Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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A Famous Physician's ; ;
After series of earefttl experiment
and tests nt the Invalid' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., cov
ering many years Dr. Pierce, the medi
cal director of that hospital made an
nouncement that he eould prove that a
medicine which he tailed "ANlTBIC"
was the best uric acid solvent now to
be had. As a remedy for those easily
recognized symptoms of inflammation
as seaming urine, DacKache and fre
quent urination, as well as sediment in
tue urine, or if uric acid in the blood
has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sci
atica, grout, it is simply wondeYfut how
quickly "AnuricV acts: causing the
pains and stiffness rapidly to disappenr.
Swollon hands, ankles, feet are due to
dropsical condition, often caused by
disordered kidneys. Naturally when the
kidneys are deranged the bloodja fillod
' - i ml office. .
Ete per word New Today: ! ,
Each insertion, per word la WANTED Blank walnuts. Phone 436
One week (8 insertions), per word..5o .1. or 1437 Center. . nov24
One month (26 insertions) per word 17a -
V .1' "lU be .re"
for errors in Classified Advertismenta.
neaa your advertisements tho first day
U appears an notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 10. ,mmea""e,jr
JONES' Nt'RSERY State and 24)1.
HIDES 'WANTED 1st- S. Commercial.
Phone 3!St. aeclS
FTJBNISHED Apartments, also barn
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
FOR RENT Good farm, 150 acres. Ad
dross owner, 11S5 South Twelfth, tf
WE HAVE Baled hay and oats for'
sale. Uoorge Sweigle, Garden road, tf
CORN FED-Geesc for sale.
r'8F23 evenings.
ii v2.
WANTED --Oregon improved strawber
ry plants. Phone 2500J2.- n0v30
OU) FIK WOOD For sale, green. E.
JJ. Johnston. Phone 334. nov2l
LOST Watch with leather fob return
to roster; linker for. reward, no
FOR RENT 3 modern furnished rooms
$12,.)tl a month. Phone 1425M. nov
FOR BENT SIGNS For aale at Cap
ltal Journal office. ti
HARRl Window cleaner."-Phone 70S
W.VNTKO To borrow $S50 for 3 venrs
on good real estate securitv. Address
. If enrcot Jbirruat. nov2.1
xi'n oa i.e. z young t ows - f resn in
tew days. Phone 13F13. nov
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
M. -Fat and fresh cows. 1125
. . nov29
CHOICE Goat meat for sale cheap al
123(1 Ferry street.- . .. tf
OLD FIR Wood for snUv delivered in
town. Phone till E. A. Wav. .' tf
eember 1.
-2, cows for sale, fresh lie
1010 Waller. - n v25
FOR SALE Gun 12 guano Remington
doulilo barrel, $1.1. 13H0 -Soitli Front
St. '...'"' iiov2."
I PA V The highest market price for
an Kitiiis ot live stocK at nil times
H. V. Eyre, 220U.M, Salem. . tf
ton itL.M two jurmslied sleejung
rooms, iiu-nace neat aim with, close
- in. Phone SUR. hov24
ltl'ICK 4 passenger for sale,
trade for cattle, sheep or
Phone 14.SH or 452.
or will
LOST Three silver friendship links
on Mock velvet ribbon. Finder please
leave nt Journal office. nov21
VAXTEUrrA iirl to work, no cook
ine. "Mrs. Dillv, 55 State St. I'hone
- 1207 W. . nov27
FOR SALE Two fine Jersey and Dur
ham cows, just "fresh, heifer calves.
715 South 12th St. over garage. no21
MOXEV TO LOAX In nmoimls $500.
$1011(1, $21100, $3000 $5000, 7 per cent.
See , I. A. Mills, 3M State St. nov25
FOR SALE Or Jrade for Ford. (rA
neres-of.j-iver boftoiH land near' .Mar
ion Or. Thos. Winn, Marion, Or. n.lO
JrOR REXT Xieely furnished house
keeping rooms, -reasonable, S55 N.
Commercial St. ( ieo21
IR REXT A suite of housekeeping
rooms, well furnished at 350 X. Lib-r-rtv.
Inquire at residence, i'hone
1040J. . cf
REMOVAL SALE Standard enrbon!
paper $1.00 box; guaranteed tvie -
A". 7t.i I.
rriters $5.00 up: ribbon three for
, i.in; typewriter desk $3.50: Nation
al ra..h register $22.50. 105 South
Com mere in I. . " nv24
WANTEIJ -Voting man, bovs and their
parents to attend the lecture on
I'ncle Sam's Hoy, given by F. K.
Jones at the nitngnlow, 17111,81111
'uirt St. Friday Nov. 24th. 7:30
o'clock. Rring silver offering. Ad
mission free. - novS4
HORSES FOR SALE 45 head of hors
es never before insected or offered
for -sale. 'We are selling all of onr
horses, weights run from one thotis-
' and to seventeen hundred pounds
Prospective buyers welcome nnv lime
' on or after Tnesdnv, November twen
ty first. E. Clerhoas ITont Co., Eola
nancn, innepenitence, Ur. I'hone farm
400 ... novS4
Wonderful Discovery
with poisonous waste- matter, which
settles in the feet, ankles and wrists;
or under the eyes in bag-like forma
It is just s necessary to keep tne
kidneys acting properly as to keep the
bow Is active.
The very beat possible . way to take
care of yourself is to take a class of hot
I water before meals and an "Anunc'
j tablet. In this way it is readily dis-
solved with the food, picked up by the
; blood and finally reaches the kidneys.
where it has a tonic efect in rebuilding
i those organs. ' ' . .
Step into the drug store and ask for a
50-cent package of "Anuric," or send
Dr. Pierce lOc.for trial pekg. "Anunc'
many times more potent than lithit
eliminates uric acid as hot water roelU
sugar. A short trial will convince you.
SALE-Or trade for fresh
J ' 1 1
t n p t m. i . ,
Thanksgiving Phone your
, jmiers for Al jjeese to (HF14. no27
F?R pAIE Fresu cow or trade for
ueet cattle. Phone lliiOW. nov24
lxr SALE Or trade a horse for a
reBU ni'lk cuw 9V9 Trade St. nov25
WATED Farm hand experienced in
general farming, married, steady job
ii snnsiacrory. none 11J3. novaJ
FOR RENT Modern house with barn
and garag?, Vew Park, $12.50. Phone
l-'04. nov24
GOAT M42AT For sale, first class,
only 5 cents per lb. at O. K. Orocerv,
delivered in city. docil
WANTED Furnished 4 or 3 room
house, close in, permanent. Address
"Wanted" care Journal. uov25
FOR SALE A $50.00 Graphonola and
05 records at a bnrgain for cash. R.
V,. care journal. nov2o
l-OIl SALE Dry slab wood for sale.
Leave orders at Richardson Grocerv.
Phono 494. nov29
LOST A brooch, a large amber set
with gold incireliug. Finder plcaso
pnone itewurd. uov21
rrlOAE 200 When you have wood
sawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, -Jim Rogers. nov24
CARPET And rug weaving done at
nD,.iniilin n.I... ' 'Af.... t W. Tx -
i.n.-ium uit:ui.. .'II!,, J.1MIO VQ-
Porl, isst.s Currant Ave. , nov2o
ni iuu Trespass JNotices, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour-
" . tf
n 1 r.ii nam sewing, rhildren s
clothing specialty. Mrs. Lnyton,
pnone ii.re . Jiigii t. nov
WANTED All round man wishes no-
sit ion setting un Xnws tovs or mn-
chinery. Add. H. I.uyton, 482 S. High,
or pnone uz.i. iiov24
FOR TRADE 54 acres, 40 in cultiva
tion close to railroad town, for close
in or city property. R. 3, box 08A,
Nilem. nov30
OirAXCK OF LIFE TIME 200 acres
111. Waldo hills, best-buy in Oregon,
short time only, per acre $50.00. U.
A. Johnsnu "Co. nov2"
HAVING HAD Four years experience
raising peppermem am willing to
give any advice 011 planting, growing
and distilling, nlso erecting still.
Write E. P.. Wallace, Albany, Or.
JACOU VOGT 979 South Commercial
street, invites his old friends to call
on him when in need of shoe repair
ing. Host of work at lowest prices.
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors
es, vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans
actions private. Possession retained.
Union Loan Agency, 217 South High
street. dec 14
WANTED Elderly couple to do liuht
work on farm home accommodations
anil small pay for services (German
people preferred) Apply at 403 South
Commercial street fur particulars.
" ' nov27
MOXEV TO LOAN On second hand
jewelry, men ' .clothing, musical in
struments, tools, guns, bicycles etc.
Also bought sold and traded. Capital
Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 4!5.
Prize Swine Show
and Sale In Portland
Thp Onpitnl Jn'uriinl 'ii 5ob rlormrtnipnt
'llnH 1U5t '""""a out a cnlalug of the
I.lirie MWilliV tn ltA b,-.!.! nt tl.n Vniti Tn.
prize swine to be sold nt the Pacific In
ternational Stock Show at Portland. De
cember !. The cream of rtie stock of the
valley will be there for breeders to se
lect from. Many 'being prize winners at
the state fair, and all the aristocrats
and blue bloods of the swine family.
Breeder realizing that the best ciin
never be too good nre1 tskiug great in
terest in this sale, and will take advant
age of it .to improve their herds, TheiR.
cntalog is of 24 pages, giving age audi
pedigree of the oifering'.. which include
Durocs, elands. Berkshire and O. I.
C. 's, something to suit every breeder.
It promises to be the event of the kind
in the state as the verv best breeders
are making exhibits and offerings and
innen enthusiasm has beeu aroused. AT
..i-n 1,1 ,nuir ihihu( WU uuir jrom
this mle,for the scattering of so much
pure uiood tbrougnotit the state it cer
tain to result in a biycor.-ln-tter mwl
. v. .
The following prices lor ' fruits
and vegetable are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, ai.Il
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
.producer. Corrections are -Bade
daily. . . .
The teg market is ratherstrong witti
rado prices about 43 cents and a casa
price of two cents less.
No one seems in a hurry to, sell tur
keys and just at present it. seems to be
a bluff between- the farmers who have
tho-birds and the folks who expect to
eat them. liowove there is a .general
impression that the present price of 0
and 21 cents for live and 23 to 25 cents
for dressed will not change much next
weeH..The real turkey business will be
giqjte.xi week, ' , '
Wheat - $1.25n1.28
uats, new 4245c
Boiled barley $40.00
Bran ; $27.50
Shorts, per ton .'. $31.00
Hay, clover
Hay, cheat ..
Hay, vetch ...
Hay, timothy
(rt 1(0,1 2
.... $12
Buttertat 40c
Creamery butter, per pound 41e
Country butter ; 2832c
Eggs ana Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 43c
Eggs, trade 45c
Hens, pound 1314c
Roosters, old, per pound 9c
Broilers, under S pounds .14c
Turkeys, live 200i2I
Turkeys, dressed 23(t25c
Ducks, live ll13c
Geese, live 910c
Fork, Veal and Matton.
Pork, dressed 12 l-213c
Pork, -on foot $8.50(0.9.10
Spring lambs, 1916 .....77.c
Veal, according to quality ...10c
Steers Be
Cows 3 l-24c
Bulls 33
Ewes . 4c
Wethers 5 i-2
Figs and Dates
Figs, 70 four oz
Figs, 36 12-oz.
... 90c
... 9c
.. 10c
.. 3.75
Figs, 12 10-oz .-.
Black figs
White figs
iiromcoary dates
Tomatoes ' $1.25
Cabbage 75c
String garlic 10(5112 l-2c
Potatoes, sweet 3c
Potatoes, per 100 poimd3....$1.20(&1.25
Green onions 40i
Green peppers . . 7c
Carrots, dozen 40
Artichokos . $1
Lettuce, California, crate . ...... ... $2.50
Egg plant .1 I, .:i.. 7c
Celery 75c
tnulitlower $2.25
Parsnips, varrots and beets $1.25
Oranges, navels
Oranges, Japanese'
Lemons, per box
Bananas, pound
California grape fruia .
Floriila grape fruit
Honey ,
. . . . . S0c$1.00
.... $0.00(S6.50
Betail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch..
Sugar, cane-
sugar, beet
Creamery butter
.;. $8.70
... $8.50
Flour, hard wheat ...
Flour, valley
.... $2.30(5)2.55
.. $1.952.15
Portland, Ore, Nov. 21. Wheat:
Club, $164.
Red Russiau, $1.47.
Fortyfold, $1.54.
Bluestem, $1.00.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $30.50.
Barley: Feed, $40.
Hogs: Besli live, $0.809.85.
Prime steers, $7.30.
Fancy cows, $0.
Calves, $7.
Spring lambs, $9(79.25.
Butter: City creamery, 40c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 52c.
Hens, 15e.
Broilers, 10c.
Geese, 12c. f
Will pay the top prico for Veal,
Tin keys, Geese, Dm-ks and
Chickens. v.all- on us before
you sell your produce, -100
South High St. Phone 10.
4-'armers' Feed Shed.
Notice is herebv niveii that we. the
undersigned resident tax payers, rep
resenting ten' per cent of the resident
tax payers in road district no 27 !4,
Marion county, Oregon, hereby eive no
tice to tho tax payers of said district,
that there will be a meeting -of tho resi
dent tax payers of said district, at
Sunnyside school house, in said district,
at 2 o'clock p! m., on the 27th day of
November, jdlO, to vote an additional
tax for road purposes; as provided bv
an act of the legislature of 1813.
Signed, D. 8. i'earson, C. Winkelmnn,
W. T. Ihtvidt-on, C. Tucker, S. Newby,
J. Morgali, J. Ncunschuander.
Nov. 17-20-24-27.
more profitable hog. The how mid mile
take place at the Union Slock Yards,!
xoriianu. ; .
Children Cry
Humane society Moves to
Save Purp But Learns It
Was Only "Hot Dogsw
Hot dogs! Hot - dogs for election
No there will -bo no real dog roasted
in ruts- wooas near Hayesville U
night, although it was renorted ft renrn
senfhtive of tire Democratic partv of
' u ..:ll 1 - m . '.
iiojrraniio bub lugging a rat, sieex
pup about the city last night trvir to
exchange it for a large hound so that
the appetities of the Republicans" of
iiayesvuie might be satisfied.
Nay, nay, Pauline! Fido will not be
sacrificed Neither will it be pur. dear
The gist of the affair, which stirred
a tempest in a teapot this morning,
was that if Charles ilvans Hughes was
elected the Republicans, of Hayesvillo
were to feed the Democrats -ou goat
meat but if Wilson was elected the Re
publicans were to feed on roast dog.
this morning jonn aicNar?, who is
president of the Salem Humane Soci
ety, had an avalanche, of telephone
calls regarding the proposed roasting
of a dog to make a Democratic holiday
and demanding interference. Prodded
thus, Mr. McNary went to see District
Attorney Ringo, who in turn called up
the- boys who were to pull off the roast.
And the boys explained to Attorney
Ringo that the roast was not to be a
reul dog but merely weinies, or, in
common parlance, ''hot dogs."
Do you hive a dull, steady ache in
the small of the back sharp, stabbing
twinges when stooping or lifting dis
tressing urinary disordersf For bad
back and weakened kidneys Salem, res
idents ecommend Doan's Kidney Pills
Read this Salem man's statement.
Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith, 608
High St., Salem, says: "My back and
kidneys bothered me. My kidneys wore
(Usoraorcu anj, my back seemed to
lose strength. Short use oi Doan's
Kidney Pills soon put mo right."
(Statement given December 12, 1912.)
On April 11, 1916, Mr. Wint said:
My opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills
is just tho same today as it was when
I gave my first endorsement. I
haven't had any of that former trou
ble now for several years and I give
them credit for bringing such lasting
results. . -
Prico 50c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mr. Wint has twice publicly recom
mended. Fostor-Milburn, Props., Buf
falo, N. Y. ' -
CITY news ;:
A big dinner ana big time an
scheduled for the boys at the Oregol
State Training school for Thanksgiving
day. The big. dinner will come at noon
and in tho afternoon there will prob
ably bo a football game.
Pupils of the state blind school are
working on a Thanksgiving cantata
which will be presented next week. The
name of tho piece is a secret and will
bo given out only the: night of the per
formance, which will be for the students
O. C. Hunt, who lived in Salem about
thrqe years ago, but who has been liv
ing in Detroit, Mich., died suddenly this
week, according to news received by his
daughter, Mis. Guy McDowell, of Polk
county.' Friends in Salem early in the
week received a letter from him and he
was then in good health. "
After the Woman's Belief Corps ba
zaar (Saturday in tho Moose building, a
progrnnl will be given in tho hall up
stairs. The admittance to this program
0. A. C. Homecoming
Aggies and Eugene 'Varsity Teams
Corvallis, Saturday, Nov. 25
: The Games that All will want to See. .
Low Fares
For the round trip from all stations on the Oregon
Electric Railway, NOV. 24, 25, 26. Fast Time,
, ' . frequent trains and invariably on time.
Thanksgiving Fares Sales Dates, November 29-30.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon.
FRIDAY, NOV. 24, 1916.
VALUtDAT $300,000
Is Left Share and Share Alike
to His Three Daughters,
Two of Salem ,
AV. H. Eldridfee, executor of the will
of the late Werner Breyman, filed the
will for probato today with the county
court, and his papers show that the
estate is estimated to be about $300,000
ana to comprise l real - and personal
property. The heirs at law are Elva
Breyman Brown of Salem, Ada Brey
iua Eldridgo of Salem, and Anna Brey
man Prael, of Portland.
The will itself is brief and gives to
his three daughters, above named, his
entire fortune, except what Is neces
sary for funeral and testamentary ex
penses. Jaspef Skaife, J. A. Baker,
and E. 'M. LaFore, are appointed ap
praisers by judge Uusncy.
is free. Tho ladies have planned an en
tertainment that is believed will be ex
ceptionally pleasing. There will be a
drill by 10 young ladies, musical num
bers, and Borne fuuey dancing.
Save the corn husks as they now
have a mercantile value. The hot ta
male business has reached such pro
portions that bales of corn husks are
now Bold by commission houses. For
small amounts, the whole sale price is
15 .cents a pound and in bales of 75
pounds tho price is 10 cents a pound.
Corn husk bales sold hero aro bought
in Portland
The significance of the letters B. P.
O. E. was duly impressed on Henry
Andrews Keenc, who was admitted into
the membership of the Salem lndge of
Elks last evening. Tho secretary re
ported that during the past year 100
members had been taken into the lodge
and that the present membership was
over. 700- Tho attendance last night
was 105. '
The South Salem Men's club will be
organized tonight at tho Leslie M. F.
church, before tho regular evangelistic
services. The organization effected this
evening will be permanent, as the men
in South Salem are organizing to boost
South Salem. Meetings will be held ev
ery two weeks, alternately at the
Friends South Salem church and the
Leslie M. E. church.
: 0 1
The high cost of living Isn't worry
ing the fivo Wells-Fargo express 'em
ployes in Salem as the company long
ago established the custom of giving
each employe who has seen six months
service, a nice Thanksgiving bird. Those
scut here will come probably from Ore
gon near Oakland.. It requires about
35,000 turkeys as all WclU-Fargo em
ployes in the United States and Canada
will be remembered.
After the first of the year four per
cent interest for money in savings ac
counts will bo a thing of tho past. An
nouncements will soon be made by the
banks that have been allowing four per
cent that after January 1, 1917, throe
per cent will be paid on savings ac
counts and tli reo and onc-haTf per cent
on yearly certificates. This is the rate
Lnild & Bush has maintained in the
past and is in lino with the leading
banks of the northwost.
- The annual tax payers' meeting held
last evening in the auditorium of the
high school was attended by the usual
crowd .of about a dozen or less. Puul
Wallace was called on to preside and
believing that the duty of 0 chairman
was to get expressions of opinions
Mr. Wallace called on every one pres
ent tor a rew romarits. 1110 worn or
the school board received general com
mendation and the proposed levy of 0.4
mills was adopted. This is three mills
less than one year ago.
Children Cry
If Too Fat Get
- Jlore Fresh Air
Be Moderate In Tour Diet and Bednoe
Your Weight Take OU of Koreln
Lack of fresh air it is said weakens
tttA nKVffpn itnppvlnff lUiirn, ri f til A
but ll'll VWVIUVW BMI(inu, ID, i tl 1U.
ulates and the action of many of the
vital organs is hindered thereby. The
heart action becomes weak, work ie an
effort and the beauty of the figure is
destroyed. ' " " -
. Fat put on by indoor life is unhealthy
and If nature is not assisted in throw
ing it off a serious case .of 'obesity
maV result.
When you feel that you are. getting
too stout, take the mutter in hand at
once. Don t wait until your figure has
become a joke and your health ruined
through carrying around a burden of
unsightly and unhealthy fat. '
Spend as much time as yon possibly
can in the open air; breathe deeply,
and get from any druggist a box of Oil
of koreiji capsules; take one after each
meal and before retiring at night, "
Weigh yourself every- few days and
koep up the treatment until you are
down to normal. Oil of korein ia abso
lutely harmless and even a few days
treatment has been reported to show
a noticeable reduction in weight. Cn-,
tral . Pharmacy can supply you.
Postoffice official are preparing to
care for tho usual Thanksgiving turkey
rush. For those who intend to remem
ber friends via the turkey route, it may
be well to know that within 150 miles,
the parcel post postage may be figured
at the weight of the turkey, property
packed, plug four cents. Beyond the
150 mile limit, the postage may be fig
urged in cents at the rate of two times
the weight, plus four cents. It is rather
risky to send perishable goods beyond
150 miles unless there is quick railway
service, like that to Seattle or San Fran
'Fair and Warmer" a play of tem
perature and temperament, a plav that
is a real One with real live people and
not a movie, is the Thanksgiving at
traction at the Heilig theatre in Port
land. Salem people will have a chance
to see this successful American farce
next Monday evening at the opera
house. Those who have seen the play
say it ia the best that has been booked
for Salem for the past year. Lotus
Robb, who plays the leading feminine
role uxed to attend a seminary in Ta
coma. Heury Btockbridge, one of the
leads of the cast is a genuine, matinee
idol and played in the old Mprosco
stock company in Los Angeles.
The Rev. James M. Heady, recently
chosen' pastor of the Unitarian church,
succeeding the Rev. R. F. Tischer, will
present at the church Sunday evening a
sermon drama entitled; "The Woman
and the Convict." In this play, Mr.
Heady will act tho' parts of the load
ing characters. While pastor of a church
in Oakland, Cal., he-presented r series
of plays, taking the leading characters
in each. Acting is second nature to Mr.
Heady, as ho comes from a family of
actors and himself was on the stage
for a year and a half. -Besides the prac
tical experience on the .stage, he has
written a number of plays, the most
successful ones. being "The Iuiiurgent"
and "The Urchin of the Thorough
That's the woman's dread when she
gets up in the morning to start the
day's work. "Ohl how my back
acnes." UOLU JUKDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules taken today eases the back
ache of tomorrow taken every day
ends the backaeha for all time. Don't
delay. What's tho use of eufferingl
Begin taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules today and be relieved to
morrow. Tako three or fonr every day
and be permanently free from wrench
ing, distressing back pain. But bo surs
to get COLD AltDAL. Since KiOfl GOLD
MLDAL Haarlem Oil has been the
National Bemedy of Holland, the Gov
ernment of the Netherlands having
granted a special charter authorizing
its preparation and sale. The housewife
of Holland would almost as soon b
without bread as she would without her
"Reul Dutch Drops" as she quaintly
calls GOLD MF.DAL HaurhTln Oil Cap
sules. This is tho one reason why you
win und tne women and children of
Holland so sturdy and robust.
OOLD MEDAL are the pure, original
Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct
from the laboratories in Haarlem, Hol
land. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Look ?or the name on every
box. Sold by reliable druggists in
soaled packages at 25c, SOe and $1.00.
Money refunded if they do not help you.
Accept only tho GOLD MEDAL. All
other are imitations.
Film Actor Wears Hughes
Makeup in Racetrack Scene
Player In Support of Frank Keenan In
'The Thoroughbred" Lends Sa
tirical Touch to Triangle Play
Triangle patron are given a splendid
chance to study the features of Hon.
Charles E. Hughes.' "double" in 'The
Thoroughbred," tho Southern horse
racing drama by C. Gardner Sullivtan,
in which Thomas II. Tnce presents
Frank Heeiuin ns star. He is Will
Bray, the well-known veteran charac
ter actor, who is now appearing reg
ulurly with the Tnce forces. His re
cent appearance in on impersonation
of ex-Justice Hughes 'before the visit
ing Knights Templar at Los Angeles
recalled to many old stage-followers
his striking resemblance to the Repub
lican Presidential candidute.
Oregon tonight anil tomorrow.
Children Cry
corner Commercial and Trade streets
For water service apply at office i
Bill payable r'or4,-'r"in advance. !
SHOE REPAIRING Old ahoee jxrad ;
like new. All leather used in repair-
ing. Fair prices to all. Modern tike :
Repair Co, 464 Court St. Salem- no8 :
CIDER By the barrel or In any guaat-
tity at 10c a gallon at the mill. Coat-
torn work at 2c a gallon. Commercial !
Qidor works. Phone 2184. 1010 N. J
. vomnrercial vt. . xioviB :
Druglees) Ino. 428 -Hubbard Did,;
Balem. All drugless method taught. ;
Flora A. Brewster, M. D., Dean. Pri-
vate patients 1 to 5 p. m. Examiner i
tion free.
OREGON Wholesale and RetailTn3e;
, and Metal company. Highest cash'
price paid for hides, pelts, rags, need '
machinory and junk of all kinds. A -good
stump pullor for sale. 107 South i
Commercial. Phone 399. , nov27 ;
now open for business at High and
(Ferry Ste. Full line of nursery stock, i
Italian prunes a specialty. Nursery
. located one mile east of penitenttiary. -Phone
23F21. if :
from all points, east, on all houahoM .
roods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer .
Company, agenta for Pacifie Coast
Forwarding company, 161 Booth Cos,
. meroial street. Phoae Main 933.
terman, Prop. Chemekota street be- j
tween Com. and Liberty, telephone)
900. Absolutely clean, thoroughly :
homelike, strictly modern. There are) ,
larger hotels in Salem, but no better.
Rate from 50c a day to $1.50. Bp
cial rates by week or month, deefl
Money to Loan '
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd k Bash Bank, Balem, Oregon .
m.J i.1 i. I J USAiA--& DftYV URU0 IT
rangements for loaning eastera)
money, will make vety low rata el .
interest on highly improved farms. ,
Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack '
Bide- Salem. Ore., Phone 98. '
nwuv mrv T A 1U t V i
CHAS. B. HODGKIN General Insur-j
rentals. Hubbard Bldg.-Phone 389. ;
"TBBB A CLOTJGH C6.-C. B. Webb, j
A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern method
known to the profession employed
499 Court St Main 120, Main 9889. '
directors and undertakers, 232 Notts)
High street. (Day and night phonei
183. ...
Co., 220 N. Liberty
-.Phono 203. A com
. plote line of Eleitrid
Supplies and fixtures)
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Maim
2247. Residence Main 2273.
50 years experience.
Depot National and American feaca
Sizes 28 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganborry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 25
St. Phone 124.
FOR EXCHANGE 77 acre farm, 45
acres cultivated. Buildings, toe in.
cows and fuU'equipment. Will aeeept
small tract as part payment. Sqoars)
Deal Realty Co., 202 U. S. Dank
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Cairo
praetic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprao
tio spinal a-ljustments and get welL
Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phoae Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkgrilhs,
M. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-508 U. 8. National Ban
Building. Phone 839, Residence 344
North Capital street. Phoae
and pay taxes in Salem. Let Sales
people saw your wood. Phone 26it.
no it. rut. P. L. Keiiter, Wa
Has medicine which will ear
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. at.
urtil 8:00 p. m.
153 South High 8tret
Oregon. Phoae S39