Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Your "Gift" Prob
lem Is Solved -
And the annoyance of hav
ing to do "Christmas Shop
ping" is entirely eliminated,
if you place your" order for
a dozen nice, well made
photographs, .
Prevent the hurley-burley
Christmas shopping at the
last minute by letting us
supply you NOW with the
things your friends will ap
preciate most, your photograph.
The Parker Studio
"The Photographer in You
Town" - v"
We'll get your orders out in
, time for, Christmas if sit
tings are made not later
than December 20th. Best .
. results will be obtained,
however, by making early
appointments. '
tt! . ........ ..
Xcw York, Deo. 1. United
Slates District Judge Mayer
today signed a decree of fore
closure in the Bankers Trust
company equity suit against the
Misaomi'aeifie railroad. The
decree provides for the sale of
collateral securities under a
mortgage given by the Missou
ri Pacific to the trust company,
as trustee of a bond issue of
. 9.31,00U.
price of this collateral at ifi,
750,000. '
Independence Items ; GLASS OF SALTS IF
(Capital Journal Special Service)
independence, Nov. 30. Mrs. Goldie
llnrkins of Winlock, Wash., is the guest
i'f her mother, Mrs.-Tom Hurt. - -
U fJalbrcnth left Monday, for San
Francisco, where "he will spend Thanks
giving. " ' . ' !' '
A. number of Independence people
(trended. theO. A. C. and Oregon-foot-!
"hull game on Saturday at ' Corvnlliir.'
'1 nose. unending were grr. r. v ropp,
Moss Walker, Roy Walker and Wil
; lard Reeves. - ,- ''
.Mrs. Florence Whiteaker has resigned
her position with the firm of -Kddy und
f'Mrbrnv uml thtt Vflj-nncr will 1)H till
ed by Miss Grace Jones. ' - '
A number of the Independence young
Indies will give a Thanksgiving dance
at the Opera house on Thanksgiving
Mrs.Edlth-Peery of The Dalles, Ore
gon, visited with friends and relatives
in Monmouth and Independence the
first of the. week.
C. K. Ireland of Portland spent the
week end with J. tfl Cooper and family.
..lack House, the obliging clerk of the
Hotel Braver, is on the nick list...
A corn show will be held here on
Friday and Saturday in the Asa Taylor
building on C street. And llie lauies
will serve, a dinner for the benefit of
the public library.
Married -
Collius-Xelson. The marriage of Misn
t'ora Collins and John Xelson --toon
place on Tuesdny November 2H, HUH,
at the home of the bride s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Collins. The ceremony
was performed by liev. Stephens of
the C hristian church. A weddtng din
ner was served, following the eereinony
Unlv the close relatives were present.
The young couple departed for their
home in Corvullis, where Mr. Nelson is
fngagedun business. Mr. Nelson is the
fon of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of this
citv. Their many friends wish them
much happiness.
Eat Less Meat ' If Yon Feel
Backachy or Have JJIadder
TroubleTake Glass :
of Salts
. Xo man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by. flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, . says a
well . known authority.' . Meat - forms
uric acid which excites the kidneys,
they become overworked . from . the'
strain, get sluggish and fail to. filter;
the waste and poisons from theblood,!
then we get siek. Nearly all rneuraa-j
tism, hcaduche, liver trouble, nervous-;
ness, dizziness, sleeplessness and uri
nary disorders come from sluggish kid
neys. The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidu'eys or your back hurts or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
If He Docs It Will Mean Uncle
Sara Wi Begin War On
Industries Strong
and AH Prices Firm
New York, Dec. 1. The "New York
Kvening Sun financial review said
The general industrial and railroad
list was strong in today's market though
in no sense spectacular except in spots
which -was natural, following a holidat
with but ono full session und a hall
holiday in the remainder of the week
The railroad department was strong
throughout with gains of ono to twt
points or more.
The industrial list expressed gool
buying, with .orders accumulated ove
the Thanksgiving holiday. With, thest
nut of the way prices became irregular.
At midday new gains were made, but
covering methods were in evidence
somewhat throughout the session. Uni
ted States Steel, selling without the
dividend of 1 1-4 per cent regular and
1 per cent extra, gained two points or
more. The other steel shures and the
lenpper group made good fractional
gains, in some cases more.
Ohio Cities Gas was a pyrotechnienl
performer, advancing over 14 points to.
through 11S, and Montana Power also
at above 114, nearlv -seven points up.
The Mexican stocks felt the adverse ef
fects of renewed warfare in Mexico.
Denver, Colo., Dec. 1 That Villa will
tuke Juarez within a week and that his
capture of the city will be the signal for
war between the United States and the
bandit leader, was the prediction made
today by Major A. II. Williams oi the
Colorado National Guard, who returned
from tho bonier yesterday.
"Tho United States military author
ities have prepared to attack Villa
when ho captures Juarez," enid Major
Williams- "Twenty-five thousand
troops are now massed at Si Paso, ready
to cross the international bridge when
the bandit takes the border city."
Major Williams declared that the ad
ministration at Washington for months
hus been cogui.ant of tho growing
strength of Villa in . northern Mexico
and that the concentration of troops at
Kl Paso han been in preparation for this
"If Villa contemplates another raid
into the United States, nnd that is prob
able, it is likely Kl Paao would be his
objective. The military authorities evi
dently have foreseen such a tep.and
have concentrated troops there for that
reason." .'"-'.-
'Major Williams declared that in all
probability the American forces would
not wait for Villa to attack Kl Paso but
would strike first.
- Bars No Danger.
El Faso; Texas, Dec 1. Every pre
paration was being made late today for
the defense of Juarez in case of attack
by Villistas, ulthough Carrsnza officials
declare -they don't believe the bandit
leader- will venture an attack upon the
border city
-General Gonzales, commander at Ju
arez; announced this afternoon that sev
eral . more troop trains with survivors
or toe ,.nuiuanua-t.iTy-rjattie . ore en
route to the border. Toda the Juarez
de taeto garrison numbers J,S0O men
and Avirhiii 24 hours Gonzales will have
2,500 men under his command.
4 "To harass and cut off any ad
vance' said Gonzales, "we will leave
500 men along the railway line between
-the border and Chihuahua City. These
.measures are only precautionary, how
ever, as we do not expect an attack.'
At the Mexican consulate here it was
-announced that Generals Mavcotte and
Trevino bad merged their commands and
would sdvanceMo attack Villa from the
south and east.
"'On '-.the second train reaching the
border with refugees wag General Tie
vino's private car and a flat ear ear-
tying the Trevino family automobile.
Reports are current in Juarez that the
commander himself had fll to the bor
der, but confirmation of these reports
is impossible to obtuin.
In anticipation of an attack by Vil
listas, merchants in Juarez are today
moving their stocks of merchandise to
the American side of the border. In
one lot there was six thousand sacks
Does Your Stomach
Trouble You?
1 y-vV J TYunuui iui
V wmcnange
A that
fffilong Face!
Ana One Dose Has Often Dispelled
Tears of Buffering.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy-can real
ly be termed WONDERFUL.' No
matter where you live you will find
peoplo who have suffered with Stom
ach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments.
etc., and have been restored to health
and are loud in their praise of this
remedy. It acts on the source and
foundation cf these ailments, remov
ing the poisonous catarrh antt biie
accretions, taking out the inflamma
lion irom the intestinal tract an
assists in rendering the
- Sweet Caporal is the only cig
arette to survive the test of forty
years on the market and remain
a rational favorite, steadily gain-l
ine in Donulanty. Because in four'
decades (he cigarette industry has
been unable to produce a better
cigarette. Sweet Caporal is the'
purest cigarette that can be made
with a pure tobacco navor mat
has never been duplicated in any
ether c:ga;ette at any price.
proved in
has giver
the t.xpr
Sweet C
irette, re
in four ti
unable t
ever it
purest ciS
with a
has neve
other ciwl
Smokers who watch the interest
ing Sweet Caporal demonstration
ire shown something different
The demonstrators burn some or
Jinary paper for them, which
leaves a black ash. Then burn
some of the high-grade, imported
French ctrnrrtt
Thus before their, eyes smoker
have the proof of Sweet Caporal
demonstrators explain that this
pure, tasteless, odorless. Sweet
Caporal - paper The purest
l Sweet Caporal cignrettcs are
on the elobe The world-wide de-
knand for Sweet Caporal grew'
purity in black and white. The w'""ut advertising of any kind-
remarkable record of this fa
mous original cigarette Ameri
can ernnkr
" iM, I -- . 1.
M ill ' , jwyaavrawM.,., t ' .-.a r
kJMB . JI-. r ? ?ti .daythaii
sU KiLg'ViS. rmrX?Z-tf. 2 t ... f -vWT'--'.. ,4.. .,diuelk
5tgfl tfe. ft -s
r. V. -M L--:.:ir.-.v.-.-.-ii 11 W sss
9 i-'9 V8$E9 JT,
Nearly every nun h.i tarttd
imokinc with famous old Swctl
Caporal, the original ci&ireUC.
tt.1 Luuo-
"Swtets."' because their
purity injures vhulcionic uijuy-j
That is the name by which
Sweet Caporal cigarettes arc af
fectionately known to millions ol
ccaute in four
T"ilte cicarette industry has
been ututble to produce a better
110 ullicr clgiirette etijuvs the wide
Mircad 1'opitlarity of Sweet Capo
Jul Humlrcdsot big league suri'
mole "Sweets,1 because tlicir
purity insures wholesome enjoy
ment llascball and Sweet Cap
tales are Sweet Caporal smokers .
No ercatcr tribute could he paid .
to the purity of Sweet Caporal,
In the U S ifrmy and Navy
Ijwect C.tporal cgaretu-s are a
universal favorite, and have been
for over forty years. Today at
every officers' mess; at every fort
nnd on every battleship, Sweet
for four decades.
oral have been national favorite CaKiral will be found a familial
feature of the Service.
Selling of Securities By ,
Large Interests Is Noted
tiul advnnco in money rates on our side
of the Atlantic, llritish interests lie
clearly against high rates. Any such
advance under current conditions would
for example, be of a discouraging char
eating meat and get about four ounces ,,f fi0Hr wM).h WB,8 HlippP( to juareu
of .lad Salts from any pharmacy; takclonly fc,v days ag0) anil Rnr,ther iot of
a iuirrjiuui 1.. v .jr, carloads of merchandise was expect-
fore breakfast and in a few days yoitrj cd bfttk to thc American side this morn
kidneys will act fine. This famous saltH, inK Residents in the Mexican border
is made from the acid of grapes and town coutimie to iP(,ve )ueir ),omes am)
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and re moving to the American side. .
has been used for generations to flush , ,
and stimulate the kidneys, also to neu
tralize the acids in urine so it no long
er chum's irritation, thus ending b)ad-
der weakness. j
Jad Salts is inexpensive nnd cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent I
eptic. Buffeters are urged to try one
oose wnica ajone saould relieve your
suffering and convinco you that Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy should restore you
to good health. Put it to a test today
Send for booklet on Htoinach Ailments
to Goo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 15C
Whiting St., Chicago, or better still
obtain a bottle from your druggist. J.
C. Perry, 115 South Commercial street.
San Francisco Has
Lively Bread War
Sun Francisco, Dec. 1. Sail Franciseo
M in the midst of a bread war today
with large bakeries nnd manufacturers
lined up on one side and John AI. Col
bert, a small grocer, and his customers
on thc other.
Colbert toduy sold bread at four cents
a loaf, two eeuts under the present re
tail price. All big bukeries except one,
Colbert asserts, have out off his sup
ply of bread. lie announced that he
would take the matter up with the dis
trict attoThey.
"Beduee the hijrh cost of living.
Bread four conls a loaf here," reud
the sign Colbert hung in his window.
Frank B. Counolly, secretary of the
retail grocers- association declared to
-Xcw York, Use.. 1. Increased pres
sure of securities .seems to.be develop
ing in Stock Exchange circles. There
still is a remarkable power of absorp
tion. But 1he selling seemingly is, by
stronger interests than the buying and actor in connection with. tho financial
the new position does not suggest the plans of the Kntente' Powers. Advices
same degreo of strength' and confidence cabled from London suggest the early
as has so recently been current. announcement of a new long-term
This vonefmnnrv -trend is not nltn- ltritish war ldHll which will nresent
dlcether. surprising. It may in appreci- conversion rights for-the-older louns
nnti-t able measure be regarded a natural re- and at the same time will appeal on
sponse ;td -news developments that are: favorable terms for new capital. When
Iporntion has this week announced an
other advance of 10 por cent in wages, '
I making the third advance of this! um-
I . -.'it.:- l . .i
'uiuiL wiittiu a year, imcr iron a.ii
steel manufacturers ore following the '
lead of the larger company and advat:c- .
es are numerous In other industries.
-Mills throughout the country are mail
ing phenominal profits, but' it is obv!- -Otis
that when the war ends, as it niti-t
sooifer kr later, a geuefrtil rendjiiM- "
nient must ensue. It then will be ne'- ,
essary for labor to assume its proper -share
of the reaction, which, howevct, '
is a position that it is ditficult to !
lieve the lenders will willingly take. .
The outlook for tho market for -if.-
curities appears to favor active in and
out trading operations accompanied ty ,
raiid fluctuations
Mysterious Pains and Aches ;
ulculated to exerciife a more or less
restraining influence on Stock Ex
change operations. - For . instance, the
decision of thc managers of tho large
transportation companies of the coun
try to contest the enforcement of the
Adaiuson Law the so-called Eight
Hour Kuilroad Labor Law on . the
ground that thc measure contravenes
constitutional rights, opens up an im
portant question. KtTorts- are being
made as a result of the co-operation of
thc (ioverniuent to seeuro a decision on
this point by the court of last resort
before Junuary 1, which is the date set
for .the measure to go into practical
operation. In order, to expedite the
decision the United States Circuit
Court at Kansas City has ruled against
the constitutionality of the act, ad
mittedly . ignoring the merits of the
case. This permits an appeal at once
to be taken in the interest of a prompt
final decision. Tho Adamson Law was
enacted under threat of a nationwide
strike that promised to tie up trude
and industry and entail widespread
suffering, loss and inconvenience.
Labor still seems to bo maintaining tlr
same determined tittitudo to enforce
by this means higher wages under
threat of shutting down transporta
tion facilities. Presumably there will
Life Hard to Boar For Mai:7
Salem Women.
this loan is to bo offered it will' un
questionably be deemed desirable to
arrange this money situation in a. com
fort able position in order to assure
complete success for the transaction.
In these circumstances a: lowering of
the Hank of Kiiglund rate and a gen
eral easing of government rates for
i.tii.. .,. ..in. ncatiaciics a
nrolml Iv he sueactcd. Obviouslv it i Kid.ev " becomes dangerous
wouldi create a difficult problem,
thentening the maintenance, of sterling
exchanges on our side of the Atlantic,
if there should be any substantial ad
vance in liioncv rates here at a time
loo many women mistake their pan .
and aches for troubles peculiar to ti't
sex. More often disordered kidneys nie
causing the aching back, dizy spel .
pcadaclies and irregular uruuttiniv.
neglected. Lse time-hieu kidin v
remedy Dunne's Mdncy Pills. Hos-
of peoplo testify to their merit. Kci -j
a Salem case: '
Mrs. L. A. TJrngcr, BHD S. Thirteeirb
1,1 1 1 cj ci..!.. .it
.. ..... . .i. i nv.,ai.. oillf-iu. nntni x (Kit liuiini-iriinui 7.
or lirouou ecu-reoucT 011 aurouti. iu . - .. .-, , ,
avoid such a condition it would hJn''i!ti'),t
necessary for the British treasury to
send us 'considerable amounts of gold.
In fuet there is excellent authniily lor
the statement that a renewal of the
ii. ward sold movement which was sus
penilerrutter the recent successful flo
tation of :i(l0,0un,0iiu in United King
dom notes will be resumed at an early
Waiting for the Message
very reliable medicine for -kidney d
orders. I have taken them en severil .
occasions, when 1 hnvo had a dull, tired j
feeling across my kidneys nnd when "
they haven't been anting regularly nil .
they havo never failed to give ine quick
relief. It is only once in a great whiV
now that I have to resort to a kidnrv .
I medicine."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim"- .
The closing session of the present I.T alt for kidney remedy get
unan s isiuney nils tne same tni r.
Mrs. Drnger hud. Fostcr-Milburn CV., .
Props., Buffulo, X. T.
day it Would be illloossibln for fnlbnrt
to continue selling bread at such a fig-1 be no stoppage of work if the Supreme
ure. In fact, Secretary Foley of the ' Court rules that the law as enacted
.Master Bakers' association declared the -does not violate constitutional gunran
bakers are considering raising the price j tees. But, on the other hand, should
.. , . ... .,,, u, ' 1 litlna-water drink which everyone
S'.Hpleton-Nelson. , .Mis. Bertha Stan-1 h , , t k nJ , k ,
Mo,, daughter ttrinJrA!lnru,,: kidneys clean and nctive and the blood I
Virr If'nrMIP"-, thereby avoiding serious kidney
A. Nelson on Tuesday, November 3S. -o.nplications.
....... .i... o i ..,..:.. i.- t 'nttiniif I
church at 4 p. m. by KaTtier Forget. j Ij, rmqnV S AllSWer
The vnunt, coi nle will make then- home: WllHCUPJ a nUSVVCI
in Albany, where .Mr. Nelson is en
Ringed in business.
.Mrs. P. L. Hedges ahd Mrs. E. Cook
were Silem visitors on Wednesday.
l.'ev. Dr. Diinsmore, who hus been
confined to the house with the rheuma
tism, is again able to be out.
About Marina Sinking
Washington, Dee. 1. (loriiinny '
answer to American inquiries regarding
torpedoing of the steamer Marina
reached the state department today.
Following his recent policy of with
holding all information on intverna-
or state
... i. i Ti. ....,..; tional problems, Secretary
Ottawa. . On.., pec. 1 -Th . , .p oiu t- I refuse(1't0 y
nient of Alaior General Turner, . C, . .... .,
,- - nMAa tn'li e message or lis unuiin.
, commander of Cnnad an forces , (.ermlllKAmbaasll(,or Voll il(.rnMorff
Lngland, was olf.cally continued here, aU(d )imB in mnnv
Ten'eral Turner won the Victoria'""' to nee Secretnry-of State Lans
fr.. the South African war and ing shortly after snomiucement of re-
wa in charge of the Second division atipt of the Manila .message. - " was
the battle of Ypres. He is a son of, thought his visit might portend s.g
the late Hon. Kichard Turner, once inificant development in tho tlerieau
member of the legislature. American submarine problem.
John D. Archbold Given New
Supply of Blood He
May Survice
Tarrytown, X. V., Dec. 1. .Tohn D.
Archbold, Standard Oil hi'ad. lighting
stubbornly all day and holding his own
I no. -a lla I'.imUi' a, Ilia l.,..lui.lii luina
this afternoon that he may survive.
His plVfic'uiHiHi were able to refiort
no change in spile ot tears earlier
Lansing refused to reveal the nature of'jn the day that his resistance might
weaken. v
At nine o'clock' it wns said at the
Archbold home that the Standard Oil
magnate was "holding his own."
of bread to seven cents,
Colbert declines to reveal where he is
purchasing his bread.
Wonfc Lunyo ami
Ghost Troubles
respond more quickly to the
blood-enriching oil-food in
and bronchial tubes.
peculiar benefit to the respiratory .
tract and is liberally used in tu
berculosis camps for that purpose. !
You get no alcohol in Scott's.
Scott & Bownt, Bloomfield. N. J.
il.n ..niiit sustain what seems to be the
unanimous view --of eminent railroad
legal advisers, namely, that the law is
line nstitiitiomil, then, if present state
ments of leaders lire to be accepted
seriously, no time will be Ipst in bring
ing about a serious condition in rail
road operation. This is nn unfortunate
condition of affairs.
Would Labor Defy Courts?
It certainly would be an unpopular
p isition for labor to assume if it should
openly defy the courts. The railroads
are, it is true, enjoying a period of
prosperity. The owners of securities
of the road as well as the employes
arc entitled to participate in this im
provement. There should moreover be
nroner' regard for Hid credit of the
than tO any Other on mediane. transportation companies which m ed
cryrVpej nourishing unts-of new capital for ex-
& IS a ticn, nourisning! h 1ruVoment in or""'''
food to strengthen tender inroaw 1(ll.t u,i,.,llin,(.v their
V 18 01 i f unci ions us' common curriers. This
new capital cannot be readily secured
unless the railroads themselves can
show thev ore conducting a profitable
business Mind that the new securities
thev propose to offer to investors are
MX sound. Any attack sum as is now
t il,h..iitened bv labor would be discoivr-
!,,,,, to purchasers of the older classes
STATE OF OEEjvJ PROPOSALS , J raji,.B(i securities, not to n lion
FOR SUPPLIES "' .,M.'" :' ...; ones. Cntil this
Acids accumulating in the system in i
excess, poison the blood and cause a
great variety of diseases, affecting the
ikin and other mucous surfaces, the
heart and arteries, brain and general
nervous system, joints and muscles.
Some of these diseases are Rheuma
tism in its many forms, Catarrh,
Eczema, Hives, itching and burning
of the skin, dizziness, mental depres
lion and a variety of other ailments.
Va must eliminate the acid from
four system and purify your bloed1
before you can be rid of your trouble.
S. b. b. has been puntying ana nour
ishing the blood for over half a cen
tury. It is also a very efficient tonic
and being purely vegetable, it isTthe
most efficient agent known in the
cleansing of the blood and toning up
of the system.
Call for it at your druggists and
don't accept a substitute. If special
medical advice is desired write Med
ical Department 93, Swift Specific Co,
Atlanta, Ca,
The Oregon' State ooard of control,"' . ,.,,.,,.,, .... t, ; at
t. "Mr. Archbold had a comfortable i will receive sealed bids on December ...ttlin
night and appeared to have gained 12, lHlti, at 2:00 p. in., for furnishing to continue a "" u,,""h
some strength this morning," it was, supplies to the vurions state uistitu-1 influence in mum r
stated. Itions; consisting or dry goods, clothing, The wees, s u'i
The nil company head was so weak a I furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware,, l-misuiilly heavy foreign uenianus
few davs ago that it was decided to I brooms, drugs, paints, oils, stationery,' (hat from day to day are appearing tor
resort to blood transfusion in tho hope j crockery, plumbing, etc., for thc seint- Ilpw capital seem to be finuly resulting
of giving him strength, and his-hauf-i annual period emling June .win, jn an appreciably firmer money sniiu-
fenr, u. Sloseeer, who nas Been employ
ed in the family for several years, gave
several ounces of blood for his em
ployer. This has had little effect on
Archbold. it was said.
Archbold was taaen ill-November !!
and his ailment was diagnosed as appendicitis.
Tarrvtown, X. Y, Dee. 1. At
(Specifications and schedules will This-week's offerings havle in
Ciirmsneu upon appiicauou io toe wc-. , , , .-,o.OOO,000 Ttussiaii (iovern
retary at Salem, Oregon also from ie '$.-,,000,000 loan to China
industries and manufactures bureau, nieiu loan, t , . .
Chamber of -( oiuniercc, Portland, Ore- and Hired loans of 11120,000,000 en. to
gon. Kach bid to be accompanied by a 'be divided equally among the three
certified check in the sum of 10 per i.-renili cities Bordeaux, Marseilles and
Lyons. There are indications, too, that
domestic interests also are making pro
visions for new capital, taking ad-
of money
cent of the whole amount of bid, pay
able to the Oreaon Stale Hoard of Con
trol.to be held as a guaranty of the
I 11 Ii 1 ul periormaiici! ui nm i-uinmi... - , . ,
i-v" I '. ' . t1 vantage of the abundance
home of John Archibold, president ofaI1y or all bids or to accept aay part ofjind credit that is so cienriv rnnow.ng
. . m v- t- , I .U . ...nit r.t thA iv-ni Tlierc seems
the stanilarii uu company oi .icw-.mt- a i" , .
sev. earlv tudav it was admitted that! R. II. (i(M)DI.V, Secretary, rcfinn to believe however that every
the condition of the magnate, who re
cently underwent en operation for ap
pendicitis, is serious.
Oregon State Hoard of Control, effort will be made on liefiair or tne
Xov. is, Dee. 1-4-8. IHritish Treasury to prevent a substan-
congress is to convene on December 4.
In view of the uncertainties abroad,
the .Mexican tumbles, and the lubor
and other problems at home, keen in
terest not 11 n nut ii i ally ultaclies to I'res
ident Wilson's policies to be enumer
ated ill his address to the legislature.
I'ntil some definite indication of their
character is available the uncertainty
will be apt to induce a certain amount
of further restraint in stock exchange
operations. Press advices from. Wash
ington speak uf a desire on the part of j
the presuleiiT. lor ine eniici in oi h-k-
islation designed to prevent strikes on
railroads unless definite notice shall
have been given well in advance. This
in a provision that would very likely
be opposed by labor leaders, but is one
that would do much for all interests.
There also is a movement to scctir"
legislation" limiting the exports of Am
erican food products because of the
hi'jh prices. This legislation would be
unwise. The president's explanation
of our foreign relations will be nwail-
c, with interest.
There ts no perceptible sign tints far
of any check to th iimtry's business
activities. Kverything is still running
full speed nheud. The I'. S. Steel cor-
ft read in the Journal in all live '. '
ft Minion county homes Try 'cm. ;'
ljTlij0J Sve Work.
Can Today
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.