seven years. He then moved to Doug-; aild colds.0t.oftcn prevent? pneumonia), las county. During the last two years i Former Salem Resident Dies In Douglas County R. ST. Morris, one of the best known and most highly respected ranchers of the Looking Glass vicinity, died at his home there on Suaday aft ernoon after an illness extending back nearly two years. Mr. Morris was born near Albany on November 2. 1880, where he spont the first few years of his life. When still a young man he went to Chicago, where he learned the machinists' trade, with the Dealing Binder company. After he ,ii ven oast so the usual security wi for the crew's rescue. "The conjecture expressed by the American government that the life of American citizens being on board the Delto had been put in jeopardy is there fore not justified. GERMANY MAY i nam (Continued from page one.) member. A little more than two years ago he suffered from a severe attack of heart trouble and since that time hud! not been in good health. I .nst May .Ur. .Morns purchased '"" 1 James Goodman ranch in Looking Glass j . . , , valley, and with hk family took up his; AMUal MmiStenal residence there. About three months ago I , mi 1 he vvas again attacked by heart trouble,' I nmPlTPnPP Sit NpwhprrT and was brought to Rosehunr for medbl VUlUCICHiC H HCWUCIi,, cal treatment. Although t ie best Tihysi- x. , . i . i -Newbcrg, Dec 28 The .program is ; cians in this vicinity were consulted, b' .r T.ui,.n.u the. patient grew graduallv weaker until M'omple ted tor the annual conference had a touch of pneumonia which neces- pushed beyond Riminicul-Sarat, in Ru sitated the calling ot Dr. E, E.t Fisher recently. Opal Garrett spent the evening of Tuesday, December 2ti, at the Nies wander home. Harry Martin heard again- from his celebrated watermelon story when some I practical joker presented him with a Germans Push i'orward Berlin, Dee. 28. German forces have last Sunday, when he passed away. The 1 1 owu.g o u s wi.e s aim uuugn-larn D.,knir of n.ollRtro.1B ,,,.;,. 1 t " l r seeds Friday evening at the Christmas ter s absence, dined at .T- F. C. Teken- burg's on Christmas day. Charles Stanton and family, of Pott lnnd, spent the holidays at the D. J. Miller home. Mrs. Stanton is Mrs. Mil ler 's sister. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagonblast are visiting at the Garrett home this week. Mrs. Wngonblnst is Mrs. Garrett's daughter. Jack Kirschner, who has been on the entertainment. The package was placed on the tree so the joker was not identi fied. mania, while simultaneously --vustro-Hungarian troops to the southeast pierced Russian lines and repulsed vio lent counter attacks, today's statement reported. Steamer Submarined. Galveston, Texas, Dec. 28. The Bri tish steamer Istrar, of the Bates line, was submarined in the Mediterranean near the African coast, according to a better from one of the vessel's of ficers to a relative in Galveston. All Theron Russell is bemnnninc the loss of the crew was saved. The sinking of his Christmas turkey, which disap- j of the lstear has not been officially re- the Ministerial association of Ore- of the Friends ueceased is survived by his wife and gon yearly nice- three children: .Mrs. G. M. Greer, Hnr-' church. This year the conference will land and Miss Ruth Morris, all of Look-j not be confined to the ministry, but ing Glass. The funeral will be held at j many who are not ministers will be in- Albany on December 28. attendance, as the invitation is ex- Air. Morris was a charter member oil tended to all the membership. The conference win be held in the Highland Friends chnreh at Saleni, both the Maecubeese and M. W. A. lodges of Albany. Although he had re sided in Looking Glass but a few I t'.om January 13 to 18. The c-mfi months, he won a host of friends and sermon by Homer L. Cox, pastor of was very popular in that vicinity. The toe first church at Portland, will Jie grief stricken family have the sympa thy of the entire community in their Exceptional Values In Wearing Apparel Fo Stormy Weather Men's Rubbers and Arctics Men's Trawler Bootees Men's Rubber Boots Men's Woolen Socks Men's Flannel Shirts Men's Stag Shirts Men's Gloves and Mittens Men's Winter Caps Men's Sweaters Ladies' Rubbers and Arctics Ladies' Rubber Boots Ladies' Sweaters Ladies' Knit Caps Ladies' Scarfs and Toques Ladies' Woolen Hose Children's Sweaters Children's Rubbers, Arctics Children's Rubber Boots These are but a few of our many fine lines of suitable merchandise Stormy Weather Our Prices Are Reasonable and Far More Dependable Than Sale Prices. ' for .Our Merchandise, is. Our Salespeopl New and of the Finest JjamQS (badil JlWe Give You Prom Quality e will Give You Prompt and Caret ul Attention poured .Saturday night. Repeated search cas, as yet, tarnished no clue to the whereabout-s of the missing gobbler. It is reported that Arthur Dalrymple has purchased 20 acres west of the rail toad from II. O. Taylor, this giving him a good sized farm. F. E. Goodell and wife dined at the Arthur Dalrymple home Christmas day. The Chamberlin and Fleming families visited at the Fred Magee home on Main street Christmas eve. A merry evening wn-s spent- As usual, the pleas of the merchants to shop early, were disregarded by many of the Macleay population. Those who believe in the eleventh hour bargains nna went to tiRiem Saturday were: Paul day of sadness. Roseburg Review. Stockton Buys Stock of Eugene Merchant poittd- Steamer Torpedoed. Berlin, via Savville wireless", Dec. 28. The "Norwegian steamship Delto was The Stanley department store of this sunk by the German naval authorities j city closed yesterday to take inventory because "she was assisting the enemy following the sale of the entire stock in a way contrary to neutrality, uer raany explained in a special statement to Ambassador Gerard today. Russian Forces Withdraw. hostile forces near the railway. The statement said the withdrawal Rieck, H. E. Martin, F. E. Goodell. H. 'hud been made after stubborn resist- I), laylor, L. Martin. Perrv Tavlor. anee. Firman Nash and others too numerous to J. L. Stockton, of Salem. A force of people was busy during the day and last night boxing the goods for shipment to Salem. Geo. C. Stanlev. proprietor of the I'etrograd, Dec. 28. Withdrawal of j store, who has been in business in Eu Eussian rbrces in the region of Riniin- j gene for 13 years, said he sold out his icul Sarat to the River Riniik was an-1 stock at this time owing to unsettled nounced in today 's official statement as , business conditions, , the high price'of haviue been due to pressure of superior merchandise and the results of the elec tion- to mention Mrs. H. E. Martin and daughter, Alta, spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Martin 's mother, Mrs. G. I.. Morris, of Turner. They will return home Thurs day. Oscar Chapman was a Salem visitor Tuesday, December 2ti. It is understood thatMr. Chapman has gone into the hog raising business and that his Salem visit has to do with this industry. Harlan Hoffman was a visitor at the H. E. Martin home Christmas evening. The evening was spent in music and games. Klmo Wright was a Salem visitor the latter part of last week. He reports the sale of a 20-pound gobbler. Some body had a fine dinner, so we deduce. i The In- comparable Baby Food. Mukm Aft nig "tinu M Matkm' Kiik" WIDEMANN'S GOAT MILK A nil hoi mUm fir Imvttiji. T HAWNO ORUOeiSTS U-m. TW. 20o. VVIDEMANN GOAT MI1K Ctt f-f.,..C.n s.r..n..ul. "I figured that I could sell my pres ent stock at this time and go out of business for a year or so and make more money than bv remainino in busi- Germans Near Braila. laoss," said Mr. Stanley yesterday. Berlin, via Sayville wireless, Dec. 28. "The price of merchandise lias risen 20 Braila is within reach of the canon ot to 50 per cent, making the replacement the uerman armies in tneir steauy aa vanee in Rumania. Writing for the of ficial press bureau today, a military critie declared that new and strong Rus sian forces in this section seem to show no greater force of resistance than th Rumanians. ine principal address Monday evening at the opening meeting of the confer ence. All the other evenim addresses will be given by President Carl G.- Dn ney of Willamette University. Kach day at !: 15 Pfesidcnt Levi T. Pennington of Pacific College will give an address on practical homiletics, and Tuesday afternoon he will speak on the Friends attitude on Peace. Other addresses will be on church finance by Miss Nettie Riley ul' Len's and the ro mance of .preaching by Josephine Dock et t of Salem. Homer L. Cox of Portland will have charge of the music. Chester A. -Had-tey, pastor of the West Piedmont church of Portland is president of the. association, and will preside at all tho sessions. Surprisingly Good Cough Syrup Made at Home Vottm Very Little and Knsltj- Made, but Is Remarkably Effective. value so large that I can see no real ad vantage in remaining in business. There I is no trouble in selling goods, but the cost of replacement is too hich. "I expect to remain in Eugene for a! month or so. but further than that my ! the ready-made kind, but you will alto euective ana aepenoanic You'll never really know what a fine cough syrup you can make until you prenare this famous home-made remedv. You not only save $2 as compared with j plans are indefinite. I may go back) have a more into business again, and though I er- SSJLT?9 "The Rumanian troops were decimnt- into business again, and thouch I ex - SSfP ln Vv'r-Y,.wa' " overcomes the ,1 ; Wlt,.,.hi ,-,.i,-t end have u,. f, t . ... . I """J" euugiis, mi or cnesi cuius m ,7. " ' ., . 7 . . , , , Tr!'. . 7 , ; iw tiours relieves even whooping couyit gone behind the Sereth m order to be Mr. Stanlev said that his stock will auicklv inventory about $30,000.- ister. -Eugene Reg- re-formed there under Russian ladcr ship," the critic declared. ' "At the same time, the Russians tried in strongly prepared positions be-1 who signed the protest would not be tween fliminieu-sarut auo tne uanune reduced to the ranks. The only dis to offer resistance to the further Ger-j cipline meted out will be administered man advance toward the Sereth. In i to Robert Dixon of Akron, Ohio, for circulating an unjustifiable protest. The non-oommissioiied officers of the Eighth Ohio made statements that they believed they had signed a paper denying an article printed in an Ohio newspaper. The "round robin" pro test against camp conditions and food was substituted later they declared. The other signers of the protest will receive no discipline. consequence there were new and-violent engagements. In the first rush the al lied German-Austro-Hungarinn troops captured 5.500 prisouers and gained ground. The strongly fortified village of Filipesi fell into their hands, as well as adjoining positions on both sides." srs El Paso, Texas, Dec. 2S. Following a renewed investigation into the "round robin" Protest signed by five hundred and eighty Ohio national guardsmen. General Bell announced to day that the non-uouiuiissioned officers DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST THESE IS IN JOB PRINTING Phone 31 Prompt Service Get' ounces of Pincx 150 cents Wfirth from any good drug store, pour it into a pint liottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Here you have a full pint a family supply of the most effective cough syrup that money can buy at a cost of only 54 cents or less. It never spoils. The prompt and positive results given by this pleasant tasting cough syrup have caused it to be used in more homes than any other remedy. It quickly loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough, heals the inflamed membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes, and re lief cornea almost immediately. Splern did for throat tickle, hoarseness, bron chitis, croup and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a highlv concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with gnaiacol and has been used for generations for throat and chest ailments. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for 8 ounces of Pinex" with fnjl directions, and don't accept any thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat isfaction or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. ' The Pin- Co., Ft Wayne, Ind.-