" TWO THE BAIL I (JAflTALi JUUrCIN ALi, mtgiomt mwni, v.. t ' ' ; THANKSGIVING Dinner Table Needs Make your Dinner complete. Low bowl table decorations, Wax Candles and Shades in pumpkin and all colors, Table Glassware, Minton and Haviland China Ffh and American Dinnerware, Carving Sets. WM. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares Phone 67. - 135 N. Liberty St. jnionths visit in Salem, Mrs. Armin Stciner went to Tort I land for a short visit Saturday, accom panying Mr. and Mrs. Earl AnderBon who motored down. Rev. J. M. Heady of the Unitarian church is arranging to give a series ol interesting sermon dramas at trie church during the season and will be assisted in his efforts by Mrs. Anna Honors Fish. The dramas will be a fea ture of Sunday evenings and a number of Mrs. Fish pupils wi.ll appear in the productions. j Mrs. Mary Ellcrsick, who has been Ivisiting at Iho home of Mr. and Mrs. i Edward Looso for a couple of mont'ia, will leave Thursday for her home in Spokane, Washington. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. . State House News Fire broke out at' the' penitentiary this morning about three o'clock and burned a hole through the floor of the A merry little party of Friday night 'auditorium into the.eommissary depart ment. No further damage was done anu it was extinguished befort it had time SOCIET Y By ALINE THOMPSON will flock to the n"ONIOHT society 1 Grand theatre to attend the open ing of the theatrical season with the distinguished comedy, "Fair anil Warmer" which comes direct from New Vork after a successful two years run at the Eltiugo theatre. ... Miss Rita Steiner and Miss Margery Marvin wero nmong those going to l'ort land Saturday to attend the perform ance of "The'Cnrdvn of Allah,'' at the Hcilig theatre. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson, wero hosts Tuesday night when they enter--tained the members of the T. A. N. O. club and a few additional gusts at an informal "500" party. I'layers circled five tables of tho game, card Jionors fulling to Clyde Johnson. -Mrs. Clyde Johnson and Mrs. Frank Ward assisted Mrs. Johnson. Tbn members included in the club arc: Mr. and Mrs. Miller IJevier, Mr. and Mrs. Konin Hunter, Mr. and -Mrs. Cnl Fatten, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Hay F. Rich ardson, Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson. Tnc additional guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernnrdi, Mr, and .Mrs. Charles F. Elgin and Mrs. L. K. 1'nge. jwas tnat given ny me .Hisses r,suiei land Hazel Anderson when they cntor itaineLa group of their friends inlor Imnlly at their home on Court street. The lore part of the evening was I passed playing games, after winch, a ; marshiiiullow roast was enjoyed, i -Those participating in the evening's fun were: the Misses Hazel Blake, 'Catherine Lynch, Marion Allen, Alma ; Henderson, Helen Ogdcn, Annctta Shio jder, Marie I'ogy, Cora Kovelstead and Adolph Htccves, Josepli Arapps, jr., and Uustave Anderson. ... Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Ranch have gone to Corvallis to visit for several days. Professor E. C. Bobbins of the U. of O. accompanied them and was their guest at the O. A. C.-Oregon game Sal urduv. ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown pre sided over an informal dinner yesterday in honor of Captain and Mrs. C. A. Murphy, who arrived in Salem Satur day night from Pendleton. Captain Murphy who has recently been appoint ed warden to fill John H. Minto's place at the state penitentiary, is a brother of Mrs. Brown. Captain 'and .rs. Murphy formerly lived in Salem and their return is the source of mucli joy to their many old friends. To inspect the W. R. Cat Stnyton, Mrs. Alice E. Caldwell, assistant in- Ispector of the Salem corps and Mrs. Eugene Houston lias returned from j Marion Wells. Mrs. Bessie Martin anil a several days sojourn in California. jrs Kfito Wright punlap, motored to Mr. Houston went south to accompnny that city on Saturdav, accompanying his mother, Mrs. H. B. Houston, who ' rr(1. Caldwell's cousin. i A. Porter returned to Suuta Rosa, after a few Every In6rc3icni Purclvfc Actable te tup csMtne m i w . . - H VECEWBIE-MINERAL MEDICINES If you were as careful of the medicines you take when lick at you are anxious about the disease it it taken for a wonderful difference in your future health would result. In a vegetable product like t. S. S. there is no violent alter ef fect -u il found in mineral medirinti hut a natural an f- ficient meani of reaching the blood and purifying it, to mat ii may pertorm ms lunctioni reauuy. j SgSjH Rsmmbar inv mlnaral It molint iiitsrlsl ta cut Infa vmip T3:i3 OillClll latinor. Demand genuine j ray; 1. 1. 1. at your druggist, it is pure- id the ly vegetable am Jiluod Kcmedy, Standard THR MINK IS THB SOUIiCE OF VIOLENT MiNUmAL DBUCS Swllt Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. of Fresno, California, who has recently comn to Salem to spend tho winter. Jn Stnyton the party was met by Com rade Khcphuru and a dinner was cn joved before the corps inspection. ... At tho W. R. . bazaar on Saturday, Mrs. Florence Lewis was tho fortunate winner of tho handsome silk quilt, for which the corps sold chances during tho day. SEATTLE BOAT LASTED QUICK Scuttle, Wash., Nov. 27. The Nor wegian steamship Nils Neilsen, 12,000 tons, launched hero two weeks ago, and bound for Vladivostok with a cargo of munitions for the Russian government wns reported in distress 100 miles west Of Cape Uluttery today. to spread. It is believed it originated from cigars thrown- into a cuspidor in tho auditorium while the committee ap pointed to make a survey o" fthe peni-' tentiary was visiting the institution. The cuspidor was a wooden one and was filled with sawdust, it is believed the cigar coals set the sawdust afire, which smouldered until early this morn ing. The committee making the investi gation is composed of F. W. Mulkey, E. E. Brodie of the Oregon City Enter prise, and L. I. AVeutworth. Rulph Watson, political writer for the Portland Journal, was a state house visitor this morning. He is looking into political matters and was interviewing people. He left for Portland this even ing. Frnuk K. Welles, assistant state school - superintendent, is in Astoria, Clatsop county, today to attend a teach er's institute. He will be absent today and Tuesday, and is scheduled to give several addresses. Realizing that people are living in the last days and that the second vis ible, personal coming of Christ, is at hand and that evil men mid seducers are waxing worse and worse and that nil men will be lost who do not hear and obey the teaching of (od as re vealed in tho Bible, the Bethel Mission Association, of Woods, Tillamook coun ty, filed articles of incorporation with tho corporation commissioner this morn me. The great object of the association ig to warn mankind of the coming judg ment day. The capital is given as 1, 000 and" the incorporators are Rev. Leigh A. Northrup, I). C. Collier, Charles Blum, E. P. Thun nud Mary E. Woods. ... For the purpose of engaging in the manufacture of lumber, the Sitka Spruce company filed articles of incor poration today. The enpital is placed at $20,000 and the home office is Port land. Tho incorporators-are It. W. Wil bur, 8. C. Spencer and H. B. Beckett. To Cure a Cold In One. Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QFININE Tablets. Druggists refund fails to cure. h. w turo iB on each box. money it it GROVK'S signu- "25. Do Your Christmas Cash Value JSai'tetiftadhMcre Ouality Silk Dress Goods Shopping Early for Cash Jnkt4Jfrfc Merchandise A Practical Gift January 1, 1917, marks the twenty-fifth year in the history of our store. During the twenty-five years we have enjoyed a steady increase in our business. This is largely due to the fact that we have remained true to our policy "CASH VALUE FPU CASH." We have demonstrated the merit of this policy, and will continue to give One Dollar's Worth of merchandise for A Dollar CASH. Silks Still in Vogue Our collection of Staple and Fancy Silks has been selected for the most clever women dressers. Styles and qualities beyond description. We mention a few; Georgette Crepes Georgette Crepes. A Wonder ful range of new shades. Extra quality. Black, Navy, Cream White, Pink, Copen, Mais, Pur ple Wisteria, Green, Gold, Rose, Silver, Wine, Flesh, Grey and Coral. $1.85 per yard. Crepe De Chine A large assortment of 40-inch Crepe .1,. ii,;,,u -mi.i.,,i;,i r.i,ui;.v v.,.v t.,.1,... Int. n.-fitia 11 twl iftuti lnr for wais's and dresses. Colors Melon Pink, Cream, white, Flesh, Afri can, Tan, Mais Nile, I,t. Navy, lars Navy, Coral, Peach, Wine, Turquoise, Black, Copen, Emerald and Navy Blue. tl.40 ier yard. SPECIALS For quick disposal we have repriced many old pieces and short ends. Changeable, Plain Colors, Stripes, and Plaids, taken from our present assortment of Handsome Silks. Reg ular values $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $1.85 per yard. Now $1.25 per yard. LADIES' HOSE Just received New Me dallion aud Motiffs for trimming Billie Burke Dresses. Simple and ex quisite. Also showing large display of Fur Trim mings, all wanted and pop ular kinds. Can match your suit or eoat. Trimmings FANCY FIBER SILK White Boot Black Top -Blue Boot Black Top Black Boot Goblin Top Black Boot Pink Top Champagne Boot Pink Top Champagne Boot Goblin Top White Boot Pink Tip Taupe with Black Stripes Black with Fancv Stripes SILK HOSE Naw Blue Silk Hose Skv Blue Silk Hose Lavender Silk Hose Wisteria Silk Hose Purple Silk Hose Brown Silk Hose White Silk Hose Black Silk Hose Old Rose Silk Hose We also have complete lines of Ladies' Cotton Hose and Cotton and Wool Stockings for Boys and Girls, including "Boy Scott," "Knickerbocker Maid" and "Co-Ed" brands, ? y ? 7 ? .' ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 ! ! : 7 7 7 7 .V 77 7 Z Z Z . . 4 t t Warner Corsets Modart Corsets Quality Merchandise Popular Prices SHIPLEY'S 3 fotie IVlr.ro 7 Ends Our November Sale on Women's, UdyS lYJOre 3 Misses and Cnildren's, ; OUTER GARMENTS Extraordinary Values Suits, Coats and Dresses L. SHIPLEY MPflNV r 1 rttfffttftf - w-' 10 PUT ROAD BUILDING ON BUSINESS BASIS State Engineer Calls Atten to Necessity of Perfecting Organization If the state of Oregon is to secure the $Miiii,!iO(i of federal money available for the construction of good roads prior to July 1, 1919, the coming legislature must provide a state load plan ami adequate funds to meet federal re quirements, aecordniK to a statement of State Engineer Lewis, whb attended a businessman's luncheon in Albany Pill yevr home atmospTicfewith exquisite lasting fragrance? ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The great French perfume, pinner of highest international awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't Fee how you can sell such a remarkable perfume for 75 cents a bottle" and. remember each bottle contains 6 m it is wonderful value. Try it. Ask your dealer today for ED. PINAUD'S LILAC. For JQ'ctnti . our American offices will send you a testing bottle. Writ today. f ARFUMERHLED. FINAUD, Dcpt M ED. PEiAUD Bldg New York MM IlllV TmSTSSi Saturday declared that the minister of justice had resigned. With the demnnds made by Admiral Fouinet, of the al lied fleet, for disarmament of Greek forces and the "provisional," or rcvo- l lurioinry government unoer iormer ito- takmg a de the neutral mier V emzelos at Crete, termined pro-ally stand, Quiet on British Front. London, Nov. 27.-Artillery fighting mound LnBassec, but otherwise quiet nil along the British front, was reported by (jenernl Hir Dunging Haij; today. Bulgarians Repulsed. Taris, Nov. 27. .Sunguinniy repulse of a Bulgarian counter attack made on Saturday." He indicated it was necci-1 , stand. The l.nmros ministry is the ministry is evidently hard put to keep Hcrbiau forces in the Cerna sector of sary for the statu to have an organixa tion capable of executing a plan or a road program that might be adopted by the legislature. This because the federal money available will be turn ed over to state organizations for ex penditure, in the opinion of Mr. Lew-i is the state has too many conflicting road laws and too many road officials who work more or less independently of each other. It is thus impossible to get a general standard scheme of road buildinr to cover a series of years. Accordingly at -the meeting in Al bany Saturday a resolution was drawn up asking each organization working for improved roads to appoint a dele gate to meet on the last day of the annual meeting of the county clerks and judges, which will be held in Port land. It is aimed to form a joint asso ciation under whose nuspiccs a general meeting will be flirnuged for some time early in .limitary to arrange plans for meeting with the federal road act demands. Tho resolution was carried. fourth formed months. in Greece in as many Refused Safe Conduct. London, Xov. 27. It was officially announced today that the British gov ernment has refused a safe conduct for Count Tirnow Tarnowsky, recently ap pointed Austro-Hungariau ambassador to the I'nited States. the front near Mouastir Sunday night, was announced in today's official state ment. On the allies' loft wing the Italian forces continue their progress in the mountains of tho region about Dihovo, Rumanians Retire. Buchnrest. Xov. 27. Retirement from the Alt and also from Topnlos, a little! eastward was announced in today's oi'-.: ficinl announcement. I Cannonading at Verdun. Taris, Nov. 27. Cannonading at va ! rious places along the front, particular j ly in the sector of Vaux and around jVorp Dmiauniniir, wns reported iit to; day's ofiicial statement. " ui. .UJ, Bduioq -uunoa nouapi iju ut (niMiiof dqj ui puoi aa tiiav aav avuoj, mhn IS . (Continued from pago one.) crossed the Danube in an effort to turn at their flunk. Still farther cast along this southern front is (iurgin where nt tempt luis been made to force a crossing of the Danube by the Bulgarian-German forces. This point is a bare it) miles due south of Bucharest. Bulgarians Co-operate. Sofia, Nov. 27. Complete co-operation with Gerinitn troops was rendered by Bulgnriau forces in Hiding the in vading army into Hunuiniii. Today's of ficial statement asserted that it was Bulgar detachments, en-operating with Falkeuhnyn 's German forces, that were first to cross the Diinube near Sistova. There, Simnitza fell into the Bulgnr ianss' hands with a big store of grain. Falling Back But Fighting. Tetrograd, Nov. 27. The retiring Ru manian army in western Wnllachiii is taking advnutnge of all the natural fea tures of that terrain to resist the enemy advnnee, according to the war office itii'eeinit today. Having crossed the Danube near Sim nitza, the Teutonic forces have placed observation posts on the river Vede, occupying positions between Valent and Rnsedeawnde. In the north Wallachia r.one of fight ing, the report dctnjled artillery combat in the Tabla Bulz.i and Prahova valley valley regions, also in the Drngoslavele sector. In the direction of Swardiosa there were violent engagements. To Fight Still Harder. By John H. Hearley. (United Press staff correspondent.) Rome, Nov. 27. Firmer consolidation of all forces for an even more vigorous conduct of the war will probably result from discussion of Italy's part in the struggle expected to be precipitated im mediately the envening of tho chamber hp will demand that Italy make an im mediate peace. There is every indica tion that he will be savagely attacked for such a suggestion and that all forces will unite against him in approving con1 tinuance of the war and greater vigor to Italy 'a participation. . ,. Alexandria Taken. Berlin, via Sayville, L. I., Nov. 27. Alexandria has been captured from the Rumanians in Wallachia according to today's official statement. German and Austro-Hungarinn troops under Lieutenant General Krafft Von Delmensingen, advancing down both sides of the Alt valley from the north, threw the enemy behind the Topologn sector, said the official report. Greek Cabinet May Quit. Rome, Nov. 27 Dispatches from Ath ens today declare the resignation of the cabinet ia imminent. 1 ' At noon today, refresh the mouth and :i cleanse the teeth with For The Teeth Powder Gream A Standard Ethical Dentifrice Send 2c stamp for (generous sample of either Dr. Lyon's P'erfect Dental Cream or Tooth Powder. L W. Lyon & Sons, Inc W. 27th St, N. Y. City Drspntchee from Greece during the last few days have indicated impeuding dissolution of the cabinet formed on October 10 by M. Lanibros. A report 2An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to TradeF Latest Models in LADIES' BOOTS $4.50 ' - ivtavWui Why pay $6.00 to $7.00 for a pair of Boots when you can get a correct, up to date Shoe in black and white, black and grey, and tan, all solid leather, for $4.50? KAFOURY BROS 416 STATE STREET -- TEE STORE FOB THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN1 PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAT POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS