8IX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEIv!, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 191C. Nothing over 15c and an Immense Stock of Christmas . Goods to Choose from. In Our 5-lO-and 15c Anyone purchasing 50 cents worth of our regular merchandise in this base ment will have the privilege of buying a sis i I " I'l.'i;.! 'S I VMBlfllF. ft'm-l tif';k A mm & w km. vampire SINGING il ' Ml n,,r TALKING ::XJ- V t VNO RAISE . IN PRICES SELLWOOD MAN BUYS BANK OF FALLS CITY, POLK COUNTY Dallas, Ore, Doc. 7. W. II. Beard, of Scllwnnd, Iihh purchased tlu stock of Ralph' K, Williams nud Wultor N. Nichols in the -Hunk of Kails City, K ml hns moved - Iiih I'll m i 1 y to (lint place. Dallas Pythians Elect. Dallas, On'., Dec. 7- Marinion lodge, Ni). !M1, KnifrlitH of Pythias, held its sciiiiiinmiitl 'lii;tioii of officers for Hie ensuing term Moudny night, with tin- following result : Chancellor com uuuidcr, I-), ltlumn; vleo-chnncollor, R. Y. iMnrrlMin; prelate, V. A. liiiucs; muster lit urins, It. .1. Werner: muster of txi hoqiior, .1. K. Sibley; master of fin ance, I.. S. Kinsoth; keeper of rcctiil. und sen, ,1. T. l'ord; inner gunrd, Walter Young; oiitoi' guard, V. It. West; trus tee, I Ii it-vi-nr term, .1. Ii. Allgood; mini or of win k, K. JI. liethel. Tin- Of ficers Will installed till- tilst 11101'tillg nitdit in January. JUDITH OF THE CUMBERLANDS 44 it A Romantic Story of J 1110 IVVIllllCKy 4 A Mountains x it Mutual Weekly V tt Comedy it TODAY X Tomorrow - Saturday w . . Z THEATRE. it Fill (D iRickard Just Grins, Knowing i Carpentier Will Be the Drawing Card By II. C. Hamilton (I'liiti'd Pii'sm stnl'l' I'oiri'spuihliMit ) Now Voik, li'! 7. li'V.-iiini'ii l-i I'ariy totinv in tiu" j-tntus of tin pro o'd ton round mill botwci'ii Ji'ss Wil lard, tl"' li('ii,vi'i;:t t-lia in' io ii . nil. I tit'oros Cnrpi'ntii'r. imlii'iiti'd l.os IHir rv, tin' A list raliiin plionoiu fans just lis iddiI n i-Iiiiik-o of (xoiu into iii'tiou nuiiinsl tin' wildii'i i'OM'r lis Willnrd. .lavk Curli'v, oui of Willnrd 's inti u:i;i hit Iiiimi mid i in nii'-l i;it i'l v lit'uau inal in t'lurnt tuitions uliout sums lli-.it souiidi'd lilvi' ftUi.oo ;nu I'M'u binlii'r, mid IV Kirlitird linlit nntiy s.ltiit',l to ,'4'i'i. 'Who's tlir nttriutioii in this lu'ii' Ijour.'" t'urU'V wn lit i'd to know. "Ji-s is tho liny w'no's )-iu to draw tin' moiii'V niiil hi 'm tlio hoy who's noHU to not it. It' Hickaid wants Joss to l'iht. ho Ml havo to iiiako tin' prii o lit oiii' tiijiiro. " Apparently Curloy lilts overlooked I lie fart that t'nrpeiitifr. eoniini; from the liattle front in Kraneo, will tiring witli him ii popiilniity that will overshadow the driiwini; piiwer of any ehniiipion. I'lii'lientior, if the fif-hts in New York, will jjivo his share to the cause of I'raine, Sneli taotiis standing out tl Uiiiiist ii sordid linekurouiid of tuoiiey Ki iililiinn iiinnajiors, would kill off what little popularity is lefr to Wil lnrd nud his milliliter. Iarcy May be M;ut Also 1'anv, supposeil to lie on his way to Anierieu niter having slipped out of inilitniy serviee in Australia, would draw noil here mid it isn't ill nil iinprolinlile, if Willntd's niaiianers in sist on shakinj; down Hiekard tor the last ei nt the Pout eoiild draw, that Intiey will Jot first' eraik nt I'tirpen tier. " Kiiknrd deelnres he isn't uoini; to raise his ante, lie said he hail titd Wil lard Inst winter, nftet the limit with h'rnnk Muitui, thut lie vouldu't le held up it i u i il for a liout. Kiekard has lieeu ilisuppoiuten u failure to hear from his representatives in I'nris, hut oNpivts word momentari ly, KverythitiK is readv for I'nrpen tier 'h departure except liis own siyiia lure to n eontrnet. Kiekard lias uitule it plain that stag inK n limit with t nipeutier one of the pri in- i pull is not entirely dependent upon ii lease for Madison Sipiure Har den. II" hinted broadly that tin uri'iia mijtlit lie liuilt for the bout. League Meeting a Love Feast Salt l.uke t'ity, I'tnli, loc, ". t'oust lenj;iie niutjnntes not down to real busi neH here todnv lollowinf a brief pre- liiuiiinrv m'ssion Inst nitht ut which Friday-Saturday THE OREGON D Temple of Music and High Class Capital Journal Ad Man Bus- iness Manager of Live Newspaper "The Willys Overland Sean.lal" is th latest in the newspaper line. It is published on the Wilh s-Overlund spec-1 in! bended for Toledo, where all the, Overland nuents in the west will be I shown the factory. The paper is of ; the regular typewriter sine und printed j on a ininieornph. l-'roiu the issue niiin- bored I, volume 1, the follow inn is; gleaned: i The officers of the day im ludeil ; Pwijiht Misner for .iud);e. j. W. .bines : of the Capital .Ionian! was elected business manager of the paper. The. Overland western agents will travel to! Toledo in 14 Pullmans from Salt l.akei City. j After leaving I'ortlnnd December -', with five enrs carrying the I'oill.iml, Seattle and Siknuo delenntions, the, first stop was made nt M idtiiouiah rails where the auto boys were intio dueed to Miss Kosie Apple. Stops were made at The Dalles, Pen dleton, linker City, und lloiitiniilon At Pocntollo the Coinnierc'nil Club en tertnined the travellers. Salt Lake City, the Coinineieiul Club took chiiiije; of the delegation and drove them in Mi to over the city. j Two dnys will Jie spent by the' agents in the Willys-Overland factory; nud one iluy given to Chicago. The train is in care of O. P. Henderson, special representntive of the Willis Overlniid fuetory. .1. W. Junes, tidier tising manager of the Capital Journal, j reports the boys having a fine lime! tnlkiug business nud seeing siligis. Allan T. Damn was reelected presi dent ol the league fur another live ,i ears. . The prediction that the iiife'.iug rf the league leinlers would be inaike.l with scraps from beginning to end fell tint. It was yore like u love feast. Tom Daiiuody vvils elected to the bonrd of directors us Vernon ' representative au,i the predicted row over una did not mnteriali'.e, , That the status of Kddie Mnier a ml the. Vernon club, as well us the i-huriie that owners of the San rrnneisco nud l. os .Mi-ii'les eliiiis esceeuen ine nuiiii limit this year, would" be investigated, wns the belief of Judge W. W. Ale Credie of Portlund. XlcCredie declared that other tennis in the league had religiously obeyed the rules. I.engue uii'guates and their wives were plan ning a bob-sled ride tonight, nearly two feet of snow having fullen here... A niun never known how foolish lie can look until he attenln a 3 o'clock ten. Productions JJ Railroad Shares Take Strong Lead Xewr York, Dee. 7. Thn New York Kvening Sun finuneiul review today said: The outstanding feature in today's stock market was the lively demand for railroad shares, including the stand ard issues, the mother shares, and the stocks of those roads which are under going reorganization. Kstiuiutes are be ing made of the unfilled orders of the l-'ii it I'll tSates Steel Corporation, rang ing from 700,011(1 to l.OOO.UUO tons. The icpoit will uppear Saturday, l uiti'd States Steel adviiuced above 17 for the first time in several days but Inter sold back to the day's level. Anaconda Copper also lost its early gains nud declined fractionally. The Copper group was inclined to be soft, w ith special wenknesa in I uue. 1 lie most aggressive buying was ill the rail road list und the traction shares. Head ing advanced two points through 117 nud I'nion Pacific gained a point or so. Southern linilwny common nud prefer red weie strong, nlso Western Mary land. Ontario and Western and Hock Island, the last named crossing 40 to i a new top price tor the year. Reactions I were general in the lute trading on dis-j turbiiig lepotts l'roni Washington con-j cerniiig a possible hreuk with tierinanyi over the Arabia sinking. Anglo-Kreni'U J bonds sold in '.::' ,, n new level. Argentine President j Exposes Big Graft . i (By I'nited Tress.) ! lUicuos Ayres, Dec. 7. fflie ventila tion, of muudnl as awful or worse tluin 1 the Pennsylvania state house seandiN connected wilh the construction of the Argentine national capitol today prom-, ises to be uu early incident of llipolito. Trigoyeu's recently-begun regime as president. ! Work on the capitol wns stinted nbnut 10 years ago. It is nearly but not quite done. i The original-plan win to spend ii.000.- j 000 pesos, or f2.illO.ikiO I'nited Mates' money. In fact, .'12.490,220 pesos, or, to, be exact, $1 t.2'.'.'i,(iiMi.so, has gone into! the budding. It hits been charged in i print and practically pmvul that, of! this sum, about 12.000,0(10 pesos, or if-V ! 210.000 was "graft." It is understood that President Iri-! goyeii is getting ready to start civil: nud criminal proceedings against the: persons nccuscd of sluuiug in the plinid- er. They are said to include some big! contractors and numerous politicinns of great prominence. s The building is a smnii edition of the Washington capitol and is popularly known us the "palace of gold" because it cost so much. RUNAWAY BOYS SENT HOME Portland, Ore.. Dec. 7. Four runaway boys from Washington towns are en route home today, having been seut off in style by Portland police. The lads are Arthur Sheldon, Tucoina; Puul I'nt terson, Spokane: Dulph Wiuters. Spo kane; and Rov Stearns. Hartford. They were fouud half starved nt the Union depot. Jardiniere or a Large Cake Plate or a Beautiful Picture for ... . Any one of these three Men's Plaited Silk Hose, pair 15c Men's Black and Tan Hose 8c Toys galore for boys and girls 5c, 10c, 15c Books 5c, 10c, 15c GLYCERINE AND BARK Lloyd-George. PREVENT APPENDICITIS it ia believed that the Welsh stateB- ' , . , . . . ki,,i,. man will carry out to an even greater The simple mixture of buckthorn ' . . bark, glycerine .etc., known os Adler- eitft than he originally proposed the i-kn, astonishes Salem people. Because 1 P of the plenary war counc.l prob-Vdler-i-ka acts on BOTH lower and up-1 ;b'y ''.""""R hl!l tual working cabinet . ..T.,w.wr -' : ior this Durnose to five or sn memhr per dowi, ut rsrvur uu roucves ... avv' oivi' .inntift sour' stomach "or gus: It removes such sur- . ...i .... .!, m ri. jr8. ."nT VTA rMi V short treatment helps chronic atom - ach" trouble. The INSTANT, eu,y ac - tion of Adler-i-ka is astouisning. J, Perry, druggist. MJPITS (Continued from page one. ing stock- He drove many automobiles away for the use of his officers. Unofficial reports coining tr mining companies here state that the city of Durango was evacuated December 2 by General Gavira before an attack of bandits aud discontented members of the Cnrrnnza garrison. Confirmation of these reports could not be obtained. May Cause Trouble. nn....,u.,;il Tavid lt 7 Pipnrdn Solis. mi American citizen, arrested, in tsoiis, nil American ciiizen, nrresicu. m Muta.noras on a trivial complaint, today 1 . , 11 was ordered taken to Victoria. Mexico, for military trial by General Caballero, Carranzista commandant at Matumorns. United States Consul Johnson's protests were unheeded. Johnson submitted a report to Secre tary Lansing, after warning Caballero that serious results possibly would fol low removal of Solis to Victoria. (Continued from page one.) in the late cabinet, (Laborite); Lord Davenport. (Unionist ) i &ir Henry Dal-; ziel, ( LibeniliO ; and Lord Rending, I (l.ibcraD. Cabinet Too Cumbersome. The- chief difficulty which Lloyd-! George fares is in lining up sufficient j support in commons for his ministry.! The present political complexion of the house is: Unionists, 2S7; Liberal, 20; , Labor, 37; Irish Nationalist, 25;, O'Hiienite, !: Independent, 2. It is be- j lieved the new cabinet mutter win eventunlly be able to enlist support of the Labor party, in view of his known purpose more liberally to recognize that party's claims in the new ministry. Only one member Arthur Henderson, minis- LABOR PARTY LEADS tor o pensions-wi s on the Asqu 0 t , hf situlltio ,hut coalition cabinet. The Labor party hastwo inevTa in Vammhl ,, AWxun heretofore been very nutugonistie to ,ia md (o - I citing by the Rumanian government to A patent has been granted for a 'make pluns for laying double track twisted wire support with which an in-, from Bucharest to Craiova. The quick candescent lamp, can be hung on the.ness of the German advance overtook bond of a bed or upon almost any piece I them. They fell into German hands of furniture. Use "AShino In Every Drop" l TT-' Ct a eau today fraat jfTrffljl your harwar er sro rJUl j1illlrj ry 4lmr. PHSttt will make a most acceptable our windows. Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c Vases, different kinds 15c - Men's Neckties, silk and wash 15c ,.-., ,l V : , : ;' reducing the others to mere heads of de- partments not members of .the actual cabinet. Arthur .Henderson, Laborite, come to . sce Lloyd-Ueorge iresh from an early , ItTLV ,Li '! party. This conference f the Laborites adopted resolutions regretting the gov- V.UWV... O UtIOj .U )IVCllllUg IUU ill create in food prices and urging . the purchase by the government of all food imports, the commandeering or con trolling of all freight movements, the organization and supervision of all pro duction, so as to develop all homo re sources to the utmost. The Evening News (one of the North eliffe newspapers) today charges indi cations that there was an immense Ger man propaganda, -heavily financed, al ready operating in connection with the pacifist movement in England against Lloyd-George. France Has Same Ideas. Additional interest in the "recon struction of government" here was due to dispatches from Paris indicating that at a secret session of the chamber of deputies, France was nlso seeking ; "" 0.1.1.., nio.r nggiessiveness , . . : - and. more conipact organization 111 her conduct ot the war. Some disruitclip conduct ot the war. Some dispatches even hinted at a small "war board" resembling the council proposed by Lloyd-George and indicated the retire ment of General Joffre in iuvor of a younger, more vigorous comimiuder in chief wns being considered. At the morning mectiiu' o? the La borites, Henderson fornitfTlv commuiii- I cated to his colleagues the invitation he had suddenly received from Lloyd George for the party to participate in j the new government. After a general j discussion, Henderson was instructed I further to confer with Llovd-Uoorge aud to report later. According to one riroiiiinent labor leader, there was a general feeling of regret among the party members over Asipiith's resignation as premier, but it wa perfectly evident that the party vias prepared to support any premier who demonstrated his purpose to pursue the war vigorously, Lloyd-George was busy almost all morning conferring with Bonar Law, Mr r.dwurd Carson, Henderson and others. j 1 (Continued from page one.) and their complete plans likewise. At Slntina, which has suffered some by bombardment, but more by pillaging, we slept in the hotel Carol," which the Rumanians had used as a hospital. Two big shells had splintered five of the rooms.- We were awakened eaily in the morning by a fire which spread" to two nearby houses before ir was quenched. Meanwhile ull houses and stores in the neighborhood were again plundered by the few remaining families. As I breakfasted ith one family, a boy came in with a gold necklace which he had picked from a jewelry store, new rubber boots and stockings -which he had stolen from another shop. Dogs Mourn Hasten. The German advance had been too swift to make iiossible takinu rharue of the cities by the Germau authorities 15c Xmas gift. See them in Hand Painted Plates 15c- An - immense s assortment of Pretty Diahes 10c and 15c Baskets, many styles 15c WHEN mUMCMABINa TRY SALEM FIRST mALtM oommmmeiAL cms HELP NATURE to Strengthen the Stomach to Keep toe Liver and Bowels Regular This suggests a trial of HOSTETER'S Stomach Bitters so far, although they are doing every thing they possibly can to prevent the. Rumanians burning goods along the countryside. Especially in small towns many buildings have been fired ami schools destroyed. Many resiliences and schools have been used ns stables by the) refugees. One can hardly sleep at night because of the constant barking of deserted dog-s. Along the roadslay dead or dy ing horses. Starving dogs gnaw tile flesh of these bodies and crows pick at their eyes. The terror that is ap parent everywhere is in striking con trast to the maps which huug in. every Kumaniun home aud which had been used as part of the propaganda to get the Rumanians to favor war. Tlies;e maps show a "greater Ruman ia," the boundaries of which extend far into Austria-Hungary. Instead of Rumania's ambitions be ing realized, Rumania herself has fallen before the invader Thut this invader expects to remain for a while is evi denced by naming of a governor. Paramount LAST TIMES TODAY ILenore Ulrich in THE INTRIGUE PARAMOUNT PICTOGHAPHS Ye LIBERTY And a turday 0jiN MOORE and , Marguerite Courtot in "THE KISS" ' PATHE NEWS Orchestra Music YE LIBERTY