THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 21. 1916. 4 1 i . . Livesley News tMIMMMM poofs and All Kinds of Get the Ball Band Rubbers; every pair fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or a new pair free. Ball Band Boots in all colors red, white and black. Children's and Ladies' Boots, Buckle Overshoes and Men's Lace Booties. small line of Men's Boots, sizes 9 to 11, to close out at . 5:; : 4. t A full run of Men's Snag Proof Boots, regular $4.00 grades goat . . . . . . Get Broken Lines of Hanan Shoes, while they last, reg. $7 and $8 grades both men's and women's styles, at . i line of Men's and Women's Rub bers 75c and $1.00 grades go at ....... . Cut rate repair work AH Men's Soles 75c, Ladies' Soles 50c, All Leather Heels 25c. Bring your repairing here and save money,. Best leather, best workmanship, quick service. Hanan Shoes Witch Elk Boots Ball Band Rubber! Boots l Ground Gripper Shoes Fox Pumps I Dux Bax Oil (Capital Journal Special Service) Livesley, Xov; 23. The O. T. club was entertained by Mrs. L. D. John ston Tuesday afternoon. There was a ood turn out of members and an en joyable time was spent. Mrs. Johnston leave soon for Fresno, Cal., nail as. n token , of remembrai'.tc the ladies or the club presented 'ler with two oil paintings, the work cf Mrs. G. Conlidge Those present were: Mrs. X. P. Kiltie, Mrs.W. M. Meier, Mrs. CI. V. Coolidtf Mrs. T. L. Hailev, Mrs. ti. S. HiKg'ns, Mrs. J. P. Bressler, Mrs. R. I). Kidler, Mrs. J. Fidler, Mrs. 1). Pi.ller Mrs. II. B. (larpeutcr, Mrs. F. Edwards, Mrs. S. Davenport, Mrs. ti. Bressler, Mrs. ('. D. jucry, Mrs. R. Mayes Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. L. Johnston. C. D. Query has bought that tract or land near true depot and will soon build an up to dute house adjoining the store. This will enable Mr. Query to devote more time to his growing business. Clarence Martin left for Portland Inst week and expects to be away all winter. The logs are now being hauled for tho club house about to be erected on the golf links. A genuine surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. L. 1). Johnston recently when a number of friends gathered for a social time. The evening wns devoted to music and dniicing. Claude Edwards is working on a farm near the reform school. T. W. Jeffreys of Aberdeen, Wash., was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson. Louis Salchenberg is working on a arm near Turner. Mrs, S. Davenport will entertain the 0. T. club on Thursday Dec. 7th. . Lyons News Items (Capital Journal Special Service) Lyons, Or., Nov. 2U. Mrs. A. L. Hi- att and family motored from Albany to their homo at Lyons Friday evening. Miss Hazel Richards was n visitor at ther home of Myrtle Brown over Sunday. The dauce given by the Indies or chestra Saturday evening was weU'at tended, all pronounced a good time. David Thompson, who is staying with ltt -L. Cottolene Doughnuts To one pint of risen bread dough, work in one cup of sugar beaten with two eggs and otie tea noon melted Cottolene. Mix a little nut meg or cinnamon with one-fourth cup flour; add this and enough more flour to make a stiff dough. Roll and cut, and let them rtso half an hour before frying in deep, hot Cottolene. , From "HOME HELPS." Mailed tree it yoa write gut Central Otncet, Chicago, The Natural Shortening" The best doughnuts you ever tasted Doughnuts made by the Cottolene recipe look tempting, taste good, and can be eaten with thorough enjoyment by all. Food prepared with Cottolene is not only ap petizing, but wholesome and digestible as well. Use this pure food product for all your shortening and frying. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Pails of convenient sizes. j . "Cottolene &elfer' his aunt ill Silverton, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents at Lyons. The Lyons school has three now scholars, Kuth Waterman, I'hylis and Winifred Hnrdson. Miss Vida Woodworth who has been ill is slowly improving. Tuesday. j After playing games and spending a The new creamery man, Mr. Ilnrd-i pleasant evening they returned home at son and family are now occupying Mr. l lat0 ll011r, The guests 'pronounced hnv l'ox s vncnnt house. j. , ,. . . .. The party given at the home of Mrs. A. L. Morris' in honor of the birthday o .Mrs. .Morris her son Kenneth and ing a very good time. Mrs. L. D. Waterman returned to her home at Lyoni alter spending sev Win. Kdler made a trip to Stnyton Mrs. 1. V. Kane was well ulteiided. j eral months iu' tho east. 3C tt ! ..- The gross earnings of the Pullman company in Oregon for the year are planed at $411,GoU80, and the expenses of operation iu (lie state at (328,704.02. DON'T SUFFER WHH NEURALGIA Masterole Gives Delicious Comfort When those sharp pains go shooting .through your head, when your skull seems as 'if it would split, just rub a little Musterole on the temples and neck. It draws out the inflammation, soothes away the pain, usually giving quick reliefr Musterole is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Many doctors and nurses frankly recommend Musterole for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore mus cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet-r colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). It it always dependable. 25c and 50c jars, hospital size, $2.50. jmIbon ' (Continued from page one.) STfTtrnfg mum in prolifically having mado it habit for years to do 1,000 words a day no more, no less. Several years ago London became a "gentleman farmer." He purchased a large estate Glen Ellen and there pre sided over a wonderful ranch. He la beled the valley in which his place was located " the Valley of the Moon" and frequently wrote about it. Heeently he spent a considerable time in Hawaii where he meant to Use part of eaen year and write, but death interfered with his plans. London was .married twice. His first wife, who was the mother of bi tw daughters. Bess and Joan, was divorc ed ten vears ago. She was greatly shocked today when informed of her former husband's death. Several years ago London married again, his wife be ing the "C'harmion" of his hooks. Was Becoming Rich ' Santa Rosa, Cal., i.ov. 23. Jack Lon don was rapidly becoming rich when k. a',aA IV. iiAi-amt vpari his work haft been in great demand and publishers were paying him as high as 10 eents a word. Jt is estimated tnai nis in come from his writings alone has been n. loo.t in linn 9 vpr for several vears and this does not include moving pic ture and otner rignis. London spent large sums on his Glen Ellen ranch and he often made the re mark that he had to write stories to pay the expenses of his furm. TO STORE POWDER Washington, Nov. 22. Additional storage facilities to the value of $1,.100,- 000 to accommodate the $13,000,000 worth of powder recently ordered-Jby the navy, will be provided at tho fol lowing yards, Admiral Strauss, chief of ordnance announced today before the house naval committee: Fort Mifflin, IV, $142,700; Iowa Island, near West Point. $30,000; Lake Senmark, N. J., $100,000; Keyport, Wash., $,000; Mare Island, $16,000; Newport, $47,000; Charleston, K. C, $35,000, and l'uget Sound, $49,600. , Wedding invitations, announcements, and calling cards printed at the Journal Job Department Prices right. SHSJ 2l New Oepartment Sale Is sure a success, if you can judge anything by the hundreds of satisfied buyers that were in our store yesterday. Our class of Furniture and large assortment make it pleasant to do your early Xmas. shopping here, and most of all OUR PRICES ARE CUT RIDICULOUSLY. Compare these Prices and values with other sales: Get aCan TO-DAY EMyp! I From Your jass, Hardware or Grocery Dealer Dining Tables In the newest finishes and designs 54-in. top quarter sawed oak 6-ft. extension, reg ular $45, now . . . $34.75 50-in. top quarter sawed oak 6-f t. extension, reg ular $40, now ... $29.80 48-in. top quarter sawed oak 6-ft. extension, reg ular $30, now . . . $21.60 45-in. top quarter sawed oak, regular $28.00, now $19.80 45-in. top oak, regular $25.00, now .... $17.80 45-in. top oak, regular $24.00, now .... $15.00 45-inch top oak, regular $20.00, now .... $12.80 42-in. top oak, regular $15.00, now $9.80 42-in. top Table, regular $12.00, now $8.00 Davenport Specials Solid oak genuine leath er up holstered Daven port, regular $65.00 val ue, now $40.00 Solid oak Chase leather, a beauty, regular $50.00 value, now .... $39.75 Solid oak Davenport, imitation leather, reg ular $35.00, now $28.00 Solid oak Davenport, imitation leather, reg ular $26.00, now $19.85 Cold Weather Specials Wood, Coal, Combina tion and Oil Heaters Greatly Reduced. Heaters Cast top, bottom and linings, with fine pol ished bodies, full nickel trimmed style and price Reg. $15 Heater $11.50 Reg. $14 Heater $10.50 Reg. $13.50 Heater $9.50 Reg. $12.50 Heater $9.00 Reg. $12.00 Heater $8.50 Coal Stoves Reg. $15 Heater $7.50 Reg. $14 Heater $7.00 Reg. $12 Heater $6.00 Reg. $10 Heater $5.00 Oil Stoves, the best new Perfection : Reg. $5.50 Perfection. $4.20 Reg. $4 Perfection $2.95 All sheet iron Stoves cut in two M -. at H Dressers In Birdscye Maple, Cherry, White and Oak finishes Dressers French plate mirror, full quarter oak, only $19.75 Reg. $25 Dresser $19.75 Reg. $22 Dresser $10.80 Reg. $20 Dresser $15.00 Reg. $17.50 Dresser $13 Reg. $13.50 Dres'r $9.80 Reg. $12 Dresser $8.95 Princess Dressers Reg. $54.00 Birdseye Maple, now $34.80 Reg. $25.00 Quarter sawed oak, now $19.75 Reg. $24.00 Quarter sawed oak, now $18.50 Reg$17.50 Quarter sawed oak, now $13.80 Rockers All leather, Chase leath er seat and back, leath er seat only, and wood seat All-Over leather Rockers Reg. $28.59 Rocker now $21.80 Reg. $27.00 Rocker now $19.85 Reg. $25.00 Rocker now $18.50 Reg. $19.50 Rocker now $14.85 Leather Scat and Back Rockers Reg. $17.00 Rocker now $13.80 Reg. $15.00 Rocker now $11.90 Reg. $13.00 Rocker now $ 9.85 Leather Seat Only Rockers. Reg. $13.50 Rocker now $ 9.85 Reg. $9.50 Rockers now $ 7.60 Wood seat Rockers in solid oak and quarter sawed oak: Reg. $8.00 Rocker $6.60 Reg. $6.50 Rocker $4.90 Reg. $5.00 Rocker $3.95 Reg. $4.50 Ash Rocker $3.60 Reg. $2.50 imitation Oak Rocker ..... $1.95 Entire New Wexford Building Geer-Krueger, Furniture court St. 3