TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1916. Second Floor BIG TOYLAND r- w w v. i j mi mi i mii m MurntrfmaTrifJ I . . I; Second I I! 4$J? Floor II Toy Town in all its magnificence, our second floor is a mecca for the Children. Yes, Good Toys! You can find lots of cheap toys elsewhere, but good reliable toys are here, in profusion, and the prices reasonable considering quality, char acter and general make up. Some exclusive here, and not to be found in the town, Bring the Kiddies to Salem's Toyland for GOOD TOYS. Buy Him a Railroad The boy with practical working toys stays home contented and happy. We have complete railroad systems that run on real track, from $1.00 up to big "Electrics" at $12.50. See the LatestLarge Cannon, Special 69c Each Baits Kon-Struct-It, Auto Roadsters, Truck, Battleship, Windmills and Der ricks 39c to 75c Set Including paint set. This is the new toy that's cut to fit. Lots of fun putting, it together and painting it. All Post Cards, Projectors 1-2 Price. All stuffed Animals 1-2 Price. American Model Builder Greatest of all Values in Construction Toys It contains 15 per cent more new and novel parts and builds 20 per cent more -models than any other outfit. We are headquarters for this unexcelled Mechanical Builder. We carry a full line of parts and extras the year round. Boys get in the Big Prize Contest for new models. 155 prizes valued up to $100 each. Size O up to 5,'including the new sets 11, 12 and 13. The New Tango Doll The new Tango Doll, the most nearly unbreakable Doll on the market. Has strong flexible wire skeleton, a stout body and flexible skin. They can as sume any position that man can and many that he can't. See them in our doll department at . 25c Each A large assortment of Pansy Papier Marche bodied Dolls. These Dolls are 22-inches tall, full jointed with a gen uine German bisque head. Sleeping eyes and excellent quality of mohair wig. Can be had with either light, medium or dark hair and with pink or blue shoes and stockings. We have the largest and most varied assortment of imported kid bodied Dolls and character dolls in town. Prices range from 50c to $15.00 each. Doll Beds Collapsible Doll Beds, strong wire frames and springs with silkoline covered mattress and pillows; with and without rockers 25c to $1.50 Doll Furniture Doll Furniture for Little Girls' play houses, durably constructed of three ply vineer. Assortment includes chairs, tables, doll beds and bureau, cradles, etc., in many different sizes and styles. Price range frorii 10c each in small articles to $1.50 in the larger models. Toy Laundry Sets Special Sale of Toy Laundry Sets. Sets consist of tub, wash board, wringer, clothes line, iron and soap aid washing powders, regular $2 set $1.79 Entire Stock Women's Suits 1-2 Price. QUALITY AND SERVICE i Special pre-Xmas offer-, . ings in every dept. . 1 ; Entire Stock of Party Dresses 1-2 Price. THE CHRISTM'S STORE VALID. PATENTS! DIED A M Wiluon ?!S vvnra eviirtrlnnen 1 DAMON' At Ilia home. S."iS Norlh Coin- i Legally, mecliaiiirall-'ii(l commercial j iix'iciul street, at i i. in., Tuesiluy Iv trained to protect your invention. eveniiiK, Dccemlior 5, lHUi, Alplieim 6. j fciend for bookie. KKKK SKAIiCII. Damon.-.. , 311 Vietor Bldg., Washington, I). O. A yet no funeral nrrnngemcuta have! dec2il ! been made. ', , j i m The pupils of tho high BChool are be-1 coming more interested in tlic liili i school library, according to Ibe Novem ber report of Miss I'loru r. Cane. The average circulation each day was 72 and . the uttendnnee daily 251. During the month 42 new books wero added bv ' purchase and (,'i'ft. The Junior liijjh I schools are also taking a greater inter-' out in rending good honks, H for the I month, tlio circulation at Lincoln was 1SS; nt Orant 315, and at Washington 7.W. Aliss (,'nne Iuih been giving lecture in the primary ns well n3 advanced grades as to tho caro and use of books and tho advantages of haing reference books. ' i I 3 any Kir Am TIME Wteu in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c. tl.OO. S1.B0 PER DAY Tho only hotol in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. , T. a BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Bus All Around Town - : i ; ; . j : ! j ! i ! I ! i COMING EVENTS Silver, Ebony and IvOry toilet ware, also complete line of novelty goods. tianlner & Keen, the store with the i street clock. o Dec. 7. The Winning of Bar- Two prisoners from Grant county bara Worth," Opera House. : were brought to the penitentiary this Dec. 8. "Blossoming of .Mary ' afternoon by (Sheriff William Ksch. Anne" play at High school j They are: (ieorgo Anderson, who is to auditorium. . : serve a sentence nf three to 20 years for Dec. S. Sonora grand opera at 'rape, and .Tuck Kads, who is to serve Public Library Kigolctto." Dec. 1116. Third Annual Mar- ion County Con Show ;n 'ft ITerhy building. Doc. 12. Supt. J. W. Todd ad- dress before Six o'clock lub. Dec. 14-15. "The Dictator" at 'opera house, auspices (herrians. Jan. 2. Annual Cherrian ban- quet. ' ' from five to-15 years for arson- !k4t : Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu lass e eorrectly. U. 8. Bank. Bld. Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye, car, xoae ana inroar. u A chimney fire at 435 Center street called out the fire department at 3 o'clock this afternoon. No damage was done. Our prices are right, no reduction necessary, (iunlner & Kcene, Salem's most reliirhle jeweler. Tun store with the street clock. The annual home coming of Company M, to be held in ttuarmory January 1, is for every man that has at any time been n member of the company. No spe cial invitations will be issued. Ser geant Wygant, Sergeant Blunk and Cor poral Wallace have been appointed a committee to hnve charge of the enter tainment of the clay. ' I Bazaar First M. E. church Friday and 1 Saturday of this week.. Fancy work, rag. ruga, cooked food, candy, etc. Lunches ' served. v dec" j Ivan G. McDaniel, manager of the I Commercial club, and Theodore Roth, di rector nf the Industrial department, ac companied a delegation 'from the Port land Chamber of Commerce to Eugene tins morning to visit the Eugene flax Only 15 mora shopping days until Christmas and the clerks all over the I country as well as the postal employes I are fervently hoping that people will remember the slogan, "Shori early und ' UVtlwl tllfl Tllflll " ' The buttermakers' association of Ma rion county will meet in Salem Decern-, ber 28 and 29 and efforts will be made to, have the dairy association of the county arrange for their meeting on the same dates. The sessions will be held at the Commercial club. j The TJ. S. government's snag boat, ' Mathloaia, passed through Salem lust 1 evening on its way to work on snags in the river about 12 miles beyond l'eorin. There arc several grain elevators at l'eoria and during high water consider- j able river traffic. ! At the first meeting of the South Sa-' lem Men's club at the. I'riemls xhurcli last evening 40 boosters for South Sa lem, listened to an address of -Mayor-1 elect Keycs. The coming mayor approv ed of the object of theTlub, that of i beautifying Salem and South Salem es-1 initially and wished them all sorts of. success in their general boosting ef forts for tlint part of the city. There was. also n general discussion in regard auction! We will sell at public auction, to lc highest bidder, on terms to be announced at the property, at 2 o'clock Thursday, December 7th, 11IH5. a house and lot at Xo. fiM Xnrth 20th"street, ' Salem, .Oregon. Take the Asylum car, get off at North 20th street, second house south of Center Street, on west, side of the street. Small amount of money will handle this property. SCOTT BYNON, Agents F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer. to organizing an agricultural class among the Lincoln school boys. Tho next meeting of the club will be hell at the l.e.-lie 1. K. church on Tuesday evening, December US." Wanted two veal calves every day. fields and to inspect the factory at Eu- Hoy Rae Meat Market, l"i S. Com-1 gene. An invitation to accompany them meicial. dec9 l WL Special meeting of De n!V )'fry Molny Cnmmandrey Xo. rr-r-- .. iv. -i tins even ne, to Eugene was extended to the members of the. Salem Commercial club. o Four to seven dollars can be saved on genuine (lousier cabinet this week, A marriage license was issued this afternoon to William Kiehter, a Rtock denier of Salem, nnd Hettie Strode, a nurse. r..i, :.. .i... M..un n...i ' denendinfr nn vour selection, h'lo-li n Temple degree. Visiting Sir Knights i 'mrgaln. 'Huron 's rVnitnre Store. welcome. 0 n sssss ussss an etnnintaoietnnitaotaoss The next meeting of the Six o'clock club of the First Methodis church will be held in the church parlors next Tues day evening, December 12. -The address of the evenini; will be delivered bv La Corona "The cigar worth while I T"1,ii H. Todd, superintendent of the city schools, who will speak on, "What Salem Pan anil Should Do For Her Pub lie Schools." A timely nig with good patterns, beautiful colorings, standard grades and all at tin old prices. A selection from our rug department now. would be a timely buy indeed. Huren's Kiflni tnre Store, Commercial street. A Salem product. Doll carts at Buren's furniture store, Commercial St. Judge Webster's court is the scone this afternoon of an action to recover money. The case is brought by Kobin Day against Carl Schmidt. o Doll carts, Buren's furniture store, Commercial St. o Have a davenport of your own. Spe cial price on eight good numbers. Hur en's Furniture store, 1 71 Commercial street. Miss Amanda Pendergraft, of Aurora, Mo., is a guest nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Baker. She was a resident. of Salem about nine years ago when associated with the Barnes store. S. H. Snyder, rental agent, success or to U Hcchtel &, Cut 341 State St. l'hono 452. M.i. C. C. Ashby, of Oervals, and baby daughter Audrey, is visiting at the hon.e of Mr. and Mrs. Bakerrsin Twenty-fifth street. She is also visiting at the home of .T. B. Ashby on Nineteenth street. The Y. W. O. A, choral club will have a special rehearsal Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Y. w! C. A. rooms and all members are urged to be pres cut. The final account of Jalnier A. Taw nnd William C. Taw, ndaumstrators of the estate of Axel A. Taw, was filed with the county court today. The ac count showed a balance of $527.18 on hand to be distributed among several heirs. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. The supreme court yesterday over ruled a motion of City Attorney Mucy to advance the High street paving cases for hearing lirior to ,Tnnun.rv 1, 1017. The motion wps made for the benefit of Judge Riimham, who takes his seat nn the circuit bench Jannnry 1- Judge Bingham wns attorney for the city. It is understood all other cases in which Judge Bingham was interested were advanced. BANKS ARE REDUCING THEIR RATE OF INTEREST FROM 4 TO 3 PER CENT - WE CAN SAVE YOTJ MORE THAN 3 TIMES THAT AMOUNT. HOW 7 BY SELLING YOU GROCERIES BY THE . GROCETERIA PLAN A VISIT TO EITHER OF OUR STORES WILL CONVINCE YOU. J. L BUSICK &.S ON 229 N. COMMERCIAL ST. 113 S. COMMERCIAL VALUE 111 Everlasting Xmas gifts for the wise buyer Chairs, tubles. book eases, china closets, buffets, couches, davenports, wardrobes, desks. Hiiren s rurnittire Store, -Commercial St. Dr. W. Car'ton Smith has been invlt. ed to read a paper before the Central Willamette Medical society which will meet in Albany tomorrow. The Pnlli-Yamhill-Marion Medical society has been invited to meet in joint session with the Central Willamette Medical so ciety. Paper w ill be read by Dr. Noble Wilev Jones, of Portland, nnd Dr. Rob ert Hale Ellis, of Portland. Dr. Smith has chosen for bis piyfter. "I'nin As a Symptom of Disease la Women." We ere re-dv, to hook pupointments for dental services, our office now be im eoninned to tnke cire of the wn- eral oractice of dentistry ns well ns orrhea and nr"ventive rlontistrv. Dr. Hartley, 41(1 T. S. Bank Rldg. We offer good Shoes to our customers for two very excellent reasons: because you have a right to re ceive full value for your money and because we want to give you full value for every dollar you spend in our store. . " "Just Wright" Shoes $5 to "Red Winf Shoes $4 to $9.50 Bergmann Shoes $6.50 to $12.00 In addition to high quality they have style and ap pearance and give satisfaction. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Word was received this morning of i the death of Mrs. C. W. Evans at Reno. V. R. Allen, a brother of Lieutenant Nevada. December 2. 1916. after a Allen, is spending a few days in tho city year's illness. Mrs. Evans was long a ( me guest or nis nroinor. Mr. Alien una resident of Salem wnere tier nusbana been in Portland attending the state was in business. Besides her husband, meet of the Rod and Gun club as dele- she is survived bv two daughters, Mrs- gate from Gardiner, Oregon. He is as- Emil Joullin, of San Frnncieo. and Ar- eociated with the Gardiner, Ore., hotel. bMa, Evans. Also bv one son. Earl Ev- o 'ans. She was 45 rears old. She was a Dr. Stone makes no charge for con- ieoe 0f Mrs. O. T. Downing of this cilr saltation,, examination1 or prescription, j a,i ft ,(pr 0f frs. W. G. I.ench, of o . i Portland, Because of alleged Incorrigibility and ; viciousness of Alfred Otzen, son of B. j.. Utzen, County Judge Bushey todny committed hiin to the Oregon state boys training school. The father stated he wns unable to control him and petition ed for his committment. Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleedintr gnuis nnd pyorrhea. 41(1 IT, S. i Hank Uldg. 1'hone 1 Sit. A movement is on foot to organize the men who went with Company M to the border and to afifliate with the Ma rion comity, veterans' association. A committee has been appointed, consist ing of R. C. Wygant. Elmer Blunk and l'uul H. Wallace to report on the pro posed organization. Dancing class and social dancing con ducted by Miss 1'risciPa Viemitiir, ev ery Thursday evening. Masonic Temple hall. . K ' WANTED Household Furniture. Woodry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phone 511. i.-t PIANO TUNING (t First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- t anteed. Twenty -five years' t eiperienca. Leavo orders at Schaffer Drug Store, phone 107. Residence pnone 14(13. J. E. HOCKETT, S15 Highland Avenue. AMaketSomeBodvs Christmas A: Lasting Give the sort of present that makes' the jov of Christmas last for veins. . " . Our Krypiok Christmas Certificate P'an makes it easy to "ivo a gift that is worth while. . MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist. 4- 208-209 Hubbard Building - Phone 109 vt UM.. QlttMl LaM. TUB CAST - Carl Oabrielson, Aline Thompson, Cnas. U Dick, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, James Mott, Majorjr Marvin, Lawrence Hofer, Tom Kay, George Snyder, Perry Relgle mAn, Art Wallace, Dan Langenbnrg, E. Cooke Patton, Arthur Wilson, ''Bun ny" Meiriug, King Blng William H. Lercben. HE DICTAT See Page Two Today's Capital Journal . - n. GRAND THFATRF nFr 1Iicr - - - - - v- -r- i j jtc i ai;t; i ?tu i uuay a v.ciUllcl Jliurilcil wprTrpIZi?xrA.AJEUR, PRODUCTION IN AMERICA OF RICHARD HARDINGGO DAVIS'. CELEBRATEDCOMEDY. (THE PLAy'thAT RECENTLY SCORED A mC ROcS mtTJJS !S5XY0BK AND LONEON PRODUCED BY Tltfi CHERRIANS. BY SPECIAL PERMISSION OF CHAS. F KOHMA N, INC. PROCEEDS WILL BE USED BY THE CHERRIANS TO EOTTTP THP.TB AMWTUt. riintarwis Tore iim to mvr & raniTsmiQ ttvm,. ,,T, IN SALEM -----r . w VA.a - A lUNAil X A J Ll X lCL X ITJJa VXlilJ Yoa will enjoy it mare than anything yon have seen in years Prices 75c- 50c and 25c, No Higher. PRODUCED BY THE CHERRIANS Executive Staff for "The Dictator,": Jos. H. Albert, U. G. Shipley, Chas. Hinges, committee. Frank Deckebach, manager. James Mott, producer of '-The For tune Hunter", director. - . - .1KT"W-I "-'- --i in mmn i wn. . urtw-a'ti r it