SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1916. fQAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade2 Sport News SALL- Look at the brown outside covering of your Owl. That wrapper was imported from Sumatra, nearly ten thousand miles away. Why does the manufacturer im port wrappers for the OWL cigar? Here's the reason why: The wrapper of any cigar should be as mild as possible in flavor, so as not to overthrow the balance estab lished by the carefully blended leaves of the filler. Sumatra wrappers are the mild est grown. The wrapper should burn "true" in perfect time with the rest of the cigar. The Sumatra wrapper of the OWL burns true, as it should. Add to this the fact that Sumatra wrappers are the silkiest and best fitting possible, and that they help to make a well-appearing and well-drawing cigar and you get the final reason why the OWL is made, always, with an imported Sumatra wrapper. The Million Dollar Cigar M. A. GUNST ft CO. INCORPORATED KALE AND HARVARD ; DDCDADr HID PI AQU i ili niL iun ULnun Annual Event Is Called by Ex perl, a "Football Fuss" which Is Suggestive By H. C. Hamilton. (1'iiited I'ress staff correspondent.) New Yorli, Nov. 20. Yule nnd Har vard today began filial preparations for the football fuss of the year, l'oiiit-n will lie driven home liy the rival coaches, secret practice will be held and every energy will be bent toward turning up victory .Saturday. But the glory of victory this year will be empty. At 1'roviilence. K. I., there are justified c In ion that top those of Yale, Harvard, Princeton and all the rest of the gang. Browu, with the husky negro, Pollard, as n mainstay, lias whip ped both Yale and Harvard, who have victories to their credit over Princeton. Brown still has a game on its schedule and it is a tussle of considerable im portance. J n Colgate t lie Providence eleven will find u worthy opponent on Thnnksgiving day. It is unfortunate that schedules did not call for a meeting between Pittsburg anil Brown. These two elevens are the class of the east right now. Neither lias seen its standard trailed in the dust this year and what is more they have won their games by a preponderance of figures that leaves no room for argu ment. Pittsburg hasn't met Harvard nor Yule, but it probiibly is just as well for the elevens of those two chesty univer sities that she didn't- The principal winter sport probably will be deciding whether Brown or Pittsburg is entitled to the title. Yule's victory over Princeton by a touchdown and a field goal gives the Blue a decidedly ml vantage in fixing a basis on which to spread the dope for the meeting next Saturday at New Haven.- Harvard was unable? to cross the Tiger goal line. The best that could be accomplished wus a field goal mid Yale was good enough to register one of those also. Yale's attack proved stronger against the Princeton defense than did Harvard's and Yule showed to a better advantage in picking up the Tiger inisplays. Albany High Too Speedy For Salem High Boys Albany, Or., Nov. li).Albaiiy high school smeared their lighter opponents , from .Salem high yesterday afternoon .with mini ami a score of 24 to 0. Hound I'p field was a wallow, inalt- ing good football impossible. Albany got the breaks anil scored IS in the lirst half. Salem fought hard in the J last and all Albany could do was one j touchdown, which was made after Tub j Davis intercepted a forward pass and mil 40 yards to hnlcni s three yard line On the next pluy -Miller fumbled, the ball bouncing over the line and was filially recovered' by a blue mid gold player. The game wus closer and harder fought than the score indicates. While Sulcm could not make yardage con sistently, they held Albany many times and played a great defensive game. The lirst score came in five minutes after Knsthhuru's 2. yard return of the kick off, his 25 yard end run, and after two 13 yard gains by Sennit. Bilyeu went seven yards for the goal. The next score came in the second quarter, after Salem had ;leld Albany's 40 yard line and J'ete -Miller rail (id yards on n fake punt. The next wore was made soon after Albany kicked off again. Miller punted 20 yards, Sa lem fumbled anil Captain Schult. re covered and ran 'Mi yards. The second half was a see-saw, both sides being in danger. Albany suffered heavy penalties for off side ami holding. avis' fluke run was the only score. Albany is now in line for state cham pionship. The officials were II. Abra ham, O. A. C, referee; Kd Bailey, II. of ., umpire; Allen Carson, W. P., head linesman. Salem ' Albany ( lark C Davis Mass Meeting Forwards Bit ter Resolutions to President and Congress NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we, the ndcrsigticd resident tax payers, rep xcscutiiig ten per cent of the resident tax payers in roud district no 27 C,, "Marion county, Oregon, hereby give no tice to the tux payers of said district, that there will be a meeting of the resi dent tax payers of said district, at Kunnyside school house, in said district, t 2 o'clock p. in., on the 27th day of Kovember, HUG, to vote an additional tax for road purposes, ns provided by an act of the legislature of 1UK1. Signed, I). S. Pearson, C. Winkcliunn, W. T. Davidson, C. Tucker, S. Newby, J. J. Morguli, J. Xeunselinnnder. Nov. 17-20-2-1-27. Miaa Volinn (i. Davis was elected ounty recorder and Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummlngs was elected county school upcrintendent In I. inn County. ! LECTURE ON HEALTH INSURANCE Dr. Kdwin Clyde liobbiiis. of the luiversity of Oregon, will lecture next ' Kridtiy evening as the second number of jthe public library lecture course. His j subject will be "Health Insurance," which is the state subject for high ; school debute this year. Dr. Hobbius litis studied at Columbia university. Inhere he took his doctor's degree and is now on the faculty of the Iniversit.v of Oregon. He speaks with authority on his subject and you nro invited to at tend his lecture which is free. It will be in the auditorium of the librnrv ut ,8 o'clock. I State Biologist William 1.. Vinlev is milking final plans for the. publication 'of a general survey of tho wibl life of 'Oregon, especially the birds. After Thanksgiving Game. Heikeley, Oil., Nov. 20. "Victory on Thanksgiving day" was the slogun of the California student body today when the Bear football sipiad resinned its t mining and preparation for the final contest of the season. Couches Smith, Mulinu and Zicgler, whose worn trans formed in two weeks a squad of indif ferent players into a fighting, speedy puck, do not expect to defeat Wash ington when the two elevens have their second game of the season nt Seattle, November Itll. They do believe, how ever, that Saturday's contest, which Washington won by a score of only Pi to .1, will fill the 'Bears full of confi dence and "pep" and sent them into the next game determined to do or Dobie, the well known gloom, departed fur the north with his sipittd lust night he littered n final "I told yon so" us vindication of his prediction be fore the game that California would prove exceedingly strong. The California squad will leave here next -Monday. The bovs were allowed to break training Saturday night, but resumed the training table today. To morrow or Wednesday field work will be resumed. Across the Sierras Ogden Route To The East Four Through Daily Trains to Chicago. OVERLAND LIMITED Extra fare. PACIFIC LIMITED SAN FRANCISCO LIMITED ATLANTIC EXPRESS Automatic Block Signals protect. Liberal stopovers. Ask local agent for information John M. Scott, Gen. Passenger Agt, Portland, Or. Southern Pacific-Union Pacific Want Then to Meet. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 20. Fight fans here are clamoring loudly for a promoter who can offer Billy Miske and Tom (lib bons enough to get them together. Miske has challenged (iibbons and ap parently all that stands in the way is money. Both boys are St. Paul pro ducts. Miske beat l.evinsky and i heralded us light heavyweight chnn. piou. (iibbons beat Miske twice in Min nesota years ago and is anxious to do it i again. Out at First. I Aurora, 111., Nov. 20. Having gazed i down the barrels of a brace of gnus, ' Mike Prendergnst, Cub pitcher, feels ' greatly relieved today. He was relieved of his Mitcll aud money by two inotor I cycle robbers, who pulled up in front of Kdwaid Higgius' home at l.add. 111., I last night, near here, and made thom j selves right at home. College Frosh Teams Play Scoreless Tie diversity of Oregon, Kitgene, Nov. Ml. In one of the best games playett (in Kincnid field this year, the Oregon Aggie Irosh played the Iniversity frosh to a scoreless tie yesterday after ' noon. Knch team appeared on the field .in excellent condition, and despite the muddy gridiron tin teamwork was of regular machine fashion. I "Tufty" Conn, the sensational open j field runner of the Aggie aggregation this fall, showed his shit ty action every time on the long punts dolled out by ; Hill Steers, of Oregon, but on offensive i work he was unable to pass the bne of . scrimmage. I Oregon's backfield men. Steers, j St row-bridge, Brnttuiti and lteiiihnrt, Starred to a man each playing n smash ling bang-up game. Steers of Oregon land Uidell of the Aggies outshone their ten minutes, as the gaiue was featured I bv many punts, Steers having the best of the deal with II punts, an average of US yards, while l.odi'il punted l.t I tunes for an average of .12 yards, three I iunts for each man were registered in the first five minutes of the second half. Few Pastes are Attempted Owing to the wet condition of the ball, few forward pusses were attempt- Siinms litil. .... Boise ItTI, ... Van Osdel RKL Kansoni I.tiH ... White 1Tlt ... Beck man ...I.Kit ... Ackeriniin .... Ooodcuougn I'lichin If HI. l ap. Ilugcdnru ....I. IK . Ross Allen . Pete Miller Beals McBride . Paul .Miller (iibson Kastburnj Cnp. Schult. Hilyeu; ..Met line, (troves I Seat lie. Wash., Nov. 20. Resolution, adopted by the largest muss meeting ever held oin Drciimlaiid pavilion here, were forwarded today to President Wil son, congress, Secret ur.v of Labor Wil son, I'nited States Senator Miles l'oin dexter of Washington and Meyer Lon don, socialist congressman of New York, urging congressional iuvestigalion of the killing of seven and the wounding of fill men ut Everett, Wash., on Sunday. November !i, when the steamer Verona carrying 250 I. W. W. members from Se attle was met by citizen deputies in Kverett. The meeting held Sunday afternoon was called by the Central Labor Council jointly with an Industrial Workers of the World, us a demonstration in behalf of the right of free speech, which, the speakers contend, wns lawlessly abridg ed by the authorities at Everett. A crowd of 5,000 persons participated Mayor Gill's statement that the sher iff, mayor and citizen deputies of Kver ett hud no righ4 to prevent the Verona from landing its passengers, was enthits iustically endorsed by the speakers. The report of the federal industrial relations committee was cited several times in support of the contention that the Kv erett incident was similar to other cases where employers, aided by the authori ties, trampled on constitutional rights, law and order. The latter were de nounced ns the real anarchists who re sort to "direct action." In this class was included the "law and order" com mittee organized lust week in Seattle by 100 prominent citizens who de nounced Mayor Gill. Practically all the speakers declared confidently that not one of the 74 I. W. W. held in the Snohomish county jail charged with murder could be convict- Hev. Sydney Strong, chairman, ex pressed the hope that the authoring would liberate them all, in the interests of peace, before any trial was called and thut the whole mutter should then become a closed incident. 13 M f lcii-rr -Ci Out of Ladies' Coats at surprising Prices. in assorted fancy mixture's. Large Collars and Cuffs, full sweep, all newest and latest models. KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET TVE SrOKE FOB THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAY POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS h. Dobie's Worriers Win Victory Over California California Field, Berkeley, Cub, Nov. 10. tiil llobie's gloomy foieciist fniled as usual to come true yesterday utter noon on California field anil Washing ton's football eleven took from Cali fornia by a score of 13 to H. The blue and gold 'men fought val iantly but were vanquished by n strong er eleven. WnshiugtoHscttred a touch down in the first quarter when Murphy was pushed over. Pnulk failed to kick gotil. Three minutes after the second quarter opened, CalilHi nia, by a series of pretty passes, carried the ball to Washington's 10 yard 1 i no, where Mont gonery put a pretty field goal between the posts. Washington scored again in the. third quarter when (iriinin recovered a lilock ed kick and three line smashes by lluinesworth over a touchdown. Kaulk kicked goal. Straight Football Wins It wns u contest of straight footbull against the open game and the former won. Only once during the entire con test did the northern eleven attempt a forward pass and that one was smeared. They confined their efforts to powerful pluiiges through the line and skirting of ends. ; Despite the fact that the Bears fin ished with the short end of the score, there was a great jubilation on the Cali fornia campus tonb'ht. The feeling was general that the Bears were more outlucked thnn outplayed. Blue and gold students declared " Washington 's superiority was not nearly so marked as had been anticipated, while they as serted Hint the Hears were able to use the forward pass with great effect. i Multnomah Defeats Whitman College Team Portland, Or., Nov. 10. Displaying an offensive punch thut ripped big holes in the Missionaries' line and put ting up a wonderful defensive game, the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club crowned itself with glory yesterday af ternoon in the "Winged M" stadium with a 0 to 0 victory over the Whitman college aggregation. It wns a grand comeback for the club men after they hud been trampled over by the wonderful machine nt the I'nivcrsity of Oregon and had been "conned" almost out of existence by the Aggie freshmen. The game played by the clubmen against Vincent Bor leske's team brought buck the old en thusiasm and fight which character ized the playing of the old club teams of several seasons ago. ' jed. the Agies connecting once for a l.'i yard gain. Steers attempted two nrop kicks i roni me -in yarn urn, the Oregon line was unable to hold and the kicks fell short. Knch team found difficulty in making yardaie on straight football hud was forced to attempt many end runs. Ore gon succeeded in making yardage five times, while the ether rooks were suc cessful three times. Kach lute put up a stone wall defense, Oregon having a little edge. . PAYS FREAK. BET Society Dancers Come To Ye Liberty Theatre, Maurice nnd Florence Wulton, the intcruntiomillv celebrated dancers who : are making their motion picture debut in the 'Famous Players iiroduction "The: truest of Life." hnve the distinction nl'i having overcome the prejudice of the Oueen of Knglnnd against the tnngo. i Her inujesty had only seen the dance, performed by people of inferior nbilitv who hud accentuated the objeeliounble ! features of the dance to such an extent thnt she banned it in London society.' It wus at n big court function tha' Mau rice and Mis.' Walton were dancing by invitation when luccn Mary wns per suaded to allow them to do their ver sion of the dunce. At ihe completion of the performance her inujesty applauded the dunce and the ban was iiumcd'ntc-: ly lifted, with the remark that she hud never drcumcd that it could be per-, formed so gracefully. "The truest ol life' is the Paramount picture ut Ye' Liberty Tuesday, Wednesday and Thiirsdav. ELECTRIFYING RAILROAD The S. P. crew, which is electrifying the railroad from Whitcson to Corvnlli;-, have i"uched Independence. As the work is completed from CorvalliH to Wells, there is but u few tnilea left. No an nouncement litis been nindo by the Kspeo when the electric service will be started. Independence, Monitor. , tj I Joe Chown and W. R. Sevens, of Buena Visia, made a frenk bet on Wil j son nnd Hughes, Chown being on the Wilson side. The loser was to rule a trailer attached to an automobile from Be.enn Vista to Independence and return 'without cushions er blanket. As Bev jens lost, he took the tide dust Saturday 'nfternnon nnd up un'il this time n far ns known has not had to call in a physi cian. Independence Monitor. Vor the week ending November !. n total of 20S accidents were reported to the state industrial accident com- -.1. : .u v: ... f-i.l mrcsuiii, ui uuivu nc ncre ihiui. rag tvjia tires si eoa During a recent visit to the factory our buyer was able to purchase a limited number o fextra fine 50.1b. A-l long staple cotton felt Mattresses at a price which will enable us to sell them for considerable less money than they can be bought for at wholesale in the present market. (Sce our west window) Mattress de Luxe Made from Long Fibre Cotton. These fibres are felted into thin layers and :: twenty-four of these layers are crossed and re-crossed one upon another, lorming a large "batt." Nine of these batts are made into each Mattress. The elasticity of these batts is sogreat that they must be compressed from forty inches to six inches before being encased in the ticking. Special care is taken that the tufting is made most durable. This mattress needs no renovarr.g only an occasional sun bath. Guaran teed for 10 years. Pi J ill j LLI ' ' ILU ,t' UtVIU'-UI-l ijjjTnTl . $15 50-lb. Cotton relt Mattress at As the supply of these Mattresses is limited we will sell them Tuesday and it lvcanesuay oi.uns ween oiny. ana omy one to eacn tamily, at $5.75 each. 404 Court St. Stiff & Soil,489 rf FnonelM the busy store 7 Phone 508 TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE