EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1916. 1- X" ( - - i tmtiimimuumiimmiiiiuuiiiiuiutmmt SALEM'S COMB Sale of Fur Scarfs and Muffs SALEM'S TOYLAND, JJtttttltttlttSttttJtltllltlUttltt mnmninr COMING EVENTS Doc. 3. EIVs Memorial scrv- ices, ope a ho.ise, 2:30 p. m. " Pee.. 4 City Election. I Dec. 4. Annual Election of . Chnrrians. Der. 5. Musicinne' Association rnnnn) dunce at Aimpvy. tys J)c. T.-'-Tho Winning of Bar- . hara Worth," Opera House. . - Dec. II -JO. Third Aii'i.ml ta'ar- ion County Con If how .'n " Derby building. tU Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits f.Mst . i tf a v. i. hi j . rHij. u. o. can, u.u.. xii miii -., iiuiK, ui nrnwrj, pv"i , Thanksgiring here with relatives This fu:...j C3 l.l: XT . ! morning He cut to Mlvertnn to iuspect ino mm. Dr. r. H. Thompson of 410 Bank of Coaimercs bldg., specialize! iu Eye, tar, Nose and Throat. tf Elmer Ray and J. H. Davis were fined &10 each in the police court this morning for being intoxicated. Elmer V-Hf paid his fine but Davis wont to jait. . The most unusual line of gift giving articles ever assembled under one roof is now on display and ready for your inspection at The Frame Shop & (litt ery, 415 Court St. Corporal Lacewell in charge of the TJ. 8. recruiting office at the Keith hotol, will leave Monday on a recruiting tour, visiting Independence., Monmouth, Dal las, Itlaek Koak and Falls City, . . o Unitarian bazaar. Home made can dies. Xnuis gifts on sale Sat. Dee. 2mt, at Mrs. O. C. Locke's, 115 X. Liberty. docl Yesterday afternoon about 5:15 o'clock the fire department was called to the home of l. S. Holland, manager of the Patterson Cigar store, at 1055 Msriou street. Tho bin to was confined to the chimney and no damage was doae. . . ., Wanted All Capital Journals dated October 31, 101(1. Cull Cir. Mgr., phone 81. UocS A man with $25,000 ready cash writes the Coiuiuerainl club that he wishes to engage in the eattlo or sheep business in this part of the state ami Is asking information at the Commercial club as to where he can find a aultablo ranch or 111 about this amount. Ho writes from Vauoouver, B. C. Follow the crowd Uut Tuesday De eeaiber 5, to tho Musicians' ball at the rmory. deel The Elks' annual memorial services to be held Suuday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the opera house is a public service and the public is invited to at tend. Members of the Elk lodge will as semble shortly before 3 o'clock in the Odd Fellows' hall and march iu a body down stairs into the auditorium of the opera house. It ia not on every occasion that you eaa dunce to the tune of a I .It piece orchestra, Xuff said Musician's ball Tuesday evening Dec. 5. deel All Around Town "THE CHRISTMAS STORE" imummmmuuuurfCT4ttutunimnmn;iuu BIG CHRISTMAS We are preparing better than ever to retain the name of Salem's Christmas Store. .Every department is taking on the holiday effect and spirit of the season. You'll find gifts for everyone in this big shopping place, and at lowest possible prices too. Salem's Big Toyland on the Second Floor. Large Assortment of Christmas Cards, Calenders, Stickers, etc. Splendid Gifts for Men, on Display in the Men's Section. Just Received a Big Shipment of Christmas Slippers. Many Dainty Made-up Ribbon Novelties, Ribbon Section. An Enormous Showing of Gift Handkerchiefs, 5c up. Made-up Breakfast Caps, Scarfs, Camisoles, etc., Lace Section. The Art Section offers many helps for the Gif Seekers. Many articles suitable for Gifts at special prices in every Dept." Women's High Grade Suits at One-Half Price Come and take your pick of this big stock every garment included. Latest models in finest fabrics and finish. This is a final clearance of the present season's garments and offers a most unusual opportunity to save a big amount on your new suit. Buy Her a Suit for Christmas ALL $35.00 SUITS-TAKE YOUR PICK $17.50 ALL $40.00 SUITS-TAKE YOUR PICK eJo.QQ ALL $45.00 SUITS-TAKE YOUR PICK $22 50 BIG RACK OF NEW SUITS UP TO $35.00, SALE PRICE, EACH $15 00 H, Price Second Floor 1!tttttJtl!Stntt)Jtt!t!tlttntHllll Evangelical Bazaar Dec. 2. Temple. Masonic J ilect ' Large Rhode Island pullets for sale at Mickcnliniii &. Co. I'hono 10. The -Boy Scouts throughout, the coun try will observe national book week be ginning December 4 and in accordance with this observance, the Salem public library will put on a special display of Hoy Scout books and also chibit a list of desiruble books fur 13 oy Scouts and those that are officially sanctioned by tho organization. Wardrobe trunks at special prices. 2.1.0U value $ 1 K.2.". C. S. Hamilton. Large Rhode Island pullets for sale at Miekenhnm 4: Co. I'hono 10V . t d h . R WilMnll. HfMinitorv ikf tliA ( 'hert-in nu tin. . : t if ring all Clicrriuiis to betake them- ,0Vea to tho Commercial club next Mou- ,av evening at H o'clock for the an t ii it 1 election of officers. Mr. Wilson ns sec re tiny will make the annual re port showing what has been done for the city's good during the past year anil also render a financial statement for the year. Evangelical Bazaar Dec. 2. Masonic Temple. dec4 Dance at Aumsville Saturday night. dec2 Boys interested In the organization of a Junior Commercial club w ill meet this evening in the auditorium of the Commercial club. James Heady, who has had much experience in the organ ization of boys clubs especially in con nection with commercial bodies, will rx plnin to the boys the object of such an organi.ntion, how it will help them iu learning self government and the proper way to effect a perninuet organi.n tion. o Evangelical Bazaar Dec. 2. Masonic Temple. . dec4 Dance at AumsvUle Saturday night. dec2 The semi-annual election of tht United Artisans will bo held -next Thursdny evening. On account of the lodge changing its meeting night from Wednesday to Thursday and also its mooting place from tho Moose hall to the Odd Fellows' hull, the session Thursday night will incluHo eveinl en tortniuing features besides the election of officer. Tho supreme officers of the lodge from Portland will attend the mooting. The second attraction of the Lyceum course at Iho-arniorv. tonight. "A prince's pleasure at a pauper's price" En Corona eignr. Captain J. L. Ko'so, in command of the Salvation Army liendiuniters on Court street, say that the charitable work of the army in tho way of sending out baskets of food to the needy renters on the Christmas time of year. Through tho efforts of the army. 100 Christmas baskets were distributed last year and the captain intends to keep up the good work this coming Christmas, sending fond supplies especially into the homes of those where the mother is the ole support of lier children. Fibre body round corner wardrobe tuuk, 2J.50 value special $ 1 7.1)5. C, S. Hamilton. NOVELTY FURS IN SETS, ALSO MANY SEPARATE PIECES ItttttttlUltUUSUStUliUUlltl The Ladles Aid societies of United Hear the L.v A. C. orchestra at the Evangelic church will hold a bazaar ofjurniory at 8:1.1 this evening, r'linev ivurk initl I'linltcl fimil at In.! . I sonic temple Sat. Dee. 2. The Ponusyl- vania booth will be a special feature. commissioner, is in Portland attending 0 the seventh annual convention of the Special for Saturday, solid oak slip ; Oregon State Hotel Men's association, leather scat dining chair. Hegnlar $3.00; He addressed the convention this after value special $2.05. t'. 8. Hamilton. I noon. .- , 'rn. American Horse and Red C'oud were two of the noblest Indians that ever ehased the biitfnki on the western plnins of Nebraska or in the bad lands of South Dakota, aud both of these chiefs belonged to the Sioux tribe of Indians. The story hour for children nt tho city public library tomorrow morn ing at 0:30 o'clock will tell of these In dians who were finally given an allot ment of land in southwestern South Da kota, with tho Piuo Kitlgo agency for headquarters. Calico 6c per yard Saturday morn ing :00 to 11:00 a. in. t ouiptun's 5c, loc, 15c, 25c store. dec2 Dissolution of partnership, the firm consisting of J. H. Ililemnn and J. W. tioebel, and doing business at 201 North Commercial stiyiet, under the firm name of Ililemnn and Ooebel. has been dissolved and the undersigned hns assumed all responsibilities contracted by the above firm and will continue in the business of selling gasoline engines, pumps, windmills, cream separators, plumbing supplies, wnier systems, etc., and will be glad to have anyone in terested in any of the above call at his place of business. J. It. Hileinnn. SI lirtjtftnuijSi .fcurprtef for Mother's Eyes A pair of glasses for Mother through which, without changing; them, she can see to read and sew, and toloukut distant objects I 1 low she would nppreciatethat! Can'tyou just see her happy smile f Isn't it time yon attend ed to your eyes! For many years they have served you well do they not deserve a little caret Then there is the question of preserv-, ing tho sight for the fu ture; isn't this a sufficient ly grave matter to Imlueo you to take caret My ex perience is your security. Every . case receives the snme careful attention, no matter whut you pny for the service. I do uut ex periment on your eyes, I use no drugs or drops in making examinations as they ure dangerous. Satis faction is guaranteed iu ev ery respect. l)r.M.P.MendeIsohn ' Rooms 20 210-211 I. S. National Bank Building. STORE m tt tittiitltt'iiisutiuuj anntniinnuiin't?nuiniiTniinnnnnwinfi J. D. MickeL state dairy and food All Yeomen are requested to be in Masonic hull tonight at H:(I0 important business. XI. K. 1'oineroy correspondent. The Clear Lake school folks have or ganized a literary society, and for their first meeting will tackle the following problem, ono thnt the world has been trying to solve for many a year: Re solved, That the opportunities for the young ninu in tho city is greater than iu tho country. i ' o Bags and suitcases make handsome Christmas presents. See our line. Spe cial prices now prevail. C. S. Hamil ton. o White there was an abundance of rain around Sulem during the last month, the rain on the l.uckinmute was not sufficient to justify the Spaulding Log ging company in attempting to start its drive of (i.OOofiot) feet of lumber. Hence the winter drive of the company has not commenced and will not until there is n day or two of heavy rains. If you are considering picture fram ing for Xmns it would be well to place your orders as early as convenient. The i'rnine Sbep & Oiftery, 415 Court St. A horse that is some swimmer belongs to Mnilearrier Frank Baker. Yesterday whilo watering the horse at Eighteenth and North Mill creek, the animal bo came frightenotd and jumped into Mill creek. With barely his nose sticking nut of the water, the horse swam from Eighteenth street to Seventeen! lfbefnre finding a satisfactory place to swim HBhoro- Fortr warning to thieves that are stealing onions, potatoes and canned I fruit out nf the storage room belonging ! to 11. A. ltnwson. You are liable to get your fingers burned as two gopher gunsj have been locnted there am! if they don't get you I will. H. A. Knwson. W. H. Reed, of New York City, Mrs, J. 1). Nichols, of Detroit, and Mrs. M. A. Snyder, of Hood River, brother and sisters of Mrs. Alonzo Palmer, are visit ing at the Palmer home, lliitl North Six teenth street. Mr. Reed and Mrs. Nich ols leave for the east this evening by way of Southern California. It has been 28 years since Mrs. Palmer had seen her brother and sister from the east. A doctor is needed in Paradise.. If any one doubts it, information may be had for the asking at the Sulem Com mercial club. The location of tho Pnra- dise so muchly in need of a doctor is iu j Wallowa county, Oregon, as the fol lowing letter from Paradise to Manager MeDaniel indicates: "Dear Sir: This end of Wallowa countv is entirely with- j out a doctor. We hail two quacks, but ! people got dnwu on them, Please send one to l'nradise as we have ono store,; ti postoffice, livery baru, hotel and a blacksmith shop." j Now tbtat the Salem Rifle c'ub has received ils two automontio targets, tlu regular practice shooting evenings be-1 ginning next week will bo on Monday, Wednesday ami Friday eveuings at 7:30 o'clock and Suuday afternoons at 2; o'clock. Selection wijl he made by com- j petiTtun tor a teum of five men to repj resent tho Salem, Kifle club in eoutests) with other clubs of the state. The au i toiuatic targets now installed nt the old ' armory are working to the entire, satis-1 faction of the nuuiners of the club, j When the shooter shoots straight enough to hit tho target the light on the' face of the tnrget goes out, and t roc-' ord is clcarlv shown where the 'millet j penetrated. The shootiug ia at a range' of 50 to 75 feet. ' AFTER OLD HIGH COST Portland, Or., Dec. 1. A chII was issued today for a mass meeting of Portland housewives tomorrow night at which plans for fighting the high cost of Jiving will be considered. Dr. Augusta S. Uehr, prominent wo man physician, issued the cull. A chair -woman will be elected by popular vote, it is expected I I j. I ! I i that a boycott against certain kinds of foodstuffs will be de clared. This is what the weather man did to this citv during November, accord ing to the official government's report at the O. C. T. dock, C. C. firuhnm, of ficial wenther record keeper: The rain fall was 7.12 inches which is a full aver age for November, as last year it was 8.(11! inches and two yenrs.-flgo 3 Sli inches. The average stage of the river was 5.9 feet. The average maximum temperature 50 degrees above, with the average minimum, 33, with the mean temperature 41.1). The warmest day of the month was on the first with JH de grees above, and the coldest night on the llith. with the mercury going as low as 24. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was on the 25th,.with J:57 inches. Sev enteen days of tie month were rainy, eight duys were clear, and 22 were cloudy. Chemawar football players played the Washington Athletic team of Vancou ver, Wash., yesterdav, winning with a score of 12 to I). The (hoiiiiiwa team breaks even for the football season, winning three- mil losing three. t o Journal Want ads wiil sell it. SPECIALS For Saturday The most astonishing prices of the season. We are not supported or supplied by the firms who charged you the exhorbitant prices be fore we opened our market. We positively have no connection with any other market in Salem. We do our own slaughtering. - Beef to Boil, 4 lbs. for 25c Beef to Roast 9c Per Pound Round and Loin Steak lie Per Pound Legs of Grain Fed Pig Pork, whole 15c Per Pound Center Cuts of Fresh Hams to Roast I7kc Per Pound Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, whole or half strip 20c . Per Pound Fresh Hamburger 10c Per Pound We expect to have plen ty for all day. Shop early. MIDGET MARKET Originators of Low Prices 371 State Street Telephone Manager Swears No Call Was Made On Night of Murder I St. Joseph, Mo., T)ec. 1. The slate oncd its rebuttal in the McDaniel murder case here toduv by refuting the Testimony of Mis. Delia Leslie, ''the ! woman of the swing," who testified that .she "screamed when the swing went too high," a block from the 11c Daniel home on the night of the mur der. ' I The state scored heavily this after noon when it struck a blow at Mc-1 Deniel's alibi. Witnesses were iutro-j duced who denied there was a tele- j phone call to McDaniel 's home between 11 o'clock and midnight the night of i the murder. I t..... i) - i., ,,.i.,.,f ,,( Dt'lllimi NIlMl lli nuji, i inn iiu.ui ... the' . Hell Telephone company here, de clared their system ill vogue in St. Joseph checked residence calls after 11 o'clock and that on the night of the murder no one called the MeD:inicl home after that time. The defense claims Mc Daniel left home in response I to a cull telling hint his brother was I drunk and that when he returned from ithe "false alarm" he found his wife i murdered in her bedroom. PERSONALS . , i Miss Leah Suing is in Portland spend ing a few days with friends and rela tives. Clay Miller, ulio is attending the O. A. C, was a visitor here over Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Boise were in Porl In nil yesterday registered at the Imperial. ! Dr. Prank E. Smith, of Portland, n former resident of Salem, spent Thanks giving here with friends. Mrs. C. E. Knowland and daughter, Pauline, went to Albany to celebrate ; Thanksgiving with relatives. i Miss Mary Miller, n sister of Mrs. iVn liter L. Spaulding, was in the city : yesterday for Thanksgiving at the , Spaulding home. ' Mrs. J. Y.. Gray, of Denver, was a I visitor in the city yesterday at the home ; of her sister, Mrs. Jos. Lebold, 1 1.10 Kiist Stnte street. ! Miss Mnttie-Loti Hill, who is Attend ing school in Portland, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill, of I South Eighteenth street. I People'sMeatMarket Saturday's Specials Sale of choice cuts of Meat for your Sunday Dinner. These are some of our CASH Bargains: Choice Roast of Beef. r.. JQc Choice Cuts of T-Bone, Loin and Round . . 12C Best Boiling Beef . $c The People's 155 North Liberty Phone 994 for prompt Our 2nd Saturday Special Special Saturday Only, a limited supply of Hard Wheat Flour, at ... . A limited quantity at the above price. All prices of our groceries are re' duced and you get the same high grade merchandise. Watch for our specials', Mr. Farmer, let us figure on wholesale lots and save you money. TWO STORES J. I. BUSICK & SON 118 S. Commercial s 299 N. Commercial Auction Sale . At the Quick Exchange Auction Market tomorrow at 10 a. m. (onsisting of horses, wagon, buggies, - harness, cream separa tor, etc. Also nt 1:30 p. in. high class household furniture us fol lows: 1 Manner Kstate (1-holo range with polished top. good as new; 1 oil heater; I ..Morris chair; 2 oak rockers; I oak sidcboiird; 11 oak dinners; 1 bookcase and sec retary; 5 good bed steads, spring and mattresses; 1 upholstered rocker; 1 ouk dresser; 3 oak nine seated sewing rockers; 1 oak library table; 1 brown velour lounge with roll edge; 1 green velour lounge with roll edge; 2 kitchen cabinets; 1 round exten sion table; 1 kitchen table; a number of good rugs; 2 good mirrors; 1 wringer and many oth er things' not mentioned. Kvervhotlv welcomed. F..N. WOODRY, Auctioneer I'hono oil WANTED, Household Furniture. Wocdry the Auctioneer will pay highest cash price for same. Phone 511. s;s PIANO TUNING . First:clnss work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- an teed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Schaffer Drug Store, phone 107. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, -915 Highland Avenue. VALID PATENTS A. M. Wilson, ""i years experience. Legally, niechnnu-allv and eonmicrcitiv Iv trained to protect vour invention. Send for booklet. FHEK SKAltCll. 311 Victor Bldg., Washington, 15. C decra Of Any kimd Any tiav5 Meat Market attention. We deliver. $1.85pseJCk