TIIE PAIL CAPITAL JOtltVAL. Ai-RM. OKEON. MONDAY, NOV. 27, 1916. FIVE till t! 1 ft HMMMMMMMM4tlM OS 1 Ifi Out! Thousands of Pairs of ::i All broken lines of Shoes to be closed out at greatly reduced prices. Do not :::: ::t miss this great opportunity to buy Shoes at prices below what thev will be again i for a number of vears. Our room is limited and we must close out all short S lines regardless of the fact that the same shoes will be much higher in the spring : :: r; We are closing out tfnumber of discontinued lines of the ft FAMOUS JANAN SHOES at a price below the actual whole- i sale cost Almost a complete run of sizes left: S7 and $8 Shoesgoat i L Still a few pairs of MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, in $3 and $4 " f:: grades, sizes from 9 to 11 only, to be closed out at i: Five hundred pairs LADIES' FET HOUSE SLIPPERS, all i. . t :: colors, Comfy and turned soles, with fur trimmings, all : sizes, grades'u'p to $2, to go at r.'. ... . . . '. . ... . . WHY PAY MORE FOR REPAIR WORK when you can get Ladies' Half Soles for 50c: Men's Half Soles 75c: Men's and Women's All Leather Heels 25c; Best Rubber Heels 50c? If vou can find anyone using better leather or that can give vou better workmanship, we will do your work FREE. Special Agents For Hanan Shoes Witch Elk Boots Ball Band Rubber1 Boots ... WW Ground Gripper Shoes Fox Pumps Dux Bax Oil DUX BAX SHOE OIL . .Half Pints 25c; , Quarts 60c; Gallons $1.50 Safety Lecture Offered To Workers In Sawmills University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 25. Thousands "of needless accidents occur every year in Oregon, and ecv erai hundreds of thousuudu of dollars HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwjrds' Olive Tablets a sub stitute for calomel were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with clive oil. You will know them by their olive color. To have si clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days yon must got at the cause Dr. Edward.;' Otivc Tablets act on the liver and bowels KUe calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start tin- bile and overcome con etipation. That's why millions of boxes arc sold annually at lite and 25c per box. AH druggists. Take one or two .nightly and uvrte the pleasing results. must be spent to compensate for them. "To sit idly by and view this annual waste with complacency is no longer possible. Tho movement 'fur industrial safety has now spread across tho coun try from the steel mills of the east to the sawmills of the Pacific coast- This movement has saved thousands of lives and has greatly reduceTthe coot of com-! ponsatioii in many places," says thej Oregon federation for industrial safety, I which was organized a short time ago' to promote the safety movement in ; Oregon. ' . I "In Oregon a large number of acri-5 ous permanent disabilities occurring on; lumber knives and power-driven saws: in sawmills, as wen as omer types 01 painful accidents can undoubtedly be prevented," said Ben H. Williams, sec rctantof the new federation and a mem ber of the State University etxension faculty. The federation stands ready to pro vide an illustrated talk on safety work, with special reference to saw mills. Arrangements for .such a talk were recently made by the mill at Gar dinerOre. At plant safety committee was appointed after this meeting. "Tho appointment of a plant safety committee to take charge of the work of accident prevention is a desirable outcome of these meetings," said Mr. Williams. Bequests from employers for tho co-operation of the federation will be gladly received by the secre tary. . v The members of the federation are the state industrial accident commis sion, the state bureau of labor under O. 1'. Hoff, and the University exten sion division. No charge is made for the lecture. NEW SCENIC CHUBCH The new home of the Christian Science Society of Woodburn, at the northeast corner of Second and Gar field streets, was dedicated last Sun day morning in tho preseince of a large .gathering, the seating capacity being so taxed that chairs had to be provided. Among those present were people from Portland, Salem, Silverton and Oregon City. The regular Christian Science serv ice was held, with first and second readers, this being the usual custom in the dedication of all Christian Science churches. The music consisted of an organ prelude, singing by the congregation and a soro, "O Gentle Presence," by Miss Anna A shoe, Miss McQuaid pre siding at the organ- The only decora tion was a vase containing beautiful yellow ehrysunthemums. Wootrburn In SCOTT'S EMULSION RELIEVES SORE, TIGHT CHESTS Spring Valley News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Spring Valley, Nov. 25. The recep tion hejd last Friday evening at tae church was well attended. The affair was in honor of theMhrec ministers who serve here, Rev. Pottsmith of Me Minnvilie, Mr. Russell, a MeMinnvilie college s'uilent and Mrs. Douglas a Willamette university student. Rev. Pottsmith is present on the second Sun day in the month, Mr. Russell the third Sunday and Mr. Douglas on the re maining Sundays. A good program was given, Rev. G. A, McKinlav, R. u. Shepard, Rev.- W. T. Scott, Mr. Doug las and Mr. Russell being the principal speakers. The MeMinnvilie college glee club added much to the pleasure of the evening with their spirited singing. Afjfer the program a social hour was enjoyed, during which time a light luncheon was served. The success of the affair mi largely dup to the efforts of ,1. K. KrenehV-the Sunday school su perintendent, who did most of tho plan ning. Wednesday evening Nov. 1!9 tho first meeting of the parent-teachers assoe tion for this year, will be held at the school house. Tho school children wlil give a Thanksgiving proaram. It is ! hoped that all will come out and matte these meetings as enjoyable and profit able as they were last winter. Mrs. R. A. Looney entertained the Baptist mission circle on Wednesday of Inst week, and all passed a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Kate Coyle has returned from a week's visit at Nowbcrg, and is now at Mountain View, earing for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patrick, who are both ill. J. E. French was a Salem business caller on Friday. Miss Greta Phillips of Salem spent last Saturday at her-home here. Mrs. Ralph Scott and daughter, Jean nette, arc in Portland, where they will visit until after Thanksgiving. Air. and Mrs. S. U. Barker have fin ished moving their household noons from Salem, and are again pnrniancntry re-established at their Sonne Vullcv farm home. Mrs. Lynn Purvine entcretnined a number of friends en Wednesday after noon, in bonor of Mrs. i'rank Matthews after a short time employed in various Kinds ot needlework, tho ladies were supplied with wire, crepe and tisuc pa per, and other essentials, and inviteil to try tlur skill at millinery. Verv earnest were tho efforts put forth, and inc resulting creations were something surely never dreamed of in Paris, al though svcral showed artistic skill. Mrs. Kolnnd Stnt ford assisted Mrs. Purvine in the serving o fthe luncheon, uud It was not until then that the guests learn ed that it was tho birthday of Mrs. Mat thews. Tho uniquely arranged can dles topping the birthday cake told the tale, also the phico cards upon which were written tho birthday date of euch guest. Mrs. ,' Matthews whs duly con gratulated and wished many happy re turns or tno day. Several guests were nimble to be present, but among those enjoying Mrs. I'urvine s hospitality wore Mrs. FraiiK Matthews, Mrs. Roland Stnflord, Mrs. w. u. Henry, Airs. J. F. 1'uiviuo, Mrs. Win. Crawford, Mrs. v llarv- Craw ford, Mrs. B. ('. Shepard and Mrs. Donnel Crawionl. Mr. and Mrs. Ilurtou have moved io Portland, where Miss Mildred Burton is attending high .school. Dallas J. Sidjyell, an insurance ngen; from Portland, was ji, business eulicr Tuesday evening of lust week at the home of W. II. Crawford. , Frank Crawford has stored his Dodge touring car for thu winter and hus bought a Ford runabout lor winter use. Scotts .Mills News y (Capital Journal Special Service) acotts Aims, iov. 2o. These are busy tiuies. The prune packing plant is running with a lull lorce or workers. Having to shut down on account of scarcity of cars will make the packing very late. It will take until after Thanksgiving to finish tho work. Five car loads have been shipped out hut this has not taken half the fruit. The prune industry is a great financial hnlp to Scotts Mills. It is estimated that over ten thousand dollars have been, and will be paid out by tho prune growers association this yearfor labor in harvesting and pucking the prunes. Our school is progressing nicely. The school children seem to tie taking much interest in their studies. - Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. Taylof mid niumireu fra .ier motored to Salem lust Fridav to attend the Friends quarterly meeting held at the Soulh Salem Friends church They returned Saturday evening. Mrs. Myra Brougher Ramsay and lit tle son returned to her home near Mo- lalln this week. The little eon of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Russell of Marion, who is staying with M -. - " - . i - " I II - MttmiiitnMMttttmtmtttMtnmtttHtttttnttttMH II ft 4t XX -ft 4- XX XX XX V Your Photograph Would make a most acceptable and appreciated GIFT for Christmas. Our Studio Will render the service, and provide for you all the suit able presents you feel obligated to give, and at moderate cost. And what could be nicer, or would manifest the spirit and good will of the Yuletime season more than a good, well made,, natural portrait of the GIVER. We. submit for your approval the choicest line of Holiday Mountings ever exhibited in Salem, including a complete line of "Art Leather Goods" which has proven so popular this season throughout Ihe east. ' Come in today and let us show you what real Christmas presents we can help you provide for your loved ones and friends. Studio Open All Day Week Days 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Evenings by Appointment We'll make your pictures and promise .them finished in time for Christmas.-1 The Parker Studio "The Photographer in Your Town" Commercial Street Near Chemeketa : Over Barnes' Store XX XX ix 4t 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44-4444-4" II 444 4 4-4- 4 444444t44 4 4 4-4""-4- 44.4-4-4-4.-44.-4.-44--t- rTtt444444444 A. T. Wain and II' A. Smith liindo n f Ltrip to Sidney last week. .. , Air. nim Airs. .Mies visited II. A. Smith 's-Wiindiiy. Guy ('handler made a trip to town today. SERMON-DRAMA AT UNITARIAN CHURCH PROVES ATTRACTIVE FEATURE Book Exhibit at Public Library m x : Children's boot's air being exhibited at the library fi.r a week beginning Saturday, November ""th. A specialty is being made of the list "Tho (!oldc:i Stuiriis" ami there are different good editions of nil the books on this list. Kvery i !:ild wans to own some of "'ulitbest biinl and this list "Tho Golden Slniriase" carefully compiled by Misi Marvin the state librarian, con tains si :r. of the very best books for the to own from the time when ho be;'in:i to eujny Mother (iouse up to high sehnol age. If you lire looking fur books for any of your children friemts fur Christinas come and see these. You will be uire to find something thu: will suit your little friend. The librariilns will bo "at homo" Eczema Is Conquered (ireasy salves mid iiinlincnts should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 25c or $1.(K) for extra !ar;;e sic, get a bottli; of zemo. When applied us directed, it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops ilcliing, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and dialing. It penetrates, cli.-msis and soothes, Zemn is a clean, dependable and inex pensive, peiietrat:ng, antiseptic liquid. Try it. as wc believe nothing y.ui have iver used is as effective anil satisfying. Tho 15, W. Rote Co., Cleveland, O. to come sniuclinie iluring I lie week l see the books. Tuesday afternoon th hnol(H will be in the dmntional room, on the first floor but the rest oV tli time they will be on o no nf the tables his grand parents at this place, has been quite sick with a cold but is bet ter at the present writing. J, A. Taylor is in Mt. Angel super intending the loading of cars with prunes tor shipment to eastern markers. Lost night, at the Friends church here, tho mission work of Friends in Africa and the costumes of the people there, previous to the coming of the missionary, was shown by magic lan tern slides. All of which was very, i.i- terestinir and instructive. Mrs, Tanip,:u of Portland and Mrs. B. C. Miles or Salem had cluuge of the work. The little slaughter or Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kioe has beeil so sick with a eold that she was threatened with pneumo nia but is thought to bo better now. Ihoro hus been considerable siekneus iu this vicinity on account of colds. Jefferson News Tuesday afternoon iu the ediicationnl room of tho library to talk over the in the library upstairs. books with you and tell you about them. Come Tuesday afternoon if you eun, but t- you can not come then be sure Roll it Journal want ads will sell it. Journal Want ads will sell it. (Capital Journal Special Sorvice) Jefferson, Or., Nov, 27. Nearly ev eryone in the neighborhood is laid U;i with tho grip. " The young folks at SunnysiiTc urc organizing a literary society, Uill V likening made todav. Jesse Treisk's family has the chick: enpox. Mrs. Fabry visited at Mrs. Crums Thursday. The 1'ringle Sunday school chime held a party ot 11:11 Ciabenhorst'a Fri day night. Charier Grubenhorst has moved onto Mr. (tamjobnt's Jilace. John Fnbry caine home from l$lae?t Rock Hundny on a visit, In; has steads' work there. The sermon drama entitled "Tho Woman and the (,'onvict, " as present ed by Hev, James M. Heady at the Unitarian church last night, seemingly fulfilled the expectation of tho good sized audience gathered to witness this new departure in church service. The thesis of the drama dealt with the old age questioo of prison reform and punishment generally as well as tho theological question of whether a man who had been punished definitely lor his offense iu this world was just ly entitled to punishment for the same offenses in a world to come. The three characters of the production were cneji enacted by Mr. Heady in a very ac ceptable way. For next .Sunday evening (he subject announced is "The Choice of a Lire Work," the most important choice in a person 'a life. Mr. lleadv was in charge of the lee- Itures on "Vocational guidance" u; the Panama Pacific international ex position iu 1015, and promises that he will deliver several of the lectures at the Unitarian church, the first one i next Sunday. I Arrangements are being made for a week of special meetings, one each ev-' eniug beginning December 4. ! Wediltnir invilntlnnn. announcements. ' trip to town ; . ,.i;ni. carog prited at tho Journal Jqb Department Prices right. I "Be on time for Thanksgiving Dinner" JJk Ride on the Oregon ..Electric Ity. ij&S. Low Fares Nov. 29 and 30. IL FOR COUGHS and COLDS Dsnnls Eucalyptus tiitttmen! at all onua Tori TurjES 26C v JARS FCW Salem to Portland ' $2.00 Albany 1.10 Harrisburg 2.15 Tualatin 1.50 Woodburn $ .70 Corvallis 1.55 Eugene 2.80 Tulsa 1.80 And proportionately to other places. Excursion Fares to California via North Rank Road and the speedy, elegantly equipped S. S. Northern Pacific. . J. W.RITCHIE, Agent, Salem