X TWREE THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 1916. v R " " "" C3CS ! MonmouthNews i , , ' v . y I II linilll II II II is n n n n 4 A. v n mm mm mm III M w ii iifi nv" II M II hi II n ill n nil a II ii Ti n n II I ii fli r h Ill IUII II II II II III? - II II . II II II I II II III II V 1 II l- !! II If WJ II II V L WMim W 1 MIL jl mm - ill : r i ii ii Tn ir'nh nn mo pn nr i ii It II I tW'WI PWiTQ f 19 OC TAai n rn AAiTn a-i ftf j C.oalslof styles, made of finest materials in fancy mixtures and plaids. Ha?e the latest set in and I i ii raglan sleeyes with large collars. . II ii ' . is (Capital Jourmil Hpccinl Service) Monmouth, Nov. 20. Wednesdav Nov. 13, Polk county Pomona cransc met at McCoy wi;h about lorty mem bers present. After a short hnsinoss session in a. m. n fine dinner wns nerved-by the ladies ol' the local grange. Klection of officers came, next with the list as follows: Worthy master, 1". O. Powell:' overseer," Wru. . Kiddell, 'jr., both OI Monmntlt.h iHC.t.ilrer Imdk link. ertson of (ak Grove; steward, Frank Loughary of Monmouth; ass't steward, Kd Kodgers, Monmouth; see., Mrs. Nel lie White, Oak drove; trens., P. K Ko mip, MeCoy; chaplain, Mrs. J. M. Simp son of Louisville; Rate keeper, O. W. Shields, McCoy; Lady asst. steward, Mrs.. 8. W, Fletcher, McCoy; Ceroa, Mrs. C. K. Staats, Toursvillc; Poinona, Mrs. Prank Loughary, Monmouth; F!--ra, Mrs. F. K. Komig, MeUoy. These of ficers sorVA fnr twit Vitn,, C -'P irw. I ley gave a short talk on . the benefits I of rural school supervision which ho said the county grange had opposed, he believed "because the peoplo had not understood. He said that the office costs the tax payers only ten cents on a thousand dollars, while the tax for town and city schools cost 1.07 on a thousand dollur valuation. Mr. f!vm of the O. A. C. addressed the meeting! nn iha ,.P ........... agent;- ho II II ii Made of best quality H. and H. and Salts Plush, lined throughout with guaranteed Sol Satin, trimmed with jj genuine Fur or Chase Beaver on coDar and sleeves. Black only. TO $18.50 SUITS MUNdhHD- $27.50 SUITS $ 1 4.90 u B H H a n o a a n o a a ii ii ii ii ii u The coats are made in semi-fitted effects, nlain an A heheH ctvlc frlmmorl urUi, i.a -j h - r- v..vm ijiwu, nuiuiivu hiui mic outv vcivci dim uuuuns. fi The skirts are full flaring. The materials are poplin serge and gabardine. Colors-Black, navy, brown and 3 rrroon mm g vvu. Gale Sc Gomoanv g Salem's Biggest Popular Price Department Store. ' Not Connected With Any Other in This City H CORNER COURT AND COMMERC IAL STREETS. SALEM. OREHON aggBPaaBBEgagMaBngBasaaaaBBBi BoaaBBssBSBQsa PS n 13 a u a a a B a 13 Less Carbon because Zcrolene is ' made from Asphalt-base crude. It burns up clean, and goes out with the , exhaust.' me Standard Otf&rMoior Cars Sold by dealer everywhere and . at all Service Sutionj of the Standard Oil Company ' the old time favorites by thfc audience. led - Miss Mury Itolutm. There was also a song by tho boy 'a (rleo club and one by a mixed chorus, both from the hiirh school and supervised liv Miu. I uarnicott. Turner Tidings menioers J. Bones, Arthur bdwards, STr. I day. mid Mrs. Jensen and Mrs..U- C. Smith i Mr. G. F. Booth and Xfr. Roberta, of i a . I A I ... r,.. ;u 'I'V. I . l i ; If . . i m , . , (Ca.,tal Journal Special Hen-ice.) ; tilt.ir prai8e8 of the cood timo . Ju:.: dav. ' lt01-s " a,ul luiuer, Ore-, Nov. 21. W. A. Bones ' fcrson peoplo.showed them. Miss Huttie Mvers.'vho i.s with Jlrs. was a Turner visitor Saturday tit last Sir. and .Mrs. H. I.. Karl asked llr.lLylo duriuK tho" school year, went to .. nna .urs. j.esier niirper to rtine on huu-i Amunvillo to spend .Nunduv -with hoi HIUU Tlill. Ill Ilia l.l.rll dnlmnl tan. .1. an ' .li.u I..- ........ M .... L'....t .1. I ..... " ....v.u, tuw "'bu ivi" iivi, imj inni. iu wrri .irciiic r.uii, wno paituns ineie. S)ieat the week-end at Beaverton. is staying at her fatlier-in lnw 'h. Karl, i Mrs. S. Miller, mother of .Mis. h. V. Robertson aui Mrs. Eva ; previous to movinjf to Washington, Small, hud the misfortune to bi I'tutiat'tiin Uii ra Mnlum wniita.a Sl.i.ni.- ... ...I... aui... ...1... I : . t . ... ..v wu.v. uurl...a v u i iiiiiu- (.lie riiiuiH iu inivc uji hit real ; hiui one uny Inst weeK. .Mes. ALilIer diir. ilence. her husband hnvini- nreceded her hi tlm uvn.i.mhv e ho,. .1.. some weeks ago. havinff secured a yood , Jlrs. J. i l.yle was called to Onk posmon up tnere. I I'oint, Wnsh., 011 account of tl Mrs. If. I.. Karl entertained the Pres-i of' her ilnuijliter's bnliv. byterinn missionary society on Thurs-1 Mr. Bloduet, of KIkhnm, passed day, where there was a good attend-; IhroiiRli 'l'lirner this past woek on his nnee. ' way to Baleui. Ho with his fnmilv lenvo Shenn I .Mis. M. C. Smith went to Salem ' Ihero sonn fur Prnxnm-t . Wi utm k it-9. Ruusoni was lint if celt. Viclwr'-i chiii.tei-. No. "ii, 0. K. S. nn; invited to visit Kuclid, No. 70, () K. S., ut Jefferson laHt Tliursday night hose Ruing from this chapter were M .. M 1. 1 l- .1 . ul SiMiiik, V. r.: Mm. Tiny Kilwurds. A-: vesterilnv. Jl.j Mrs. Ada Swank, secretary, and Mrs. McKay went to Salem yester will enirnee in 'fiirminir Mr. Bear has been laid up Bcveral i 1 1 W TN OUR great-great-grandfathers' time 'many New England families had a cask of rum in the cellar. It was freely offered to "guests (except chil dren) and freely partaken of, even as coffecris today. This old-time custom gradually passed out of existence, for our forefathers recognized, it was harmful. Another old-time custom coffee drinking is slowly passing in the same fashion and for the same reason. The abandonment of coffee drinking is made easy nowadays by the use of Instant Postum, the pure cereal beverage with the coffee-like taste. Unlike coffee, this purely American table drink contains no "caffeine" or other harmful substance. Postum is now used daily in tens of thou sands of the best of American homes where rea son rules and health is valued. days with n severe cold. Arlliur Robertson, wlm was quite- sick for several days, is at work iijjain. -Ur.fi. H. .No)J):rs, former agent f.u the Watkius Medicine rum puny, was in this vicinity on Friday nf lat week Mt. Sellers thinks business too slack for 1 1 i 111 in Oregon. He leaves sniui for Ohio. Jay Deiihiiiu has been sawing wood iu 1 ne .miii 1 reek vicinity tliKi past f,. n ir. "i-uigu -iiniris, wire and s wero shopping in Turner on Tuesday. Miss Marjory I'ipper, of Twin Falls, ..1111. ii, in veiling .miss Ague Osborii. HI- T ... ... ... . x. 1 iiiiiiiin viMiri.il fl tl... I. ....... ......... ... nir iiiiiiit- of Jlrs. Lin, Denliam on Tliursdiiv of last week. i rs. 1. Mineral was a Siilein visiter on 1 iiescfay. J. M". Morgnu was in Aiiiiisville 011 nturi nv ntti'inlm,, 11,., ...1.. ... .1.. Mirmiks store. Rev. Mo Key walked n, ....(... uuu vim,, -ii several inmilieH in the Mil Creek vicinity on' Friday nf Inst week Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kelly have enjov ea-a visit with n tni,ti..u. ij.... i.'..n-.. anil wire, troni Miirnev coiiuiv. The ieiiy s are on their way- to Kaasa Citv, Mo. Mrs. ( Inn, rnilii, n.,.l 1 1 ,( r, iiu inc. urn nr t i 1........ ... 1.1.. Vntson. r . Mr. nnd Mis. .Tulm 11.,., 1 .1 . , . , ' 11 nil- uii) 1 quite sick with colds. ine I'nrent-readier,. ' meeting Sntur day n'f ternooii. wn m H.. ......... i. lr . , "U'-i-CMI. .wis Hainder's room treated 1 1. .. n,,.l; witn a .Mother (liinm 1. i:..i , . , , ' U II I I If ...t was .iressM to represent the cl,r iieter of l,e Mother 0se rhymes. Jf. i.s nones acteil the pnrt of Old Kinr t.uje nnd whs ilronun.i ; t . .. .. and old gold with bangle, f ver here ...n mere 011 tno siionlders and train, hi little partner win little M,i,.,i.. ler. a dainty miss of seven' who rcii- hmuhlA.I ll... 1 ... . .... . wiim, hit COS- fume of Honing white robes was cover ed with red hearts. F.illonjng tl,it play the primnry teacher gave an ad dress on her work as a nriiniirv t,.i.,.l,. er. The ' ". elnb ina.,i. .:.i. T., , . , -"mi .urs. rios- sio Lewis on 1 inday f this week - -Mrs. DeWoles and daughter have re turned from Portland i, n..i-..i. connected ith the electric light jiiant Marion News (Capital Journal Special Service ) Mnrtiin. Orp Vnw 01 . t .....1 if. Ii. McNeil are rejoicing over the safe arrival of a little son. Mother and child are doing nicely. Ut. Win. Watson, "Mr. C. A. Oeorge Mr .and Mrs. W. (!;.li.. ....1 -r. .....1 7., '"i .nr. Ullll 1 Mrs. I.. C. Russell were in Salem Friday ..,..,,,.111. ui mm week attending the Friends quarterly meeting held there Miss l.eiinrn I.ozety, who has been se riously ill, is now rejiorted to be much better. . The Misses Morroty were shopping in Salem Saturday. Mrs. Tomnlin. nf Parl...i At.. , B. C. Miles, of Salem, will present the I Friends Mission work In Africa at the j Friends church next Wednesday even I ing. They will show magic lantern slides j of the people and work there. 5fj McNeil, of Aumsville, is visit ing and caring for her daiighler-in-lnw. Mrs. G. H. McNeil. Mrs. Emily Parker was in Jefferson on business Monday. A. !.. :t 1 . . m b v i"v i-uuiicn meeung insi 1 lies subject of couniy agneultural 1 day evening Messrs Hobson and Hos nn am.! thnr - n'liar..,i.iw a....h'i.:.- .... . . .... v.j i 1 1 . cummcmrs ror tne paving ol .Main airent hnn iien .mn Wa,1 tlwu. I....1'... . ...1. .1 ..... . . n Z? . .. ! ? uimri, asKea ior. an extension of time Riven satisfaction and had done 7-ond- to Dec. first, as they promised to rush erg for tho farming industry, by (Umi-hhc work as much as possiblo this re oiistration wok and 'by helpinl; to quest was grouted. Unfavorable weath solve mnrketinir nrnhlemu ... n.i "... ... - . n 1- ' , 1 iuiiuihuiu ns wen as mo i-nr snort Mr. Ilermir ,,l uivtliill .nnnL. . 1 .... 1 ... ... . , - ." i"-""- ne nns iiiuoereo rue worn so tne giud- 1111' from exrierience unirl ttint tli. i,aa. : 1. . 1 n. T , ,. .. 1 " " M"ll iiuisneti. 1110 eoiiii'iic- pie though so well ot tho ngent that tors are here however and tho work of tllev WOtllil not. crive hitin in. f..i ;...,' i .1.. . n ... , . . --. i' . '" i,. mj; uiu cuncieio win soon oe in iiro his salary. There was some discussion i?i-es. on the question and it was finally de- The untisiial cold for November has ...... ... a .uiiHiuuee iroiii iiicjoeen nnrd 011 the new grain and vetch county grange to take the matter up and several runners lost potatoes thut with the cnimtv ..nilrt nn, ..I..!... ...:.l. 11 . . -1 . . ...hi n-ern plowed 0111 anil not picked up; them as to the feasibility ot acquiring !ome that were near the top of the an neeut for Polk couiitv. The nevt ,,r,....i ........ ... 1.. .-.t tl . - a. ...,.. .III..I' II HI H IUII, meeting ot I'omonn Rrnnge will be iitl .led Van l.oon is setting poles from. -' ' ..vuiiciMiK in, ins mimi' soutn of .Monmouth across January. tlp K T Kvul frm ((J h(J mlin t ie liarcilt-lencllel's tnentinir t.nl.1 in:i:..a .... .1 ... 1. 1. . 1 ... 1.. .... , 1 1 , T, . ..Hi,.- ,,ii nn- i-uiiiiiv runu: lie nuunr Ml. the high schetil assembly r u last , Simon s stock iu the I.iiehianuite Hnral ........... ..c,,,,.,; ., uncresiiiiK ieie ue 10. anil will lie connected one and was well attended. The niov-'up with line ;tl). 1 . . 1 1 . .....ii, ten ny nev. w.i A. .. foole will build a modern bun- A. I'.lKlim WHS fllSCIIHseil nml mnnv I ,ar. t .... , f.... i i, i . ' .... ,. ... . . ' iv' ;k'ii' ii .imiim's inviiison oil uio 1, licit- tinent tncts brought out. .Mr. Klkms, I iuiniite this w inter, unlike many ministers favored the mm- K. A. Stunts is building a garage nig picture ns n factor iu the entertain-1 Oeorge (iriiiii-hae nml fnmilv of Ku nient and education of the child, pro-j gene tire here visiting w ith the Contes videil of course that the pictures are, family. Oeorge and Mrs. Ooates are ".isely chosen: he appreciates the en-1 brother mid sister thusiusni of the boy or girl for the; Miss lloham, musical director of the comie. section of the Sunday paper and O. N. S.. went to,Pdrtland Saturday to thinks there should be some comic part hear Schiimuiin-Heink -v to every entertainment. Mr. Oentle Among fhose who attended Die re stated . that the eommtttee previously , monn grange tVom here were: Mr and appointed to select the niomeiito tor Mrs. K, Kodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Win the training school had not been able Kiddell, Dr. l.nurn Price, .Mr. 11 11, 1 Mrs to1 secure just the article desired but P.O. Powell, Mr. and Mrs M M llar would report latet Or. Mntthis of the m v, Mrs. Hurkhend, Mr. and Mrs T liuance committee made several, sag-1 .1. ' Kilwurds. .Mr. and Mrs. Stockholm "" ,' mi" nieiiiis 01 ue- ana jus. r.. . Oslroni. fraying the expenses of the association!- O. ('. Zook and wife left for Drain for the vear but imtlnni' ilet'imtn '.,i..i. ... . ..:.i. .i ..: . . . , - , - - r. . ........ ....it., iu ..nil. i.iiii ru.ill.M-H J IIT decided oil. A pleasant lentiire of thelu few dnvn. meeting was the singing of several oi l (iridium" and Son have a gasoline . ,i""'k put under the sidewalk in trout 01 ine giirnge. -Mrs. Will Smith wiM n Portland vis itor this week. Joe Clark entertained n number of h's young men friends nt supper last Saturday night at the Monmouth res taurant by way of paying 1111 election bet, he being on the wrong side. ' Independence Items : (Capital Journal Special Service) Independence, Nov. 111. O. A. M. Laughliu and wife spent a few davs in 1'ortlnnd last week. Harvey Hiukla. and wife of Poitlni d were Independence visitors the last of the week. . . Wnyue Stewart and Mr. Newport of Albany were Independence visitors in Saturday. Miss linth f'nmpbcll was a Salem vis itor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.' W. 11. Hlock spent tl 0 week end nt McMinnville, visiting rel atives there. Mrs. Winnie Druidcu of Dallas win an Independence visitor the lust of the " week. J. J. Fenton nml family went, to S:t lem last week to see. Tbo Mirth of the Nation. Mrs. I'earl fnnncr wn 11 sinlun, ! itnr the Inst of the week. .miss Mile llilteilirand, a teacher ii the Airlie school, spent the week ei d here with her parents. Curthj-Dugauue At Hie luiine of the groom's parent, Mr. ninl Mrs. Diiguune, of Portland, Miss K. IVnrlo Curtis was united in marriage to Dr. llnlph K. Dugamie on Wediiesdny November 1.1, Ullii. Mi.-n I'lll'tis beillir n Slllcin im.. Afl... short honeymoon they returned to th s city where thev will 'mnlie it,,,;, t'.ii...... home. Their ninny friends 11m Hi Impjiiiipss. Does Not Rub Off, Lasti 4 Timet as Lone Other. Saves Work. Get a Can Today Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service) Fruit In ml, Nov. SI. Mrs. lieo. Stur- yis was called to llrooks 011 account of her grandchildren being quite sick with iiienslcs. Mis. .frili 11 Paris is quite sick vet. She surely has had quile a time with rheumatism 'this full. l-'rank Kggler was taken sick a few nights ago. Dr. Fisher being culled pro nounced the trouble appendicitis and look Frank in the I.,,., , 1 , 1 1 , 1.. wns operated on. lie is now resting oil ier ana an are noping tor his speedy ' recovery. P. It. Coulsou Is liuililini' u in, v gon shed. Mr. Anderson has got his house fin ished and is living in it now, M. Sliuidifer has finished his. jn'j of grubliing and is ut home again. Our genial cheese milker John Zuli ler, mude a trip to Silverton by train todny. Hubert Ciiulsoii lias been plowing' ' f ir Mr. Ilarrisoii of 'Auburn. , Ml. nml Mis. Fred C011ls1.11 f A 1 V ''" were visitors iu Friiitlqnil thi.-i week. The rain is niTt irv u.I,.a, ....... of the fiirmcis here 'that are still diy- l.'iiig ineir pointocs. r FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dennis Eucnlyptus Ointment AT ALL CHUQ STORES TUBES 20C JARS BOO Rrt - w . i . moz4ie.xm Will there be Real Music in I Your Home at Christmas ? There is no one so unmusical as to believe that a talking machine produces reaS music. At best, a talking machine, no matter how much itcosls, no mat ter what artists make records for it, no matter what claims are made for it bv its manufacturers, gives only a hollow imitation of the original nuisic. The NEW EDISON is no t a Talking Machine By hundreds of tests, before hun dreds of thousands of music lovers, it has been proved conclusively that when an artist sings or plays-in comparison with the New Edison's Re-Creation of that artist's perform ance, it is impossible to distinguish the original from the Re-Creation. ) The music critics of more than 200 of America's leading newspapers testify to this fact in the columns of their own papers. We shall be glad .to show you what the critics say. It r This new invention of the world's greatest inventor is in no real sense a talking machine. It represents more than two mil lion dollars spent in research work by Mr. Edison. ' It represents the achievement of his ambition to produce a musical instrument which Recreates all forms of music so perfectly that the original cannot be distinguished from the Re-Creation. XX XX xl 4- I XX XX' XX Hear This New Invention Come to our store and let us give you a concert of Re-created music Come at any time. You will always be welcome. There is no obligation to biiv We merely want you to hear what we consider the world's greatest musical in strument. ' 432 STATE STREET GEO. C. WILL il....... .. SALEM, OREGON