Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 12

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f. I' , J I Beribodq if I j tum to
fc I ? fonJ erect . JL 1 . . X. i starting J
I A-hzelstDtetter, Jl E eft ' ill position-, rJ
I J spina straight. JXN. psSlt arms hawing V.. vj
I J arashaTO' , l strait J intfefiS'r IM
(advice for
(instruct Them Care
fully While They
Are Young.
F there be any one whone power
Is In beauty, la purity, lu good
ness, It 1b a woman."
It U every woman's desire
to be loved and even la her most In
discreet moDientH, could you get to the
heart c1 the matter, you woiiid discov
er that she Is only seeking admiration
ad affection. This Is more trans
parent with the growiuK girl, because
he has not yet learned to hide hor
footings, and In consequence doe
tuany rash things.
This Is the reason why she flirts, ei
ohaoges pictures and jewelry, and al
lows familiarities with boys of whom
she knows very little.
The parent Is either too weak-minded
or tguorant to lutluence her daugh
ter In tho right direction, or she goes
to the other extreme and forbids all In
toroourse wtlh boys.
The first course permits the girl to
take any liberties with her home and
Its hospitalities, and, having no respect
(or her mother's judgment and pos
sessing none herself, she welcomes
anybody she happous to meet.
The second course Is even more
blnmable. A normal girl seeks Inter
course with boys, and will get It
whether her parents approve or not.
Hue will meet them at other girls'
houses, or even worse, ou the Hlreets,
and, having no power of discrimina
tion, results are often disastrous.
It Is the mother's duty to see that
her daughter meets the right men.
l'lven if this side of her uuturu devel
ops early, due, perhaps, to environment
or companions she would do butter to
allow the boys than to refuse hor
daughter thulr companionship. Sht
can and should dtscrlmlnuto, however,
mid so exercise a stronger Influence
J than otherwise on the girl's life.
. There comes a time when the prin
ciple of life should be explained by tho
mother to her daughter. She herself
knows best wheu this time arrives, and
never should she shirk what is per
Iiaps her highest duty. Many who call
I themselves "mother" shrink from Ills.
I Halving their consciences with the
I thought that It Is unwomanly to speak
f o( such a subject, thereby for cing the
! child to learn from outside soiirtes.
i The mother Is Ihu girl's uearest and
I dearest fr.cnd. and she alone can pre
sent this knowledge iu a delicate way,
ifar better than cuu a doubtful book, or
u girl friend. If there were less retl
. vonce about such matters between
I mothers aud daughters, there would be
less freedom between boys aud girls,
' and more properly placed modes')'.
It Is the mother who can best ex
j plain to her daughter why kissing, lu
ilself perfectly proper, is better re-
(used to a man until the ideal Is fouud,
I aud an cugagemcul exists. If the
I mother be au up-to-dutc woman lu oth
' er respects, her daughter will respect
' tier opinion lu this matter, also.
Every girl has an ideal woman. She
may be the heroine of a book, a crea
ture of her mind, or a real woman; no
matter, she must be beautiful. liut
does she analyse her further, demand
lug for her beauty of speed aud action,
1 graciousness of mauner. stralghtutas
of mind and desire?
It is a good plan to spend a short
time each day iu thought, livery girl
of growlug age Indulges In "dreams,"
so she can spare a little time to pic
ture the attrlbues of her ideal woman,
Hhe should mako It a plan to model
herself dally upon her Ideal, and she
will Aud herself improving, but even
then she will have work to do, for her
Ideal has not been standing still, but
advancing as she progresses.
Girls, cau you Imagine your Ideal
flirting on street comers, exchanging
pictures cr lings with men whom she
has met perhaps once, kissing boys
who place no value ou what should bit
precious privilege? Can you Imaglue
her losing her womanly dignity to
"chase after" a boy who is already
tired of her looltshneisr
Or do you picture her attracting
through shear torce of character as
well as personality? Don't you want
her to refuse overtures of affection
from Tom, Dick and Harry, and Iteep
her heart In reserve for the one man
who is worthy of both her respect and
love? I ora sure that you do. And as
kurely as you want your ideal to be
have In this manner, so you will act
, yourself.
flaidcnKt.iiA - ,tfh I 1 to si ''Sm&kna-r
totter.spirw l f7 S"' J I . rL IP position, arms
straight. anmhamnA 1; I nliq dKtimi, . jfiL Ji hann at ciJes
arsiJjmli tinrr V v Palms eX position, little finr
ixchint thitfv f touching 1 'uWnH.
st raiht,arrrc toudim? stifluidgrf, l . IV
f? W.EXER.aSE FOUR fel v
I ' " W
heels totetherl
spine strain
arms hanf mi
nt f iJ,
Iittl finr'
touching thif
I.Y nails cau be Improved by
taking the trouble to push
buck the bard skin that grows
at the base of the nails. This
should b done after th bands have
l is. I ki amic Anoo I fcrwaw t htOC I 1 I
liif shoulder hih.Tna?t)rti? I jnaluni?-nIitan?kJ Return to . H
been washed In warm soap and water
and arc still moist A soft towel is
the best thing to use for the purpose,
or an Ivory or bono Implement, such
as is sold In manicure sets.
- ' ft
N retiring at night the balr
should bs carefully brushed
and ths Brain miuamd. Than.
Instead of braiding your hair,
let It tall over ths pillow, to that It will
&?tUni to
Gtarf m- volition..
arms naji?m?-
at suws . utue
&;f urn- 2
armi hanpin
at tides,
httla flnfxr
get as much air as possible. Air Is
most important tor the nutrition of the
balr. and the custom of anreadlnc the
balr out at night is one that has long
been practiced by tbe Japanese belies.
Big Firms are Always Looking for Employes
Who Can Think Along Commercial Lines.
Pi ERE man condescends to give
II some of his conclusions about
al the "opposite sex." It Is soms--tlmea
worth a woman's while,
In such a case, to listen and ponder,
atuce a mere man often gets a point of
view the "opposite sex" misses. This
particular mere man Is the successful
advertising representative of a well
known magazine, and has something to
say about women in business. For a
long time, he relates, he tried to find
a satisfactory secretary. He couldn't
make out why so many were unsatis
factory till after considerable observa
tion and experience.
First, he says, by way of appeasing
woman for his criticism, he told in
terms of highest praise of the secre
tary ho flDally found a glorious ex
ception to the rule he laid down for
women In biminess. He raises this
girl's salary yearly and he wilt keep
her as long as he can.
"She gives to work all her thinking
energy In office hours and..I should
ludge from the results of her work,
half her thinking energy out of hours.
Thore Is the secret of ber being satis
factory. She manages to keep well, so
that she can put hor thought on the
service she is paid for.
"As a result of centering her irdnd
on the business she has developed the
ability to dive down into her brain and
bring up an idea every now and then
that goes to make a success nf ber
work and mine, and so of the depart
ment in general. Immediately after
she came to me she entered a course
In advertising on her own Initiative to
make herself better able to cope with
the needs of nn advertising depart
ment. She reads the magazine every
mouth, not merely the stories, but all
the ads. When her Intuition tells her
I am ready for a suggestion she Is
ready to give It, without any offlclous
ness or any nf the sweetly feminine
tricks of managing me.
"Not lung ago the magazine put
stress on Are insurance and fire pro
tection advertising. The last minute I
was puzzling to All a page. My sec
retary asked if I had solicited a cer
tain manufacturer of metal doors. I got
the ad. man of that Arm on the wire
to open negotiations. Iu a flash my
secretary was out of the room and
back aga'u, thrusting before my eyes
the design of that month's cover that
I hadn't seen nor known about. It was
a "corker' for a Are advertising Issue
and gavo me the Inspiration for an
additional talking point that clinched
that contract. That's merely onu In
stance to show shes.altve and truck
ing." Then this mere man ushers In his
IN serv'.ug a number of persons
at tea or reception, silver and
dishes often need to be
washed. Ths hostess should
see to It that there Is a big Biipply of
dish towels, otherwise she will be mor
tified by "damp spoons and plates.
0 clean a soiled white felt hat
brush a paste made of pow
dered magnesia and water
well tuto the felt, then let the
hat dry thoroughly when the magnesia
Bbould be brushed out. Generally the
bat will then look like new, but in
some cases It Is necessary to repeat
the whole process. Take care that you
use a quite clean brush a nail btush
will do.
ry-jl ENT) leaky enameled ware with
Km I white lead. Cover the small
lUcJI holes with white lead on the
outside of tbe vessel; for
larger holes cut a piece of white lawn
or muslin a little larger than the hole
and pull through ou the iuaido of ves
sel and apply the white lead on the
outside. Place in the sun or near the
stove to dry. Large mends require two
or three days to dry, small ones three
or four hours.
GOTH and nail brushes should
always be had In sets of twos,
it not three, for bristles fall
usually because ot having be
coaio sift from constant wetting.
Therefore it they are thoroughly dried
filriy often their usefulness la pro
longed. For example, a woman who
keeps two brushes lu use at the same
time, using one every otber day, will
lind that the two will last longer than
two other would If one were worn
out before beginning on the second. All
tooth brushes should hang wben not in
use, to allow the moisture to run off.
OMEN who live alone are apt for
convenience sake to Indulge
AJ somewhat freely in a liquid
diet. It is so much easier fo
prepare snd clean up after milk and
egg, or a cup of hot choeolate or cos
tee, than it is with mors substantial
foods. If one must go on a liquid diet
from health reasons there may be some
excuse, but to adopt it for anything
short of necessity Is to put a premium
on bad teeth. Both in adults and chil
dren the teeth need work, and it they
do not get It. loosen long before their
NE of the most convenient ar
ticles to use tn a sick room is
a sand bag. . It is mads from
clean, fine sand, thoroughly
dried on the stove. Put it Into a flan
nel bag about eight Inches square, but
don't fill It full, as it makes It too
heavy. Sew up the opening carefully
and cover the bag with cotton or linen
to prevent the sand from leaking. You
can quickly heat it in the oven or even
complaints, his arraignment of women
in business at least of some of thira.
"A lot of my helpers have been thai
sort that Bit around the office In spars
time and embroider," said he. "No
girl whose hands and mind are occu
pied with stitch, stitch, stitch can think
deeply at the same time. The embroid
ering and novel reading sort usually
waited to be told and then literally and .
mechanically, without any Imagina
tion, performed the task set for them.
They belonged to the class that foils
Into a rut and never sits down and
thinks that thinking, thinking, think- '
lng Is what gets them Into something '
bigger and better.
"Outside office hours women's minds
are all fussed up with things no suns
man. no matter how small his job, i
would think of Addling with. Tlioy 1
wash, Iron, sew, knit aud cook at horns.
They split up llielr energies to tho !eU
riment of themselves professionally
"Business girls can get a valuabls,
lesson from men who give themselves
wholly to professional duties. If work
Isn't first In the mind no one can auo
ceed at it. This means thinking oi It
eight hours a day to the exclusion of
all else and then thinking of it half ths
rest of the time. By no means should
a girl rust In business to ths exclu
sion of recreation, but she should bs
so Interested that she can't help find
ing part of her pleasure in It. Thus
her effortB become creative and shs
grows with her position aud makes It
"Women earners, like society butler
files, ran skim over the surface ot
their brains and never penetrate ths
thinking parts of them." concludes this
cynical mere man. "Women In busi
ness can stagnate and go to seed just
as they can In matrimony."
a . .
HEN a severe headache Is ths
result of heat, a cloth dipped
frequently In cold water aud
placed at the base of the b; ala
will give relief. Ice water should bs
used for this purpose, the compress
being often changed. Several drinks
that will be palatable and refreshing
at such times are sassafras tea and
cream of tartar water, the latter being
especially cooling. It Is made by dis
solving a small teaspoonful of the pow
der In a glassful of cold water. Ths
drink must be sipped slowly. Sassa
fras tea is made by steeping two heap
ing teaspoonfuls of the dried root forj
nan an nour in tnree pints or douiiis
water, then lettiug It steam until coldL
It is strained and Bweetened If desired.
The latter may be drunk freely.
on top of Ihe stove, and It holds Ihs
heat a long time. It can be tucked la1
anywhere. It is a good thing to kees
two or three of these bags on hand.
aud you will never need a bottle ot hot
water or a brick or tlatlron.
ADED colors may often ba re
stored by the use of alum wa
ter. A faded blouse, for In
stance, should be shaken ires
of dust, then washed well with castlla
soap, rinsed thoroughly In clear water!
and then In alum water. The alum!
will generally brighten the colors and'
in any case it will help to set them.
rnr a . v. . . i
ivm Duuer me moBi irom laau
lack Of exercise. Tnrieeri it 11
the exception when girls abovil
10 or 11 eet anv rprtilni mtt-Vl
door exercise. To this cause much oil
woman's ill health can be traced. MosfJ
girls' lungs are underdeveloped, which
opens me aoor to a host ot diseases.
nervous even more than pulmonary.1
Professor Tyler gives some interest-'
ing facts as to the effect nf nmnintlo
on girls' lung capacities. He com-4
pares statistics of lung development ot
iteurasKa gins ana or girls from a Nen
York city Bchool, where gymnastics
were required daily. At the beginning!
of their school work the western girls!
lungs were one-fifth larger than thossfj
or me city giri.f. By the time botu
9 botu
rl had
'1, andj
were ii years old the city girl
caugui up witn the country girl
at 12 or 13 shA hnit nnA.(hlp
lung capacity. Quite a remarkable?
showing! The value of Increased lunj
power to the whole body is impossible
to over-estimate.
HIS method ot waving the habf
is succesbiui it it Is not toel
oily. An hour or so before rsfl
uring, wet the hair with hot
water. Then, while the balr is wetj1
comb it straight" back from the facay
and bind piece of tape or ribbosf
around an inch above tbe line where!
the hair starts growing. With jrouf
comb, pull the hair out from under thai
tape, to form a little pompadour. TheW
bu.J another piece of tape around ths
head, two Inches back from the ftrsi
one. Pull the hair Into a second pomp-'
adoor between thla and the first' Up,1
Do this a third time. Then you wilt
have three puffs of hair, and three
bands of tape about the bead. Let thi
hair dry this way, even tanning It dryj
sa you must not go to bed with tb
head wet and sleep with the tape stilt!
bound around the head and the bale
strll puffed between them. In that
morning, the hair should be quite flrm-J
ly waved around the head, and should
form a soft and pretty effect when
done up in any fashion at all. Howl
long the wave lasts depends on how,
easily your hair curls, and how dry tbs
air is. But it is harmless, and not hard!
to do, and the effect Is prettier tba'
ths stiff wave, or a wave formed by.
curling Irons or artificial heat.