Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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w Pain in Back of Neck Often
Denotes Kidney Weakness
-3 UvmntLtlia Ilf lft.lllCV fp.illtil) fl Tt VlirtOllH.
lint pain iu back of neck and dull, aching
feelings in smnll of lmek are to lio looked for.
Simply by realizing that these dis
tresses arc ottcn tno onset or an
nuls of kidney trouble it
in well to net rid of
til em immodiatelp
hv toning up the
The very bent way
to do thin in by tak
inir a little "Anur
ie " with the mculs. In
tliiH way it is dissolved
with the food and finnlly
reaches the kidneys, where
it has a tome effect.
" Anurie" was recently discovered
by Dr.I'iorco, of Buffnlo,N-Y., where
it has been thoroughly tested in his
, , ... . Invalids' Hospital. Many can at once
associate Dr. 1'ierce with Ins great tonic, " Golden Medical Discovery,' 'and his
"Favorite Prescription," universally kuow na an jnvigorntor for w'omnnlv ills.
juaney, uiaaaor nnd uric Acia troubles bring misery to miiiiv. When the
kidneys arc weak or diseased, these natrtti filters do not cleanse the blood suf
ficiently, and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow
depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, irritability, headaches,
chilliness and rheumatism. In sonic people there aro shurp pains in the back
nnd loins, distressing bladder disorder, nnd sometimes obstinate dropsy.
The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the
uric acid affects the muscles ml joiuln, it causes lumbago, rheumatism,
gout or sciatica.
This "Anurie" or Dr. J'ierco's is 3; t i iiich more potent than lilhia. for it
dissolves uric acid in the system, as hot filter does sugar.
Some one daily offers his of her wor,8 uf praise of " Aiiuric." Here is what
Mr. Charles K. Zampich has to say:
"I was troubled with rheumatism for long time, just as sunn as (he
weather changed it bothered me. It ut tacked my legs and in through the
shoulder blades. Kidneys were congested. Hecentlv I used "Anurie," and
am pleased to say it has relieved me wonderfully."
Step in the drug store and get "Amine," or send Dr. Pierce Klc for trial
Dr. I'ierce's I'lensiint Pellets are the original little liver pills, first put up
nearly 'M years ago. They regulate and invigornto, stomach, liver and bowels.
Much imitated but never equaled. Sugar coated and easy to take ns candy.
I People Notice It. Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets
Almost Prohibitive Prices 'Estimates Made by Clerk,
Stayton News Items
(Continued ou page, eight.)
ployed at the (linybell and the Spa iu
Halem, now teaching a successful term
of school at I ' 11 ion Hill, seven miles
from Sublimity, was in town recently.
The. young woman spent Thanksgiving
with Salem friends, returning to direct
the youthful mind., again Sundny night.
The former Snlem girl is popular with
her Htuilenls.
The election of E. K, Cooper as chief
o'f police of Su'cni brought much grati
fication to his friends iu thin city where
ho lived for manr veins
Charles Slaiib bus. elected marshal of I'ha and Lizzie
Stayton Monday, with K. .Murphy and guret I) tier, Mary Doerfl
Victor Point Items
(Capital .lournul Special Service)
Victor Point, Dec. fl. The mask
ball given Thanksgiving eve at the
VV. O. VV. hall enjoyed a large attend
ance. Prank Doerfler and Alex Doer
fler won the prizes.
I'lia Darby who is attending (). A. C.
spent Thanksgiving at home.
Mr. nnd Mis. Frank Doert'ler enter
tained with "MM" at their home Fri
day evening. Alter the close of the
game a delicious lunch was served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mis. Ja
cob Doerfler, Una and Avu Darby, Her
Kreux, llerthn ami Mar-
Shuts Out Stores Selling
at Low Figures
The linn of Hale & Co., located at
North Commercial -niid Court streets
in the building formerly occupied by
the Chicago store has decided to retire
from business and ure announcing in
today's issue a special closing out sale.
The firm has been one of the popular
priced stores of the citv and the de-
Taxpayers May Discuss
It Dec. 26
Announcement is made by the county
court that an opportunity for discus
sion of the estimates of the amount of
money proposed to be raised by taxation
for Million county for the ensuing year
will be given any taxpayer subject to
such tux levy, December 20 at JO
cision to discontinue their store wilMo clock in the court house, the item
be greatly regretted. i.eil statement of the county clerk of
Mr. Hrill who is manager and buver
for the store, in discussing the decision
of the store to close out its slock, said:
'The prices on staple merchandise
are almost prohibitive. licsides you
are never sure of getting what you
have ordered. Take muslins, for in
stance, have raised aoout 0 per cent,
a quality that a year ago we bought for
7' cents per yard, the manufacturer
asks now 1 1 ' cents, and so on, on all
lines throughout the store. Cotton and
wool underwear are almost oft' the mar
ket and the joblier or manufacturer
will not accept your order at a certain
price but at value, and even then with
out a promise of sure delivery. I'nder
these conditions a store like ours, es
tablished to sell goods at low figures
only, cannot continue and live up to
its policy. Conscijuently, we have de
cided to get out of the game for the
present, anyhow."
London, Star rover
..aekcir.ie, "Pliisher's mead
Mcl.oiiglilin, My irieiid the Indian
Mantugue, Closed doors
Nietzsche, (iosper of superman
KiiuHcheubusch, Christianizing the so
cial order
linhhius, Poems of personality
Sayee, Ancient empire ot the east
Stevenson, Tiavcls with a donkey
Vnchcll, Spruggc's Canyon
Walling, Violclte of Pore Luchuisc
Ward, Donald Many
Wiseman, Fabiola
Wolfsoii, Kssciitiuls iu ancient his-orv.
the expenses for the coining yeur is us
follows: .
Expenses of registrations
and elections $ 2.jl).dO
Sheriff's office 8.535.00
Clerk's office ll.S75.0U
Recorder's office 3,HU.U0
Treasurer's office 2,570.00
Assessor's office 7,100.00
Surveyor's office I,82.00
School superintendent's of
fice 7,125.00
Court house account 4.550.00
Circuit court 11,400.00
County court and commis
Justice 's court ....
Coroner's office ..
Insane examinations
County jail
Health officer .
For horticultural
Stock iuspector .
Indigent soldiers
ami agri-
Charles Stayton as couuciiimen. Mr. Hubbard, Ida Doerfler F.dith Fox, Mina
Stayton succeeeding himself; Clnrence Doerfler, Francis Doerfler, Kthcl Doer
Beauchaiiip was elected treasurer, and I fjer, Alex and Joe Doert'ler, (ilenu Mc
J. H. (Jrier, succeeding himself, record- M'lellaii, Ivan anil .laiues Darby, Willie,
or, ' Kdd and Julius Kreuz, (icorge oDert'ler,
Paul McClcllnn. Pen Star, llaus Olson,
Martin Doerfler, Frank Doerfler,
The dinner and program given at
the school house was well attended and
all report a splendid time.
Lillian Gish
EEHaaamaa "Diana of the Follies" EEM3I3EE0
A Story of Show Life
A Keystone QregOll A "ft?""
Coming Fri. and Sat., WM. S. HART, in "The Dawn Maker"
"" "- J-..- 1- j inltiiM II
The Spirit of Chrittmcts
THE spirit of Christmas Is the spirit of
serviced The faithful carrier of parcels in
Charles Dickens "The Cricket of the Heardi"
was art embodiment of this spirit.
John Peerybinole typified personal service Id
transportation for his day and age. He never
dreamed Charles Dickens never dreamed
of the magnitude of Wells Fargo Service, nor
of its thousands of devoted expressmen, upon
whose efficient work the convenience, comfort,
and pleasure of so many depend.
Steadily the express has builded its reputation
for both fidelity and dispatch in the handling
of its business; yet it is in the flood-tide of
Christmas shipments that its service is put to
the greatest test.
It is at this time that Wells Fargo needs most the'
co-operation of its patrons in order that it rruy
handle without delay its millions of Christinas
package. Therefore we make ah earliest request
that you ship early this Christmas. To help you do
this we furniih attractive labels requesting the re
ciptent of your package not to open them unci)
Cnriitmaj day.
Wells Fargo&Co. Exp rets
Care of poor 20,000.00
Mothers' pensions 20,000.00
Juvenile court ., 100.00
Sculp bounties 50.00
KeDaie on tuxes lao.ou
Advertising , 000.00
State lair 1,000.00
Sealer weights and measures 550.05
Kebates of fees 5000
Indemnity for diseased cattle .'100.00
Fire protection 275.00
Hounty on gophers and moles 4,125.00
Iton.ls and. highways 24,000.O0
The total expense out of the geuerul
fund is $:iHU,Nti7,ti5. There is ft surplus
of i 1(10,000 of the li Hi tax in the gen
eral fund to be curried over which add
ed to the probable receipts from sources
other than taxes of ltii.ti-tti.32, leaves
the sum of $200,221. :i:i to be raised.
The county court rccnuiincnds the fol
lowing levies: For state purposes $115,
000; for general fund, $200,221.32; for
county school and library fund, $113,
400; and for a general road fund a tax
of four mills, and for a high school
fund n tax of three-fourths mill.
December 31, 111 IS, the following was
s I recoilinieiioco us me expenses 01 .uanon
O 1 county for the veur 1015-10: Total out
of the general fund $2!lll, 107.07 with
probable receipts, of $S5,liiU.57. The
recommendation of ihc county court for
state purposes $15(I,217.0S; for general
fund $210,!)3S.40; for county school and
library fund $113,400. The road tax is
the same as this year but the high
school tax is reduced from five mills to
three-fourths mill.
Reductions nre shown iu the expenses
of the clerk's office of over $500- The
recorder's office shows a decrease of
$100. The surveyor's office reduces ex
penses by $s,r). There is an increase of
$525 in the expenses of the county
school superintendent's office. The
court house expenses is reduced $025,
the circuit court $300; the county court
nnd commisisoners increase $200; the
justice's court is reduced $500, the
county jail account reduced $525; the
fund for indigent soldiers is increased
$200; the care of poor is increased
$1,000. In addition, this year there is
included mother's pensious, which
amount to $20,0n0.
For the improvement of roads and
highways, bridges and ferries the sum
appropriated last year was $1SO,000 and
(his year it is increased to $204,000.
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of Dr.
Kdwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the
liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets,
the successful substitute for calomel
there's never any sickness or pain r.ftcr
taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as clrcc
tivcly, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad brcallr. a dull, listless, "no 'good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil ; you will know them by their
olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and look.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Winning of Barbara Worth
Is Splendidly Staged
Contains List of Clerks and
Teachers In Districts Em
ploying Two or More
Superintendent of' I'ublic Instruction
I. A. Chuichirriias just issued an of
ticial dirrctory of superintendents, su
pervisors, principles, high school teach
ers and standard high schools of the
There are 10 school disldii t of the
first class, each having tin enumera
tion of over 1000 children. The direct
ory contains the names and addresses
of district clerks and of all teachers
.in schools employing more than one
teacher. The number of pupils and
teachers in each school, together with
the salaries, tax levies, etc, ure also
The directory shows that 173 high
schools have met the requirements for
stiindardi.atioii and have been stand
ardised liv the state board of educa
tion. Besides giving the rules I'or stand
ardizing nnd accrediting secoudiiry
schools, the directory also gives sug
gested lists of apparatus for the differ
ent science courses, with approximate
prices, and the addresses of responsi
ble dealers, together with a suggested
list of books for the high school library.
The directory is the most complete
yet published.
A S200.000 BLAZE
New Yolk, Dec. li. Fire that, wreck
ed Tour big buildings iu Brooklyn, mi J.
threatened to destroy several blocks
was finally declared controlled by the
fire department nl 0:30 after three
hours of hard fighting.
Fanned by a high wind, fire brands
neic carried to a number of buildings
anil residences in the millionaire dis
I ru t, but w ere quickly extinguished
The loss was estimated at $200,000. -.
And some men who are short on haie
imagine thut they are long on brains.
Hiii 1
Moonshine Still
Depicted On Screen
"The Winning of Barbara Worth,"
which comes to the Grand theatre next
Thursday, is adapted from the book
of the. same name by .Mark Swain
and is proving one of the most success
ful plays artistically and financially
of all the book plays presented in
ninny years. There is u good and suf
ficient rensuu for this- 1.. C. Ycoinans,
the producer, believes that the ffidin
nry company of players and a medeo
cre scenic production, does not give
satisfaction to theatregoers in the
smaller cities any more than it would
give satisfaction in the most prominent
play nouses 01 the larger cities.
Ho believes that things theatrical
are us well known 111 isulcui ns 111
Montreal or 1'hiladelphiu, and that u
good play is appreciutod iu this city
just as much us in any . other, conse
quently to warrant success he has given
careful attention to every detail. He
has staged "The Winning of Barbara
Worth1' with the sntno Invishoess! has
eniiiifrcl 11 ciiiiiiinnv of idnvers stiff ici- '
- -- - , 1 .
ently strong and has taken care of ev
ery requirement us though the piny had
no engagements except those of the very
largest cities in the country. It is very
often the case that New York successes
make up several companies to play out
side the metropolis, and that number
three or four, with cheap aciors, cheap
scenery and run on a very ecoiioinicul
basis except to do as much business ns
tho oriiniinl.
Mr. Yeomnns knows different, nnd 1 Mutual Feature Shows Famous Haunt
ho hns taken care that there shall be 1 of .Lawbreakers
only one company playing thin success
- SiM'' &a J ! t
Lenore Ulrich
I! U
I I Orchestra Music
this season, and that it shull compure
in every requirement with the best
there is to give in the theatrical world.
One scene in particular will compare
favorably with any effect seen with
any play in years; tho Sand Storm in
tho prologue of the play. For vivid
realism it has rarely been equalled on
any stage.
In the Helen nolmos
Production, "Judith of
Mutual' Star
the Cumber-
Acquitted on Fifth Ballot
Says He Will Run Down
His Wife's Murderer
Supposed To Have Caught
From Stove Practically
Nothing Saved
Fire last night completely destroyed '
the home of Fred lligler at 2.")l" North'
Fifth street. The blaze is believed to
have caught from one of the stoves.:
Practically everything in the lioure, in
cluding the family clothing, except
that w hich they were weaving, whs de-
stroyed. Mrs. K. K. Wallace, neigh-1
'ior, discovered the file and turned in ;
'he ulann. The department responded
piickly, and although 1200 feet of hose
were laid it was impossible to save any
king except the nearby houses. Iu the.
lush of laying the hose Captain lv.-nn.
of the l ire depart incut cut his lip.
A chimney fire at 3X South Winter!
street this morning ut :0r o'clock call-,
ed out the tire dcpuitment but no dam
age was done.
Company M Members i
To Become Yeterans!
In onler that the members of Com
puny M w ho were on the border last I
Milliliter may fittingly respond to the'
invitation to become members of the'
Marion County Veterans' association, it j
hns been decided to meet in the nrntory
tonight to form sit organization which
will be similar to the Spauiidi-Ame rican
War Veteran. Temporary organization
is planned for tnniekt wheu plans for
the future will bo outlined. It is tilnu-1
tied to have Company M, boeattsc it ws
the first to ttiohilire Inst June,- hp the
first to orgnnize a military society
among thos who took part in the Mex
ican expedition. This organisation is a
preliminary to the meeting of the Ma
rion County Veterans' association in the
armory Thursday.
St. Joseph, Mo Dec. li. Oscar .1).
j McDaniel, prosecuting nttornoy of II11
liiuuian countv, was a free mini to
; .lay
I Mclhinicl was acquitted lest night of
1he murder ot his wife. I he iurv
Mauds," the five act romantic drama of
the Kentucky mountaineers, which
comes to the liligh theatre on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, a famous
moonshine still has been accurately pro
duced. Director .T. I'. Mcdownn was
furnished photographs by a friend iu
the internal revenue department who
participated in a raid upon the famous
still which was located in a mountain
fastness between Kentucky ami Tenn
essee. The still was located iu a cave
hadd of access, and the government of
ficers worked months before finding it.
As this gripping human interest
drama dealt with the feudists in that
section 061 the country, Mr. MctJowan,
to make the picture more realistic, re
prwluced in every detitil this noted
moonshiner's retreat. "Judith of the
Cumberliinils" was adapted for the
screen from the celebrated novel of
Alice Mctiowan, unit the pieturi.ti
tiou is forceful and ilininutic. Helen
Holmes in the leading role achieves
new honors by her able interpretation
of a tensely emotional characterization
She is supported by an able cast of
The Secret of
The Submarine
More Daring in Every Chapter
ma evil
The Story of Humanity
Last Times Today
out one hour nnd thirtv five minutes.
It took live ballots to reach an agree
ment. The first three attempts to rench tt
was verdict resulted ill a vote of ten to two
) I j Afk
for something sweet fiuds
pleasant realisation in the pure,
wholesome, wheat nnd barley
Xo danger of upsetting the
stomach nnd remember, tinte
Nuts is a true food, good for any
meal or between meals.
"There's a Reason"
for acquittal; the fourth was 11 to I
I for acquittal, the fifth was unanimous
end sent .McDaniel to his home audi
I three motherless babies, a free man. j
McDaniel expects to hunt down the 1
murderer or murderers of his wife and
:mnke them answer the same charge on
which he has been acquitted, he de
clared hero today. J
"I believe I have the descriptions
I of the men who committed the inur
j dor, " he said as he drew from his
pocket a memorandum sheet. "At anv
irate, 1 have enough evidence against!
I certain persons to make me believe li
lean catch those who killed Harriett.":
j The prosecutor w ill devote most of j
his tiiii.' to "trailing" the persons he
bflieves guilty of the crime. He will,!
however, lontiuue his duties us county i
j prosecutor until Jnnunry 1, whonhiV
'eiccp.'Mir will take office. Fifty,
i criminal cases nre on the court docket!
! now and McDaniel declared he would!
; try at least one of them a murder-,
en so iu which a woman was beaten toi
' tenth. ' 1
December 7 One Night
' Here, the visitors told them
selves, was the real West."
The Strongest Book Play in a
Beautiful Scenery and a Power,
ful Cast.
25c, 50c, 75c, $1; Boxes $1.50
Reserved Seats en sale at the
Opera House Pharmacy
In Richard Harding Davis'
Internationally Famous Com
edy Success
German Submarine
Shells American Ship
New York, Dec. (5. American mem-!
bers of the crew of the steamship John
Lambert, reaching New- York today
aboard tho FtoSich linot Espague, 1
brought word that the John Lambert .
was shelled and sunk without wurning
by a (iermnu submarine. The attack
took place, the crew said, .November
; 22. off the Isle of Wight. !
! The John Lambert is listed as an '
1 American vessel. She was one of 12
I ships built by the Great Lakes and St. I
i Law rence Transportation company. The I
French line agreed to purchase all these!
)vese!s but the John Lambert had not!
; been delivered. She was to have been!
tat Havro after the trip on which she,
was stink. t
j Members of the erew declared the'
submarine first sent a shot through the I
j bridge and continued firing while the!
j men were getting into the boats. Thev
suid th.-y rowed 40 miles to the French I
const, a trip which required 12 hours.
With' an all star east of
DEC 14-15
See announcement on Page S
today's Journal