BIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES!, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6. 1910. WIIIBMM Ill g"M"llHffi." a '.n.wi.', ipiJiHIUf.Mli Is the Number and the Place Where the Yamhill Mercantile Co. Stock will besold SE E3EB : : pi ; 1 . I :llilt g fty llJT BEGINNING THURSDAY, 9:C0 a. m. C Men's $15.00 Suits . . .$g.95 Men's High Top St"- $3.95 u a n ii w a a n One Lot Women's House Dresses 58c One Lot Gingham Qc One Lot Serges 52c All Colors Calico gg There never has been such a sate in Salem or the Willamette valley before and may never be again. As we were able to buy this fine new stock of gen eral merchandise at such a low price that we can sell it to the people of Salem far below wholesale. . The stock consists of Groceries, Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Drugs, Hardware, Paints, " Crockery-. Dishes, Farm Tools, in fact a complete general merchandise stock. We are unable to give prices on this vast amount of merchandise in so lim ited, a space, but ybu will find every thing marked in plain figures in the store and extra salespeople to wait up on you. Come and see for yourself. This is the place to make your Christmas Money Go Farther Good Brooms 22c German American Coffee , .23c X White Beans ........... "Jq All 10c Groceries gg All 25c Groceries 20c Ladies' $4.50 High Top Shoes $2.98 i 14 lbs. SUGAR for $1 With $2 Purchase Flour Fischer's Silver Flake, sack . . . JjJJg One to a customer. $2.50 Comforts ..... . JJ 79 I g B W M El a a n 11 11 u 11 R U a The play of Barbara Wlrth retains aU the Important scenes and characters. T he sand storm In the desert and th finding of Baby Barbara is realistic ally given. The play will be seen at the Grand Thursday evening. HI ID BRING j j Perfecting -Plans to Have Willard Meet the French Champion 1 3 THE NEW CUT RATE STORE 9 270 North Commercial Street (Continued from page one.) Deo. 6 Further large captures of pris oners and war material in Bumania was announced in today's official statement. FieW Marshal Von Mackensen's forces lire fighting their way victoriously to the railroad from Bucharest to Ploegti end Campine. "In the Bazka valley, southeast of I "Under influences of this movement Nossin, Kehdiv and Aaarhaye, a raid by i the enemy advanced his positions north German Austro Hungarian troops' of 8inaya, which in the evening were brought a considerable section of the i captured by Austro-Hungarian" groups Kumanian position, witn two omcersi alter bard tignuug. and more than 80 ranks, with much ac cumulated ammunition, into our posses sion," the statement continued. "The Ninth army, under Field Mar shal Von Mackessen, is advancing, fighting victoriously in -its approach to the railroad between Bucharest, Ploesti and Campine. The Danube army clears its posi tion on the south bank of the Argesul, taking towns still oceupiod by Kuman ians, and continues its advance toward Bucharest. "On the Danube Russian attacks from the east were repulsed. "German Austro Hungarian troops I II II II f! II !! n ii i ii ii II ii ii II Si u n ii si ii ii u II tl II a a a Looks Are Important, But rr7.yi' - x " A good Sat of clothes means more than good looks. Tha caterial Bastear, the suit must tit; the shape mast hold, the style most Bet why worry about any of these things when you can be sore of them aU HART SCHAFFTiER & MARX ?20 f25 ?30 BISHOPS ALL WOOL CLOTHES $15 $20 $25 Have satisfied these requirements for many years. Their faithful service has built their reputation. ' . ... Convince yourself by seeing this season's values and price $15 to $30. undor Colonel Von Szive are following Rumanian forces in southwestern Wal lachia who are retreating in complete confusion. They forced tho enemy into an engagement on the Alt. The enemy, whose way on the east bank of tho river had beeu blocked yesterday, lost 2 of ficers, 000 of other ranks its prisonem and four cannon. Besides this number, more than 4,400 other Rumanians were taken prisoners on December 6. "On the railroad north ol Bucharest considerable wheat stores, bought by the British government and labeled as such by signs, fell into our hands." Serbians Are Winners. i una, uec. o. oeroian forces con quered more strong positions north of OruniUa and the Bulgarian defender!) or yesterday were retreating northward today's official statement said, detail ing the Macedonian fighting. The Franco-Herbian forces in the same theatre of war also advanced... A vio lent artillery duel is now in progress north of Monostir. JEN'S HATS i J SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE ' ROTC CLOTHES German Attack Win. Petrograd, Dec. 6 Continued German attacks on Bucharest from the north, made in the direction of Tergovistea in the Pioleshti region and around Pokan eshti were successful, the official state ment declared today. Berause the Ru manian front was pierced by this attack the Rumanians were compelled to re tire. Russians Forced Back. Petrograd, Dec. 0. Occupancy of a height west of Jablonitza in the wooded Carpathians but a forced retirement later on account of violent enemy artil lery fire, was detailed in today's of ficial statement. ' "MAIL EAKLT" IS SLOGAN !, 13, 10, brought faro 'J'n:, By H. C. Hamilton. '(United J'rens staff correspondent.) ! New York, Dec. 0. The willingness , with which this country has responded to tho French need for relief funds probably will have a strong effect in putting over Ihe proposed bout in New 1 York between .less Willuid and Georges Carpcutier. i Tex Rickanl, promoter u( (he bout,! 'eaid today he lias received strong assur-, Jances teat Carpcnticr will be given a, month's furlough from the army provid- j td his sharo of the purse and a sum stnt- j ed by Rickard and ilcCiacken is turned ! into tho French war relief fund. ' Miss Anno Jlorgnn, treasurer of the fund, and Miss Elizabeth Murbiir.v said I they have agreed to tulie charge of mon ey collected for the fund through tho bout and Miss Morgan has guurnnteed a bond of $150,000 for the safe return to France of the solilior-boxer. ! " Carpcnticr, in a contract wliM-h should j be in his hands within a few ilnys, has beeu guaranteed the sum of KHl.Odil ! f runes ($2U,IIU0) and in addition will receive $2,000 for training and travel-, ing expenses. He is cxjiected to arrive in New York 1 about December HI, provided he is given I permission to mnke the trip. Will Aid Relief Fund. Rickard tackled an exceedingly trou blesome matter when ho began to plan for Cnrpentier's first appearance in tho United Htates. He found it would be practically impossible for him unaided to provail upon the French government for the soldier-boxer's release. It was) necessary for him to tie up negotiations through the American fund for the French wounded and ho found persons oonnected with this iu a receptive mood. Miss Morgan and Mi-SB Marbury ad mitted they wero apprised of the pro ceedings several weeks ago and agreed to take charge of Cerpentier's share. This will be .turned over to relict ork in France, where, they said, it is budly needed. Rickard has received tentative ngreo from both Willard and Caipeutier to enter the ring. Willard has given) Heattlc, Wash., Dec. ). It took Jl his word to meet any opponent which minutes of overtimo playing for the ay be selected for 'im by Kickar.1, SeBt,le MetropoUUM to lh provided the opponent is not blnck. Ho is expected to demand at least 50,000 Portlaod Rosebuds at ice hockey here for his share, but as uickiua never mis ii 'Bu,i " i"ti iuopeiiiii Are You Going Home for Christmas and New Years Holidays? Round trip fares will be in effect between points on the 'Oregon Klcctric Ky. December .'10 uud 31, Hnd Jmmury 1. re turn limit Junuary 3. Also, for all points is Oregon, Wash ington and Idnho, except west, of Rainier, on the Spokane, I"nrtland & Scuttle Hy., and eonnei-ting lines, Jiccember L"J to "5 inclusive, return limit January ;i. Through Tickets Sold, Biggage Checked and Berth Reservations Arranged by Local Agents. Lev Fare California Excursion via the North Bank and S. S. Northern Pacific. - INDEPENDENCE CONNECTION v Hunt servieo between Knst lndepi-udenen and Indeppndenre re-established November 1!S. Itoats rrcularlv meet trains Ti. 7. II. 10. Passengers from Independence will be Knst liidepenileiien from trains M ' and ?.'J!. Jlnat For further information consult agents. Iff. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem. PORWS HOCKEY TEAiyMS DEFEATED Eleven Mbutes Overtime Play Required to Wallop the Rosebuds FOR THROAT AND LUNGS STl'BMOItN CUtMiNH AMI) lUIJiS Eckman s Alterative been known as u piker, it is moro than prolable his terms will be met nil bout a quiver. Willard Is Willing-. Chicago, Dec. H. If Jess Willard has "tentatively" ngri-ed to fight Georges Carpentier in 'ew York for French re lief, Tom Jones knows nothing of it. Absolutely netting to it, ' Jones aia today. It is generally conceded that Willurd will do nothing without Jones' managerial assent. "Tex Rickard in New lorn is mying elaborate rilana 'for the proposed mill between the champion uud the French war hero. I haven't even had any eorrespond- ence with Rickard or anyone else con cerning a bout," Jones declared today. "I don't see where tbey get this tuff." Jones is expecting Fred Fulton and t'.nnlr Vn.oa (n Chifintrn tndfiv tn talk f i ii' i . - r-- j """"""'J' over plans for a fight in Milwaukee, announced he had begun through post ..irh(iven.t talled with a soul," he masters nation wide "mail ee.,,. ijeM en get Into shape within prVBn-. . v. i. . . I three weeks if he has to," the man lm!n n -ki hettt tat0,"v 10 Br continued. "Of course if it is to tr.P li5ivrm!? e. TT" t0, deln:"ik a long mill he may require longer t JSZL- " thn that. We are ridy to sign for wa" utgesion.Vr eVb.ieTh,fa'rr"rhin, '-fX T cel. be moiled early, allressed ,.Iilvi"d more ,f ,u0 P"P" and wrapped securely; that care be tok en to affix sufficient postage and that parcels may be indorsed "not to be opened until Christmas." Early mailing is esiiecially necessary, Postmaster General Burleson says, be cause the day before Christmas falls on Sunday and all parcels should be mailed in time for delivery Haturdav. December 23 A PEACE EE SOLUTION Washington. Expecting heavier Christmas mails than ever before, be cause of "the general prosperity prev alent throughout the eountrv. " I'ot- Washington, Dee. 6. A resolution (ailing for an immediate conference? the senate comraitteo on foreign rela tions and the houso committee on for eign affnirk with the president to form ulate plans to bring about peace nego tiations among the warring Knropean nations, was offered in the house today lure oy Representative Lmdborg. SPARROW TRAP SELF ACTINO DOUBLE FUNNEL Muk one yourself. Good as any $10. trap sold. Catches hundreds alive daily. No attention required. Made entirely of wire which can be purchased any where at retail for 70c or lens. Your hands and a pair of cutting plii'rs only tools required. 1 will send carefully mado Blue prints nnd full directions for One dollar only. No other expense or "string" whatever. Write tonight enclosing prireud this advertisement to tworge V. Julian Albany Building, Jtoston, Mnss. (rtnle proprietor and inventor of 'Julian's Knit" the well known linuid for "everything wearing fins.") Established 1001, at this sumo address. game of the season on the local ice before u crowd of 3,000. Not'cuntent with having their tennis put up one of the tougest and fastest hockey clashes ever seen here, "'Cully" Wilsoa of Keattle, and Tommy Dunder. dule of the Oregonians, pulled off a lit tle buttle of their own iu the extra ses sion' and were shooed to the locker rooms for their extra efforts. Lost night's win put Seattle and Van couver at a tie for second place. Lester 1'utrick's Hpokaun crew grabbed the lttaguo leadership in Hpokane last night in the first hockey game of the Pacific Coast league played in that city, whju it walloped Vancouver six to tour. Will Meet Next Year. Berkeley, C'al-, Dec. 6 California, and Washington will meet next year on Cali fornia field on November 3, according to tentative arrangements announced to day by Graduate Alnnagor ritroud. No game will be played at Heattle, In addition to the Washington eontcst California will auto meet Oregon uni versity and the Oregon Aggies, tho lat ter in Berkeley on October 20 and Vke former in Portland, November 10. ADVERTISED LETTERS Advertised December 5, 1010. Abter, Miss fclizabetn. Bowman, Mrs. Lyle. Bell, Air. C. J. Haumgartner, Mr. oJlin. Brown, Mr. Fred. Brooks, K. O. (3). Cnlbert, Mr. Delson, Coojier, Mrs. Norn. Fosket, Mr. Harold. Fruit, Warren, lligley, Stella. Hey .en, Mr. August. Johnson, .Ming Annio Muy. Jordon, Mrs. J. l.ightfoot, Mrs. Foster H. l.nddersnw, .Mrs. Annie. Miller, Miss Luura Mcomas, Mr. Charley. 1'arker, Mr. Noble. Parsons, Miss Ruth, i'eyree, Air. Joiiu. "Books Boys Like Besf at the Library A number of books in the rlnv Si-out edition have been added to the eolleu tion is the thildrcu's room at the pub lic library in honor of "Bov Scout Week." fciome are titles never before on the shelves. The descriptions quot ed ar from tho "Books Boys I,ik B-st" list. Harbour, "For (he Honor of tho School." m Barnes. "Yankee. (Ships uttd Yankee Sailors." Brudy, "Midshipman in the Pacific;." Burton, "Boy Hcout of Koli's HilL" The record of many unusual experiences, Hwift moving incidents follow one upon onothur; boyish fun nnd frolic ubouud la every chapter. Collins, "Tho Wireless Mini." Douhlcday, "Catllo Hiioch lo Co! lego." Mayimrd, "fVbool Days of Miott Gray, Junior." An Anieriuun school story that makes one confident of thn citizens of tomorrow. It presents idculs in a nay that must fascinate bovs. Quirk, "Baby Mton, Quarterback." Touilinson, "Tccumsek's Youiib Braves." Wallace, "Cngava Bob." Mr. Dillon pictures with wonderful vhidjieps th fearful cold, the isolation of the people who venture into the wild for fur anim als and tho strange superslititons of Iu dians and Eskimos. White, "BUxed Trail." Rack, Mrs. J. J. Smith, Miss Matilda. Hinglcton, Mrs. A. II. Wacner, Mr. Frank. AUGUHT HITKHNTKIN, Poitmasler. 13 A TALBOT A r n a r fcmifit COLLARS arc curve cut to fit the shoulders perfectly 't,'"r CUutt.ftabody KCb:lmMiktr5