At-New$"Spert . THE DAILY L JOURNAL? : Magazine-Church THIRTY NINTH YEAR No. 271 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TBAIBt AND MW Bl'ANDC riTi cum i Hnnnifi Capital Journal Ad Man Visits Willy's Auto Plant The t rip to the Willys-Ovrrlandplant . in ready to send these raw to the const of the Capital Jour..:.l : mat "'y '' experience a uhhui i tuyaivia n IUOHU IU1 ! Ho MM sajem ts eeu by force. Xothieg was ever so impressive as our tour of Ike great plant that turns out Willys-Overland cars. Oiir Pullmans were parked in the company 'b yards, where they have seven nnd three fourths miles of track within the plant. Mr. John ft. Willys welcom ed u on the steps of the administration building and gave us to unders'nnd that we were welcome to anything there and could take it with us if we could got by the gnteman. Kue.u man cot a card containing What Happened to the American Boxeador In Rio De Janeiro LEAGUE MAGNATES ALL WANT 10 TRADE By H. B. Robertson (United Press staff correspondent) Kio dc Janeiro, Nor. 20. (By mail) A wandering American athlete buru- n . . . , i i i n lino i s c iv 10 con si i mic Returning to the trip-to factory and m ,, : , . ' . , i return we must not overlook the (. .,. ',:,, B. & N. m the way they handled 0 ir Jj, , H I specia train-we had no delays and tl.ehin!lel(. Ift, j( ,n th(1 ,.,, ,,,. special service men aboard certainly did,. ,lflVrr( tw0 hundred dollars gold, their utmost in making us all enjoy the t() wl0aMver wolll(, stav ten rounds! trip. The dining car service could nothjn) have lieen improved anu ror a nam oi : Nothing doing. The ' U Pullmans everything was nanmea ,n!fon-isn to Well Some Leave for Home While Others Wail Trying to Get a Pick Up tit 4 t t 1 1 a masterlv manner. So far as I know everyone from Oregon who made this trip was more than pleased with the ex cei)tion of Dwight r'isncr, the local deal- By H. C. Hamilton. i I'nited Press stuff cot respondent ) New York, Dee. Hi.- -National league magnates with an animal meeting cae picture of Mr. Willys and an autograph jer for Willys-Overland company, and'he message of welcome from him we we'd was pleased with one exception he con afterwards photographed for the motion I 8iJercd this trip au opportunity to boost pictures that will be shown all over thefot Oregon, Salem and Willamette pro world. We then started on our tour of !(icta so he prepared banners that set the plant. Our guides were carefully ; out (salem as the prune and loganberry any style of fighting whit-h-the Hrazil ian athletes would be pleased to name. Then there was something doing. In a nncked theatre the boxer-wrest- picked men; they knew the phint from I center, but when he arrived at the far- lor stepped out to meet the "come-on' end to end and the parties were, small, J tory everyone was busy boosting Over- They shook hands, backed away and 10 that the guide could, give each more! land cars, so he abandoned hfs plan af- closed. The boxer's right shot to where uttention. j ter the California delegation passed a j the. Brazilian's jaw should have been. N one should try to sell Overland i bill to prohibit Misner and his band i It was not there. The other's open left cars without knowing their plant even from wearing banners through the fnc-lhand came back to the beater's face and to a newspaperman the revelation of the tory. But he says he. certainly put Sn immensity of this wonderful place made ,,! jn Oregon and Oregon da the maps box " is a game he could wrestle He offered the same prize to whosoever i ,,.,,,1.1 ,,(,.,..,, ,: .;,, 1,;... on the mat. Again nothing doing. The oil away under men oeus. ncgs.u nui full nelson, huinmorlock and toe holds to. do things, Part of them boartlcd m mvthi.-at nnvnnsitinns in BAdl. Tint trains for home end the rest hung third challenge offered the purae for ut the convention All Were Busy. Ben Olcott, while he admits he en joyed the trip and was busy watching the methods employed by -the Willys Overland company, found time to make inquiries regarding and investigating conditions that would benefit the state of Oregon if they were adopted. .T. P. Alexander, a salesman of him feel as if he wanted to sell the Willys-Overland product in preference to space. It certainly isn't a small business Twenty-five million dollars are tied up in land, buildings and machinery, not to say anything about the stock of parts end new materials. From the roof of the administration building, which stands out like a state capital, you get a panorama of the plant. You can read ily believe that it occupies 103 acres, with 4,486,080 square feet of floor space in daily use, with a production capacity of 1000 cars per day. A Wonderful Growth. Vcoin Mr. Willys figures yon can ap preciate the growth of this organization from '250 employes in IPOS to 17,:!00 in 1916, with 1,000 persons working in the mbninishtration building alone. This building has six floors and is 375 feet long, and is as modern as science can make it, being equipped with dicta phones, its own telegraph and telephone system aud I.. mail-handling department that does almost everything, but write the letters. This building also has a fully equip ped restaurant, barber shop, etc.. for the! with the farms in Iowa and Nebraska, j tm, i,0,y ig swuntr him a traction ot an men on his balance. The Brazilian dropped onto his hands with the agility of a cat. His right fool swept under the boxer and as he fell the left foot caught him full on the neck and jaw. About a month later the American athlete was discharged from the hos pital. The lump on Ms jaw where u j aeer of the Chicago compound tiai turc Jicaico was put lucre ! were trviiicr to get j around in New York waiting anil oppor tunity to put across trades. ISo one suspects that they will progress far enough to announce the completion of dicker, hut they are here trying. Miller Muggins, inventor of the sys tem of trading a spavin for an eye, left the city some time ago. Plainly he had become overwhelmed by the tactics of other magnates in wanting to hoW on to their good bull players and de cided there was no use of sticking around'. He' tried hard to trade .lack Miller to some one. but none would of fer enough, so Jack is sentenced to St. Louis for anither summer, on the face of present returns. Charles H. Welshman, president of the Cubs, and Fred Mitchell, new man- lub, admitted they some one to turn by "j-apoeiragem," the "manly art ot ,,. ,, fin..k A rdnveisjlmi on to a lalo thp (self defense" as the Brazilian under-. fcour evel.yone had' been warned and Salem branch, was called upon in Siilt,l! "u5 , . . Mitchell was having very little success. Lake to make a speech to a large gath-! Capoeiragem originated with the no Three Phillies were sougnt by the Cubs ering but confessed that speech-making ' S'o the H.azH oi the old days, . MthfcBg, for a hatful of Bruins, but was a side line while his regular busi ness was selling Overland cars. C. Van Patten after investigating the Overland factory at Toledo, decided that Saleiin was a more logical point, as all the leading .dealers in the K. S worked out of Salem. He advised the . pii'.m. lieu company to move the plant and offered!. t land it i..the only game played in this j country that is of truly national orig i in. Plsiyed or fought as the runaway' slaves, cornered by their pursurers 'fought it, capoeiragem was bloody and 'often fatal to both opponents. I When in deadly earnest, the "capo- hehl a knife or razor between his ',.. oa1v manaopd hv those plans and specifications, with a low bi. who ran 1)nrp a JjjJir BvM an(1 to begin the construction of a plant ntjwh praticed the game from infancy. Salem at once. However, it was hard Tot)iiy tfc0 g.(me has developed into lu iiiaAC v an give tip tin- iuca. J. L. Hanna, the dealer of Independ ence, Ore:, banker, farmer and auto dealer but prefers to sell Overland cars a science, is taugnt in tne gymnasium, and is one of the school boy 's chief amusement during' play hours. There iare no touts. -No part oi tne uotiy is convenience of the employes. It would be an injustice for patrons making a short tour through the plant to begin to describt the magnitude of the propor tion aud so I will say that the aver age persou cannot begin to picture in his mind 's eye the size of an automo bile plant that has the apacity of that of the Willys-Overland. the antomoliMe show at the com pa try 'a garage was enjoyed by there we could see the 1st parts as shown in chassis exhibitions. ger of the Saxon Motor Sales Co., of The new models certainly were rcvela-1 Salem. Mr. Sellars is a very enthusias ts one and you could hear murmurs of I tic autoist. Lloyd L. Kyan will still surprise all about you and I would say, remain with the company in the capa that when the Willys-Overland company city of sales-manager. to any other line, was much taken UpifMe f,om attics, and every in full plav. As but admitted finally that his Rhodes ;0) g-gjf defense, its supporters claim it farm was plenty good enough for hiin. jj m0re efficient thun boxing. If there is a reader of this article ' m that doubts if we enjoyed the trip and! East Oregonian: A black bear was whether we are real live boosters oT the billed this morning about noon by Wil Willys -Overland cars just ask us. : )iam MeCommach a short distance above I Havana station, eight miles from town- The bear had evidently Ijcen driven out of the mountains on account of lack of fOOl), II uas noted nt thcMcCorminacli ranch by one of the men, nnd the dogs treed the bruin whileMr. MeCoimniach was notified. Mr. McCormmach, W. K. Witheo and j, W, McCormmflBE went to the farm and the bear was brought to earth by a shot tired by Will McCorm mach. The animal Was brought to town. G. H. Sellars in the Auto Game. Mr. G. H. Sellars who has been con nected with the Watkins Remedy Co., ill I for the past seven years, has broken in- models and to the automobile field and is now mans- there was nothine doing, l'at JUoran said the trade was impossible and Mitchell was forced to admit it after lie had gone through a long over-the-tcacups session with the leader of the Phillies. Mrs. Helen Britton, president, of the Cardinals, and the only woman magnate in the world, gave Kobert Lee Hedges a "piece of her miud" in a discussion of a probable sale of the Cardinals to the former owner of the Browns. She said Hedges knew where her office was lo cated and that he could get terms there. Barnev Dreyfuss almost fainted when part of ; he heard that someone nsui laiiveu wiini a means force, tor lie had made a sorry auempi of his assault on Harry Herrmann- The National league accomplished something when it decided to meel more than once a year hereafter nnd there were loud cries of regret. The time of assembly was not noted in John Heyd ler's note book, but it was the unanim ous opinion that it. would come soon enough maybe too soon. Enlarged New Quarters. Halvorsen & Burns local distributors for trie Maxwell car have remodelled and enlarged their show rooms and make extensive improvements in their garage and have now a perfect service Station for Maxwell owners. A Merry Christmas From Father Make It a Real Gift for the Whole Family A Maxwell Christmas means a happy time for every mem ber of the family. A Maxwell is an ideal gift, because it is an ideal car for the average family. Good looking, comfortablecomplete and extremely economical. Let us show you. HALVORSEN & BURNS Ferry and High Sts., Salem Phone 959 MAXWELL $685 F. O. B. SALEM M-M"-Mt t 1 1t 1 : : -1 n ;: :: 4 4t 1 f 8 - "4 tt r-M-M-f44-f-M--f-f-M--------- Milage Can Be Doubled by Proper Attention to Tire Repairs and Inflation Model 85-4 f . o. b. Toledo Model 85-4 f. o. b. Toledo s795 Jm $795 sunlight is one of the worst cneini. oi runner. n rota anu uesiroys 1 1 r . - very iapidly.jrit often happens that spare tire -which has been carried rix si rear tire rack for Several months u -urotcotcd will blow our alter it lu -been used for several hundred mid'. This tire goes buck to the nianufn turer as defective, A couple of dollai! spent for a tire cover would Vnvo elir ina ted all this trouble. Rubber Is Poms Very oflen motorists who i-nrrv ' If time, be at ail Important expens onside I In d no more the lid ,1 s ill trouble tlx pieslinn relative to running of si motor car thsin tin of the tire casing, and it may bi light sit the start that sis a gc thing there is no part of the machine which roceivet ns little proportionate attention, says -Motor Age. It has been estimatafl that the expense of upkeep 6f the machine is divided into throe equfil parts, namely, fuel, including gasoline and oil, tires and general wear of .,! the other I. silts Ot t he put together. By this is meant ,h' HW well as the tire maker, h of these three divisions, if alignment usually occurs in tin v so be termed, is responsible whWl, nnd may be caused by a third of the actual expi-uscs ofJjmnip of the wheels against the Ihe ear ring or other obstacle, lus'ancef Cost One Third of Upkeep si bo remembered thai tin third the total expense, on eadtna or thin it is i-s pumped il by the Ills cut. mil teai maehiue that ea they nisi for one j running I. Tires h nni ; cost Oat to I tread bumps against inn tlic sntt Inner tunc bound to suffer. Keep the to the pressure recomnu manufacturer. Misalignment : Another common trouble Which (up perfectly good tires is misalian I where the w heels are not correctly lined I up. In a case of this kind the tiies are I Continually shidding, and it is this .on istant grinding away of the tread that Icauscs the fabric to show through nnd for the motorist, as a rule, to condemn r. Paul- front sharp curb- (Continued mi pi Make Your Family Happy on Christmas Morning This Overland will do it. It will be appreciated more and more every day long after other Christmas presents are forgotten. It's a car your family will be proud of Overland Model 85-Four is a beautiful car, finished in rich Brewster green. It is a powerful car. It fears no hills; no sand or mud, for it has a motor of proved dependability. It is a roomy car, with wide, deep cushioned seats, and it has the added comfort that cantilever springs provide and a 112-inch wheelbase. Electric switches on the steering column, and an easy-working clutch make driving real pleasure. It is the greatest value of any car in its price class. To be sure of Christmas morning delivery, enter your order Joday. S S i V id in g they are given proper cure ! they are neglected their cost will I above this one third figure. The jtorist as it rule worries a great jas to how many miles he can gel 'of u gallon of gasoline, but when figures here presented are eonsii lit would seem that the owner of machine would be money in if i would, in addition to collating miles per gallon, give the care repair of the easing a. little inori lention. Mftny motorists purihuse with the feeling that If tin not run out the full guaranti presented themselves where, on accouul of faulty alignment, u tire has been worn so badly as to be ruined within rf IS distance of fifty miles. run Neglect to properly repair cuts in mo-!""' Wising will eventually lead to ,, .,1 ! blowouts. When the driver finds, after ol)r 'a trip, that one of his casings has been the j cut through the tnsid by a piece of fedgiats. or other sharp article be should ()ie I immediately repair the injury with he I some piasiic compound, it tins is nog- 1 I ....... I .1 : : 1 . . .1. .1 leu oni, witter, on, cic, wmu ineir and i ith the nnd w ited result il Ileus, Inter. lo way into the fabrie, aore in- 'hiit this becomes rotte ending in u blowout I naainas I Very often a tire so t tiles dO bach til the seller its defective. of 3500 1 pair a cut it is not necessary null mi cs. i-eimrc ess of t he t rent - i ' lire, prvilc. ot course Unit incut giv en them replacements or mile-1 the cut is not too large. Simply .-lean in lie secured fiom the lire com-j "" murouguy wiia gaauuira opening :i 4 provided purpose. If ihe motorist neg rciisiir his tire cuts he must age s s the tin.. ut is not out pany. inoy no not cigure lnsn wiiu""" " mw m rii'rniier tn.'nl nt those name csisiims one of the re I will us n rule make from 8000 to lo,- H900 miles and sometimes more, thereby giving the motorist several thousand inure miles than he would receive other wise, even with renluceents. not to men tion the assurance of hsiving a set of good tires under the ear. Overloading ;ind Under Inflation Of the many ways in which the cas- is siihiectn lo anii-e iiossiniv me pier for it thi ti DWIGHT MISNER OPPOSITE MARION HOTEL isii inu two mosi,oOntmon are overloading and under inflation, the results of Which are Identical. Thai these misuses have been given a lire is indicated either by a wavy condition of the tread, show ing that the ''adhesive friction" be tween the layers of the fabric has be come nvorhesitod through this cause, or by bud cuts along the side walls or along the rim. A rim cut tire is an easy -vietitu to blowouts. l7uquestionabiy there are more tires ruined on account of on derinfliition than from any other o;ie cause. This particular cause nf trouble will not only result in n ruined casing, but is also responsible Ipf tube trou bles. Common sense win tell one t list if the tire which is run soft is in dented by a curbing or stoiu! until the der il hlowouts occur. Another source of trouble is running in car trucks or ruts, sis well as run ning the tires against the sides of curbs. The remit of this carelessness is the wearing of the'Tllbber from the wall of the tire, thereby exposing the fabric Taking Comers Too Fast Taking the corner too fast so that the rear tires skid during the turn is another common ami costly error of the average motorist. Skidding around one corner inuy do the lire more harm than running for miles straight ahead on the improved roads. There is really no call for rounding the corner on the jump, and the fellow who docs It gen erally pays for his sport in lost mile age. The same is true about locking the brakes and sliding the rear wheels There have been times, when the ma chine has been carrying a good load at a pretty good speed, that the lock ing of the brakes has resulted in a whole section of the tread being torn from the tiros. The motorist should remember that FOR CHRISTMAS GIVE YOUR BOY SOMETfilNG FOR HIS BICYCLE He will appreciate a New TIRE, LAMP. SADDLE or some BICYCLE ACCES SORY, more than any thing you can give him. Or better still buy him a new FLYER - BICYCLE A bicycle gift will bring joy to the boy every day in the year. You will find our prices the lowest. SCOTT & PIPER, 252 State Street The largest exclusive Bicycle and Motorcycle Store in Salem. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST THERE IS IN JOB PRINTING rnone ai rrumpt acrvtc