Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 02, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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i IT I
ITH the approach of the biggest the evening wa suspended from the
and merriest holiday of nil the ceiling.
year comes, a busy time for bo- The orchestra also was concealed be
eicty, wbo for the next tew weeks wi
be occupied with tho preparation of
gifts and the usual frenzy of Christ
mas shopping.
Already sociul affairs are resolving
6nto informal Kensingtons at which ma
trons and maids pass the afternoon
busily sewing and wording on presents, ' guests,
with a refreshing cud of tea. I couvcr,
neath a bower of over greens, and a
group ot pretty young girls served
punch at attractive booths. ,
Miss Margaret Rodgers entertained
informally on Friday afternoon, with a
charming tea in honor of her house
Miss Zeiilottc London of Van
B. C, and Miss Jessie Gamer
Aside from the Cherrian dance, which of Astoria
waa a gala event of Wednesday night, Several of the younger girls were
the social affairs iiave been few, as guests,
the week was entirely devoted to family
reunions, and tho entertainment of Honoring her house guests, Mrs.
out-of-town relatives and guests, with George Ta.wcll of I'm timid nnd Mrs.
feasts and gayeties attendant .upon Earl Wright of McMinnvillc, Mrs. J.
it. iucnaruson was nosiess on xrituiy
for a charming Kensington.
It was very informal, only a few ma-
A delightful affair of tho early week
m thn "BiH " niirtv fnr ,.h Mi. irons uenilf USKUU IO Iliui-l mo vmiois.
and Mrs. Mai O. Burcn were hosts, I The room wcr0 attractively decked
Tuesday night. The members of thewl'h yp'lo chrysanthemums.
Merry-Go-Found club and several ao. Mrs. II. J. Hehulderman assisted Mm.
ditional guests made up six tublcs of Richardson.
"MO", card honors falling to Mrs. ,Tue, RVP1' "rer: Jol'.n 1X1?ut1!'
Henry B. Thiclsen and Thomas B. Kay. Cr,alld' Mr"- w- G- A11,' Mr9- i'!'ni,k
Assisting Mrs. Buren were Mrs. Jos-I Spencer, Mrs. George W illiam Orny,
I1 Baumgartner and Mrs. J. N. Smith, i Ur- Fora M- .''Bllowav and
The additional guests were; Mr. and
Mrs. W. U. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
3. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Watt, Mr. and
Mrs. Joepeh Baumgartner, Mrs. George
1 Rose and Mrs. Lenta Westacott.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mer
3in Harding was the scene of a gny lit
tle affair on Monday night, when a
jrroup of friends gathered for an in
i or ma 1 dance.
The affair which was planned by
the guests, as a little surprise to Mr.
nd Mrs. Harding, was one of tho most
delightful of the week's festivities.
w.: 1 WraT George M. V'rS:
fr. n,l Mr. .Tm. 'l,l,.t, M- ...A MrS- J- Smlth Mr- ?"'! Mr"- He
Mrs. Frank E. Smith of Portland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Anderson Cannon and
daughters. Sarah Elizabeth and Dnro
thy, who have been the guests of Mrs.
Cannon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Jones, at "Labish Meadows," since
Thanksgiving, returned to Portland
Senator and Mrs. C. P. Bishop's
Thanksgiving guests, Hun. and Mrs.
Thomas C. Taylor returned to their
homo in Portland Friday.
Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Bishop
entertained intormally in honor of tin-
T. ii ; t w i Uirs, U. 11. CTiiiiiii, in, mill lulu, Jicrn ,
"'.! ti,."""kJ' M.r 1? B. Thielsea and Dr. and Mrs. Frank K.
&&n. Grant Bonnoll, Mr. and Mrs. E
). Hiecke, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester M.
3oerfler, Dr. and Mrs. Armin Steiner,
Mr. and Mrs. John Caughill, Mrs. C.
11. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uallo
ay, Mrs. Frank G. Myers, and Mr. and
Sirs. Paul Johnson.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Suedecor of
Birmingham, Alabama, who have been
ojourmng in Portland for a few weeks,
returned to Salem Monday to pass the
remainder of their stay in Oregon with
Mrs. Hnedccor's family. They will visit
in Salem until after the Christmas hol
idays and will be guests at the resi
dence of Mrs. Snedecor's mother, Mrs.
M. K. Breyinan. Thanksgiving, Mrs.
JJreyman, the Hncdecors and the Ruben
I. Boiaea and son, Breyman Boise, went
to Portland for tho day.
Quito the gayest and merriest of the
Thanksgiving festivities was the jit
ney dance given on Wednesday night
liy the Cherrians ot the armory. A
lugo throng of devotees attended the
affair and it was truly delightful in
very way. Porhaps the very informal
ity of these dnnces sponsored by tho
Cherrians is what appeals to tho danc
ing contingent and nuikes them bo pop
ular and successful, A feature of the
rvening was tho serpentine dnnces,
-which ended In a riot of entangled col
ored streamers, and enhansed the gny
ty of the affair.
The decorations which were uniisunl
iw afrMi:..i. i -i
fragrant fir boughs with myriads of-STJ "J?,'"1" J,0,' Wttt!,l"Kt, D. C.
Oriental lanterns, in cvory kiiown col- n, (,,t.v.er d"' "ot ,"','piiiiy Mr.
r ' Glover this year as thine will bo a
In the center of the hall the huge ort tJ B'."',I,.C "'T'"
turkey, which was given away Into in . '"" ""Ur ' ""
Smith of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powull and small
son of Lnfayotte, are the guests of Mrs.
Powell's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. (leorge
G. Bingham. The Powells came Wednes
day for the Cherrian dance and Thanks
giving and will remain over tho week
One' of the delightful affairs of the
week was the "300" party for which
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain were hosts
on Wednesday night, when they enter
tained tho members of the Cherry City
The residence was adorned with yel
low and copper toned chrysanthemums,
tho huge feathery ones and pom pom
variety being artistically arranged in
the various rooms.
' Guests made up four tables of '."00"
the score honors being awarded to Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry and Ur. W. II. Byrd.
Assisting Mrs. Wain were Mrs. John B.
Craig and Mrs. Fred Steusloff,
More than 20 young folks of the Sa
lem club of O. A. C. who aro home for
the holidays, made merry Friday night
at the informal party lor which Miss
Beatrice Crawiord was hostess at the
country homo of her parents.
All manner ot diversions tormed tho
evenings gayeties, which were rounded
out with an old fashioned taffey pull.
Ronald C. Glover, secretary to Con
gressman Willis C. Ilnwlev, left Fri-
Those Who
the Purchase
of Diamonds
Should Not
Hnrtmnn Bros, do not desire to unduly hasten
anyone in tho purchase of Diamonds nor to sound
any unwarranted ulurm.
Just so long as Haituian Bros, are in a position
to protect their patrona from price advances In
Diamonds they will do so, but never will this storo
permit its standard of quality to be lowered bc
causo of higher prices.
According to the present condition of the rough
diamond market and the outlook for the future,
important price advance! for cut stones are in
evitable and it is only in the boat interests of their
patrons that Hartman Bros, advocate purchases at
their present prices, which have not been changed,
even though prices for rough diamonds aro mater
ially higher than formerly.
Hartman Bros.
Quality fowlers
And Silversmith!
! . And SiUeTsuiUhi J
The members of the E. O. T. club
eathered at the home of Mrs. L. X.
Page on Tuesday night, to be guests
nt the delightful "!00" party for
which Mrs. Pago and Mrs. Mary Hofcr
were hostesses.
The living room, where Iho card
tables were arranged was decked with
an nrtistic array of yellow and laven
dar clirvRanthcninms, while a huge
basket of fruits centered the pretty re
freshment table.
The card honors were won by Mrs.
W. 1. Stnley and Frank G. Bowersox.
' As additional guests tho hostesses
asked Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowland.
The members included in tho club are
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stalcy, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank G. Bowersox, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Lane, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Shand, Mr. and MrB. A. U Brown, Mrs.
L. K. Pago and Mr Mary Hofcr.
Much to tho delight of her Salem'
friends, Mrs. Robert William Stubbs
(Elsa Alberta Deimel) the-charming
English girl, whose wedding was an
event of Saturday, November the twen-tv-fiftb,
in San' Francisco, will make
her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
Stubbs have been honeymooning in the
south, and will arrive in t'ortiuna me
first of the week, after which time
they will be at home in 340 East Twenty-third
Mrs. Stubbs is tho daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Henry Lito Deimel, and with
her family formerly lived in London,
England. The Deimel home is in London
nnd although the leimels have been
living in Xcw York and San Francisco
since tho war, they expect to return
to England, as Dr. Dciinel is very prom
inent there in tho financial world.
Mrs. Stubbs is an extremely charm
ing and lovable girl, and although she
has visited here but a few weeks dur
ing the past two summers, she has
mnnv friends ill Salem society.
She is an exceptionally clever artist,
having for the past few years stuaieo
at Hopkins Art school in San Francis
co. Mrs. Stubbs also is a talented pi
anist and a devotee of out door sports.
The Deimels havo a new summer
place at the MeKcnzio Bridge and it
was during their so.iourn there this sea
son that Mr. Stubbs met and develop
ed a penchnnt for Miss Deimel.
Mrs. Edward G. Smith has as her
house guests two charming girls of the
University or uregon, miss r.uznieiu
Houston of Klamath Falls and Msis
Marion McDonald of Nyssa, Uregon.
Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Deckcbach were hosts for a charming
dinner party.
Deep yellow chrysanthemums center
ed the artistically appointed table,
which had covers for Mr. and Mrs.
.Tunics A. Wilson, .1. P. Rogers, Miss
Elennor Rogers, 'Father Laiuck of Sub
limity. Miss Helen Dcckebach. i red-
crick' Deckebach and the hosts
Miss Margaret Hodge asked the incm
tiers of tho Quiuze Jour club and a
few additional guests to her home for
an inl'ormul evening on Monday.
The rooms were aglow wittt yellow
lirysantheniums and potted plants and
tho evening was delightfully devotea
to sewing, games and music.
Later the hostess served a dainty re-
nst assisted by her sister, Miss Ruth
Hodge and Miss ranres Hodge.
The uiiests were: Miss Elizabeth
Schultis, Miss, Nellie Schwab, Miss Ma-
no ucnncu, .miss mary xiyier,
Mario Schwab, Miss Catherine McClel
land, Mjss Hazel Price, Miss Grneo Me
(Sreuor. Miss Virginia Wechter, MiR9
Joy Turner, Miss Margaret Mora, Mrs.
Maude Da Motta ana miss aiynie -Mc
Donald of Ncwborg.
Mrs. H. J. Schulderman and children
who havo been tho guests of relatives
in Portland for a tew days returned
Mrs. X. C. Briggs, Jr., and three chil
dren of llollistcr, California have ar
rived in Snlem and arc the guests ot
Mrs. Briggs' parents, Justice and Mrs.
Henry L. Benson.
They will visit in Salem until after
the Christmas holidays.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Clay were
hosts for a charming Thanksgiving din
ner, Thursday evening. An artiBtic
basket of luscious fruits decked the
table at which were seated, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas A. Livesley and children,
Thomas Livesley, Jr. and Dorothy
Livesley, Mr. aiid Mrs. Walter L. Mc
Pougal' and two small daughters and
Dr. and Mrs. Clay.
Considerable interest is being shown
in the approaching bazaar to be given
by the St. Paul's Episcopal guild on
tho afternoon and evening of Decem
ber the tith and 7th. This year's bazaar
is said to be from present indications
far ahead of any prcvioua affair the
guild has sponsored; the women in
chiirgo having devoted ninny weeks to
preparing the most irresistible and love
ly array of articles. In addition to
this, there will be a sale of delicacies
and plum puddings, all homemade, and
of tho choicest recipes and materials.
Prominent matrons and maids will
have charge of tho various booths.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin and son
and daughter, Frank Durbin, Jr.,' aud
Mrs. Halph Jackson, spent Thanksgiv
ing ill Portland as the guests of Mrs.
Durbin mother, Mrs. J. W. Spriggs.
One of the pretty dinner parties of
the week was that given on Thanksgiv
ing by Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Geer, at their
home' on Marion street. The tablo dec
orations were charmingly unique.
Vases of golden yellow chrysanthe
mums adorned each end of the tnble
and in the center there was a mina
ture pond in which floated artificial
Covers were placed for Dr. and Mrs.
F. H. Thompson and son Frederick,
Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ringo, the Misses
Oecr and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Oabrielson and
son, Carl Gabrielson, were among those
going to Portland for Thanksgiving, i
A group of the younger folks of the
wauacc load were deliehttuiiy enter
tained Teecntly with a progressive din
ner party.
Tho atfair was" given by the matrons
of tho Sweet Briar club and the party
opened at the homo of Mrs. Clyde W.
Beckett with the soup and salad
courses. The prettily appointed table
was all done in pink, being adorned
with rosebuds and pink shaded candles
from which pink streamers extended
from tho chandelier.
Mrs. Beckett was assisted by Mrs.
M. C. Pettya and Mrs. A. II . Eunn.
For the next course the parly Motor
ed to Mrs. Al Steiner 's. Her dining
room was effectively decorated ivith
palms aud greens, while the table dec
orations were carried out in a blue and
gold color scheme, with golden yellow
chrysanthemums, butterflies and stream
era of ribbon. Assisting Mrs. Steiner
wcro Mrs. Charles Chaffee, Mrs. W. C.
'Franklin, Miss Helen Taylor aud Miss
Belle Miller.
During the dinner Mrs. W. G. East
played the piano.
The final course was served at the
residence of Mra. E. O. Moll. Shaded
randies, sweet briar berries and a huge
crystal bowl of chrysanthemums adorn
ed the table around which hand paint
ed cards marked the places.
Mrs. S. I'. Imlab, Mrs. James Imlali,
Mrs. J. C. Ferguson and her house
guest, Mra. C. A. Seymour of Falls City
assisted Mrs Moll. '
After dinner iho evening's gayeties
were merrily rounded out with dancing
and games at the home of Mrs. J. B.
The rooms were effectively decorat
ed with red and green and the punch
bowl was presided over Dy .Mrs. -m.
Pettys. , - . .
Those enjoying the festivity were:
Miss Mildred" Imlah, Miss Esther Bai
ley, Miss Patty Olinger, Miss Blanche
(iilson, Miss Mildred Bunn, Miss Vera
White Miss Clara Reinoehl, Miss Mild
red Case and Laurence Imlah, George
White, Wilmot Moll, Gordon Moll Al
bert Sehindler, Russell Beckett, Ker
fiold Sehindler and Carl Beckett.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonn J. Roberts had
as their guests for dinner, Thanksgiv
ing, Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Put
nam. -
Miss Mar.iorio Kay, who is attend
ing the Vniversi oi' Oregon 'came
homo Wednesday to pass the holidays
with her parents, Mt. and -drs. Thomas
B. Kay. '.
Miss Myrtle McDonald of Newberg
is visiting in Salem or a few days as
tho guest of Mrs. Roy Peinberton and
Miss Margaret Hodge.
- - V - .
Tuesday evening tr. and Mrs. Fred
H." Thompson entertained with a de
lightful Thanksgiving dinner at their
homo on North Twenty-first street.
Circling the table which was prettily
docked with yellow chrysanthemums
and yellow shaded candles were, Dr.
and Mrs. Orover Bellinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Grabcr, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd
Utter, Frederick Thompson, Jr., and
the hosts.
Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaun
cey Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Livesley and Mr. and Mrs. John J.
foberts went to Albany to be guests
at a house party for which the l'crcy
Youngs were hosts.
In the evening tho party were guests
at a progressive dinner and later they
attended a dance at the armory. They
returned today.
Ben W. Olcott left today for a two
weeks sojourn in Ohio. En route Mr. Ol
cott will visit his sister, Mrs. Hooper
in Chicago. , , ,
Mr. and Mis. J. Frank Hughes cn-,-n'.,.n,l
n, their' tinests for Thanks-
i.i,,., Vrft .Tnhn Husrhes. Mr. and
Mrs. David Mackie and Mr. and Mrs.
William Carter of Portland.
Mrs. George Palmer Putnam enter
tained Informally at tea this afternoon
her guests being several matrouB, who
gathered to sew on l nristmas guts.
Fur the week end, Mt. ami -trs. i-ui
nnm have as their guest Cecil B. Jnmes
of Portland.
A group of little folks of the Chris
tian Endeavor society ot tne iT-esoyier
ian church were entertained informal
lv lliift afternoon by Miss. Ruth Grif
fith nt the home of her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. L. F. Unffith.
Miss Margery Marvin went to Port
land Thursday to be the guest of her
brother and sister-in-law, who wore
thero from Tacoma for the Thanksgiv
ing holiday.
Absolutely Pure V
Hade from Cream of Tartar
' ' Miss Ellen Thiclsen left Wednesday
for Stanficld, Oregon, where she will
be the guest of Mrs. Fred Fulton (Bar
bara Eakiu) for a couple of weeks.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mclvin Plimpton
and small children, Sherman and Junet,
are visiting relatives in Portland. They
went for Thanksgiving and will remain
until tomorrow night.
Among the attractive Thanksgiving
dinners was that presided over by Airs
Lenta Westacott.
Golden yellow chrysanthemums deck
ed the prettily appointed table around
which covers were placed for: Mr. and
Mrs. Gideon Stolz, Mr. and Mrs. "Fred
eric D. Thielsen and children, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Westacott, Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Baumgartner, Miss Josephine
Baumgartner, Miss Lenta Baumgartner
Mrs Ada Strong, Miss Margaret Cospcr,
Miss McDonald, Roy Stapleton and
Richard Westacott.
Mr. and Mis. Joseph Lebold enter
tained as their guests for Thanksgiv
ing, Mrs. Lebold 's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Palmer, W. H. Reed of
New York. Mrs. Ira Nichols of Detroit
Mich., Mrs. J. P. Snyder of Hood River,
Mrs. J. E. Gray of Albany and their
sons, Francis and Edward of M. O. C.
Mr. Reed is a brother and Mrs. Nich
ols a sister of Mrs. Palmer and Mrs.
Snyder, whom they had not seen for a
number of years.
Thoy are on an extensive trip
through the west and will leave tonight
for interesting points in California.
Charles Enfiley Jr., who has been
sojourning on his homestead in tho Ju
dith basin country Montana, for the
rast nine months, has arrived home for
a fewmonthB visit to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Eppley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins (Lau
ra Taylor) went to Albany for Thanks
giving and were the guests of Mrs.
Hawk in 's parents.
ft ft
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Downing en
tertained as their dinner guests -for
Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Hartley and daugnter, juiss uataennc
Hartley. Mr. and Mrs. Asa I. Eoff
and small son Mrs. E. Shaw and daugh
ter, Miss-Edith Shaw.
The matrons of the Kensington ten
club will be the guests of Mrs. W. G.
Allen, on Tuesday afternoon..
Mrs. William P. Babcock, has asked
tho members of her bridge club and a
few additional matrons at her home for
an afternoon over the bridge tables on
The Frederic D. Thickens who with
their three small' children, have beer.
passing a few weeks with Mrs. 'Ihiei
sen'B mother, Mrs. Ada Strong, while
their house was being remodeled, wui
be home again after tho first of the
A delightful dinner party was given
Thanksgiving by Mr. artd Mrs. Elmer
M Hulden (Beu ah Alvers) ot rortiand,
who entertained the members of their
family at the Hotel Marion.
The miests were air. and -urs. nans
V. Brown of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. O.
Blair of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frnnk G. Myers, Mrs. Clara Myers,
Mrs. Emma Hulden, Miss Birdccn My
ers and Oliver J. Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds were
---Dennison's Holiday "Boxes and Labels
Dennison's Paper Novelties and stickers '
Dennison's TagsCards and Tissue Paper
Volland's Christmas Cards and Books.
Tucks Cards, Books and Blocks
Dressed Dolls Character Dolls .
Box Stationary, Pound Paper, Envelopes
Novelty Jewelry, Parisian Ivory
Leather Hand Purses and Bags
Kid Gloves, Fabric Gloves and Mittens
Cap, Scarf Sets and Single Scarfs ;
Richardson's Art and Table Linens
-White Satin. and Crochet Bed Spreads -
Maish Comforts Emmerich Pillows f
Novelty Ribbons, Christmas Tie Ribbons -
Toy Town
Blocks, Games, Wood and Iron Toys.
You will wonder how toys can be made to sell at
such reasonable prices.
.. --- ---
U. G. Shipley Company
Some In Rags and
Some In Yelvet Gowns
the cuests of relatives in Silverton for
Mr. and Mrs. J. II McCnrklc were
hosts for a dinner party on Thnnksgiv
ing, their guests being, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Brophy and Mr. and Mrs. George
H. Riches.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith had
as their guest for Thanksgiving, Dr.
Smith's sister, Mrs. W. L. Dinsmore
of Portland.
For tho benefit of the primary de
partment of the Presbyterian church
the officers and teachers of the. depart
ment have arranged a bazaar, which
will specialize in fancy work, candy
cooked food and aprons.
Tho bazaar will take place Tuesday
aftcrnion and evening, December the
fifth in the parlors of tho church.
The committee in charge of the sale
are: Mrs. W. H. Darby, Mrs. Chaur.cey
Bishop, Miss Nancy Skaifc, Mrs. Ange
line McCulloch, Miss Dorothy Peace
and Mrs. Dilly.
On Monday night the young ladies
of the city will be guests nt a Ken
sington, to be given at the Y. W. C.
A. The hostesses for the affair will be
Mrs. G. C. Pewtherer, Mrs. E. Palmer,
Mrs. Lowell Twecdale. Miss Angeline
McColloi'h, Miss Grace Bean, Miss Nell
(Continuod on page seven.)
The Frame Shop , and I
The home of musical gifts is T;
now showing in Its window, tho f
largest and moat carefully seloct-. -f
cd line of Christmas cards any T
city the sizo of Salem. .,
See Them
Special Christmas engraving at
moderate prices.
1 1 I
8cll it Journal -want ads will sell it.
jf J
fcS; Mill H I l"r
) "
i- ' 1 Fiil. '
For the Party Dress or Opera Gown
We have shoes to harmonize with any
costume. Dancing pumps, opera slip
pers, for Home Wear or any occasion.
413 State
Burgundy velvet, cut on long lines.
high belted and closed on one side with
bigv black buttons, gives this smart
model for juveniles. A Frenchy way isj
the V neck, edged with skunk fur, dabs I
of which trim the topi of the pockets.!
Call and See the New Styles
Exclusive Agency
114 Liberty