""- FULL tEASED WIRE DISPATCHES A JC ' CIRCULATION IS ' OVER 4000 DAILY , - . : s(c sfc sfp sfe sfc s(c sfc 9e sQe sc 30k 1 THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 249 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY,' NOVEMBER 20, 1916 ptjtpt?. two nvKiTa on trains and news M t E M fill ItMKf M .MEXICANS MUST DECIDE QUICKLY ON BORDER PLANS Coift'.sioners To Be Told 0; patience ' d Is Exhai PRESIDENT BA'vi demand fcii Action Natives Flee From Chihuahua No Further Word From Parral By Robert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 20. Tlo udminis. tintion will. aland for but littlo further delay from the Mexican side of the At lantic City conference. Its patience is at the breaking point and the next fuur days may bi iug important . development- The Mexicans will be told emphatical ly inlangu.ige stripped of all diplomacy that the Uirfted States cannot sit in the sessions if dilatory, obstructive tactics are continued. By such means the administration hopes to force a peaceful agreement on vexatious problems between the two nations. The border palrol plan is but part of what this government hopes to accomplish. I'rimnrily, however, protec tion and safety of American rights and property in Mexico is the big problem. If these results are not obtained satis factorily aud a border patrol plan f focted, now steps will be taken.'. What the alternative course is in event of failure at Atlantic Cltv no one would say. President Wilson, Secretar ies Lane, Lansing nnd Buker alone know what it is. But it is freely pre dicted by those close to Mexican' prob lems that a shift in policy will be forth coming which will deal rnther more strictly with Mexico than in the past. The administration, however, is really hopeful that such ideas need not be used; lenders think that the Mexican commissioners will be whipped in line. The significant part of the emphatic talk stated for this week is that Presi dent Wilson approves it .nnd is backing his commissioners in their whole plan, of forcing settlement. The commission was to convene again t Atlantic City today after a week-end adjournment. - " Rafugtes t Juarez. El Paso, Texas, Nov. 2(1. From the pas.ieiigers of a refugee train reaching Juare at midnight last night L'nited Htates government hJJFTits ordered con ' f irmatioii of the return of General Tre- Vino. Mexiceil ill. fili'trt ..nm-nA,,,!.... Ciiihuajuta City after marching his aruiy vii hi virn ciimpnigu against Villa. The trnin lir.mulit i.,.;i , it.uvtliru UR' tives, many of them women, to the border. Trevino is impressing all ablo noiieu men into Ins army, the natives 'laid. -find tllA civil nniiiiintiV. ri.: i i Vf . 1 I "VM v .i- liuahua City is inomentarilv expecting a bandit nltm.l- mi,.., il, :'.. One woman told of seeing the body ii a gray uaireu American lviug in front of the Jiminez lnt..l in Tin,:,,.... It is believed hero the body was that or ur. j-isner. Another woman who claimed to hnve mnm tnm i ..""I aMi.1.1 najll she saw four Aniorieun prisoners being inKi-ii tiii.ng i ne streets tiy bandits, but ui-'rs nut Know ineir rate. A semi-official report wired from Car riiiibistn military headquarters at Chi huahua Citv stated thnf nil A in Parral fled the town upon advice ' win-mi I..MS iterrera, Carrtmr.ista commander there. Many other conflict- Ton k 1 cin' git on th' good side o most . ler by askiu' him where he gut inrty nhirt. "Don't Worry" is ' auv fell pop'lar motto with thoe nlio duu't' Siuuuut t anything. m mm l InMW Would Do Away With Electoral College Portland, .Or., Nov. SO. Carrying a proposed amendment to United "States constitution nbolishing the electoral conege, renntor ucorgo C-hnmhberlain of Oregon is en routo to "Washington today. Jlo believes the electoral college is obsolete and that the president should be chosen by direct, popular vote. In explaining that tho electoral col lego system might frustrate the will or tlie majority, Chamberlain pointed out just before starting cast that in the present election 0,000 votes in Califor nia ' might have swung that state to Hughes and elected him, whereas Wil son had a popular lead of 4UO,000 votes throughout the country. Chamberlain said his amendment would be proposed so it could become offectivc before tho 1020 election. U.k IS WARDEN OF Selected hy Board This Morn ing for the PlaceIs Well Known Here Charles' A. Murphy, formerly cap lain of Company M, Third regiment, Oregon nnliounl guard, was chosen to be warden of the Oregon slate peniten tiary this morning at a twenty minute session of the board of control. Captain Murphy i now chief engin eer at tho eastern Oregon branch of the Oregon stato hospital at Pendleton. lie was one of th numerous candidates who filed application with the board of control. lie will take charge of the penitentiary immediately upon accept ance of the appointment und arrival in Salem. It is generally -conceded that the board could not have chosen a more acceptable man to fill the extremely difficult position of warden. In Charles Murphv was second lieutenant of .Company K in tho famous Second Oregon United States volunteers. This was the Salem company, lie tougnt through the Spanish-. .ineritnn war and the l'hilippino insurrection and gained distinction as a competent officer. In ISOSt he was commissioned to or ganic a provisional battery from the members of the regiment. This he com manded alid received high commendn- tiou from Major lleiiernl r;. b. Otis lor the services he rendered. After tho war was over and the Sec ond Oroson returned he was elected captain of Com puny M, which position he held until about 190t, when he re signed. A short time later he was ap pointed superintendent of construction at. the new brunch hospital at Pendle ton and practically built it. He was then mndo chief engineer. Captain Murphy, while commanding officer of Company M, was regarded as the most efficicut Wficcr .in the Third regiment and was held in high .esteem by the men umler mm. witu ms ex perience in army discipline and in lead ing men. he is believed to be the right man to bring order out of chaos now existing iu the penitentiary. That tlie job or warucn is a gulu brick is generally conceded and nt most a thankless tnsk. However, iir view of the events of last Friday, when the convicts demunded ft change of admin istration in what was a near-riot in the prison chapel, they were not con sulted as to who should be warden over them. It had been unofficially suggest ed that perhaps a solution of the prob lem would be to havo tho convicts choose one of their number to bo war den. The vote of the board of control at. the meeting this morning wns as fol lows: Governor Withyeotnbe "d Treas urer Kuv for Murphy and Secretary Ol cott for Frank Meredith, former aec retsrv of the Oreeon state fair. In" voting for Meredith, Secretary uliott said he believed te was a xnor ough business man nnd a capable lead er of men. Meredith who was not a con didate and had filed no application. Sheriff F.sch, whoso name was men tioned as a possible candidate, had made no application for the position. A delegation from Portland presented the cause of Deupty Sheriff Fitzgerald of Multnomah Bounty to the board. . . J 4t, .... lug reporis are raiti-ii"'K uu,uvl - w" cernine the fato of the five Americans who did not leave with the party of Alvarano mining men. Despite efforts of the Alvnrndo Min ing company to get further pnrticulars of the arrival of the live Americans m Culiacan on the west const, company officials have been unable to get nny replies to five telegrams and tracers ad dressed to Superintendent Hawkins, who sent the 'first news of the safe arrival of the little bnud. Killed by Bandits. El Paso, Texas. Nov. 20. Henry rii.,.1 Untilin,nn U'M tlin foreigner Killed' at .limine- by Villistn bandiWr advices toilny to mining men nerc siaie Clark had lived in Mexico for many years, was married to a Mexican woman and had a family in Jiminez. 18 "MUCH IMPBOVED" T,os Angeles, Cul, Nov. 20. Inez Mil holland Ituissevain, famous snffrnge worker, who is critically Ul at the good Samaritan hospital here was reported to' be "much improved" today. Her condition is still critical, however, and physicians have almost uespaireu or saving her life. L FOR GREAT BATTLE Joint Committee On Interstate Commerce Starts Its Investigation INFLUENCES OF CAPITAL AND LABOR WILL CASH Adamson Said the Public Is the Interested Party Most To Be Considered By Carl D. Groat (United Press stuff correspondent) Washington, Nov. 20. The curtain lifted here- ou one of the most dramatic buttles of industrial units in the nn tion 's history today. Tho joint commit tee ou interstate commerce started its investigation of conditions relating to interstate and foreign commerce and iue necessiiy ror lurtliur regulation a lonif the lilies of tho Adumson e'u-lil hour luw nnd to iioairy all interstate public utilities. Represented iu the fiirbl nro commer cial organizations of all'kinds and from all over the country great corporations and industries. Kvory influence of can- ital and lubor will clash during the The railroads ' fight will be directed by the inilway executives ' advisory committee, of which Frank Xrurabull, chairman of tho Chesapeuke and Ohio, is ucHii. me orotheihooils. will hnvc their four chiefs Stone of the engin eers; Carter of the firemen; I,ce of the trainmen aud Shepnrd of the conduct ors, all of whom are now in tho city ready for work. Kncli side is armed with statistic t support contentions mat nave iecn made ror years. "The public ia the interest most to be considered in this controversy." Judge Adumson, vice-chairman of the Joint congressional committee and par ent of the eight hour law, said today. "Botbthe railroads and the brother hoods seem. for . the moment to forgot that they are our servants in this mat ter." During the day Judge AUamson will confer with President Wilson on the question of putting through congress the legislation the president has propos ed for settlement and prevention of industrial disputes. The American Fed eration of Labor has already stmt put its chnllenge on auch legislation voic ing a determination to oppose any leg islation which will limit the strike right of labor. WILL ASK CONGRESS TO HaP CHEMAWA Meeting at Commercial Club Tonight Will Start , Movement An appropriation of $187,000 will be asked of congress for the Salem Indinn school nt Chemawa nnd n special rceot ing will bo held this evening of the legislation and taxation department of tho Commercial club, when tho chair man, Chas. V, Galloway nnd other mem bers of the department will discuss means of having an appropriation for this nmount properly- brought before congress. It is well known that of the six lead ing Indian schools in the United Slates, the Chemawa school has been neglected, while other schools have been receiv-( ing help from the government. It has even been proposod that this school be consolidated with one of the stronger ones on the coast. The taxation and legislative depart ment will report nt tho monthly meot- ing or me ciui Wednesday evening. Arrangements aro under way to have Congressman Hawley address the club that evening and to discuss with him the introduction of a bill providing for the proposed appropriation. Several mouths ago, in na address be fore the Commercial club, superintend ent Harwood Hall plainly told the club that tho Chemawa school was in a bad way aud that unless the citizens of Sulem got behind the school and urged congress to appropriate an amount nec essary to bring- it to, the recognized standards of Indian schools, that it might be removed to Taioina. The $117,000 to be asked for is need ed as follows: Some of the Needs . 1. For the support nnd cducntinn of (100 Indian pupils, including native In-! disns from Alaska, including teachers salaries, tl02,00t. 2. The buildings are old, badly venti lated, dark and inconvenient. They need repairing and remodeling. The -power plant is now down. Both horse and dairy i (Continued on page two.) INDUS TRIA GIRD LOINS Says Poetry Is Good But the Logic Faulty Palo Alto. Cul.. Nov. 20. Dr. David Starr Jordon.S chancellor emeritus of Stanford university, and peace disciple, isn 't a bit pleased over the fact that Professor -Melville B. Anderson, former head of Stanford's English department, has dedicated to Dr. Jordan "The Great Refusal." This war poem is a bitter at tack upon pacifism and hurls sarcasm at peace lovers. "It's good poetry but miserable logic," said Jordan. "I can understand, sympathize, admire, but I remain un convinced. To us who abhor the all- deutschtun verb and, war is not a heroic deed, nor succession of deeds, but the culmination of crime." BESIEGEOBY CRANKS Proposals of Marriage Came by Hundreds With Other ' Freai Requests - Missoula, Mont., Nov. 20. Pursued by offers of marriage, advertising agen cies wanting her pictures, cranks nnd beggers, Miss Jennctte Kunkin, Monta na's new congress woman, took refuge today behind locked doors und station ml her brother, a Harvard university iooiuau graduate, at the trout gate to meet visitors. Every until brings rO fresh crop of proposals, it was learned today. They come from ull over the United States. One from an Oklahoma lawyer "tempo rarily employed picking cotton" said he loved Miss liaukin from the moment he heard she could make her own hats. A tooth paste company wanted to photograph. Aliss Kankin's teeth. Its willing to pay, $j,000 for tho picture. An automobile, concern askicd the privilege olV presenting a new model carl to Aliss nankin, if she would merely consent to having her owuorship used for advertising purposes. The latest excitement ia a motion picture shurpshooter from California who has' duc.0mB'', 'n ear tho Ran kin homestead and made preparations for remaining all winter. A 20,000 Poultice for Wounded Affections SeattV Wash., Nov. 20. Twenty thousand dollars in lieu ol' unrequited love! A jury, in Judge Gilliam's depart ment of the superior court this morn ing awarded Margaret Strand a verdict for $20,000 against Peter Malone, weal thy Alaska miner, who, aecoiding to the complaint failed to marry her after promising to do so. Tho suit wns for $.'0000 and when the verdict has been read the attorney for the miner niado a motion for a ver dict for the defendant despite the find ings of the jury. The court took the motion uuder advisement. ' Mrs. Strand testified 'she had cooked for Miilone in his mfliing camps and was engaged to marry him. As the day for tho ceremony approached, she said, he sent her to Seattle where she learned Inter he had married another woman. TO E NAT! Bryan Begins Four Year fight in Chicago for a Sober Country -s Chicago, Nov. 20. On the heels of henvl political campaigning, William Jennings Bryan was to plunge into his four year prohibition fight today with on address before the Chicago Dry Federation- Bryan's speech here is the sig nal for the opening of a campaign to make Chicago dry in 1918, It is also his opening shot in a four year campaign to make the United States dry. Before he is through the commoner plans to force nn nuti-booze plank into the plat tonus or both big parties. He said the present prohibition wave would sweep every state in the unon. "I believe that prohibition will be the paramount issue of 1020. Unless the amendment is made before that, it i.1 probable that tho amendment will be spbmittcd iu 1920. It is even possible that it may puss this winter. The demo cratic purty is iu a position now to take up the subject and the republicans may be compelled to." Iu commenting on the re-elect ion of President Wilson, Bryan said: ' "I am very much gratified nt tho re sult. As the value of the victory is iiicrc.iKcd. it has put an end to the k. perstititon that no victory could be won without New Yorlf. The belief that the Now York vote was necessary lias bad a restrain. 'ig influence for a generation up to this -idininistratioii. The country will now eil free to legislate ftfl it pleases and .Vew York will be treated as other section.-." I An ade.ge that cuts all round must be la circular saw. MISS LAW TELLS OF HI EW YORK AEROPLANE TRIP Made the Trip In Eight Hours and 59 Minutes, or 94 Miles An Hour PRIMITIVE MACHINE BEHAVED SPLENDIDLY Strong Head Wind and Dense Fog Made Trip Thrilling One New York, Nov. 20. The very first thing Miss Kuth Law asked for today when she finished tho record breaking aeroplane flight on Governor's Island was face powdor. Her noso wns shiny. She was hustled into a waiting auto mobile at tho army aviation field, whisked away to the home o" Major Villiam Hartinann, of the army signal corps, nnd the travel washed off her rosy-face- Then this daring maid of the air, who had out-Cnrlstromcd Victor Carlstrom In her flight irom Chicngo to New York, placidly asked of Mrs. Hurtmnnn: "Mny I borrow Borne of your faco powder t" Having powdered her nose, she talked to the United Press of her flight. Sitting in an automobile and rosy cheeked from contact with tho frigid nir of the upper regions, swathed in sheep skin and oilod garments, she graphical ly described her thrilling voyage. "I'm awfully well pleased that I've been able to beat tho American record," Miss I,aw began. "But I could have done hotter. I believe I could have made the flight all the way through if things had turned out the way I ex pected them to.' And I'm going to try it again. "When I made up my mind to try this flicht from Chicago to New York," she said, "I got Into communication with tho Curttiss aeroplane factory and tried to buy a big bnttlo plane, one of the most powerful I could get. But they wouldn't let me have it. - They wero afraid that a woman could not handle the powerful machinery nnd manipulate their big machine in that long a trip. Tackled Old Machine. "When they kopt on putting me off, I just decided to hop into that little ma chine and make one great effort. "I didn't think it hardly possible that I could make the trip ihrough to New York without a stop. My machine will not carry enough gasoline. But now I'm going to have thnt biir machine nnd I'm going to try it all over again." Speaking of her machine. Miss I.nw pointed laughingly across the field to where her biplane rested in the shadow of tho huge aeroplane Victor Carlstrom used when he attempted the flight be tween Chicago and Now Yotk. The sturdy old-fashioned machine with which Misa Iaw shattered Carl Strom's record was not half as large aa the Curtiss monster that Carlstrom had left on the aviation field. The email machine' is barely one hundred horse power, while that of Carlstrom is cap able of two hundred. Speaking of her flight from Bingham ton to Governor's Inland Miss Law snld it was about as risky an undertaking as she had ever faced. "It was so foggy," she declared, "it was almost impossible for me to see where I was going. There were times when I skimmed over the New York houses only 100 foet up. It certainly gave me plenty of thrills." On the cuff of one of the nvlutricc's gloves wns a tiny map. She had drawn it herself and outlined almost a perfect course from Chicago. She had jotted down on a slip of paper pasted along side, the names of the towns over which she passed, together with other data for the records of tho Aero club. Holds American Record. "It was awfully hard making head way," she said. "There wos a strong head wind blowing against me. I hadn't taken on any gasoline nt Binghnmton. The strength of the wind slowed me up quite a bit, nnd when 1 finally located Governors Island through the haze I dis covered there wos not another drop of gasoline in my tank. With my engine shut off, I volplaned to ft landing. If there had been another milo for more travel, I would buve been in a bad way." . Miss Law declared the had absolutely no trouble with her machine. It behaved nicely all tho way 'for her. Officials of tho Aero club of Am erica, which sanctioned the flight, were enthusiastic over Miis Law's flight. She paid all the expenses of the flight, but asked an official sanction for the trip so it might be made a record. Miss Law's feat was uchieved on the anniversary of the day she received her pilot's license, November 2(1, 1912. Be ing a sister of Hodman Law, the para chute jumper, she had plenty of family nerve to help her when she decided to do stunts with a flying machine. This is the first distance fight he ever attempted, but she has been nink- (Continued on page two.) Wheat Up Four Cents In Today's Trading r-i -J " IVWI-. OUK den mill ri hnrtlv nfnrn i-u-in n.1nw tor a low opening,. due oniefly to heavy h II VillC Ami rortnrfa nf nntavni.i.ldA A gontine weather. At noon December was up uvvr iouay 8 opening at 91.04 n n v uij .1 !- nr. nj .i-i nni .itiiv nt 3 3-4 t 1.B7W Corn opened easier but later showed X"ou gums wnen Duying oecame more it-'urui. iecemoer was up J at Yi Mav nr S 3-8 at Qd 2 8 And .Tnlv nn 9. 1-8 "at 9614. . Oat showed fair gains. December was up i at oi i s nnd Mav un v. nt fil S.S. Provision nnnnnil 1n.-n Y,nl mml. snarp gams on active buying when IULU9 W-JUll IU JU1IIM, E Attacked Her As She Was . Washing Dishes Took Poison and Died Scat'lo, Wash., Nov. 20. Miss Alice Carey, age 30, is near death with three bullet wounds in her body fired by her sister, Mrs. Margaret Hartmrrti, who afterward committed suicide by taking poison, during a fit of temporary in sanity Sunday morning. The tragedy was enacted on the dairy ranch o Kobert Hurtman, husband of the dead womany near Redmond. Both women were graduates of the University of Michigan. Their parents live in Sandusky, Ohio. At the Lakeside sanitarium at Kirk land today, Miss Carey, Br. George H. Davis, her physician and the husband advanced only tho theory of insanity to explain the affair. Miss Carey was washing dishes in the kitchen, she said, and Kobert Hnrtmau nnd his father were working outside. Mrs. Hnrtman walked into tho kitch en, and fired tho first shot into her i sister's back. Miss Carey turned. Two more bullets in quick succession enter ed her nMlomen. Her sister turned and fled upstirs where she took formalin, and, the phy sician says probably died instantly. In the United States Lies Sole - Hope of Ameliorating Conditions London, Nov. 20. England in today seeking some means of reprisal against Germany for "enslavement" oil Bel gium's men. Not since tho execution of Miss Edith ('a veil has there been such a wave of popular indignation as that which Is sweeping the country over fresh details of the Teutonic plan of giving employment to the Belgian civ il population by deporting them to Ger many. It is realized that' with the United States rests the only hope of interces sion to prevent a clean sweep from the desolated nation of all its manhood. Stories of fathers and sons purted forci bly from their wives nnd mothers and other loved ones by German soldiery have served to fan it into a fever heat. Three hundred thousand male Bel gians above the age of 17 are affected by tho 'employment " orders from Ber lin. So far at lenst 4 .",000 of thc.se have been transported from their homes to Germany, that they may be given em ployment according' to the German ex planation Tho transfers are taking place at the rate of two thousand a duy. Information today received via Hol land asserts pleas avail nothing and that in tifveral instances, where those pleat wero more than usually forcible, German comundera ruthlessly enforced their orders and in addition imposed further tax burdens as an example to those who oposed the military machine. The town of Touruni, it was declared, had been fined two hundred thousand marks (.10,000) for "arrogance with out precedent" in thus opposing the employment orders. Copies of the notice to Belgians rc quiring their assembly nt certain con centration points for this weeding out of able bodied workmen have been re ceived in Holland. HOKN'S CASB ADVANCED Washington, Nov, 2'l. The supreme court today granted a motion to ad vance for argument the case of Werner Horn, alleged dynamiter und German army officer. Horn is nccuaed of trying to blow up the Canadian international bridge at the Cunniliau boumlury iu Maine. He asked a writ of habeas'corpus, cliiimmg tho offense charged against him is of military character and ono for which he cannot be tried in the ordinary courts. The court assigned the case for .argument January S. No philosopher can give a reason for half that he thinks. TEUTON BULBARS T FIERCELY Forced to Abandon Monastir They Are In Danger of Being Captured CONDITION OF ROADS HEIGHTENS DANGER Magnificent Fighting of Serb ians WinsNo Changes : On Somme Front London, Nov. 20 With rain and slee interfering with full resumption of op erations along the Somme, it was tho Balkans that furnished most of the bat tle news today. Additional advices served to inccrase the brilliance of Gen eral Serrail's French-Russinn-Italian-Serbinn victory in the taking of Mona stir. It is now doubted here that tha German-Bulgarian forces can make com plete escape from the encircling of tsu allied flunking movement. Desperata fighting is proceeding as the allies strive) to close in still further on tho retreat- ng Teutons. Roads churned into a seat of mud from snow and rain will, it m believed, make it impossible for tha Teutonic forces to proceed with suf ficient haste in their retrent to acbieva a complete withdrawal of forces and etpupmeut. , Moreover, it appears thnt far from. being content with mere occupation of the city, tho allied forces ore still thrusting forward In their drive. Prilcp, to which city the enemy is withdraw ing, i about 24 miles to the north. Tha way Is for the most part across level ground, with very few natural defensive features. . The allied occupancy or po sitions along the Cerna river bend gives them a fulcrum for their lever to forca clearance of the plain. . Military critics here today agreed that the capture of Monastir is ot tho greatest of importance. Diplomotiely most of the credit is given to the her- bians for the victory. It was their splendid fighting along the Cerna Deud which compelled the enemy to ubanuon their southern defenses, enabling- ad vance due north of the rrench auu iios sian troops. Ejected from their own. country a year ago by i'icld Uarshu-t Von Mackensen's tremendous drive, forced to 'flee in disorder, the regimeats scattered, their equipment what littla thoro was for the most part abandon ed, the Serbians have been transformed in a brief 12 months into a formidutila army with new arms and equipment and tho splendid tutorship of Irene h troops operating with them us brothers in arms. It la expected hero that the Monastir victory will have Important effect ia relieving the German pressure against Rumania a pressure that has bee re garded gravely of late. The London, press does not hesitate to call the situa tion of the Humanians " jrecuriona." British Forced Back. Berlin, via Sayville, L. I., Nov. 20. Ejection of British troops from ths western part of the village of Grand court was announced iu today ' official, statement. The report declared the Britislk sus tained heavy losses in attacks agaiast the German line, "English artillery firo of yestetdny wb generally less strong on both sides of the Ancre," the statement snid. "Be tween Serre and Beaucourt and against our positions south of Mirumont during the evening hours attacks were launch ed. They failed with heavy lessee Iu the enemy. "Our infantry, in hund grenndn en gagements ejected the Engl'mh from, the western part of Grnndcourt." City of No Importnace. Berlin, via Sayville, L. I., Nov. 20. Evacuation of Alunastir was a measura "prcpurod since several days," said a. special review of tho Balkans light ing issued today. The city, it wua said, was "without any military Impeit nnce. " H'ltu ..iL-iuw ,lalnrpy llifl method bl which tho city wns taken was an "open. (Continued on page four.) ; THE WEATHER : fovrP.wowies SETTLE THE Oregon: To night and Tues day, warmer ex cept near tka const; easterly winds. F WHILE RETREATING IS'