- ' - THE DATLYL CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, NOV. 25. 1916. SEVEN yi M I. I ,M,,M,M.l,.,M,sMWIsWiisf.SsasMSSMSSMaSMy ' - ..'."T- r sJre: ' - -:r- "' " 1 BIGGER AND BETTER SHOWS THAN EVER OFFERED IN SALEM BEFORE c J WATCH OUR PROGRAMMES AND WE WILL PROVE IT 3 we have Engaged salem's very best musical talent HIPPODROME "snnnBDrs peerless orchestra" EVERY EVENING STARTING SUNDAY SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE T 3- BIG TIME ACTS -3 The Kilties Novelty Scotch Bounding Wire Act Williams & Sterling "The Girl and the Song Writer" by June McCree Mary Marya Singing Comedienne Dainty Originalities 'The Unattainable' A Blue Bird Feature in 5 Acts with Dorothy Davenport and Emory Johnson - bf? V. ' : . H A i v WILLIAM PAR I ASSISTED BV ELL S P A The Star in "GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN" IN A STORY OF A STRONG MAN'S TEST OF HONOR Z2 IN FIVE ACTS C eeeejPHTHE WEEKLY NEWSbeheiei lti'i.-ittr1r..rft S&LaL LM M RAISE N PRICES VF NI Ll I AM FOX P hOOUCTlO' 0 ; 1 aoa Aril PARAMOUNT COMEDY BERTY SiAY--WDAY rtrtfK trt iitrl THEATRE 3 MUM TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 1 Stts? CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Latest Comecfy "THE PAWN SHOP" III liiiiiiiil iiii pipiim ?' ; ?'4'- 1 - Ail I jlllliiiif"' 'Ptiiiliil ' 1 j LINING UP (Continued from page ona.) . today by General Mr Douglus Huig. Stopped Their Advance. ' : Bueharest, Nov. 25. l.uuiliiig of en emy troops at Islaez, Rumania, after crotiing the Unmibe, but" stopjiago of their udvance from Zimnica (.imnitzn) uorthwarils was reported iu today's of ficial statement. . . : Occupied Islands. Sofia, Nov. 25. "We occupied is lands in the Danube' today's official war office statement asserted, detailing progress in the campnign against Ku- mania. In Dobrudja the statement said, at tack by superior enemy forces near (iiuruevo, Lompalanka and Vidin were epuiseu. . Like repulse of enemy attacks in Macedonia was also reported. Scene from "Fair and Warmer" the season's big linigh harvest which comes to the Grand Opera House Monday night, -Nov. 27.' Sublimity Items 1. m Ml II M i America's Sweetheart Mary PiCKfORD In her own first big $3,0000 production "Less Than TheDust, 7 Reels.7 4 Days beginning Sat Eve Dec. 2nd. OREGON THEATRE (Capital Journal Special Service) Sublimity, Or., Nov. Schultebein is building a barn on his town property; Jl fnteads to erect a dwelling house next spring. Frank X. I'fliezer has sold out his barber fixtures to George Welter who took ehargo of the shop the first of the week. Mr. Pfliezer left Tuesday morn ing for Portland. His intentions are to sail for Germany, providing he is able to secure a pass. The Sublimity Dramatic club staged their play "A Noble Outcast" at Jor dan Fridav nieht of last week And at lAumsvillo Tuesday night. At both places they had good audiences who enjoyed the play immensely. Among ; those from Sublimity who attended the show nt Aumsvilie Tuesday night be sides the members of the Sublimity Dramatic club, were Edward and Sim Etael and Joseph and James Ripp. Henrv. the ten year old son of Jos eph Henbefger. living northeast of Sublimity, had the misfortune to get his left hand caugnt in the gearing or an ensilage eutter which necessitatca the amputation, of the ends of two fing- eh. , The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Starr last Satur day and left a fine daughter. Miss Mary Vaa Handel of Triumph is employed at the home of Mrs. P. M. Hcrmens. Geo. Zimmerman' sold his ranch east of Sublimity to his brother Joseph And .Inhn Kintz. - Bills are out announcing a basket social and entertainment to b given on Monday night at the C. F. Hall by the young folks of Sublimity, accom iianie.l hv the Sublimity orchestra. fr. Arthur Forrette and children mhn hive been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ripp, returned Sunday to their home near Wmt Ktnvton. Joseph Schrewe was a Stayton visit or Monday. improving. L Dk'knmn and 1'red Diikman were in Snlenv Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunter and baby 25, Henry Everett, were dinner guests at the M. :u. Ainiiee nome jnunutty. ur. numcr was the guest of honor, it being his 21st birthday. As desert was being served little Margaret Magee presented Mr. Hunter with a cake bearing i burn mi? candles. Mrs. E- A. I.ewise ia visiting friends and relatives in Salem. Mr. Davis, who has been at the hos pital for some time, is much better and expects to leave the hospital soon. lrvin Frysbie has sold his potatoes to Mangus Brothers. a. a. Uesner and sons have about 1,800 bushels of potatoes this year. A democratic celebration was held at the achol house Saturday night. Mrs. Yagel, who taught here two years ago, spent the week-end at the Drorbaugh home. E. A. Lewis is spending a few weeks at his ranch at Crooked finger. Miss Hallie Dickman is visiting in Portland. The young people of the neighborhood , Warships Shelled Town. Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, L. I.. Nov. 25. One British patrol boat was sunk and Ramsgate was shelled by German, warships the night of Novem ber z.i, an official statement announced heo today.. 4 I he Statement said: , ''Part of the German sea forces on the moruinir of 24th advanced to the northern outlet of the mouth oi tne Thames. No hostitle bob forceB were encountered, aside from one patrol boat which was sunk by artillery. The fortitied port of Knmsgate was rhclled. Since then no hostile sen forces became visible and our vessels turned homeward and arrived safely at their home port." GRAND THEATRE, 1 GALA UJWiOV 5 The Season's Big Laugh Harvest! 11 4 i,.'.cfttr- wjs S ' mmmma iwr .lnt i in tii i Hi West Salem Most distinguished comedy cast in years! It hits the high spot of hilarity. Direct from 2 years in New York. PricesSOc. 75c, $1 and $1.50. Seats on sale at Optra House Drug Store (Capital Journal Special Service.) West Salem, Ore., Nov. 25. Mrs- Ed Minnich and little daughter, Ruth, have gone to lloquiam. Wash., for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Henry Moore and baby, Lenorn, of Canby, were recent guests at the Marvin Moore home. Mrs. Arthur Moore is visiting her mother in Buena Vista. Miss Arleue Bennett, teacher of the primary department of West Salem school, and her friend, Miss Edith C'ath erwood, of Dallas, will spend the week end at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house at Corvallis and attend the foot ball game while there. Geo- Tobin returned Thursday from were entertained at the home o'f Chester Homer one evening last wek. Mrs. Ed wards and Mrs. Whitney acted as chap erones. It is reported that we will soon have a new Dodge car in our neighborhood. The new owner being L. Dickman. Mr. Dickman will bring bis ear home as soon as he has erected a garage. Aadrew Parson has been hauling off his potato crop. a several days' business trip to Airlie. Mr. Hum Wurrcn has been out of Bchool for a week regnining strength lost when he bad his tonsils removed. The. Ladies' Aid society met Thurs day with Mrs. W. V. Bates. There was a good attendance. Regular business was attended to and next place of meet ing will be with Mrs. Al Hell.' There will be a dinner at Rev. and Mrs- W. J. Warren's today in honor of Dr. T. B. Fprd. The members of the Ladies' Aid. trustees of the church and members of quarterly conference from Summit and Oak Grove are the invited guests. There was t called meeting of the city oouucil Monday evening which resulted in a mass meeting being culled for Wed nesday evening to noniinutc candidates for the city officers for ensuing term At the mass meeting all the present officers and six others, were placed m the running. The election to be held December 5. "Three Fingered Jack". Godwin nd dressed quito a large audience at the hall Monday evening, Arthur Moore hus gone to Los An geles, where he has a position on the street car line. ' Mrs. Moere will go to him Inter. There will be a meeting of the quar terly conference of the Methodiut hurch of West rulem circuit nattminy p. m. with ur. i. u. iora as presiaing officer. Ql WANT ; aDS OurWantAdswil They deartliercfldSoyoucan et your want Tru one! always results CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESULTS. Capital Journal Wast Ads Will Get You What You Want Rickey News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Rickey, Ore., Not. 25. A - birthday dinner was given at the D. A. Harris home Pundav, in honor of Mr. Harris, who. celebrated his 60th birthday- Thote nre-ient besides the host and hostess were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Binegar, Miss ul Harris. Frank Harris. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and Miss Margaret Magee. . , . . Mr. Porter, who has been very ill, a TONIGHT i i ii ii TONIGHT THE OREGON Where the Crowds Go. Last Showing of Frank Keenan in "The Thoroughbred" Southern Racing Story. .SUNDAY and MONDAY. THE BIG SHOW TWO BIG STARS Francis X. Bushman in "The Elder Brother" ALSO Harold Lockwood and May Allison in "Mister 44" A Metro Wonderplay which answers the question, "Should a Man Marry 8 u p M uTTnmr. m apk iv A rOMEDY CONTINUOUS SHOW I 11LL 11 1 . ai. I! I! I! II II II II II II II -ii II II If II -J Jrj""" mmummmwmwmwmwm nnnr """""'SSS'.. --