-The Capital Journal" CHABLES H FI3HEB, Editor and Manager. FRIDAY KVKXiNIi, November 24. liilli. Editorial Page of s : PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OEEOON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BAENF.8, ' CHAS. H. FISHER, President. ' Vice-President. DOHA C. ANDfiESEN, bfcc. and Trcaa. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per yeur . . 45.00 . 3.00 Per month 45o Per month 35c FULL LEASED WIKli TELEGRAPH BEFOItT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Ward -Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stockwell, Pcople'a Oag Building The Capital Journal currier boys ore instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kiudlv phono the circulation manager, as thjs is the only way wo can detortnino whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be; sent you by special messenger if the carrier baa missed you.' PROVING A SELF EVIDENT FACT " A faddist is never so happy as when he can get in the limelight, and achieve notoriety, no matter how short lived it may be. Just now some dietetical faddists have managed to gather a class of inane persons who are be ing experimented on to show that a person can live com fortably and well on forty cents a day. The class has been trying the experiment but two days, but the newspapers are already suffering from an over abundance of language on their stomachs, so to speak, from it. The news gath erers are working overtime and the otherwise decent telegraph wires are insulted with menus, conditions of the class, how the faddists are getting on and long dis sertations on economics, buying, marketing, cooking, measuring the closes and all the f ol-de-rot that can pos sibly be dug up about the silly affair. The head maid or whatever it is that prepares and passes out the doses, takes her thermometer out of her mouth" long enough to say that she thinks the cost will not be1 more than ?,8 cents for each pathic, when the experiment reaches a stage where hash can be made to get in its money-saving work and "fill 'em up again" with the left overs. What makes the whole affair so supremely ridiculous is that hundreds of thousands of families here in America where the living is supposed to be far superior to that of any other country, manage to live comfortably for much less than 40 cents a day for each member of them, and have done so time immemorial and will continue to do so indefinitely. ' V The average workman here in Oregon gets a wage ot about two dollars a day. Wtih a family of four which is hardly the average, and far less than many families have, the cost of living at the faddists' allowance of 40 cents a day would amount to $1.60 a day or for seven days $11.20. This,. remember, is for the first cost of the food alone. The two dollar a day wage earner would have made, if he worked steadily, $12, and after paying for the family supplies would have 80 cents left with which to pay house rent, fuel, lights and water, and to supply the clothing for the family. If not a day was lost in the year the family would have $-11.60 for all their wants above food. ... , It will be seen from this that as Oregon families get. along all right and do not go hungry, that they must live on far less than 40 cents worth of food a day. In- fact not long ago young fellows keeping bachelors' hall at the university here reported that they were .living on less than eight dollars a month, or about 25 cents a day. It is probable the first cost of the food for the man who works for wages and hundreds of others, is not above 25 cents a day. And yet in the face of a self evi dent proposition that this is being done these faddists spend their time and exhaust other folk's patience in demonstrating that a person can live on 15 cents a day more than that person is spending at the time for his sustenance. And the wires are carrying the glad news across the continent that this startling fact is so. Uncle Sam who feeds some thousands could tell thejn all about the cost of living without making any fresh experiments, and it would be found that the 40 cent limit is plenty large enough for anyone and that the average man cannot eat the quantity of food that can be bought for that sum, if it is properly selected. Those who think the job of being king an easy one will be disillusioned by reading of the work the late Em peror Francis Josef did daily. As a beginning he got up at an hour when the average workingman was still soundly slumbering and that was generally from 3:f!0 to 4 o'clock and he was busy the entire day. In England the job seems to be much easier as one seldom hears of the king or of his doing anything. The last heard of him he had fallen off a horse at a review in France a year or more ago. According to the dispatches he has done nothing since worth mentioning. Owing to the recent election the East has discovered there is a West, and a West that is beyond its control. Hereafter New York will not be considered the whole thing and Indiana will cease to pivot. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL S300.000.00 Transact a General Rankin? business Safety. Deposit Itoxe SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Commissioner Daly has put one over on the Portland city council in regard to the itneys by creating "zones." From the amount of heat developed by his action it is fair to presume that most oi them were of the torrid kind. Anent the high cost of living, one of those wise fellows who has an explanation for everything, even the fourth dimension, says that it ia due to "the spineless character oi me women wno ao rne maiKeung. ne says in oiaen times the woman when told that butter was 30 cents a pound simply refused to buy it, procured some substitute and continued to refuse until the falling off in sales re duced the price. Now, he says, the woman asks how, much an article is worth and takes it regardless of price. Simple isn't it? There is just one factor in the equation he overlooked. He forgot that times had changed, the age of combines had arrived and that these combines saw to it that the substitutes the woman of old turned to, are aeroplaned along with the article he advises her to re frain from buying.. There are no more cheap substitutes, for the reason the combines have "substituted" a higher price on them. Do the American people actually enjoy the sight of death? It would seem so when they assemble in crowds of 40,000 to. see an auto race that is so dangerous to life that permitting it is almost murder. Are we any better in this respect than the Romans who turned their thumbs down and sentenced a vanquished gladiator to death? We draw the line at prize fighting on account of its brutality, and go to see an artistic killing at an auto race. We permit football games which are far more brutal than prize-fighting, and we make .it a crime to gamble with a deck of cards, while permitting the speculators to juggle our food supply and use it as a great gambling device. .The moral of which, and many similar things we do, is, that we are a nation of superb hypocrites. There are quite a number worrying already lest the proposed bonding of the city pass and some because it may not carry. All of which is foolish. . Time enough to worry after the measure is placed on the ballot, which it may not be. The Commercial Club is solid against it, which indicates it will have hard sledding if it comes up to be voted on. It is no wonder that Chairman Willcox of the repub lican national committee is grouchy. If he had only real ized the importance of the West and hustled up 4,000 more votes in California how different things would have seemed. However, he is not the only orje to mourn neg lected opportunities. - ;y - y- We are glad indeed to note that the Commercial club at least thinks the S. P. will soon build a depot here. No doubt it willwhen it gets ready and we sincerely hope that time is near. So far it is in. the same categoiy with the man that dreamed he almost found a quarter. - ' Apparently the trouble at the prison will pass without a strike or boycott. Perhaps though the prisoners are only waiting to give the new warden a try out. If they don't like himbut why worry, that remains to be de termined, perhaps they will. Siberia is now said to be a land of opportunity. Here is a chance for the rising generation still to go west and grow up with the country. That is if they do not go too far west; for in that case they would be going east and spoil the euphony of the advice. And now it develops that the Britanic was not tor pedoed but struck a mine. Thus is another story of "Ger man, f rightfulness" disposed of and the scare about a re newal of the submarine warfare proven without foundation. ' r . " . Nothing has been heard of the Deutschland since the tugs whistled their goodbyes and saw her steaming away on the surface for her home port. The next heard of her will probably be from Antwerp. Kfr RippSingliiinos i.Tt a. jw PROGRESSIVE PIETY - ; ' The old time brimstone preacher, when once he waded in, said every human creature was loaded down with sin. Be neath his towering steeple, in bitter, scath ing terms, he roasted all the people, and said we were but worms. This poor old earth Vf PlimhrpH Il(Vniini fn Vila yaAa I , uvvvi vuu bU i V. V4, ana wnen our aays were numbered, we d have some grief, indeed. The hymns that we were singing were - of the same grim style, such lines as this one springing: "Where only, man is vile." . We all of U3 were lepers, the baby and the dame, the cripples and high steppers all soaked in sin and shame; the lovely girls were ditto, their beauty was a snare, and none of us were fit to pack liver to a bear. But nowadays the preacher is willing to confess that man is quite a peach, or, at least, a great success. The learned and reverend thriller no long er says I'm vile, or calls me caterpillar, or worm, or crocodile. . r -- Central Howell Gossip .' ( Canital Journal .Special Service.) Central-Howoll, Ore., Nov. 2. There was a surprise party on Mr. Frank and Clarence Simmons Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Branch ami son, Ralph, Mr. Alvtn Burns, Mrs. Poarl Miller and daughter, Greta, spent lust Mnturdtiy ev ening with 3. V. Baggett and family. Mr. Alvin Burns ami Mrs- Peurl Mil ler ami daughter, Cretu, were visiting with Mr. ami Mrs. Amiis Branch three or four days the past week. Mr. Pearl. Burns took dinner lust Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Amos Brnncli. There was a Hallowe'en social given at the Central Howell church Hallow- e'en night. Thanks to Rev. Nicholl. On the 31st of November the children of the Central Howell school entertain ed Mrs. Abe Steffler on her fortieth birthday. Mrs. Teter Steffen baked a birthday cuke which Mrs. Abo Stefgfen cut and gave each child a piece. Then when she readied home her better-half wanted her to buko an enormous amount of pumpkin pies so she became epiite puzzled and wondering why he wanted so many idea, so nbout H o'clock when the guests began to arrive for the even ing, she then could solve the problem ttisilv. Miss Dngny I.imlquist took dinner with Miss l.etlia Shepard lust Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Bincgar was visiting Central Howell school lust Friday aft ernoon. A new comet was formed the evening of October .11 from the reflection of n binning strnwstack. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kcichty have re turned from their wedding tour, which took them through. Washington, Idaho, California and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs I.eichly are both highly esteemed young pcoplo of Central Howell. Hoping their Honeymoon will never end is the sincere wish of the writer, The above is somewhat stale, but per haps will be new to somo. Central Howell Limited has two reg ular passengers, Miss Lethn Shepnrd and Mr. Oscar Lindquisth. Miss Shepard ifltends the Salem high school and Mr. I.iudquist the Business college. Mr. Albert Mikkelson sports around in a new cur these days, also his father. Last Saturday Mr- unci Mrs. Fred Durbin and son Solly, went to Vancouv er, Wash,, to visit Mr. Durbin 'a pa rents, roturuing Sunday evening. Last Monday J. W. Baggott wcntrto Salem on business. He went by way of the Central Howell Limited. Mrs. Cary, Airs. Henry Werner, and lira. Buy Humsden- spent Tuesday aft ernoon with Mrs. Hnddie Ramsden. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Kthel Brunch was visiting Mrs. J. W. Baggett. Wednesday afternoon, November 22, Mr. Arthur Feardorff mid Miss Amzcl Moores wero united in marriage at the Central Howell parsonage by Rev. Wm. Nicholl. -"Mibs May Moores, sister of the bride iind Mr. FraiikvSimmons, neeompanied the happy couple. Mrs. Adam Burns is visitin her daughter, Mrsr-Kthel Branch. Clnronce Simmons says he is going to let Frank get the cook, as he is too bashful, unless some girl takes pity on him before 1917. Wednesday night the boys of the neighborhood captained by Amos Brunch, serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Dear dorff. The different musical instru ments to be distinguished at a distance was a number of cowbells, shotguns, horns, dynamite and oilier noiti,.. ,uo numerous to mention. After listening to the wonderful sounds the boys were in vited in and treated to a variety of good things to ent. The boys thought they were treated so nice at Mr. Moores, thoy didn't feel like slighting anyone where they had an excuse to go, so wendiug their way toward Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Spitler they gave them a treat in harmony that they had never heard before. The boys wero soon invited in and treated to fine cigars. Then they dispersed, each going to his peaceful abode feel ing thut they had been well paid for all their trouble. Ono afternoon Inst week County Su perintendent Smith visited the Central ilowell school, causing some needed changes in the school. Last Sunday Mr. Oliver Steffen went to Hulein on his bicycle to visit his sis- Saturday, November 25 the Oregon Electric Ry. Will run special train to Corvallis Leave Salem 11:30 a. m., " arrive Corvallis 12:45 p. m. Account 0. A. C. and U. of 0. Football Game, Returning after game. Regular trains also leave Salem 8:'-o a. m., 10:15 a. m., 12:55 p. m.. ROUND TRIP FARE $1.55 J. W. RITCHIE, Agent. tors, Miss Lena and Miss Tilly. Miss Tilly Steffeus has a position in Fry's drug store. There will be a Parent-Teachers' meeting at Central Ilowell school Fri day night. WOMEN VOTED FOR FIRST TIME The women in six states voted No vember 7, lDlil, for president the first time. The states are Arizona, Kansas, Oregon, Nevada, Montana and Illinois. Twelve states in all now have equal suffrage. They are with the above Wy oming, Colorndo, Utah, Idaho, Washing ton and California. The constitutional amendment giving equal' suffrage to the women of West Virginia and South Dakota was de feated at the polls last wet. WILL NOT CERTIFY VOTE Sacramento, Cal. Nov. 24. The soe-j, retaiy of state today announced them would be no certification of tho statu vote until Monday at the earliest, and not then if the disputed precincts In Mniysville and Orange county have not been properly reported. CASTOR IA Fcr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature wars NONE BETTER YOU'LL LIKE IT Botter Not BREAD PURE AND RICH SWEET AND CLEAN ft 1 . VMM ynp Jr -tone PHeJpsr CHAPTER LXXXIV. I felt thoroughly rested and refresh ed ifter my long sleep; and after a simple luncheon in my room, I dressed and went for a walk. When I returned, Clifford was in, and beginning to fret for feur I waa going to be late. "Von must have forgotten we are going out to dinner," he greeted me. "Hurry up and get dressed." "Oh, I'll be ready in plenty of time," I piuwvrcil, and hurriedly laid off my things. Clifford . wa unusually gay, and whistled and sang all the time he was dressing. Once he stopped long enough to tell me a funny story he had heard that day. I was so happy to see him iu such good humor that iwas responsive, and we laughed and chatted in a. way very uunsunl to us- until time to go. "You look very well, Mildred," he said as he helped me with my cloak. "This may be our last dinner in Chi cago. I think I can finish, up tomor row night-." I knew at once that hia business must have been satisfactorily completed, or he would not have been in such good humor Mrs. Curtis' Dinner. All the way out to Mrs. Curtis', he was in the same gay mood, and, after we arrived, he was so unusually enter taining that I was terribly proud oi him. Mr. Mayson was late. He apol- CLIFFORD IS GAY ogized profusely, then turned to Clif ford: "All your fault, Hammond! that busi ness of, yours, took me longer than I thought it would." So Burns Mayson had finally been persuaded to help Clifford. Well, I was glad. Then I realized suddenly that I was to miss this man' attentions, his expressed delight in my society. "You please take Mrs. Hammond out, Burns," Mrs-Curtis' voice -interrupted my musings, and I turned to him. "I Bhall miss you when you leave," he said to me. "Hammond tells me he is going as soon as possible." N " Yes, tomorrow, I think. I shall miss you too! " I impulsively added. He made no answer, neither "did he again refer te anything personal during the dinner, which waa very gay.. Clif ford, told stories and was at his beat, while Mr. Curtis and Burns Mayson fol lowed his lead. The informality of the whole evening wis delightful, and When we finally said good-night to our host and hostetss, I had one more regret at leaving Chicago. Mr. Mayson rode back to the hotel with us, and when we arrived I went directly upstairs while Clifford remain ed down with him "to talk a little busi ness." The Last Say in Chicago. It was late when Clifford came up. "It's all settled, Mildred! we go home tomorrow," he said an hour later, and for once forgot to chide me for be ing awake. The next day was a busy one.. I shop ped all the morning, buying gifts tor Edith, Kate and'Maudy; Muriel, toou I remembered with a -handsome present. men l lu ford had made an engagement to lunch with Burns Mayson, and in.Uw afternoon I had to pack. At luncheon Mr. Mayson devoted him self exclusively to me. Clifford notice it and laughingly charged him with it. He owned up at once, and said: "Why shouldn't U It may be some time before I see Mrs, Hammond again." After luncheon T lft ilt nt immediately to the-hotel to pack. A I.: l i . .. ... ' . 'K "v 'y on ine taoie, and when i opened it 1 found Burns May son's card. With a Wish for . nlwiiant trin nn ton of the most wonderful American Beauty- roses i naa ever seen. All the afternoon their fragrance fill ed the room, and when we left, for the train I carried the box, and one pinned on my jacket. Mr. Maysoar was at the train to bid us good-bye, and am he Ehook hands with me he said: . "I shall see yon before- long." I had no time to ask what he meant, as the train started and he had to jump off before I could make any reply. (Tomorrow: The Journey- Honfe.)