!"T ; i THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1916. two f J i J t i MttHHHHH H ATTENTION, BOYS ! Earn a Model Builder FREE for Christmas. Call and Ask How. Wm. Gahlsdorf The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 SALE OFBRITISH (Continued from page one.) ROC IE T Y By ALINE THOMPSON IMPOHTANT on today's Calendar is the L. A. C. orchestra, which comes to the armory tonight as the second f a aeries of attractions to be pre sented this season by the Salem lyce im course. Miss Margaret Kodgers who tame liome from the University of Oregon Wednesday to upend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgc V. Kodgers is entertaining as her house quests, MisB Zeulette Condon of Van couver, B. ('., and Miss Jcssio (iarner of Astoria, who is also attending vol lego at Eugene and is a Kappa Alpha Tact sorority sister of Miss Kodgers. The giris will visit in Salem over the treek end. Mr. and Mis. L. M. Boggs went to Eugene yesterday to spend Thanksgiv ing with relatives. Several Hulcm men, who are members of the 8igma Chi fraternity went to Corvnllis today to pnrticipato in the installation of a chapter of Sigma Chi at the Oregon Agricultural College. Laurence Hofer and James Mott, mem bers of the ehnpter at Stanford Uni versity, were among" thone going from here. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding wore hosts fur a charming dinuer party on Thanksgiving, (.'overs were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Richardson liuvc as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mul lin and son, William, of Portland who will visit in Salem over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Ralin were among the Salem folks going to Portland to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball of Wal lace road motored to Dallas for Thanks giving and were the guests' of their son-in-law and daughter, Mi-, and Mrs. Carl Kugel. Mr. Kugel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. II. Kugel of Salem were also their guests for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benson went to Albany Thursday to be the guests of Mrs. Kenson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Everetto A. Thatcher went to Oroneo yesterday to spend the day with their lnnglitor, Mrs. Kvan. Mr. and Mrs. nenrv B. Thiclsen spent Tlianksgivinn with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thielscu, at the Thielscu ranch, "Herry Orchards." Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Roberts of (Ireenly, Colorado, who formerly lived in Salem are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a dniighter. Mi's. J. O. Richardson is entertaining as her house guest Mrs. Caswell of Portland. Escaped Convict , Caught in California Oakland, Oal., Dee. 1. Edward Car said to be from Salem, Oregon, pleaded not guilty today before Su perior Judge Ogden to a charge of grand larceny, lie is alleged to have stolen an automobile from in front of n Oakland church while W. K. Rob erts, the owner, was attending services. . Kdward Carlyle, under the nnmo of Kdward Hell, was ono of six trusties to scapo from the Oregon ponitentiniy flat field on the night of August 1, 191H. The escapes went to Silvei ton and stole a Ford auto and started fori California. He was raptured there for the theft of an auto on September 24. He was received from Multnomah county January 14, 1815, for grand larceny, the penalty for which is from one to seven years. Mislabeling Water. Sacramento, Cal., Iee. 1. Because, it i alleged, he labelled his product as a cure for most til) the ailments man is heir to, (iiuvunui C-onaoli, mineral water denier of Riverside county, must appear before the state board of health tomorrow. The charge against Consoli Is mislabelling his product. Why the Journal is popnlur It prints the world's news to- duy while it's news. ma e mnnpmjnr BiwiiiiiiMimnf,. Bakers Cocoa stands all tests of laboratory and home. It is pure, it is delicious, it is healthful. Walter Baker O CaLtd. 13TA0U3MED I7SO . OOBCHt3TER,Mkii himttfgijnWHfc KEITH S Jgw-flA UIIULU FOR MEN Exclusive Agents A. J. PARIS SHOE SHOP 379 State Street, opposite the Spa Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. for some time been nnder consideration with a view to furnishing a credit me dium that would accommodate the Am erican banking, demand for an invest ment of short maturity and of such lim ited volume that the government could always undertnke to lay down gold in New York sufficient to meet the ma tured bills. "It is believed further that these bills would have furnished at the end of the war an excellent measure o'f pro tection to the American financial situa Hon, inasmuch as steadily maturing ob ligations of the foreign governments would have tended to prevent heavy draftR of gold from this market." A large number of applications for the lulls was made as late as today, it. P. Davidson of Morgan & Co. said in giving out the statement. Morgan & Co- on Tuesday, following the announcement of the reserve board's action in warning against the tying up of American funds in treas ury notes that were subject to renewal, said the notes would be offered invest ors as originally planned. It was de clared by the firm that the reserve board was wrong as to character of the notes, confusing them with the short term acceptances that have been sold here in past month. v ' m CHIHUAHUA ON FIRE El Paco, Texas, Dec. I. The principal residence street in Chihuahua City is in flames, declared a Spaniard named Nuela, who reached the border by automobile after escaping from the vautured city Wednes- day night. The Terrazas palace is one of the buildings that is on fire and many others along Ocampo avenue are burning, the Spaniard declared. Nuela knew nothing . of the fate of the six Americans known to have been in the capital. England Sends Fleet for Australian Crop Sydney, X. S. W., Dec. 1. To remove tho Australian wheat crop and wool clip which has been sold to Great Britain, a fleet of large cargo carrying ships has headed for tho Antipodes. Each vjessel will be capnblo of carry ing UUOO tons of wheat 6r other Aus tralian produce. There are 2,300,000 tons of wheat stored in the country, and it is esti mated that half of this will bo re quired for home' consumption, leaving therefore, 1,230,000 tons for Great Britain. The mother country is making other vessels available for this traffic. Meat is leaving Australia at the rate of L'5U,II00 tons a mouth. SUBLIMITY STORE ROBBED When Mr. Hell of the Ditter, Bell & Co., of Sublimity opened up his stiu'o last Matuniay morning lie tound tnnt tho store hail been broken into and robbed during the night. The -thieves hail forced their way into the rear door and apparently had made themselves perfectly at homo by going through tho stock of goods nml lielpin iitheinselves to whatever their fancy indicated. They got away with several gum slickers, a large assort ment of knives, several pair ot shoes, socks and underwear and in all thev made a fair sized haul and so far no trace of them has been found. The same parties or some of theit gnng seem to have a spite at Ditter, Hell & Co., as this is about the 4th a niial visit in as many years, however this time they did not bother the vault as they seemed to want merchandise Slnyton Standard. Troops Disembarked. London, Dec. 1. A wireless dispatch from Athens asserts that a detachment of allied troops has been disembarked by Vice-Admiral Dti Fotirnet at Piraeus, the port or Athens. id M hy the Journnl is popular1 It prints the world's news to- day while it 'a nows. E ARLR ACE Karl Race, who received the highest vote for city recorder at the recent i primary, has been a resident of Salem ! for nearly a quarter of a century, dur ! ing which time he has retained the I highest respect of the community as a man and citizen. I A large, share of Mr. Race's life j work has ooen devoted to record keeping and acocunting. He has been entrusted with thn books of some of the largest interests, public and pri Ivfcte, hi this section. Men high in the industrial lite of Salem will tewfify i that Mr. Race has shown up the weak spots in their book-keeping system and brought about economies and reforms in the method of handling their busi ness. Tcmpennentally Mr. Race is a man of precision and painstaking neournev frugal in his own habits, he insists upon frugality and economy wherever tho expenditure of public funds is in volved. He is a man of deliberate and ma ture judgment, a characteristic much to be desired in a city recorder who must also serve as municipal judge. Salem will do well to elect a man of Karl Race's caliber to the office of city recorder next Monday. Karl Raee Campaign Committee, (raid Adv.) E Man Who Was Killed by Hus band Named As Cause of Suit Wallace, Idaho, Dec. 1. With a dead man figuring as alleged corespondent, the divorce suit of Herman Rossi, wealthy business man, comes te trial in Coeur d' Alene this month. Mrs. Rossi has departed for a California city to live, and the husband's attorneys claimed today no defense to the action would be made. Mrs. Rossi's lawyers, however, are not abandoning their pre parations for a fight. Clarence Dahlquist, an artist, who was shot and killed by Rossi, is the al leged corespondent. The divorce trial will culminate one of the most sensa tional episodes in the history of Idaho courts. The sensations started when Rossi accused Dahlquist of making love to his wife, pleaded the unwritten law, and was acquitted after a bitter court fight. Immediately after his acquittal, Kossi filed the divorce suit. Mrs. Rossi answered it denying im morality with Dahlquist. If the case comes to trial much of the evidence heard in the Rossi murder proceedings will probably be brought forward again. ISLAND WILL APPEAL. GERMANSCAPTURE (Continued from page one.) Washington, Dee. 1. That Santo Domingo will appeal to the A. B. C. powers of South America against the action of the United States in declar- ng martial law and military govern ment in the republic was the belief ex pressed in official circles here today. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT A SIMPLE, SAFE, RELIABLE WAY People who are over-burdened with superfluous fat, know only too well the discomfort and ridicule' that over-stout peole have to bear. If you art carrying' around five or ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are unnecessarily weakening your vital or gans and are carrying a burden which destroys the beauty of your figure. " There is no need of anyone suffering from superfluous fat. If you want to reduce your weight in a simple, safe and reliable way, -without starvation diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test worth trying. Spend as much time as you can in the open air, breathe deeply and get from any good druggist a box of oil of korein capsules; take one after each meal and one before retir ing at night, .iv tl .. - Weigh yourself once a -week so as to know just how fas you are losing weight and don't-leave off the -treat ment or even skip' a Vlngle dose until you are down to normal. Oil of korein is absolutely harmless, is pleasant to take, and helps digestion. Even a few days treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduc tion in weight, footsteps become light er, your work seem easier and a lighter and more buoyant feeling takes posses sion of your whole being. Every person who suffers from super fluous "fat should give this treatment a trial. CJentral Pharmacy can supply you. Swagger Fall Suit For Well Dressed Girls It fV Mwm and There is one sure, safe way to avoidablotchv. pimply skin. A good or bad complexion comes from within. If yon wantaclearcomplexion, a clean skin rosy cheeks and good health, your blood must be pure and the poisonous matter must be carried off. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets assist nature to remove all poisonous waste matter in the system. They act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after-effects. They are reliable safe and cannot harm are used by women folks everywhere. Constipation is nearly always the caoseof all ailments of women. The in testines must be made to do their work as natun intended in a normal way. Have color In your cheeks. Take one ortwotabletsnightlyand note the pleas ing results. All druggists 10cand25c. The war office statement today declar ed that the czar's forces in this sector had occupied the whole range and the heights surrounding this city recently wrestled from the Germans by the Rus sians at the Btart of the offensive. Russians Start Offensive. Petrograd, Dec. 1. A vigorous of fensive along the entire Carpathian front has-been started by' Russian troops. Special dispatches today said the advance movement was of the strongest possible nature. The Carpathian offensive is patently designed to relieve the pressure of Ger man troops on Bucharest by a thrust on the German lines of conrVunication. Berlin statements for the last two days have indicated an offensive in this sec tion by the czar's troops. Tanks Are No Good. Berlin, via Sayville wireless, Dec. 1. British armored cars have been unable to stop the failure of attacking masses of the allied forces in Dobrudja, today's official sttaement declared, the at tack was centered against the left wing of the Bulgarian forces. Two of the English armored cars were destroyed before the German barricades. Tlii in ilia fivat rartvt tf na. nf British armored cars which may be the famous "tanks" used on the western front in the fighting in the Balkans. ' Attacks Are Furious. Berliu, via Sayville wireless, Dec. 1. Continued attaeks on the army of Arch duke Joseph in the Carpathians by Rus sians and Rumanians' were part of a vio lent assault on the passes on a front of 300 kilomqters, today's official report declared. "This waste of blood and ammuni tion." the statement asserted, "at prac ticality no place brought the enemy any advantage. "Our troops made numerous counter assaults and captured from the enemy ground which had been taken onthe pre ceding day." The line of battle mentioned in the offical statement was from between the Jnblonitza Pass and the heights east of ! Bussin Ke.divasarhley 300 kilometers on an uir line. I ) r 1 f n 1 I ;i 1 i 1 rUj IHIItimHHIMItlUt) H SHIPLEY'S I HOLIDAY GIFTS at POPULAR PRICES Dennison's Holiday Boxes and Labels Dennison's Paper Novelties and stickers Dennison's Tags Cards and Tissue Paper Volland's Christmas and Tissue Paper Tucks Cards, Books and Blocks Dressed DollsCharacter Dolls Box Stationary, Pound Paper, Envelopes" Novelty Jewelry, Parsian Ivory Leather Hand Purses and Bags Kid Gloves, Fabric Gloves and Mittens , Cap, Scarf Sets and Single Scarfs Richardson's Art and Table Linens ' White Satin and Crochet Bed Spreads Maish Comforts Emmerich Pillows Novelty Ribbons, Christmas Tie Ribbons X H,ii(inttnttinmtt I Toy Town x Blocks, Games, Wood and Iron Toys. f You will wonder how toys can be made to sell at X such reasonable prices, t t U. G. Shipley Company f LIBERTY STREET " German-Bulgarian forces aguinst posi tions northwest of Grunitssa (in Mace donia( taken by tho Serbs yesterday, was renulscd with heavy losses to the enemy, tire, war. office 'reported , to-1 lay- - .. . j For compulsory service. j Amsterdam, Dec. 1. Tho reichstug: has passed to tho second reading tho bill for compulsory civilian service, ac-j cording to Berlin advices today. Only! alight alterations were made in the. mconure as officially- introduced, i 4 Captured in Africa. London, Dfc-c' 1. Capture of a large German force in German East Africa, division of Teutonic armies in that sec tion, and' a retreat of badly reduced enemy detachments was anuounced to day by General Smuts, commander in chief of the British forces in the South African Union. , 1 The Boer leader reported the mum German force in German Kast Africa had been divided and the mnin body caught between converging British col umns. This larger portion of the en emy forces was driven north, while t he other section was forced to surrender north of Neuiaiigenburg. The remnants of General Wuhle's force, reduced probably by more than a half on account of casualties, arc imtft ing their retreat eastward 'toward tho district of ' Jtahenge, General Siiiiit as serted. ' ' German East Africa is Germany 's lust remaining colony. The fighting detail ed hy General Smuts is almost in the center of the coloiiy. : Captured King's Cemetery. Berlin, via Sayville wireless, .Dec. 1. The spulchres of the Rumanian kings 'fell into German hands at the conquest of Curtes De Arges. The German emperor ordered that the tombs be put under special protec tion of the troops and that in the march through the city wreaths should be de posited on the sepulchres. 'r" Bombarded Station. Berlin, via Sayvillo wireless, Dec. 1. A British aviator bombarded the rail road station in Drama from where a special train must carry home ministers of the German allies en route from Ath ens, according to a press bureau an nouncement. I Fierce German Lines. i London, Dec. 1 Forcing of an entry: into the German lines at Beveral places south of Armentieres was announced by I General Sir Douglas Haig today. He also j detailed repulso of on attempted enemy' raid on trenches northeast of Neuve : Chapelle. j Greece Refuses Demands. Athens, Dee. 1 King Constantine and tho Greek government today formally j advised Vice-Admiral Du Fournet that j Greece had finally and definitely deter- j mined to refuse the surrender of arm , demanded by the allies. ' The government today called to the i colors all reserve officers belonging to ; : the Athens army corps. rr Onyx" Hosiery You Get GOOD Vslaa at ANY Price-sUMUUcCioa25ck)J.M( Hr Emery -Beers Companyjne. WHOLESALt IS3-I9I EASTaith ST. NEW YORK ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? Tnlre. can of ucut catnalrjiion and your compexfon Bi'tf take cart oyiu. CHOOSE PURS AIDS. CHOOSE CREMC CLCAYA THE PURE, DAINTY, TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. r www "Makes the skin like velvet" UNO 106 FOS LAMS SANPl JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK w JWtf Plum colored diagonal serge is the fabric used here. The Russian blouse is trimmed with many buttons and a demibelt that fastens with a cloth buck le. A white satin collar is detachable. The aailor takes a white and black pop py aa trimming. Oerman-Bulgara Repulsed.. Paris, Dee. 1. A counter attack by DISCOLORED OR SPOTTY SKIN EASILY PEELED OFF ; :: The discoloring or roughening- to which many skins are subject at this I season, may readily lie gotten ra oi., Mercolized wax, spread lightly over: the face before retiring and removed; in the morning with soap and water,1 completely peels off the disfigured1 skin. Get an ounce of the wax at any I druggist's. There's no more effective way of banishing chaps, blotches,' pimples, freckles or other cutaneous de-i feets. Little skin particles come offi each day, so the process itself doesn't oven temporarily mar the complexion, and one soon acquires a brand new, spotless, girlishly beautifully lace. Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or illness, are best treated by a simple solution of powdered saxolite, one ounce, dissolved ia one-half pint witch hazel. Bathing the face in this produces a truly marvelous transformation. weights 50c X Children's Athena Union Suits, part f wool, was $1.50 now ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM These goods advertised were bargains before the advance in prices ; now they are snaps. -- 4----'M- Girls' Union t Ladies' Union! Outing Flannel I Suits, winter 1 Suits, winter I Gowns, worth I weights I more wholesale t 50c i 50c Children's i Ladies' Trim-: : part wool med Hats lat.:: shirts & pantst A , formerly 75c est style, $4 to : : now I $5 value, now : : 50c ! $1.75 f Cotton Blankets, a pair 75c 45-inch Pillow Tubeing, a yard 0c A Few Ladies' Nice Coals, a Big Bargain Christmas Toys, now on display; kid body dolls, doll buggies, toy wheel barrows, toy chairs, Children's rockers, boys' tool sets, Tinker toy sets, toy tea sets, ' building blocks, etc., Daisy air rifles, toy trains and. large rubber balls. ' Men's Wool Suits, . . .$7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 240 and 246 COMMERCIAL STREET $1.00 i