THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1916. Ei II II II II II II t: ii ii n n ii ii ii a n ii u n n u n ii ii ii u n a a H 13 M a o n a u a n n u a n n n a a a u a a u a a a a a n a u a n n v riday i mm n m The season's choice products from America's best factories soarklins with newness and smartness await vou M here at prices that defy competition. It is easy to make claims,v but to deh'ver the goods is another story. " !! WF.nnrn try in, - . . "u ' w mm, m WM OUR ELEVENTH anBaca n J- II II II II II GSBZZEZSSSQESSEZBBBBSZBl BEZSESHnEESEni2H!EnZ!2 2333233 . CI mm II 81 II II LAST C AO J Huck Towels Of superior quality with turkey red borders, fast color, regular 10c quality, for Friday and Saturday, She each White Heav,, Outing Excellent quality, closely woven and finished with heavy nap, worth 10c, for Friday and Satur day, V, Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Suits Made by the famous Vassar Mills, cut to fit, finished with flat seams, worth $1.25, for Friday and Saturday, 6hc yard 69c garment Sale of New Men's Suits And mind you if we say NEW we mean new in style, new in design, new and fresh from the factory. A lucky purchase made by our eastern representative. Come in two grades of blue serge and in fine quality worsted with invisible pin stripe. Sizes 31 to 42. SPECIAL g $12,50 suits $9.85 $18.00 suits $12.95 $25.00 suits $17.85 Men's Gun Metal Dress Shoes, In button and blucher styles, gen uine English welt, with heavy gen uine oak sole, very special for Fri day and Saturday, $2.49 pair Boys' Heavy School Shoes Made of fine quality wax calf with indestructable soles and heels, blucher style, sizes 13 1-2 to 2, $1.79 pair Queen Regent Toilet Soap Made by Swift & Co., mildly scent ed with refreshing odor, combined with pure and antiseptic qualities. Pure white stock, regular price 8c, now, 3c per cake ii u n H is D n m a a H u a Q n it D n n a n n a H n Any Florsheim Shoe In the House up to $7.00 at . . Men Suits, Overcoats ly and Raincoats . . . 2 $4.25 Pri ice a n u ii n u n u n u n Si ii ii H II The Toery Closes, his Doors for 11 Good Saturday, November 25th 11 ii rs That Personage Waxed Fat and Kicked, But No Kicking Now of Mr. mul Mis. Bea Morris on Satnr-'great powers." day evening, the 18th nnd liolpod cole-j Original iiiK Switzerland the l n brute their 25thwedding anniversary, j kiic now claim & havo branches in Mr. Hurold Benjamin, of the lion-! Argentine, Chile, Denmark, S.ain, mouth Hornuil, will he, back the 27th tirtir e, Holland, Peru, Hra.iL Norway, tnke charge of our school. 'Sweden and the I'nited Statesllram-li- !es also were maintained in- I'orl iikI COLONEL ROOSEVELT HEADS 'mid Koiiniauia until those countries en NEUTRAL PEACE SOCIETY , tered the war, it wan said. Xew York, Nov. 2.'1. Theodore House i velt has accepted tcmnnrniilv the hun ! ornry presidency of the League of Ncu- ISeikelev, Oil., Nov. 2:1--Ivntcr mm tral Nntiiius it was announced here to-j the musical frog. Charles Lewis (aniji ni(lit. Tlie organization was formed I'niversity of California d:s soon after the (lerman invasion of ltd- : covered, lit an elevation of "inn Ice', uiiim l.i nil.l;.. ...... tl.......t ,.. !,. i.l...' T ...1. : .1. V ii.. ., . 1 j........ niiiiim iii in uiv imiu t niliii iin, itiin-n liinvw ' niiiicier mo rainier ami cs am ' riivnr of i n- r itu nf v.u.i II... i,iu i ,..i.i;.. .i,..:n ... :, rather looks at his city brothers with ! against " military oppression by the!. lone time. 1'ity when lliero is u discussion of the . high cost of II vine. The famivr nppnr-! ' "" is tne only man m thisfc.ock or R?,s-3An economical. DellSfhttuL lASht V are to TraArS Jl.llllfc "HE WOULD A WOOING GO" SpOulV Gale & Company Formerly the Chicago Store Salem's Biggest Popular Price Department Store. - Not Connected With Any Other in This City CORNER COURT AND COMMERC IAL STREETS, SALEM, OREGON caac53! I entlv itlio woods who has about jeoniiiiK his way. Of h .. ....i.., n.iiMn i-iii iriiuii 1 1 him I 30 to 7.J cents u pair more than a Year 'ouo ami a few other items of weariui; apparel have climbed up a notch in I two.. Hut what does that amount to j with the price of wheat on November 1 2.1, I!) 13, quoted at Sn cents a bushel, compared to .$1.2S today, with a biy itjor crop this year tluin'iii III 13. I And while the price of the iiiovin;! I picture has advanced from ten ecu: -! to 13 cents, if the fanner has a Inrj;. j family, why should he worry, as to. ; rends in today's papers that potatoes are brinuiug $1.25 u hundred. One i.vear ao he felt- luc ky to dispose, ot I them at 73 cents a hundred. And on top of this hinh price, there was the ibiL'Kt'st crop for several years, as the j llllti season was an ideal one tor spoils. It thread sells nt five cents a spool I lit rti i ii ti t in.. I .. .. ! I. ..I ..: :.. .......!..!.. H .,....,,, .,,, imnn i-iiii in lllll;ill jins'.i'ad of six for ft quarter, and the Uicollar that was two tor a quarter now l sells at 15 cents straight, why should ajitlie fanner worry as pink is now qnot led wholesale at 12'j. to l.'l cents, while 11 1 one year no today the best he could fJiKet was seven ann one half cents. Anil a a a n a n u n n H El H ei El n a mm iznziizuuanunuunuunzzUmnnjiTiuziunusnzunzBtiaaniiaanuiiunm High Cost of Living! We don't want to hear that in Salem. Come and help us to lower- the high prices. The combine is trying hard to down us, so as to maintain their high prices, but LET THE PEOPLE RULE We are here to serve you not the combine. Farmers' Cash Store On High St., opposite Court House just think of it! I'ork on fool was ouot id at five ami u quarter cents one year ago today and now it finds ready sale nt from NU, tu ! cents. W hy should the farmer worry. Of course the scarcity in woolen jjoods has advanced tint' price yf wool en shirts, sweaters ami suits of clothes, but why should the farmer stop tu fig ure the per cent of increase when tic i-an now sell his timothy hay for $10 a ton, compared to 14 one year ago to day and his. big crop of oiits is worth j from 12 to 13 cents a bushel, conipar it'd to .'15 one year ago. Aad this was a I fine year for oats too. j Why should the women folks of the i farm do without some extra nice things this winter when the biddy in the poul try yard is laying es at the rate of 13 cents a down, while one year ago :iH was the best the market 'afforded, j And if thti turkey of tin' farm yard jal.-o belongs to the women folks, hy i should they not have some extra spend jiiiR money, since now the unfortunate turkey sometimes culled the national ', bird struts and gobbles to the tune jf.f -21 cents a pound with feathers on and his internal works in ilm-c, mul i'.'4 cents a pound, dressed. Last year jut this time, the ftirinynrd national ; bird was singing his farewell soii(t 1 away down in 1 flat at the rate of l.i . flits a pound, including feathers ..lid ! feet, or IS cents, dressed. The .women ! folks are entitled to wear furs mid all : sorts of feathers ami attend the movies once a woeit, as mere is prosperity . perched on every farm yard tree. i Anyhow, taken by aiid large, coming 'or going, with the prices fluttering n i few cents either way, the farmer can jiruly sing at the annual Thanksgiving j services Tli.nrsilay .November .'in, lllln, : " .n" Country, 'Tis of Thee,- Sweet .l.liiid of l.ibcrtv. (If Thee I Sing." ii- ' ' ''''' jr ' v) OS, k-3 w.t K-a v K-4 K-l J Many sensible girls are wearing these sensible Waists at all seasons of the year ' . " The Wirthmor at $1.00 For though the price be so very moderate--they are always in good style and in every sense desir able. They look ' well-they'll launder well they'll wear well and in these days when prices of commodities of all kinds are soaring to higher realms it is most gratifying to know that some good things can still be had at the same old price. These are the ever-desirable Wirthmore Waists, sold here and everywhere now and always at" just $1.00. ' N KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET Tl'E SrORE FOR THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAY POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS Salem Heights Notes I Mr. and Mrs. lilbert Thompson have i moved into their new home on Sab'in j i Heights avenue ami are very much web' coined to our neighborhood. . j The I.ndics' Aid society was enter-1 tuined by .Mrs. Mize, November III, nt her home in Liberty, the duy being' bright and nrm a number of tlie ladies enjoyed tho hospitality. j i .Miss Kuhy Lewis lett for her home 1 'in I'orthuid November 15, niter a five' WeeKs- visit at tbo YV. A. Ale.t olluin I home. 1 .Mr. 1111(1 Ml-M. Will Kiiu viip nrn .t.ii-K I tn.r'f... tl. .i...L.....nv ..e L Ik i..rt . w. in. i-xiinimiirMi Jill l I VI millPlin,! the 23th of November, to visit their j daughter oud other relatives. ; .Mrs. Compton is home from the store iu wecK wnn a sngnt inaess. , Airs. Frank Frit-key has returned from j the hospital after a small oiciniioa. Mr. ami .Mrs. Tyson nre enjoying n j i visit from their soli uml ifi of Ku-, : gene. The young folks' club met nt the hall, ! Friday night. i i A large crowd turned out Sunday to hear the lecture on "The Holy ! l.liltll" In- I'l-nf. Mi. in..!- ..r !.. it .1 f i Mrs. A. X. Fulkerson left Saturdays .for Miermnn counly to do institute ' work. ! -Mrs. John McClain is in Albany vis ' iting relativi's. About 23 neighbors went to the home I 0. A. C. Homecoming and FOOTBALL GIEI1 Aggies and Eugene 'Varsity Teams AT Cor vallis, Saturday, Nov. 25 The Games that All will want to See. Low Fares For the round trip from all stations on the Oregon Electric Railway, NOV. 24, 25, 26. Fast Time, frequent trains and invariably on time. - Thanksgiving Fares Sales Dates, November 29-:J0. J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon.