THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, " SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1916. 'J?VEN i : STATE HOUSE NEWS x Court House News M-4 hf4- 4f IX of these $4 and $5 pumps at I- -r -.r. '.V n . TTSf While they are being At Less Than All Broken Lines to Go Regardless of Former Cost and steadily advancing price of leather S Mow i tp- tmat nil lii.uii. . . . ii..wninwit ..! ..inOf J 4-- cleaned up j Wholesale Cost I T' ' To clean up quick we are putting on sale short lines of both Men's and Women's Hanan Shoes, in all sizes; tan, English and patent leather dress shoes in men's; patent, cloth top and patent, kid top, and all kid shoes and all tan, in ladies'; now go at $4.95 an The world's best $5.00 Work Shoe, with "Neolin" soles, which give double wear over leather; any size, in black, do ng tan and smoke; all -go at . pO.0 Ladies' High TopBoots, 12-inch tops, in gun metal, patent vamp with kid top, tan and all gun metal, both button and lace; an exceptional value at $6.00, now fcO QC it go at A big line of Ladies' Party Slippers, all the latest makes, broken lines, patent, kid and combinations of patent and kid and patent and cloth; select any pair dn Qfi 500 pairs Ladies' Felt Slippers, all styles, both Comfy soles and fur tops; grades that sell up to $2.00; take QC, your choice while they last at OC 100 pairs Boys' High Top Boots, best $5.00 grades, tan or black, with or without buckles, double soles, boots JJO QC that would sell if replaced now at $6.00, to go at ip3.0 200 pairs Men's $3.00 Leather House Slippers very best grades; all sizes, both tan and black, just the thing f i QC for him for Christmas; to go at P 1 IO 100 pairs Ladies' Tan Button $5.00 Shoes, all sizes, the very highest grade of tan stock; take them while they do qc last at .....ip.iJO Big line of Men's $4.00 Work Shoes, both tan and black, double soles, best $4.00 shoe on the market; do QC broken sizes at .' iputoVD hanan Shoes Witch Elk Boots Dux Bax Oil SHOE Ball Band Rubber Boots Fox Party Pumps Ground Gripper Shoes Dr. Lytic, stnte veterinarian, who lias been in Albany attending a post mor tem examination of soma animals kill ed there for examination, is expected back in Salem today. Cut Prices on all Logger Shoes, Boys' and Children's Shoes, Men's and Women's Dress Shoes, and hundreds of pairs, all styles You are LOSING MONEY on your Repair Work: We use the Best Leather. Men's Half Soles 75c; Ladies' Half Soles 50c; all Leather Heels25c. Why pay more when you can have the service of the Best Equipped Shop in Salem at these Prices. . . . . . AH we ask is a trial. Articles of incorporation were filed this morning with the corporation com missioner by the Morgan Kazor Works of Portland, which is formed for the purpose of buying and selling razors and dealing in cutlery. The capital stock is $15,000 and the incorporators are J. Canby Morgan, .1. R. Dodson anil E. K. Merges. The- first Kvangelical Lutheran Scandinavian church of Hend formed for the furtherance of religious instruction, filed articles today with a capitalization of iMOOO. A decrcaso in the capitalization of the Heave Glove manufacturing company of Portland from If2.r,000 to 10,000 was recorded with the corporation commissioner. The car shortage yesterdav jumped from 2!W7 Momlav to 11017. the latter part of last week the supply tf cars was such as-to afford a slight relief to the shippers. The Albany telephone case is occu pying the attention of the public ser vice commission todav. It is probable the hearing will not be finished and, if not finished, will undoubtedly ad journ until ft later date. Tomorrow the commissioners go to Portland to hold the hearing for the elimination of dnu- f0"'!! ir"'i.l'!?il-L 1. -l. Judge William Buslicy today ap pointed M. A. Stewart, T. A. Kiuchart and 1. II. Allen appraisers of the es tate of P. O. Doyle, who died hero re cently. The appointment was made on petition of Guy O. Smith, administrator II tiiittiiiiililltttttt MMMf-vtfMMMttM-- tTv t t t t tt t t t tv ALONG JEFFERSON ROAD (Capital Journal Bp0'! Service.) Jefferson, Ore., Jfov. 22. Mr. ana Mrs. Whitescl tarted to Minnesota Thursday to visit relative. They ex pect to be gone till the first of the year. W. E. Ball, who nas been picking ap ples at the Walluce ranch, is at home BO-nr. Minnie Spisguc left Friday for Cali fornia. Jessie Miller took dinner with Nellie Ball Tuesday. Uncle Jacob Albeglia-s put a partition in his house. Mr. HilKiker and Mr. McCleary have been worSiug the Jefferson road this week. Desn and Ceroid Thompson, from Sutherland, Ore., are visiting friends here. We were sorry to near our mail car rier, Mr. Litchfield, was sick again, but are hoping he will be able to be out again soon. A family has moved in on the Ross place. , There was a lecture and moving pic ture at tie Salem Heights hall Sunday night. Mrs. I.ennon, of Salem, spent the day c n i ii tt I LAST TIMES TODAY "Where Are My Children?" Ask any of the crowds that seen it yesterday what they think of it. OREGON THEATRE Coming tomorrow Mae Marsh in "The Little Liar" Q n ll II U with her daughter, .Mrs. Kemano Wed- uosday. ) Air. and Mrs. will Sawyer are fixing to move to Corvallis for the winter. A number of Elmer McCleary'g little friends surprised him Saturday after r.oon, it being h tenth birthday. They played games and enjoyed themselves till refreshments were served. Mrs. J. D. Hardwick, who was run into by a street ear during election day, I does not seem to be getting along very well. Nellie Ball and children have gone to Folk county to spend a few days. JUDGE HOOK (Continued from page one.) the averments the plaintiff's bill of complaint is stated to be typical of a number recently Tiled by rail rood com panies in various district .courts of the ('nited States. A motion to dismiss has been presented on behalf of the defend ant United States attorney. The sole question raised by it is that of the con stitutionality of the law. The court is informed that the other esses stand on application for - temporary injunction. An appeal from an order granting or re fusing a temporary Injunction goes to the circuit court of apials and not further by ordinary procedure, while an Appeal from a final order or decree in i'lch a case would go direct to the su- John A. White of Tillamook, was committed to the Oregon state hospital for the insane today by Judge Bushey. lr. J. ('. Evans was the examining phy sician. Whito is afflicted with halluci nations of hearing. An action for the recovery of money alleged to be due for services rendered was brought yesterday by B. ft. Hoedie heimcr against Henry ISteinboek for the sum of iflil. Judge ftnl.lmvny this morning dismiss ed the divorce suit brought, by A. Merle Scott against Gertrude Scott. This divorce adit developed out of a suit for alienation of affection brought by (iertrudc Scott in May lilltl against Charles and Lulu Scott, the parents of A. Merle Scott. She charged them with turning her husband from her along with several other allegations. She ask ed 2,-,000 heart balm at that time. charge of the judge who is acting here. An order will be entered in that case directing plaintiffs and their counsel to co-operate with the department of jus tice in lodging tho appeal in the su premo court by December 4, next, and in then moving for the advancement there of for such early hearing as that court may find it consistent to grunt; also to invito counsel for all railroad companies and others similarly interested in the question involved to participate in the presentation of the motion to advance and in the arguments on the merits as fully as though their clients were par ties to this litigntion. Though the de cree of the court in the case here will be final in form, yet, because of the excep tional circumstances, the plaintiffs will be directed to keep their accounts and be prepared promptly to pay their em ployes on the basis of the Adamson law, should the decree not be sustuincd." . A summary of 'the road work dono in Marion county for the month of 'October, shown bv the records of tho j county clerk, totals 122,247.44. Of this sum the following arc the items: ma cadamizing 1722.111 ; graveling; bridges 2S.)0.3S; general re j pairs und miscellaneous work $4-l8S.31; I new tools and machinery $S8.10; super visors salary ifi:i'2:i.l2; payment to eit iies ifflSli.tii. The number of yards of i gravel hauled was 4424 1-:); the number j of yards of rock hauled 1S74'.j, and th I number of yards of rock crushed 5B1 'ij, Other road work 72 men were employed .and 2 P-. tenuis. EARTHQUAKE IN FAR NORTH Seattle, Wash,, Nov. 22. Following reports of earthquake shocks at llell inghom, Anaeirtes and Stanwood, the University of Washington scismngrnph was consulted and found to hnve re corded short but vrblcnt shocks be tween 10:40 a. m. and -1():.)0 p. m. Mon day. Geologists estimated the center of disturbance 1900 miles from Seattle probably in the Aleutian islands dis triet, or on the Alnskan coast. Youngest Bootlegger Is Found in Portland Tucoma, Wash., Nov. 22. The young est "boot logger" in captivity is tn day in the custody of Probation Offi cer llcaley. This desperate person, whose name is being withheld, is but ten years old. He was traced to his lair in the public school at McKeuna and vnukeil from his sent hv t'ivn stnl- wart penco officers while- in the nmKt of ins jogapny" lesson. The youthful lawbreaker is charged with entering the railroad station and making" away with two quarts of whis key, which ho retailed to tho thirsty of McKcnna at fifty cents a pint. He then engaged in a peanut eating orgy with part of the proceeds of his nefur inus traffic, nnd it was this that r.mui- ed his downfall. 4 Officer llcaley Is puzzled what to do with his prisoner. If You Suffer from Backache, Lumbago, Kidneys or Rheu matism Take Hot Water and "ANURIC preme court of the United Stales. In the former a decision would be incon clusive; in the latter a decision would dtfiuitely settle the question for the whole country. The motion to dismiss the case here, however, it is decided, will promptly result in n final decree from which an appeal will be taken to the supreme court. Tho assistance of tnis court has been invoked to facilitate a final and authoritative determination of the coustitutional question. The case was presented but yesterday and a de cision is desired today. It is far from I.Miing an agreeable duty for a judge to record a judicial conclusion without the care and deliberation essential to a con viction that he would stand to in every circumstance, i pon the merits of a case tt.e government neither asks nor re leives from a court greater considera tion than is required by the settled rules nnd presumptions of law, but a request by the department of justice to aid the (Mgress of a case consistently with the rights of everyone cannot be declined, certainly not for personal consideration. "Upon a consideration of the Adam son law und 6f what is said of Its prac tical effect and what was intended to be accomplished by it, the judgment is that, as the court construes the terms of the law, it cannot be sustnined Since both parties have said they would not plead further, whatever the decision might be, a decree will be entered for the plaintiffs, reciting that the" defend ant prays and is allowed an appeal in open court. The case in which the plaintiffs were appointed receivers is in American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble, be cause we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with nrio acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, be come sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead, when your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night, when you suffer with sick hcadacho or dir.zy, nervous spells, aeid stomaii, or you hnvo rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your druggist "Anuric." Because of uric acid in over-abundance in the sys tem, hRcknche, pains hero and there. rheumatism, gout, gravel, neuralgia nnd sciatia result. It was Dr. Piorce who discovered a new agent, called "Anuric" which will throw out and eradicate this uric acid from the sys tem. Dr.. Fierce- believes "Anuric" to be 37 times moro potent than lithia, and consequently you need no longer fear musculur or articular rheumatism or gout, or many other diseases which are dependent on an accumulation of un'c acid within tho body. Send Dr. Fierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y, 10c, for trial packago or $1.00 for full treatment ,'Anuric." Dr. Pierce's reputation Is back of this niedicino and you know that bis "Pleasant Pellets" for the liver and 1 his "Favorite Prescription" for the ills I of women have had a splendid reputa tion for tho past 50 years. y JL Double Oven Capacity Think of the economy of time and fuel do twice the baking with half the fuel and half the trouble. This great saving of time and money made possible by the extra large oven found only in Cole's Hot Blast Range Ths 14-inch oven height doubles the Oven Capacity. The extra two inches make it possible to place the largest roaster on the ovsn rack and slill have the entire oven bottom fret for other baking. The double capacity oven to gether with th Hot Blast fuel saving draft and the 12 other sani tary and labor saving devices mak Col'$ Hot Bleat Rang the best range ever made for family use. Don 't Put it Off Put On in Your Horn Today. ti ri..Li r ri n ' i lie Lsouoie apacuy ixangc I nk Inw Ika. Niiu 'TbI.'." Nona Olkar nBui. rfrMmi E L STIFF & SUN. tP ' ir-rsyTtL' Sole Agents for Salem Corner Court and Liberty Streets ?i eiV (tH