Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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m '
Today and Tomorrow
we will offer $4.00
G. E. Toasters at $3.00
These Toasters are better than any $5.00 Toaster made,
but we make this offer to let you help us celebrate
American Electric
Dec. 2
We have only a limited number of these toasters and
cannot replace them at the price. Come early if you want
to make this saving.
The Electric
Telephone 85 "
Tte per word1 New Today:
. Xach Insertion, per word.. ..: lo
One week (8 insertions), par word Be
One month(26 insertions) per word 17t
. - The Capital Journal will not bo re
eponsiblo for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertismeats.
.Bead your advertisements the first day
It appears ani notify ns immediately
Minimum charge, 15c .....
FURNISHED Apartments," also ' fcarrjOLD. FJI? 2id growth, oak, ash, maple
.., suitable for garage. 401 Nv .Cottage.
FOUND Auto tire. chain.
WK HAVE Baled hay and oats for
ale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf
FOR RENT SIGNS Tor sale at Cap
. ital Journal office. tf
HARRY Window cleaner.
Phone 708
JET PRICES On- farm sale bills at
' The Journal office.
t WANTED fly
nislicd room.
gentleman, nicely
K. Journal.
decli WANTED Girl for general housework.
; Phone 1070. Doc.O
WANTED Oregon improved straw
berry plants. Phone 2,'00,I2. - deel2
MCtST SKU My cur at once; $00.00.
CliO Ferry St. doc7
CHOICE Goat meat for sale cheap at
1230 Ferry street. tf
OLD FIR Wood for sale delivered
town. Phone 092 E. A. Way. tf
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
IT RMSTIED Or unfurnished rooms
for rent reasonable, 2, 3 or 5 rooms,
aw.'i X. 14th St. Phono 2501.I2. deed
calves for
Church St.
2 fresh cows, and their
ifS'i.W. Inquire i' S.
dec 7
LOST Yellow shepnrd dog, white neck
wears collar. Phone 1425M. Charles
Emuictt. dec7
MARK FOR SALE Cheap, or trade for
milk cow. 999 Trade St., .Mrs. E. P.
' dec8
FOR SALE Baldwin nud Northern
Spv apples Sue a bushel. Chester Hor
ner, Phone 89122. - decS
I PAY The highest market price for
all kinds of live stocK nt all times.
O. W. Eyre, 22D6M, Salem. tf
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, reasonable, 855 X.
Commercial St. deeil
FOR SALE Or trade for cows, 5 yr.
old mare, weight 1550, broken. L.
H. Roberts. 1!. J, Independence, Or.
TEAM OF MARES-rSet of harness and
, Studnbaker roadster fur sale or trade
for catile or five passenger Ford. A.
W. Lathrop, Turner, Or. decS
grocery or drv
onceel, or work
by a young man in
goods slnre, experi
of nnv kind. Phone
haul wood, grub and plow, and take
in part payment- small tracts or land
on easy payments. Have resilience
to rent" for carpenter work. Wqitt to
purchase tew. Ito . Soott, 401
ilubbard "Molding. . dec7
Dec. 9
Light Go.
State and Commercial Sts.
Phone 3ltf.
DRY OAK WOOD for sale.
Phone 5S4J
FOR RENT Good form, 130 acres. Ad
- dress owner, ,1193 South Twelfth, tf
but. xyuiJ Trespass notices, new
supply. o cloth onea at Capital Jour-
. 01 l: . - v . : ... '. U
.'Uiiit.Wui' iiiUpl wood fyf sales Wa-F.
L I'rotor phou i;i22.1. ;if.- : janl
OOAT- MAT For sale, first class,
only 0 cents per lb. at O. X. Grocery,
delivered in city... , decll
FOR. SALE Or trade, barber chair
nnd pool table in small town. Cheap
rem. j. L,, frinim, Clarion, Oregon.
NOTICE Is hereby given that 1 will
not be responsible for any bills or
Uehts except those contracted Dv my
self in person. Fred A, Erixon. decS
Fort SALE For $.W0.00 5-room house
and lot at 2.'iil.iElm Ave., Highland
addition, Inquire at 2204 Broadway,
FOR RENT A suito of housekeeping
rooms, well turnisued at H.U r. Lib
erty. '-Inquire at residence. Phone
1040.T. ef
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors
es, vehill?s, merchandise, etc. Trans
actions private. Possession retained.
Uuion Loan Agency, 217 South High
street. decl4
JACOB VOGT 979 South Commercial
street, invites his old friends to call
on him when in need of shoe repair
ing. Best of work at lowest prices.
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
jewelry, men's clothing, musical instruments,-
tools, guns, bicycles etc.
Also bought sold and traded. Capital
Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 493.
HL'RRY CP And join the Laundry
club, 357 X. Commercial. Open Mon
day. Reduction to club members, first
washing Monday done free. Call up
and ask us. Phone 25UR. dcc9
WANTED By former W. V. woman
position where education nnd experi
ence in meeting people would be
nssets. Can read, write and speak
German. Would consider position as
governess, rhone Uiiv.
Pythian Sisters
Chose New Officers
At a meeting held last evening of
Centriilia Temple No. 11. Pythian Sis
ters, officers for the coming year were
elected ns follows:
Most Excellent Chief Lottie Perry.
- ost Excellent Senior of the Temple
May Rntclifte.
Most Excellent Juntor of the' Temple
Nina 11. Rowland.
Manager of I lie Temple Jessie Ben
nett. Mistress of Records and Correspond
ence Florence Shipp.
Mistress of Finance Cecelia Bar
bour. Protector ot the Temple Cora Tuck
er. Guard of tinier .Temple Mary An
itresen. Past Chief of the . Temple Alice
Da vies.
- Trustee Minnie Wim hell.
Representative to Grand Temple
Julia Davis,
Alternate, Anna Fitch.
Try the Journal classified ads.
potato growers .
will Make exhibit
Will Display Products at die
Corn Show Beginning
The Potato Growers- Association of
Marion county has definitely decided to
exhibit ,iu connection with the Marion
county corn show to be held in the
Derby building for the week beginning
December 11. This announcement was
made by Luther ... Cliapin, secretary of
tup association.
A first prize of $2 and a second of
$1 will be given for the best twelve
potatoes of the following varieties:
burly Rose, Burbank, Gold Coin. Am
erican Wonder and Garnet Chili.
For tho best bushel of any of the
above varieties, there will bo a first
prize of $3 nnd a second prize of $3.
Mr. Chapiu urges not only all who
intend to exhibit potatoes but torn as
well, to. get their exhibits in by the
last of the week.
Printers Defeated
Woodmen Last Night
Tn the game rolled last nieht on the
Club alleys . tho Printers" defeated tho
Woodmen by taking two games out of
throeThe results of these games makes
tho standing of the- two teams a tie in
tho eity league High score was made
by Pierce with 221 points and he also
tooK nigh average wiia 20b points,
ine score roiiows:
Vail ....: J0 183- 171 544 181
Pilkenton. 139 Hi.-) 137 4lil 134
Hill 192 143 149 4S(i 162
Frceland 174 161 194 529 17H
Doolittle 180 191 193 504 188
875 84.V 864 2584 8151
Donaldson .... 157T 1 188 507- Hi9
Bean 159 15:1 179 491 1114
McKinnoy .... 171 14i 172 489 103
Absentee 154 154 154 462 154
Pierce 18;j 221 215 619 206
820 940 908 2308 856
ffi sc ijt sfc )Jc )Jc sfc j)( )(c )t s)t sjc sc sjc
State House News
This afternoon the slate desert land
board is holding a session to hear the
petition of the Central Oregon Irriga
tion company, represented by Rosco
Howard, manager, anu Jesso Stearns,
counsel, for an extension of time on
their irrigation project; which is said
to be slow in development. They ap
peared in behalf of a proposed act of
congress extending -the time for devel
opment 'of (Certain segregated lands of
the Central OrcirY)il Irrigation Project
in Crook, countv. About 140;000 acres
are involved. I'nder the Carey net of
tue leilerni government, which allows
originally ten- years with an extension
of five venrs for development of an ir
rigation project, tho Central Oregon
project has received the five year ex
tension on the original ten year con
tract with the stuto. The contract of
the United States government with
the state segregating these lauds ex
pries in regard to one listing in 1918
and on another listing in 1920. The pe
tition is to have the Btute of Oregon
ask the federal government for another
extension of ten. or fifteon years.
Articles of incorporation filed witli
the corporation commissioner today are
as follows: Hall company, ot St. Hel
ens, to engnge in the sale of dry goods.
hardware, flour and' feed, with a capi
tal of $5000. The incorporators aro G.
Elmer Chnpinan, Guy W. Chapman nud
Ifces II. Hall.
The Electric Painless Dentist, of
Portland, formed for the business of
conducting a dental parlor or parlors
with a capital of $000, incorporators
are E. G. Ausnlund, A. A. Ausplund,
and Clinton A. Ambrose. Tho Bay City
Logging company, of Portland, formed
to do a logging business, with a capi
tal of $10,000. Tho incorporators are
Charles Crogstor, R. Sleight and J. C.
James Ilngley, mining expert, has
been sent by Lubor Commissioner Hot'f
to investigate the explosion that occur
red in the Heaver Hill mine, nenr
Marshfield, Coos county, last month
when five men were' killed.
ands of farmers iu Western Canada
have sold their crops this year for more
than the total cost of their land. Land
at $15 to $30 an Hero has produced
crops worth $10 to $75 an acre. Stock
raising and dairying are equally profit
able nogs and beef highest in coun
try's history. Irrigation districts pro
ilucmg more altalt'a and louder crops
than ever before. Get your farm home
from the Onnadinn Pacific Railway.
Last year 1 asked you to take advant
age of this opportunity you might
have paid for your farm with the 1916
crop again 1 extend tne invitation.
Good land from $11 to $30 per acre:
irrigated laad from $35; 20 years' to
pay; government guarantees land and
waicr titles. Pay ill full at anv time if
desired. We will lend you up to $2,000
in improvements in certain districts,
with no security other than the land,
Ready made farms sold on special easy
terms, l.o.ui for live stock atter one
veur's occupation, subject to certain
reasonable considerations explained on
request. Low taxes; no taxes on im
provements. Free schools; full religious
liberty; good climate, and the best
neighbors in the world. Other farmers
becoming rich in Western Canada; you
have the same opportunity. Buy direct
from the Canadian Pacific ttailway
Write for free book and full informa
tion. J. S. Dennis, assistant to the pres
ident, Canadian Pacific Railway, 77
Ninth Avenue, Culgary, Alberta, Can
ada. " - ,
Children Cry
Has Received $1,703,402.47
and Disbursed $1,422,
817.50 The financial statement of the state
industrial accident commission of Ore
gon at the close of business November
30, 1916, shows that the total balance
on hand with the state treasurer was
$828,250.98. The balauce in the acci
dent fund on July 1 was $184,178.75
and on. that date the balance in the
segregated fund was $381,382,21 or a
total of $565,560.94.
Tho-' receipts from November 3. 1915,
to Not. 30. 1916, are: from the employ
ers $1,283,364.34, from the workmen
$192,286.29, from the state $202,010.56,
from interest on general fund to Octo
ber 31, $4,673.99, and interest from the
segregated fund to October 31 $21,
067.29, or a total of $1,703,402.47. .
Disbursements for the same period
amount as follows: balance to segre
gated fund $547,666.01, time loss $467,
803.43, first aid $199,922.57, burial ex
pense $11,962.60, pensions paid $54,
042.40, administrative expenses to No
vember 30 $141,390.49, or a total of
$1,422,817.50. : . . -
Tho report shows that the expense
of the office, which includes the salar
ies of the commissioners, office force?
field force, statioueary, postage, travel
ing and hotel expenses, amounts to $3,
917.45. The ropor.t shows the original cost of
organizing the .commission from No
vember 5, 1913 to July 1, 1914, was
$20,601.17; the administrative expense
tor the year ending June JO, 1915, was
$40,528.05, or a total until June 30,
1915, of $70,129.22. During this time
the contributions to the accident fund
was $620,032.04, which gives a ratio of
cost to contribution of 8.69 per cent.
The administrative expense for the
venr ending June 30, 1916, was $19,
921.47 and the contribution $372,666.91'
which brings the ratio up to 8.71 per
cent. There after the ratio of adminis
trative txriense each month began to
decrease until the lowest was renched
in October whn it was $4,912.51 and
the contributions $162,001.12 which
gives a ratio of 3.03 per cent. For the
month ot isoveniticr tne ratio was o
per cent. ,.'v
Court House News
In tho case of Ward K. Richardson
against A. A. Brown and James Uuhns,
an action for the recovery of money,
allegations and. interrogatories were
filed this morning with the county
clerk. lit the'fcomplaint it is statod
that tho plaintiff; was given a judg
ment on July 21,'against the defendants
in tho sum of $147.51 and that an ex
ecution was issued to the sheriff of
Yamhill county, .on October 7 to gar
nishee all money and property of Lion
el Brink, who declared ho had no
money or property- belonging to the
defendants. It is alleged that during
tho year 1911 James Kuhn loaned to
Lionel Brink sums of money amount
ing to $185 and that only $10 of this
has been, paid. Certain questions do
signed to bring out the facts concern
ing this point aro- asked of Lionel
W. M. Smith, county school superin
tendent, is paying a visit to the schools
of Woodburn today.
Both railroads entering Salem are an
nouncing a spcciul rate of one and ono
thiid faro for the Marion county corn
show to be held here tho week begin
ning December 11. This fare will in
clude points from Yamhill and Polk
counties and will include the last day,
Snturdav. December 16. Those attend-
in" 'for tho last day only will nave ino
advantugo of tho week-end rates.
R. W. Hogg, of Salem, was elected
one of the vice-presidents of the Swine
Breeders' association which has been
holdinir its sessions in Portland this
week. C. M. Tulmadge, of Newport
Wash., who was elected president, is a
brother of D. H. Talmadgo, a newspaper
man of this city. A move was started to
appeal to the interstate commission to
get a lower rate xm tho transportation
of livestock.
The opera "Rigeletto" will be given
on a Sonora talking machine at the Sa
lem public -library Friduy evening of
this week beginning at 8 o'clock. Mrs.
Anna Rogers Fish will give a rending
of the opera that the story as well as
the music may be presented to the au
dience. Some very fine records of the
opera hove been secured through the
kindness of Miss Mrytle Knowland.
The good housekeeper may have the
asurai.cc that the top prices in a few,
household necessities have touched the I
ton notch and are now on
notch and are now on the down-
ward psth. Eggs are five cents a dozen
cheaper retail the dozen and sugar is
now selling 30 cents a hundred less than
yesterday. . Tho refineries in the east
simply announced the reduction of 30
cents a hundred on sugar and the pul
lets nre responsible for the lower price
of eggs.
AUhough there has been considerable
rainfall every day for tho past 12 days,
the river today only touched the guagc
of ft.ti feet above low water mark. This
is accounted, far to some extent by the
fact that, it ka-s been snowing in' the
hills, with a 14 inch depth at Black
Hock. The precipitation yesterday was
.(!( of an inch, making a totul of 0.10
inches during the past 12 days-. The
range of temperature yesterday was
from 44 to 34. The river rose over one
foot and a half.
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, ai.d
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.ices are those, paid th
producer. Correotlcna are - made
-It may be'tho egg boycott in Port
land or it may be the fact that the pul-
lets are beginning to'lay. Anyhow, eggs
are showing considerable weakness and
quotations today are 38 cents cash and
40 cents in trade. -
Another reduction is that of sugar
which today is selling 30 cents a hun
dred cheaper thaa yesterday. The east
ern retineries simply announced the
reduction in price and that makes it.
Wheat $1.20
Oats, new 4245c
Soiled barley $40.00
Bran $28.50
bhorts, per ton, - - $32.00
Hay, olover $12a13
Hay, cheat $1112
Hay, vetch $1213
Hay, timothy $16
Butterfat .!. 40e
Creamery butter, per pound 41e
Country butter . , 2832c
ggs ana Poultry.
Ergs, case count, cash .38c
Eggs, trade 40c
Hons, pound - 1314c
Roosters, old, per pound ..... 9c
Broilers, nndor 8 pounds ... 14a
Turkeys, live 16ai8c
TurkeyB, dressed - 19(a'21e
Ducks, live ll13c
Geese, live 10c
Fork. Veal and Matton.
Pork, dressed .............. 12 l-213c
A'orlt, on foot $8.oO(a).Bo
Spring lambs, lvtp
Veal, according to quality 8llc
steers owo
Cows 8 l-24e
Bulls 33, 1-4
Ewes 4c
Wethsrs l-2f
Tigs and pates
Figs, 70 four at $2.60
Figs, 36 12 oz. $2.75
Fips, 12 10-oz. $1.00
Black figs Be
White flea 10c
Promodary dates -..U-............ 3.75
. ,, . vegeuDiea.
Tomatoes ........ ....'..:..... V. $1-50
Cabbage $1.00
String garlic 1012 l-2c
Potatoes, sweet - 3c
Potatoes, per 100 pounds . ,.u....,.-$l-23
ureea onions w
Green peppers 7c
Carrots, dozen ................ v
Artichokes t
Lettuco, California, crate $2.50
Onions : $2.75
Celery ; 75(80c
Cauliflower $2.00
Parsnips, carrots and beets .. .$1.25
x nuu. .
Grapes ....... ;. . $1.75
Apples ,60c$1.00
Oranges, navels $4v00
Oranges, Japanese ................ $1.75
Lemons, per box . So.lttKa'o.oo
Bananas, pound N
California grape fruit $3.50
Florida grape fruit ..$5.50
Pineapples 8s
Honey sm'
Craaberries $11.50(512.50
Betall Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 43c
Sugar, cane , -,- $8.40
Sugur, beet t-V
Creamery butter 45
Flour, hard wheat $2.252.45
Flour, valley $1.Sj2.00
Portland, Ore., Dec. 0. Wheat:
Club, $1.49.
Bluestem, $1.51.
Fortyfold, $1.49.
Rcil Russian, $1.45.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $33'73.
Barley: Feed, $39.
Hogs:, Best live, $9.75.
l'rimo steers, $7.25.
Fancy cows, $6.
Calves, $7.
Spring lambs, 9.25(!5 9.50.
Butter: City creamery, 40c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 40(a 42c.
Hens, 14 l-2c.
Broilers. 15(?f lCc.
Oceso. 11c. r-p
Will pay highest, cash price
for veal, poultry and eggs.
100 S. High. Phono 10
George T. Booth, of 1190 Souta Four
teenth street, had au cxperienco with
the speed maniacs in Portland. In get
ting off a street car in Portland Sun
day he was knocked unconscious by a
-speeding car nnd taken to a hospital.
Although he was not seriously injured
ho was badly bruised but was able to
come home Monday, and is of the opin
ion 41int wheu in Portland Salem folks
should take special care in getting off
cars on account of tho general careless
O. E. Smith, silo sales manager of the
i,1' ''T
h y , ; a of WttBnin,nn,- He
!,.; ',!;.:. n7i there.
.' ...... . , ,"u .iii
for $KI a ton nnd potatoes at from $.15
to $.18 a ton. He says tho farmers are
investing in more cattle and consequent
ly are buying more silos. Last year
the Spaulding company sold 75 silos iu
the Yakima valley and the coming year
Mr. Smith thinks double this number
can bo sold.
New York, Dec. li. A Clulistmas div
idend of $2,500,000 to the stockholders
ami $.'!00,0iO to one thousand employes
was announced by the Goaranty Trust
company today. Thu dividend is on u
1 ' j per cent basis.
Children Cry
Fct Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bear
Signature of
O. B. Marshall, of Albany, was iu the
c;ty yesterday.
A. P. Magues, of Amity, was a Salem
visitor -yesterday.
F. M. Bartlett and wife left this
morning for Bend.
W. T. Rigdon left this morning for
his home in San Diego.
Mrs. Ada Swank, of Aumsvillo, was
a Salem visitor Tuesday.
O. W. Sloan wont to Seattle this morn
ing on the Oregon Electric. . . .s
Verl Goodo, an attoruoy of Stayton,
is transacting business in the city.
William Lents, of Black Rock, was
registered vestcrday at tho Capital ho
tel. George Oraves left this morning for a
month's visit at Byron Hot Springs,
Miss Edna Purdy roturaed to Albany
this morning after a week's yisit with
Mr. and Mrj. A. M. Butler were in
Portland yesterday registered at tho
Goorge G. Brown, of the State Land
Board, went to Prinevillo on state land
business. '
L. S. Goer, of the- Geer & Kreugor
furniture store, is transacting business
m Portland.
Among those who will take advantage
of holiday rates are Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Campbell, who will leave on the -1st
for Oakland, California, for a short
Take Advantage of a. Salem Woman's
When tho back .begins to ac,h.e,
Don't wait until backache becomes
chronic r . '. . .
'Till kidney troubles develop;
'Till urinary troubles, desttoy night 'b
Profit by a Salem a woman ti exper
ience. . .
Mrs. Emily Edwards., 1107 S. Thir
teenth St., Salem, says: "I couldn't
speaii too highly in -praise of Doan'e
Kidney Pills for I iave- never found
anything equal to this old reliable kid
ney medicine for - regulating the Kid
neys and stopping backache. I am on
ly too glad to tell others who aro sub-
lect to backache, as 1 used to De, tnai
Doans Kidney Pills are vory reliable
aad effective for that trouble"
Price 50c at nil dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
uom s Kidnev 1'iils tne same tnai
Mrs. Edwards had, -. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y.
Order of Eastern Star L 1
Elects Its Officers
At the meeting of Chndwick Chapter
No. 37, Order of Eastern Star, held
last night in 4ho Masonic Temple, an
address was delivered by Mrs. Dora Y.
Schilke of IGrGande, worthy grand
matron of the state. Mrs. Mubel Set-
tlemeir of Woodburn, Ktand conduct
ress. made the lodge a fraternal and
official visit.
The following wero elected for the
coming year ut the session last night,
and will be installed at an eany ses
sion in January;
Worthy Matron Mrs. F. E. Shnfer.
Worthy Patron Mrs. Ernost Ringo.
Associuto Mntron Mrs. Fay Wright.
Secretary Mrs. Fay Wnght.
Treasurer Mrs. Kute Beruardi.
Cniifliictres Mrs. Stella Smith.
Associate conductress Miss Hazel
Knkhts of Pvthias
Elect Their Officers
At n meeting held last evening of
Central Lodge No. IS, Knights oi
Pythias, the following officers were
elected for the coming year:
Chancellor Commander Lloyd L.
Vico Chancellor John Ship.
Master of tho Work J. C. Perry.
Prelate Wallace Rhodes.
Master at Anns G. E. Watkins.
Keeper of the Records and Seals
W. 11. Oilson.
Muster of Exchequer E. W. Hazard.
Inner Guard T. W. Davies.
Outer Guard J. L. Tucker.
Trustee J. G. Heltrel.
Installation of officers will take
place Tuesday evening, January -.
Wheat Advance Ins
Chicago Market Today
j Chicago, Dec. fi. Wheat advanced
i 8mrpy at the opening today, due to lib-
Htiinulated by reports of
increased export shipments. Selling
i..,..,l,t a decline, later nnd December
k, unchanged from today's opening
$1.(18; Muy down 3-4 at $1.78 14,
...! r,. ,m. .1.8 nt ftl.48 3-8.
Corn showed good strength on general
buying. December was up 7-8 at 111 7-8;
Jlav up 7-S at H.i l-o, ana juiy uV -
at 03 1-2. ....
Ont were lncr ier on n rush to nuy.
December was up 3-8 at 53 3-8; Muy up
1-8 at 57 3-4, and July up i-b ai u i-o,
Provisions were higher.
Senttle, Wash., Dec. 0 After climb
ing 2000 feet in the air shortly before
noon, Aviator Herbert Mnnter, decid
ed it was too dark today for his pro
posed flight lo Portland. He stated
he would muke the attempt on tho first
elenr dav.
Children Cry
and pay tsisa is Salsa. Ls 8le
people saw your wood. Phone Mft.
uto a. -ist. . L. Keister, Wsa
Co, 220 N Liberty
Phone 263. A com
plete line of Elect ria
Supplies and fixture
roprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Xard ana
pools cleaned, urnee pnon.
8247. Residence Main 2872.
corner Commercial and Trade street
For water service apply at office.
Bill payable - "-in ad-ance.
. B0 years experience.
Depot National and American feme)
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hooka. J
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 860
Court street. Phone 124.
CHA8. B. HODGKTN General Insur
ance, Surety Roads, real estate and
-rentals. Hubbard Bldg. Pfcone 388. tf
FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres well im
proved for farm. -3 acres with bond
ings well located, for farm. Good eity
homo to exchange for 10 or more
acres.. Any or all these parties will
pay or assume difference. Square
Deal Realty Co., 202 U. S. Bank BUlg.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physieians a
nerve specialists. Graduate o An
lean sclfbol of Osteopathy, Earks-flla,
Uo. Post graduate and speelalied U
nerve diseases at Los Angeles eolleg
Treat acute - and chronis . disease-.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 506-506 V. S. National Bank
Building. Phono 859. Residence 84
North Capital street. Phone 4W
OR. o. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no wlief, try ChirOflrae
tie spinal adjustments and get vreU.
Office 400-7-8 V. 8. National Ban
BnUdiirg. Phone, Mam 87. Basidenc
Main 8-8-B. ' ; . 'J -' '
ii i
Money to Loan
ON flood Baal Estate Security,
Over Laid St Bus- Ban Salem, Oregoei
stONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning e
money, will make very low it oi
interest on highly improved .farm.
3omer H. Smith, room 9 MeCora-el:
Bldg Salom. Ore.. Phone M.
A. M. Clongh morticians ana funeral
directors. Latest modern method
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Mala 120, Main 8888.
directors and undertakers, 252 Nort
Higi street. Day and nig-t phoM
torman, Prop. Chomciieta street
tween Com. and Liberty, telephone
900. Absolutely clean, thoroughly
homelike, strictly modern. There are
larger hotels in Salem, ut no better.
Bates from 50c day to $1.50. Bpe
cial rates by week or month, deed
now open for business nt High and
Ferry Sts. Full lino of nursery stock.
Italian prunes a specialty. Nursery
located ouo mile cast of penitenttiary.
Phone 23F21.
Dr. Flora A. Brewster, (lean oi
tho Oregon School of Neurology, has
removed from the Hubbard bldg. to
711! Stoto St., corner Cottage St. Ex
amination free. Phone 1350. . tf
from all points, east, on all houahoU
oods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Tranafe
Company, agents fpr Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Oo
mere.ial street. Phone Main Ma
poratioii commissioner. The purpose of
the club is to maintain a country club,
to conduct a restaurant, build and
operate golf links and tennis courts,
etc. The office is at Salem, Oregon,
and the incorporators are Asahel BusB,
T. A. Iivcsley, and Ralph D. Moorea.
The shares of the corporation are $-3
Yick So Tong
Hss medicine which will cure
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. St..
x Mrri) 8:00 p. m.
153 South High. Strst
Ssiam, Oregon. tkut OI