Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 02, 1916, Image 1

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Not a Moment's Let Up to Terrific Offensive Launched by
Russia to Break Germans Ring .'of Steel fierce" Attack
Along 250 Mile Front Flanking Movement Against
Jabloiiitza Pass Is Most Serious Menace to German
Positions in Rumania
London, Dec. 2.---Russia is striking with a giant's
force the blows which it is hoped will smash the Teutonic
ring of steel gripping Rumania. Dispatches today indi
cated no let up in the terrific offensive launched by the
czar's legions in Dobrudja and southwest Bukowina.
The flanking movement directed at the Jablonitza
Pass is the most serious menace to German positions in
Rumania. -
Apparently Russia has poured a mass of men into the
effort to aid Rumania. It is conceded that the Teutons
must meet this menace of the ' flanking movement in
Bukowina with a large number of defenders?" This Rus
sian offensive covers a distance of more than 250 miles.
Surrender of the Austro-German forces at Kirlibaba
would not be surprising, in view of the Russian claims of
domination of this important strategic position and rail
road center through control of the heights about it.
Great Battle Develops. 4
Berlin, via Sayvillo win-less, Dec. 8
Fighting bctweeu Teutonic and Russian
ni. il Rumanian forced in the Cnrpntbians '
ami on the Trnnsvlvuninn frontier
till in progress with the enemy suffer-,
ing heavy losses, the war office!
announced today. I
On Field Marshal Von Mackensou's ,
front a big battle has developed. j
Tho first Rumanian army, which of-j
frred an engagement southeast of Pietai
lms been broken through and defeated,
tho statement declared. - '
The official statement declared the
number. of Rumanian prisoners taken
since December 1, so far as possible to
estimate now, was 51 officers, 0,115 of
nil other ranks and the booty 49 can
non; 100 filled ammunition carts, be
sides many hundred other military ve
hicles. "Russian and Rumanian attack in
tho forest of the Carpathians and along
the Transylvaiiian frontier mountains
continue," the report continued. "Yes
terday's attacks were especially direct
ed against our positions on Babaludovn,
Gucrarucada and cast of Dornavatra
-end Trotosu and also in the Oytos val
ley. Tho attacks were without success.
The enemy suffered, heavy losses.
Capture 1,000 Prisoners.
"The German troops at one place in
their advance in the forest of the Cnr
pnthinns made more tfiun a thousaud
" Engagements around Hnlachy have
devoloped into a large battle. The army
wing which left the mountains south
east of Cninpulung gained ground by
fighting in the forest and mountains on
both sides of the Dambovita sector.
"On the Argcnul, southeast of l'ite
sci, the first Rumuninn army which of
fered engagement, has been broken
through and defeated, after a tenacious
struggle by the Gerinnn-Austro-Hungnr-ian
"The Bavarian reserve infantry regi
ment No. IS, already often distinguish
ed, pushed ahead until it reached the
division staff headquarters of the
enemy, where it took from captured
officers of the general staff, orders
proving that in the positions through
I don't know who th' farmers mostly
Toted for, but I do know that th' au
thorities at Washington have done
about ever 'thing for th' farmer but
shuck his corn. A woman may fergit,
but she never lets you fergit that she's
which we had broken the first Ruman
ian army had been instructed to fight
to the Inst man.
"The army commander, apparently
conscious of the small normal vuluo of
his troops, added to the exalted Latin
quotation that he expected them to
' withstand ami fight until death
against the cruel barbarians' the men
ace of death imeindiately to be executed
agninat the cowards in his army.
"Further south the Argeshul has been
reached after hard lighting. "
Rumanians Stand Finn.
Petrogrud, Dec. 2. Rumanian forces
arc successfully withstanding the Teu
tonic pressure toward Bucharest.
Todny's official statement asserted
that all enemy attacks hud been repell
ed in the southern fighting below the
Rumanian capital and that the enemy
had been driven from tho villages of
Komana and Gostiunri which they had
captured yesterday.
In Dobrudja in the region of Kolakioi
the statement declares the enemy had
been compelled to retire southward from
se wral heights.
Fierce Attack Continue.
Amsterdam, Dec. 2. Undiminished
violence in the Russian offensive in the
Carpathians was reported in dispatches
(Continued on page six.)
Thirty-five tons of flax alleged by
Governor Witliycoinbe to be lying out in
the fields and rotting as the result of
the carelessness of Robert Crawford,
stato flax superintendent, caused the
governor to cull a meeting of the board
of control this morning to interrogate
Suptrintendcnt Crawford concerning
the condition and disposal of the flax.
Governor Withyconibe and Treasurer
Kny wero present. (Secretary of State
Olcott left this morning nt 10 o'clock
to be one of the Overlnud Motor com
pany's guests on the trip cast aud ac
cordingly was not present. -
Governor Witliycoinbe plunged into
the subject of the condition of the flax'
and declared he was amazed and sur
prised, on making a visit to the fields
where the flax is iu process of retting,
to find the flax in the condition it is.
He said he examined the bundles and
found them absolutely rotten, opened
thcui to the center which was mouldy.
He declared there was no reasonable ex-
cuse for 'having the flax in that condi
tion. He charged Crawford with inex
cusable carelessness. Last year the gov
ernor said there was not a single bundle
. Not Governor'! Choice.
It will be remembered lust year the
flax crop was nearly lost nu L that in
order to ave it the board of control
secured Robert Crawford to harvest it.
Later, Crawford was put in charge of
the flax industry by tho board of con
trol over Governor Withyconibe 's
vote. '
Governor Witbycombe went on to say
that Crawford had fallen down miser
ably in providing work for the Tncn in
the fields and declared that only about
10 tons were in the barn. The result he
said, was that there was nothing for the
men to do. In view of these facts he
Mated he did not believe it worth while
for tho state to employ a man at 1200
a month. He wanted to know of Craw
'ford why the flax wni on the ground
London, . Dec. 2. Rumors that
David Lloyd- Geoii-was pack
ing up his .belongings in bis of
fico as minister of war were
printed in the London Evening
yews today in support of tho
report that he was preparing to
leave that post.
A tiumbcr of London newspa
pers today declared the Coali
tion cabinet faced a crisis like
ly to result in its dissolution.
The present large cabinet was
held by a number of newspa
pers to be too cumbersome tor
expeditious conduct of war.
There bns been considerable
iiopular dissatisfaction against
Premier Asquith expressed in
editorials roccntly.
Attacks Man He Mistook for
President But Is Over
Powered Philadelphia, Doe. 2. Crazed by
drink, a man flashing a largo carving
knife with which he said he would kill
President Wilson as he passed through
here this afternoon, attacked a pedes
trian in Rending terminal, sent hund
reds of travelers fleeing to safety and
engaged three policemen beforo he was
overpowered and arrested.
He gave his name as Juhnathnn
Kraus, no home, when finnlly overpow
erod. The mini appeared before the
president's train nrrived here at 1:30
o'clock, but mado n mistako in sta
tions. Matted liairs flowed over his shoul
ders and he eontinunlly muttered to
himself. Suddonly ho drew the knife,
leaned upon a man leaving the station
and shouted: "You re the president! i
shnll kill you!" .
Dropping baggage and hat the Strang
er went down the steps three at a time
his assailant close behind. Women and
children rushed in all directions, scream
in" for helo.
Three policemen - leaped upon the
man, but ho fought for ton minutes be
foro handcuff's could bo adjusted.
"I prayed on the steps of this city
hall," he said "before I started out
on my mission to kill Wilson." .
Phvsicians will examine him.
'I'll get him yet," shouted Krnus,
as ho was led to a cell, "and. J. P. Mor
gan, Rockefeller and all of those fel
lows. They're keeping tho cost of liv
ing high and the war going! "
London, Deo. 8. The government to
day granted demands of -friouth Wales
miners for a 15 per cent increase in
wages. the decision followed announce
ment of "nationalization" of the
mines and operation by a government
rotting when there-were 123 idle men nt
Irhe penitentiary. ' ,
Flax Superintendent Craw'fofd, smart
ing under what ho believed was an un
just reprimand, declured that the flax
crop has been subject to difficult con
ditions and that he has secured" what
was commercially useful out of the
fiber oa hand. Ho declared the whole
crop lies been well taken care of. He
said he has employed til convicts.
The governor interrupted and wanted
to know what these men were doing and
! Crawford replied they were threshing.
Oovernor Withyconibe wanted to know
whether it required a $200 a month ex
pert to superintend the threshing.
Crawford- came back by stating that
he had to educate enevvh and every mun
how to handle the flux and the straw.
He declared thero were fw men in the
state thoroughly experiened to handl
flax and said the governor was laboring
under misapprehension of the situation.
8ays Governor is "Mistaken."
Crawford asserted the flax crop has
been handled systematically and thut
some people know scarcely enough
about the industry to spell the word
F-L-A-X. He said ho put the flax out
a few weeks ago under protest as the
fiber was stiff and not ready- He de
clared he had to educate Mr. Johnson
in all the phases of tho industry, when
the governor held Mr. Johnson up as an
experienced flax man.
The governor declared the ficldthis
year docs not compare with the condi
tion it was in last year. He suid he
particularly objected to the flax being
out in the field today.
Crawford replied by saving only
about three loads were in the field and
there was no danger of it being lost.
He said the bundles were not wet
through. He gaid there was no rotfccu
bundles, the governor's statements not
withstanding. (Continued on page six.)
Artillery Attack by British
and French Naval Forces .
Many Clashes Occur Between
Royalists and Venizelos
Faction . .
London,' Dec. 2. That the armistice
reported to have been arranged in Ath
ens in settlement of the Greek-ally con
troversy has failed was reported in a
dispatch today by the London Evening
Star dated Athens, Friday, 7:45 p. m.
me aispatcn declared the battle on
the hills south of Athens had been re
newed with an artillery attack by
Franco-British naval forces.
The same correspondent was authority
for tho statement that ships in the
Zappcron fleet, had fired towards the
hills and that two shells had fallen near
the center of the city.
It ib feared, the Star dispatch de
clares, that 35 French mnrinnr have
been taken prisoners by the Greek
Weakened at First.
London. Dec 12. Armistice ban been
effectoT"t)etween allied troops and the
Greek reservists at Athens. A Keuter
dispatch from the Greek cnpitol today
asserted that Kinfj Constantine had ng-
icru iu wuwij vi bia iiiuuiiiniii uiiuer-
ies to the allies. '
. In return, it watyaid Atlmihal Four
nett ugred td withdarw allied troops
from the city, pending refernece of the
agreement to the allied government.
London regarded this dispatch as in
dicating a clearing up in the admiralty
tense situation brought about by the
initial refusal of tho Greek government
to acquiesco in Du Fournet's demand
for disarmament of Groeco. This re
fusal was marked with sanguinary
clashes between allied troops and Greek
reservists, according to dispatches da
ted Friday and received here today.
There were encounters at three points
in tho outskirts of the city. A verit
able panic seized the residents of the
Greek cnpitol the streets were deserted
of civilians, the shops all closed and all
UulTic suspended
was Soma Rioting,
Not only were there open outbreaks
of fighting iu the outskirts of the city
between reservists and allied troops
mostly French sailors but dispatches
said there had been lively at reet fusil
lades exchanged between members of the
royalist and Venizelos factions the
clashes in some instances occurring in
tho heart of tho city
The armistice which has apparently
terminated this critical situation iu the
city was reached at Admiral Fournet's
suggestion, according to information
from Greek sources at Athens. A Ceu
tral News dispatch declared that the
encounters in the city had been "term
inated" and negotiations were peoceeu
ing. If official advices later cofirm te do'
ciaiou of King Constantine to surrender
six mountain batteries, such a partial
acquiescence in Admiral Du Fornet's
demands will be a complete rcversul o't
the determination arrived at not only
by the king but the crown council and
the cabinet, these three governmental
agencies all agreed two days ago to re
sist all attempts by the allies to force
surrender of arms.
King Gets More Time.
, King Constantine followed this refus
al by culling to tne colors nil the (.trees.
reservists. Apparently It was conceU'
trution of thc-jo reservists which inject'
ed the fightiug elements into the situa'
tion. Nearly all Athens disputches de
tailing outbreaks in and around the city
have mentioned the reservists as being
the belligerents.
The time limit set. bv Admiral Du
fFournct for compliance with bis de
mnnds for disarmament expired yester
day, but before this the Greek govern
ment had formally notified him of its
refusal to accede and the French ad
miral had begun concentration of forces
at Piraeus, port of Athens, and landing
f allied forces on Greek soil.
Early dispatches today, apparently
filed late Friday, said Fourdnet had
granted an additional 21 hours of grace
in his ultimatum.
There was considerable apprehension
here pending receipt of officiul advices
as to the extent or the lighting in auu
around th city
One dispatch received
here said there had been many casual
tis in the fighting nt three points in
the southern outskirts of the town, and
others mentioned, "sanguinary fight
Toronto. Ont., Dec. 2. The naval de
pnrtmcnt of Cauadia has issued a "low of the Castilian-
lights" order, applying to all vessels Perhaps the most direct lioe upon Vil
within Cnnadinu waters on the Atlantic la's birth conies from the Mexican
const and extending up the rt. Lnw-
rence river mr ns yucucc.
Same Old Story of
Jealousy and Death
San Francisco, Dec. 2. In an insane
frenzy because his -wife hod refused
to return to him, rJoloman B. Jones, a
West Indian, 'early today broke into
her bedroom nud killed her, leaped from
the third story window of her home and
then shot himself through the head. He
died on the way to the hospital,
Mrs. Charles Copeland, a roomer in
the same house, witnessed the shooting
and in a panic of fear looped from her
own window to the ground, sustaining
painful injuries.
Tarrytown, N. Y., Dec. 2-John D.
Archbold, Standard Oil president, still
is holding his own, it was declared at
his home today. His .physicians said
there baa been no change (in his condi
tion snca yesterday. '
Carranza Says United States
to Blame for Reverses at
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Dec. 2. The American
embargo on shipment of arms across the
border promised today to becomo a live
issue between this government and Mex
ico. Carranza 's advisors here secretly are
displeased at the United States regula
tions which, they claim, in practice
(though not theory) prevent Cerranzis-
tas and Villistas from getting ship
ments. The Mexicans say frankly a lack of
ammunition was solely responsible for
the reverses at Chihunhmua City. On
the other hand, American officials hint
that tho Csrranzistas have sufficient
ammunition, but that the Villistas have
wrested it from them.
As the embargo ubw stands, tills, gov
ernment can make exceptions far pas
sage of shipments. In practice, how
ever, this is rarely done, for fear such
shipments may fall into bandit hands
and prove a boomerang-
It was learned today that Ambassa
dor Arredondo has called the situation
tdthc attention of Secretary ofyblute
The administration, however, gavo no
evidence of planning any alteration cf
lis ruiea, luougu 11 jl cuuiu ue Hsmueu
that the munitions would be used in the
Villa campaign it probably would per
mit freer shipments.
The Chihuahua City situation still per
plexed authorities, especially as their
information to dnto consisted solely ot
"reports" aud "rumors." Persons in
closest touch with conditions, however,
made no secret of their anxiety for
"possibilities" in northern Mexico.
Hero is a story of Villa written last
spring at the timo he was supposed to
.be dowa and out. He is rapidly adding
more, and interesting chapters to his life
story and none can forsee what the end
will be.
".Peon farmer boy hoarder of un
known wealth; outluwed bandit soldier
hero; devoted husband barbarous biga
mist; just, freehanded leader cruel
and vain vindictive dictator; cool and
clever political adventurer raving and
bloodthirsty murderer; shrewd states
man ignorant mulefnctor. Hurh a man
is Francisco Villa, "Tho Tiger," us seen
by his friends and by his eneuiu.
"Rivalling Robin Hood in the varied
career of his life, but lacking the polish
of that famed Old Knglish figure Frun
cisco Villa was a character about whom
there has ben more written, pcriinps,
than about any other Mexican of his
generation; n man whose name will go
down in history as that of one of the
most picturesque and widely , known,
little known, men ; of intrigue-ridden
Mexico. ' .
Villa's personal history and life have
been as much a mooted question as has
been the right and wrong of his cnihie.
His birth is shrouded in doubt place,
time, ancestry.
"Mexico's 'man of blood' has been
claimed as brother of a negro, a
'squaw man,' as a half-breed of Mexican-Negro
blood, as a half-breed of
Mexican-Indian blood, and as a full-
fledged Mexican of pure fipnnisft ex-
Tho Kevcrend Alfred Young, a Negro
minister of Baltimore, claimed villa
was his brother. His hair was short
and 'kinky' like that of the African;
his cheek bones high and prominent like
those of the Indian; his complexion that
of the Mexican; his temperament that
stntc of Durango, soutn or iiniiuanua
1. .1 '...! n.l.tlla tl.ol
It was in these mountain foothills that
If Villa Would Try to Hold Chihuahua He Might Be Takes
But He Will Not Do SoWith Abundant Supplies Will
Take to Mountains and Be Permanent DangerRefugees
Say All Americans Escaped Before Villa's Attack Begun
By Webb Miller,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, Dec. 2.That the situation of the
Carranza government in northern Mexico is "desperate"
following the capture of Chihuahua City by Villa, was
the admission made today to friends by General Gonzales,
commander of the government forces at Juarez.
"If Villa attempts to hold the northern capital," Gon
zales said, "we will be able to converge from three sides
with heavy forces and annihilate the bandit army. But
indications are that Villa is making ready to'move again."
We have his channel of escape toward the south closed
w'ith our troops at Horcasitas."
With disorganized forces scattered over the state of
Chihuahua, Mexican government military leaders today
are awaiting Villa's next move. Refugees arriving at the
border said that the bandit forces were preparing to
evacuate Chihuahua City two days ago. Two trains were
in the capital and quantities of loot and supplies for the'
bandit army were being loaded. Several pieces of artil
lery were taken from Santa Rosa hill and loaded upon
flat cars.
T re vino Is Lost,
At the Mexican consulate here it waB
declared the movements of tho remnants
of General Trevino's command after
tho flight from Chihuahua City were
not known. Communication has been
established for only a part of the dis
tance to Chihuahua City.
.. Knrly today United Htntcs department
agents here said , the situation in ro
gurd to tho safety of the six Americans
known to have been in Chihuahua City
at the timo of the attack was ominous.
Heveral openly expressed fear that they
were slaughtered. Lack of news of their
fate for an entiro week since the evac
uation of the city by Carranzistns is
looked upon as portentious. The gov
ernment agents question every refugee
and officers of the Mexican govern
ment forces arriving at the border for
news of tho Americans and other for
eigners, but up to this time the only
news was that a group of Americans,
Including George Brittingham, wns seen
standing beside the railroad tracks beg
ging for admission to refugee trains.
The only hope remaining is that
general VilGP
Francisco Villa was born iu 1876, the
son of a peon farmer, according to best
reports. While he was a child his par
ents moved to the state of Chihuuhua,
the scene of the greatest activities of
Villa's life a state that trembled with
fear nt his name, yet those people bene'
fitted by his generosity.
Ills Bister Kidnaped.
"While Villa was in his early teens
his parents died and left in his charge
an oldur sister, a ueautuui, uara-rycu
enorita whom Villa loved.
"This very devotion to his sister led
(Continued on page five.)
(',' 1
IT- W : W. ' iw -. -'v ..
men may have tied to the hills or with,
Trcvino, to the southeast.
Villa WiUMove West.
Military officials here point out lhat
Villa will ' probably move westward
along the line of the -.Mexican North
western railway utter evacuation of
Chihuahua City in order to reorganize)
his forces and preparo for anetber
swoop. All military authorities agree
it would be almost impossible for the.
bandit forces to hold tho city against a
determined assault unless they were)
well supplied with artillery and am
munition. (Search for Villa sympathizers anion);
the Junrei garrison wa begun today
when it was discovered- that all guns
brought north wero disabled en rente,
the breech blocks had been removed
Americans wandering too near the troep.
trains in the railway yards were order
ed away and one newspaper man was
ordered to leave the city.
Fears of an immediate bandit attack
were lessened by reports of preparations,
for evacuation of Chihuahua City by
the bandit army. -
1 Revolutions Everywhere.
'With the fall of Chihuahua City, a
simultaneous campaign against the Car
ranza government has been started in
all parts of Mexico by revolutionary
leaders, according to advices here. Oon
ccrtcd movements , in several southern
and central states of Mexico took place)
at the time of Villa's assault upon the
northern capital. Information of the
state of affairs existing throughout
Mexico reached United State officials
hero today.
During the lust week four cities in
southern Mexico fell beforo the revolu
tionists. Tho city of Orizaba, in the
stato of Vera Cruz, reports said, was
taken by adherents of Felix Diaz on
Saturday, while the capital of tho sttae
of l'uebla is now under siogc by Felieis
las. In the federal district near Mexico.
City followers of Zupnta have taken
Ciiernavacn and the Zapatistas nro now
operating in that district. In the state
of Onxnca combined forces of revolu
tionists are in possession of the eapitul,
according to word reaching the bonder.
Tlin western end of the Tehunntcpeo
railway is in possession of Koblcs nnd
Diaz followers and the capture oi fa-
Una Cruz was reported, but never con
Say Americans Left.
Washington, Dec. 2. All Americans
had left Chihuahua -"ity before the Vil-listu-Curraur.istu
fighting began there,
state department representatives on
tho border wero told by all refugees
with whom they talked, the department
announced today. i
The refugees told state dcpaitmcnt
(Continued on page flve.l
Oregon: To
night and Sun
day rain; strong
southerly winds
interior, 1 1 e s h
southerly gal a
along coast.
tzt fcrTivV" A
FOR fterlX