SIX Patronize Your Neighborhood Store THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 27, 191G. . Stores have come and stores have gone, but we are still on the Corner. There's a Reason We can help you prepare that Thanksgiving Dinner POISAL & SHAW GROCERS Cor; Miller and S. Commercial Streets EDWARDS & COREY Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats 1885 State St. Phone 1926 To the Public: As we do our own buy ing and dress our own meats, we are in a position to give you the best. Our prices are right, considering quality. Our motto, "Fair and Square treat ment to all." A trial and you will be convinced. We handle Turkeys and Poultry in season. I The Thanksgiving Cookery should be the Best of All the Year. USE EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER Made in Salem None Better mm ' ' f i I Vi.' I, ft Go to ' F.P.Harlan The Yew Park Grocery, for your Thanksgiv ing supplies. . Full - line of everything. Also carries Hay and Mill feed. 12th and Leslie Sis. Phone 9 More Cabbage For Krant Making, pound . : . 1 V2C Spitzenberg Apples, special, bushel . . 50c All the good things for Thanksgiving Dinner WARD K. RICHARDSON 2395 Front Street 1- Buy Your Thanksgiv ing Supplies at Schmalyried's Grocery "The Little Store" 484 N. Church Street Phone 563 f.''II I.St Vn. Th-mbciHu. II I '"A m Buy Your Thanksgiving Supplies at the J. B. Coolev Grocery Best Goods at Right Prices. Always Fresh. '4 ELK Restaurant And Give Mother a Rest 333 State Street Strictly Home Cooking Most Careful. Service I 1 1 n w . lili 7; ',, ss s r vfj In Planning yj,A Zm9ZZZZZYA 'ZVZZZZ. Z Ss Z ' , , A N mm a ti 1 s -j? . - r . u iiways rresn. vv-c5 'M' H Give us a trial. We can Please You. cz! H Phone 817. 1275 North Church St. M ' WM'ZZZ n ATSJJ. it mm rr,7JM J4 mm. , j .. : The Thanksgiving Dinner can he made Better and Cheaper by Buying Your Supplies at the Melwood Grocery and Feed Store Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone 193 2590 Fairgrounds Road urn. It ft a. Don't forget that we are right on ' the ground with the best of Groceries Fruits and Vegetables. Come in, get acquainted, see our store, and give us a trial order, for we are prepared to satisfy partic ular people. If you can't come, or C. E. Welborn Center Street if Your Thanksgiving fill! TL- U LI J Dinner m WHC niHlliailU Grocery fine 8 m f. iwjww m are in a hurry phone 1472 V VIU. .rV'-' I 1111 ,1 U 1A1 U fi IVMWVU 746 Highland Avenue - Phone 496 If you buy yo"ur Thanksgiving supplies from us you will be truly thankful. Prompt and ' courteous treatment. j, In order to make a perfect Meal use White Clover Butter Townsend Creamery Company, 'j Salem New Management New Goods j The Capital Street Grocery Joseph Domoeralla. Pron. 1 Everything First Class. 'Dv.w,-. ri: Phone 1220 Cor. Capital and Union Streets J. G. SCHMID 19th and Oak Streets. Staple and Fancy Groceries Everything in the Grocery Line , that is needed for the Thanks giving Dinner and everything of -' the Best Phone 2043 I 1 S&srss- " Sl i If