THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEC. 16. 1916. t W W-i sk introduced l'm to Prc bs .ttY t)oe. i i . t ' International Cartoon CoTN,'V320 I I . I -II I . if -f M J etjr o veply, Oux fVro o k'& bsck up kk &a ke dky ' Oo 61 k"v ks tuTtei enxJ called iviftx & clxuiw Tki Aixy ym LvjglvtN wvd kuJy skc tspok. bui tet 4It krcv kc lvd k M oU &tvrxp Now iVoj yovv old cxyUo esA Lvjk 6 kc joke 1 In Salem Churches Free Methodist. . streets, Harare -V Aidrlch, pastor. 9:40 jfo. 1828 North Winter street. Sun- h. ui., Tea minute song service, led by y services: SSnbbiitU school 9:45. the orchestra of siftbt pieces, us the op Preaching at 11 ft. m. ami 7:45 p. m. suing for Sunday school. A. ('. Hnhrn Prsver meotius Thursday 7 .45 p. tujstedt, superintendent' Graded and in- Vf. J. Johnston, pastor. West Salem Methodist Episcopal Minister, v. J. Warren. Sunday teruediate lessons, with classes tor all :.);(".. 11:00 a. ui., Public worship with I seraiou bj t lt- pastor. Theroo, " Differ ent Attitudes of .Men i'nmirds .lesus a. m. Pretehing, 11 a. m- and 7 :M0 p. m. Young People s Allianee. 6:30 p. in. There have been a number of eonver aions tliis week during the revival which is still going on. Kvenbody is in vited. nwd fourth Thurtd iSO p. at- Re IHill cbool p. ni. Preaching wrvUe r.-::o , "st. nwi p. m., Junior neague, Indies' Aid society meota on the Second , with n specitl demonstration, Makint aioiitli :il BJROK White. tor the clulUren. lhe I boys and ti'uU will bring artieles for the (linstiniis box. I:;t0 p. in., The Salvation Army. devotional meeting o'f the Kpworth neetillH as follows: Sunday I League, taptO, "The Conditions to Ans t':"!.1 a in. Sund school Mi 1 'i avers. " Leader, .Mrs. Boott. 10::'.o a. in. Christian i'raise meeting , )' '. lhe Choir ol 4U voiees will B:i6 p. ra. BUH-atlon meeting 7 :4o p. m. 'reader the eautata, "The 1'rinec of 1'ue Niturdav evening also Sunday f : lVaec " Pollowlag is the program: teraoons and Httndny nihi aieettngs will Program, part I. The fromiaa! No. .1, be led b Mail' Captain and Mrs. ,1. V. , I at roduetion, piano and organ; No. 1, Andrews b4 of the Social and in- j " s'i. () HfavSUS, " chorus; No. 3, AttSt rial branch of the snsjrH work in I ' And There Shall Come Forth." quar Portlsnd. Regular week uiiht nervier tot ; No. 5, " fear Thou Not," tenor solo night except Monday and Thurs-:anil ehorus; No. b, "Hail Bethlehem,' A hearti weleoaic is' extended to BOatraltO solo. Part 2 The Fulfill ittead. Cnpt and Mrs. J, 1.. Kei.aat No. I, "O Holv Night." male .quartet; No. 2, "The Angel Chorus," i j soprano and alto duet; No. 8, "Thero South Salem Friends. W ere Shepherds." soprano solo and ier Washington and South C.-m- ehortis; No. 4, "Bright Star of Hope." inertia streets. Bible Sehool in l( a lenoi and hai itone duet ; No. 0, "Starch in. It. C, Miles, superintendent, C. K.' lh Magi," mule ehorus; No. C, "O sneetlng Will be tamed to a song sorv-1 Blessed Lord," soprano solo; No. 7, lee meeting a) U a, in. 7:M p. m. will, Blessed Be the Lord flod," final be in charge 0( Miss Terrell. Singing I chorus- An offering for the Sunday led bv Mi-s Newlen, Theo workers ! zi-kwl hymn book fund will be taken. vPi continue meeting eneh evening at 7:;'." during the week. eMept Mouday. aeh stfemoon at except ilouda, ud Saturday. -ver day. nil t Co First Church ol Christ. Scientist. Sunday services held at 440 Chomeke First Baptist. Corner Marion and North Liberty streets, Rev. Q, F. Holt, 11. !.. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. in. Public wor ship, II n. m. and 7:30 p. in. Young People's meeting, 0:30 p. in Sermon ta -neet, at 11 a. in., subect of Bible topics, morning, ".Spiritual Health and teawn, " b the ruiversc. Including! How t Beaure It;" evening, "The Van. Evolved bv Atom. Force.'" Son: Strangest Buttle Kver Fought and How da school at fti-W a. in. Wednesday j Victory Was (laiued." The public is evening testimonial Matting at invite i to sll these services. o'clock. Beading loom in the Hubbard ' hnihliair. suite :to:i. and is oner, even- First Congregational. Aav, eV 'p! Sundavs and holidays, fromi Jaaies BlviB, pastor. Sunday seliool U:o a. in to 4 o. at. All are welcome meets promptly ut 10 o W . I. sta to oiu services and invited to visit iu ley, superintendent. Morning chureh Mailing room. rsawviae at 11 o'clock. Music morniug and evening bv ehorus choir, direction First Methodist M. E of W in. MeOilchnsl, Sr. Suheet of morn- State and I'htireh streets. Richard N. iag service, "The Division of the Avis, .n. nut or. !C15 a. m.. Cluss meet I Spoils. ' ' Christian Kudeavor meets at ing. Prtf a. m Bandar school. 11:00 8:30 p. m. iteasaat Sunday evening a. in.. Young People's, Lake 8:48. Scr service at 7:30 o'cIock. Song service iiion b the aaator. 8:80 i. at.. Christian apeaial musin by choir, interesting ad veaper service in the l.iterarv si., iety I dress on subject, "The Shepherd Who halt university. 3:00 p m., Rov. 1). C.jFound the Master " Splendid educa Shcrwood will speak at the tid l'eop!e'stional film of moving pictures, "Prom borne. 3:00 p m., Prof. M. S. rutnr.m : rew torn to fau Kraneiseo." Every will soeak at eitv V. M. C. A. 0:30 n. I body invited and evervbodv welcome in., Intermediate League, Mrs. Findley, ! Thursday night aioeting at 7:30, studies "iperintendeul. 0:30 p. m . 1 t Luke. The annual Christ Mdwards will lead the Kpworth League I mas dinner and entertainment for the ia B study of "The Conditions to Ans-j members of the Sunday school will be wored Prayer. 7:30 p. m.. A sacred ' new on rruiay evening. HIM will be rantntn, the 4tth Psaun. by the choir under lhe direction of IV. Fronk W. Cace. n 0.T6 sharp. Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Corner 3outh Cuuuieraiai and Mcyeir Evangallcal. Corner Seventeenth and Chrmekct.i streeU, Rev. O. W. Plumer and G. P. Leining, Jr., pastors. Sunday school, 10 Highland Friends. Corner of Highland and Kim streets. Sabbath seliool 10 a. ni., Mrs. Myrtle Keuworthy, superintendent. Meetings for worsnh), 11 a. in. and 7:30 p, m. Christian Kudeavor, 0:13 p, ra,, Elmer Biggs, leader. Prayer meeting Thurs- lav, i :30 p. m. everybody welcome. Josephine Hockett, pastor. Phone 1405, FOR i SORE, SWOLLEN, TIRED FEET Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment at ALL ORUO 6TOB16 TUBES 25C JARS 50C German M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets, i V. J. Weigle, minister. Sundav school at 10 a- Uh Henry (tralapp, superinten-1 lent. Public worship at 11 o clock, l.p Worth League lit 7:13 p, m., leader.; Francis Young. Sermon at 7:15 p. m. Swedish Tahenacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth and Mil! ! trcets, l!ev. John Ovall, minister. Sun-: day school at - p. in.. Gnat Anderson, superintendent. Preaching by Rev. Da-1 via Hassel, at 8 p. in. All welcome. Unitarian. "The church where you feel at home.": Sunday school, graded classes, 10 n. m. ' Services at 11 a. m. Sermon by pastor,! James M. Heady. Subject, "The Value; of Little Things." Special instrumental; and vocal music. No evening service.! The public is always welcome. People' without a church home cspceinllv invit-i it fastened upon him bring them along and sec what Hod can do for them. Our Lord Jesus. Christ is able to cure him if they will let Him. bless His name. Bro. Atou Wells, pastor. Bible Student Asks and Answers Question Will God convert the world, since man has failed ? will be discussed by B noted bible student of Boston, Sunday December 17, nt 11:00 o'clock, a. m. at Moose hall, corner Court and High streets. The speaker will show from the scrip ture how God will succeed in doiug what man has failed to do. The per plexities of these times will add greatly to the force of the topics. You will be glad if you come and hear this lec ture. Free to all. cd. W. 0. T. 0. Mrs. F. T. Porter wife of the vaster. el the Christian church will address the' temperance meeting at Ramp Memorial i hall, Sunday nt 4:00 o'clock. Be sure' and come. There will be no meeting; next Tuesday at the hall. First Christian Church. Corner High and Center, F. T. Porter, minister. Bible school 0:t5 p.m. lr. H. C. Kply and C Scarff, directors, (treat orchestra and a class for all. Auto lea ves Highland 9:25. Worship ami ser mon at 11:00 a. m. subject "is there a personal devil?" Kvery member ean vass t;I0 p. at. Christian Kudeavor at 0:30 p. in. Good orchestra. Kvening service 7:S0 p. m. subject "Henvenly Trinity and Diabolical Trinity." Large chorus. GRIEF This mornin' as I lay ia bed, The covers pulled up 'round my head, Thlnfcin' of my poor old wife, Who throughout all our married life Has made the fires. I cried and tried. I couldn't help it I 'most died. It was so cold she dera nigh froxe, As she was putting on her clothes. And us 1 snuggled down in bed, I pulled the covers o'er my head. And just lay there and cried and cried, I felt so bad 1 almost died. How's that? Kh, a, why didn't I T O, I'd rather stay in bed and cry. --S. A. McKlhinny. Commons Mission, 241 State Street. There will be services at SrOO p. m. as usual. Everybody should come out. Wm. Kenyon, superintendent. National Prayer Band. . .Free Me&odist ch"' . Meets enr Friday morning at 10.30 a. ni. Come and see what our Hod can do for a per son when Ho can have his own way w ith us. Mrs. Aron Wells, president. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the ssat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, aod acts direct!' upon the blood and mucous surface. Halt's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat phy sicians in this country (or years and is a regular prescription. It la composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purlllers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Props,. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, price TSe. Take Hairs Family Pin far constipation. Naiarone Church. Corner Nineteenth and Marion streets. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning services at 11:00 a. m and evening ser vices at 7:10 p. ni. also services every night at 7:30 p- ni. If you need any HwH spiritually or temporarily or that friend of yours has an awful bad hab NEW HOUSTON HOTEL Sixth and Everett streets, Port land. Ore., 4 blocks from Union Station. Under new , manage ment. All rooms newly deco rated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OB MONTH. Rates: 50c, 75a, (1, SI 50 par day Salesman Danced "Game Leg Trot" for the Queen of Italy By John H. Hearley (United Press staff correspondent) Home, Nov. 15. (By mail) How an American salesman tried to sell a wood en leg to the Queen of Italy under the Impression that she was a Red Cross nurse was told here today for the first time. C. C. Swain, a breezy drummer for an artificial limb maker of Washington. I). C, had been doing his best to place nn order with the hospital committee representing the Italian government. Just as he was on the verge of giving the gentlemen up as bad prospects in came a most charming black eyed nurse and Charlie, taking heart, started all over again for her benefit. "It's all a question of getting used to it," said Swnin. "See. 1 can spin around on mine like a top!" Swain suited the action to the word. For Swain's best sample was his own left leg. The Red Cross nur9e was intensely interested. Swain unwound every inch of his line of talk. Over the mysterious frowns and restlessness of the committeemen he gave her much unsolicited informa tion. He told her of his climb to the skyscraping dome of St. Peter's. If she didn't believe it, she could ask the guide who had seen his performance and had received his curd. Afterward, he caught up a chair and i danced the "gTizzly bear,'' gliding gradually into a "hesitation. " He eud ed his dancing spree with n bit of the "tango." Apparently amazed and amused nt his stunts, the Diaca eyea nurse made her thanks and disappeared. The American salesman, thereupon, turned again to the committee. He met a thundering storm of wrath. "Fool! Fool!" roared the chorus of voices, "didn't you know that was Her Majes ty, Klona Queen of Italy!" "Holy Smoke!" sighed Swain. "To think Thad a golden opportunity and used it like a nieklc plated one!" Says Smith Was Only a Blackmailer San Francisco. Dec. 16. The defense in the trial of German Consul Bopp and associates on charge of neutrality viola tion furnished a new sensation today when Defense Counsel Roche introduced a letter wmcn. no asserts, win snow that Louis J. Smith's sole purpose in disclosing alleged operations of Bopp was to extort money. Smith is the prin cipal witness for the government Smith admits writing the letter, which is dated Detroit. September 2. 1915. and is addressed to Vice Consul Von Schaack. one of the defendants. "I have kept all my correspondence and 'hat will show where I stand and where you stand." said Smith in the let ter. "I am as wise as you are and all I ean say is that I am willing to wait until this reaches you. That will be Monday. Sentember 27, 1915." Smith added that he would wait a IB Raise High Priced Wheat on Fertile Canadian Soil ( Canada extends to you a hearty invitation to settle on her FREE Homestead lands of 160 acres each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat is higher but Canadian land just as cheap, so the opportunity is more attractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed by tilling some of her fertile soil land similar to that which during many yeurs ties aver aged 20to45bushelsof wheat to theacre. Thinkof the money you can make with wheat around $2 a lxihI and land soeasy toget. Wonderful yields alsoof Oats, Barley and t-lax. Mixed farming in Western Canada ts as profitable an industry as grain growing. The Government this year ia asking farmers to put in creased acreage into grain. Militaryserviceisnotcom pulsory in Canada but there io a great demand for farm labor to replace the many young men who have volun teered for service. Theclimate is healthful and agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or to 3. ft. GRIEVE 1st and Post Sts., Spokane, Wash. Canadian Government Agent week for an answer and that if none was forthcoming "would take the mat ter np with a lawyer and see just where we stand." And when President Wilson came be fore the country with his 2,000-word message he didn't hand out the double cross by making the words five or six syllables in length, as some presidents might do. Mr. President is Liacolnian in respect of words, too. Some are found to grieve because there are none to "Step into the shoes" of O. Henry, Loudon ani Davis. Why not, then, grieve because these caoel lent story tellers wore not in their own turn shoe-fillers, instead of bringing their own shoes along with them when thev came? CHRISTMAS IS COMING Don't Forget to Order Your Christmas Fruit Cakes AND Other Holiday Goodies Include in the Menu for Your Christmas Dinner Pan-Dandy or DJ Big Dandy BTeCia Jaked by the Salem Royal Bakery. Sold at AH Grocers. We work hi SafemWe live in Salem We before in Salem 246 COMMERCIAL STREET