Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I Vs.
State Bankers' Association
Modal 85-4 f. o. b. Toledo
Has Appropriated Ted
Thousand Mars
V'- BsS Halvorirt'"5f Burns . fl
i Hf 1 v i and High Streets Kpf
f795 :. 795
Modal 85-4 f. o b. Toledo
- t
More power 35 horsepower motor.
More room 112-inch wheelbase.
Greater comfort long, 48-inch cantilever
rear springs and 4-inch tires.
Greater convenience electrical control but
tons on steering column.
Bigger, safer brakes service, 13x2j; emer
gency, 13x2.
Better cooling you never heard of an Over-
- land motor overheating.
Lansing Says Germany Under
stands and Further Talk '
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent)
. Washington, Nov. 23. Tie state de
partment in done with extensive nego
tiations In present or future subma
rine question.
' Discussion this afternoon of pnst
and recent iiliiiiHriiiiiijCM brought Irani
high state department officials, tlio cx
plunation that Germany in fully aware
of the American attitude toward sub
marine warfare nnd operations and
.that If there should happen to be vio
lin ions of tho principles the failed
Ktntes him striven to uphold further
diplomat!!! correspondence in unneces
sary. ' tint lu the Hiime breath the depart
ment minimized report tending to
show that a submarine crisis is at
- In i word,' the aduiinistrntion has
positively determined to eliminate note
writing to (ieruinny, but ban not yet
reni'hed the conclusion that a brenk in
relations is iininiiieut, it was said.
Secretary of Wtate Lansing thin nf
lernoon authorized a quotation that
'! those minora nppenred to originate
in Ameriea." '
"The situation is no more serious
now than it wan three or four weeks
.ago,', the .department mid officially.
"We do not Know why stories of sub
marine eriaeH are out uut at thin time
Vou eau draw your own conclusions."
lu the course of the discussion, tho
department iiiiijiiuted . very, broadly
thut stories of a crisis are inspired and
vhile.it did not mention the Herman
embassy as foseriii(j such rumors, tiie
inference whs poifectly plain that In
the past stories uuder n llerlin date
tn'Mng of a serious tiitiintion have been
Mr. Motorist
You can increase your
mileage per - gallon of
gasoline from I) to 7
miles per gallon, by
It gives you more pow
er, more mileage, per
fect idnition, eliminates
Makes your motor start
easier,' and run
We absolutely guaran
tee carbonnoid to pro
duce these results or
money refunded.
. Try a Can Today.
" 252 State Street.
These Tremendous Advantages-
D. MISNER, Dealer, 245 South Commercial Street. Phone 97
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio !
"M.d.lnU. S.A."
Attorney Says Billion and a
Quarter Will Be Required
by Them
Washington, X v, 23. Ou. billion
and a half dollars a year mill be need
ed bv the railroad of this country for
the next ten or twelve yean, Alfred P.
Thorn, counsel for the railroad execu
tives ndvisory committee, declared to
day in continuing his stnteuieut before
the Nowluuds joint public utilities in
vestigating committee.
Of this amount $l,LuO,000',000 will be
necessary, according to Thorn, to enable
the railroads to increase theft facili
ties to keep pace with the commerce of
the country, to which is added $-jO,-000,000
a year to refund maturing in
debtedness. Thls estimate, Thorn said, is based
upon a study of the growth of popula
tion, industry tsod commerce during the
Inst twenty years or more and the
growth and development of railway
traffic facilities and equipment.
The estimate of Jl.LTiO.OOO.OOO .for
additional transportation facilities in
cludes nothing of extension into new
territory, he said.
put out aftei suggestion had been sent
from this country.
The Herman embassy this afternoon
took exception to "tho serious Une of
the American press toward the subma
rine problem." It was snid the em-baa-
had wirelessed the llerlin for
eign office of this "tone."
Kinbnssy offieiulg said they were at
n loss to comprehend reports tending
to show a crisis.
Oranges and Lemons
Air Record Breaker
Directors of trainiug tables through
out the country, nnd dieticians gener
ally, will be interested lu what is pos
sibly the solution just revealed of
the unusunl phvaicnl endurance of the
Creek athletes of ancient times during
ine period or Hellenic nthlutio su
a lew any ago Money Jiatcb, a
I nationally known Marathon runner, un
covered a new set of rules for nourish
I ment during his all-night, record-break-
I ing road run from Milwaukee to Chi
Ic.lRO. ...
I The only nourishment, either liquid
I or sonu, inKon by listen iluriug 14
hours and oO minutes of running, in
j arnica ne eoverea vxi miles, wns
j Orange Juice, and hot Lemonade, lie
; ate nothing solid between I) o'clock is
the . evening when he took three
pieces of toast before his start which
j he made at 8 o'clock and at noon the
I next day, when he ate a chicken din
I ner. lie made only three stops, total
ling nltogetber .0 I 'J minutes, while
CoUring the distance, and each time
drank either hot lemonade, or orange
The (5 reeks, we know, grew oranges
and lemons and used them freely, and
there seems no doubt that these fruits
An important part in the physical ex
cellence and remarkable feats of
strength known to have been performed
by their athletes. No uution since that
time has evolved such a large propor
tion of genuine athletes. .
The recent run by Mduoy Hatch nioVt
certainly has n message for the average
man or woman, as well as our athletes
both professional aiil amateur, whose
activities require endurance and
strength, Orange Juice has. of course,
been long used as an easily digested
These are tremendous advantages over any
thing to be had in other cars that sell for
anywhere near as low a price. - .
And they make it hard for us to keep up with
orders. i ' ,
The factory has never yet caught up with the
You ought to own one of these cars nothing
else so big and fine for the money.
Come in and order yours now. .
Issues Proclamation Extolling
Example and Asks It Be
Amsterdam, N'o';. 2.J. rVm Horiio
today wns received the following text
of a proclamation issued by the new
rulihr of Austri-llungiiry, Kniperor
Charles, to his soldiers nnd sailors:
"Soldiers: Vour Bupremo rtar lord
iny illustrious grand uncle, tho cinpeToi
and king Franz Josef, has been gather
ed to his ancestors. His Into majesty
was a shining example of soldier like
uevotion to uuty, lie devoted himself
wholly to the weal of. tho fatherland.
Ho long as his strength lusted his
thoughts wero with his beloved nnd
gnlhint wnriors.
" I'd to the nresoat I have endured
with you the hnrd, but glorious iluys of
mo iiunt!A struggle,
"hi this great epoch' I. as supreme
war lord, place myself at the head or
my Irustv nrniy nad navy, in a holier
of our sacred right and the victory,
which with God's help and that of our
allies, wo will gain for our righteous
'May the spirit of the illustrious de
ceased inspiro you to further heroic
bnttlo, in order that we may lay the
wreath of victory on his bier", in token
of our loyalty and gratitude for his
love olid solicitude for the roal amir
and navy which never censed to ani
mate hia noble Heart."
liquid food for babies nnd convales
cents. Now it takes ranking with, and
supercedes In this case, the old estab
lished liquid beef drinks, so long used
as endurance builders and quick
Hot Lemonade,, aside from being a
(lependnoie cold preventive of real
merit is shown to bo a nourishing drink
without n reaction. Hatch ran against
a brisk Autumn wind off Lake Mich
igan, nud doubtless the hot lemonade
acted as a guard against possible sud
den chilling and as an easily digested
thirst quencher..
The automobiles which accompanied
him on his run carried coffee also, as
it wns thought possible he would need
some mild stimulant: but tho record
show that he did not cull for n drink
of it during any of his threebrief stops,
Hatch broke 4J previous records for
the instance.
P. H. Kuduer of tho l.'old Creek Mill
ing Co., incorporated, writes of a trip
up the. Little .North Fbrk that every
auto tourist and ' others should . take
next summer. This is a fisherman -s
paradise, with mountain se.enerv as a
setting, and with interesting things to
see all along the road. Mr. Kudner
says in part:
'Quo of the finest auto touring trips
on the coast is from l'oitluud on the
east side Pacific Highway to the tar
dea hill where you turn to the left at
sign ihoard. Monitor, Silvertou and
Stnyton. Keep on this road to Htaytoe
iutime for a good country dinner at
the lintel Stayton, and the proprietor
will direct fou un one of the finest
drives in the northwest, up the Little
North Fork of the Ssntism rivet,
whieh is a fine days drive, returning
to Portland in the early Vvening.
"Our manv eastern visitors would
enjoy the moiiutniu scenery on both
sides of the river; uo great hills . to
climb, this road is cut for quito a way
out of solid rock, and all in fine condi
tion. Passing along this road one can
see several mining camps of gold, ail-
Jp the face of impossible road con
ditions, a stock Maxwell touring car,
driven by Ray McXnmnra, established
a remarkable record tho day following
election day, when it pounded its way
across Michigan, from Detroit to Kala
mazoo and return, in nino heurs and
forty-five minutes. The speedometer
registered 330 miles when the car was
checked in at Detroit at tho conclusion
of the run. The irvcrngo ' speed wus
35.9 miles an hour.
Tho route taken follows: Detroit to
Lansing, Lansing to Clrand iinpids,
Cirnnd Itapids to Kalamazoo, Kalama
zoo to Untile Creek,, Baftlo Creek to
Jackson, Jacksou to Detroit. The run
was officially observed and checked by
Detroit newspaper men. ,
Carries Election News.
No mechanical trouble was encounter
ed, despite tho t'uet that the car endured
a terirfic pounding on long stretches
of rough road. The only stop made on
the long trip was at Kalamazoo, where
gasoline nnd oil were taken on. -
Ilesides establishing a remarkable re
cord for speed and efficiency, tho Max
well car took on itself t&e duties of a
courier, carrying the news of the elec
tion results to tho rural districts of
Michigan. '
In bold, white letters, the body of
the car carried the announcement that
Prohibition had carried in Michigan,
And that Sleeper had bee elected gov
ernor of the state.
The uncertainty in the returns on the
presidential election niado it impossible
to announce the winner.
All along the line nnd in the cities
and towns through which the Maxwell
courier passed there wns tremendous
interest in the returns. "
Believed Mark Will Stand. -
More than fifty per cent of the rond
was in tho worst possible shape for
touring. There were deep ruts, of fresh
gravel. In several places it wus neces
sn ry to take long detours because of
construction work- In view of these
adverse conditions, it is believed the
record made by McXamnrn and his
Maxwell will endure.- ' - r
Tho start was made fom Detroit at
3:15 a. ni. and the car was checked into
Detroit, at 1 p. m. just nine hours and
forty minutes after the run started.
This rub was made following a sweep
ing challenge, issued by the Cunningham
Auto Sales company, Maxwell distribu
tors for Michigan, offering to enter the
Maxwell in speed of economy tests with
any car that was selliug at 1.000
or under. Xo authorized challenger?
appeared alter waiting two weeks after
the challenge was posted. The I uniting
hniu people then decided to send a tour
iug car out after a record. .
ver and copper until one reaches tho
Illack Eagle mine, when the road comes
to an end lor a time. This is the larg
est mine in the district and is well
supplied with machiucrv, and with sev
oral tunnels, one being 1700 feet into
me mountain. This is a copper mine.
After swing this you can go by a
good trail to Ureal' Klk Lake,, that Is
two miles long and I U miles wide and
Hill of lusty I rout; an ideal summer
camp ground, where our eastern visit
ors could eujoy few days or weeks,
ciiiutuug tlie mountains to see the ninny
beuutilul sights. This is a trip that
should be made by all who. can. We
have made it three times the past set
son and look forward to repeat it next
Mr. Kudner also states that he and
his partner are 'striking fine ore in
their mine, and have jU arrangements
made to take out Unions per day by
caterpillar to ' Lyons for shipment.
Stnytou Mnil. " ' ;
Why the Journal is popular
It prints the world's news to-
day while it 's news. '
The Faclf to International-. livestock
Exposition, which holds its Sixth annu
al show at the Portland tTnionJStoei:
ynrdsj: North Portland, December "4th
to 9th, has been one of the. big factors
in the upbuilding of the livestock in
dustry erf this entire western country. -
Entries which have just closed in the
breeding classes indicate one of the
biggest showings of beef breeds ever
handled west of the Rocky mountains,
there being something like fifteen herds
of fthorthorns on the list. The Here
ford people have a very select list of
entries, including some of the beet
known herds in the United States- The
Holstein people have outdone themsel
ves in their entries, while the Guern-
eeys and Jerseys will be represented by
me oest Known Dreeclers on the coast.
Hogs and sheep will make a fine show
ing, and for the first time, the four
leading breeds of draft horses will be
Judges o'f national reputation will
tic the ribbons. Men like Saunders of
Iowa, on shorthorns; Cliarles L. Hill of
Wisconsin, Jerseys and Guernseys; Mos
crip Df Minnesota, Hoisteins; Moxley
of Kentucky, Herefords; Brunk of Ore
gon, hogs; with other well known men
handling the other classes.
VJreat Interest Shown.
The granges of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho ore taking an intense inter
est iij this year's show and strong dele
gations will come from over this west
ern countrv.
Tho governors of the northwest states
have accepted 'nn invitntion to be at
the show on Thursday, December 7th,
ami their many friends willJiave an op
portunity to meet them in an informal
way. Afterwards they will attend the
banquet given in honor of the breeders
find feeders at the .Multnomah hotel.
Various breed associations are hold
ing their annual meetings during this
week and Portland will be thronged
with farmers and livestock men.
The action of the State Bankers' as
sociation iu uppi(4uiating $10,000 'for
this show is attracting attention all
over the United States and nt 'once
places them in "very high estimation
amongst the breeding fraternity of this
country. Portland Chamber of Com
merce also included in its budget $ti.
000; while the state of Oregon provides
The railroads have granted a rate .of
a faro and a third on the certificate
plan, from all points of this western
country, belling dates will begin No
vember 30th, nnd last until December
0; good returning until December 12.
1 . Bales a Big Feature.
One of the big features of the show
this year will be the fat classes in the
stock yurds proper. Eoch year has
demonstrated the fact that tho west can
produce some of the finest cattle, hogs
and sheep in' the country. Competition
will be very keen this year.
In order to house the show, the en
tire barn and pen room of the Union
Stock Yards, together with eight mam
moth tents will be required.: The main
tent is 100x200 while the others are 50x
200. This is housing the show in a sim
ilar way to, the practice' of the Scotch
and English shows, which have flourish
ed for many generations.
' A very important feature in connec
tion with the show will be the annual
sales of breeding stock. On Tuesday
morning, December 5, there will be an
offering of Guernsey cattle from Edge
moor farm, Santee, Cal., and the same
nfternoon there will be a combination
hog sale; Wednesday the entire day
will be used up for fat cattle, hogs and
Privates Get $3.75 a Month
Captains Pull Down $500
-Pay of Others
The public its general is of the opin
ion that officers of the state military
companies receive 25 per. cent of that
received by officers in the regular army,
and consequently local military men in
the state are over zealous in recruiting.
While the recent law does give the cap
tain of a state military company $500 a
year, yet out of this amount, he must
pay for his own equipment in the way
of uniforms, arms and ield equipment,
and moreover, must be responsible for
all property issued to his company. The
first lieutenant receives $240 and the
second lieutenant $200, but from these
yearly salaries, the lieutenants must
equip themsolves with uniforms, arms
and field equipment. , Enlisted men re
ceive owerfourth of the pay of the
regular army men. They receive free
from the government all-equipment, uni
forms and arm A corporal under the
new law receives $5.10 a month; first
sergeants $11.25 a month and mess nnd
and duty sergeants $7.50 a month. Even
the private is remembered by the gov
ernment, as he receives $3.75 a month
and a first class private $-1.20. These
figures apply to those joining Company
M or any state company. -
sheep; Thursday aftewoon the famous
Shorthorn sale of Minor, Dunn, Brown
and others; Friday all. day Hoisteins,
under the direction of Colonel Que.
The Pacific International is absolute
ly free to the people- It is strictly edu
cational, with no .".Wild West" or other
distracting concessions. The people who
attend this show wilt see ' livestock
alone, and in no better way can they
advauce the livestock industry of this
country than by their presence and ac
tive interest in the show.
Yours sincerely,
General Manager."
read in the Journal in all live
Marion county honies-Try 'cm.
There can only be one reason why Ford cars have sold and
are today selling from five to ten to one over any and all
motor cars made, and that reason is: It is a better car
from any and every mechanical qualification the records
of more than fifteen hundred thousand Ford cars prove
it. With the new large radiator and enclosed fan, steam- .
line hood, crown fenders front and rear, entire black
finish, nickel trimmings, it is a most attractive car in ap
. pearance. Reliable Service ssured through nine thous-..'
and Fori agentsthroughout the country.
Runabout $400.70, Touring Car $415.70, all f . o. b. Salem, "
Come in and let iis show you how easy they are to operate,
On sale at . ... - '
260. K High Street, Salem.
Discovered Cordite and Also
Perfected the Automatic
London, Nov. 25. Sir Hiram Stevens
Maxim, inventor of cordite, and tho
automatic firearm, died hero, at 2:30
a. in. todnv.
Sir Hiram had been reported as ser
iously ill at his home in Loudon for
several days past. Ho was 70 years of
age. His career reads like a romance.
Born nt Snngervjlle, Maine, of. poor
parents, ho received a common school
education and for four years worked na
na apprentice in coach building. Then
his thirst for scientific knowledge mas
tered him and between work at an iron
masters, he studied and attended lee
tttres. His first patents were on elec
trical devices an improvement iu in
candescent lamps, self-registering cur
rent machines and the like. Then came
the Maxim automatic gun, the first
harnessing of the recoil power from
powder to service, A score of othar
war inventions followed, including;
'cordite," for a time tho most power
ful smokeless powder known. Lately
he has been interested in aviation.
Maxim was knighted in 1901. His -son,
Hiram Percy Maxim, is president
of the Maxim Silencer company and
lives in the United States, lie also is
an inventor. Htrdson Maxiin is a
brother of Sir Hiram.
Woodmen of World
Elect Officers
At the scni annual etectioa..of the
Woodmen of the World held last even
ing the following officers Were elected;
Consul commander, Jack Swienink. .
Adviser, Hoy Campbell.
Escort, C. C. Corey.
Clerk, L. 8. Geer.
Banker, Roy Melson.
Watchman, George Donaldson.
Centry, D. C-. ftoss.
Manager, Joho Longcorc.
Musician, K. A. Fraser.
After the. business session nnd ele
tion, an address was made by Congressman-