THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1916. a - - - wm Latest 0rTiTrsr d..i. U ffll H EX K W IXU1C8 11 II II II II II II II II ii II II II II II M II M & n Dances..... THE INTERNATIONALLY CELEBRATED DANCERS The World MAURICE AND FIOBE WALTON IN "The Quest of Life" By Edmund Goulding and Gabriel Enthoven. Though the Stars are Dancers, the picture tells a bis dramatic storv. g The Famous APACHE DANCE, originated by Maurin is shown in this picture, ti The Gowns worn by Miss Walton were dftsioned exculsivelv for her hy Ladv Doff Gordon. A FAMOUS PLAYERS PRODUCTION ON THE PARAMOUNT PROGRAM Bring the Children. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. Salem's Only Exclusive Photoplay Theatre. n H H n it a tt n ti LI CI Kg CI u Sana YE LIBERTY tZt: Evening u a n ii ii sians frequently blow themselves up with their captors. "Our prisoners wore both guards andj Saxons. . . I . "There Were several counter attacks! after we'd Rotten in the trench mostly down the' trench, which was perpendic ular, but ne bombed them out so that when the red cross flag went up and down old Canada held Regina fast. Frits' flag appeared first, but we im mediately followed, taking the wound ed up from No Man's Land. A Sniper Got 411m. "The snipers now respect the Red Cross flag pretty well. The Germans wouldn't at first. A shell occasionally does mischief, but this is unavoid able. "Well, about this time, a sniper got me. I was stunned for several minutes- Then came the shrapnel. It caught me in the shoulder and hire I am." . . I remarked that his furrowed helmet would certainly be au heirloom. The sergeant remarked ho had a still better one and he fumbled in his pockets. In the miscellany he drew out there were a number of objects, including a stick of a certain well known American Statements of . Expenditures. In Election Filed CurtiB P. Coe. presidential elector. prohibition, nil. 8. S. JohnBon, circuit judge, 19th dis trict, democratic, $39.30. . John Gill, senator, 13th destrier, republican-democratic- progressive, nil. Gus C. Moser, state senator, 13th dis trict, republican-progressive, nil. Frank- S. Ward, representative, 1st district, democratic, $9.45. Charles T. Sweeney, representative, 7th district, democratic, $37.00. . B. G. Leedy, representative, 10th dis trict, democratic, $25.00. Wm. Schulmerii-h, representative, 15 district, democratic, $27.25. J. E. Jack, representative, lfith dis trict, democratic. $01.45. Maria Ii. , Hidden, representative, 18th district, democratic, nil. Lionel C. Mttckay, representative, 18 district, republican -progressive, nil. F. O. Oppenlaiuler. representative, brand of chewing eum. He fished outllSth district, prohibition, nil. and examined a watch, bent double-by 1'lowden Stott, representative, 10th a bullet and remarked with a twinkle 'district, republican-progressive. $$22.50 ..t,. -r. , , . i. i 7 x r' 11 .....: in nis eves: --x m jrisu. jsonie iiicRt- 'I'm Irish The last I saw of the sergeant was when he was in an officers' motor one of the officers having given up his sent to stand on the running board so that the non-com could ride in a seat. Castle chapeL United Brethren Chris. tiau Endeavor society, is planning for ic-progressive, a gnla nay November Sis. " v U. 1. Deever and wife, of Davton, Ohio, gen- D. M. Cartmill, representative, 20th district, republican, $37.45. Charles M. Crandnll, representative, 27th district, republican, $11.01). Mrs. Alexander Thompson, represen tative, 29th district, democratic, $95.70. (ilenii H. Metsker, district attorney. Columbia countv, republican-democrat- $93.25, Walter H. Kvans, district, Multno mah countv, republienndeinocruUc-pio- in Prices Canadian Sergeant Tells of Storming Regina French Br William Philip gimms. -((United Press staff correspondent.) (Copyright 1910 by the United Tress.) Copyrighted at the Department of Ag riculture, Ottawa, Canada.) With the Canadian Forces on the Kuame, Nov. 20. This is the story of ousted the Germans from their stretch of trench. Mud from the toes of his hip boots to his very eyes, and with a streak of blood on one side of his face, the ser geant nevertheless made light of his wounds. He smiled as he responded to .tnrminfr nf Reeinn trench as told ! quostions. hf m sergeant in a Canadian infantry " 'Twas a good, fair scrap and the refitment who was one of the stormers. best man won," he explained, speaking With a slight scalp wound from a snip- with a typical Irish-American sccent in m's bullet, which had torn a hug holeUcrladen with American slang, in the steel helmet which ho was still "We got the tip Friday night that wearing, and another wound in his something would be doing about uiid fhoulder from a shrapnel bullet, he was; night.' Everybody was tickled because "evacuating" himself to a dressing we'd been hankering to get at that Ke- Ktaliou when I encountered him. It was gina trencn ior tne past on the morning after the Canadians had I FOR BURNS, CUTS WOUNDS .. Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUO STORES TUBCS ZSO JAR8 60C wo weeks. Barrage Fire Effective. ' "Our artillery hit it up hotter and hotter and we could see by the brilliant moonlight that it was doing big damage to Fritz in tbe trenches a few Hundred too fast and getting under our own shell fire- Also it was pretty hard to keep the waves of men straight on ac count of the craters and shell holes of various depths of mud. "But when we got within 50 yards, of Regina trench we formed a pretty j straight line. About this time the Ger mans started their barrage fire, too but they did little damage, the fire mostly going over our beads. As soon as ' our barrage lifted off Rcginn to a poiut j 50 yards back, we stormed through. "The bosehes scrapped pretty well. It seemed strange that anybody could have been left alive after all the shell ing they'd had, but they bobbed out of dugouts like rabbits and we had to use our bayonets. Wag Over Quickly. I "We cleaned out our trenches in a very few seconds, taking prisoners. Three in one section were inclined to be troublesome. We told 'em they'd better attend to their knitting and be quiet or else we'd be obliged to finish 'em. Two behaved. But one kept jump ing about in the shadows thrown by the full moon, evidently looking for something. We repented our order to stop. He didn'jt obey. Well only two or.,1 oorntnTV nf tlio ITnito Profhr.n grCSSUC, .).U.), Christian Endeavor societies. nccora-1 alter L. Tooze, pnnied by Rev. H. B. Dorks, branch president of Oregon conference, United Brethren C. E. work, and Rev. G. E. U "McDonald, conference superintendent, will conuuet a t-nrisiinn r.mtenvor in stitute at tho church on the above dnte holding afternoon and evening sessions. A cordial invitation is extended to the general public to lit tend these services. tare ii sail imti huh tin n nun miu ami us a "S" "" figii Klgll sis "nil "lift Fig 13 HH tin PI iiMh " II mm isassaBBanaaaaanssBssssa ALBERT E SMITH and J. STUART BLACKTON : Present and the H rM. in front of ns. At midn eht our 1 prisoners instead of three were taKen 1 ! artillery formed n barrage fire 60 yards I in front of us and our first wave went over the parapet of our trenches like a machine. . "Not a son hobbled. My hardest ,lob was keeping my men rrom auvuncing in that cornel of tho trench, for we re membered a fortnight ago a German of ficer, who after surrendering suddeuly threw a hand grauade on our own of ficers, blowing the face off one and in flicting wounds of which he died. Prus- MUSTEROLE QUICK DELIEFIJO BLISTER! It Soothes and .Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without - the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster does it better and does not blis ter. You do not have to bother with a cloth. Yon' simply rub it on and usually the pain is gone I Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often pre vents pneumonia). , 25c and 50c jars; hospital size $2.50. E VALUES!? How About THES CSES3S2aaB3a33BSSasaEB&3BaCSSBS3B3S32SSSBSE2B3&BB Dinner Set Portieres Regular $16.50 Leather Portieres Now $4.84 RUGS Regular $4.00 27x54 in. Khorra san Axminister Rug . . $1-98 $2.25 Washable Bath Rug. .$1-09 . $2.25 Wilton Velvet Rug $1.8 It is just the right time to cret a good warm rug for that living or bed room buy it now Hugro Vacuum CLEANER Regular $7.50 Value $4.9. '8 42-piece Derwood China Dinner Set . Regular $8.50, Now $4.99 Draperies Regular 45c Cretonnes, yard 28c 30c Cretonnes, yard ., 19c Reg. $1.25 Scotch Madras, yd 49c Reg. 25c Curtain Net, yard 14c Reg. $1.75 Tapestry, yard . ,98c Reg. $2.25 Tapestry, yard $1.46 Be sure to see these m wmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmm Do your Christmas Shopping early as the stocks are all complete and sel ection is easier. Save money now by purchasing the piece of furniture you have always wanted it's here district attorney, Polk county, , "W. A. Bell, district nttorney, Wasco county, republican, $42.70. V. Mason, secretary of independent retailers association of 1'ortland, Ore gon, in support of bill to repeal section 2125 of Lord's Oregon Laws, known as hunriay closing law, !f22U.7.). A. S. Uenson, opposing- state wide tax and indebtedness limitation amendment and full rental value land tax and home makers loan fund amendment, and fav oring repeal of Sunday closing law, to Multnomah countv republican central committee and republican stato commit tee, $1,341.85. I A. L. Voazie, opposing full rental land itax and home makers loan fund amend ment, 19.00. - John i Wilson, trrtisurcr of the re publican club of Oregon, in behalf of republican party of Oregon, $195.01. ('. T. Haas, secretary of equal rights to homo industry committee, favoring prohibition amendment permitting man ufacture and regulated salo four per cent malt liquors, ballot Xos. Ill 4-3 15, $7,902.4(1. Levi T. Pennington, presidential elec tor, prohibition, nil. John II. Btevenson, presidential elec tor, uemocratic, :j;..(u. I . J. Bright, justice of the supreme court, prohibition, $12.50. A. U. Kcmpel, dairy and tood com missioner, prohibition, nil. D. V. Kuykendnll, circuit judge. 13th district, republican, $243.70. W. D. Wood, state senator, lltn dis trict. reimblM'ttii-iirogressivc, $33.40. Jretlerick v. llolmnn, senator iJin listrict. democratic. $20.00. F. G. Franklin, representative, 2nd district, prohibition, nil. 1 rank H. iienonor, representative lith district, democratic, $40.30. Geo. Jr. Alexander, representative,! ISth district, democratic, nil Georgia Hallcy, representative, ISth district, socialist, nil. Stephen A. Matthieii, representative, ISth district, republican, nil. C. G. Schneider, representative, 18th district, democratic, $22.75. 11. arniholz, representative, 2otn district, socinhst, $2.00. t, O. -rortwood. representative, smti district, republican, $5.75. Gilbert L. Uodues, district attorney, Clnckamas county, democratic. $125.32. William M. Stone district attorney, Clackamas county, republican-progressive, $128.75. Newton W. Uurdeii, district attorney, Jackson countv, democratic, $M.I8. 1". W. Mulkey, for succcus of republi can ticket, ifiuu.iui. Victor J. Met one, trensurer of the socialist party of Oregon, $X(U8. F. G. Stickels, treasurer of the Hughes club of Kugene, $201.75. V. P. Hitter, secretary-treasurer of Joint local executive board of brewery workmen of Portland, favoring prohibi tion amendment "permitting manufac ture and regitlntefisii;e four per cent mult liquors," l,Hti7.70. flen W. Olcott, secretary of state, repiiblican-deniocra tic-progressive, nil. II. II. DeArmond, district nttorney, crook county, republican, $Sti.W5. M. K. Hrink, circuit judge, ISth judi cial district, republican, $73.40. John A. Jeffrey, 'congressman, 3d district, democratic, $11.00. IF. I. Webber, representative, 15th district, sociulist, nil. C. V. Sherwood, representative, 1st district, socialist, .02. 8. M. Huston, senator, 13th district, republican, $56.75. George II.. Bishop, district attorney, 1'umtilla county, democratic, $100.20. J. A. Kggleson, representative, 24th district, democratic, $72.22. Alnjah Fairchild, district attorney, Wallowa county, republican, $7.02. ( has. Albert Small, representative, 25th district, republican-progressive, $99.99. Fred 1. Ilaistem, support of candida cy of ( has. Albert Small. $111.40. Turner Oliver, supremo judge, demo cratic, .02. Bernard Daly, circuit jud;ze, 14th dis trict, democratic. $91.05. August Nikula, presidential elector, socialist, nil. Frank W. Johnson, presidential elec tor. socialist, nil. C. E. Hawkins, district attorney, countv. republican. $.I0.)0. .1. D. Woodell. representative, 25th district, democratic, $39.75. M. A. Bigg, district attorney, Har nev countv. democratic. $104.54. W. K. Smith seuator, 13th district, Hncinlist.' nil. O. W. Allen, circuit judge 4th judicial district, dept. -No. I, democratic, $7 1.7a. Krnest William Hans, representative 13th" district, democratic, $44.oH. Kdwnnl I'iasecki, district -attorney Polk countv, democratic, $98.75. John F. JIoll, district attorney Coos county, democratic, $85.35. , A.C. Hough, senator 7th district, dem ocratic. $ii9.70. f. W. Hamilton, circuit judge, 2nd judicial district, democratic-progressive. $374.95. Crook county prohibition committee, ti El am ti y ei llfJlS isgy Mgei II Kj tl liijii MmII "ii" "ii" "El" El"" "ti" t U Mil giiS -si" u"u M"I3 una nnn Mini nun iiuii null IIQII iibii nan nun nan iibii nan n"" sign l i hi EtJ"H tt a is tsyn H u U llt iiiiEj ll Ei(3u Its" gii nil by James Oliver Curwood "GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN" special Vitagraph Blue Ribbon feature, from the book , of James Oliver Curwood, is a story of the Canadian Northwest, of the woman who loves and of the men who live wild and shoot true. The feature of this picture is the famous Siberian dog teams. It is a picture of the big snows wonderfully filmed, with an excellent cast headed by William Duncan, George Holt and Nell Shipman, and directed by the masterly producer, Rollin S. Sturgeon. A Drama of the Northwest in Eight Parts TODAY and TOMORROW BRING THE CHILDREN Bargain Matinee 10c Evening 25c Grand 11 u n a CNfiNNiinMvN!nnninMmiifiMnnMfi liii ii ii 11 ii ii ii IlLill 17 11 nnii diiii gnu gni pun nnii tlllM II II is chairman, $19.55. count v iirohihition t'iiaudlcr, sci (', central yticns- I.. T). Wiest Vamliill commit tee, A urer. $110.70. Anti bine Ihw league, John A. Walter liens., $1714.75. Portland realty board, Paul A. Cow gill, trens., of committee, $2941.49. W. K. Ilasslcr, in support of cundidit cy of Geo, O. Itrowncll, representative i liith district, $.H.I0. I A. J. Hill, $20.00. Brunswick, lialkc, Collnnder Co., fav oring repcul of Hunilay closing luw, $100.00. .T. K. Dunne, favoring repeal of Sun day closing Inw, $00.00. Iluzclwood company, favoring repeal of Hmiday closing law, $50.00. Dun Kcllalicr, favoring repeal of Hun day closing Inw, $315.00. Ken A. Bellamy, favoring repeal of Sunday closing low, $00.00. G. V. Weathcrly, fiivoring repeal of Sunday closing law, $50.00. Oregon Billiard ass'n, favoring re peal of Sunday closing law, $74.75. Woodrow Wilson club of Itosching, $122.00. I,ora C. Little, favoring anti conipul- of sory vaccination luw $1415.55. l-.d Fortune, tiiviiring candnlncy Wuodiow Wilson, $99.25. I'll i n ii dry committee, II. Lee, Paget treasurer, $2010.25. Kep'.ihlicnu congressional coinm'ittce 1st district, Honuld C Glover, sciy trcas.. $730.74. (I, M, Corkins, district atlnrney Wal lowa county, democratic, $s;).77. Itcnton Bowman, representative 15th district, republican, $30.70. It. I. Keator district attorney 1'inutil I it county, democratic, $175.95. Hoy W. Ititner, representative 23d district, republican, $99.85. Mrs. W. A. Chapmuii, representative 1st district, democratic, nil. Xorinal campaign fund S. A. Barnes treasurer, $707.71. Oregon state republican central com mittee, David M. Dunne, $11, 99S.5I. ' Judge John S. Coke of the circuit court decided that the Sunday closing ordinance of Kugene prohibiting tlie atres from operating on (Sunday is not in contravention of the state Sunday law. SAVE HONEY Holidays will be here and that means extra expense. Save money on ev ery order of Groceries that You Buy. We Sell at Wholesale Prices. Ask your neighbors about our new Store. J. L. Busick & Son TWO STORES 118 South Commercial 25)9 North Commercial