Page of The Capital Journal WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 6, 1910. CHABLES H FISHER, JMitor id Muniimr - Editorial PUBLISHED EVEET EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OEEOON, BX Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BAENE8, CHAS. H. FISHES, DOHA C. ANDEE8EN, President. Vice-President. Sec. and Treat. SUBSCRIPTION BATES ily by carrier, per yew $5.00 Per month 4Se. Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Pet' month ............ 35o FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH EEPOET - EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Leiria-Williama Special Agency, Tribune Building Ghieago, W. H. Stockwell, People's tias Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the' carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. JUST LINES OF REASONING The judicial mind and that of the layman apparently travel along different routes and reach different conclus ions from given premises. This is illustrated in the case mentioned yesterday in which the supreme court of the United States held that the Interstate Commerce commis sion could permit railroads to charge more for a short than a long haul under certain conditions. It was illus trated again by our own supreme court yesterday in the suit of the city of Woodburn against the Public Service Commission of Oregon and the Western Telephone Company. It seems that some time ago the United Tele ' phone Company was granted a franchise to operate in the city of Woodburn, and in consideration of this franchise and privilege, it agreed with the city of Woodburn that it would not charge above a certain sum for its service. Later, the Western Telephone Company became its suc cessor and assumed all its rights, privileges and obliga tions. In July of last year this company applied to the Public Service commission for the privilege of raising its rates, and after due consideration and notice, and a hearing of . the matter, the commission authorized the company to charge rates greater than it had agreed with the city. to charge. The city then took the matter into court and on the trial before Judge Galloway the contention of the city that the company had no right to violate its contract or the commission to order it to do so, was sustained. From this decision the defendants appealed' and the supreme court in an opinion handed down by Justice Harris re versed the lower court and held that the, commission had the right to increase, " and . the ; company to collect the greater charge. -. - ".. We do not presume to pass upon the correctness of the decision, for it is that of the highest, legal tribunal of the state and its decision is final, but simply to call attention to the different line of reasoning followed by the judicial mind and that of the average citizen. The judicial mind reasons along the line that the people of the whole state have greater authority than a city, or a portion cf the people, and that having such power, their acts giving the Public Service commission authority to regulate rates such as .those in the Woodburn case, made void any act or contract made by the city that was in contravention to this authority. The learned justice in passing upon the matter admits that 'the law giving the commission this regulating power was passed subsequently tajhe grant; ing of the franchise by the city of Woodburn, a franchise that was a contract for the doing of a certain thing, the consideration being the privileges given the company. Article one, section 21 of the bill of rights in the state constitution, says among other things: ' "No ex post facto, law, or law impairing the obligations of contracts, shall ever be passed." . , To the average man it would seem that the passing of the law giving the Public Service commission power to set aside a contract and to substitute another in its place, as between the city of Woodburn and the'Western Tele - phone company, was not only a law impairing the obliga tion of a contract but that it was an ex post facto law. Following this line of reasoning the conclusions reached would be diametrically opposite those reached by following the judicial, line of argument. .Why is there such a difference, and does a man's line of thought change when he puts on the judicial ermine? Here was a con tract admitted by all the parties to it as having all the necessary component parts of a legal contract, for there were parties, a subject matterand a consideration. There was also the "aggregatio meirtio" and a completed con tract. This the Public Service commission set aside and substituted a new contract for the parties. This being found to be the law by the supreme court must stand, but it behooves the municipalities of this state to think long before making any contract with any public utility com pany or person. A contract of that kind has been decided 4 .' . i ! : iL. w..-vnmt- nrA n'Vnla it VlQC Tint. to be not oinaing on me uuiupajr, . 'been decided, it is more than probable that should the city undertake to revoke a franchise it would find that so far as it is concerned it would be bound hard and fast. Another similar case is found in the law concerning the employment of school teachers, who, while they cajo compel the district employing them to live up to its con tract, can refuse to keep their part of it. . It would seem the cities, so far as public utilities are concerned, are in the same boat as school districts, bound by any contract they may make, but unable to compel the other party to keep his part of the "agreement. SOME FOOLISH WOMEN OFFICIAL RETURNS (Continued from page one.) General Grant once remarked that "the democratic party could always be depended on to do the wrong thing at the right time." The same remark might be made of the eastern suffragettes, who so far have not-failed to do this very thing. Their action in trying to heckle the president yesterday was a sample of their wisdom. It is less than, a month since, as a party, the women made a desperate effort to defeat President Wilson, coming out openly for his opponent and for the stated reason that they could expect nothing from the democrats, although the planks of the two platforms were identical on the sub ject of suffrage. Yesterday they carried their fight into the halls of congress and blamed the president for not advocating suffrage in his message: They overlook the fact that only four weeks ago they were telling the electorate he would do nothing. As a (matter of fact if this self appointed bunch of eastern women keep up their course, equal suffrage will be a thing of the very remote future. , Their conduct strengthens the - hands of their opponents and weakens the strength of those who would help them to the ballot. The Spaniards have a proverb that liberally translated says: "More by sweetness .than by force." It is one the "leading" women of the east could profit by observing in their struggle for the ballot. (This is certainly a close year so far as elections are concerned. The presidential election was one of the closest on record and the results in many of the states were so close that only the official count could decide them. In Arizona the republican candidate for governor was. elected by the narrow margin' of 32 votes. New Hampshire, Minnesota, North Dakota,- New Mexico, and California were just". a shave, and not a "once over" either. Albany puts the finishing touch on the neck and neck race by' defeating a bond issue by one vote. Mil: waukie was a close second however in selecting its mayor; the winner being so-by only three votes.- ' Carranzistas complain that it was a shortage of am munition due to this government's action, that caused them to lose Chihuahua. At the same time it is noted VUtV 17-illn amKt rtnvifniift1 vnhn Vllf alc fYf QUfQlf umiv .vma iiuu uiuj. .k uivu , 6""'',""" . , fe . J That beautiful, even shade of dark. with large quantities or ammunition, it win toe seen irom glossy hair ran only be had by brewing V.ot 5t i1nMKAiic fv lot tVrn P9wan7 cfoe havo anv!H. n"r or hng . I ammunition, for. if Villa wants it he will take it away from them. District. H. H. Corey, republican, 35,302. a. S. Start, socialist, 7,127. P. S. 0. Western District. Fred O. Buclitel, republican-progressive, 110,237. E. L. Van Dresar, democratic, 51,122. Amendments and Votes Votes measures. cast for. auuinst. .Single item veio I araendmeul 141,773 53,207 i Ship tax exemption j amendment 110,002 05,410 ' Negro and mulatto suf- j frage amendment ...100,027 100,701 Full rental value land j tux and homeseekers' loan fund amendment J3,30 154,080 For I'ondleton normal i school and ratifying w location certain state institutions 90,829 109,523 Anti-compulsory vac- I cination bill 99,743 100,119 Bill repealing and abol- ! ishing the Sunday closing 125,S30 03,070 j Permitting mnuufno- I ture und regulated ' . , I salo four per cent , i malt liquors 85,973 140,5! 1 Prohibition amendment ! forbidding importu- tion of intoxicating j liquors for beverage I purposes 114,932v 109,071 Kural credits amend- I ment 107,488 83,887! State-wide tux and j indebtedness linritn- tion amendment 99,530 Crook county rabbit and sugo rat bounty ' bill 2,:80 Bond for county seat bill (Crook) 1,120 Harney county two- miln limit law against sheep 723 Bill abolishing Harney county high school ..' 637 Mudras eounty seat bill (Jefferson) Metolius for county 84,031 1,055 2,441 .. I 1,445 IF E RAINCOA T WFATHFR tea a M You need a good Raincoat right now. We have the kind you want at the price you want to pay good, dependable coats that will shed the water, give the longest wear and pre sent the best appearance. Overcoats and - Mackinaws Our stock of fine Overcoats and Mackinaws is not excelled in Salem. Quality goods at lowest prices is our motto, and an inspection of our store will prove it to you. Brick Brothers Corner State and Liberty Streets " The House that Guarantees Every Purchase. J Don't Look Old! Try Grand mother's Recipe to Dark en and Beautify Faded, Streaked Hair .-oat bill (.Teffc- 'ou) f ,448 1,028 County maintenance .of ' - - Klamath Commercial " ' i-lub of . Klamath - - .. ' Falls, Oregon 1,275 - 1,423 lake eounty rabbit " " ' bounty .bill ...... ... ' 1,040 ' 5S0 SPY KB ABINO POSTPONED - Washington, Hoc, 0. -TTeni'injr of the blackmail charges against i)r. Arin gnard Carl GravesT" master spy,"M day wasr postponed until March 10 canse of the governmouf.'s Inability, u. present testimony of Prince. IMv.tVlilr, counsellor of the Herman Kmbassy, ai d Ir. Kricdrich W'ilhelm '. Edler, private secretary, o Ambassador Von Horii- Journal Want ads will sell it. The United States supreme 'court has just held in the case of the Sonman Shart Coal Company against the ! pr01 ,!)V 'J rennsyivaiua raiuuau company, mat xui me wuiyauy a refusal and failure to furnish cars, the railroad was liable and affirmed a judgment against it for $145,8:50. Here is a pointer for Oregon shippers who ask for and are denied cars in which to ship their products. Tea and Sulphur. Your hair is your charm. It niakis or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an nfplieution or two of Huge ami Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundredfold. jion't bother to prepare the mixture; you can get this famous old recipe ini tio addniou of other mere 0 cents a Iuil'c bottle, all reaity tor use. It is culled Vtyeth s Sane mill Sulphur Compound. This can ulways be depenaed upon to brinu back the natural color and hiHtre of your hair. I Everybody uses "Wyeth's Saire ami I Sulphur '(impound now been use it dark ens so naturally anil evenly that nobody1 can tell it has been applied. You wimp-1 ly dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this tlirouv,. ilie hair, Ink-1 ing one small strand at a time; liv 1 What is most urgently needed just now according to Liie guvcmui aim oiatc ucaamci 10 wiai, a guuu oi.uc- lon,,K t, Krv hujr i,s .appeared, maker anri nrst-ciass tailor commit some crime-mat wmi" '' ' anomer nppueatmit u be confine them in the state prison for long terms. Both these manufacturing departments are said to be in 'thetT"-"i''tion , , i si'o tor Hi" nanas 01 poor wornmen. Yesterday's reports said the Americans in Chihuahua were safe. If so they had better get out of that very doubtful city and stay out until some authority is estab lished there. Carranza is again in possession of the place, but he is so because Villa had no further use for it. When he has he will take it again. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL $500,000.00 ' Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT on GREAT MEN One can't be great in many ways. One man is great at writing plays ; one beats all others twanging lyres, and one invents new ubber tires. But when a great man leaves his stunt, and pushes boldly to the front, to show' he's great in other things, the uni verse with laughter rings'. At herding goslings I excel; I do that job exceeding well, and people, as they go their ways, 6ft hand me packages of praise. They often say they will be derned if they can fathom how I learned to herd those infant geeses thus, without a bonehead or a fuss. I treasure up the things they've said, and praise like this goes to my head, and I began to say, "It's clear I'm fitted for a higher sphere. If I so well can herd my geese, it is as clear as axle grease, that I would shine upon the stageI'd be the 'Hamlet' of the age." So then my gooses I desert, and with the tragic muses flirt. When people of my venture hear, they buy the henfruit of last year, and I am left all dripping wet with a potential omelet. 1 IMIIUCK glossy bcnul ifiilly ilurk and appears and lustrous. This 'ready to use I is n delightful toilet regui-J ose who desire dark hn'r und a youthful appearance. It is not intend-! I'd for the cure, mitigation or preveii-j tioa of disease. NONf BETTER YOU'LL LIKE IT Butter Nut BREAD PURE AND RICH SWEET AND CLEAN MS ANDIH A RUINED GOWN ni.M'TIJIt XI IV. ' . Monday night afler dinner I went up stairs to try on my new noun, l.ueilo had sent it home early in the morning, but 1 had had no time even to luok at it. It was white net over palest pink, with quantiti all It was very delicate und I knew would be becoming as I, of course, had tried it on at her establishment. Almost a Quarrel, wear, and so disappointed that I emi'd "Oh, Clifford,-look what you did! " ; scoieelv keep bin k the tears I- licensed, almost eryiug, "my dress! Clifford, umiiiIIv a erv iiiiet sleeper is ruined, mid 1 have nothing clso to ,.M .. ... .' , ', ' , , , , ! wear tomorrow night." ! . ' " "'l"l . "It 's your own fault. If you'd learn 1 '' "'"',! '"' ""''' "P. but I did to overeme those baby tricks of yours, "of speak and he sunn slept again. of pale pink tulle, over "';" ."""! woi'Wn't happen. Instead; His restless , took my though: '", K 'r"m myselt, ami I wondered uhv U ed to death., you find fault with me." was so uneasy. The,, came ,). men,., v "Hut it wns your cigar, and I am of hi. i,,,lene. .fu. i, ....i ' , . . i ' ....m 11 a u nriiiir rii'r-(i me nre: una of .' irii. IIIH Tll-M liltil r f n . .1.1. !i . Hut 1 wanted to be sure that it was "Ifs not because von didn't deserve me that'hu ha.l I turne ml.. V, ' perfectly all right. I did so want to toe-if ,,lv a little-.0 show vou what , n,e. . v . ",","r " M 1,1 ITT" w look nice at my party. tired as I you had escaped," he replied", crossly, ! came n r Hrn.lnn f , l a r ? ,a was I put on the stock i. u;s and slippers but even i my anger I noticed that he.enped, and thankfulness t.mJ .V -which I !le ulways sent home with puled. 1 " , ,' , ' , "jard ti e ,ny gowns-rearrnnged my hair a little,' "But uhat an, I to do?" 1 grumbled, , re vVn ed a or e dlsn the,, put on the dress. '"I shall have to near an old dress c idea ' d,sl,g, ,; Yo' sholy is fine, Missv Mildred Maudy, who was helping me, flattereil. "Aren't I, .Mandy:" I replied. My dress was perfect, t lit stockings ami slippers n wonderful match. "Close your eyes, Clifford, I'm com ing!" I called, Inughiugly, us 1 went downstairs to show him my gown; to tiv to win a word of praise. '"All right! " he returned. matte i.n.l I il't.t ... .. I. ...I. ..: I iLr,t. , ' " ' "'"'.I cry i put my an w 7,,, , , , ... ," ii is hick, wnKing hiiu. If you w ould have inore dignity, " What is it J AVhat 's the nn ...... ,,,- s,.,- nnmiii ps. i, you no nsKeii, startled. .i. come now,, us you snould .nsteail of, ..,11,, Clifford, I wa, so ungrateful for me -to close my eyes, it: so wicked. 1 am so glad , I w wouldn't have happened. I hope somo-: fire our nn.l ...v.i ... r. .' you will gam poise, but I doubt , burned," T answered almost i"nr.' , ! IV. A,wl 1 ..., ' I didn't sny another word, I didu 't .iestlinif closer to him ' I"""" " 1 1 III o it." I walkrd riulit in front of liirn, und, dure for f n r tlii'ii Bind: "Open!" he did, but he also made uimtairs with n,y ruined 'gow n .Iragging ! people," he returned rath a moveineat to rise and the cgar he.i.nut me and wont to bed. - ;iy, m )lc did not repulse a moment my dress was aTTize. Ile T didn't apeak nl Clifford enme in grabbed nig, and if was stifled before I scureelv realized what hail happened, but my dress was entirely ruined. .tuiiiu miv nine iniin --w.,,! ..... I should, or would cry. .Ho I went back h ; .'. ""J . " ""' 'T' , i ; . - - ii. ,,,., vim siHriie er impatienf- nnlso me. no.l f.. the first time in many months I went io sieep ju nis arms. nnnuT an Hour later, although I was not asleep. Hot 1 ildfl't Bt lo sleep, and 1 fTomnrrow- lay thinking of my gown, what 1 should The Vina I Preparation for the Tarty.) )