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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1916. TJTOEE c zzz3'c: I Moore Does ; n ji inns When it comes to a show down; Moore makes the prices - If you don't believe it, note these prices Cut on Dressers and Chiffoniers Regular $20.00 Birdseye Maple Dresser, French plate mir- ; Hpr, now v v :- ! . . . $15.85 .,; Regular $30.00 Birdeeye Maple Chiffonier, now- $21.00 Regular $30.00 full quartered oak Chiffonier, colonial " style, now $21.50 Regular $30.00 large massive quartered oak Dresser, size 3r0x22-inch, extra special y $13.85 " Regular $30.00 Princess Dresser, colonial design, .bevel plate French mirror 26x35-inch, top 38x20-inch, extra special- . $21.00 Other Dressers and Chiffoniers at correspondinglv Tow prices Buy Useful Xmas Gifts Dining Room Furniture not only add beauty to the home but is enjoyed by each member of the family. And in buying gifts this year remember the average family would be glad to contribute their share of the Gift Money to a nice dining room set. See our fine line of dining room Furniture. Get our prices. You cannot well afford to do without the luxury of a fine set, at the prices we are making on dependable furniture. . Prices I; 1 I jj lfl 1 1 IJ "" "" Woodburn News - (Capital Journal Special Service.) Woodburn, Or.,' Nov. 2.4 I!ev.' Cole man made a, few days visit with trie Binkley family last 'week at Goldcn dale. Wash. . '" Air., nnd Mrs. Jenkins nnd Xellle Binkley are living in Portland. Harold Dimirk visited his mother, Mrs. Sadie Iimick, last week oiid. Ho is atteilinjf Willamette il'niversity. ., Mr?, A. Franklin . Barrett and son, Charles Franklin, returned home from Portland last " week.. Mrs. Geo. Bonney, Mrs. Myrtle Cole, end Mies Lvdft Bovnton.mnde a trip to Washington last week. Miss Boynton Clayed at Kedueld but Mrs. Bouncy and, Mrs.- Cole visited friends in St. Helens, .Vancouver and.Kalama. They visited the ship at St, Helens. Miss .Tones lroin Mt. Angel visited t the home of Miss Crcseentia' Glatr last week. . ' Oscar Olson,' who is attending .Wil lamette University, spent the week end at home. LJ. W. spent Snturday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Y ergon of Don ald visited ' relatives in town Friday Miss Heleu Floenor will make her home with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hieks, in Roscburg. She will work in a con-, fectioncrv shop there. Grant 'Kims of I. a (Irnnde spent the week end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Sims. Mrs. O. F. Haskell and daughter-in-law, Mrs. F. W. Haskell, left for Cress well, Tuesday where they will visit relatives nnd friends. Miss Cieseontin Glatt attended teach ers institute at Silverton Saturday. Mrs. Carl Schelik and children ot Mulino are visiting at the lioino of Ijlicr sister, .Mis. Sum Voder. !' Mr. Gavin, Win. Blown, 8. J. Voder, J Joe Dubois and Nick Alilicr motoroii n HI the fust of tlto week after having vis jliteii with relatives here. Miss Hobccca Bonne.v returned home "I from Portland Saturday. H ! Itcx Hontlcv returned home ff'om Prominent Men o f Salem go' Pw 'cm ' H fi u ii u n ti u n u H n a n u n M I.uuis Lachmund all liouyli a young lniiii is acknowledged to ho. one uf Sti ll nw.ut urnnrnuva n,,,l uiil.afiiiitiijl iiitivunu 1 T .1 l n a ....o.Li f..,. lli.. A.A. JtOllliey left for T.Vgh Valley ,,ilv ..,i ' romi-n una licnn rcnnnlfd with lln liiulumt ntfiiMi nf tfiiHl Imv- lug served as mayor ot Salem with honor nnd (list piction. Air. Ijielimund is a hop buyer and has achieved unusual success in hi "hnsen business. He has lived in Oregon twenty-two yettrs and enjoys a !r.rgo acquaintance of loyal friends. The growing of the finest varieties o,. 1 1 iiuus aim inns is ins lavoriie noonv. ins extensive orcnarus coniaiii inc H Eastern Oregon lust week. ,.nros neaclies. neni s. iirunes and wniiuits. . The gins ot the Woodburn high K His, opinion is valued among" his fellow men for its geninrWovity and 31-uuoi ii-i ;nm uiK'ii'iwi " " 1 ' UCCUl'ac V. leuc dill) last ween wmi .icssie jik-kk, i itr.uiili)iil nnmi lli"1w -tn 1 iri il Ptl t ! and Ida Hendricks secretary and treas urer. Mrs. Oeo. Foote Dunham of Portland Hi HUB It JiUCni V " umiuuii . jSundav. Thev attended the dedication of the ( hnstjaii Science church. Miss Helen Urnnt, .Mr. mid Mrs. II. He is at iresent the Kxalted Ruler of Salem Lodge 3110 Ik J". O. ii. You get more for your money at Moores Others make the prices, we get the business. Why-we're lower Greenwood Case Dismissed at Dallas (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Nov. 25. The case against Harvey Greenwood of this city charged with contempt of court for having failed to pay the jnonthly- ali mony of $15 to hi former wife, Mrs. Ixuoy GreenwonjJ, was dismissed by Circuit Judge H..II. Belt Tuesday after I'oon on the tondition "that. Greenwood riaks the payments regular hereafter. The amount was also cut down from 418 1o 7.30.- QpRnnii A Awn ai i uuiiui uun nnu nuu HUMORSJGIVE WAY There nro mauy tilings learned from esiwrtence and obsen-ation that the older generation should impress upon the younger. Among them is the fact that scrofula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, ' pimples and other eruptions, eon be most success fully treated .with Hood's Sarsapa-lilla. This gmt medicine is a peculiar combination of remarkably effective Mood-purifying and health-giving j-oots, barks and herbs, which are fathered especially for it. Hood's iinrsaparilla has stood the test of -forty years. Oct a bottle todav now from your nearest drug store. Always keep it on band, ' - Assault Case Heard. It. C. ITaiberg, a resident of the neighborhood was tried before Justice of the Peace Hardy Holman, Thursduv morning on a char go of assault with a dangerous weapon on the person of Roy Bigler, a neighbor. Mr. Bigler al leges that Halberg attacked him with pitchfork Wednesday. The defend ant wus bound over to the grand jury. Former Dallas Citizen Jailed. Tom ILiutt, a former resident of this Capital City valued at $2,000. Mr. and Mrs. Rempel will move to this city to reside in the future having lived on the farm for tho past SO years. Mrs. V. S. Loughary returned to day from a two weeks vSsit at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Hadley in Portland. Arthur Hnhn of the Rodgers Paper Company, of Salem, spent Thursday with friends in Dallas. K. K. l'iaseeki, district II 13 II i ! Huff over Sunday I1. Raymond Bassett and Miss Olive W j Bassett motored from Xewberg to a i Woodburn- Tuesday and visited Alis. Si Ida Hen. hicks. J. R. Brown of Salem was n guset at (the homo of hie. daughter, Airs. Walter Johnson Inst week. , Mrs. J. II. Richards"' ent to Kugone Thursday to visit her daughter, Airs. S. K, George, who is ill. ! SAturdnv eveninir the members of II ! the senior class were delightfully en SS j tertained at the lionje of Dewey Bitnoy. " M"itt.fdln'!icous untiles ' wer-L tduVeii Bruce Sims mid Ida Hendricks cutting for first prize. Luncheon was servoit by .Airs. Biincy, assisted by nor daugh ter, Aliss Alethn lbtuey and Miss Kthel Bouncy. Tho guests invited were: Dovle ' Johmon, Oscar Beck, Leslie were j Thompson, ' Lee Kims, Osmund Haugr, Hewitt Higelow, r.llmrn suns, Asa Foote, Boyd Yergcn, Bruce Sims, Alac Aiillan Jones, Floyd Rice, Dewey Bit ney, iris Clicnpweth, Gladys llurdcastlc Pearl Blackiuun, .lessiu Hicks, .Minnie Ida Hendricks, Alice noli- Hayesville Notes i i (Capital .Toiirnul Spcciul Service) Havesville, Nov. 2."i. Mrs. 11. Alii- society of Hayesville will be Dec. I. The school childrcns fair held lien Inst Friday was very successful. Tho teachers, Miss Attn Pattrson and Mira Ruby Rotit-ii, were plwised at the dili'i W. Melius of Portland were guests nt tt for,111r of this place ts n'V ' ,' m " "y 1 . ' thw hnmp of Mr nml Mrs Elmer B . , , . . .... . Daniel Clare, accompanied by his sis- ,e..''nnle.05 """ Mn' lAm" ".pleasantly located at Hilsboro. ., ,Mi !.,... l clr., of . ),.,. l.h,- Bridgepor.L" were Dallas visitors Wed nesday. " Mr. and Airs. Frank Brown Capital city visitors this week. Circuit Judge H. "H. Belt was elect ed one of the vice presidents of the state bar association at the annual TnOMtitifT tirtlil ill 1'nrtliiiwt thiy U'f.i!f m. i . i ... u'..... i t Scttleinier. .r.j .i.i". n:.i.....n ... i erts. Kdith Hawlcv. .Naomi Hicks, A'e! H'vcu IV Kwn mii 1 1 m.ii iiivniL-tiii uifj ' ,, , i .1 have taken up their residence in the '." Hoiiimger and Lsther and Ruth bust- L. li: Brown projierty on Clay street. Diiiwoodie. eitv, was sentenced to serve a term of elect, was in rortianu tins woeK at thirty days in the Yamhill county jail! tending- thje annual meeting of the r -l r tt n.u . I Ktiita Tilt r AuHnftiitinn. attorney fr (.,.owev intendcnt, is the new school super- bootlegging charge. Hiatt drovo a transfer wagon for the Star Trunsfer company-while in this city. Entertain at Five Hundred. Air. and Airs. F. J. Craven enter tained a number of friends at their home on Mill street Thursday (! daughter will leave Sunday- for south at five hundred. The honors were won orn i'UaforiiR points when! they will ov Mrs. Asa a. nouinson, jr., uim laupud aevera months. Thev will uo ae State liar Association. Airs. John W. Orr visited at the home of her mother in Monmouth the first of the week. Hon. and Airs. George W. Mover have returned from a short visit with their daughter, Airs. Zulu Simpson at Gaston. Air. pud Mrs. Ralph Riggs and little Eiley Craven. After the game a delic ious luncheon was served by the host ess. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Airs. Craven were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Craven, Air. and Mrs. A. B. Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wil liams. Air. and Mrs. Tracy Staats, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Fullor, lr. and Airs. J. R. Alleood. Dr. and Airs. A. B. Still buck, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant, Mrs. It. A. Woods, 'Miss Dilla B. Viers and U. S. Loughary. " Folk Farm Sold. II. A. Roberts, of Salem, this week purchased the 100 aore farm of G. .1. Rempel, situated on the DallnsSnlem road near Rickreall for approximately $10,000. The terms of the sale being $s,000 cash ; and property in the Quinaby News (Oapitiil Journal Special Service.) (juinaby, Ore.,- Nov. 25 Measles have mbade their appearance in a liglit form at. the Perkins school but few of the pupils are confined to their homes. The children of Rev. Guy Stover, of Brooks, are among those recently uf- tliuted in that neighborhood Aliss Kvelvn C'oukliii made u ness trii) to Portland Snturday. Robert Poinsett of Hubbard visited Woodburn weitnesiiny. Airs. Sadie Dim irk is visiting her brother at Alolalla. Aliss Ruth Austin mid Xnouii Hicks motored to SaleiuJ'iiduy, briuging Lc land Austin home from tho Willam ette 1'iiivcrsity wilh-theui. HUBBARD NEWS. Ihe ( hristian J-.ndeavor convention 1 1, visited relatives. Mrs. Alndison Hnr- at Hrooks, Ore., oil Nov. .lit, was nt- Dert and Airs. Maiv Piuett during a ll'llllt'M 11V III- 1 III IU IHj; IU"H"lllin from the Hayesville branch: Mrs. Chaa Reed, .Miss Huth Saucy, Prank Pitts, Miss Miible King, Harry Wykoff ami Francis Wykoff. Frank i'itts of Hayes ville was elected secretary and trea-j" urer of this district. Air. and Airs. Isaac Hascy hnvfc reached Hermiston, Kasteru Oregon, aci'ording to letters received hero this week. M. Stcttler purchased a new Alnx wcll nulomobile this woeki ,. The teachers training clavs met with Miss Gladys Webb at the Webb homo on Sunday, Nov. 19. 1n grippe, which held the bonrits hero siuce early autumn, seems to liuvu abdicated in favor of tonsilitis. Among the young people who have been ill were, Audrey White, Rubv Braiiuou and Kniil Ri'Cjd, all of who mare recov ering. Airs. K. Ktiger continues ill at hor home with a complication of diseases. Hayesville is becoming known as "the home of Fords," Among those getting new .mucliines of this make this week are A. K. Zimmerman and John Hickman. William Rickman pur chased a 'Kurd a few months ngo and now John Rickinnu has also invested in a. Kord. Rev. V.. Short preached at Hayes ville last Sunday. Reverend and Mrs. Patty of AIcMiiinville will have charge of ihe services at Hayesville Nov. 2" at II o'clock service. The next meeting of the . literary part of tho past week. Mr. Clare wan en ro'ute for Alontgoinery City, Missou ri for a isit. vWillinm Hickman motored to Port land and spent u few days last week, Aliss F.ulu Brown of Oregon City spent a few days with Cluxtar frieinw returning to her home Wednesday. Airs. L, John ho u is painting and re pairing her Hnyesvillo property. Harry Wykoff left today for-liar-lowtoun, Molilalia, to accept 0 position with the Wells Pargo Kxpress Co, of that, place. - ' .Mrs. William rowers ami .mis. .las. Byrne have as their guests Airs. .('has. McAllister of Stayton, atid .Mrs." Jul n Byrne of White Salmon, Washington. Mrs. McAllister wits tWmorlv Aliss Kl- jiun Byrne of Hayesville. Mrs. McAllis ter was nccnmpaaicd by her throe, smell chaldren. The infant daughter of Air. and Mrs. Fruiik Aluthcs of- Wnrouda was brr ieiUhere on Alionnuy afternoon. The lit tle girl wiis born oil Thursday Nov. Id and passed away Nov, IS. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST THERE IS IN Phone 81 JOB PRINTING Prompt Service The Hiibbaard high school fuotball ... p. I away Saturdav, November IS. The fu v Stumi. were i "or"1 ,onk I'lu'f' iioa(iay 1,1 Hayesville n Will there be a Victrola in ii ... . . ; "'.::..,". :., ii cemetery. Mrs, Robert Gamer and two children, Mrs. this! conipanied on their trip by Air. and Mrs. II. R. Patterson, Jr., of Blind I isiough, uregon. Mr. aud Airs. S. and Air. and Airs, ilenrv btump were Capital city visitors the first of the Miss Alice Grant was a Corvallis; ?,f T('um hve '"'n visiting J vi,itor the flr nf the week. Gamer's father, . M. Lick, at Marshal Blessing of Portland is in Dallas visiting at the home of his par ents, Air. and Airs. S, W. Blessing. C, S. Graves, the newly elected coun ty "assessor has moved his family to this city from their home near Balls ton and are occupyiugTi residence- on casf Court street. ' " J. J. Leveck, a 'prominent resident of the Airlio neighborhood was a county sent visitor this week. " Jud Poster and W. W. ' Frink of i. i i :.u :.... i..u s:..t,.v. On Thursday, November 10. a dauitli- T "". I""!" " . " u"" , c . ' J ,V , a i 1 i i UUV It I HI OUOII liilll IIIO .i 'I I II noil iiiH" ter was born to Mr. and Airs. Franklyui v , ...... B. Mntthes, nt Wacouda, but passed 'mi'IiiuiI iIivi-ii. Ifniia thc'tirMt ltuiiih for the Hubbard boys anil the first time they had had any experiences of real play. That the Jefferson boys did not get clear nway from them sjieaks well for the home learn as the visitors had played other games this yeiir ami sever al of them had been on the teum lit least .1... .1 :ii I'lni-c inr niu ouni juur uionius, will r- . .. , . .:,.Ji.. torn .luirtlv tn lr l,n, n,im..r ' ' . ' 18 H previotwly. was formerly Misa Bertha Lick, a pop ular teacher in this vicinity. Friends of Kd Johnston, who suffer ed u nervous breakdown as a result of The visitors were a fine, lot of fellows and won the gnnie by it score of 18 toO. - 1- J. I'mble, of Gap, Pennsylvania, ar rived Monday to spend a few days nt I the home of Peter Ksch, cast nf Hub- thn sensational methods of evangelism practiced by the East Indian Fraley at Silverton, will be glad to learn that he has recovered. ' ' r in.. ........ t l - ' .win, i nomiin j.iirnt-u, who recently i:,:.i n..i i.: x-..,u ii.,l-.... unu entertained the Ladies' Aid society had V " v VT' l. Z r.Z .L.' i.J bant, Mr. Vmblc nun traveling urouml on niic of ihoHe circle triim flround the t'nitcd Ntnti'ft thut Hi'iH him north throu gh Chicfiffo from hid home town, up in v !, fM ,"e'"1."r,Un:ibont, tlieu over the Souther,, Pacific I NhKJ t''w vlr,"..'rAIr"- 1:.h,l'c,ur' south to the borders then east through! lW$ Aliss Agnus Jackson returned last Friday from a week spent Willi her bro vour home this Christmas? ii i Victrfflas sefl from $15 to $200. I have ALL STYLES ; ; -in stock GEO. C. WILL ii ii ii ii ii !! II II II II II II U Mrs. Wm. Wcese, Airs. John Zeliniski, Mrs. E. M. Tangquerry, Miss Lena Tan-1 r i r .. tt i l""1'.'' "'"uru "amp, airs. j. .n.:,, H t,,,,!.., ( .... oiu.k.o, ii. rn. u. live .loocn, .nrs. J lull .,, ,, .. I1V 11 , kl,l. ston, who spent several month at the Jackson homo. Mrs. Kidslon ttiil spend the winter with .Miss Jackson uin Mrs. Coleman in Hubbard- Albert Gower, a resident of Stayton, died on the .'1:25 south bound train Wed nesday afternoon, nhile the train whs running from Aurora to Hubbard. The I .1.. ...I - !. ... lf I are working for Mr. Dnrbin on Howell '" ! Prairie spent Sunday with home folks. ! b"rn P"'!"""' J L, j '.. . .. u-, , -, disease was the cause of death. Girod, Airs. AI orris, Jlrs. G. Looguire, Mrs. Tom Larsen. Silver Cliff Notes f 'upital .Toiirual Special Service) Silver Cliff, Or., Nov. ii. Kldrn Alulkey anil Francis Charpillo. who Music Dealer 432 STATE STREET, SALEM Saturday. Airs. Armstrong is reported sick. Born Tuesday, Xov. 21, a boy Mr on.l Mr Clifttin Klrnm .Mrs. Horn spent Wednesday at the; '"'' ""r,u 01 -"euioru ....iini-tbrough the Southern Pacific agents . . ehool""nt San Fraiiciwo and at present ro'is located at Central Point, a good little towu with lots of paved streets ft few jay uses ins Armstrong home. Lclond Mulkey .brnuuht a load from I Silverton Sntnrdav for J. H. Brewer. Mr. Anderson is employed at the Fischer mill. There will be n road meeting at Pair- view Saturday. Wedding, invitations, announcements, and calling cards printed at the Journal Job Department Prices right. Journal Want ads will sell it. job. Airs. Henry -Scholl went to Aurora Wednesday to confer wilh Miss Kiiiiiin Snyder, grand chief of the Pythian Sis ters, for Oregon, who has just returned from a trip in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Scholl has charge of the altruistic work of the lodge for this section. lliibbatd Enterprise, 8cU it Journal want ads will sell It. Try tho Journal classified ads. ) 11 S3 There is nothing you can uivc as nc table' as I! I -tH f.-s Jewelry for present. Jewelry of qunHty . speaks vj.1 . I ssi volumes for the tasto nnd generos'lv of the giver. r. 3 j Mnko this a Jewelry-gift Cliristinas. , .' . W TLM' U ' 'fA' H I is a Guarantee of Quality S ' 'Make your selections nowii whilo our holiday stock Tr.r- U i. fit it liewt And U'IiIIm vnn tinvn fh.i limn i.fni.... :- JI I . Iv select Vour irift. Wo hnva ilm irrputust vuri..t In IIILv.-.3 i n the city nnd nt prices that please. A small deposit II F-l-'-'-f j---' . - U will hold any articlo for you until the holidays. "r"" U . . . p L Hartman Bros. S cfjJiA "''' Quality Jewelers nnd Silversinilhj liySr Pt STATE AND ' Ssi -62.1