Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Salem's Big Christmas Store
We are preparing better than ever to retain the name of Salem's Xmas
Store every department is taking on the Holiday effect and spirit of the
season. You'll find gifts for everyone in this big shopping place, and at
lowest possible prices, too.
"Salem's Big Tovland on the second floor. Large assortment of Christmas
Cards, Calenders, Stickers, etc. Splendid Gifts for Men, on display in the
Men's Section. Just received a big shipment of Christmas Slippers."
"Many dainty made-up ribbon Novelties for gifts-Ribbon Section. An enorm
ous showing of Gift. Handkerchiefs 5c and up. Made-up Breakfast Caps,
Scarfs-Camisoles, etc. Lace section. The Art Section offers rnanv helps for
the Gift Seekers. Manv articles suitable for gifts at special prices in every
Experience' of previous
years endorses the advis
ability of early preparation
and early buying. We take
this opportunity to urge
everyone to use the advant
ages which Early Christmas
shopping affords.
Large, fresh stocks to
choose from. No crowding
while selecting merchandise.
Plenty of time to decide on
gifts, and you help store em
ployees afco in making early
Women's High Grade Suits at h Price
Come and take your pick of this big stock every garment included latest models in
finest fabrics andfinish. This is a. final clearance of the present season's garments and
offers a most unusual opportunity to save a big amount on your new Suit..
All $35.00 Suits Take your pick
All $40.00 Suits-Take your pick
All $45.00 Suits-Take your pick r $22.50
Big rack of New Suits up to $35.00 Sale price $15.00 Each
Sale of Fur Scarfs
and Muffs ....
PvicC Novelty Furs in Sets, also many separate pieces
Quality and
iii murium
Silver Thimble club women of Wood
craft will hold bazaar and cooked food
sale Dec. '1 ut Moore's Furniture store.
One week from today the city electors
will vote on chiel of police, city record
er and aldermen. And on the same ev
ening the Cherrians will hold their an
nual election for King Bing and other
tmrnrnmc tmmuutttmwKMtmttmntttimitnitti irretrUMtttimmmtitt $M?ttrmrMrmti
... .... ..M IM. ...HI. lIlllIfm:iIIllTTTniTTTI-TTnm-TMTTWMW..M
All Around Town
M - 4 f
November 27. Aruliiuu Knights
eltib banquet.
.Nov. '27. "Fair, and Warmer"
at opera house.
.Nov. :!8. Address of Hon. R.
A. lloolh before Hix o'clock
Club, 6:30 p. In.
Nov. HI). Union. Thanksgiving
evening services, First M. K.
November 29. Chcrrian Jitney
Danes at armory.
Dee. II. Elk 'a Memorial serv
ices, opera house, 2:30 p. in.
Deo. 4. City Election.
Dee. 111. Third Annual Mnr
iou County Corn Hhow in
Derby building.
Dr. Mendeuonn, specialist, flu glaaa
m eorrectly. U. S. Bank. Bid,;.
Sheriff George McDnffee, of Morrow
eounty, who lives ut Heppncr, is in the
city, lie has recently been re-elected
. for his third term.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. tf
Corporal X.acewel, in charge of the
local recruiting office, is in Milverton
looking for recruits to tho IT. 8. arm v.
The latter part of tho week ho will visit
Albany nml Mill (Ml v.
Your furg remodeled, Furs for sale.
West Fur Co., !il7 9. High St. no30
The Musicians' association will give
its annual dunce at the nrmory Tuesday
evening, December 5. It is the intention
of the association to give the best music
of the year with a IS piece orchestra.
Phone 2125 or call 260 State St. to
get your Thanksgiving turkey, duck,
goose and chicken, also strictly fresh
oysters or turkey stuffing. ti. CHun
sett Fish and Poultry Co. nov27
Major and Mrs. Percy WiUU will
leave Friday for 1'ortland to spend a
few days with Major Willis' mother.
Later they will leave for the Philippine
Islands whero lie will bo stationed for
the next two years.
Racine Hosiery "Indcstmctable" for
boys. 103 Liberty .St. uov27
At a recent meeting of the official
board of the First Methodist church, it
was voted to invite the ltev. Frnuk Ma
this and singers to begin a scries of
cvangolistic meetings in the church be
ginning about December 31.
New Bone Corsett. 105 Liberty St.
Three fatal accidents wore reported to
Special dance at armory Thank-giving
night. no2i)
The road show "Fair and Warmer"
lit the opera house tonight promises So
lent folks one of tho best shows of the
year. The hlundard of the show may be
judged from the fact-that it is the
Thanksgiving attraction in Portlund nt
tho llcilig theatre.
Special dance at armory Thanksgiv
ing night. nov29
Wireless operating in the service of
tho L:. hi. navy has been chosen as car
eers by Oliver C. Michaels and Thomas
V. Randall, who enlisted this week
through J. E. Adams, recruiting officer
for Snleni. Aliehucl in is years old
end Randall, 21. Tho navy is offering
30 different vocations to young men.
... Special dance at armory Thanksgiv
ing night. nov2J
On account of the death of Miss
Kthel Kigdon, the play to be given to
morrow evening by the Knikpoli Drama
tic society at the auditorium of the high
school, has been indefinitely Host mined
LaMrs. William Fleming will iinve tempo-
nir cuiirgc or me r.ngtisii Department
at Iho high school.
Dressed ducks and chickens next
Wednesday at my street market. Chl
cngo Store corner. O. A, Mutlis.
Masquerade ball at t,ayton, Wed. eve
Nov. 2!. Salem music. Prizes for best
A dressed turkey will be hanging
from the center piece of tho armory
Wednesday evening ut the jitney dance
given by the Cherrians. Everyone on
the floor and even those in the'bulcony
buying ono jitney dunce ticket will be
given a chance, and the lucky number
wins. There will bo no admission
charge whatever, either on the floor or
balcony, but of course those who would
like to dance will lie invited to do so
at the rate of one jitney per dance.
Dr. M, P. Mendelsohn is in Portland
today attending to business matters, he
will be buck nt his office tomorrow.
The Salem Rife club will hold its
regular Monday evening meeting to
night at the old awiory in the city
hull. Although the automatic targets
have not armed on account of the slow
shipments from the enst, the members
of the club are living in hopes they will
arrivo before Christmas, having been
shipped November 4.
Nettie Ridings, who was arreted 1 H
last night on suspicion of breaking into 1 H
and entering the O. K. grocery store, 1 1
ns lorinniiy ciiargeit tins afternoon
with unlawfully breaking into and en
tering n building with intend to steal. I
Tim nlmvn.i . !.. 1 :
the accident commission during tho past and trial set for 4:30 o'clock this aft-'
emoou. Mayor-elect Keyes is appearing
for the defense. 1
H .
" iiere mo I rowils lio
week. The fatalities were Francis Pio-
quet, a logger of Mable; II. Anthony, a
steclworker, of Portland, and (. O. Bas
set t, a logger of Newberg. There were
2S) accidents in all.
La Corona cigars are thoroughly good
from one end to the other. Salem uiiide
10 cents.
Plenty of fine young turVeys for
Thanksgiving nt 30c per lb. Independ
ent .Market, 157 S. Com '1 St. nov2!l
The annual Thanksgiving gervicea
will be held in the First Methodist
Harold Lockwood.
Francis X. Bushman
Phone 2125 or call 260 State St. to get your
Thanksgiving Turkey
Duck, Goose and Chicken; also strictly fresh
Oysters for Turkey Stuffing.
S. C. Hansett Fish and Poultry Co.
church Wednesduy evening beginning at
4, 7:30 o'clock. The high school chorus
Hinder the direction of Miss Magers will
sing two choruses and Mrs. R. M. llofer
will sing "A Soug of Thanksgiving.
Addresses will be mnde bv Oovernor
Withycombe, tho Rev. M. B. Farouna
gian and the Rev. (ieorge F. Holt, past
,or of tho First Baptist church.
I Plenty of fine young turtveys fer
Thanksgiving at 30c per lb. Independ
ent Market, 137 S. Coni'l St, novM
1 1 Simultaneous chockers will be played
? Tuesday evening at tho Salem Chess
ii mi oct-Kcr cum room ill the .Mel or
nnek building, room No. 10. W. L. Bry
ant, one of Hnlem'a champion checker
players, will meet all comers and from
tho interest tuken in the game, it is
probable that he will have an opportun
ity to play at leant 20 players. Kach
player is expected to briiig his own
board and checkers.
Plenty of fine young turkeys for
Thanksgiving at 30c or lb. Independ
ent .Market, 157 S. Com'l St. no2l
It ti probable that about Rtt young
men from all churches will attend the
eleventh annual state older boys' con
ference for western Oregon to bo held
at Corvnllis December 1-2 and 3. The
convention met in Salem one year ago.
President Kerr of the O. A. C.', will ad
dress the boys next Friday evening,
Sunday afternoon, December 3. an ad
dress will be mnde by Superintendent
Will S. Hale, of the boys' trotting
Carnations, chrysanthemums, bloom
ing plants, ferns and palms. Hchulti,
Mill and Center Sts. Phono 2007,
M Tlir irATr ap tup
inc vuitE ur inn
fin i .a
Ham and Bud Comedy
Glenn Allison, wie Scotch baritone,
will give a tone test at the Grand Op
era house on the evening of Dec. the
8th with Kdlson's favorite invention
the new diamond disc phonograph.
Since last Saturday the river has ris
en 0.4 feet and now the gunge reads 7.3
feet above the zero mark.' Within the
last three days there has been h: rainfall
of 2.63 inches, making a total of 0 24
inches for the month. The boat to Cor
vallis will run regular from now on
beginning Tuesday eveniug. The range
of temperature vesterdny was from 52
to 34.
Dr. H.trtley announces his offices
will be closed for a few days owing to
the remodeling and eulurging - office
for the general practice of dentistry.
For appointments phone 403M. tf
Hop Hing company filed their answer
today in the circuit court in the action
recently brought against them by D. A.
White & Sons. They contend they
have never bought anything from the
plaintiff company and ure therefore not
indebted to them in any way whatso
ever. The case will come up for trial
in the, January term of court.
An orchestra of five pieces under the
direction of II. N. Stoudenmever has
been engaged for the Ye Liberty then
tre. The value of music ns an accessory
of the ntoyiug "pictures is now being
recognized. Many who saw "The Birth
of a Nation" nt the opera house de
clared that, the 21 piece orchestra was
fully half of tho evening's entertain
ment. Today the Thanksgiving turkey mar
ket opened for good, as those who hnve
been holding out for high prices, were
obliged to make their offerings this
morning. From a retail point of view,
the good housekeeper may as well fig
ure on paying 32 cents a pound for ex
tra choico turkeys, and those not quite
so choice, will bring from 24 to "H
The second annual convention of the
Oregon Retail Grocers association will
bo held in Snlem early in 11117, al
though the exact date has not been
fixed. The officers of the association
are discussing the matter with n view
of holding the meeting here during the
session of the legislature.- At the Sa
lem meeting, the officers hope to bring
together retail merchants from all parts
of the state for a concerted movement
in the interests of much needed 'legis
lation. A reply declaring that a certain affi
davit made by F. W. Buol regarding
a hop contract, in the c:ise of T. A.
Livesley & Co. against F. W. Huel, et nl,
was false tuid jnade for the purpose of
cheating and defrauding F. W. Morley,
to whom he contracted his hops, wns
filed in the crieuit court this afternoon.
The action is for breach of n hop con
tract. The reply asserts that Hueli
should not be allowed to deny the alle
gations made in the complaint. After
tho contract was made with Morley, it
was assigned to T. A. Livesley & Co.
'The arrest of George Bartho'omew in
Seattle last Saturday,- wanted in Port
land for the murder of John Lind on
November 17, 1SI15, recalls the fact that
both men were in Salem for several
days before tho"Tmirdor. Through the
real estate agency of Scott & Byuon
they were shown several desirable tracts
near the city, adapted for a chicken
ranch. There was nothing about either
of the men to attract attention. Mr.
Lind, the murdered man, had the money
and it seems Bartholomew was helping
nun to select a location.
Reported at Kansas City It Is
Feared Stock Yards at
Chicago Infected
Springfield, 111.,- Nov. 27. Illinois
today faces another outbreak of foot
and mouth disease, the dread stock
epidemic which recently cost the tax
payers millions of dollars.
I'pon receipt of word from Kansas
City that an outbreak believed to be
foot and mouth disease exists in Kan
sas, Nebraska and -Missouri, State Vet
erinarian O. K. Hyson telegraphed the
I'nion Stock Yards at Chicago and the
Xutionul Stock Yards at lOnst St. Louis
that these yards would be closed for
the shipment of all cattle, sheep and
swine except for immediate slaughter.
Ir. Dyson has sent an inspector to
Kansas City to learn If the outbreak
is foot and mouth disease. In the mean
time all precautions are being taken to
stop the disease, should it appear in
inasmuch as the period of incubation
is from seven to twentv davs, Dr. Dv-
son declares it already may have been
brought into the state, lie warns ail
owners of stock to watch their herds
closely for any indication of the dis
ease. Shipment of cattle from the infected
areas in the above stales already has
been stopped.
Will Enow Soon
Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 27. It will
not be definitely known for another
day and possibly two days whether
the Kansas. City stockyards nrciufect
?d with the dread stock disease, the
hoof and mouth epidemic. Government
officials here inspecting the Kansas
City yards ,'iuado this ntinouucettient
today, intimating that "it looks very
much like hoof and mouth disease."
An order has gone out to give the
yards, including the exchange building
a thorough bath with disinfectant. Kv
:'ry man leaving the yards must disin
fect his shoes. Other precautions of n
similar nature nTe being taken. No car
tie ate allowed to be shipped out of
the vaids.
Say "No Doubt Of It"
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 27. There Is
very little doubt, but that the Kansas
City stock yards are infected with the
foot and mouth disease, ftockinen who
are acquainted with the malady saiif
'his afternoon. One well known stocti
nian declared there was "no doubt,"
but ashed not to be quoted.
May Stop All Shipments
Portland, Or., Nov. 27 A nation
wide embargo on interstate shipment
of cattle if reports of the foot and
mouth disease again breaking out In
the middle west prove true was advo
cated todur bv O. M. Plmnnier. secre
tary of the Portland I'nion Stock Yards
ind of the Pacific International Live
tock exposition, soon to open here.
I'luinnier declared that such an cm
bnrvp would undoubtedly be demanded
by far western cattle men. The ques
tion may be taken up when ranchers
from all over the Cnitud States assem
ble here for the livstoek show. I'luin
nier said the disease was repotted
Kansas and Nebraska.'
$ s!
Officers of Company M and .he fctaff
of the Third battalion of the Oiegon
Nition:l Guard today received the first
irst ailment of the correspondence tchool
questions, i his school is conducted for
the beriitit of officers living outsMc of
Portlnnd and nil the officers ot the O.
N.. It. are required to take the course
in irilit'iry subjects. This is dot.e to
test tho efficiency of the officers in
order that the war department may
! know whether officers are capable of
teaching men in their commands, la
addition to the drill regulations, the
j course includes work on map reading.
I map making, field service, minor tactics
and military law.
According to Dictator
sjc Through many brokers hands
and reached the New York pub
lic in November at prices rang
ing from 4.3 to above ,V5 cents
a dozen.
Calling the eggs "fresh"
one of the witnesses testified
was a stenographer's error.
New York, . Nov. 27 The
Wicks legislative investigating
committee this afternoon traced
a carload of eggs from the hen
to the table, learned that it
started from Indiana in .lime
at 2t'-j cents a du n, passed
sjt sje $
Washington, Nov. 27. Transcript of
records in the Missouri, Oklahoma and
Gulf test case of tho Adamsoii eight
hour law was recweived late today ut
the office of the clerk of the supreme
while the company is ut its drill, lie
paid u visit to the Woodbum comnanv
Benjamin j recently uud the officer of Company
liricK, tne .Moose are preparing for the M are keeping a periscope above their
k minimi Mounter i uesuay evening line ot trenches to be prepared.
wnen there will be eignrs, entertain
ment and plenty of amusement for all
good Moose. Two boxing matches will
be staged, in which Harold Shafer will
Evangelist Harry E. Marshall, who
has recently been holding services at
Ontario, Oregon, arrived in the city
take a try-out w ith an ambitions Snlem ! tmlnv t. shohjI t; Tim ;.,, ,
unknown, nt 145 pounds, and Bervle tion'with family and friends. After n
nercn win ne matched against Fred
riuwater nt 100 pounds.
j "The Social Secretary"
Best Triuugle Play
has made
Roy Keiinon w ill go agninst another un
known." Oscar Steelhammer will play a
trombone solo and James Moqer's saxo
phone quartette will render several se
lections. T. R. Ratcliff. supreme dic
tator for Oregou, will speak and Walter
Tooze is also down for a brief address.
mm .Mr. Brick, says the Moose who misses
n"" , tins annual smoker w ill be sorrv.
H'1 tir - a. ij
M nuuuij, uid aucuoueer, leaves on
g;luosilay for Oregon City' nt whicji
m place he will sell by piil'die auction a
nM 110,000 stock of new and second hand
turni1ure. On Tuesday of next week he
II will be in Mill Citv u-hcr. 1, n.;n .,ti
IT a large ule ot farm stock and impte
brief rest, Mr. Marshall will becin serv-
m wrestling, ices at iiillsDoro.
If you are
in purity first
is what you
should always
There are many
other reasons
Whybut jtry a
can and see for
l F
ocer I
Judge (itillonny went to Albany thi
morning. M. A. Uawson, of Portland, was a Sc
lem visitor Sunday.
(I M. Sargent went to Portland thi
moruing on the Oregon Klectric.
(!. 10. Caiuii returned this at'ternoo i
from a visit of several days at his pnin
ranch near Dayton.
Irvin Mann, a Willamette University
student, left 'for his home at Peudloto i
to spend the Thanksgiving vacation-
Joe (lee rhurdt, of Kmniett. Idaho, :
graduate of Willamette univer.-ity, i-.
stopping inthe city n few days, on ln-i
way to San Francisco.
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to nil Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Homo Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for same, rhone 511.
First-class work. All kinda
of repairing. All work guar-
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Sehaffer Drug Store, phone ID".
Residence phone 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
A. M. ilson, 25-yen is oyitiriener.
Legally, niechnnicull - and commercial
ly trained to protect rour invention.
Send for booklet. FRKK SKAl.'Cll.
311 Victor lildg., Washington, l. f.
incuts. It is Mr. Woodry's intention to
estnblish monthly sales in a number or
towns around Salem which will be a
great benefit to the farmers, his week
ly sales here have proven to the people
what ndvantags it is to them to have
a place where they can disnose of -hnt
they wish to sell. It also assists the
buyer in finding what he wants to buy
Mr. Woodry's business has grown to
the extent where he has found it nec
essary to have an assistant to help hun
in his work, so he has engaged the
services of J. K. Greer of Portland,
fnrmerlv nf llliimta d. h;..l. ..I..
I he Wolf Woman H.J!!':,7,y:,,ri,,'f n",,i
All merchants tickets will be
admitted Wednesday night in
stead of Thursday on account
of Thursday beiug a holiday.
El 1
!! Louise Glaum in
The German speaking societies of Sa
lem ut their anuuul meeting, elected the
following officers: A. Kehrbcigor, presi
ilftir i-A.4t.t,i f.. i,a u-,i. -w-
Haitniau, vice-president; Mr. Je'bsen, IWiflD
Treasurer; .nr. iM-iiieiisn-r. secretary.
Delegates to state convention, President
Kehrberger, Jacob Arena and K. Holer.
Rev, Mr. sJal.mau, of Portluud, deliver
ed tTto annual address.
f 0
it. iwihfiW "
CAR5 op
Any kimd
.IV PI, iff
Any time
auction business. -r. Oreer and faoiilv
will make their residence in Salem in I
the near future. I
The only Invisible Bifocal Lenses.
They make an ideal Christmas gift, and are easy
to give because of our Christmas Gift Certificate
plan. .
Let us explain it to you.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist.
t 208-209 Hubbard Building - , phone 109