THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, PRIDAY, NOV. 24, 1916. 4V FIVE If f f f f f f f 4 i Get the Ball Band Rubbers; every pair fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or a new pair free. Ball Band Boots in all coSors red, white and black. Children's and Ladies' Boots, Buckle Overshoes and Men's Lace Booties. A small line of Men's Boots, sizes 9 to 11, to close out at . . . ... . . A full run of Men's Snag Proof Boots, regular $4.00 grades go at . . '-. . . . $2.95 Big line of Men's and Women's Rub bers 75c and $1.00 grades go at . . . .. . . . . Get Broken Lines of Hanan Shoes, while they last, reg. $7 and $8 grades both men's and women's styles, at,. Cut rate repair work All Men's Soles 75c, Ladies' Soles 50c, All Leather Heels 25c. Bring your repairing here and save money. Best leather, best workmanship, quick service. ,: , 50c Hanan Shoes Witch Elk Boots Ball Band Rubber ;; Boots WIIEFICE SHOE C0 Ground Gripper Shoes Fox Pumps Dux Bax Oil II II II II Frank Keenan h The Thoroughbre K TODAY ID TODAY ID jj TOMOW v , TOWOW g r r, Jxiv 3 - 8 -AW lr u ''& A !' XVOtWA H II K ii NN if k . V VAlflMT: vvm . 'T ., AITIIRNFR XNJI m ... yy'' itS - W fUyJ -l J-- n II ii ii ii ii ti ii I! II II II II II II II 11 11 II II M M I II El IS u n u ti 63 n u n u p pi M n ii n ' Master II - Xylophonist II Same Prices y Salem's Popular Theater csazzsaccEczzzsacBszancaE The Oregon A KEYSTONE TOO Same Prices n ii El ii ii El El Si I! IS Ul W&U 1 1 Salem's Popular Theater 1 sssi.czzsszzzzsszsaszaiESEsasczzzzza Shoes of All Kinds Doubled In Pricce The indications are that wearing shoes will soon be a luxury, or at least the cost thereof will be Bueh that the aver age individual will stay ,with the old .hos from financial as well as senti mental niotivea. In fact, the retail shoo men are just wondering where and when the continued advance in the wholesale price will atop. For instance: A man's work shoe that sold wholesale one year ago at $3.20, wag priced last. Septem ber at 4. On the 27th of November -the dealer received notice that the same shoes ha dadvanced wholesale to $4.45. That looked bad enough, but on Novem ber 21, an advance sheet was received, giving tho price at 5.20, a figure high er than he had been retailing the shoes. A girl's shoo that was wholesale 2, is now priced -at $2.75, and a woman 'i shoe, sold wholesale at $1.50, is listed $1 higher ou the wholesale list. (Continued from pag one.) Un troops under General Serrail are also advancing, having reached Nezo- Trepoff is Premier. Petrograd, Nov. 81. General Trepoff kt been appointed premier, the present premier, M. Stunner, becoming grand chamberlain. The Duma adjourned, today until De cember 2. Newspapers here declare that Tre poff 'g appointment as premier will ne cessitate au explanation by the govern ment in the Duma regarding what prob- hemg induced bis selection as premier. too You worn out? Does night find you exhausted nerve unsettled too tired to rest? Is the food-tonic that corrects these troubles. Its pure cod liver oil is a cell-buildinff food to Durifv and enrich the blood and nourish' the nerve-centers. Your strength will respond to Scott's Emulsion but see IhsJ you get SCOTT& Russians Advance. Petrograd, Nov. . 24. Further . ad vances in Dobrudja were announced in today's official statement. "We advanced southwards, reaching Tahul, and at places erossed the Kar- lal," the statement declared. Beaistaace Broken. Berlin, via wireless to Kayville, I,. I., Nov, 24. General Von Falkenhayn's troops are approaching the Alt valley and enemy resistance in toe west cor ner of Bumania has been broken, ac cording to the official war office state ment today". The atatement.said there were an Im portant engagements on the front of Prince Leopold. . Berlin Denies Gains. t)ri:n .I Knvville. I. I.. Xtit. 24. Partial' iHvinr'fi of ths eiemr north west of Mnnastir snd near JIakova. ing the Maedonian campaign an nounced tolay. "Between jTeapa rase aim ino there were strong attacks by artillery fire." Sell it Journal want ads will tell it OKO& CASS BE TURNED Washington, Nov. 24. To stave off a feared disastrous car shortage, all railroads of the country were today order- ed to return to their home lines as soon as possible all fruit and refrigerator cars, the confer- ence committee on car officien- cy announced. The committee Is studying the freight transpor- tation problem in connection with the interstate commerce commission's probo of tho same subject. . Pimples Disappear There is one remedy that seldom fails to clear away all pimples, blotches and other skin eruptions and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. . Any druggist can supply you with aemov which -generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim ples, rashes, black heads in most cases (five way to zemo. "Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only Z5c ; an extra large bottle, $1.00. It wilt not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rom Co., Clvrln4, O. Today-Tomorrow '' '"-1 'BLANCHE SVEIT l!K :thi STORM V h i i GRAND THEATRE ONE GALA NIGHT MOW. NOV. 27 ' IN ITS 2NVlARj Prices 50c, 75c, tl and 11.60. Beats on gala at Opera House Drag Store Fri day A. M. vV (- ' 1 i I IS x ' : ill! - -J, I 'J - 1 '-. ' . I i i t a n nr a t t-tt i i Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want 1Z TAIB fc WABMEB With the magic of a spectacular New York success still strong upon it, "Fair and Warmer" will come to the tiranO theatre on Monday, Nov. 27, whwi 8el wyn k Company will present this most dazzling and ludicrous of tho Avery llopwood royal line of farces, with an excellent cast of farceurs. 'Fair snd Warmer" made one of tboe successes ulong llroadway that run up the stiuidiird for all later at tractions. It sold out, from its firs; performance, so that thcro was never any New York advertising necessary. It made more money at the Kltings the atre than "Within the Law" had made there four years before, which, till "Fair and Warmer" was the 'big business" record. It was in demand from every part o f the country, a good six months before Belwyn & Company were able to put it on tour, thus as suring it an eager welcome. Incomplete returns, from all coun ties of the first congressional district give. W. C. Hawley a lead of 20,2)7 votes over Mark Weatherford, his opponent. STARTING SUNDAY j. lie sjaivai, inc vicitut'Sl uiiu I tie JDl'Hl PARAMOUNT COMEDIES The latest release "BRIDGET'S BLUN DER" see them exclusively at YE LIBERTY THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW VAUDEVILLE FLORENCE TURNER in "DOORSTEPS" ' JJ Five-reel Mutual Masterpicture. BL1GM THEATRE SUNDAY Hippodrome Vaudeville Three Big Acts n BIG- DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM II II STOUDENMEYER'S PEERLESS ORCHESTRA Commencing Sunday and Every Evening Salem's Only Exclusive Photoplay House Sunday and Monday . YE LIBERTY THEATRE WILLIAM FARNUM and NELL SHIPMAN !! in Tires of Conscience Big Wm. Fox Feature II II U