THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. DF.C. 2. f'HJtT5"P! ft M1 IIWlfllflM 1fW& Fif Buy- IL FURNITURE not I I every member helpful to the : fn Buying Gifts it should : the Gift that would give Why not an easy Chair, a Foot-stool to match; a Library "fable or Reading Lamp; a Smoking Set or Ash Tray. A million other gifts suitable for Xmas can be found in our Store. Watch our t You get more for your money at Moores' - - r:- - ... ft Willamette Valley Woodburn, News (Capital Journal Special Service) Woodburn, Dec. 2. Anna Asboe went to .lunctiuu City Wednesday evening wi ll her parents. Oscar Olson, who is attending Wil lamette. University nt Salem, spent Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Olson of this city. Mrs. .1. A. Hicks left for' Cnmas, Washington, Thursday to visit her daughter. James Hendricks come home from Silveiton Thursday to spend Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yergen of Don ald spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. 1.. M. Bitney. Mis Kmma Fikan of this cfty and .Mr. Frank Grimes of Hubbard were married in Portland Nov. 27. Mrs. M. M. Oglesbce of Shelburn is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mis. W. S. Klliott the past week. Clay Jones, who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. A. E. Austin, loft for Seattle last week, lie sailed for the Philippines Thursday. v Hiss Kvelyn Conklin . went to Cor vallia Friday returning' Sunday even ing. M,rs. M. J. Olson returned homo from Shepards Springs last Thursday. Her health is greatly improved. . Miss Kthel Adams of this city and Mr. (ieorge Miller of Hubbard were married at Salem Saturday, -November IS. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Hendricks of Kugene are visiting at the homo of fr! and Mrs. M. L. Hendricks. Kit ward (1. Kminett went to Corvab lis Friday night to attend the alumni home-coming week. Mr. Emmett hav ing attended" the Oregon Agricultural College. -i. . " "Mis. A. J. Happ, -who hns been visit ing with her brother, W. S. Klliott, tor a time, has returned to her -homo in Nevada City, California. Mrs. F. W. Settlemicr spent Satur dav in Portland. ifiss Amy Oertsel of Portland attend ed the firemens ball, comin gfrom Au rora with Miss Letta Itonts and party. The members of the five hundred eluh were delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Whitman Inst Fri . MUSICIAN'S GRAND BALL --- Armory Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 9 o'clock sharp Tickets, $1.00 per Fifteen Piece Orchestra --- Useful Gifts For And Make Everybody Happy llUlllw U;pat O Ull LllC taiUy UUl ;;;; of the household. A few suggestions very earljr shoppers, be the givers desire to give the most joy and comfort. west window. day evening. L. Lawrence and Mrs. Kobert Scott won high scores. Ifefresh ments were served. Those enjoying the cTenin- were Mr. and Mrs. Lai'ayette Lawrence, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Dose, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drake Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bitnoy, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scttlemier, Mr. and Mrs. F X. Beck, Mr and Mrs-. I,. H. Shorey and Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Beach were additional guests. Mr. and Mrs. .1., K. AlcKinney entor- tained a christening party last Sunday at dinner. Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Mc Kinnev, Afiss Avon McKinney and Dr. Otto Steelhnmmer of Silverton. K. X. lloppnrd spent Saturduy in Sa lem. N. S. Nehl left for Beaver Friday for a fe wdnys visit at his farm. Mrs. H. C, lirniie who hns been visit ing her duughter, -lis. J.' B. McKinney the past three mouths left forller home in Oakland, Cal. Paul rolqui't of Portland attended the firemen's ball hist Saturday, Miss Vesta Marshall of Stnyton was iT-nest-of Mrs. Delia Xendel last Sun dav. Mrs. D. A. McKee left for Shepards .Springs Inst Thursday afternoon. Lillian Grnson of Portland spent the week end with Miss Aletha Bjtney and attended the iirennw 's ball. Mrs. I. Parrish, who haS' been visit ing her mother, Mrs. H. Overton, left In it Thursday for her home at Soda ville. Mr. ami Jlrs. T. . McAdoo and soiir Fermnn, oi' Salem spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. McAdoo's sister, Mrs. F. W. Haskell. Harold Dimick was home from Wil lamette for the holidays. ma Lamb - Donald spent the week. end with bin Hendricks. , Miss Lois Mctuaid spent Saturday in Portland on business; Minnie Settle niier acennmanving lier. Fred Kaufinan has returned home from Washington. Donold nud Miss Hcssif Courtwright went to. Portland Thursday for a few davs visit. v. i.nke Smith went to The Dalles for a visit with friends. ' Chauncey Voder of Hubbanl came to Wondbi'ivii to phiv with 'he alumni Couple Ladies Unaccompanied, t on'y pleases the one whose and will be held till wanted: What would make a more thing for mother or wife duties in the kitchen. A white enamel Beaver Kitchen : ; Cabinet with Breakfast Table attachment A newr chair, a new range, aluminum window (a model kitchen) News t team against the high school bovs Thursday. Harold Miller attended the masquer-' adc ball in Donald Wednesday night. Miss Macklni is spending the Thanks giving vacation in Portlnud. Alta Bales spent tho week end in Ger vais. Tho W. O. W. gave an oj-ster supper after their regulnr meeting last Tues day evening. Aliout tinny members were7rtreseiit. Miss Ilattie Bents of Fargo made a business trip to vxiodburn ,-mturmiy. A reception for the new minister, Rev. C. F. Heed, was held in the Pres byterian church parlors Tuesday even ing. A fine program was given, utter which a super was served. About lot) enjoyed a tine social time. Mrs. A. K. Hnnk ot Kargo is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Win, Purdy of this city. The Firemen's Bull given Saturday evening by the fire company, was a great success. The decorations of green boughs nnd Japanese lanterns were very elaborate. Oscnr Steelhnmnier of snlem assisted with the music. -Many people from out of town attended the dunce and everyone enjoyed a gorul time. The game between the Woodburn high school and alumni team resulted in a score of 2ii-0 in 'favor of. the high school boys. This was the last gaum of the season and a fair sized crowd at tended. ' . Mrs. Geo. Honlicy returned Lome from Vancouver where she has been visiting her" sonv Harry Bonney. Rickey News COipllul Journal Special Service.) Bickny. Ore., Dec. 2. A party was given at the John Haines home Satur day evening. Besides the young people of tbu neighborhood there were several guests from Salem. Mrs. Andrew Parson was a Snlein vis itor Wednesday. . Miss Ijiura McGee, of Sulem, spent Thanksgiving with mother, Mtji- It. Mc Gee. Chester Homer is visiting in Kugene. - L. Hickman and I). A. Harris are Gents Alone, 75c f 25c Spectators Free i - - i - tttMtM .ujoi'igngiUK-uatJUg DECEMBER." 2 month acceptable Gift than some- it something to lessen her I ware, etc. See our east Others make the prices, we get the business. -HS graveling their lanes. A Literarv society has been organized by the ponng people of Rickey. Chester Homer was elected president and Mne r.dwards vice-president. Tho first meet ing will be held at the school house Friday evening, December 8. All are invited to attend D. A. Harris and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Binegar spent Thanks giving nt tnc M. M. JNlcGee homo. Kdgar Hunter has accepted the posi tion of dairy man at the Frank Durbiu ranch. Fred Dickmiin, Frank Harris aifd Or rin Frysbie motored to Salem in Mr. Dickman's new car, Thanksgiving ev ening. George Edwards and family took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. und Mrs. Will r.dwards, of South Salem. North Howell Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Xorth Howell, Dee. 2: A rood meet ing was held nt the grange hall .Mon day and the final voto taken on the special road tax of 110 mills which carried 31 to II. Jt was also voted to ask the county road master to allow us to use Hi) per cent ot county fund for graveling. Jos. Mould to. o former resident of this place, is dead were snipped to Mt Angel Wednesday from which place the funeral was ducted , , ', , .... , JllH WlIKH Ilflu llliivnil I in lin ..... li' ' recently purchase,! from I'.. Stevens on higher ground and will soon be ready tor business . his line. . ' . .-. v. . stride on the-school grounds, we are expecting the boys to continue the "strides'' in their studies lis well. A visit to the school will disclose the (act that we have a very competent pair of teachers, Mr, Moiey is doing some very good work, nud Miss Georgia House is the g!rl in the right place with the little folk. - Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Hump of Port land arc spending a vacation at the home of Mr. Hump 'parents. Mrs. Geo. W. Dunn is reported quite sick nt her home here. School wns closcji Thursday nnd Fri day of this week and the teachers took 11 trip to their homes. Mrs. I-'. Beer spend the week end nt the home of her 'daughter Kdiftri in Silverton. ' I. Stevens drew n word picture of "Thanksgiving iu Oregon in '."i2" at the grange meeting Thursday in frliicli it was seen what wo hnve to be tliunk ful for in HMD. Thanksgiving dny was celebrated at this place first by a program in -Miss' House a room 011 Wednesday afternoon Xmas ''.-.'- at 111c scnooi iinuse. 1 ne gi angers neidmvu (ie mPllH tneir regular meeting on rnursduy una hebl open hoiuie at the noon hour; and after noon to all grangers and their families. Two ilarge tallies extending across the hall were filled to the lim it. And a splendid -social, progruin oc cupying the entire afternoon winding up with a ilnnce nt Kuss hall where about fifty couples were entertained until a lute hour, rounded out whnt will be remembered as a gain dav for North Howell. . ' Fruitland Items (Capital Journnl Special Service.) Fruitland, Ore., Dec. 2. today Un people of Fruitland and many from Auburn assembled at the chnrt'li here for a good, old-fashioned neighborly ThanksHivinj dinner. There were probably 200 or more present who par took of the" good things prepared by the mothers nud daughters of Fruitland. Without disparaging any other locality let me say our cooks know how to cook and no other artists of the culiunry business can "put it over them" to any appreciable extent. What was there to fatf Time would fail me to enumerate, what was on those tables. I could near ly as soon note what was not. I might say though there was about everything from fried chicken to five or six large cakes, and you can probably imagine what was between. 1 noticed that the two ministers from Salem did not in r.nywise compromise tho preacher's rep utation for fried poultry. I also noticed and sampled some fine potato salad garnished with sliced, boiled SO cent eggs. M'oll, to .cut the dinner story short, there was enough for nil and much remained, liev. U. L. I.ovell, ot Salem, invoked the blessing on the food. He also gave a short address before, din ner. Your correspondent being late did not have much of it. There were three tables (dinner was served in the church) set. The smaller children sat at one of them. Quite a number of the Kuburii Sunday day school young people were present, also the superintendent, Mr. O.-Fugg. At about 1:30 p. m. the literarv exer cises began by the congregation singing "America." lhen there were recita tions given by several girls, viz: Mil dred Donaldson, Kthcl Anderson, "Min nie Bohlson, Abbic Bohlson, Mary Bohlsou, Bessie Older, Claudine White, Wilmn Alvord, Freida Standifer and Huth Lnttin. The following bnys. also had recitations: Harold White, Geo. Jackson (a lineal descendent of A. Jackson), Hale Cade and H. C. Todd. Next followed a song by the congre gation.' Then a song by the Auburn Sun day school of about 25 singers. Song by Freida Standifer. Exercises of class four of Auburn Sunday school of nine perosns. Song by five girls. Song by tho congregation. Bible leading by Auburn Bible class led by Mrs.' David Terry. Song by congregation. All did their parts Well. These exercises oc cupied one hour. Rev. 0. W. l'lumef of the Kvangelicnl church, Seventeenth and C'heuieketa street, Salem, now- began an interesting nddrss which was listened to with at tention . . . . i . ,!"' " vi jinn, v.uilloutl ull Said in part he was n great ,.:,.,, ,i,. friend of the public schools and we! ()r school carried out a. verfl inter should be thanksful tor them and guard I ,.s: ing Thanksgiving program nt the them with cn re. Said Thanksgiving day . ,j Wednesday afternoon, did not originate with the Pilgrim fatli- .rr. nnd Mrs. Losinger nnd daughter crs of America, but with the Jews in Ycvn are preparing to go to southern the days of Moses, at tho time of the ' California, to spend the winter on lie- i.nvini-iuij ui me crop 111 me inn. iney had n feust lasting seven days called tho "Feast of Tabernacles." The peo ple rejoiced be'forc the Lord and were glad a whole week and not one day only. Holland nnd Thanksgiving Decom j ber 3. President- Lincoln in 1804 np- Sointed the fourth Thursday in Novcin . er and we observe it still. Said Thanks giving day was the only day the civil government recommended should bo ob served -religiously. He eulogized President Wilson nnd j?' t'11 point nearly turned his address ! il,to a political speech. Said if anything I would ji rouse his"Dutch" (said he was born in Holland) it. would be to spenk ngninst Wilson, and those of us who were republicans prudently held our pence. Fxtolled the two ' prohibition measures voted on by the people of Ore- I Kon ot ,ho li,to election and said ' we should be tliankfiiLfor the downfall of John Barleycorn. He did not telliis we should nlso be thankful that, these same prohibition voters knocked out the Sun day closing "blue law" along with boo.e. Wonder why? At the close of the services a collec tion was taken for the Avar stricken suf ferers of Kurope, which amounted tu ijiiUO. Benediction by Kev. Lovell, pas tor of the l.'nited Kvangelicnl church of Salem, and also ot Auburn. Kenneth Kuiiucr had charge of the program. Hayesville Notes (Capital Juuiiial Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., Dec. 2. The school here closed Thursday and Fridny for the Thanksgiving vacation. A short pro gram was rendered at the school on W'eduesdny nf ternooii. Rev. Bat'; wire and little girl, of Me Minnville, were here over Sunday. Rev. Bntv preached Sunday niorniiiir and Mrs: Bntv snoke in the evenimr. Th and tlio remniiisJvMinii' ncouln will Inivn .... -iv ,n il, ichureh Saturday tvening. Miwa I'Mnn Villa 1 t -'iViuuiMllu iu Blirilll Mil- 1 U.1JI 1111! i . ' . n n M,.i..,..,.il, ... a-i 1. vacation. -- Rcv F s .f A p. .M i 1 n v II.-. ' smllv Hnyesville, , ruing home Monday. ,.fnn illicit I kiii ,,f ,liu,.fin Archie Claggett hits an attack of the Joy Greig is afflicted wiGi toiisilitis. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rosche have both been among the sick. Dr. Reynolds hns had a new chicken house built on his pluc. ' I The .Misses Anna and Martha Denny land Lottie McAfee came home from Mill City to spend Tliuiiksgiyiug with the folks nt home, John Denny was over to eat Thnuks giving dinner with his uncle's family, Jacob Denny. The Literary society will meet on this' Friday evening. ! W. Brown has sold his place to Mr.! Lipp, of California, who has taken pos- "css'ion. Mr. Brown nud family have moved to Rickey.' 'j Mrs. It. O. Brown is visiting her moth- I er, Mrs. J.' Yodcr. j Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Tyrrell spent 1 Thanksgiving at Pioneer at the home of Mrs. Ivrrell' brother, Chas. Menden- hall. (.lllrn Gmenfelder nnd Huns CauNon DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Ads BRING YOU RESULTS Phone 81 Prompt Service 1 JOHN SUNDIN 'Maker of Men's Clothes at a Moderate Price" 347 State Street See Our New Line of Winter Weights Scotts Mills News (Capital Journal Special Service) oeotts Mills, Dec 2. There was a called meeting Friday evening at the 1. O. (). V. hall to nominate a ticket for town officials, said ticket to bo voted on Dec. 5th. The nominations were for mayor, six coiincilmen, treas urer, recorder and marshal, Those who had been elected to finish out the year were renominated excepting treasurer. A. 8. Hrougher was chosen to take thH-because ,iley calmot ive ollt ,le place of Mrs. Tait, former treasurer, hmrmcitlr.. rl,r . in tl, blend who had moved away Thanksgiving dav .'issed very quiet ly at Scoits Mills. There was a union service held by the Friends and Chris tian churches, at the Friend church, Kev. Krunk of the hnstiun church gave the message. There was a full house and a good sermon, . nr. and Mrs. W. L. Tnylor and Mrs. Barthotrtmcw of Portland took dinner !at the J. A. Taylor home on Thanksgiv ing Uav. Mr. and Mrs. Woodford nud family took their Thanksgiving dinner with .Mr. and Mrs. h. Shilts. A. L. Brougher and family dinejj i, r n.i r... r.. ..i.,,... Tt. count of -Miss ,cva s poor health There will be a nic social at the Christian chunh Saturday evening for the benefit nf the church. Kvery one who attends is expected to bring a pin. Sam Murray lutely from Idaho, was taken to the hospital for the insane. Ho had been, threatening to kill him self and had secreted a gun for that purpose. Ill health is the cause. Mrs. Charley Sherbnch of Mt. Angel and little boys are visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Ilarve Commons. Claxtar Items (Capital Journnl Special Service.) Claxtar, Ore., Dec. 2. .Mrs. Harry Jones, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Norcn, arrived home today from near Mt. Lassen, t'ul. Mrs. JoacH.Hnys that the high cost of living is much more iu evidence in the Golden State than it. is here. That potatoes are sold at such prohibitive prices that very soon no one but wealthy people can afford to use the once humble tuber. Car short age and crop shortage seem the main factors causing present, conditions. The K. A. Mntthes family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. G. S. McMiinn nud Miss Kiln McMiinn, of (Juinaby. The John West leys motored to Salem and were guests at tho Mnplcthoipe home for Thnuksgiving. Mr. nud Mis. Roy ' Westley (Beulah Muplethorpe) were additional guests. A most excellent program wus en joyed nt Kaiser school on Wednesday, November 2!i. Pilgrims iu their ipiaint gurments and Indinns in guy feathers were featured by the pupils. The decora tions were delightfully realistic. A young trapper here has secured sev- cu muskriits, one mink and one immense skunk during the last three week". The hide of the muskrnt is worth -10 cents' 1 and that of the skunk iniiiiy scents. VMV "It's Mine" You can't blame the children for disputing about it. For it's wholesome, delicious Pun-Dundy Bread, nuuie with pure, tested nillk. The older members of the family like it just ns well. pan.pan(jy Breatr'8 Yet though Pan-Dandy is bread that the most careful housewife could not better, it costs no more than ordinary kinds. e (let your grocer to send out a loaf today, and note the diflerenee for yourself. , is E -Pf PURE BLOOD MAKES' HEALTHY PEOPLE Hood's Snrsapaiilla surely and ef fectively removes scrofula, boils and other blood diseases because it drives out of the blood all the humors Hint cause these diseases. They eannot be successfully treated in any other way. External applications for their re moval have proven almost uscles--, Hood a Sarsapnnlla ninues pure. rieh blood, perfects the diseslion, nml builds np the wholo system. The skin becomes smooth, clean and healthy. This great blood remedy has stood the .test of forty years. Insist on having; Hood's, for nothing else acta like it. There is no ronl substitute. Get it today. , Sold by all druggists. Sublimity Items (Capital Journnl Speciul Service Sublimity, Dec. 2. The entertiiin mcnt and basket social held ut the-G. F. hall Monday night was well atten-1- ed. The entertainment was pleasing to . the audience, after which the basket sale took place. These sold readily aed at gooil juices. After the basket 'social the older people enjoyed card pln.viir on the upper floor while the young folks engaged in dancing on the loner. The Sublimity Dramatic club gave their final production of "A Nnhln Outcast" nt the Stnr theatre, Stnyton, Friday night of Inst week. The 'next play they will put on will be a enmedv. Joseph Odcnthnl and IM ltoeser lei't Sunday on a trip to the coast. They a making the trip by wagon. Matt Van -Handel, wife nud baby .if Portland are visiting friends 111111' rel atives in this vicinity. , The l)itter,Bel 4 Co. store was rob bed some time during Friday night of last week. An entrance was forced by way of the back door. Among the ar ticles missing were several muckimiwi, u huge number of pearl handled por ti er knives, dollar watches, some lint' shoes, socks ami underwear. While the. exui-t loss cannot be ascertained it ; esliinnted to be from sixty to eigh'y dollars. At the regulnr meeting of the ci:, council Inst Saturday an ordinance wus j passed levying a tux of three mills for uie ensuing yenr. OLD TIME COLD CURE DRINK TEA! Get a sinmII package of llaniluii Breast Ten, or as the German folks call it, " lliiiiiburger llrust Thee.'' at liny phai'iiuicy. 'lake 11 teiispoonl'iil of llm tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it. pour through a sieve ami drink a tea cup full nt any time. It is I he most ef fective way to break a cold und cine grip, us it opens the pores, relievii ' congestion. Also loosens the Imw thus breaking 11 cold at once, It is inexpensive and entirely table, therefore harmless. 1 ait !: m 'B' a. ran-l)andy repjulur size 5i Uiy-lJandy -the economical family loaf 10c. 13c sure it bears the label. n SALEM ROYAL BAKERY, 240 South Commercial Btroet ' ftMMMj '