Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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"American Model Builder"
"Madame Hendren Character Dolls"-
"Parker Games" "Ives Toys"
! EARLY IAS SHOPPING I Salem's Big Christmas Store
-:: Experience' of previous ::
: : years endorses the advis- : :
ability of early preparation
: ' and early buying. We take : :
I this opportunity to urge : :
everyone to use the advant- -
ages which Early Christmas '
; ; shopping affords.
; ; Large, fresh stocks t o '
choose from. No crowding ;;
; ; while selecting merchandise. ; ;
Plenty of time to decide on
: : gif ts, and you help store em- ; ;
; : pleyees also in making early ::
:: purchases.
We are. preparing better' than ever to retain the name of Salem's Xmas
Store every department is taking on the Holiday effect and spirit of the
season. You'll find gifts for everyone in this big shopping place, and at
lowest possible prices, too. Short,but important information for shoppers.
"Salem's Big Tovland on the second floor. Large assortment of Christmas
Cards, Calenders, Stickers, etc. Splendid Gifts for Men, on display in the
Men's Section. Just received a big shipment of Christmas Slippers."
"Many dainty made-up ribbon Novelties for gifts Ribbon Section. An enorm
ous showing of Gift Handkerchiefs 5c to $5.00. Made-up Breakfast Caps,
Scarfs Camisoles, etc. Lace section. The Art Section offers manv helps for
the Gift Seekers. Manv articles suitable for gifts at special prices in every
Women's High Grade Suits at h Price
Come and take your pick of this big stock every garment included latest models in finest fabrics and
finish. This is a final clearance of the present season's garments and offers a most unusual opportunity to
save a big amount on your new Suit.. w- .
All $35.00 Suits-Take your pick ........... $17.50
All $40.00 Suits-Take your pick r. .$20.00
All $45.00 Suits-Take your pick - $22.50
Big rack of New Suits up to $35.00 Sale price $15.00 Each
Sale of Fur Scarfs and Muffs Price
" Novelty Furs in Sets, also many separate pieces 1
No. 823 Wednesday Surprise Sale, November 29th
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns, CQ
Surprise Sale, Each . . . . OJJL.
Here are splendid flannelette gowns in either high
neck or low neck styles long or half sleeves braid
trimmed and may be had in plain white or in colored
stripe patterns well fashioned and not skimped in
any manner. Extra value for our Wednesday sur
prise event . . . . gCjc ach
On Sale at 8:30 A. M. .' See Window Display.
Watch Our Windows for Gift Suggestions.
; : Suitable merchandise for holiday giving, will be dis
; : played each week in our windows. Economial shop
I pers will profit by watching the displays.
liituututtn ttttt
At LnFayctte: Purdue 0; Indiana 0.
At Boston: Syracuse 2; Tnt'ts 13.
.. At Madison: Wisconsin O; Illinois 0.
At, New York: Columbia 0; Now
York University 6.
At Philadelphia: Pennsylvania 10;
West Virginia Wcsleyan O.
At Chicago: Minnesota 49; Chicago 0
Nebraska J4; Iowa 17.
Swnithniorc 7; llaverford 10.
Amherst O; Springfield li.
Lehigh 16; LnFayette ti. ,
Ohio State 23; Northwestern 3.
Minnesota 40; Chicago 0.
Before a largo crowd in a
dri aiding rain, Oregon, Universi
ty and O. A. C. clashed at Cor
vallis this afternoon. Oregon
scored a touchdown and kicked
goal in both first and second
quart or, the first half ending,
V, of (). 14, O. A. C. 0.
tmiiutirntumtmiitumiiit until
3 iiinnrciitititnintittiinuifflttitwuiitiitiinn
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glass e
M correctly. D. ti. Bank. Bid..
Tit report of the condition of the
United (States National bank of this
city is printed in today's Capital Jour
nal. Deposits of f 1,334,1)811, and re
source l,58S,4SS.Ofl.
Dt. Stone's Drug Store for' trusses.
- 4-H.
Double vision glass-
' es that help you to j
i look younger
glasses i ::
' The Only Invisible Bifocal
Keep you young-looking because I
mere is no ttue or seam to reveal
the fact that you are wearing
double-vision lenses. KRYPTOKS
(pronounced Crip-tocks) are be
coming to you besides giving
yon the wonderful convenience of
perfect near and far vision iu oue
pair of glasses.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
J Booms 209-210 -211 TJ. & Nat'l Bk
4 4
Dr. P. H. Thompeon of 416 Bank of
Commerce bide., specializes in Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. tf
Word was received today from A. B.
Hudelson now in Boise,, Idaho, that he
was aick with la grippe and that he
would not be homo for a week or 10
days. Mr. Hudolson was called to Boise
on Recount of the death of his son-in-law,
E, V. Johnson.
Your furs remodeled. Furs for sale.
West fur Co., H17 S. High St. nov30
The Salem Floral society will hold a
meeting Monday evening at the Com
mercial dub to lay out plans for the
coining year. An address on gardening
will bo delivered By Luther J. Chapin.
Don't wait until .he apples are gone
before you get your supply of cider.
Now is the time. Seo Co'innierciul Cider
Works of Sulcm. nov25
Another cherry red car will soon be
traveling on Stnto and Cheinekcta
streets. It is of tho new order "pay as
yon enter", is numbered KH3 and ar
rived this morning from the Beavorton
Flayer and upright pianos at 333
Chemekcta St, W, A. Clement, togr.
November 27. Arabian Knights
club banquet.
Nov. 27. "Fair and Warmer"
at opera house.
XoM. 2H. 'Thr Blossoming of
Mary Anue," play at Audi-
(orium high school, Sinkpoh
Nov. 28. Address of Hon: R.
A. Booth before Six o'Cl
Club, 0:30 p. m.
Nov. 29. Union Thanksgiving
. evening services, First M. K.
November 29. Cherrion Jitney
Dance at armory.
Dee. 3. Elk's Memorial sorv-
ices, opera house, 2:30 p. m.
Dec. 4. City Election.
Dec. 1110. Third Annual Mar-
ion County Corn Show in
' Derby building.
Dr. Stone makes .no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
Johnson's Hat Works, phone 1979,
Glen hotel. Ilats denned, blocked, ren
ovated. Hats called for and delivered.
The United Artisans will ho'd their
sessions in the Odd Fellows' hall be
ginning with Wednesday, December 6,
and to take special note of the change
in their meeting place from the Moose
hall, the evening will be given to a
special program. The Artisans have
leased the Odd Fellows' hall for Wed
nesday evening tor the year IU17. ;
Trde your used furniture and stoves
for new. C. S. Hamilton.
You will enjoy his smoking in the
house if you buy him 1m Corona ci
gars Salem made for Salem trade.
Roast pork, mashed potatoes, and pie
will be the main things on the bill of
faro of the convicts at the state peni-
I tentinry on Thanksgiving day. 1 This is
iiuc a usual onmer menu lur me prison1
Thanksgiving sule of dining room
furniture., C. S. Hamilton.
Thanksgiving here once again. Coo';
that turkey in an Opal Range. Yonr
old range taken as part payment. C. S.
Jlnnulton. ' ,
George A.'Sclieafe, Ph. D., superin
tendent of the boys' training school at
Chehalis, Wash., -has notified Chief of
Police Welsh of the encape of ihree 12-year-old
boys from tlie sclioiJ and ask
ing that a lookout be kept for them.
Tho boys are Barney Joy, Sylvester
Love, and Richard Sifferson. A re
ward of $10 for the arrest and detention
of each of the boys is offered-
Racine Hosiery "Indestructable" for
boys. 103 Liberty St. nov27
Your turkey will be roasted to per
fection it' cooked ill an Opal Range.
Sold bv C. S. Hamilton.
Trimmed hats half price. Mrs. O. C.
Locke's, 113 North Liberty St.
First quarter Multnomah (i;
Willamette 7.
Second quarter Multnomah
14; Willamette 0.
- -
Mrs. C. D. Turdy went to l,tirthi!.v
this morning. '" '
. F. Sutton was in the city yesterdt y
from Aumsville.
Earl Simmons, the Ford agent at Kn
gene, is in the city
Alex Marshal, of Amnsville, was in
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Helrick, of Shcl
bnm, are in the city.
Mrs. E. G. Snyder, of Albany, aid
daughter, Naomi, are in the eity.
Mrs. Uollin K. Page left this niornii
for Vancouver, British Columbia.
Frank llelliver, of Hcotts Mills, tcg.
tercd yesterday at the Cnpitnl hotel.
Eugene Houston is home from Santn
Clara, Cab, where he has been visitii g
his parent.
Mrs. Al Misliler went to Wooillnr, n
this morning to attend tho .Firemen 's
ball tonight., .
B. F. Blodgett, wife and three chil
dren, left this morning for Bnycevillc,
Wis., where they will make their home.
Mis. Sarah H. Robinson left for l'on
hind this morning to speud the Thanks'
giving with her sister, Mrs. (1. A. Rock
well. - -
Mrs. Anton Kilter nnd daughter, Miss
Irene Kufer, left today for uu extendi d
visit with relatives at l'oiilund ai
Oregon City.
J. W. Sword, special orgunixer for tl
United Artisans, lias returned fioii
Dallas, where lie has been winking :u
the interests of the lodge.
J. V. Ventcli, who has nuido his hoi.
in Salem for the past -51 years, w 1
leav.e Monday for Portland to make ki--home
with his daughter. Mr. Yeatcli V"
The Cherrians want the largest tur-
hvv rt bp in either Polk or Ma
rion counties, to be given nwnv at the a contractor and his name may be
. . , -. . i.t . 1 -'.......I C1..1..M ............ .r,i1L.
Clierrian turkey trot, (lance next ea-, impniucu uu nwiumrai
nesdav evening at the armory. Besides ' " ,
the call for the turkey, which is to be j A special committee appointed by the
delivered to Paul Stege, chairman of the Commercial club went to the Salem l i
evening's entertainment committee, the dinn school yesterday and investigated
announcement is made that claw ham- general conditions, iu order to be able
nier suits with ruffled shirts are strictlvj to mnke a proper report to.. Tulip. H.
forbidden. This dance is to be for the Stevens, chairman of the house comni t- '
nnmiln and V tlio iiinnla nnd it vv 111 i.ost ' tee on Indian affairs. The coinnntt.iii.
one jitney per. dance.
In nine more days ycnjwill be given
the opportunity to vote 13 X Karl Knee
for city recorder.
The Arabian Knights entertainment
for next Mondny evening will begin
with the banquet at fi:.'iO o'clock in the
Masonic temple The business of the
evening, which will include the annual
election of officers will follow after
which the members will be highly enter
tained. Eloquent talks properly censor
ed with a time limit are on the menu
and the paraphernalia committee has
been busy today preparing costumes and
robe-dc-uuits for those who will take
part Hi some of the special exercises
of the evening.
Castle chapel, United Brethren Chris
tian Endeavor society, is planning for
a gala day November 28. Rev. O. T.
Deevcr nnd wife, of Dayton, Ohio, gen
eral secretary of the l.'uited Brethren
Christian Endeavor, societies, accom
panied by Rev. H. B. Dorks, branch
president of Oregon conference, United
Brethren C. E. work, and Rev. Cr. E.
McDonald, conference . superintendent,
will coiidimt a Christian Endeavor in
stitute at the church on the above date
holding afternoon and evening sesions.
A cordial invitation is extended to the
general public to attend these services.
One or more claims for damages will
be presented to the city council at its
next meeting Mondny evening, Decem
ber 4, duo to the straightening out and
cleaning of Bush creek. It is claimed
that the citj authorities appropriated
proH'rty along the creek without the
knowledge or consent of the owners. At
a recent meeting of the council $1,000
was appropriated for removing the
brush, cleaning otit and widening .the
channel of Bush creek. Tho work lins
been going on under the direction of
authority of the sewer committee of
the city council of which A. B. Hudel
son is chairman.
hen there is a five 'dollar geid
piece just laying around waiting for
some one to rightfully " claim it, th
average citizen would lose no time in
making a bee line for the coin. But
not so with grude and high school
pupils, as the three prizes of $5 each
awarded to the three pupils who receiv
ed the award for Wilting the best essays
on "Dress Up" week have been at
the Commercial club awaiting their
rightful owners. ...Hence next Monday
Manager McDaniel of the club w ill send
to Superintendent Todd the three five
dollur gold pieces with a request that
they be presehted to the winners. These
are Lucile Vincent, Lacy Leonard nnd
Esther Uarge. .
Joe Bird was arrested last night by
the police officers on a charge of vag
rancv because he was f riuhteuiue worn
ers nnd will be attacked with unnueR--n n tha -ati-oatR la n.. WknA in
Vlsitiui cards will make acceptable ,ioi,?d 8to. It is, in view of the high -jail Rd this nuirning given a hearing in
vismug cams win niaxe acceprauie f .t,,ff n1mot n ...i. .1,. i:. .7a v ... a;;...
Capital i snl dinner menu for folks on tho out- ed L condition that he leave Salein to boost for a bigger nnd better
side nd does not return for five rears. If
. ... . i 6 he returns within that time he will be
Dr. L. O. Altman, homeopathic pny-i special prices in our crockery dent tnlcm .m nnd committed tn the asvhim.
for Thanksgiving. O. 8,. Hamilton, j so the of ficers declared.
aiiiiis gitts. Oct our prices,
Journal Job Dept.
sician, 2!HI N, Liberty, phono' 147.
The South Salem Men's c'ub, organ-
T. R, Ratcliff, national director of
the Moose lodge, will bo in tho city next
Tuesday evening to-address Cherry City
Moose lodge No. 4US. Benjamin Brick,
dictator of the Moose, received a letter
this morning with this information.
The Wiley B. Allen Co", under the
management of W. A. Clement is now
located at 333 Chemekcta St. nov25
Wanted all music lover to see the
Great Euphona player piuuo at Wiley
li. Allen Co., 333 Chcuioketa. nov23
On account of the weather, the golf
playing by tho Portland experts at the
llluhee course tomorrow has been post
poned until conditions are more favor
able. The rain of the last 24 hours has
made, the course too wet for fast pluv
ing and anyhow, with the threatening
weather now in sight, there would be
only a small attendance at the course.
" o
Your gift with our Imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
wateh by our street clock. Gardner ft
Keene, Salem's most reliable jewelers.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving as ev-1 Visiting cards will make acceptable
eryone knows nnd next Thursday even-1 Xmas gifts. Cet our prices. Capital
ing wilt bo 1 hanksgiving evening when Journal Job JHpt
tue avcrago man who has not been worn
ing that day will be looking for enter
tainment, consequently thcontcrtaim
Spraying experiments for peach leaf
curl will take place Tuesday, Decern
New Bone Corsets.
J. H. Fail-child; secretary and treasur
165 Liberty St.!"' . J J .. J 5; fsmes inc
nov27 I ole't,ou f officers, I, K. (teer was ap
pointed us puuiicny man ana a pro-
ment commitktee of the Elks' lodge isiber 12, in tho orchard of C. B. Lansing
unking arrangements to give the boys
a tine show.
Dr. B. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Phone 2125 or call 260 State St. to
get your Thanksgiving turkey, duck,
goose and chicken, also strictly fresh
oysters or turkey stuffing. S. C Han
sett Fish aud Poultry Co. nov27
; 0
It may be on account of the unusual
ly large grain crops iu the valley or
tho sulubrious 'weather we have been
having, but the fact is that turkeys
are to some extent larger than they
were a year ago and the farmers are of
fering mostly IS and 15 pound birds.
Last year the 10 pound turkey was the
favorite ate meat markets.
. o
Cut flowers and pot plants at Smith's
ou carlino. 1276 N. Liberty St.
8. H. Snyder, rental agent, successor
to L. Hechtcl Co. If you have a va
cant house list it with me. If you want
to rent a house come and seo me. 341
State street. Phone 4.2.
near the Kaiser school house, under the
direction of W. S. Browlt, t the Ore-
Beginning Monday Nov. 27th. trim-! Kr1m i,"1",i,t.ee. 'mn''08,el0,.N- a ;!"
med hats a price, Mrs. Locke's Mil- "" . 8.nn" r5"9'
found things very much us Superinten
dent hall had represented. One of ti c
needs is that of re modeling the dormi
tory as now half a dozen of the pupi
sleep in the same ward. The power plant
requires reconstruction, as W'ell as parls
of -several of the buildings and the
walks. The committee is of the opiuii u
that Since the government onus 4-;2
acres of the best laud in the valley .aid
since nioje than' 000 Indian studcu s
attend tho .school, that it should be pr. -perly
.equipped for doing its. work aid
not 'to be lei in its present ineflicii- r
The announcement is mafle from Port
land that flour will decline 20 cents
barrel next Monday. This will lmt
efilect the local price, as the groceries.,
here did not take advantage of tho last
advance. In other words,, the Salem
stores have been selling for three weeks,
five cents a suck under the market quo
tations. However, the impression is
general that tho top notch has been
Among those who went to the turkey
shoot at MeCnv todav are All Magcis
Mark Siddnll, 'W. H. Dnlryinple, Paul
Marnach and Avil Wilson, of Watt
Shipps. Henry W.. Domes, who lives a
few miles east of McCoy is conductiLg
the shoot.
6O0 Candle Power S6.50
ureilest Urap villi-iww nffcrfd
A I'wd m biim1 or lunging lamp
CoMpItltwilhpump. h.d. mtnlUt. torch,
t'luriiiw Unpc.Unlrrni, Iron", mtntle i.ttr.
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will pay highest
cash price for same. Phone 511.
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar- .
antced. Twenty-five "years'
experience. Leave orders at
Schaffer Drug Store, phone 197.
Residence phone 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
A. M. Wilson, 25 vrnra oxiteriom-r
I I.Aurnllv nini'hiiit ii-nl 1 nun ittm ini, 1ft T-
at the Leslie M.'K. church, with the TV?Jvmuru
election of the following officers: Presi- b,''.d. f" Vu l n r
dent, Joseph Barber; vice-president, Dr. 311 Wtor B1,1'' W a"h",S""t.
ler, of the Grant junior high school. The
first regular meeting will be held Tues-1
Despite the unfavorable weather, the '' evening, December 5. But should I MKMW
Oreirou Electric carried 100 Willamette the supreme court issue a mandamus P" "w
gon Agricultural college. Mr. Brown ! university football plnvers, football compelling the city recorder to place
will first cive a lecture at the school friend and rooters nnd other folks iii-! on the official ballot, the initiative
house or near the orchard and then give
S practical demonstration.
Dr.' R. Meurtc Boberts, osteopathic
physician, 309 Masonic bldg. Phono 400.
Turkey platters in English semi por
celain I'.V, 50e and 73c. C. S. Hamilton.
The Washington junior high school
football team showed its playing
strength by defeating the Grant junior
high school team with a score of 13 to
0. Both teams were handicapped by the
deep mud though Washington worked
several forward passes successfully. At
no time was the winner's goal in dan
ger white their success ras due to snap
py handling of formations and shifts.
Grant made yardage twice. -
New arrival every day of dining
room furniture. Dress up that dining
room for Thanksgiving. We will allo.v
von a liberal price for vour used set.
lT. S. Hamilton. .
terested in the sport to Portlaml this measure for bonding the city to pay Tor Of
morning to witness the game between , l'" "lcmi meeting win lie caneu
to discuss me measure.
the Methodist players and the M. A. A.t
C, which meaus the Multnomah Ama- f
tenr Athletic association. As there are
so many special attractions in Port
hind todav alfd tomorrow all the excur
sionists will return on therrTgular trains;
up to lute Sunday evening. -
We desire to thank the kind friends fi
and neighbors for their many acts of
kindness and the beautiful floral offer
ings during the illness and late bereave
ment of our mother.
Mrs. (ieo. D. Goodhne.
Mrs. Vantes Smith
Mrs. James W. Turner
Shernimi Heckman,
Mrs. M.Dnvis,
X Myrtle Heckman.
- Jack. Goodwin, better known as
"Thr" Fint'erp.t .Itti-k will cneak In
the Salvation Army hull, 343 U-Court !
St., Sunday at 2:4."i p. m. I,-
Any timf.
The only Invisible Bifocal Lenses.
They make an ideaf Christmas gift, and are easy
to give because of our Christmas Gift Certificate
plan.' . -
Let us explain it to you.
k " MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist1
208-209 Hubbard BuUdiflj Phone 109