Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Salem's BigToyland
Second Floor
A Big Assortment of House Slippers for
Gift Giving
Slippers are always acceptable and our
showing will aid you in picking out the
kinds desired. Felt and leather slippers in
many dainty styles and colors
WOMEN'S SLIPPERS .... $1.00 and $1.50
MEN'S SLIPPERS $1.50 and up
The Art Embroidery Section will
help you (rrently. See tho large
showing of Sweet Grass and Bam
boo Sewing Baskets and other
novelties iu this department.
Dee. 4. Annual Election of
CTiorrinns, 8 p. in,, at Com
mercial Club.
Dee. 5. Musiciano' Assoo.ation
tiiiiual dunce at A'iio;y.
Deo. 7. The Winning of Bar
bara Worth," Opera House.
Dec. 11-10. Third Au'i.ml Mar
ion County Cor fchow in
Derby building.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glut
M eorrsetly. U. 8. Bnli' Bldj,.
The regular monthly meeting of the
tAnrd of control is scheduled for this
0 , l
Evangelical Bazaar Dec. 2. Masonic
Temple. dec4 i
Regular meeting of Hodson Council
No. I. K. & S. M. this eveniuir. A full
attendance is requested by order of tho
Thrict 111. Master, election of officers.'
Visiting companions welcome, I
All Around Town
II. I ka
V m ii ;v..
, Cive tho sort of present that makes the joy of Chtistmas last for
years. . ( .
Our Kryptolt Christmas Certificate Dun makes it easy to give a i
gift that is worth .while. i
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist. - !
208-209 Hubbard Building Phone 109 I
Every woman and miss should see these exquisite Gowns, and to think that the
prices have been cut in two is simply astonishing. All new, all beautiful, the sea
son's most fashionable creations in rich fabrics. All the tints of the rainbow re
flected in this magnificent stock. Tell your, friends about this event and come
early. The entire stock included in this record sale event.
All $20.00 Party Dresses go at " v . $10.00 Each
AH $15.00 Party Dresses go at $7.50 Each
Ail $25.0QJarty Dresses go at $12.50 Each
Dresses up to $50.00 All going at Half Price.
Large lino of Dainty Christmas
Cnlendnrs, Cards and Stickers.
Supply your needs of these dainty
Christmas Nuvolties from this big
Evangelical Bazaar Sec. 2. Masonic
. Temple. dec4
o v
I State Forester Elliott is in Portland
on business connected with his office.
He is expected back this evening.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye,
Gar, Nose and Throat. tf
6o'oinon Roberts was fined today $10
for exceeding the spoed limit iu the
city. He appeared in the police court
and paid tho lino.
Have tea and scones at Presbyter-
inn church l)ir.niir, Tuesday nee. 3.
ma ukcsi w sign lor enlistment in
Company M uro Malcolm L. Uilbert and
James Lyons. Nelson Croshnw, a mem
ber of Company M has enlisted in the
U. S. regular army.
Repairing and manufacturing jobs
lien My done and all work -guaranteed.
1'omerov and Wallace.
' o
Regular meeting of Chadwick chap
ter No. .17, Order of the Eastern Star,
Tuesday eveninjr Dec. "), at S o'clock,
Official visit of Sister Dora II. Shrike
Worthy (iraud Matron, and election of
Christmas A:
' Salem's Big Christmas Store
Complete satisfaction is assured if you
select your gift articles at Meyers. We
have prepared especially for the gift seek
er and can make your shopping easy by
placing such large, choice Christmas stocks
at your commnad.
Splendid assortment of Toilet
Articles, Manicure Sets, Per
fumes, etc- Many things in this
section for gift giving.
Pomeroy and Wallace linest Jewelry
at special prices.
The case against W. D. Albright for
speeding on the streets of Sulcm was
dismissed this morning when it was
found that the polico had secured the
wrong number und that tho niuchine
speeding was not tlie one belonging to
Mr. Albright.
Wanted two veal calves every day.
Koy Rue Meat .Market, 177 S. Com
meriiiil. - decft
The postoffice business at the Crown
Drug store, known ns sub-eontriict sta
tion, No, 2, is assuming considerable
proportions. Tho sales for November
amounted to $!l4:t.03. Tho largest single
day's business was on November 20th,
when the sales were ifiitidl.
The generously good
Corona. Made in Salem.
10c cigar La
Charles M. Talmadge, of Newport,
Wasji,, was in the city yesterday, a vis
itor at tho homo of 1). H. Talmadge. It
is the owner of the Silver Birch stock
farm at Newport and is on his way to
visit the live stock show in l'ortinnd
this week.
25 per cent discount on aLl Jewelry
lor one week onlv. I'omerov and Wal
"- n
Every member of the First Christian
church will be given a visit on Sunday,
December .17. That day will be kuown
as "Every .Member" day, and it is the
plan of the members of tiie church to se
cure automobiles and make a friendly
cull on every member of the church,
whether living in the city or country.
Diamonds and watches, the best at
the lowest prices. l'omeroy und Wal
C. W. Barrick, of this city, a eraduate
of tho WiUnmette university college of I
law, is going to Independence to prnc-1
tiro law. He will be associated with'
D. K. Fletcher, also a W. U. law grnd- j
ante, who is now practicing there. Mr.'
Barrick is well known in Salem and the;
best wishes of his friends go with him'
to the little town up the river. . j
Carpets and nigs, no raise in tho
price. Duron's Furniture store, . 1711;
Commercial street. , j
R. S. White, of FaUs City, was ar-i
rested for speeding on North Capitol j
street. He appeared this morning be-,
fore the police judge and was fined $10. :
which he paid. Ho was out trying his i
engine and found that it went pretty j
well. North Capitol street is becoming '
the speed cop's paradise on account of,
tho attrastion it offers to speeders. I
Trunks and suit cases nnrterpriced ,
at Duron's furniture store, 17! Com !
niercial street. " - ;
James Craig, of Falls City, who was :
arrested Inst night by the combined ef- i
forts of Officer Vurnev and Superin
tendent Bench of the Salem Rnilway
enmpany, fnced Judge Elfin this morn
ing on a charge of being drunk and dis
orderly last night. He pleaded uuiltv
to the chnrge and was fined $10, which
he paid- He said lio got his boor from
n in ii ii in iriunts, iiofl nau received a
Neckwear For Men
Meyers has always been known for its. splen
did assortments of Christmas Neckwear
for men and boys. New patterns, newest
shapes and the biggest variety to choose
from. Priced at
50c, 65c and $1.00
HM))H).M.MU).. .
Early shopers wlU save by visiting 1 get them if they don't watch out- Wnr
Buren's Furniture, store, J 79 Conimcr- rnnts were swo'rn out for several who
cial street. . have been careless. Within the fire
0 I limits, the lawful speed is 15 miles an
Election times are a wonderful help hour which is pretty slow traveling,
in increasing the sales of stamps at the Outside of the fire limit, 20 miles an
Salem postoffice. V For the mouth of hour is lawful, with a 10 mile an hour
November, lSllll. the Salem postoffice passing school houses between 8 o'clock
sold as follows: Stamps and stamped
paper, $7,000.01; for second class mat
ter and newspapers, .231.92; third and
fourth class matter without stumps,
$474. !7, imikinj; a totnl sales for the
month of $8, 2 15.110.' One year ago the
sales for November amounted to i)i(i,45().
75. Globe-Wernicke . book cases . in all
standard finishes. Itrlrert's Furniture
store; 17U Cimnicrciul St.
It might be well for automobile own
ers to look well to the headlights and
tail lights as the special speed cop will
When your kidneys are weak and
torpid they do not properly perform
their functions; your back aches
and you do not feel like- doing much
of anything. You are likely to be
despondent and to borrow trouble,
just as if you lindn't enough al
ready. Don't be a victim any ionprer.
The old rcliablo medicine, Hood's
Sarsnparilla, gives strensth and
tone to the kidneys and buiWa up
the whole system.
Hood's Sarsapai-illft is a peculiar
combination of roots, barks and
herbs. Xo other medicine acts like
it, because no other medicine has the
same formula or ingredients.' Accept
no substitute, hut insist onllaving
Hood's, and get it today.
H,..-IJ,V. . ..-
;, ' rv- Ji -
f ' --.' "" A
t ' " fci 1.- ?
N - v. -S !
V t-r' 44-
New showing of Women's Neck
wear, Scarfs, Ribbon Novelties
ami Christmas Handkerchiefs.
.in the morning and 5 o'clock in the aft-
ernoon during days schools are in ses1
Hoosler Kitchen cabinets, finest
made, reduced again tor a few days.
Unren's Furniture store, 170 Commer
cial St.
Members from the Chamber of Com
t .i , i ,
It . " '"V"!' 0 ''I" b"s""?f
- .in J If Jl U V'-lt hT m
nesdny of his week to inspect the flax
fields and find out just what Euuenc is
doing in the llax industry. From Sn-
l . ... ..
7 V
. : 1
lZuZ v S."t TT"llK membership campaign. Ho
Oondrinh TbemlnrA flMi, Tv, ,' Ti r.
Daniel, manager of the Commercial club,
and W. H. Hamilton.
Bazaar, Presbyterian church, Tues
day Dec. !, afternoon and evening.
Tea and scones, candy, cookcl food,
fancy work, popcorn balls,
A. L. Wallace, who has recently re
turned from Los Angeles, where he has
been attending the Los Angeles School
of Optometry, hns purchased a one-half
interest in the jewelry store of C. T.
Fomeroy on North Commercial street
and will hereafter give his entire time
to the interests of the business. Mr.
Wallace has been nsosciated with Mr.
l'omeroy in tho jewelry busines for the
past 10- years. He is well known in
business circles and has been especially
active in tho interest of the Salem Elk
lodge. Mr. l'omeroy is one of the pioneer
jewelers of tho city, having been estab
lished in tho business here for the past
25 years-
1 1 iim.nm
to Capacity
IN Her Latest and Greatest Release
Special Music Arranged by Miss Vera Kitchener
: 15c
Miss Nina Brock left this morning for
Eny Aspinwnll, of AVaomla, was in
the city yesterday.
Chns. Gooilale, of Woodbtirn, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. llmleltftm returned
this morning from Idaho.
Will A. Sliownlter was a Salem visit
or Sunday from McMiunville.
-u- ....'.i "Mb. Vi-ml Niivir. nf Dallas.
Unl.m 1'i.itnru vIP.ln V. !
Miss Until Barber detiirned'from Dal
las this morning alter a two weeks'
Mrs. Mas Fuller fcnd son, C'lnirles 8.
Piper were here Sunday, guests at the
J. E. Scott hoinv.
Dr. M. K. l'omeroy is aguin at lior
office after an absence of three weeks
on account of illness.
Fred H. Steusioff ill attend tho live
stock show in Portland Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
Miss Bertha Waldorf returned this
morning I'loni .Sheridan where she 1ms
been visiting her parents.
Miss Alice 1'utnam returned from Cor
vnllis where she lins been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Lloyd V. Bell.
E. W. Zaiuzow, of the Santa Fo sys
tem, and 1.. B. Tiemey, o'f the Lireut
Northern railway, are in the city.
Miss Bervl I ox. sister ot u. J'..
Franzke, returned this morning to Mon
mouth, w here she is attending normal.
i Mrs. Hugh Elliott, of Mcdford, is a
! suest at tTie home of O. B. Webb. She
I will remain in the city until after
! Christmas.
I Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith returned
to their home at Corvnllis this morning
I after a visit of a few days with friends
I in r-iueni. i
J. F. Mney and wife und three chil-
dren returned this morning to their
home at McMiunville after spending the
Thanksgiving season at the home of
City Attorney Macy.
NKII, At the Salem hospitnl, Satur
dnj'i December 2, 11)10, James Neil,
- in his 70th year.
He w as a member of the Woodmen of
the WorUModge and for the past ISO
years has been employed at the state
Funeral services were held this after
noon from St. Joseph's church with bur
ial in the Catholic cemetery.
ABLE To the Dev. and Mrs. H. E.
Able, Monday, December 4, 1910, a
Mr. Able is minister of the Evangeli
cal church at Liberty and Center streets.
JOSSE To Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Jos
se, 2410 State street, Sunday, Decem
ber 1010, a son.
The final rehearsal of the big or
chestra for the musicians ' ball at tho
armory Tuesday Hee. 5, was held yes
terday. To say the music will be swell
is uttiiK; it iniidly. You will certain
ly miss something if you do not attend.
Gilbert & Patterson took three prem
iums Saturday at the l'olk county corn
show from corn raised on their farm
near F.ola. They were awarded first on
the loo ears display, first on the 10
ears display nud first oil the one ear
The governor of every state in the un
ion is a member of the Moose lodge, ac
cording to Distutor Benjamin Brick,
excepting the governor of Oregon.
Therefore, in order to make the chain
complete, Oovcrnor Withyconibe was in-'
uuvt-u iu an n i'imu-iu tun j ui uiciii-i
'bership into the Loyal Order of Moose
he will be properly initiated on the '
Lveili of Tuesdav. December 12. J.
duceu to sign an application for mem
Von Evth, state organizer for the Moose
will stay in Salem about a month, ns-
' BBV there ,s I1"""'7 8d material in
the citv for the Moose and that as the
Salem lodco hns one of the best equip-
ped lodge rooms on the coast, there is
no reason why many more of the men
of the city should not be enjoying the
advantages ottered by the lodge.
A FOB Tint I Kyi
This U flu ine of id any
the ikito of
The Tenet able purity and supe-
rinTitv of S. S. S.'ii recoonixed hv all
who have taken it and received Its benefits
recommended br them to all sufferers
eases. Kheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria, and many "forms of SHn
Disease, are some of the blood a worst enemies but will surely
give way to the influence cf S. S. S.
Get tba Genuine S. S. 3. at Your Druggist.
Tjr--TtrtrM e ; a a n ra
Temple of Music and High Class Productions
i ir-wwininrmT m
Household Furniture. . Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for same. Phone 511. .
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at $
Schaffer Drug Store, phone 11)7.
Residence pnone 1405.
915 Iliiihlund Avenue.
A. M. Wilson, 23 years experiencu.
Legally, mcchanicnllv and commewiiii
)v trained to protect, vour invention.
Send for booklet. FRKE SKAIIC1I,
311 Victor Bldg.j Washington, 1). '.
Ap '""
Any KiriD
Any time -
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop ct
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, 1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel in tho business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Homo Away From Home.
T. a. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus
The Oregon state notird of control
will receive sealed bids on December
12, lOlti, at 2:00 p. in., fur furnii-hm:;
supplies to the various s.tate institu
tions; consisting of dry goods, clotniiu,
furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware,
brooms, dings, paints, oils, stationery,
crockeiy; plumbing, etc., for the semi
annual 'period ending June Hoth, 1017.
Speeificat'ous and schedules will bo
furnished upon application to the sec
retary al falem, Oregon, also from to
Industrie, und manufactures bureni,
Chamber of Commerce, l'ortinnd, Ore
gon. Each bid to be accompanied by
certified check in the sum of 10 per
cent of the whole amount of bid, pay
able to the Oregon Sta"te Hoard of Con
trol, to be held as a guaranty of tso
faithful performance of the contract.
The board reserves the right to re.je.-t
any or all bids or to accept i"iy part ofv
a jid.
R. B. fUiODlX. rjeretnry,
Oregon State l rr ' -J Control.
Nov. 2S, Dec. 1-4-8
R. Dusan. of Independence, drove tjo
fender of his car against the fender of a
street, car last night at 0:25. at Hih
and State streets, with but little .lam
aire to either uttr auto or street car,
The polls will be open this evening
until H o clock for the benetit mostly
of tho tardv ones and those who have
decided to vote at t lie Inst niiniit
-m w m w n a BrnriBTOgi
New Every Day
New Remrdift for ft multitude of illf. Rot
thousands of sufferers from blood impuri
remnms with 4 he old rehnble 3. a. a. lis
xepuiauon was woo of mew aione. ana
is rctainea oy tne same contin
uous mce 10 oamomiy.
from blood dis
t I .
T-!?!!y'"'j,-.?'-T-,lji'g?.yjj.!!)'iv fi'
shipment recently,