THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1916. TWO i ! i ' i it x 7 -t , L. IT'S -a - ! IT I - - - -V1 1 Tv Boys! Here's Real Fun! Get FIELD WORK ON SURVEY Route from Independence to CorvaJJis Ready tor Contracting Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggists. an Field work on a survey of th? state Jjroute between Independence and Cor- Ivallis ha just been completed by H. IS (Continued from fxg one.) AMERICAN MODEL BUILDER Come in and see the exclusive features in these toys WM. GAHLSDORF, The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty Phone 67 ly was desponsible for the shakeup n tbe British cabinet, in a written state ment for the Inited I'ress today rte- The new location saves approximate- V"""" " 7" Jlvtw, mile, in distance ami "eliminate, J""""""P lo $ three railroad crossings. It is Pproxi-ista,'ment ''WJ Vorth.u,f. :,mate,v straight lCXWTT Press. tit.U of the 'railroad I track and ; ted ,hye dartment of !r....l bri,Ie near Packer. "ta"or'' 1 The f.'eid work cost 42 ter mile JjX. Hackett, assistant to state engineer, j Cttowa. Canada.) Llovd-Oeorge ha given the knock- j . v.iA- ;tt. r empire from eserttnff its run loree .der way to b&.ai6 eats and fills, k uw.... unrJ,. k4 ter which plan, and specifications will X MtVt Ttwirtonkhae, government., cannot , the ,i,!b'1 be an immense improvement on this nrk i to wen re nfarv "V" " ""fr-""- ing IjUScanssStrlsMstV Thit Beautiful Calendar FREE THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ukm wl Mb nrs W U wsaaWful BLOOD KlBJFlUt AMD TONIC S. o, S. r te ahMlatoly fr, , nws'ir for ttlT that will b pn4 la m Tlia nlrr 1 HBall riinm ol IW hMU raltal kr Hon tM, tkat MM I Tk eaJy tkiaf rqutrd i tut ;m imi m ginyir y cliff cuia tram. The Mfflr f lilntol to liaitW. Act tKlr. FREE CALENDAR COUPON SWIFT SPEOnq CO, i PVih tend me ere it ' Alluu, Ca. " j you U17 Calcadtxi FREE " ft' a ft M AMrei w Coca clid from.., t i r ' t T: ! r.ght of way and be ready wtfh plan. e,, nn,ier,nd ,he Tn.t so that fiuancial aid from some source ,i,.;n. fl1d h fJhlmX ,mProvemen between Great Britain and the repnb- trould be eniis1 ,of the west side highway, I lie a the re stilt of his forceful action Aeeording to Mr, Lewis, a new sys- - - m nas ieen useu id making mis sur ; . - . , , ;, . It is known as the base 1 ne meth-- - - t." TiT k. ifci tern t vr. v-.-u j.La. tw;. first Canaitiatt to b?"0" irth7Jtu;e it ,-1 in dignity and importance to your is more economical than the old rail- SOCIE T Y By AXIITE THOMPSON . Mrs. Pred 8. fttewart and son, Rich i Inasmuch as Mrs. Kdward D. Roberts rd, returned Monday from a delight! uijof f, An(?i fornieriv id in st.m wit in Portland. They passed Thanka-l . ... miM ... . , KinniE with Mra. Stewart ' sister, .Mrs.l?; i ,, - "--"""';, K A. Kterens, and were also the guests Mn. A. M. Craw rord. iuring her brief visit in Portland Stri. Stewart was delightfully entertain ed by old friends. ruad method of making both a prelim jinary and tiaal location survey before i contracts can be let. Get Rid of Humors and Avoid Disease ! Humors in the blood cause internal j derangements that affePt the whole sytem, as well as pimples, boils and I other eruptions. They affect all the organs and functions, membranes and tiues. and are directly responsible for itbe readiness with which some people 'contract disease. For forty years Hood's Sarsaparilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and out ward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the Mod, which it enriches and invigor ates. .No other medicine acts line it, GIB SLEUTH OF "Duffy" As Presented by Larry Hofer Discounts All x Story Detectives It -- i IDE! FICTION! r-r r ' . . - 1 :'r X ; if i. J. f " I I I it SHIPLEY'S Attractive Display of - - -Holiday Merchandise Offers Remarkable Values This store is now ready with a large assortment of sensible Holiday Gifts that will appeal to yourself and to your friends. Serviceable, Sensible Gifts for Women, Misses and Children, at Our always popular prices. Laurence Hofer, who will play "Duf fy" ' in the Dictator, Dec 11-15. president. Lord N'ortheliffe's statement was written before announcement was made in London of the refual of Andrew When the curtain riws on the first'' Bonar Law to attempt formation or aiatt 0f "The ,,-etator," Richard Hard- new ministry. UMBRELLAS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR GLOVES HA3TDKERCHIETS WAISTS PARISIAN IV0R7 TOILET ARTICLES CROCHET THREADS INT ANTS' WEAR SWEATERS SCARF SETS KIMONAS SILK PETTICOATS NOVELTY JEWELRY RICHARDSON'S LINENS BATH TOWELS ART LINENS UNDERMUSLTN3 RIBBONS NECKWEAR LEATHER PURSES HAND PUSSES HAND BAGS BED SPREADS ',f n BED BLANKETS T COMTARTABLES x i the following from the Oregonian will be interesting: A palatial home, in whi-h the walls! for no other medicine is like it. ox one room at least will be made of! (let Hood's Sarsaparilla today mirrors and which will contain two lav- sist on having Hood's. itniy Tumisnea suites for her two mar- In- ....' . , J daughters, will be built in this Mrs. Robert Kinney, who has been!e,,v Hhortlv after Januury 1 bv Mrs. Wing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. j Kdward JD.' Roberts, wife of the xi. e K. Moores, for the pat week, expects , pr(.,j,knt of ,h(, Fir X(l,ional liaI.,. it was reported in societr circles here te return to her home in Astoria Thurs-day. In celebration of the anniversary of her thirteenth birthday Misa I.oleta Janni entertained a group of girl Tfteads Tuesday with a linn party at is,. rmt of the theaters, with te at the 8P- ...... - Her guests were: Miss Orla Welch, Misa Malic Loper, Mis Kloiwuee Klgin, Hiss Klie Victor and Misa Dorris Kd-taunson. Mrs. Kdwin K Baker will leave to aurrow for Portland, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Ralph Watson for several days. todav. Friends of Mrs. Roberts say the rei dence will become the center or soi ial activities of Los Angeles milliouaires. A luxurious feature of the home will two separate, complete suites for ant. Willard Hall, have issued cards announcins their dancing classes, which will be held every Thursday evening. beginning tomorrow night, in the re ception room of the Masonic Temple. Sorial dancing will follow the class in struction. delightful reception was given yes terday afternoon in the Mnsnnie hall bv the ladies of the Omcr of the Fast E COMING 1L BE HELD NEW YEARS Company M Arranges for An nual Eyent During Christ mas Holidays ing llavis world famous American eomedv, whi.-h the- nerrians are to.J stage at the Grand Dec. 14 and l-i, the audience will see finest cast of local: actors that has ever appeared behind ,T the Salem footlights, and perhaps the; a most notable aggregation of amateur j thespians ever brought together at onej time on any s:age. If you don't be-j lieve this take a lock at the list of,? players, which is puulibed elsewhere;! and which will continue to be publish- ! ed elsewhere until everybody in towu' believes it. As Shakespeare once saidjj of a certain bunch of players: "TbeylX are the best actors in the world, either; for tragedy or comedy." The immortal i.T William's s'ntement may not strictly a a ply as to tragedy, but when it comes i e com-! Toys Dolls Games Christmas Cards Dcnnison's Boxes and Tags A visit to this Store will assist you in your ... ' Holiday Shopping. U. G. Shipley Company LIBERTY STREET Popular Prices Quality Merchandise to eomedv and esiecialv to tarce com edy, and more especially still, to melo dramatic farce comedy (which is what "The Dictator" really is) the Cher riau actors are there a million. Standing head and shoulders above any other cornelian of his particular class, and standing also with a slight characteristic stoop inherited from his famous father, is Laurence Hofer, sometimes called "Larry" Hofer. and Larrv.'' In "The In additioq to the regular recruiting committee of Company M, at the regular drill of the.eompany last night Sergeant Herman . Mclnturff was appointed recruiting officer. The regular com mittee consist of Lieutenant Dana H. Allen, Sergeant Paul B. Wallace and Corporal Lrrol Proctor. Nelson Cro ' shaw. who enlisted in the Coast Artil- lr r K A in. n,n . .liu-hnrir sometimes lust from the national guard. Elmer Lyons 1 Dictator " he is .ailed "Duffy. be and Malcolm Gilbert have enlisted in j''4""?. h ' fhe. ni,In' 'D'" K'thnrd Company M and appeared last night for : Hrdm- Dans wi-hed on the character drjll jLarrv pla'-s. "I)u..y' is a secret ser- The annual New Year's festivities and !vit'e 'If:' he doesn't care who Mr. i;n . ; hm,n, ft Mrs- Dora Scuilke. home eomine. whick event k.Hliti Kami and Mrs.hillip;of U'tirande, worth grand matron of place on the eafc-njar for a number of I" . , ! t''! of Oregon, ,vhose double ti.e Eastern W of Oregon, In the year, past and gone. This event is of a h "Z? .Td mnitttrv nnrurA and bit men wnn narp . - . . . - , ... . , displays bis badge to prove it. He sue- The members of the Trio club gather at the residence of Mrs. Thomas It. Kay for an informal afternoon over the bridge tables on Thursday. Mrs. W. Al Jones has as her juests, tier mother and sister, Mrs. M. J. iVetghton and Miss Mabel Creighton -of 1'ortla ud. t Mrs. L. F. Griffith will entertain in- Mrs. Roberts' married daughters walker Willis Heavier Kamm wedding-to the Kamm brothers at the evening the annual election of officers Kiversnle .Mission Inn two years ago was held and Mrs. Frank E. Miafer was was an event of state wide social and ! eleeted worthy )natron of Chadwick political importance. chapter for the ensuing year. These- suites are to Im furnished and' 1 1 kept always ready for occupancy. .... i Miss EmilT Phillip hud as her week' WASHING WON'T BID end eucst. Miss Aliee lnrli hn ia HEAD OF DANDRUFF ill : atreniiiii thn Vnrmiil t-liml at U.m.i4 mouth. ; The onlv sure wav to Ect rid of dan I'lans are being completed for the! drutf is to dissolve it, then you destroy Methodist church baaar which will belit entirely. To do this, get about four given on Friday and Saturday at thejounces o( ordinary liquid arvon; apply church. An array of attractive articles it at uight when retiring; use enough have been made tor the sale which will ' to mointen the scalp and rub it in gent alo include delicious cakes, cookies and ly with the finger tips, olber homemades. .1 " Do this tonight, and by morning, formally on Thursday afternoon with , Mr- an,i Mr. William T. Crier had be gone, and three or four more appli a few tables of bridge. Her guests will.,, ,h,.ir guests vesterdav, Mr. and Mrs. cations will completely dissolve and en elude the member, of the Thursday Robert Ewing of Dallas. jtirclv de.trov every" single sign and bridge club. . , . ... . trai.e 0, n0 mt how much dan- r. w A meeting of the P. K. O. society i druff ou may have. ". r J ft".o. Mm. William held on Tuesday evening at the! Yon will find. too. that all itching K. Kirk will entertain the young ladies ' hnm c i ...i .. i:..:.. -c ...i ;n . t ... '.. " . . " " . . ' M Idl Wll ..UtllU.SIIU lllk:illllC U Lite "l' ni'l " me niiiamette Lniversity wi'a a i.ikrtv .,r..i : ...i .:.. i... .-.h k. (ifd- i.. party at her home ou .State' During the session Miss Anne Sweezy ; irous. glossy, silky and soft, and look ... ' new member was initiated into the! and feel a hundred times better. UIT . , , ivu vmu get uumu niuu i nuj nujc urence Horer returned yesterday . . ., i. i. ..,.1 nal'tts fail! of t.'hinese street. fYos a brief visit in Portland. Miss Priscilla Ileminif and her ait- 'to do the work. Slickers Aquapelles LET IT RAIN Rain Hats Rubber Goods The Rainy Season has no embarrassment for the Man or Boy who has selected his "Wet Weather Wearing Apparel from our Splendid Stock of Slickers. Aauapelle and Rubber Goods i SUCKERS Tower's Shield and Fih Ilrand Slickers. Fur men. All sizes and lengths, at from 11.40 to $5.50. For boys from 4 to 10 years. Full length only. Also Double slicker Panto and Hip lagging". When you buy the Tower's Kraud you buy the beat AQUAPELLE for stnrmv weather wear. Heavy Anua- The best and rough pellc Coats and Pants. Coats in three lengths with high storm collars. Made to keep you drv. sizes 36 to 4-1 Priced from 12.75 to S5.25. Pants with 5 pockets. Sizes 32 to 46 waist. Also Hip Leggings in in material. Knee Boots Knee boots for men, women and chil dren. Nothing bet ter for wet weather All sizea Hip Boots Heavy snag - proof hip boots for men. Rubber or leather soles. Ask for the "Hub" Brand Rubbers J We carry a full line of rubbers and are tics for the whole family. All sires. Can fit any style shoe. Cash Value Jlmrieti &iih $cre For Cash S3arnejjhL Quality Merchandise HUOH ,,HHtHr.I.HtlHIItHMHttMtl fntr home atmosphere with exquisite lastiag: fragraccc ED. PINAUDfS LILAC G The great Trench perfnme, winner of highes-t international awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as 1 he living Lilac, blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't see how ' you can Sell such a remarkable perfume tor 75 ten's a bottle" a id remember each bottle contains 6 or. it is wondcriul value. Try it. Aslc your dealer today for ED. PINAUD S LILAC. For 2U (tts cur America offita will send tou a testme bottle. Wrttt ' oi oui-vrroTD m mvin ! u - rrt ptvutipij V VaA-' f nun .iif.u.p, 4. I fciaiH, irCU Ul : 1 bUVU USUtW - .-r cast except the man he is after. finally performs the marvelous I of arresting himself. There is no character like recent local hit. "The Fortune Hunter and look like an ordinary amateur artair. big dinner, a Lying Contest and Big Story Tournament are the uual feat ores of this day 's program. This year, oecause or tne renrement 01 ' P'" Come and sleuth ji I ucnniar 10 lue reserve, me uu-,l..j, . - ,i ,l,l,, . ,ii-ol nnm th .,a,r quet may take on the narnre of a fare- the oe nnee ot detective fiction.! "The proceeds ot "The Dictator stunt "The Dictator" east contains the "big juarv gtoewkcrs'werc bcujrht up. A ni otherianns" of "The Fortune Hunter" and i,. i.j- f r,.,.,, v.. nnt ! "Imfty." Sleuths may 'half a dozen other and even bigger! ; 5 .j, oti,ei at ij.f 5ii7.10. Ev is may "go, but "Duffy'"' j guns who heretofore could never be; erythinr sold readilv, the quality being: steady to strong. Feeders trade, was limited, although scvetal loads of ord- um- at SATISFIED! You might pay'inore for a cigar. You could get a stronger, blacker cigar, if you wanted it. But for a dependable, satisfying and sensi blo everyday smoke, can you beat theOWL? Compared to him Kaffels is the merest i be used by the Cherrians to equip their I infant, and Sherlock Holmes is in the, annual Christmas tree. This is the one jame class with a village police force, j big yearly philanthropic stunt that hun ! Xo one who saw "The Fortune Hunt- dreds of poor children in Salem have er" last spring needs to be told that come to look forwar.-t to as a matter . ! very good on the bulk of stuff. WUl tt. ... . vuws auu .11 11 1 1 3. The demand for go-'d quality she stuff continues very good and all offerings arc finding auxiuus buyers. Best rows sold at Sf and W.15 Monday. Packers Larry Hofer is a splendid actor. There! of course. The Cherrians have nnder-, ana ouicnera omuing spiritedly lor ine are folks in Salem who are still lauiih-i taken to see that everv worthy kid in utr, wnictt all cuangta nanus cany in over his uerformance of "Pete town eets a Christmas Present. Thev tn the trade. Good cow. sold at $o.i5 ft !Tr. Million I liv. M.A.OUN9TCa ft ill I llnlriill'i 1 VETERANS WILL MEET AT ARMORY T Willing" the sheriff in that clever! are going to do it h "The Dicta comedy. In "The Dictator" he has; tor. ' a bigger, better and an infinitely more 1 amusing' lole than that in which hci:)! made his initial bow to the local pnb-j$ lie. His hundreds of friends will eager- DRINK HOT TEA lv grab the opportunity to sec this bril-! FOE A BAD COLO Hant vouncr man in the histrionic lime-ide 4 Kght again when "The Dictator" opens! I its two nights engagement at the Cirandj Get a small package of Hamburg ja week from Thursday. ; Breast Tea, or as the Gcrmau folks call I It has been decided to play "Theit, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any j Dictator" at popular prices, so that ev-: pharmacy. Take a tablespoouful of the 'erybody who wants to see the play can tea, put "a cup uf boilinj water upon it, aiiora to no so. ine prices lor tne nest pour through a sieve and rtrniK a tea seats will be 50 and 75 cents and no cap full at any time. It is the most more. The gallery will be two bits. 'effective way to break a cold and cure The C'herriaus admit that the play will, grip, as it opens the pores, relieving be worth a great deal more than they j congestion. Also loosens the bowels, are charging for it; so does .Tames Mottithus breaking a cold at once, under whoe expert direction the fa-; It is inexpensive aud entirely vc;;e mous comedy is being staged, and who table, therefore harmless, gives it as his opinion that the forth-i with fair one aruuml So.50. Ordinary valley cows brought from $5(ii5.25 with : commen grades down to sj. Hogs The largest ruu of this year's pack :ing season was on the market Mouday, coming production will make his most Beginning at 9 o'CIock Exer ercisesWill Last Late b Afternoon The annuel meeting of the Marion 'County Veterans' association will be ; held tomorrow at the armory. The first I sessions will begin at 9 o'clock in the ' morning and there will be continuous , exercises during the dav until late in ; the afternoon. A dinner will be served. at IS o'clock of the old-fashioned campi fire basket picnic style. During the ' : afternoon addresses will be made byj speakers from the organizations aff iliat-1 led with the association. Automobiles will meet the delegates' coming from oodburn and SUverton, j taking them direct to the armory. lae Marion Lounav veterans' associa tion now includes all members of the! Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish War Veterans, Indian war Veterans and members of Company M who wera on the Mexican border. Also the affiliat ing bodies including; the Woman's Re lief corps, I-adies of the G. A. R. and the Spanish Wsr Veterans' Auxiliary. Some authors' their persistency originality ia due to in misquoting others. Sell it Journal want ads will sell it. THE FIRST STEP Usually the first indication of a lowering of health is found in the bowels and liver. Something goes wrong we eat too much, or work too hard and the bowel action weakens or the liver ia sluggish. That heavy feeling on arising ia the 'morning, dryness of the throat, with bad taste, a slight headache, dull eyes all show that food has fermented ia the, intes tines, and that the body is man ufacturing poisons instead of good blood. Gear it all out. " Give the stomach and bowels a fresh start. Encouraee the liver to go to work. ManaHn does all ot this, without griping or weakening. It's the ideal laxative and liver tonic because it follows Nature's plan, without tiscomfort. inflam mation or forming a habit Con stipation may be overcome with its ksc Liquid o r tablet form. The Tab lets taste like candy. Children like 'IMB, and i they are safe. 10 and 15 cents. The Para C CskwSsi, O. over 1 00 head being received After a slow start buyers and sellers agreed and trading was active A few lots sold at $9.75 hut the bulk of the prime hogs has brought i.u5 to CJ. 0; w hich was 5 to 10-cents lower. There was quite a display of half fiiii.died and light hogs, although a good many heads of choice stuff were offered. Pig sold for tho bulk of 8.23; the range was from !-8 to SS.50. Sheep. Sheep prices made further advances, when a mixed load of yearlings, lambs aud ewes brought ifS.SO, an advance of fully 25 cents. Lambs were quoted up to $y.25 for selects. Choice east of the mountains lambs are quoted at 9.10; choice valley lambs 9.75 to $9; year- mm "I ' m I I IJSfc, , Packers Subpoenaed. ' riiii-aon- TW flFiv leading nacV ing officials here were today subpoen- J lings $7.75(5 S; ewes. ?i'(ri7. aed to appear before the federal grand jury which is conducting a food inves tigation. Those summoned were: ; Louis F. Swift, of Swift & Co.; Ar thur Meeker. Armour.fc Co.; Thomas E, Wilson, Wilson k Co.; W. F. Burrows, ! I.ibby, McNeill & l.ibby, -and Edward i Morris, of Morns c to. To Stop Exporting Paper. Washington, Dec. t). An embargo to prohibit the export of print paper used by pnblishers of newspapers was asked in a resolution introduced today by Representative CainpbeU. Embargo on Leather Goods. . Washington, Dec. 6 Another embar- j go measure to reduce the high cost of i living was introduced today by Repre ! sentative Campbell, Kansas. The bill j would prohibit the export for one year I of boots, shoes and manufactured lcath 1 er goods or leather. I Wants Investigation. j Washington, Dec. 6. Representative ; norland, Missouri, today introduced res I olution directing the federal trade com- mission to investigate production, roar j acting and distribution of food pro i ducts. Weekly Report of . Union Stock Yards Portland, Ore., Dee. 5. Caltle: There was a very fair supply of cattle here Monday, over 1.600 head being offered. j most of them were ca the good t prime aneiy, nnn u iouna exceptionally good sale. Trading started at the oneninir (of the market and most all arrivals were sold long before noon, prices ruled To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QV1XINK Tablets. Druggists refund monev if H fails to cure. K. W. GROVK'S' signa ture is on each box. Loc. r t If you are considering a gift t for a friend ut Christmas time X Why Not a I Picture? The culture of a home is re flected in its pictures. The reproductions we offer at moderate prices are all carefully chosen by people with years of experience. Our frames have satisfied hun dreds of customers. The Frame Shop (jittery and 415 Court Street i4"yTT4