TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1916. Bakers Cocoa stands all tests of laboratory and home. ft, is pure, it is delicious, it is healthful. Walter Baker O CaLtd. tSTABUSHCD I7BO DOnCHtSTER.MASi BELGIANS WORE A l Bell-ans nHkAP mF PAPFR Absolutely Removes OUIVtr U' mili ! Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at a II druggists. Every Coat Showeu These On Second Anniversary Killing of Man Was of War Business Proposition Table Decorations Make Appreciated Gifts I No Table complete without them pretty low Flower Bowk 40c Up Flower Blocks or Frogs 25c Up Baskets and pretty Vases, small Blue Birds or Butter- 25c Each WM. GAHLSDORF, The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty Phone 67 I SOCIETY By ALINE THOMPSON Mr, h. W. Potter entertained 'he member of tin- Hound Dozen club at in informal afternoon on Tuesday. Af ter a short business session the after noon was pleasantly spent with needle work. During the afternoon Mrs. i K. Mull, vice president of the elub, read a interesting autobiography of Abra ham lineoln. Mies lconc Davidson asaisled the hostess in lerving dainty refreshments. Mr. J. VV. Woodruff of Kaiser Hot torn, has gone to Kugcnc, where she will pass the Christmas holidays as the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins (Hay Woodruff,) Mr. Woodruff will join them before Christmas. Mrs. Ohauneov Bishop went to Port land this morning with several other members of the V. W. ('. A. board, to attend the Y. W. ('. A convention Wednesday afternoon, the members of the United Brethren church were pleasantly entertained at the homo of Mrs. Guy V. Phelps, wife of tho new pastor of the church. The afternoon whs devoted to sewing and later the hostess served a dainty lunch. Mrs. Carrie Chase assisted the hoste the serving. Mrs. Fred Baker was hostess on yes terday afternoon when she entertained the members of the Klitc KmliroT.terv club informally at her homo on Che nieketa street. Miss Elsie Zosel entertained the young ladies class of the Liberty Meth odist .Sunday school, at their 'regular monthly meeting on Wednesday after noon. The meeting opened with a short bus iness session, at which the club decided to make the men, members of the class. During the session the club also de cided to present each lady of the Old Ladies home, with a box of candy for Christmas. After the business meeting n dainty lunch was followed by a music al progremme. Those present were: Misses Virginia and Maude Weaver, Miss Clara Hemdt, Miss Mnybelle Wagner, Miss Catherine rowle, Miss Jessie Gilmer, Misses Mar tha and Mildred Zosel and Mrs. R. P. Smith. M Mrs. C. J. Green's guest, Mrs. W. T. Neill of Portland, Will return home to morrow after a several weeks delight ful isit in Salem. She will be accom- Tacoma. Wash., Dee. 15. On the an niversary of the beginning of the war, thousands of Belgians throughout that country appeared wearing bits of pa per in their buttonholes, according to Kev. Henri Anet, representative of the American-Huguenot committee, who is in Tacoma today visiting friends. The (German soldiers, he said, were greatly puzzled by this delicate reminder of the famous "scrap of paper" incident, Anet says, and made unsuccessful ef forts to learn what it was all about. It is iniospsible for an outsider to realize the quantity of loot that has been taken out of Belgium to Berlin, Anet declares. "Each German soldier must have his souvenir," said the minister, "and this has meant a great amount of plun der, but the real loot has been by the German staff, whose operations are at wholesale. Even safes have been taken unopened from business houses to Ber lin, and hundreds of ears and automo biles loaded with the property of the people have gone to the Germans." In spite of all their sufferings, tho Belgian iwople are optimistic, Anet says, and believe the country is destin ed to regain its freedom and become a greater nation than ever before. Billiard Wizard Here From Australia Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 15. George Gray, the Australian billiard wizard, arrived here at 9 o'clock this morning in the liner Niagara from Australia accompanied by his wife. The cue artist is on his honeymoon trip ami is ex pected to leave this evening for Kng land, where he will play exhibition games with Melbourne Inman, the Eng lish champion, ior patriotic purposes. If arrangements can be made for him to stav in this city for a few days, he will play exhibition games with local cue artists in aid of the war fund, but Mr. Gray is anxious to get to England, and is desirous of continuing his jour noy immediately, so that it is probable that he will not be seen in action here. Charlie Burns, former lightweight champion boxer of Canada, also arrived on the liner. Maybe one reason Villa is so cross is that dinner is never ready when he conies home. panied by Mr. Neill. As a surprise to his numerous friends comes the news of the wending or Donald H. Stuart to Miss Nellie Damon, of Independence, Or., which was solem nized last night at Major and Mrs. J. L. Scott's quarters at Port McDowell, Aneel Island, Cal., where the bride was visiting. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lvman Damon, of Indepen dence, a sister of Mrs. Oliver Locke of Salem, and a niece of Major Scott. Mr. Stuart is a son of D. M. Stuart, with whom he is associated in business In this citv, with offices in the North western Bank building. Mr. Stuart is a Stanford man, graduate of the class of 1912, and is a member of several ot the leading clubs of this city. Port land Oregonian. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Davis have re turned from a few days visit in Port land. Seattle. Wash., Dee. 15 Walking in to the offiee of Chief of Police Beck ingham shortly after noon today, H. M. Stokes, formerly of Tucson, Aria., handed over a revolver and said: "I've killed Alexander Miller in the Mutual Life building." When the poliee reached the office of Kauffman A Miller, Miller was found lying on the floor dead. Mtokeg declared the trouble occurred over a business deal in which he had trouble obtaining money due him by Miller for the sale of a patent Index book. Only one shot was fired. Millar was married and had lived m Seattle five years. He came here from ancouver, B. C. IS ANXIOUS 10 TRY IT Recent Discovery of Either Compound that Dries Up Corns So They Lift Out Good news spreads rapidly and drug gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the reeent discovery of a Cin cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it rifts out with the fingers. A quarter of an ounce costs very lit tle at any pharmacy, but is said to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn is so shriveled that it lifts out with out pain. It is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never in flames or even irritates the adjoining tissue. This discovery will prevent thou sands of deaths annually from lockjaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns. (Continued from page one.) "The outcome is unknown, but if the war continues the bjame lies with the enemy. If they think they have not, had enough, then I know you'll- " and here the kaiser concluded with a bit of soldiers' slang that caused his troops to smile grimly. The emperor's statement came after he had praised the loyalty of Alsace in peace and war times and referred to Rumania as ' 'that country in the east which attempted to stick a dagger in our ally's back." Details of the kaiser's visit to Alsace received here say the emperor was in excellent spirits. He watched a parade of troops while aeroplanes circled over head to guard him against possible Preach raiders. He talked with officers and told them incidents of the Ruman ian campaign, taking no notice of a rain which fell during the half hour he was in the open. The Opposition to Me Is Your Insurance Policy Fakir, quack, charlatan these are the pleasant epithets applied to me by the Dental IR I Trust just because I choose to make dentistry a simple business proposition instead oi an ansura piece ot proiessional buncombe. The Trustites warn people against me, whispering their story that my dentistry is A TWaf" . , uiiovicuuiii mm uaiiguuusi inu n cm miui iu iwu mi, u 1 1103 c tai MsTsmtk as " am painted by these refilled knockers, I couldn't stay in business twenty-four 1 hours? Did it ever occur to you, if my offices turned out bad job after bad job, Hj somebody some day would catch me with the goods and send me to jail? Did you know that, in the twenty-five years the Dental Trust has been fighting me, there have WWHk been framed up against me nearly a million dollars' worth of malpractice suits and " that not one judgment has ever been rendered against me most of the cases never going to trial, as these Trust birds were satisfied just to see in newspaper print the fact that some fellow had sued Painless Parker for a miserable dental job ? If I wanted to be crooked, I couldn't be, as a mere matter of self protection. They're laying for me, and I know it. That means for you that I simply have to give you the best dental work I can furnish. There's your best dental insurance. Painless Parker Dentist STATE and COMMERCIAL STREETS, SALEM. PHONE 926 Portland, Ore.; Tacoma, Wash.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Fresno, San Jose, Sacramento and Bakerstield, Calif. BLOCKS GAMES SHIPLEY'S Home of Practical Gifts Economically Priced Christmas Cards Christmas Books Christmas Boxes Novelty Jewelry Parisian Ivory SUk Hosiery Novelty Sweaters Blankets ' Kid Gloves Women's Umbrellas Richardson's Linens Leather Purses Comfortables Silk Petticoats Bath Robes Undennuslins Scarf Sets Complete Assortments of Outer and Inner Garments for Feminine Wear . Especially Low Prices on SUITS COA TS DRESSES EDITORIAL IN tho islaud of Santo Domingo there is a re markable salt mountain a mass of crystalline salt, nearly four mile long, es timated to contain nearly 90,000.01)0 tons. And the crystallized salt is now said to be to clear that medium siised print can be read through a block a foot thick. The efforts of this store to please the public have crystallised into results through which you can plainly read the line lines lhat tell of earnestness of purpose, energy of effort and tireless endeavor. It has taken six years to bring us even as far along as we are and the crys tallizing process is still going steadily on. Next year wo hope that wo shall have added more thickness and "body" to the crystallised results so that the public can read still more clearly that our purpose is steadfast to serve as we would like to be served were our posi tions reversed- DOLLS TOYS Quality Merchandise U. G. Shipley Co. Popular Prices rv University Notes Announcement was made from the chapel rostrum Thursday morning by President Doney that unless excuses were presented immediately by those exceeding the limit of chapel absences allowed under the strict accountability clauses in vogue this year, the faculty is prepared to act. In effect this pros pective action menas that any student having eight unexensed absences from the regular devotional exercises "he thefeby has dismissed himself Urom the university." Students having five unexcused absences realize that their parents or guardians are notified. How many will be automatically expelled for non-observance of the new ruling only time can tell. Suffice it to say that I of the departmental work in previous i - 44- years and tho new cabinets are a most ; t welcome addition to the university jT ' U I J'UI 111 I . Dr. 0. G. Doney will attend the meet ing of the independent college presi dents of Oregon which will be held in Portland December 27-20. He is to give an address on "The Heal Purpose of the Privately Supported College." Convening at the same time will be the; session of the Oregon State Teachers' association and Dr. Doney plans to at-1 tend both conventions during lhat time The importance of first aid knowl edge and equipment is demonstrated in emergencies in the chemistry laboratory Wednesday afternoon .Miss Gladys Car son was slightly burned -by sulhuprie more than a few students are uneasy j acid which splattered on her face while in the face of the apparent stonewall regulation. i testing foods. Quick work eliminated danger ot permanent in.jury. Prof. W. E. Kirk, head of the an cient language department in the col lege of liberal arts, has resumed his classes after an absence of several days due to a bad case of la grippe. A joint Y. M.-Y. W. C. A. .vesper ser vice is announced fo'r next Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Waller chapel It will be distinctly inspirational, in asmuch as the committee Miss Margaret Fuller and Alpheus Gillette have ar ranged a program particularly appropri ate for the Yuletide season. Dr. Rich ard X. Avison will be the speaker. Many Christmas musical numbers are also scheduled for the program. TO M THE ARMY; Premier Borden Making Tour of County to Get Recruits Student interest is being expressed! in the Jason Bee Epworth League par ! Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 15. Because ty which will be held Saturday evening !m0).e men must 0 from Canada if the in the Jason Lee Methodist church. . ,, ,. . . . , Vr i ...i.i present Canadian divisions are Many Willamette students are expected . Zl u , ,- , .t. I ait A maintained on the tiring line along the to attend. Somme, a concerted effort is being (made all over the Dominion to obtain t l, V T,.r. i i (i ,..i TILV IZk f reeruits. Shortly before noon today S'r lubition Oratorical contest which is to ' , T . . " . " .. , ;,,- be held at Lexington, Kentucky, De- L- Br,len; P11"" ul Owd, eember 28 31, has been posted on the "l"nJ ? The Frame Shop and Giftery 415 Court St. Moore Bldg. ANNOUNCES that, owing to over supply of J baskets in Salem, their beautiful line of hand woven Japanese and Philippino Baskets will be clos- J ed out at a one-third reduction X from original price. Xew cards received each day I X to give you full selection up to L t the last day. 1 f i , I Open Evenings f t i (Continued from page one.) Owing to the numerous petitions pre sented to the faculty for a more pro longed Christmas vacation by students living at a distance 'who desire to re main longer at home, the Willamette faculty has extended the period of free dom two days. The recess will begin Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and cort tinue until 8 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, January 3. Since the 'Knocker's" meeting last week in the new " Y " men 's social kroom, the accommodations nave oeen greatly appreciated by the rank and file of university men. A piano, easy chairs and couches, assisted by several artistic pictures gives the room a very cheery appearance. Great credit is due to its fitting up to President Randal! and Vice president Gillette. i3 shown by the following table giving Monday's closing quotations and Gre low levels established today up to I o clock: , Stock Monday. Today. U. S. Steel common . . . 123 3-8 Anaconda . . . 94 Crucible 83 Republic steel. 85 7-8 Lackawanna ..103 1-4 1'tah copper . .1.20 3-4 tcoth- 110 3-4 corted to the Hotel Vancouver where j Marine prof er ne was met by Mayor MeBeath and the I red 115 7-8 principal civic dignitaries with whom Gulf sta tes he informally took luncheon. His day! steel 100 is a busv one. This afternoon he is re- iBethlcheni steel20 ceiving deputations, among them being Trading- today one from the Compulsory Service Lea- I shares, making the great, Willamette is not likely to send f.on" iD "" ot' the leading cities ,n 6 '. . ... ... ., i..,. the course ot a ereat reevmtinc tour. anv iieiecEtcs, niu suuenis win waicii i ... , . " j rvnti-ii It J . .. xi. i..i. i: .1,., i stepped trom the train, was received ; tent iat an LIU ICUIilE uiiuiiKii ,uc minium ui ihpi , .,. . ,. - , , s bv a military guard ot honor and es press. No more cats are desired by Profes sor Peck of the biological department at present. The material for dissection has accumulated so rapidly during the past few weeks that more pussies arc available now than the needs, of the laboratory can accommodate. 109 1-8 83 1-2 3 3 -1 75 84 104 1-2 Off. 14 14 10 .1-2 19 1-4 10 718 19 1-4 10 1-4 UO 1-2 20 1-4 97 3-4 18 I S 129 525 31 101 totaled 2,435,000 ales for the four gue which will urge on him the necessi- days of the present break about nine IV Ul UUpUS'It; CU11BCI I U lull. A iwtrvv of the troops now in training here fol lows. Tonight he addresses great house meetings in the largest auditoriums available. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST THERE IS IN JOB PRINTING Under the direction of C. C. Clark of the administrative faculty, the alter ations preparatory to the housing of the new geological museum are rapid ly being completed. It is hoped by Curators Von Eschen and McMillin that the task of removing the speci mens from their present location in Katon hall will be accomplished in thej near future. Lack of suitable display, space has greatly hampered the work Journal Want ads will sell it. and a quarter niilliun shares. U. steel closed at 112 1-8, off 1 1-2. The loss of inflated "war brides" values is more strikingly indicated by longer time comparisons. Crucible steel, which hit $110 as the high mark of its war time boom, sold as low as $0.25 to day. Ou the curb Chevrolet motors, which sold at $280 a share at one time, dropped below 140 today. The present movemfent is evidently a "war bride" disturbance and differs from the panics of .11)07 and 1914, when, war was declared, in that they caused a crash through tho entire list, trader? point out. It's an awful thing to lose your hair! One of the first signs of unhealthy hair is dandruff. You must gtt rid of it or your hair will suffer. ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC has been used for 100 years by men and women everywhere for dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. Use it faithfully and prevent baldness and at the same lime make your hair beautiful, lustrous and nrong. Try one bottle. Ask your druggist. You can test KD. PINAUD'S by sending 10c to our American Offices for a little bottle. Note how pure and fragrant it is. . Parfumerie ED. PINAUD, Dept M ED. PDiAUD BLDG., New Yoik THE DICTATOR 55 TONIGHT 75c, 50c, 25c