Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 27, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Rate per word-New Today:
Each iaaertion, per word , le qoT Ukit-v,r.t .1... . n
Ce week insertion.) per ,V,G HEAT
Oar month (-6 insertions) per word lie
The Capital Journal will not b re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in classified Advertisements.
Read -our advertisement the first da.y
it appears and notify as immediately.
Minimi. di rharge, 15c.
WANTED Iady dish washer. HI N.
Com 'I St. 12 28
FOB RKNT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office, tf
lAJrT A two link gold broaeh. Re
turn to Journal office. 12 28
Stute ana 24th.
HOUSK FOR BENT 385 Bolview St.
WANTED Qpliers incubators, also
brooders. (note, route 2, Salem. 1 - 1
OET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Jotirnal office.
WANTED Oregon improved strawber
ry plants. Phone 2500J2. 12-27
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
FOR SALE Baled grain hay and vetch
hay. George Swegie. tf
-FURNISHED Apartments, also barn
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
FOR BENT Good farm, 150 acres. Ad
dress owner, 1195 South Twelfth, tf
GET YOUR Tresspass notices, new
i.pply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal, tf
OLD FIB 2nd growth, oak, ash, maple
and vine maple wood for sale. W. F.
Proctor, phone 1322J. ' janl
PURSE LOST Probably in cafeteria,
Tuesday evening. Small black purse
containing sum of money. Finder
will be rewarded. 241 S. High. Phone
WANTED A man who has a few
.hundred dollars to invest with ser
vices to join me in A No. I business
proposition. Call alter 0 p. m. 818 N,
Liberty St. 12 28
WANT Quick action on jfSOO.00, also
$1000.00 first mortgage', secured by
Salem residence property, for sale
at a liberal discount. Both drawing
8 per cent. Inquire 2 C care Journal.
12 28
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned will receive bids tor
the purchase of that certain group of I
mining claims known as the Black
near group, situated in Galice district!
Josephine county, Oregon, to, and,
including the 2nd day of January,
1917. Bids to be mailed to either of
the undersigned or filed in the office
of William H. Trindle, Bank of Com
meree building. (!. B. Gregg, John,
Moreman, Lee MeCracken. 1-2 j
A Thousand Letters
iiciu in Jdiciii unite
One thousand letters aro held up at )
the Snlem nnstnffiee on account of ill-
complete addresses. Many .of these
have no street address and in the rush
of Christmas mail, ara thrown aside
until the clerks have more time to
learn the exact street number. Many
letters addressed to merchants are held
up.as the man who -divides the mail
cannot learn exactly which carrier
should have the mail of all business
houses in the city.
When a letter has no street address,
the divider passes the letter on to tie
'ate man whose misiness it is to
look through city and other director
ies for the exact street number. When
found, it is then passed back to the
divider, and he in turn puts them in
the mail for the different city and
country carriers.
And right on top of letters being
ME. ZINN 798
Work on the local motion
picture will start today at the
Derby building
in i
Oregon Theatre
A Feature Every Day
HARRY Window deaav Phone 7
OLD KIR WOODFor sale, dry 01
green, i-VOO pr i-ord. E. D. Johnston
I'hone U34. 12-27
lOB RENT Xioelv furnished house
keeping rooms, reasonable, 855 N
Commercial St. dcc21
FOR BALI First class breeding pen
Buff Leghorns, Grote, box 55, route
2, Salem. 12-27
FOR SALE Cheap, horse, weighing
1300 or H00, and harness. P. L. Rois
ter, 232 X. -Front, Salem. 12-30
OAK WOOD Fob sale, will unload
car Thursday and Friday at Fruit
I'uiou. 12-2S
IK )RSK Harness and rubber tired bug-f
gy lo trade lor cow or sell rhcan.
ROB I 111011 St. 1-J-2S
LOST One boy's button shoe, size
1, 011 State St. Saturday night.
JMiuler leave at Journal olfice. 12-27
FOB SALE Bicycle, almost good as
new, reasons me otter buys, ( all at
1357 X. Winter St. 12-27
HIDES WANTED Farmers' attention
Get the benefit of the present high
prices. 197 S. Commercial. Phone 399.
CALENDAR For 1917 Large figures
for practical use. Call or phone Hom
er, H. Smith, the insurance man. Mc
CornacK building. Phone 96. tf
FOR SALE Xew 7-foom bungalow,
modern, onlv :MK00. terms: also H
acres close in, will trade for !;ouse 1 ture are positively uncanny and start- day night in addition to the regular
and lot; 0 acres in 4 yr. old prunes. ''"K- Princess Wah-Let-Ka is a Cherokee ! picture program at the regular 10 and
140 Myers St. 12-27 Irrdian, educated first at Carlysle In-: 15 cent-prices. There w ill be a special
i I dian school and later taking a finish-1 matinee for ladies only on Thursday
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors-'ing course at one of the leading semin-! afternoon. Each and every lady attend-
es, vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans-1 aries. A high order of natural intel-: ing will be entitled to a private inter
actions private. Possession retained. I ligence, a wonderfully reeeptive mind I view.
Union Loan Agency, 217 South High mm . mmmmm m mmm (MMwaMsaHM aaaaa sa
bt. jenlb
$173.00; Ford $280.00 (spot light and
two extra tires); Velie $300.00; Mar
ion $280.00; W'inton Six $480.00 (two
extra tires.) Salem Garage, 660 North
Capitol street. Phone 1010. 1-4
FOB EXCHANGE 1240 acre stock or
wheat ranch, 800 acres in cultivation,
$14,000.00 cash income, 1916. Will
accept Willamette valley farm as
part pay. Square Deal Bealty Co.,
202 U. S. Bank bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Cj second hand
jewelry, men's clothing, muBical in
stnnnentH, tools, guns, bicycles etc..
Also bought, sold and traded. Capital
Exchange, iii Court bt. l-none vsi.
WANTED In every
city, good live,
uuM.eis ,,. bo ww www ,
automobile and with sufficient eam-i,
A.1 htt 1 J - ! "
tal to build up Butterine routes that
will net good returns and own yjm
own business Address Butterme
Capital Joursal.
Royal Arch Chapter
tu uisiaii uiiiLcid
Officers for the coming year of
.Multnomah ho.vai Arch i naiiter, .o
1. If. A. M., will lieMnstallcd this ev
ening as follows:
High Priest George G. Brown.
King Glenn Niles.
Scribe O. A. Olson.
Captain of the Host Walter C. Wins
Principal Sojourner Mem Pierce.
Koyal Arch Captain A. E. Strang.
Master of the third veil Dr. F. H.
Thompson, '
Master of the second veil Prank
Master of the first veil C. P. Davis, i
The installing officers will be Henry gon standard. In fact, Oregon products
B. Thiolsen, grand high priest of the .will not bring the highest market
state of Oregon and M.L. Meyers, past pi ice until the eastern buyers reeof
high priest, acting grand marshal. adze the fact that anything from Ore-
gOO is of standard grade."
incompletely addressed, comes the
hundreds of packages, manv of them !
with no address whatever, ' and other;
indistinctly addressed frith lead pencil,
Manv packages are badly wrapped and j
the contents are found loose in the mail i
bag. Verily, at this time of year the
life of u mail clerk is not, a happy one.!
Tornado Leaves
Many Dead In Path
t Uix r i k i t o- iit.-i.
Little Bock, Ark., Dec 2 , - . th
wire communication Jo the tornado
striCKen sections oi soutn central
Arkansas restored partially late tins
afternoon, the number of known dead
WM. S. HART in
Friday and Saturday
' ' : " . ' z ''
Princess Wah-Lct-Ka is known as the I
premier mental tclepathist of the pros-
( lit day. Her work is distinctive and
impressive to a high degree. At times
her revelations and insight into the tu-
Cheese and Butter Makers'
Association Here Tomor
row and Friday
O. G. Simpson, secretar- of the Ore-
S011 Butter and Cheese Makers usso-
Iciation, to held its seventh annual meet
1: , ;t,. mi,, ,, v,,.
lng m the citv Thursday and Fridav,
- . , . -i if'
:the 50 or 00 members who are expected
... -A Ar c. . '-t
lrST ZSi
Agricultural College.
j .. n 8alembwilj be an
important one in manv respects, '' said
t,: iittiiA, "- . ,.n
i against the proposition of raising the
Standard of Oregon dairy products and
best means of improving the duality
of cream and standardizing methods
of manufacture."
"Oregon products should be uniform
in order that there should be a stand
ard value, fn order to do this, we fav
or the broadening of the powers of
the dairv and food commissioner, g!v-
ing him' the right to investigate the
books of cold storage concerns. We
will also favor a law requiring butter
and cheese makers to operate under a
license, and everything done towards
the upbuilding ot an Oregon standard,
" Oregon is now shipping butter to
Chicago and New York and cheese to
Mew 1 or and in order to hold our
eastern trade we must have n high Or.--
. ,
" 'ere$d to fourteen,
The report that a score of persons
penshea at Wnlmpoo was denied.
Flooded roads are impeding travel,
It is believed here restoration of wire
communication will increase the toll,
The deaths occurred in Pino Bluff,
! Proiiertv damage is estimated at
Death Toll Still Unknown
, . ' ,. - .1 ii.
; w, . communication from the sou h
central portion ot the state still badly
Litlllfl ivurn, jvrn., icv. . i . tmu
crippled, it was unpnssitiie to get tne
exact death toll in the tornano mat
swept that portion of the slate late yea-
teraay. i ne Known ucau una ninnmig
t - v, ; t .! iinfonic , i . I i i v
-negroes. More tnan a score oi persons
b,u ....w. ...j
M.n1nWc Dnimi
3U innrASICP KlMlm
muf mnw www
nf PnrtnftW.
ui uujviii i voiviuvv
The following letter was received bylm,on- w,h'.'h ,af'" ""V'K V
Postmaster August
Huckeslein from
Senator Harry Lane, dated December
at tvasnington:- tne umiiious
Public building bill 'is still jicnding in
the house, and when it reaches the
senate, 1 will endeavor to have the
amount asked for in the bill introduced
by Senator ( hamberlain incorporated
therein. I assure you 1 will do every
thing I can do in this connection,"
The appropriation for an addition to
the Salem postoffice mentioned in the
letter of Senator Lane is for SOQ.0O.
About two years ago Postmaster Huckc
stein brought the needs of the Salem
postoffi before the two senators and
just at present it seem that Salem's
chance will depend on whether the bill
for the amount introduced by Senator
Chaniberlaia will be incorporated in
the Omnibus public building bill, now
in the house.
Hell it the Journal Want Ad Way.
and a charming personality lend their
full value in making her act one of the
most talked ot in the country. This great
act is now playing at Ye Liberty thea-
(re tor all of this week, ending Sntui
)f( s)t JC Jt 5jc jc 5t Jt 3(t 3 3((
H.B. Barber went to Seattle this
Bex Turner is in the city for a few
days' visit.
H. S. Gile was a passenger on the
Oregon Electric this morning for Port
land. Mr. ana Airs. Collins, ol rortlaud, are
home after spending Christmas with Mr.
Collins' mother, Mrs. Maria Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Smith and son.
Bussell, are in the city guests at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Frunk J. Rosen
Dean George U . Alden went to Port
, , ... . .. .. ...
land this morning on the Oregon Klec
'V". ,u """
of teachers
trie to attend the annual state meeting
A. J. Wilson, of Clarks Point. Idaho,
spent Christmas with his brother Arthur
B. Wilson This was their fust meet-
inSln "ght years
The Bev. Harry E. Marshall will
leave tomorrow for Wenatchee, Wash.,
where he will begin evangelistic serv
ices of three weeks
Superintendent John W. Todd went to
Portland this morning to attend the an
nual sessions of the Oregon state
teachers' association.
Bay Cooper is in the city from Hebo,
Oregon, the guest, ot hm parents, Mr.
au'J lfs- Genge F. Cooper.
He is eni-
ployed in a cheese factory,
Frof. W. I. Reynolds, superintendent
f Schools for Polk county, went to
Portland this morning to attend the
Oregon state teachers' annual meeting,
J. A. Churchill, state superintendent
of public instruction, and E. F. Carle-
ton, assistant, left this morning to dt-
.tend the three days' session of the Ore-
gon state teachers association.
Prices Were Strong
But Trading Light
New York,' Dec. 27 The New York
ICvenitig Sun financial review today
Although trading was somewhat
more active than on Tuesday, there
was but moderate interest displayed
today in the movements of the stock
market. Prices were generallv
strong in the industrial list, but th
." were neglected
price changes in that department were
I narrow. .Such ns these changes were,
i however, they were firm uuder the in
fluence of vague reports of a tacit
. v . ;i j
noroieui urivnTii int railroad maun-
am, r,r0 1 her fl ,0. ( representatives
on a nine h()1r (Jav as sl,b.st itute tor
tne Adamson law
ne.te. l'!'red "pi
Kround whatever on which to base such I
a report.
little initiative was in evicieute on
..;ii u u....: ,.n: .ix. ti
wno nave stocks to sen are in no hurry
... ...r
L 1 V-8 were tT" 1 tn" """
Trading was M m the ex none
throughout, the imK.'iv neruw ami v.c
. , - -?
UI l,, ' , '
- - -
i the weakness of Maxwell Afotor
- .
I ii"i.
There was a fairly good demand for
th eauiimient and munition specialties
with especial strength in crucible steel.,,;,' , , ,
.. ,'a. . ... , , ,,,.,'ty action upon an award oi n board
I nited States Stee earh- crossed 10y, J' . . "V ,
, j i i i v . i i of arbitration; judgment reversed,
and moved closely around that level L, , i . . ii .
.i i i . . i- , . r- Mvers, respondent, against Uo
"" ""1 ."-""K wo "
tOttk Smitfi wtins. hm. u at
25tt0 Fairgrounds, has enlisted in the
navy through the local office. He has
been sent to the training station ut San
Francisco. He is 1" years of age.
---' "
Classified Ads
Phone 81 Prompt Service
Mrs. Booth and William Bran
son Will Be Given New
IVclaring that it is "error to sub
mit to a jury questions of fact upon
which there is no evidence," and stat
ing "We have searched the record for
a scintilla of evidence ttinlinir to dis
lose any conspiracy or common design
to commit a homicide," the supreme !
court tnis morning reversed the de-
cision or uie circuit court tor aniriilt i
county and remanded the case of Wil- j
liain Branson and Anna Booth, convict-,
ed of murdering William BooU at Wil-i
lamina on the afternoon of October S.
191.1, for a new trial.
While the testimony goes to show!
William Branson and Anna Booth iiroli
ably did the killing of William Uootn
there is nothing in the evidence that
show there a t
asnnr, u iiiiempt was ninue ,
at the trial to prove this point but theH"",' ni,,,iTO retreat into poaitioil
supreme court finds nothing that indi
cates such was a fact. Therefore it
deemed the charge to the jury by the j
court an excellent exposition oi' ab
stract law if the record showed a eon-
spiracy. The concluding portions of'
the instructions to the jury arc erroi ;
and were prejudicial to the interest ot j
the defendant. In this respect, thi
court says: " Elimination ofthe ques-
tion of conspiracy might well have a
direct, influence on the jury's deter I
munition of the degree of crime in the
acts charged as crime, and such a de-
tenninatioii must alwavs remain
a function of the jury rather than of
the court. .
Eight Errors Alleged
There were eight alleged assignments
of error in the trial of the cause. . The
trial attracted widespread attention at
the time and though the evidence ten.N
to show the parties were probably guil
ty, the fact, has not been conclusively
William Booth was the husband of
Anna Booth, and they lived at ilia
mina, Yamhill county. William Bran
son, 23, lived with his parents in W il
lnmina. On the afternoon of October
8, 191!. about 1:30 o'clock a shot was
heard near the river on the premises
of Mr Vntes Sltlfiut 1 XL mitpu nnvth-
west of the town. Abon;t 3:3o' 0 'dock
a man named Carter discovered the
body of Booth on the bank of the Wil
lamette river and notified the authori
ties. An inquest was held and foot
prints of a man and a woman were
round in the loose sou. A woman s
hair "rat" was also found,
Evidence submitted over the objec
tion of thev defense tended to provt
uooin was , eaious ot the su i uoseii in
timacy of the defendant ami his wife.
Witnesses declared they saw Anna
Booth walking along the county road
about 1 o'clock on the day of the niu.-
der and in the direction where the body
was subsequently found. A few min
utes later, Branson was seen going in
the same direction and each passed
Axel Nelson, who was sitting in a wa
gon talking to a woman,
Mrs. Yates, over the objections of
the defense, testitied she heard u shot
nenr the river bank at the foot of her
garden and that she went to invest!
gate and saw Anna Booth in the road
near where the bodv was afterwards
Evidence Erroneous
The defense urged all the evidence
erroneously admitted because it vio
lated a statutory rule that evidence of!
the act of a conspirator can be given!
against a co-conspirator until after the!
proof of conspiracy. The court holds j
that the testimony does not involve!
declaiu.vons 'of Anna Booth against j
Hranson. The court says there is a
marked distinction .jetween evidence I
showing Conspiracy and that which!
tends to disclose joint action. The
evidence was therefore property admit j
The defSltSS contends that the tcsti ,
mony regarding a comparison of the!
"rat" found near the scene ot the
murder and the "rats" in Anna Booths j
'room was incompetent as the witnesses!
I did not qualify as "rat experts.
I'omidaiiit was also mndo conceruuiL' i
(Melon of adulter1 on the part of Bran
son and Mrs. Booth and thus give a
motive for the shooting.
The case ot the state of Oregon
! against Anna Booth, which involves
!the HIM tesliinoiiv whs i-emii n d i, I for
new trial. She is held in iail in
Multnomah county ami he in Yamhill
county under sentence to the peniten
tiary for murder in the second degree.
Other Decisions
Seven other cases were handed down
as follows:
V. K. Kami, respondent, against A.
B. Davis, et al, appellant, appeal from
Vf. ,i. l. ..,,.... .1.. i... i....
Morrow, application for supplemental
opinion adjudicating a claim; denied
by Judge Bean.
HitHDOTO .National Hank, respondent,
nailfH) .,,, , Wi&lngUm conn-
tv ue,.,sion Jiidiro Mat; ev. suit to set
aside voluntary conveyance bv husband
; , , j 1)Kli j(,mi(.tt.
racim- ompsiuv, apje lauts, ayains ,
W: respondent, a,,,eal from
cou n 'v. Jndm I'lielns. action
! procuring purchaser for bank stock;
.aftirmed by Judge MeKrule.
ii i., :.
I Attlrw AleAllistW, et ux, aiiiMdlaiils,
i,.i t .!. T...I,... n...-
1 Bake Sanatorium company and the
,'W .r"1'.' S"'K. eotiipaay. appellants
Dlmenl I I'foii I moo cniintv .Iiutic
itd in llielVi1 . . . 1 . . m-
Knowles; action lo foreclose a deed, at-
firmed by Justice Moore.
gainst l.eroy V. r'urnas, et ux, appol-
I lieorge A. BKinner, respondent, a-
guniM I. "toy w . f urnas, et ox, appel
1 ian(K! appeal from Dmatilla county,
1 !r ' '' ' '"" t0
'ifi'' rierformance ot an oral agree
ment to convey real estate; affirmed
by Justice Aloorc.
Thomas, J. Clark, respondent, against
(Tons county, appellant, appeal from
Coos county. Judge Coke, action to
charge tike county for injury under
employer's liability law: reversed by
Justice Burnett.
, , .. . . .
Danube Amy Also Vjclonous
-Russians Lost 7,500 Men
and Many Guns
Berlin. via Sayville, Dec. 27. 'Com
plete defeat' of the Russian-Human
inn lurces on a front of 17 kilometers!
( W miles) southwest of Rimnicul Sarat
was reported in today's official state-1
ment. In five davs struggle, the
statement "said, "our forces at several
places pierced strong Russian positions
which consisted of several lines of
i)arlM,(1 .;,.,, ,, hi(.h werc tenaciou!lv
sj.,,,1.,, .,, ,.c ;,;.., ,t a .u. m
sinns are completely defeated.
'The Danube nrinv also captured a
mm..,k.v mniiieii village and thus,
, . V.
n" , T,lrn" r mrtn.
"T" fighting was 1olent and our
ecess was due to the energetic lead
'rship and fullest devotion of our
''Tile enemy's sanguinary losses were
very large, besides which the cnemv
left i-ince December 22, in all, 7,600
prisoners, 26 machine guns and two
mine thiowers in the hands of the
Ninth army.
Thp nwrter of prisoners at the
Danube nrinv is more than 130(1."
TIll statement detailed nrnr,re in
i r
I., nuniiw. Il.. l.i i J I ..t'
Macin, with airships and flyer squad
rons active in the enemy's rear, aim
ing Miecessfully against important es
Thursday morning at ten o'clock
there will be memorial ceremonies oh
served by the members of the Marion
conntv bar in honor of the Inte At
toiney John A. Carson. The circuit
court room, department Number One,
is being draped iu broad streamers of
black today preparatory to the cere
monies tomorrow. Resolutions of the
committee composed of Judge Galloway
Jndce Bingham and Judge Kelly will
be rend and shert addresses bv the
attorneys made. It is expected that
attorneys Irom all pints ot Marion
county will be present and some from
outside the county.
Dual Role in I Vlll I I
Will Hold a
Thursday, 2 to 5
Ladies Only
Each person will get a
private reading if they
so desire.
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.
As Hope of Peace Grows
Weaker the Gamblers Go
To Betti A
Chicago. Dec 27. The wheat mar
ket boomed today on heavy buying,
saiil to be due to inside advices that
Mr . ' . . .
"iisningion saw no nope or early peace,
llorninlutr uti..-,t ..1. ...... I .. t l . 9 l.
up rt 7-" cents front the nm-ninir. Mav
.-.-..... .. .,. , '. I .11 . i . 1. 1
was up I 3 S to .;:: .Vs. while July
was up 3 3 S to SI. II M
The market nt cued a strung today
with light trading. The opening was
up m all months except July which
"a- 1 1 actionally lower, but soon nflcr
the opening there was a selliug move
ment which caused a depiession of near
ly a cent. Resting orders to buy, how
ever, forced prices tip again and a
sharp buying movement followed. At
noon December wheat stood ut 1.02';.,
.'t'.. cents above the onenrnc and also
last night s close. .Mav was . 1.71 Is
I I s above the oiienini; nnd 9
2 .-)-!
bove last nih' s close. July was up
i i over the opening and half over
lust night s close at l..'li.
Corn was dull with locals free sell
ers. At noon December was 1)1 5-8. 18
down from the opening, May M ,". gt
up Hi-j July 91 7-S, up one cent.
Outs were weak early after a frac
tionally higher opening. They ad
vanced later with wheat but the price
variations were small. At noon De
cember stood lit 50, Mnv 53 5-8 an. I
July 50 3 -1.
Provisions were quiet and firm show
ing slight advance on hog strength,
One of Lost Msn Is
' Reported Found and Welt
(irnnts l'ass, Or., Dec. 27. Al
though Thomas Uilea, one of the men
lost in the mountains between Agncss
and Wn'stfork has been accounted for,
no trace of Commodore Fleming, the
other missing man, hns been found
h. rtly before noon today a forest
ranger named Helm sent a telephone
message by a circuitous route which
simply snid Uilea had been found yes
terdry and was well.
The parties searching for the men
could not continue the search last night
on account of snow but started out to