Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Nothing over 15c and an Immense Stock of Christmas
Goods to Choose from.
In Our 5-10- and 15c
Anyone purchasing 50 cents worth of our regular merchandise in this base
ment will have the privilege of buying a
Jardiniere or a Large Cake Plate or a 1 Jr
Beautiful Picture for ... . . . . 1
Any one of these three will make a most acceptable Xmas gift. See them in
our windows.
Men's Plaited Silk Hose,
Men's Black ancTTan Hose
- 8c .
Toys galore for boys and
5c, 10c, 15c
5c, 10c, 15c
Handkerchiefs "
2 for 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c
Vases, different kinds
Men's Neckties, silk and
Hand Painted Plates
An immense assortment
of Pretty Dunes
10c and 15c
, Baskets, many styles
Willamette Valley News
i ...
Trap nost-r-lst Gains Fuson.
Boys and Girls Industrial Club
Very Successful in Fair
Held Last Week
which was thoroughly l'njovi'J and moat
irutbusiustieall y oreofed.. ;
. Mr. Stnitli, our superintendent, tlicui
gave ui another tulle along, industrial
i lines. Making n strong appeal to par
tttop ladder iMf Kenneth Arthur. .
. sewing
1 1 it ml mode nprou 1st Rose Wiuslow
2d Jewel Steele. .
Machine ntid hunt! made dross class ents to eooporatu with Hie children in
(a) 1st Mabel ywielt; (b) 1st liose their work. Mr. Harrington-tbtn gave
(Capital i tin I Special Service)
Aunisville, Or.. Dee. U Last VYednos
t ln afternoon it very pleasing tind suc
cessful f (it r wns launched by the IIAuins
villo Itovs' lind dills' Industrial club.
The pal rous and pupils utter enjoy
j 11 u mi hour or so in looking over the
exhibits ere then entertained with u , orlinnH.
Hluirl program, rendered by the pupils! j,,t u,iss (n) lilt Kimv Strnniilinm;
ol' the vluli. Mr. Smith, our county su- ,) MarV Itowne; lid Hose Winalow;
peniitoiidoiit, gnve uh a very interest-' ist'i,,.,, Kurley: fid Kiihy tirittith;
ing talli on industrial work, follow od ;ij Huphiii Khorhaidt.
by no enthusiastic address by L. I. Later ctilte lat Kosc Winalow; -d
lliirinigtoii, one ot our state industrial J,.w,. Steele; !M I .on lrloy
Sewing bag lat Mabel Swiek.
Tiny cloth IM Mabel Swicli.
Mucliine made apron, partly 1st Mu
bol Hwiek; 3'1 lt.i l.cnnrd.
Tutting, oluss (a) latWnuiiitn Wal
lace; 2d and 3d l.elah Weitmiiii; (b)
lat Kuby Hpeer; I'd Opal Hilyeu. -
Crocheting, elaaa (n) lat Voran Me
Nenl; lid Frances Crane; (b) lat Uln
dya Ueiiheni.
Jelliea lat Wnunitil Wallace; 2d
Ituby Ktrnnnliiini.
Canned fruit nnd vegetables lat
Mary Itowne; 2d Klirubetii Swank; oil
Mabel Swiek.
Ibottd. class dO lat Mary Itowne;
(b) 1st tllndya Hoiihoni; 2d Sophia Kb-
field workers.
The induing of the exhibit was done
by Mr. and Mia. Harrington to the very ,,,,
guml satistiiction ot nil.
The following are the prize wiuneia:
Field coin 1st tlaina Fusou.
I'up coin lat Lucy Corset; 2d full
Cnpp; :id ('has. Ieuheai.
Loaf enke lat Alice KIjitIiii id t .
Chickens ltuse Winalow, l.elali Woit-
l.eo iFnrlev, tllenu l!itnth, all
received lat prio. ouch shotting n trio.
In the evening I lit" parent-teachers
uaaocialion held their regular monthly
mooting. Some of the parents who were
ii.it able to be present in the nfternoon
iviiovcd the tnivileve of looking over
I'liiiipkia -lat Helen Smith; 2d tiaiaa1 1, ,iS,nv f the childrcn'a achool
I'naiiu; 3d t 'tirl t'upp. I work. Ilspeclnlly to bo eoiuinended was
Stock aipmsh lat I'nrl t'upp. !(. Work of tiie prininry depnrlment.
I'nbbaae lat Ibiae Winalow. 'eendacted by Kthel .Mvlbmnld. . AlaO
I'otaloes lat, Kenneth Arthur; 2d n,,, wors of' the intermedinte depart-
l.elah Weitinnn; :id Willie t'laae. nient was well presented nnd displayed,
I led a- 1st l.eo I'm ley; 2d b'oae ma ,.,inli- noticenble waa the writine,
bin. of little Willie t'rane.
Fruit I 'riie association alter dispenaini with
Apples 1st Thelaia Myers; 2d flitil j t1u usual business nfltiir. were then
llilveu; 3d IVnrl tliit'l'ith. ,..,tei lained bv n beautiful little solo
Mnmml Work , i(V vr.iiheth' s'wank, followed by n
llird house 1st IJeue Sinipaon. i ditet bv Tlielma Myers and Opal Itilyeu
Study Food Values
Food provided for the family table de
serves the careful thought of every house-,
wire. Do you use thought when buying
baking powder?
The quality of cake, biscuits and all
quickly, raised flour foods depends largely
upon the kind of baking powder used.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is
absolutely pure and lias proved its excel
lence for making food of finest quality and "
wholesomeness for generations.
Royal Baking Powder contains no alum
nor phosphate.
New York
Us nn illuatrAted talk portioning chief
ly to industrial work, whii;h w thor
oiighly enjoyed by nil, and which ob
;teetively and eleurly exemplified the
results of the work, in which ho ia so
deeply concerned, lor the best interest i
of the boy unit girls tmlustruil oniua
Thf social Kotliciiii waa rounded out I
by a splendid and sumptuous repast
served by the K0UI' ladies of the tisso
eiutiou. All upon leaving aKieeiiiK that the
school fair ivm a success and Unit much
prniae is due to our advisor of the boys
and c,ii la club, .Mis. Fuson.
- Macleay News
(f'apital Journal Specinl SorVico)
Maeleny, Or., Dee. 5. The eluli which
wna recently ornnni.od at the Xies
wander homo in Macleay, met nt the
M'atteu home in liethel last .Satuidny
evening and chose the name, "The
Maclieth (lood Times Club," for ita of
ficial designiitiou. Twenty-four of the
niombers. n sum 1 1 part of I lie total mem
bership of the club, were present, the
rest ieniuiniii) at home presumably on
nccouut of the inclement weather. The
evening was spent in games nnd music
and at a bile hour a dainty luiiehenn
was served.
As is usual. Macleay eelebrated
Thanksgiving with many dinners the
largest of which probably waa the din
ner nt the K. K. tioodeli homo. Cover
were laid for twelve,
Mr. and Mia. tl. 1). llowen nnd daugh
ter Meryle tveie visitors at the .1. 1'".
C. Tel.enbuig homo last Saturday and
Sunday. The visitors are from Sit
ertim where Miss llowen is a teacher
in the Si 1 o it o it high achool.
A birthday party was hold nt the
Kaiser homo Sunday in honor of It. t
Kaiser. A large number of relatives and
friends were present.
There will be a grunge meeting nt
the hall Friday, eoninieneing at ton h.
hi. All Clangers are urged to nttend
as there will be election of officers.
Mia. Harry K. Mnitiu and daughter
Alia, spent Saturday and Sunday at the
It nu Iteeia home in Salem.
Theroa liussell mid family spent
Thanksgit ing ill Shelbuin at Mi's, lius
sell 'a parents home.
Oscar Chapmnn nnd wife were visit
ors tit the John Tekenbuig homo Sun
day evening. Knilnii llolfioau was also
a caller there.
Mrs. Wheeler, of- -Newport, proprie
tor of the Cliff House there, was a vis
iter nt thi I). .1. Miller home Inst week.
Mrs. Wheeler ia M ra. -Miller 'a mother.
H. O. Taylor and fumily culled nt tho
.leas Martin home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Kus'aell, who have
been ill for the past few weeks, are
able to be around ugaiu.
Perry Tavlor butchered some hogs
Tuesday. Harry Martin and John Token)
long assisted him.
P. K. Uobinson waa a bnlem visitor
,cty will nieet again Doc. 13.
Mr. Ed and Mis AUnn Both were
j united in marriage at the borne of the
bride' parent on Thanksginng day.
They will reside in Portland.
.Miss Alicia Welty spent the week
end with dor parent.
Mia Anna Hchroeder also spent the
week end with home folks.
The pupil ot tho Prutum school en
Joyed a hort program Wednesday af
ternoon. Both the school and the churVhe are
making preparation for Christmas pro
grams. The choir practiced Christum ongs
at Rev. liaunigartner's hrst Kr'day ev
ening. W. P. Emery took some fine Here
ford cattlo to the Portland Livestock
exposition which will be held this week.
O. W. Kyre shipped a carload of hogsi
and sheep.
Pratuin has a new stockyard which
.tho S. P. employe put up last week.
The stockyard was pressed into ser
vice almost before it was completed.
. The teachers' .training class of the
Mennonite church was organized last
Sunday evening.
The Mennonite hospital of Salein was
' dedicated last Sunday. Owing to the in
clement weather very tew from wis
community ntteuded the services. Mr.
and Mrs, Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs.
Welty and Peter Steffeu and family
wore" those who represented thi com
munity. V. j. Krebiel was n Salem visitor to
day. .Sir. and Mrs. Frank O'-oblc nre visit
in ut Mr. Hurper'a.
Bethel News Notes,
(Capital Journal Special Serviee.)
liethel, Ore., Dec. (J. The ' ' Mac-Beth
Good Times club" met nt the Mr.tten
home Saturday night. The naiuo was
chosen by combining parts of the two
words Maeleny nnd Bethel. The evening
was spent with music and games. Among
the games was tt "Track-meet" consist
ing of a hundred yard dash, a hurdle
race, a relay race, ond several other
events.-' Kmii Sundborg and John Clark
were tho lenders of the two team. The
tcunt led by Johu Clark won. the contest
by a score of three to two. In the hun
dred yard dash tho racers with their
noses each pushed a marble three times
over a course eight feet long. An ad
vertisement guessing coutesf waa anoth
er feature of tho entertainment. The
following member of the club were
present: The Misse Millio and Pansy
Niewander; Frank Nieswnnder, Ouy
Young, Opal Garrett, Cart, Wilma and
Marjory Miller, Elmo Wrignt, Fay and
Ronald Cory, Dewey Crook, Roy March
and, Frankw Kuncitej, Co and Lucy
Nichols, John nod Henry Ha in; Eruil
Sundbord, Harlan Hoffman, John Chirk,
Elmer Roth and Altnjond Ocorge Mat
ten. 11. E. Martin and J. C. F. Tekenburg
were business visitor at the G- L. John
son home Inst AVedneadny.
Roy Mnrchand and Emil Sundborg
were' visitors to Macleay lust Sunday
night. On the way home they broke the
singletree of tho buggy..
Mr. Mary Clark Crother Is at the
J. D. Clark home convalescing after
.her operation for appendicitis.
Harlan HoTtmnn spent a soeutl even
ing at tho J. C. F. Tekenburg home Sun
day night. -
At the meeting of the Bethel Literary
society held last Friday night, there was
a debate on the question, "Resolved,
That woman suffrnge shoflld be made
n national issue." The affirmative
speaker were Mndisoa Nichols, J. L.
Kirkpatrick and Lucy Nichols, The
speakers for the negative were W. R.
Baker. Harlan Hoffinntt nnd John Zoeh-ler-
The decision was two to one for
the negative. After the debate the fol
lowing -program wits given: Recitation,
"The Missed Train,1 by Chester Sund
borg; Bong, "Thanksgiving Day," by
Margaret I.owrie, Minnie Battalion and
Iva Roth; recitation, "So Thankful
That I Didn't Get tho Mumps on
Thanksgiving Day," bv lfnrriet Wolfe;
song, "A Frog Did liiiie. " by Christine
Ituhnseii and Marguerite Bahnseh; song.
Where you will find everything marked at the lowest possible price, and
one price to all; where you are served promptly and courteously.
Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Gloyes, Purses, Hand ,
Bags, Silks and Crepe de Chine Waists, Dress Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Shoes,
Felt and Fancy Slippers, Blankets, Auto Rugs, Jersey Silk Underwear,
Beautiful Silk Ribbons suitable for making Xmas Gifts.
415 State
The Store for the People
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. We Pay Postage on Mail Orders
viiiiiii irniui monvat the cathedral. The bride is
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts
for Backache or Bladder
Trouble Neutralizes
L ii: acid in meat excites the kidneys,
they become overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like lumps of lcadi The
urine becomes .cloudy; the bladder is
irritated, and you may be obliged , to
seek relief two or three times during
the night. Wheu the kidueys clog you
must help them flush off the body 's
urinous waste or you'll be a real sick
person shortly.-'At first you l'eel a dull
misery iu the kidney region: you suf
fer from backache, sick headache, diz
ziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coat
ed and yon feel rhonmntic twinges when
the weather is bad. . .
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get . from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jud Halts; take a tablespoon
ful in aTtss of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia,- and has
been used for generations to clean clog-1
ged kidneys and stimulate them to nor
mal activity, also to neutralize the acids
in urine, so it no longer is a source ot
irritation, thus ending baddy weak
ness. Jnd Salts is inexpensive, cannot injure;-makes
a delightful effervescent
lithin-wnter drink which' everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe in overcoming kid
ney trouble while it is only trouble.
Oorotha Hneed; violin solo, by Mr. L.
Savage; song, by the society. After
the program a very interesting paper
..nlt.t.l thn Aiilmrii nifrtmt. A'flS 1-eflfi 1)V
"Some One in Pixie ' by Mf. nm Mrs ,he edit ilr L savage. A short
O. O Swales. The "New Moon "rend bujin09s 8l,Nsioil then held in which
by Assistant lvlitor Harlan Hoffman, u wn deeut& to have a pic social on
was up to the usual standard of excel- Dpoember 15. There will be no meeting
leuee nnd covered more than the : Do. omboi- 8. The soeietv is small as
number of pages. The debute next In-i m but the ;cmber8 n 8eem to be fill
day night will be on the question of -j wi(U elltlul8ift8m nua M their mini
government ownership of the railroads. I bc,.s ar0 illoronsill a Sl.ri,.8 of splendid
The school census has been taken in : m(.et-uls is n,surcd
district Xo. 125 and we have only -I8 Tue lining Hands society met at the
or two less thtin last year. This in j Rlllllat, ilomc hist Friilav afternoon,
spite of the tact that the district is larg- jTh(, tilm, wns t()kt1 up with sewing Blld
er than last year. I fancy work.- Some music was also pro-
I'rnt A. 1. Applewhite, superintend-) viU,j Ainong the members present were
eat of schools in Willanunn. niado a I MrSi xr. Battalion, Miss Christine Eat
short visit to the home of . R. Baker tlllfou Ml,H. j. M Ni.-lioln. Mrs. A. H.
last Sat urduy and Sunday. I Fuest.nan, Miss Hazel Kuestmun, Mrs.
Air. A. I.. Sundborg has re-decked the 1(,a s Baker, Mrs. I.. A- liautenburg,
porch on the lront of his house. ! M,s. tj. R0th, Iva Roth, rern Koth, Mrs.
Ihero ttas tt meeting of the board of (, 0!tborne ,swnles. Mrs. K. .. Mattcn,
directors ot the Hig (our Telephone xl .. iof, ir. ir v. ,(;.
Mrs. J. I.. Kirkpatrick. Mrs.
S. hultz and Mrs. ,T. 1). Clark.
A- ..
Stayton News
all So
at the home of the groom's parents near
Mount Pleasant, following the cere
mony nt the cathedral. The bride is
from Albany.
Road district No. 32 has voted a three
mill tax for a permanent improvement
"The (lift of Gifts," a Christmas
mystery play, is under preparation for
the Saturday night before Christmas at
the Methodist church. Quito a number
of people are taking part in the produc
tion which promises to be one of the
big attractions during tho Christmas
season in Htayton.
J. W, Mayo and J. M. Bingo will visit
Salem Saturday evening.
The Illihee club, aa organization of
gleeful spirits, will meet on Thursday
aight of this week.
The Sublimity Dramatic elub which
organization put on a performance here
last week, is composed of young people
who apparently possess some histronic
On November -29 a happy bunch of
neighbors gathered at the home of Lew
Thomfts to do honor to the fact that it
was the birthday of Mrs. Thomas. They
had a fine time with taffy pulling and
other choice features arranged for the
evening's entertainment. It was in the
nature of a surprise party and accord-
in); to reports was plunned well.
Rub Backache Away with
Small Trial Bottle of Old
"St. Jacob's OiL"
When your back is sore and lama
or lumbago, sciatica or rreumatiam baa
you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a
small , trial bottle of old, honest "Sfc.
Jacobs Oil' at any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and rub it right
on your aching back, and by the time
you count fifty, the soreness and lame
ness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once. It takes the pain right out and
ends th a misery.. It is magical, yc
absolutely harmless and doesn't burn
the skin. v
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica,
backache or rheumatism so nroinntlr.
ti 1.1 i r . , . -
xouuiu inaxs, ui ucrvais, was nere.Tr never rl nimmnli
1 .. .. . v. tt : . I - . . . ii lr
Mitft worn, nig romrr is justice ux nie
peace, editor of the (iervais Star, chair
man of the school board and a ftiw other
thinps in that thriving little town down
the line. - i
, I.. Small is home in Stayton from
Astoria. - . .
Jfr. and Mrs- James Thomas, of Sa
lem, spent Thanksgiving in Sttayton.
Miss Veda Yonng, who in attending
school at Corvallis, visited her parents
of this city recently, Mr and Mrs Ed
Young .
"Attorney V. A. Ooode, -of Stayton,
was in Salem on business the other day.
Sim Phillips, bf Salem, was doing life
insurance business in this neighborhood
a few days ago, returning home for
Miss Bertha Oliver, nt one time era
(Continnod on page seven.)
company lust Satunlav night at the
home of (I. Osborne Swales.
(I. O. Swales is graveling his lane.
John Clark, V. H. Itakef'iind Alfred
r.iiuritsen attended a meeting of the
Auburn Literary society bust Weilnes-
uity iiigiii. tne meeting was openeii o., , jmirnni Specinl Servi.-v )
" u.' .- --"".in, Hii.-i , mm tou, lire., Dec. ti. r.d TrnsK. or
was a debate on the question. " ho-; , yolls ,v.ls iu t()Wn ,a!)t Sl,tnrdny go
solved Hint I hiuiksuiving should be nnJ teUnnm troni (Iervais.
ehnnged to Saturday instead of lhuis-i t.ver.,, of ,, t(.n,.hers of Mill. City
day. 1 he dei isiou of the judges was ...... ,,.,,,, n,..,,i,,,i.;viinr s.,l... .n,l
unnnimons fr the ntfirmutive. After u,Hllt tU,.r0j .)1(81(1,a tnrml!h stuvtou 1
the debute Hu .following program was Sl,mUlv en tMltv i,ome. Thev visited;
given: ho. nation, , " I he Land here : Alllns;ille fnends Saturday night.
Mince 1'ies I. row, by l.sthcr Sneed;j Mlll.Bm l,wker, tvho htm been,
reading, by l.u. ile .atimer: recitation. I for sumi, ,illu, in Portland is home again :
" tirnndmolher Sends Pot Home." byliu nlayton. j
! Mrs. Butler Stout ami child spent a
few days last week with her parents,
Mr. ami Mrs. Porter, on their place six:
miles from Sa'em, iu Polk county- ,
Miss Holder, who is the teacher at
'ox Valley, visited Stay-ton friends oil
uuduv. ilei father who for some time
was Western I'uion telegraph operator
and Others Who labor indoors nt Salem, is now located' at Belling-j
... . . ' I " .1
should always take the strength-, T;0 eWMrfn vt M rs Smi,UellberK ..,
Compelling tonic-food in iof Lyons, visited nt the home of J. R,
Pratum Items
(Capital Journal Special Serviee)
Pratum. Hoe. 0. S. J. Yatrs has re
turned from Canada with his new bride.
The I'ranklin Literary society held
its rooular meetiiiir Inst l-'riday ovenitw
Two del ates one by the junior members
furnished the program for the oveutng.
The paper by Mr. Crnliane n very
interesting aud fiilerlaining. Tho sooi-
I '.nr.liior this wft'k.
On Tuesday the snow fell heavily and 1
clothed the ground with a deep carpet- j
Tho Misses Hollister and Marshall,!
the former ' parents' living in Salein,
iiud tho latter s at ttervais. visited tnei
tn lrm nn rt.5 elrnffth parental fireside for Thnnksgiving. The
lo keep up tneir en8inoull!f K0UU,n are the teaching staff
,vv nounsn ineir nerves wu , here.
,1 -r(TV .Miss Howling, ot .MOiinr t icasnnt,
increase their energy. . . tl fIaUzel hl)mc.
rt SPfiTTS ia helDiniT Rev. Father l-ninok married Miss Jo-L
VIA L J , 'sephine l.aux and Arnold Sens last week
f uiuuauiiua-ir iu the Catholic church of Stayton. At -
reception was held tor tne young feopie
Perfect Baking-No Germs
The first real improvement in
oven construction in 50 years
Perfect baking light fresh germlessl
No turning of pans' no dried-up roasts. '
The most particular baking browned evenly, top,
bottom and sides in theparenferf fresh air oven of
Cole's Hot Blast Range
'fluffy and germless.
The minute spaces (of
the cake, bread, etc.)
are filled with the fresh,
pure air put in circula
tion by Cole's Patented
Fresh Air Oven. It is
the only oven that gives
perfect baking.
The Powerful
Circulation -
caused by Cole's venti
lated oven equalizes the
150 differences founc(
between the front and
backoveri temperatures
of other ranges, and
thoroughly distributes
it in all parts of Cole's
oven. This circulation
heats every corner alike
and gives perfect bak
ing, browned 'evenly,
top, bottom and sides.
Cole's Hot Blast range has
gained an enviable reputa
tion among good bakers
put one in your home today.
"The Double Capacity Range"
fort lit nam " CV ' flon ml htr tmnuin
Sole Agents for Salem
Corner Court and Liberty Streets
So k tfcjwue. Blooaiticla, M. I.