Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1916, Image 1

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if )c )(t )c ifc c sc 3jt' . ( it sfc 3E
Jfa jlf sft ijj )t sf 'I' ?ll
muni? Tvcrn rvvira on trains and kbw
Desperate Efforts of Russians to Check Advance of Central
. . Powers Do Not AvailMain Railroads Leading From
Capital Are In Possession of Germans and Fate of
-. Rumanian Annies In Retreat Is Still Matter of. Uncer
tainty "and Unexplained by Correspondent
Berlin, via Sayville, Dec. 6. Bucharest and Ploesti
have been captured by the allied troops of the central
powers, a second official statement from the war office
. announced this afternoon.
Ploesti is a railroad junction 31 miles due north of
Bucharest and on the main railroad from the Rumanian
capital norths
In the early statement of today, the Petrograd war of
fice admitted German progress around Tergoviscea and
Ploesti. From the wording of the Berlin official state
ment it is not clear which of the encircling of the German
advance "conquered" the Rumanian capital. .
The Berlin statements have mentioned three separate
thrusts at the capital." Of these, the southern army,
which crossd the Danube and was located in official
statements of yesterday at Gradistea about 11 miles due
south of Bucharest. Probably this was the closest to the
city and it seems likely that this was the army which
"conquered" the city, according to the Berlin official
statement. - "
Carl W. Ackerman, United Press staff correspondent,
in a dispatch received today, wrote on Sunday, December
:J. that "Bucharest's fate was a matter, of only a few
days." He also mentioned "sewing up" of the Rumanians.
The Berlin statement earlier in the day declared the
Ploesti railroad was the flnly safe line of retreat for the
Rumanians. If Ploesti is captured, probably the Ruman
ian defenders may be seriously threatened with complete
separation from other allied forces.
In connection with the conquering of the two Ruman
ian cities interest is added to the statement contained in
Carl W; Ackerman's dispatch of today declaring the be
lief of officers at the front with Field Marshal Von Mack
ensen that the capture of the Rumanian capital is merely
one step in the general German campaign for an invasion
of Russia with Odessa the ultimate goal aimed at by Field
Marshal Von Hindenburg.
' By Carl W. Ackerman,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the German Army at Pitesci, Rumania, Dec. 3.
- (Via Berlin and Sayville wireless, Dec. G.) Bucharest's
fate is a matter of only a few days. Desperate resistance
by the Rumanians can only delay occupation of the
To an observer of this great German achievement in
Rumania, the goal of offensive fn the movement now ap
proaching its climax, is not Bucharest alone. Germany's
object is first to destroy the Rumanian army, preparatory
to, a march toward Russia, with perhaps Odessa as the
- final goal.
All officers here believe that the present operations in
Rumania are only the beginning of a gigantic operation
vby Field .Marshal Von Hindenburg in the eastern, instead
of the western theatre of wai', designed to bring the de
5 n cision of the war to this field. s-
The desperate efforts which Rumania , is making to
crush the German steam roller offensive by striking to
wards the Danube can only delay occupation of Buchar
est by the Teutons and result in further weakening of the
Rumanian forces, officers declare.
' The greater part of the Rumanian army is wholly
"demoralized. Swift advances" by Field Marshal Von
Mackensen and General Von Falkenhayn cut Rumania
into three parts. .; -
Today's operations are expected to
sev up three licilos, forcing the Roman
ians either In defend Bucharest from
tlie north o'r evacuate their capital.
To one who for the past 10 days lias
followed the advancing Gorman troops
by automobile over 1.2U0 miles through
Craiova, Alexandria, Slutina and 1'ite
sei, Bucharest is not the sole object of
the German offensive. To uch on ob
server, Germany's olieet is destruction
of a much of the Rumanian army as
Tiossihle luenamtorv to a march toward
Jttissin perhaps with Odessa as the final-
The German operations are moving
forward here on a gigantic scale. For
miles over Rumania's roads thousands
of columns passes in a eeascles moving
pi-lure, lieiide the advancing columns,
re wagon trains of desperate looking
refugees and in the villages, packed,
willi troops, are the Rumanian army
Desperation of the Euinaaian army
staff in its efforts to mobilize all pos
sible forces against the German advance
was evidenced here todny when a force
of landstiirm troops elad in civilian
clothes and armed with limiting rifles
; was captured. Their ammunition was
: lead bullets, fitting the sporting rifles,
i I have visited two battle 'fields short
ly after the fighting. The Rumanian
i losses in dead and wounded were stag
;gering, while some German regiments
' finished the battle with only 70 to 80
killed. In the same battle the Roman
j inns Inst from 500 to 700 dead and
wounded per regiment, with an- almost
' equal number of prisoners.
The monft'ntiim which the German of
fensive has already gained with the
strong forces en route cannot be halted
by Rumania.
- Advance Is Restless.
Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, I.. I.,
(Continued oa page six.)
4 k
.Washington, Dec. C. Miss
Itiuel flunking of Hillings,
Mont., and Mrs. 'Bessie, Papan
dre of San Francisco two of the
Congressional Union suffrage
hecklers who waved the banner
from tho house gallery while the
president was addressing con
gress, went to the capitol today
to demand tho return of the
captured flag.
The flag was turned over to
the sergeant at arms of the
house after Page Jimmy Grit
fen had torn it down.
"The flag is ours and wo
want it," said the women as
they reached tho capitol. ''e
don't expect a refusal."
Thoy refused to say what
tack they would -take if rtiey
got one.
Serves Notice That it Cannot
Supply Coal at Ports Con
trolled by Her
By Carl D. Groat
(United I'ress stall' correspondent)
Wasuiugtou, Dec. 0. Fresh trouble
stirred today between the United States
and Knglnud,
This resulted from England's offi
cial announcement of n new policy,
which like ninny others? hampers Am-'
erican commerce namely, restrictions
on supplying ship coal at her stations
clotting the globe. The state depart
ment intends to do all it may to alter
this policy, but little hope was held out
by British authorities that there can
bo any material change for the pres
ent. In brief the new restrictive policy
is that England cannot guarantee to
furnish bunker coal at her coaling ports
except to vessels engaged in lines bene
ficial to the allies. Otherwise vessels
may and frequently hnvo been halted
tor Java awaiting England's pleasure
abouf supplies. ,
England offers whut sho regards as
a perfectly legitimate excuse that
German submarines have reduced the
carrying trade and England needs her
vessels for other than coal carrying
The United States has resented indi
vidual detentions, but has no opportu
nity yet iO formulate a full policy to
ward the publicly announced program.
international law experts uouuieu n
the, United States can accomplish much
more than putting herself on record
in protest, though everything will be
done to effect a modification, inasmuch
as the situatioa promises to grow in
creasingly serious for American com
merce, particularly wih tho Philip
pines and South America
' 1 i
Baker, Ore., Dec. 5. Folks
flocked from fur and near to
day to gaze upon the biggest
assortment of snakes ever be
held here since prohibition nr
arrived. The ucst of reptiles wag
unearthed near Hereford. Lubor-
ers digging in a roadway hit a
cave containing 700 writhing
serpents, bunched together lor a
winter siesta.
Tou kin still git a rather fair 3 car
rot dinner fer a quarter at th' Little
Gem. "I missed my train" is no longer
an alibi.
at ofti ai nnr a p
Has Five Thousand Men with
Him. and Is "Resting from
His Labors"
Trevino Is Fired and General
Murgia Is Given Full
By Webb Miller
(United Press staff correspondent)
El Paso, Texas, Dec. 6. With five
thousand men, Villa is making his head
quarters in the vieinity of San Andres,
west of Chihuahua City, according to a
code message received today by mining
men here. United States authorities
here believe Villa will divide the loot
taken from Chihuahua City, re-equip
his men and scatter them iuto bands
until he is ready for his next move.
Authentic information has reached
tho border that Villistas are still hold
ing 1'iirral. Several hundred bandits un
der Colonel lioltran are in possession
or' tho city.
A shakeup in government military
and civil departments of tho state of
Chihuahua was put into effect nt once
following re-occupation oi Chihuahua
Litv bv Carraniata forces. Both the
Trevino brothers were demoted. Arnul-
fo Gonzales was made civil governor
placed in'churge" of the cauign a
By observers hero of the .Mexican
situation, jealousy on the part of Gen
eral Murgia is salable have been re
sponsible for tho fall of-Chihpahpa City
By retarding the march of his coluuiu
and delaying its arrival until after the
evacuation of the northern capital by
the hard pressed garrison, Murgia saw
tho menus to accomplish the downfall
of Trevino 's power, observers declared.
Santa Barbara, Cnl., Dee. 5.
Dr. H. Barriager Cox, who re
cently announced discovery of a
wireless " circuitless" telephone
toduy announced his intention of
installing a wireless telephone
between this orty and Santa
Crux Island. The "circuit" in
this case will be through the
water instead of the air.
This follows an experiment by
which Dr. Cox transmitted,
through the ground, for 10 miles,
the sound of an alarm clock ring
The president will confer this evening
' I with Chairman Henry of the house rules
Entirely sleeveless, lacking even j committee relntivo to clearing tho
straps to pass over the shoulders, but ! track as rapidly as possible for the rail
supported by an clastic band, is a re- road legislation in order to make room
ccntlv patented undervest for women. for the foodstuffs discussion later.
Official cauvas of the votes cast fori
Selectors for president of the United;
States, for representatives trom tne
First, Second and Third congressionul
districts, nnd for state officers wasj
made Tuesday and is given out by thei
secrctury of state. The law requires
the secretary of -state to make an of- i
ficial canvas of the election returns!
within SO days after the election, which
in this case was held November 7.
The governor has isMied a proclania-1
tiou announcing that the persons receiv-j
ing the highest number of votes for the
various offices at the November elec
tion are duly elected and toduy certifi
cates of election are being sent out to
the successful candidates. Proclama
tion announcing the results of the elec
tion regarding the measures. voted on at
the election is made. The following
tables show the result by the official
Republican Electors.
R. R. Hut'er, VM,7-t9.
Willis I. Cot t el, 120.813.
W. P. Keady, 120,011. .
W. C. North, 120,500.
J. V. Wilson, IJO.Ui
Democratic Electors.
Oliver P. Cojhow, 119,435.
bert E. Hanov, 120,087.
Porter J. Nef'f, 119.S59.
Daniel W. Sheahan, 119.743.
John II. Stevenson, 119,004.
Prohibition Electors.
Curtis P. Coe, 4,729.
. Levi T. Pennington, 4,597. -Henry-
Sheak, 4,002
M. Prances Swope, 4.593.
Cyrua H, Walker, 4,553.
Will Do Nothing Regarding
High Food Prices Until
He Acts
Department of Justice May
Call Special Grand Jury
in New York
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Dec. 6. Action by con
gress on any food price legislation will
await the recommendation of President
Wilson and his cabinet. -
Such executive recommendation will
bo based on the reports, some of which
tho president has already been receiv
ing for some days, from various govern
ment departments conducting investiga
tions. -.
This plan, it was claimed today on
best authority, has the approval and
will get every ounce of supoprt of demo
cratic house and senate leaders.
While administration officials and
congressional leaders admitted frankly
today they do not expect "a macad
amized road" to fruition of their plnn,
they beliovcd food embargo -agitators
and other individual members who have
plans and ideas of their own, could be
! "taken care of" until a carefully con-
"Satisfying progress," is being made
in the various departmental steps under i
way, it was saiq uxiay.
Special Assistant Attorney. General
George Anderson, in charge of the de
partment of justice probe, arrived here
today and immediately held a confer
ence with Assistant Attorney General
Todd, at which, it is said, plans wera
formulated to investigate produce asso
ciations of the country.
He will see Secretary Houston, Sec-
: rotary Kedfield and representatives of
; tue interstate commerce and federal
trade commissions. Ho will probably see
" the president also.
According to reports now beforo the
, president, the department of justice is
I planning to call a special grand jury in
some districts, probably New York or
Chicago, in an attempt to ascertain
whether attempts being made to control
' prices are in violation of the Srcman
j The president has not yet decided
whether to embody his recommendation
. when formulated into a special message
! to congresB or take it up individually
1 with leaders of all parties. His final ac-
, tion will depend largely on the situation
in congress.
Socialist Electors.
Max Burghol.cr, 0,700.
Prank W. Johnson, 1), 71 1. ,
Selina J. MeConc, 9,071.
August Nikula, 9,029.
W. Al. Tipton, 9,010.
Progressive Electors.
Eminett Callahan, 310.
Representatives Piist District
W. C. Hawlcy, (10,530.
W. 8. Richards, 7,213.
Mark V. Weatherford, 39,101.
Representative Second District.
Tames Hickman Barkley, 0,02S.
N. J. Sinnott, 30,059.
Scattering, 017."
Representative Tnlrd District.
John A. Jeffrey, democratic, 9.824.
C. N. McArthur, republican, 35,852.
A. W. Lafferty, progressive-independent.
Albert Streiff, socialist, 2,037.
' Secretary of State.
K. L. Cannon, socialist, 22,094.
Ben W. Olcott, republican-democratic-progressive
Justices Supreme Court.
C. J. Bright, prohibition, 37,15(1.
Geo. II. Burnett, republican, 143,711.
,T. K, Hosmer;- socialist, 28,181.
Frank A. Moore, republican, 123,009.
Turner Oliver, democratic, 72,582.
Dairy and Food Commissioner.
Donald W. McKinuon, socialist, 23,
714. John ' D. Mickle, republican-demo-cratic-progressive,
A. G. Rempel, prohibition. 23,443.
Public Service Commlsloner Eastern
(.Continued on page three.)
San Francisco, Dec. (i Cities
along the Pacific coast must
show the interstate commerce
commission that great damago
to them rill result from any
change in transcontinental
freight rates and likewise in-
termcdiatc cities like Spokane,
Reno and Phoenix, must show
that a change in rates would be
of great benefit to them if pres-
ont rates are to bo changed.
This was indicated here today
in the course of examination by
Henry W. Thurtcll, examiner
for the commission. -
In the course of the exami-
nntion here it was shown that
nearly 7800,000 will be lost on
two contracts if the rates are
Miss Edith Colby Convicted
After All Night Session
of Jury
Thompson Falls, Mont., Dec. 6. Miss
Edith Colby, Spokane newspaper wo
man, was todny convicted of murder
in ilie second degree for the shooting
and killing of A. C. Thomas, prominent
republican politician, hero last Septem
ber and sentenced to from ten to
twelvo years in the penitcntinrv. Miss
Colby charged Thomas with calling her
a "red light woman."
The verdict was reached after the
jury had deliverated all night, the case
having been given to them at 8 o'clock
last night, after a stormy session of
the most sensational trial this state has
had in several years. During the ses
sion yesterday afternoon Miss Colby
who had been exceedingly nervous dur
ing tho entire trial, collapsod after
listening to a scathing denunciation by
Prosecutor Wheeler, in which ho warn
ed tho jury not to take heed f- the ap
peals from tho defense for sympathy.
The defcuso immediately gajre notice
of appeal.
Foxhall Keene Hurt
When Thrown by Horse
Baltimore, Md., Dee. 6. Physicians
attending Poxhnll P. Keene, who was
thrown Irom his horse whilo participat
ing" in a chase near tho Hartford Hunt
club yesterday afternoon refused to dis
cuss the extent of Keene 'a injuries to
day. Preparations at tho club indicated
that Keene would be bronght to Balti
more. Jt is believed that an operation
will bo necessary. Keene is known to
have been seriously hurt about tho
head und badly uhaken up.
Keene has been seriously hurt time
and nuain whilo riding, in 1895 dur
ing a polo lnttteh at Prospect Park,
Brooklyn, ho was. knocked from his
horse anil the hor fell on nun. lie
was rendered unconscious. In" 1912 lie
was thrown whilo hunting in Knglnud
and Buffered concussion of the brain.
Later ho was badly hurt by a tall m
Tacoma Will Have
Shipbuilding Plant
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 0. Adding to
the growing list of new ship building
concerns for Tacoma, articles of in
corporation for the Peoples Ship Iluild
ing company, representing $250,000 in
eastern capital, were filed in Olyinpin
A 'deal for the purchase of 20 acres
pf tide lands at Gig Harbor from A.
It. id. Gi'llerninn, prohibi'ton candidnto
for governor in tho November elec
tion, was concluded last night and work
on a $50,000 plant will be started im
mediately according to 10. Knapp Dcr
ren, who is here representing the out
side cupital.
Cruisers To Be
Ever Built
Washington, Dec. (!. Bids for build
ing four battle cruisers to be the speed
iest in the world, were submitted to the
navy department today on the basis of
actual cost plus a percentage profit by
the Newport News Ship Building Dry
dock compnny, Union Iron Works of
San Francisco; 1'ore River Ship Build
ing Corporation and William Cramp
and Sous company, Philadelphia.
Senttle, Wash., Dec. fl. Aviator Her
bert Munter. accompanied by L. L.
Locker, a student, expected to get away
from the Boeing Areo Stution here at
11 o clock this morning in nn attempt
to make a non stop flight to Portland
in his 123 horse power tractor biplane.
Munter says he hopes to reach Portland
in three and a half hours.
Washington, Dec. 6. Senator Borah
today introduced a bill to abolish the
nationaj guard in its present federnl
form' and return it to the Btniubug it
had as a state force beforo passage of
tho Hay-Chamberlain bill last summer.
The bill was referred to the military
committee. t
King Summons Entire Cabinet
Today for a Private
.Cabinet Called "Gang of Aged
or Inept Mediocrities" ;
by Publisher
London, Dec. (1. The London
Evening News 'ate today de
clared tho announcement that
Andrew Bonar Law had declin
ed to form a new cabinet, was
premature. ' '
The Evening News is a Nortb
cli'ffo newspaper and has usual
ly been accurate in its announce
ments regarding the cabinet it
uation, due o Lord North
cliffe's personal activity in the
present crisis.
The announcement, if true,
may mean that at tho meeting
of the Asquith eoaiition cabinet,
called at Buckingham palace to
day, so much opposition devel
oped to Lloyd-George's selec
tion as premier a choice almost
conceded when announcement
was made that Law had de
clined such a task that a re
construction with Bonar Law at
tho head was still a possibility.
By Ed L. Keen - '
(Vnitert Press staff correspondent)
London, Dec. 0. A conference whose
final decision will undouotcdly mean,
the substitution of a fighting govern
ment - for the diplomatic government
which has guided England in the war
to date, was in progress in Bucking
ham pnlaco this afternoon.
Announcement of ' David Lloyd
George, leader of the aggressive force
of the empire, as premier, was expect
ed momentarily.
King George, seeking conciliatory
agreement between thu Asquith faction
and those supporting idoyd-George,
summoned the entire cabinet to Buck
ingham palace.
Lloyd-George, about whose hond the
entire cabinet crisis has whirled, wat
summoned to a private comorutiee wnu
tho king during the morning utter An
drew Honar Law had formally declined
to accept the formation of a new min
istry. Premier Asquith later appeared at
Buckingham, lie was summoned to the,
general conference along with Lloyd
George, Arthur Balfour, Arthur Hen
dedson, Bonur Law, Samuel nnd other
members of the government. Asquith
was one of the last io arrive.
Lloyd-George also participated in this
conference and politirul circles wi to
filled with various minors as to what
the outcome might be.
TIiom! who continued to look opon
the situation optimistically insofar us
the Asiiiith government is concerned,
expressed the belief that a "satisfac
tory settlement" would bo reached.
With Bonar Law declining the pre
miership, however, Loudon generally re
garded Lloyd-Geoige as the only logical
choice for tho new head of the govr.n
lncnt. It is known ho would insist upon s
ministry back of him of the most ag
grewdve type. Such a final selection
would bo u complete victory for thoso
supporting the fight again! the As
ipiilh government.
a Publisher's Opinion
London, Dec. 0. Lord Northiibffe,
Kncland's foremost publisher, one of
the strongest figures in British public
life today and the man who through
constant iteration in his great Ijondun
newspapers of demand for greater uni
ty, aggressiveness, efficiency and force)
in Kngland 's conduct of the war, Tcal-
(Continued on page t"Q
Oregon: To
night and Thurs
day fair east, oa
casio n a 1 rain
eto -IibaoA KP
west' putinn,
colder tonight
east portion;
south to west
winds. .
Send up