Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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"Var"V yK FT -"TW f wrssiB wsasm H
a.' ' g
u '
Umatilla, Or.. Dec. 7. Mrs.
K. S. Sturdier, will' of a local
telegrapher, was eloclcd mayor
of tliiH city, according to offi
cial returns today. Mm. Stadrh
or was opposed by her husband
for tlic office. Six other women
were elected to different city
offices including the recorder-
ship and treasurers berth.
i The Gale & Co. store has been bombar
ded by an army of customers that no
other sale in the history of Salem has
ever experienced. Twelve times the
doors had to be closed, the crowds being
so great that the two big store rooms
could not possibly accommodate any
more We have no time to say much
more, but wise buyers will take the hint
and come at once if they want to share
in the really wonderful closing out bargains.
es i Canture of Bucharest
J Completes First Phase of '
g Germany's Balkan Drive
J i Berlin, Dec 7. The rnpttiro or
El Bucharest completes tlie first phnse of
U Oerinnny s new Balkan campaign,
g I opens the way for the movement of thei
M j Austro-tiermnn forces upon Odessa.
All Goods Advertised at mill prices of today.
Ladies' Felt Men's Silk Ties
Men's Felt
Slippers ' pretty colors t
444 4444444444 4 ----f-4---f
75c -
Girls' Winter
Union Suits
Ladies' Winter;
: Union Suits
Knmnniu declared Avar on the een-
jSJitrnl powers only a little over three
M I months ngo August 2S. The Human-
inn forces advanced into Transylvania,
hutlwcre soon busily occupied in re
sisting a determined attack by the
Austioderiiiuii armies. i
The advance of the Teutonic forces
was sure hikI steady. Town after town
was cantmed and the Kuninninas stend-
E3il.v withdrew. For the past two weeks,
rj i the Kumnnian army has been in ini
Mjmiuent danger of being entirely suv
u rounded by the armies of the Teutonic
gj allies advancing upon them from two
II sides.
Ell The Hiimnninn campaign lias been
H ' conducted lnier the direction of (len-gjji-ral
Von Falkouh.iyn uud Field Mm-,
u ' shal Von Mackeuscn.
Hiichnrest, tlie captured capital, is
known as the "Paris of the Kast."
It. is located on both sides of the
Dimbovitza river, whiclTis spanned by
u half dozen iron and stono bridges.
It was surrounded by a ring of forts.
The city lias a population of upwards
of 300,000.
Union Suits
50c r 50c t
444444444444444-4444-44 4444-44 444 4 4 4
Christmas Toys, now on display; kid body dolls, doll
buggies, toy wheel barrows, toy chairs, Children's
rockers, boys' tool sets, Tinker toy sets, toy tea sets,;
building blocks, etc., Daisy air rifles, toy trains and
large rubber balls.
44444444444 4 444444444444444444 4-4444 44444444-444
Heavy Black
Overshirts ,
Ladies' . Trim-;: ik p;ik
med Hats, lat-i 45"inch Pl11
est style, $4 to::Tubeing, a yd.
$5 value, now::
Cor, Court and Commercial Sts. Salem Ore.
Willamette Valley News
Pallas Local News
for grazing purposes will also lessen
the danger of fire during the dry sum
mer months.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Hallas, Or., Dec. 7. iJallas has a I Ships Oats to Portland
measles epidemic and up to last night; Kverett tin-inn of this city iast Sat
n limit 40 eases of the ailment hnd been unlay shipped a carload of oats to
reported. In one room in the public:
Bchon) a large per cent of the pupils
nro confined to their homes with
measles and the disease seems to be
il'ortland for which he received a hand
some price.
Polk Institute Well Attended.
i; -;.m,. 11- ii ir ! ' " nisi annum niMiiuti'. or ine
I'll rent-teachers' associa-
.. ... i i.i. ..:..... I.,.- .!, . i.:'oik couniy
iirevent the further spread of the ! ' was held in Dallas Inst
di-case j Saturday was well attended and those
I who were in attendance gained many
... I valuable items for use, in their school
Lumber Company Buys Cattle. ; lvul.k ,,rotV!)sl,r K, u. KeS!,lllr (lf thc
The Willamette Valley Lumber coin-; ),.,, Agricullural College delivered
rany is planning to enibaik in a new'a i,.Ull, on -T-lirift." State Superiu
business next year and is making ; tendeiit of I'ublic Instruction ,1. A.
i:ciaiations for the purchase of about i I'liin-cliill also spoke to the assembly.
HUM head of cattle to be placed on1 r " ,
their lodged off land in the vicinity of. New Suits Filed.
Knlls tHty and Ulaek Kock. Already a Tri,(, m,w MuitH lmv0 ,K.,,n fiIoil wi(h
niimner or came, nine oeen pu. '; ,., v rll,,.k Ko,illM)I1 tli week. K.
A large proportion of the . logged . 0v fH Mlin r M. A. South to recover a
laud is adapted to cattle raising and
sum of money and S. H. Irvine has
has an abundance of fine grass on iti; ,,, ,.'.,, ;uf u
!!..!. ...:ll .l....l.t .L ll.A iuc"""iv .... b.....o.
1IU ,,, ,,,,..
i , i..t.- o-i...
talcing great success. Csing the Ihu,;;. f,f. Aitli(. . ;i,s()1lml(ll. dl.f,,nab
ant in a suit brought by the Portland
Mercantile company for money.
Makes Improvement to Building.
To further provide for the conven
ience and welfare of its employe the
iSljillas Steam Laundry has added a rest
room and lavatory to its already up to
j date establishment.
1 Mother-Made, Quick i
i . Acting Cough Syrup
Should be Kent llan-lr In Kvrrr
4. llomr Kalt rrrparrd and
CoNta l.ltllr.
4-,l Visits in Independence. "
V -.l..tl.v v.ni 'l never know ivhat Vou irerinaa lluwkim of this city spent
r.rc ni ,iug until yuii make up this inj Sunday ut the home of ridatives and
r.ieiiVive. ouick-actina iuiibIi .vrup and ; f ril)llf9 j indepcudence.
try il. - I hildren line its pleasant tat(
mid liothvjng else will loosen a cough oij ....,i.,r,. r,f
i-l,et eol)J and heal the inflamed 01 Mrs. Winnie lliadcii, secietarj pf
swollen th'.roat memlirnnes with suchl the l'olk County rair assonntiiin, is 111
a-e and pri-nnptiicss. It's eiually Mjl'ortland this week attending the state
Hood for ifrow.i-ups as for children. I poultry show.
This splendid euiiKh syrup is Buik kJ!1 Mi; Klhm siuionton and Mrs. fi. I.
worth), into a jHmt bottle and filling the :lMitnm ot Milcn
l.ottle with plaiVi Biaiiulated nugat ilh relntives an
I'm were Dallas visitors
hiatal Biaiiulated uuat uith relntives and friends the tirst 01
vrup. J h is oivcsV you a lull pint the week.
family supply of Vimcli better cough iiporesentntiveelect V.
The moment it touclies the inflamed,; of the week. -rold-eonaested
menjbramus that line the( Win. Mines and son, m. Jr., have
throat and air pubages, ihe healing be-; ri.turII,.d from a short visit with rela
pins, the phlegm loosivns, iwrcffess: . . . ., 1
.UV.."!!::"? TV'.0" ' . Mi Irene lWtt has returned to
rough uuicker than vou V'ver thought her home in Kngene after a eeral
tKissible. lloarsenens anV d ordinary ; ,1,1 vs visit with friends in this city,
cfHigha are conquered by it Vin 24 hours; vVH l.nraK has returned to the
less, excellent for brneljitis. wnoop.; , , ..,... : this eitv. hav
1 V.ve
it I'.in
tir less. Lxci-lleat for bronclMitis, JTJi home of her parents in this city, h
ing cough, spasmodic crou(.., bronchial '. ' . 1 .. , ,, Vir..
asthma or winter coughs. U . I'nK fimsh-.l course at the Or. :
her hnine in Salem after a , several
days' visit at the home of her parents,
.Mr. and .Mrs. I-. It. Morrison.
Mavor ami Mrs. K. C. Kiiknatrick
have retuineil ftom a short business
mid pleasure, trip to Portland.
Verd Hill, a prominent Independence
citizen, was a county seat visitor
Monday. !
.Miss Winnie Hargrove, stenographer
ill the county school superintendent's
office, spent Sunday in Snlcin with
Mrs. M. M. Davis, of Kngene, is a
guest at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. If. C. Steeliuisl.
H. H. W'inslow has returned to his
home in Portland after 11 short visit
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Theo.
Fnrringlon. -
Mrs. (Iiarles Woods of Ashland was
ill Dallas, .M 01: lav, attending thc
funeral of Mrs, Mary (irahani.
A Well Known Woman Speaks.
In Every Town In Oregon Neighbors
Say the Same.
Portland, Oregon. "I hnve ueefli
Dr. Pierce s fa
vorite Prescription
fur my nerves
'. mid a general
break -down and
after using only
three bottles I
was completely
cured. I also used
Doctor Pierce's
Oolden Medical
Discovery for the
blood audit proved
very beneficial.
"I can heartily recommend Doctor
Pierce's medicines." .Mhs. J. JJ.
Uaigh, 013 Dpiicuin Ave.
The mighty restorative power of Dr.
Pierce's I'avorite Prescription speedily
causes nil womanly troubles to disap
pear compels the organs to properly
perform Iheir natural functions, cor
rects displacements, overcomes irregu
larities, removes pain and misery at
certain times and brings back health
and strength to nervous, irritable and
exhausted women. r
It is a wonderful prescription, pre
pared only from nature's roots and
herbs, with no alcohol to falsely stim
ulate and no narcotics to wreck the
nerves. It banishes pain, headache,
backache, low spirits, hot Hashes,
dragging-don n sensation, worry ami
sleeplessness surely and without loss
u: tune,
lin..T ia a hiMilv mnntff rated com i Agricultural College,
j ' - . , . ! . . . ........
pouna or genuine .urwar p tiiic
combined with guaiacol andtf is famous :
the world over for its qu fick healing
t'ffect on the membranes. 1
Beware of substitutes. 1 Ask your
drmrgist for "2a ounces of iB'inex" with
directions and don't accep'K anything
iiarantiHi tn (MVe ah. I.oblte satis
faction or money refunded. 1 The l'im-i
Ui- Ft Wavue. Iud,
Why should any woman continue to
worry, to lend a miserable existi-nre.
Mrs. .1. C. Shult. has returned from wberi certain help is at hand?
visit at the home of her son, Earl What Doctor Pierce'a Favorite Pre-
Shult. in McMinnville. scription haa done for thousands it
(ieorge T. t.crlinger. president of ton Will do lor yon. It 8 not a secret
Willamette Valley Lumber coiupnny, remedy for jU iHl'eritS are printed
left Tuesday morning for a business on wrapper, (iet it this very da'
visit in Coo's Dbv cities. from any medicine dealer iu either
Mrs. Arthur ti'oode has returned to liquid or tablet . form. mi
Monmouth News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Monmouth, Dec. 7. -Mrs Minerva
liedwell, one of Oregon's oldest pio
neers died at the home of her son Kd
liedwell of Monmouth nt the age. of
eighty-live years and ten mouths. She
had been visiting relatives at Cor
vallis, returning Priday and on Tues
day, Dec. ,"th, she passed away. She
i-nun' across the pluMis from Missouri
by ox teiim 111 IMn settling 111 1 11 mil 1 1 1
county. She came to .Monmouth in
1S4 where she has nimle her home
since that time.- She was the mot her
Of lea children, only four of whom sur
vive her. 1 wo sisters and one brother
also are left to. mourn her loss. She
has been a ulciuber of the Christian
hurch for over sixty vears. The l'uu'er-
a) services will be held at til'1 house on
Thursday at lli:Sll a. 111. with Initial
in K.'l. cemetery.
Mr. l-'rauMiu S. Powell, one of the
old pioneers came to Oregon by ox
team in IS.11, settling near Albany. Ho
was married to Louisa June feeler the
same year, and the couple made the
trip together coming from Illinois. Mr.
l owcll was MO years and nine inouttiH
Id, being burn ill lsiit). Thev move, I to
Monmouth iu 1 870 where thev have
ince resided. .Mr., Powtdl has been a
member of the Christum church since
arlv boyhood uud has always I n 11
liberal contributor to educational and
religious utilities. W'us a member of
the board of directors of thc old In is
tiaii college here until it was taken
over by the state for a normal school,
University Notes
""More interest is being taken by the
dtudent body in the approaching mi
nimi football game between the two
lower classes than has been manifested
in any intercolleirinte battle id' the sea
son. Failing to issue a formal challenge
as has been the custom tor the fresh-!
man class to follow for several yeur:.,
Pn.sidi.nl. Chester W onier ot the so-1
phomores reversed the tables yesterday!
1 ... i- ... .1. . Illlll ..I-.... ..I...1. '
morning ny reading me cm 1
lenge. The freshmen have not accepted
inasmuch as consideraole dissension j
anu quibbling over the techniculMies
of the challenge seemed to distnwir its
acceptance, epper class mentors, How
ever, hope to have the agitators quiet
ed down so that the amicable fray to
decide whether thc freshmen shall have
tuc right to place their numerals ou
the roof of the grandstand will be
staged Saturday afternoon at - p. in.
If the freshmen do not accept, they au
tomatically forfeit their right to let the
numeral dispute enter into another ath
letic contest during the year. Despite
the nerinl tactics of the embryonic urn
tors the class teams are being put
through grilling practices every even
ing on Xweetlnnd field.
Coaches Arvid Peterson and Chester
Womer of the sophomores are sending
thc r fellow classmates !hrou';h the
juicy puddles of the gridiron iu good
iiMfushioncil style and will have a
choice array of warhorses ready for the
game, in the stpind are Tnsto, I'liddy.
Sparks, Ciard, Law-son, Mann, Sherwood,
Hall, Marstea, Ohling, Ksteb, Tusker
and Stewart.
Clamoring for places on the fresh
man team are Olson, Lyiiinn, Doughty,
I'.iirleigh, Kuiii-h, W right, I'ollock, Car
penter, Mills, Collins, Lock-hart mid
Sipess. Directing their destines as conch
es are' Harold Diiniek and Victor Tay
lor of the varsity team.
; Men's Heavy:: Ladies' Trim4 Outing Flannel
: mh fh-Pvolk :: "led' Hats, Gowns, worth!
I Bargains t more wholesale j
$1.00 J $1.00 i 50c t
A few- Ladies' Nice Coats, Bargains Some new
this season's Coats, to clean up at $5.00
4 4 4 444--44444--444-4444-M-f 4-4-4---f
:: Nice Wool Nap:: Men's Wool a lbs. Cotton
Blankets, pairj- Mackinaw's Batts
I $2.25 only $5.00. . 50c
44-f44 4 4 4 444 444444-M4444-4-f 4444-4444-4444444
Producers Say Combine Robs Many Exhibits Will Be'Made
Alike the Producer and
Chicago, Dee. 7. The tassel between
packers, and producers of meat over the
division of ''the consumers dollar" as
sumed a warlike aspect yesterday when
spenkers at tlienatiuanl conference, of
marketing and farm credits, charged
the packers with manipulating prices
for their own benefit nt both ends of
the line, buying uud selling
Expert From 0. A. C.
to Judge
'Farmers in the neighborhood of tier
vais, Woo.lhuni ti it 1 Aurora are pie
paring to bring exhibits to the Mitrinu
county corn show to be held in Siibn
one week ' beginning next Monday. 10 -cor.
ling to I.. ,1. Chupin wlin refill n. d
yesterday from a isit in those lueii'i-
ties. The lariiiers-are not onlv interen-
)oto mi endorsement ti
Fiesolutioii to congress, i
ed ill the corn show, but since the I' -
The livestock raisers lire exi ted to,!'!,".' association decided to -
iiiiiii nun co-opera. e wmi tuc corn ex
hibit, additional interest has be. n
investigation h' the federal trade cooi-i' ' . . ., ,
- - ., . i i . 1 I he management of the corn show
mission of the h vestock ladus.rv. t ,.shU,itK s,,, ;
W. II. I'ar.ly o ashiagton, D. ( ., a (,,,,. ,,, ,v 11111V ,, iv,, ,,H
member ot the federal trade conim.s-1 1.,, ng T,,,,v ;.x,,iK , tl. i, .,
. ii.i.i, n ',.i,n, in, hi .'" (ing will not liegin until next Wi'dm--
Chance passersuy on the campus lust . nient, saying he had euniii merely to 'da'' niorniiig,
evening would have been timiizeil ut the i iHt(,, Arthur Meeker of Ar ur'andj ,, , ,niiin of the O. C. has si--
grewsouie groans emanating from t'"' ! oiupauy was present as a repiesenta- nified his willingness to serve as m".
vuiniiv oi nuni-i . , nve ot tlie nacKers nail Heard tlii'in ite-iol I ic nidL'es of In in ex hi nt. .
i uounced by speakers, lie refused to
K. L. liurke of Onuiha, Neb., a lauch-
to be tooiol on ine lllini .mm.-
tl. Welislenan society was per,,,.,.. ..a . ,iwusH th ,.UM1tioas
four cnadidntes lor n asion m "un
der at ranuoiu ll ss no K". "K. " l,.r nod president of tlie A n.i-i i.n n Live
of the resert ot Inn s and liodiiy toi-
in no . . " i,..i,u i,,i;stock Associa ion, outlined the reasons
tures. hose surviving the shocks ami ... , . .. ..
lul . ...... t , i-..i... . for Inn deniiind liv the erouers tor nn
now recognized us luiiiieiigeu ri.. - - ,. , " . .. . .In uiinrv
... ,. i Li i.', I iiivcstiuation. lie declined that .once i ' 1,11 ""'J
IVnn.i's Cnimer and lirattoa Webb. 'the Kuropean war began packers ha
Tcoiciil Websteriaa rals were serve. 1 1 enjoye orinoiisiv incieiisen prmns,
later iu the evening by the offi s. while producers in many cases have
. m ' been nidiged to abandon the industry
OFFICERS ELECTED I for lin k of profit.
At a recent meeting of the S.ani.-h i "The Packers' Iron Fist"
War Veterans, the following ot f icers : lie declined the present conference
were elected for the coming year: lis ehiclly interested iu the economic
Ciniiinaiider A- L. Soulliwiek. 'welfare of the mil ion. spoke of "arli
Senior Vi Conimunder C. Hull. : fieiul forces at Hoik'' and the "iron
Junior Vice Commander Lester H. fjsf ,),,, packers" and declaied the
Davis. ' public must be taught that beet is not
. Under of Seattle, King county tig
riiiiltiirist mid Kiel L. Mangis, or tie
firm of Mangis Itros. ot Saleni. w'll
.judge the poliitoes.
Sexerul railway officials will attei. l
the last .lav of the show, Salunhy
lii, when the governor w; 1
utteuil and the Willamette Valley Cot ni
Show assoi-iat inn officially organiv.e,!.
;Tlii. association . is intended to brii.g
I till colli growers of the counties iu ti e
i Milley together for an annual show.
( Implant ' . L. nrison. ; , f
Trustees Carl Abrnins anil I harles s,utf
installation of officers will take
and was an officer in the Christian'
liiiridi uiin-e IS, 4. lit. w-us ii ini'iiilier ol
the dr.. in, n liM'islntore in ISS'.I and win 'Wilson.
!,. ,.., , i, i,... ;,, it,,,: Thc
early davs of Monmouth, lie is sur place i uesiinv evening. . .i ... . -
vived bv his widow uud five children,!
four sons unit a daughter, all of wliouii
reside here except one son Dr. J. M.
I'owell of Sinkuae, Wash, lie pas.,ed j
iwav on Monday evening, Dec. ith ut i
Crugli IVJedicine for Children
Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scot ts ille, N. V..
mivs: " .buiil tie yenrs a-go when
were liilig iu Cnrhn't, . X I .Int-li.1
ed two of my children suffering t'rn
colirs with Chaiulieiiuiu 's Cough lieni--dv
and found it iust as rei'ii.'M'iiteil ;:i
loot expeni K of food rverv wny. It pii'ioptly checked tin-' '
I their col. Is ifnti-1. . t-
West Salem
but one of the chciiiicst. Heel coughing nn. I
consumption in this country, he said, than anything I ever psed. ulitu
has 1 i fnlliiiL' off a aiiiiiuuly mid able everywhere
will contiuue to do so until ''public
confidence is lestoied."
The restoration can be best maile, he
said, by a review of the entire livestock
industry by the federal trade ciuimiis
Mt. Angel News
(Cajiitul Journal Special Service.)
Mt. Angel, Or., Dec. 7. Miss Klizn
belli Kebe, a teacher in Portland, spent
Thanksgiving holidays at home.
Miss Gertrude Schwab, of Cortland,
also came home to spend Thanksgiving.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Iteming were iu
v i.1 Ti-I,.- ,,i- Itni.iiii Vista was u
' .. . . . . . , i molt.
hid home iu Monmouth. I'uneral ser j W ednesdiiy mid lauis-ia.v mshoi hi ine, lirk(i ,,ti,m,,, u, iMul f tl.
vices will be held ut two p. in. today, i . I. It. Iledford home .. . .. , ,Ki
at the t aristiai. church; burial in K. I'. Mr. S.vkes anil l.tt e so,, liar y . ! . ,,,.,.,., ,izat- ,e
istaileil aiurnu.v nil nun ion ii. ii, i. ,,. -- .
I.Mi, sola. Mr. Svkes is u lirother-in mm keting ot meats nemer li e mens
law of K. L. Wood. j where they are produced, would at lord
Harrv Kennell of Marion and Mis. more benefit to the country at huge.
Jj-illcn j'arves and son, frank, of Salem! The resolution iu congress culling lor
land Kd Miunich of Kingw I were din tin investigation he declared ''was
ner eiosts on Tliiin k siii i i ill! day at I In' : blocked bv the packers'', at the last
Joseph I'Viiucll home. session.
Harold Smith has gone to Astnriu to ( hargos that the puckers have
serve as assistant foreman of a gaii1; I inniiipalated the output to raise the
of men worliini' on the railroad, price, mis also cliiiiged.
Mrs. If i t it Mi-.Mahau has gone to Van '-"
corner. W asii.. tor a loooiii s visn mm nr tlie past six tnouiii" ut "i "-
Gervuis lust week visiting their; her parents. 1 has gone to his honu ar I ortliind.
daughter, Mrs. Zollner and their son Arthur Moore has gone to Corllnnd Kngene Cade of Aberdeen, Wash.,
Otto and family. where he has a position as uiotoruian .,,,,,1 ,,.Ki,. fade of ,lbaii.v were visit
A 1L1 ,1,,rrTln nrrn-,,,1 lit thi'irtn tin, Si'llwoOll division. i 1 n II ' t lie i r IlliretltS. Ml. 11111 M rs. D.
COST WOMEN $.r0,0;iu.l7
'ahingtiiii, Dec. ".The .nti.u., I
Woniens I'a try expended ."iO.i:Ui. 1 7 di -ing
the canipaign, ac.-or.liiig to li.e
statement filed with Clerk Tumble '
tin house today, Coiitribiitiiuis to'uli-i
"il.'J'.'il. Ieaiag a balance of a little
more than tl.onil. of the aiiiou'iit n.'
lectcd .lll.L's was in sums of tHhi m-more.
homo of Jeromo Klingers
A pontilienl requiem high muss was
celebrated by the Itev. Abbot I'lacidus
at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning in honor
of the Kaiser Francis Joseph of Aus
tria, who died recently.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 7. Throwing
pepper into the eyes of a Wells Fargo
driver, two men robbed hiin of two
aaeks of gold, believed to contain -v
000. The robbery occurred near the
Pacific Klectric building on a crowded
Btrcct ,
Albert Thomas ami Charles W iir.ni . i de. and sister. Mrs. I.iaegar, a lew
were home for the holidays from their , ,11Vs since.
claims in the coast country. Minn 1,'utli Iledford was Hie recipient
Key. W. J. Warren and family spent lf pleasant little aurprise party I'll
Thanksgiving day iu the Summit neigh-, ,,,v evening, the occasion being her
borhood remiiiiiing for the sociable in ! Mx'tccath birthday anniversary. There
the evening. were sixteen guests piesent. liames and
Mrs. T. D. Viimes of Independence i .,,,.,,1 IIIM tnstriinieutnl music were eu
was nn evening guest of Mis. Iledford jvl., until a lute hour when dainty
recently. i light ief rcshmciits were served. M'ss
Henrv Moore of Cauby is visiting at I hoth icceived a number of dainty re
the F. M. Moore home. I mhrauecs from her guests.
Mrs. i". L. Wood went to Cortluinll West Salem city election resulted in
Saturday', m, returning Sunday even ,.,.ction of mayor, l. M. Douglas;
ing. 1 recorder, l' L. Wood; treasurer, Slier-
Will Knapp who has been working
Danger Signal
If the fire bell should ling won d
you run and stop it or .go and help pr'
out the fire! II is l h the same w::v
with a cough. A cough is a danger si
mil us much as a fire bell. Vou shot, . I
no more try to suppress it than to sti."
a fire bell when il is ringing, but shouM
cure the disease that causes the cougi:
ing. This can nearly always be dm e
by Inking Chamberlain 's Cough Ueic -dv.
Muny have used it with the nio-t
beneficial results. It is especially Mil
aide for the persistent cough that -o
often follows a bud cold or an attack
el' the crip. Mrs, Thomas lleeehiiig.
Andrews, lad., writes: "During the)
winter my husband takes cold easily
and coughs and coughs. Chamberlain s
Cough Itemeilv is the best medicine f"-r
breuking up these nttneks and yon ca"
not get him to take any other. Obtain
able everywhere.
man Klllot: niiirshul, C. W. Moore; nM
eriaeu, John Simon, John K. lledfoid,
Karl C. I'.ushnell. Win. If. Sipiier, A.
Kriinu Lamb, J. T. Hunt.