Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"A Big Showing of Xmas Slippers, Shoe Section"
u .-.
Salem's Christmas Store..
This big store is rapidly acquiring the Christmas appearance and spirit of f
the season. Holiday goods are being displayed in each section. In choos-
ing gifts for Christmas giving at this store you have the advantage of pick-::
ing from large assortments and at prices that smaller stores cannot dupli-::
cate. By your Christmas goods at Meyers' "The Store of the Christmas
Final Clearance of Women s
and Misses' Suits
If you need a suit or want an extra one, by all means see this big offering of
stylish, up to the minute garments at tremendous reductions.
Women's and Misses' Suits, formerly priced up to $35.00, choice ..... $15.00
Entire Stock of Suits included, former prices up to $50.00, choice . .HALF PRICE
Second Floor JJ
7 i ryaur&
Santa Claus'
xamma mmttmimt
All Around Town
Nov. ' 24. Lecture at Public
library, on "Health Insur
ance," by Dr. Robbing of U.
of 0. -
November 27. Arabian Knights.
ciud nanquet.
Nov. 27. "Fair and Warmer"
at opera houso.
vNov. !28. Address of Hon. R.
A. Booth before Six o'clock
. flub.
Nov. 20. Union Thanksgiving
evening services, First M. JJ.
November 29. Clierriiin Jitney
Dnnce at armory.
Dec. 3. Elk'-s Momoriul serv
ile -ices, opera house, 2:30 p. ni.
Dec. 4. City Election.
Dec. 11-16. Third Annual Mnr-
ion County Corn Show in
Derby 1uilding.
Irwin Griffith, retired capitalist, is
the latest addition to the membership
of the Commercial club.
v o
Cooked foods for the Sunday dinner
at the Woman's Relief Corps bazaar,
Moose buildin j;, Saturday. Don't miss
O'Neil, night watchman at the
asylum, was operated on yesterday at
Has Money In the Bank Is
Wide Awake and Full of
Business is eood at the Commercial
club. In fact, the club is prosperous
and doing things and nt no time in its.
historv can it bo said that the bird
the Salem hospital for cancer of the : HrZ.r Tr
Q financial statement of Manager MeDnn-
., . , , i if rend at the meeting Wednesday ev-
Martln, an attorney of Salem, ;. j,..!:...,., fhnt the lank balance
has purchased an
acre Iruit tr
The coiiHidcration was
id that the sav-
ched the figure of
If you don't know what you need,
visit the calendar baxuar at the Moose
I building Saturday, and your wants will
I be satisfied. A good program is un f'oi
Saturday night, too.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glass.
correctly. U. S. Bank. Bld.
The annual Christian convention
camp meeting at Lachiuund, foujmiles
east of Salem, is attracting numbehs
from all points of Washington and Ore
gon. Everything you need is found at the
calendar party bazaar, Moose building
Saturday. Visit it and see.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of 416 Bank of
Commerce bldg., specializes in Eye,
Gar, Nose and Throat. tf
d an eight and one halt -',luftllv BrowinR Bn
act irom George . Re ;ed. , R,C(m't ,, rWK.he,
,t" $1,34-1.110.
The November 1 statement snows n
true balance of 1,1132.80, an account I
that looks good to the members who I
remember the difficulty that faced the :
chili lens than two years ago after the
great re-organization when there was
an indebtedness that looked as big as a
A a corporation, tho Commercial club
on tb'- last day of October, was worth i
5.140.115. Tlio resources include the
furniture md fixtures of the club rooms.
i tt-rte. nf ihty im i nist rn I i ve. deuurt-
Oregon Electric Ry. Co. announce forinient rii.d of the Business Men's league,
general liolidav travel dates of sale besides the cash in bank.
December 22 in I to 2."ith inclusive, re-! As a business organization, the cash
turn limit .Inuiuirv 3rd, one fare and balances tor the first of each month
one third for the" round trip for all , have been on the safe side. On June 1
points in Oregon, Washington and j of this yar, the balance on the right,
Idaho. Isido of tne ledger was 1,579.49. One,
Auction Sale
At the Quirk -Exchange Auction
market on Saturday 10 a. m.
. consisting of 1 bay gelding l
yrs. old, weight 1100 lbs.; 1 bay
mare 8 yrs. weight lO.il) lbs.; 1
deliwry" milk wagon in good
shape; 2 sets double harness; 3
sets single harness; 1 high pros
sure steam, boijer for cooking
feed or heating wuter, nearly
new;, 5 10-gal. milk cans; 1 ii
gal milk' enn; 1 milk cooler; 1
bottle filler; 1 steam cabinet; a
lot of pipes-and fittings; 1 Metz
25 h. p. delivery car, in first
class shape; 1 -heavy wagon; 1
road cart; 1 buggy; 1 feed chop
per; I 2-hoiso potato digger; 1
50-egg "incubator; other horses,
buggies and 'many other things.
He on time.
Furniture sale at 1:30 p. m.
See ad below.
F. N. WOODRY Auctioneer
Thone 511.
Mr. Charles Tripp, a billiard and pooi
expert,-will give an exhibition of his
skill at lislrymplcs Mecca billiard par
lors. There is no charge for admission,
and those attending will see some first
class billiards.
Auction Sale
At Quick Kxehauge Auction
Market tomorrow at 1:30 p. in.
consisting of 1 glass churn; 1
round centre table; I dresser; 3
rocking chairs; dining chairs; 1
kitchen treasure; 1 full leaf ta
bic; 1 Jewel 4-hole stove; 1 san
itary couch; 1 wash machine; a
number of good rugs; fruit .inrs,
flower puts, and many other
things. Terms cash.
F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer, -Thone
month lntir it. was $1,G02.G2 and on j
Sheriff Esch left for Oakland last j August 1, the balance was 1,222.40. The
night to bring back hnrles A. How; low tide was struck on Scptemner l,
ard, who is under arrest there tor non- with a balance of 8S0.23 but conditions
support. The warrant was sworn out i imoroved considerably the following
in Justice w poster's vconrt ninl tne
man located by Constable E. E. Cooper.
month as on October 1, tne Dainnco was
1,540 17 and oa November 1, 1,128.00.
For One Day Only
Sinclair Fancy Sugar Cured Hams, 25c per Lb.
Ehman's Ripe Olives XXX, 85c values 55c
Ehman's Ripe Olives X, 65, c values , 50c
Sylmar Ripe Olives, 75c values 5QC
Sylmar Ripe Olives, $1.00 values 75c
Delicious Apple Cider N
Made from washed selected northern spy apples,
packed in glass container, ..'..' 25c Gal.
Fancy Packed Apples
Northern Spys, $1.00 and $1.25. Baldwins $1.00 Box
Baldwin Apples, orchard run, free from worms,
clean, fine eating apples, 75c Box
Get It Fresh -
And save the jobbers profit on your Coffee. Don't
be mislead; the average-Coffee sold is old, stale.
Thankscrivinff Tiirkm
Roth Grocery Co.
'ed yesterday nt the Reward hotel, Port
laud. Mrs. Evelyn A. Brenner, of Coquille,
is visiting .Mrs. T. L. Billingslcy.
Mrs. Ida M. Russell, of Pilot Hock,
Oregon, is visiting at tho Tj.me of Mis.
K. S. Lamport.
C. E. .Strickland, of the stute ,engin
ee.r's department, is home from Union
and linker counties.
Frank S. Ward will attend the Uni
versity of Oregon and O. A. O. football
game tomorrow at Corvnllis.
Robert Savngo, of Portland, is in the
city for a few days, visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Savage.
C. B. Smith, manager of the ailo sales
department of the Spaulding Logging
company, is in North Yakima on com
pany business.
: do.
CLARK At her home four and a hnlf
milej south of tho city, near the Prin
glo School houso, Mrs. William B.
. Clark, in her 50th year.
She is survived by her husband and
two sons, Ernest G. Clark and Frank
R. Clark.
Tho funeral services will be held
from the homo at 1 o'clock Saturday
Mrs. Clarke was born November 3,
1857, nt Wilmington, 111., and came to
Oregon in 1H78. In Beptenibor, 1883,
she was married to William B. Clerk.
LARSON In tho city, John Larson, in
hia 30th year.
The body was shipped this afternoon
by liigdon & Richardson to Portland for
Dr. M. E. Pomeroy, who was operat
ed on for appendicitis at St. Vinjcnt's
hospital in Portland, a week ago last
The WltlnmettA mifversttv fnnthall Wednesday, 'returned home yesterday. It ;
team will go to Portland tomorrow to wl" D several nays uerore sue nui ue
play the .Multnoman Amateur Athletic
association on Multnomah field. And
with the tenm will go about 175 friends
and rooters who will travel to Portlund
on the Oregon Electric leaving on a spe
cial at 0 o'clock In the morning.
Charles Buchanan is in the eitv from
, Rosednle. .
X PERSONALS !iBK,rVtan",tw,,,"e,1",,urin',"
i!!! ,W-A- Taylor, of Maeleay, la In tho
V T y city,trunl,Rctine business.
X B. 8co, is In Turner on real estta.
Dr. aud Mr,. U. J. Cloments register-
Saturday Specials at South Salem
Market Place
Apples, good eating varieties, box 50c
Potatoes, bushel ; 75c
Quaker Rolled Oats, small size 11 enlarge size 20c
Shaker Salt, will not get hard, pkg 8c
Mission Brand Asparagus, small, tender stalks, -
can , i2c
Del Monte Pumpkin, makes good pies, can V.7.V. 9c
Lanome's New York Buckwheat, genuine old
fashioned; 9 lb. sack : , 57C
Ridgway's India and Ceylon Tea, Orange Label',
1-2 pound tea, regular ;5c 29c
Columbia Milling Co DEPENDABLE IT
BRAND Hard Wheat Flour, per sack V lJ.lD
Every sack guaranteed to give A
This Store is headquarters for fresh Fruits and
Poisal & Shaw
Cor. Miller and S. Commercial Phone 763
farmers and out of town buyers: These prices hold
, good till Tuesday morning.
Court House News
An order granting the sale of attach
ed property was made in the-circuit
court on motion of plaintiff's attorney
in the case of T. B. Radford against j.
W. Armstrong, et ux.
In the statement of expenses in the
recent election for county officers, IT. G.
Rover, for county clerk, spent 35; T. T.
Hunt, 25, and P. O. Drager, for county
treasurer, $25.
Petition "for the probate of the will
of the late Pierre Trnglio, who died
October 2(1, was filed this morning with
tho county cotirtxby Paul Tragiio, son.
The deceased left an estate valued in
real and personal property in Marion
and Polk counties of $5,000. By the
terms of the will, which was mado Feb
ruary 4, liU, Paul Tragiio is made
executor. The heirs at law are Pauline
Tragiio, widow; Arnold, Pascal, Julius,
Pierre, and Paul Tragiio, and Dina Tra
giio Wolkening and Adele Trnglio Sell
ers, of Bnker, and throe grandsons and
two granddaughters.
j , , ,
After gradually falling for three
days the river is again rising with a
gunge today of .7 feet above the sero
mark. The range of temperature yester
day was from !2 to 37.
Children of the state school for the
feeble minded are working on a pro
gram of music and singing for Thanks
giving. Under the direction of Miss
lassie Terry they have begun work
on a Christmas cantata in which forty
or fifty children will take part. Miss
Terry is the principal of the school,
1 o
According to a statement in the much
reduced last number ifThe Oregon
Nfepionger, of whirh C. I). Bnhcock has
been the editor and proprietor, that
sheet is in the hands of the sheriff and
will be sold for the beuefit of the
creditors. After the legHl notices nqw
running in it have been disposed of, it
may bo re-organised or allowed to ex
Your furs remodeled. Furs for sale.
West Fur Co., 217 H.lligh St. nov30
Don't wait until -he apples are gone
before you get your supply of eider.
NW is the time. Seo Commercial Cider
Works of Hnlein. nov23
Among the recent recruits to Company
M of Salem ace Harry Gipson, of Liber
ty! Corpornl Errol W. Proctor, a former
member of the company, and Privato
Nelson Croshaw. Nicholas Hchortgen,
of Company K, Corvallis, has been
transferred to the Salem company and
Robert Mower, of Albany has made ap
plication for transfer to' Company M. '
Good cigars make acceptable Xmns
gifts try a box of La Corona cigurs
Sulem made.
... Saturday Nov. 25th the Oregon Elec
tric Ry". will run special train to Cor
vallis, leave Hnlem 11:30 a. m. arrive
Corvallis 12:45 p, m. .account O. A. O.
V. of O. footbull game, returning after
game. Regular trains also leave Sale.m
8:35 a. m 10:15 a. m., 12:55 p. m.
Round trip fare $1.55. J. W. Ritchie,
agent, y - nov24
The entertainment committee of the
Arabian Knights of Salem announce an
interesting time for the meeting Mon
day, night at the Masonic Temple. Only
Shriners may become members of this
club. Visitina Winners in tho rity
-should apply to Dr. W. Carlton Smith,
president or tne cum, lor cams oi ad
mission. Besides the banquet, enter
tainment and other things of interest,
the annual election of officers will be
able to attend to her professional duties.
Friends Shower Rev. and Mrs.
Ingalls With All Kinds of
Canned Things
Constable Cooper Is In receipt of a
letter from the American Legal Bu
reau of Seattle, Wash., asking for in
formation regarding Mrs. Martha Hit
ter, who was last heard of in Salem.
The legal bureau is concerned with
finding missing witnesses and lost
W. E. Slater, former secretary of the
Salem Elks' lodge, in writing friends
here notes the fact that the weather
was pretty chilly at nights when hej A canned fruit shower is something
drove the nrmv auto truck from Browns- out of the ordinary , yet such a thing
ville, Texas, to Son Antonio. He expects , happened to the Rev. and Mrs. W. Kd
to soon be mustered out of service. wiu, Ingalls, of the Jason Lee M. L'.
o church last evening. It all came in
The Underwriters' Report, a weekly the way of a surprise as Mr. Ingalls.
mugaziue for insurance men published conducted the regular weekly prayer
in San Francisco contains an article meeting without a suspicion that the ad-
in its Nov. 23 issue by Fred S. Bynon ! joining parlors of the .chnrch were fill-1
entitled - .Mr. uooiey ami -Mrs. ltrown, jeil witu mends ami an nDumiance or
Heine a second hand nccount of the I rjtuned fruit, all in recoanition of the
trials of a fire manager nt home and-25th wedding anniversary of the pastor!
aoroau. - and his wue. Hie rtev. K. iN. Avison oe-
0 'delivered an appropriate address and
A combination swine sale will be held , tne ReVi Jinrcus IX Parounagian offici
al the Pacific International Stock show j a.a ju coine through the weddins cere-
at the Union Stock Yards. North Port
land, Tuesday afternoon, December 5.
R. W. Hogg is manager. Stock will be
offered for sale bv .T. Wr. Fruit, of
mony again. Silver table ware w as pre
sented, bv friends, and the canned fruit
shower will materially reduce the costj
of living as it included 15 jars of truit
Brooks; R. W. Hogg and other well j 0f hnlf gallon size, 34 well tilled quart
kaown stock men.
Player and upright pianos at 333
Chemekotn St, W. A. Clement, Mgr.
Last night street car motonnen had
their troubles, many of thein declar
ing that the night was the worst one
from the standpoint ever experienced
in the city. Outside of the well lighted
business district, the fog was, so henvy
that motormen could scarcely see 10
feet ahead and it was necessary to keep
the gong going and travel slowly, re
gardless of the established schedule.
Van Patton and Son signed contracts
yesterday for the construction of the
nVw Willis building on Court street.
The contract price was a little over
$14 000 and included the heating. The
lirst bids wf (She Salem contractors
were rejected but -after considerable
alterations and modifications of the
original plans, to reduce the cost of
the buildinc as much as possible. Mr.
Patton 's third bid was accepted.
The Thanksgiving turkey season will
be oa beginning next Monday and from
present indication, the chances- nre
n3 1 that the family will be able to cele-
jar and an abundance ot pint jars or
jellies and canned fruits.
The state engineer today granted a
permit to the Blue Mountain Ditch
company of Mt. Vernon, Grant county
to take from the John Day river, water
for the purpose of irrigating 1270
acres of land, to get-the water on the
laud a ditch will be. constructed four
and three fourths miles long.
brate and give thanks for what has
happened to them during the past year
at the rate of about 30 cents a pound,
dressed. Just at present the farmers are
not offering turkeys to any great extent
and on tho other hand, the high cost of
living will probably reduce to some ex
tent the demand for the larger sized
There is a rumor being circulated on
the streets to the effect that an inde
pendent candidate for the office of
chief of police will make a rua at the
coming election. So far as could be
learned the name of the "dark horse"
Household Furniture. Woodry
the Auctioneer will par highest
cash price for same. Phone 511.
The Wiley B. Allon Co. under the
located at 333 Chenio'keta St. nov23 . noi. kmu. i,,her 'f at'd'd,,8
I now in the official race. It is too late
The active campaign for members by fr the me t0 be r'need on the ballot
v.,r.ur. ct Amorirp K as the time has expired by law. The
brinoimr result, as lnt evening 11 i ballot sheets are now in the hands of.
- o o - n -
members were duly admitted and on the
14th of December a much larger class
will be initiated. At the meeting of
December 7, officers ' for the. coming
year will be elected. During tho past
year C. J. Bench has held the office
of Chief Ranger and under his adniims
the printer and the name of any inde
pendent' candidate would nave to
written in.
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar- a)
antecd. Twenty -five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Schaffer Drug Store, phone 197.
Residence phone 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
J. D. Hartweii, who was a candidate
for alderman In the Fourth ward nt the
primary city election came within three
A. M. Wilson, 25 years experience.
he jljegnlly, mechanicallv and commercial
ly trained to protect vour invention.
Send for booklet. FREE SEARCH.
311 Victor Bldg., Washington, D. C.
tration tho lodgo has been growing votes of having the trouble of running
rnuidlv again on December 4- As he didu 't get
Wanted all music lovers to see the
Great Euphona player' piano at Wiley
B. Allen Co., 333 Chemeketa. " nov23
All of the high schools of this part
that extra three votes, he will have the
pleasure of watching .Mr. Johnson aud
Mr. Hudelston fight it out at the reg
ular election. All of which arises from
form of filing election exiieuses, Mr. 'wy?
f ft
v. "
of the state will debate herJth iusur- Hart-Well didn't nave anything to tile
auce this wiutor and it behooves tho as he made His race witnout spending a
fond parent to post up on the question However, he filed his report yes-
if said parent wishes to converse intel- j terday.
ligeutly with the high school members, . ...
of the family on the all important sub-1 T Blossoming of "Mary Anne"
jeet. Opportunity will be given this the play to be given by the members
eveniiitr tirticar a'diaenxoinn nf the snh-' of the Snikpoh dramatic society of the
iect when Dr. Edwin Clvde Robbins of hiKh school, on the evening of Tuesday, j
the Puiversity of Oregon, will lecture November 2S. The play will He given in !
I me Hituuonnui ui lite nlii ttruom, tinner
CAR5 pf
Any Kind
Any time
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
at the mibhtt lutrnrv.
a ' the direction of Miss Mae Hopkins, Tor
Attention! Rlaht face for the Wo- whom the soeiety was named. Miss
man's Relief Corps calendar party b- Olga Gray has been assigned the part
o Durbin will assume the .character of a RATES: 75c. $1.00, $1.50 PHR. DATj
A fast special for accommodation of college man just from Vale. Miss Edith Tlle 'y ktel in the business district.
Willamette football team and rooters Bynon will plav the hired help for thc, Nearest to all Depots', Theatres and I
will H nnerateil hv thp iWnn Electric evenim? and Miss Hazel MeGilehrist Capitol Builmnts.
Rnilwav from Salem" to Portland Sat- that of a gossiping dressmaker. Miss A Home Away From Home.
uroay ov. Account looinau Kame i.ucue uuues win net hip jwiri v a wi
Willamette t'niversitv vs. Multnomah cietv girl and Misa Ha Spauldiug will
club. Train will leave Salem ft a, in. take upon herself the troubles of being)
arriving l'urtlnnd 10:.lO a. in. " the mother of Mary Anne.
" ' Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
T. O. BLIGH, Prop,
oth Phones. Free Auto Bus
You do not have to join
the diet squad-when you
buy Meat at the
Come and pick but your
favorite cut. We retail
meat at wholesale prices
Sirloin Steak Roast
Per Pound
T-Bone Steak;
Per Pound
Prime Roasts of Choice
Beef .
Per Pound
Choice Beef to Boil -
y ' Per Pound ;
"Shoulders of grain fed
Pig-Pork, whole or half
Per Pound
Fresh Sausage
Per Pound
Fresh Hamburger
Per Pound
Midgets, "the Sausage
that's different,"
Originators of
Low Prices
-371 Stale Street