Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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In Salem
Free Methodist,
jfo. 1223 North Winter strut Sun
f services: Sabbath school 9:45.
Preaehing at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
West Salem Methodist Episcopal
Minister, W. J. Warren. Sunday
school 3 p. m. Preaching service 7:30
Ladies' Aid society meets on the second
anwd fourth Thursday oil the month at
:30 p. m. '" ,
Salvation Army.
Sunday, services as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30 a. m. .Sunday school and
Bible class, 10:30 a. ra. Christians praiso
meeting, 2:45 p. m. Salvntion meeting,
7:45 p. in. Young Feoplo's Legion Fri
day, 8 p. m. Keek night services every
night except Monday and Thursday. A
welcome extended to nil. Captain and
Mrs. J. I.. Kelso.
First Methodist Episcopal.
Corner State and Church streets, Rich
ard N. Avison, minister. 9:00 n. on.,
Class meeting. 9:45 a. m., Sabbath
school, Messrs. Clark and Smith, super
intendents. 11:00 a. m., Morning wor
ship, "What a Lad Can Do." John 6, 9.
Sermon subject, "The Two Futures."
3:00 p. m., Kev. A. J. Weigle will speak
at the Old l'euple's Home." 3:00 p. m.,
Mr. P. S. Botsford, of Portland, will
speak on "Mountain Climbing," at the
city Y. M. C. A. 0:30 p. m., Epworth
League? Miss Eva Scott, president. 7:30
p. m., Kvening worship. Sermon sub
ject, "Thanksgiving iu the Home."
Music by the chorus choir both morn
ing and evening under the direction of
Dr. Frank W. C'hace. .
First Baptist.
Corner Marion and .North Liberty
streets, Kev. G. F. Holt, D. D., pastor.
.Sunday school at a. in. Public wor
ship 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Young Peo
ple's meeting 0:30 p. m. Sermon topics,
morning, "An Overruling Providence;"
evening, "Gaining Power by Struggle."
The ohoir will render special Thanksgiv
ing music , both morning and evening.
The morning, selections .will be, "Pruise,
Ye tho Lord O My Soul," Watson, and
festival "Te Deum," Dudley Buck. The
evening selections will be "O Lord How
Manifold Are Thy Works," Bnrnby,
nnd a trio, '.' Praise. Ye, '.' .from. Atilla.
The public is cordially invited to all
these services. . . . .
First Congregationatist.
, James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school
meets promptly at 10 o'clock, W. I.
Staloy, superintendent. Morning church
service at 11 o'clock. Music morning
and evening by chorus choir, Wm. Mc
Gilchrist, Sr., director. Subject- for
moruing service, "The Old Puritanism
and tho New A;.e ' ! Christian Endeavor
ot 6:30 p. m. Peasant Sundny even
ing service at 7:30. Song service, spe
cial music by chorus choir. Address by
pastor on subject, ' ' Today a Day of Op
portunity," and motion pictures of
l'anama canal. Everybody invited and
everybody welcome. The Thursday ev
ening service will be omitted on ac
count of Thanksgiving.
Rural Congregational.
H. 0. Stover, pastor. Morning service
nt 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m.
Central Congregational.
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
streets, H. C. Stovor, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. No morning sermon.
Sermon nnd music appropriate to
Thanksgiving at 7:30 p. m. Junior En
deavor at 4 p. m. Senior Endeavor at
45:45 p. m. Prayer and Thanksgiving
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. N
Highland Frionds.
Corner of Highland and Elm streets.
. Sabbath school 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle
Kenworthy, superintendent. ,Metings
for worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor 0:15 p. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Come and
worship with us. Josephine Hockett,
pastor. Phone 1465.
East State and Eighteenth streets. G.
Koehler, pastor. Sunday school in Ger
man and English at 10 o'clock. Divine
servico and Holy Communion at 10:30
a. m. Luthor League at 7 p. m. Even
ing service in English at 7:30.
St. Paul's Episcopal.
Corner Church and Cnemeketa streets,
Kobert S. Gill, rector. Holy Commun
ion, 7:30 a. m. innrenmnn b onr-up'
Sunday" service at 11 o'clock; also 7:30
p. m. Sunday school 945 a. m. There
will be special music for theso services ;
of a very fine order. The subject for j
the morning sermon will be "The Vor
tex." For the evening Bervice "What
the Church Stands for in the Commun- j
itv" In another column appears an;
article on the subject "Churchman's
Stir-up Sundny," which is well worth
the notice of everyone at all interested
in the church and its splendid influence
in our community.
Swedish Tabernacle, M. E.
, Corner South Fifteentl- and Mill
streets, Rov. John Ovall, minister Pun
day school at 2 p. m., Gust Anderson, tu
perintendent. Preaching by the pastor
at 3 p. in. Good songs and music will
be rendered- All Scandinavians are
most cordially invited to attend.
Unitarian. i
"The Church Where You feel nt
Home." Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
sermon by Rev. James M. Heady, sub
ject "There Is No Hcllt" Evening at
8 o'clock, first of a Series of dwuna
sermons, "The Woman and tho Con
vict." Special music. A cordialy wel
come to the public always.
First Church of Christ, Scientists.
Sunday services are held ot 440 Che
meketa street at 11 a. m. and 8 p- in.
Pubject of Bible lesson. "Ancient and
Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism
and Hypnotism, Denounced." Sunday
cchool at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday even
ing testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Beading room in the Hubbard buiuding,
suite 303, is open every day except Sun
day and holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to
4 p. m.. All are eordially invited to our
services and invited to visit our reading
- WVC. T. XT.
Rev. James Ooode, pastor of the Free
Methodist church at Athena, Ore.,, and
son of David Good, of Salem, will ad
dress, the gospel temperance meeting at
Rump Memoriul hall at 4 o'clock Sun
day. On Tuesday, November 28, at 2:30,
there will be a silver tea' social and
Thanksgiving and praise service. A
hearty welcome to these meetings.
Address at T. M. C. A.'
"Mountain Climbing" will be the
subject of C. S. Botsford 'a talk at the
Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon. Mr.
Botsford is an interesting speaker and
this address is said to be u hummer by
those who have heard it.
It is the purpose of officers and di
rectors o'f the association to make the
Y. M. C A. a populnr meeting place
for young men aud old especially on
Sunday afternoons. Entertainment of
the right character will be provided. One
of the most popular features is tho in
formnl singing of old familiar songs of
secular as well aa sacred churacter. All
men are cordially invited.
. A special musical program has been
provided for next Sunday afternoon and
a.lnrge crowd is expected. Light re
freshments will be served at the conclu
sion of the program.
Services in Fratum Tomorrow.
The Rov. John Ovall will preach in
the Methodist church in Pratum tomor
row nt 11 o'clock a. in. The subject will
be "Thanksgiving." All are most cor
dinlly invited to attend.
Seventeenth and C'hemeketa streets,
Rev. G..W. Plumer and G. F- Liening,
Jr., pastors. Sunday school, 10 a. m.,
Walter Curtis, superintendent. Sermon
ot 11 a. m., by Mr. Plumer, subject
"Tho Final Judgment." Young Peo
ple's Alliance, 6:30 p. in., Leo Cooper,
leader. 7:30 p. m., Rev. H. Schuknccht,
P. E., will conduct the quarterly meet
ing. Revival services each evening, ex
cept Saturday at 730 o'clock. All are
United Evangelical.
Cottage, and Center streets, Rev. G.
L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Divine worship and preaching at
11 a. m. ' Thanksgiving meditations.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Even
ing worship and- scriuuu at 7:30. "Some
Roads to Happiness." The ladies of the
church will hold a bazaar and food sale
for "the benefit of the now church on
Saturday, December 2, in the Masonic
building on High street.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Corner South Commercial and Meyers
streets, Horucc N. Aldrich, pastor. 0:45
a. m., Sunday school, A. C. Borustedt,
superintendent. The newly organized
orchestra will lead the song service.
Graded nod intermediate lessons, class
es for all. 11:00 a. m., Sermon by the
pastor. Theme, "Is the Church Worth
Whilef" 3:00 p. m., Junior Legion,
Leslie Springer, superintendent.' 6:30 p.
m., Devotional meeting of the Epworth
League. Topic, "Cultivating the
Thanksgiving Habit," leader, Floyd Mc
Intirc. 7:30 p. m., "Three Fingered
Jack" (W. A. Godwin) will speak.
This may be the closing meeting of the
series. Definite, announcement will be
made Sunday.')
Commons Mission.
There will be services at 3 p. m. as
usual at 241 State street. These are
wonderful meetings. Come out and see
us. Wm. Kcnyon, superintendent.
Nineteenth and Marion streets. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. and preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Wo would be
glad to see all the people who love the
Lord, and those who would like to know
Him. Wo invito you. If you can sing
come or if you aro not feeling well come
nnd get well, our God is able to do that
for you, for He has done it already for
others. Come nnd get acquainted with
Him. We say it to the glory of God.
Rev. Aaron Wells is our pastor.
German M. E.
Corner Thirteenth and. Couter streets,
A. J. Weigle, minister. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., Henry Grnlapp, superinten
dent. Sermon at 11 o'clock. Epworth
Lengue at 7:15 p. ra., Carl Rehfuss, lead
er. Bible study at 7:45 p.-m. On
Thanksgiving day we will have preach
ing service at 10:30 in the morning.
First Christian.
Corner High and Center streets, F. T.
Porter, minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.
m-, Dr. H. C. Epley and C. Scarff, di
rectors. Auto truck leaves Highland at
9:25. Great orchestra, live school.
Worship and sermon 11 a. m., subject,
"Missions." C. E., 0:30 p. m. Young
People's orchestra. Evening service at
7:30 p. m., subject, "Some Questions for
Infidels.' ' Large chorus and a welcome
for all.
Corner Liberty and Center streets, H.
E. Abel, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.
m., Wm. Gartijobst, superintendent.
German and English classes. Sermon and
Communion service at 11 a. m., conduct
ed by Rev. H. Schuknecht, superinten
dent of Portland and Puget Sound dis
trict. At 7:15 p. m., a missionary pro
gram will be rendered by the Young
People's Alliance. Missionary and
Thanksgiving topics will be discussed.
Special music You are cordially invit
ed to attend. -
First Presbyterian.
"Our Country God's Country," will
be the subject of the morning sermon
bv the pastor, Carl H. Elliott. Service
11 o'clock. Subject of talk to the
Junior enntrroeation. "The Stove in
Davy's Head." In the evening stcreop
tienn pictures and talk on "Mormon
ism." Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock.
Mr. Jos. E. Albert, superintendent.
Judge Moore's class for adults at the
same hour-
Organ Recital.
Miss Forbes, the organ'st of the Pres
byterian church, will give a complimen
tary organ recital in the church at 3
o'clock Bnndny afternoon with Mr.
Archie Smith as accompanying soloist.
No charge. All are invited.
Court Street Christian.
Seventeenth and Court streets.
Salem Churches Are
Manifesting New Life
Along with the many other good
things that are being said about Salem
as a model eity, it is a noticeable fact
that , new life is manifesting itself
among the churches, that are taking the
lead in this movement. Those who have
attended service at St. Paul's Episcopul
church, corner Chcmeketa and Church
streets, have of late observed the mark
ed increase in attendance, not only
among the parishioners, but many
strangers have been noticed in the con
gregation. As a matter of taking ad
vantage o'f this revival of church in
terest, special efforts have been put
forth to further increase the size of con
gregations and swell the regular attend
ance to a proportion not ncrcioiore ex
perienced. Every Episcopalian in Salem will at
tend the services of the church next
Sunday, if tho plansof the administra
tion materialize one hundred per cent.
November 26th has been designated as
"Churchman's tir-up Sunday," and
efforts are being made to reach and
hold the attention of every member of
the congregation. Not only this, but
with tho idea of offering the stranger
every inducement possible tox join in
these -services, special features are be
ing plannd.
One of the most interesting features
will be a renewal of the batismul vows
on the part of the laity, and the re
newul of ordination vows on the part
of the rector, the Rev, Robert 8- Gill.
Special music is being prepared by tbo
vteed Choir, which is well organized,
and has received splendid commenda
tion. The hours of service aro as usual. The
rector will preach at both midday and
tvening services, further announcement
of which will be found under regular
church notices in this issue.
A hearty welcome is promised to all
who help to fill St. Paul's to over
flowing capacity, not only with the
opening of stir-up service next Sunday,
but evtry Sundny. '
Church to Celebrate
Coming of Thanksgiving
Conforming to a long established cus
tom tho First Congregational church
will celebrate on Sunday in both morn
ing and evening service the advent of
Thanksgiving day, a day which camo
from the Congregntionapchurch and its
people. This is the time of year when
Congregationalists remember their glor
ious history, remember that they have
given America a government "of the
people," by the people, for the people,
and have brought this democracy to all
English speaking peoples; have devel
oped a free press and an enlightened
public opinion, have given us a sys
tem of free public schools, and crown
ed hilltop and adorned prairie with
colleges and centered its uuiversities'in '
ereat cities: have separated enurcu
from state and given freedom for the
normal growth of conscience and oppor
tunity for the widest expansion of in
tellect; have refounded and glorified
tho home; have brought forth the fin
est Christian manhood and womanhood
the world has ever seen; have- pro
claimed Christ as the Saviour of the
world, brought healing to the sick and
comfort to the destitute nnd carried the
gospel of Jesus to all the shores of the
world. Congregationalism halts at no
obstacles, shrinks from no burdens be
Hves in God, calls ever for more light
and goes ahead. The future is pledged
to this spirit as the past is luminous
with it. Appropriate indeed there will
be the subjects on Sunday. In the morn
in, "The Old Puritanism and tho New
Age," and in the evening, "Today a
Day of Opportunity," with sermons to
bo preached by the pnBtor of Mie church.
The message of Congregationalism to
day is a message of practical helpful
ness, of cheer aud 'encouragement.
The evening address will be followed
by some sploudid pictures of the Pan
ama canal showing the magnificent part
electricity has played in this great Am
erican achievement, and revealing the
tremendous obstacles that havo been
overcome. Two reels of film will be
used in illustrating the canal in ell its
The Golden Staircase
For Children's Use
However, highly we value the public
libraries in satisfying the hunger of
boys and girls for books to read, we
must admit that books that are borrow
ed do not take the place of the books
that are owned and loved by the chil
dren. There ore those that will be
read ncain and again, interesting the
to build the character of the man orl
woman that is to be. It is these, first
of all, that should make up tho home
library. N
A list of such books is the "Golden
Staircase-" The first steps are the
easy ones dear to the little folks; they
increase in difficulty, and vary in in
terest to suit the changing taste of the
growing boy and girl, until they reach
the high school ago. No child could
mount the steps of this staircase with
out gaining an appreciation that will
enrich his life. This list has been se
lected by Miss Marvin, tho stato libra
rian; it is sure to be a helpful guide
to parents who wish to give to their
children of the best things. That all
may knoW these books, the public lib
rary has made them the basis for the
annual Christmas exhibit thiB year. Va
rious editions of each will be on dis
play there for one week beginning No
vember 25. All parents are invited to
examine- them. Copies of the list are
distributed freely in the form of book
marks. are entering the third week of our re
vival and hope to'make it the best of
all. Bible school, 10 a. m. A red let
ter day in attendance expected. Sermon
nt 11 a. m., "The Gospel Survey." Y.
P. S- C. E., :30j). m. Sermon at 7:30
p. m. Christian Cnion. Miss ejnuie
Williams will siu" "Tell Mother I'll
Be There."
Why the Journal is popular
It prints the world's news to-
day while it's news.
(Continned from page two.)
Robin Fisher, Lemuel Esteb, Dwikht
Kloster, Andy Vincent Don Bradford,
Edgar Rowland and Hayward Fowls.
On Monday evening Mrs. Anna Ro
ger Fish appeared at Wood-Mar hall
in a very delightful program if read
ings from "Tom Sawyer," and maoe
the - adventures of that famous boy
hero vivid and mirth provoking.
Perhaps Mrs. Fish's best asset as a
reader is her unaffected and charming
manner upon the platform, a manner
that displayed personality in n consul
erable degree, yet never permitted the
personality to intrude upon her aa
nimble character portraiture. Mrs.
Fish has, too, a resonant and pleasing
voice, quite adequate to the demands
her work makes upon it, for her whiB-
pors were as clearly audible as her
stronger tones.
"Tom Sawyer" was an especially
happy choice, and, from numerous re
marks heard in the audience, seems
likely to produce a run upon Mar
Twain's books at the library. It was
a matter for regret that the time al
lowed for the program prevented the
reading of still other passages. New
berg Graphic.
Rev. and Mrs. William E. Tngalis
were tho recipients of a delightful sur
prise party; on Thursday night, when
about 100 members and friends of the
Jason Lee chuiph gathered at the
church to celebrate the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their wedding.
The church parlors were prettily dec
orated in a white and green color
scheme, and the evening was made en
joyable by Miss Hortence ingnll, who
appropriately sang "1 Love iou. .tru
ly.'". A feature of the evening was the
mock wedding in which Rev. M. li.
Parounagian officiated. Following a
scramble for" the bride 's bouquet re
freshments wore served.
At tho home of Mrs. Lela Lynch on
Liberty street an enjoyable recital was
given last night by the pupils of Mrs.
Cora Hendry.
An array of yellow chrysanthemums
and ivy made a pretty background for
the participants. Atter tne progrnmmo
Mrs. Lnch served dainty refreshments
assisted by Miss Forest Enos.
The programme was as toiiows:
Silver Stars
Ema Kraft, Anna Kraft
(a) Dance of tho Brownies....Kamman
(b) Sjar of the Sea Kennedy
Susie Hazel
(a) Mill in the Black Forest
(b) Over Hill and Dale
Bertha Propp, Anna. Propp
Eddeweiss (.lido Vaiulorbaeh
Ema Kraft
(a) The Myrtles Wachs
(b) Meditation Lock
Alta Zinii
Down the Bayou de Koven
Bertha Propp
The Sailor Boys Dream Le Hache
Anna Propp
(a) Tho Maidens- Prayer,-.Badarzcwski i
(b) The wayside i napei
Thtirtmelda Koehler
Good Night :
Bertha Propp, Anna Propp
Dance of the Wildflowers -
Anna Kraft
How strange it is in thess hurried
days people forget what tho real
thanksgiving is.
What aro you most thnnkful for!
Some women havo answered, "I feel
so thnnkful because I have succeeded
so well, or "1 am thankful for my po
sition," "for friends, money, books,
opiwtnnities " the list is endless.
Is it just our prosperity, friends and
our own good thanksgiving dinnor that
fills our hearts with thanksgiving
its always easy to forget the folks
around the corner. It mnttora little to
us, in tho final analysis, how desper
ate thoir Btruggle for respectability
may be. Our thanksgiving spirit is so
complacent. It fails to remember, over
a steaming turkey, edged with rich
dressing and accompanied by suffi
cient cranberry sauce, those other din
ners of stale bread and tea. We are
grateful for our friends. But how
much thought do we give to tho girl
who is friendless simply because she
has no opportunities to know what
friendliness meansf
There are thousands of girls work
ing hard to be respectable who have
not enough to eut, and thousands of
others who want something more in
their lives than enough to eat and a
place to Bleep. Hut we have heard this
statement so often it hardly registers
anywhero on our preoccupied brains.
"Oh, but," we answer easily enough
"we havo thought about these girls
sometimes. We have viBited hospitals
and read to the old ladies at the Old
Peoples' Home." Yes, but have we
evor done any thing really vital to
cuange the conditions of their lives,
that they may bo thankful toof Or
have we only tossed them a bunch of
pretty flowers that cost us nothing In
time or strensth or life to oivo and
expect them to forget their hunger and
pain and loneiinessi Jiavc we pm
more than a friendly finger under the
burdens of our sisters who ciinb the
weary way besiile us. I wondered how
we dared bo thnnkful without that.
The true spirit in thanksgiving is
not in what we have, for that would
be selfish contentment. The true Chris
tian spirit is in helping other to
lighten their burdens an.i to help them
to bo thankful for the qualities of
greatness in others.
Girls! Remember you have an en
gagement for Monday evening Decem
ber fourth at the Y. W. L.'. A. You nr.-
all- invited to come and bring your
sewing at 8 o'clock. If you havo n
friend please bring her we want to
get better acquainted that evening.
Miss Winifred Pauley spent the day
n Portbmd where she went to attend
the football game.
Active plans are under wny for the
Christmas proprsm which the Wo
men's Choral club will give on Christ
inas atternoon at the First Methodist
Episcopal church. All members of the
f : : y- .
- sd&m J '' .y-A
'Reports that Germany and Austria'
Hungary would set up as an independ
ent kingdom the parts of Polaud occu
pied by their armies were received with
interest by every ono who recalled tho
fact that Poland was formerly a great
and flourishing kingdom ami one of
the most powerful in Europe. Tho news
was especially interesting to tho hund
reds of thousands of persons of Polisn
descent in the United Wtates. The an
nouncement sniil:
"(ieriimny and Austria-Hungary by
joint action proclaimed Warsaw and
Lublin the kingdom of Poland anil re
established the right of the Polish na
tion to control its own destinies, ttt
live an independent national life and
to govern itself by chosen representa
tives or tne nation.
A few days ago a Polish delegation
had called upon the imperial chancel
lor, Dr. von Bcthmann ilollweg. Irs
members were representative Poles of
all classes, all parties all ranks of so
ciety Bud nil creeds.' They"1rausmitted
to the German government the wishes
of the Polish nation which now have
been granted to tnem.
"Thus tho ancient kingdom of Po
land from which .in tho past came fa
mous rulers like tho Jagellones (a dy
nasty founded by .lagello which reign
ed in Poland from 13-HO to l,r72) ana
club are urged to be present for the
final rehearsals.
The members of the Hughes party
residing at the Y. W. C. A. were hos
tesses to tho Wilson supporters Thurs
day evening for a dinner party as tho
result of the election. A hugo bowl or
chrysanthemums centered tho table
which ' was artistically arranged with
patriotic colors and place cards iu
keeping with the affair marked covers
nt tho table for Mrs. E. R. Sweet, Miss
Sthel Roberts, Miss Kathiyn Jones.
Miss Emily Brnnson, Mrs. Maude Da
Motla, Miss Graco McGregor, Miss
Florence Cleveland, Miss Mary Cro
nan, Miss Jeneviove Kelly, Miss Ger
trude Savage, Miss Grace Young, Miss
Winifred Bagley, MiK8 Dolly Smith
uud Miss Gayle ilorncman.
Miss Genevieve Kelly left last week
to assume her duties as stenographer
in tho dairy department at O. A. C.
On Monday evening Dr. nnd Mrs.
Epley wore hosts tot itho local
chapter D. of tho P. E. O. Sister
hood nnd their husbands.
Those assisting Mrs. Epley were Mrs.
B. F. Mibs, Miss Laura Grant aud Miss
Alyce HolliHtcr.
On this occasion four of tho gentle
men, G. A. Wood, B. E. Bower Gordon
McGilchrist and C. D. Ranch, wcro ini
tiated into the mysteries of the order
and so bocame B. I. L. 's (brothers-in-law.)
As a reward for eating nico wooly
worms, etc., they with the others were
given a trip around the world via auto.
Tho first countries visited were
China and Japan, Miss Alycn llollisi,:.'
1075 Saginaw street hostess here .Miss
Anna Hcisie and Miss Mary Sun, dress
ed most beautifully in native costume,
received the guests in rooms elaborate
ly decorated with chrysanthemums.
After being seated upon cushions the
guests were served with rice a la Chinn
and tea a In Japan. Tho charms of
China ami Japan with its prctty'im
tive daughters was so great that the
merry crowd almost forgot that there
were other countries to visit until re
minded they must be on their way tc
London, England, Miss Laura Grant,
Hotl Center street hostess. The travel
ers wcro welcomed here by Lord Ira
Mercer and Sir Wmficld Huron. These
gentlemen in immaculate evening dress
with monocle eyeglass were great
"donteher know." Refreshment of
sand wiilics, wafers ami punch were
served. Again the night seers were off
this time for Dublin Ireland, and- It
was "sure a jolly crowd" that gather
ed around the big open fire place
while Mrs. Don Miles iu typical Irisn
cos nme served Irish stew from a great
kettle banging trom a crane over the
glowing coals the while singing Irish
rungs and telling Irish stories in hrr
own delightful manner manner. Miss
Margaret Miles with all the chaims
M I 1 -v- -'.'. UT
glorious soldiers like the great Sobles- Pictures show 1 view of LihIx, ,tlio
kl (John III, king of Poland in 11171-1 Pr,,'t manufacturing city captured by
PiOO) is now resurrected to new life. (l.'',l""r. the industrjal enpital of Km.
, . . i Mini Poland; An-llduko Charles Sto-
The loles are fj-ec iiom Hnssiun op-;,,),,, f Auslrialluiigniy, who was
pression, no morn to be trodden under' mentioned some, time ago an possible
the heels of the Cossack. Tho liberty I king of the independent Poland; 3, ot
that hail been destroyed a century agojfieers of tho Polish legion of the Aus
on Russian instigation now is restored j tro-(lermnn urin.v; I, the entrance to
The rule of tho knout has been abolish- the cathedral ami convent of Jnsna.
ed. Poland has been given back to west Guru- ("Holy Mount") in Czenstocli
ern civilization.'' wb, Russian Poland. When tho Ger-
There is no mention, however, or! mans captured ('.enstochowa they
German Poland and Austrian Poland, j madu this place their hoadquarlers. .
of the Irish lass served hot corn bread
and milk from a tnble decorated witti
shamrock and greens.
One of tho delights of the journey
is the homo coming and so faces wc.-.-i
turned to New York, l". H. A., ami
there in the hospitable home of I'r.
amTMrs. Epley, which was beautiful-j
ly decorated with pink roses and maid
en hair ferns. The guests were served;
iocs, cuke and coffee by the four hos-i
tcsses of the evening, Miss Jennie Mill-i
er gave n much appreciated piano -lection,
Dr. Epley and Mrs. Gordon
McGilchrist entertained with vocal
Anil so midst laughter nnd song aniT
feast Bilious were said to the compan
ions of a trip around the world.
Who who, who are we; we are, wo
are, wo are the P K O pie, see?
The tourists wcro Sirs. Matilda Grunt
Messrs. nnd Mesiliinies Holingcr, H, K.
Bower, 11. ('. Epley, (i. W. Laflar, It.
J. Miles, Gordon McGilchrist, II. S.
I'olsol, ('. D. Hnuch, Gerald Volk, (I. A.
Wood, Misses Laura Grant, Alyce llol
lister, Anorn Welch, Jessie Miller, Ann
Sweezev, Orla Welch and Rev. and
Mrs. V. T. Porter.
May Issue Certificates
of Election Monday
Sacramento, Cnl., Nov. 25. If the
missing precincts in Orange and Yuba
counties como. in, as. expected, by Sat-
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.
ml. i uif iirrm
El J'aso, Tekns, .Nov. L'5. At
4 o'clock this afternoon .Mex
ican do facto Consul Soriano
Bravo announced receipt of the
following tclegnim from Cnr
runza General Trcvunn:
"Our victory eomplcto; Vil
listns fleeing nil directions,
pursued by cavalry."
ui'dny night, Secretary of State Jordan
will be in u position to issue certifi
cates of election on Mouduy. Super
visors' returns from San Diego and
SuaM'Vaiiiisco have not yet reached
the capitol, but arc duo tonight. ,
These figures arc tho only ones to bo
checked up by the secretary. Xu mis
takes havo been found in tho official
tabulation of the 50 counties now in.
So the time of completion of the of
ficial tabulation and tho issuing of
certificates of itlcction depends on how
soon the two incompleto precincts in
Orange nnd Yuba are Hindu to satisfy
Secrctury Jordan through court actions.
Representatives of the democratic and
republican central committees say
they'll be in by Sutunlay night at thu