Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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Bate por word New Today:
.Each insertion, per word..le
One week (0 insertions), per word....6c
One month (tt insertions) per word 17e
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one Insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
It appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15c
JUNKS' XfRS KK V Si a 1 1.
a ii. I 24th.
WANTED Platform
Ferry St.
floor scales. 442
i'hono a!.
- dot IS
lliiltsE And a fresh cow for salt'. 999
Trade St. - liovL'O
WANTED Wood out tern $1.00
-cord, riiono .. A. Way, 092.
FURNISHED A Danments, also ban
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottagi-
DRY ASH WOOD For sale, delivered
iu town, l'lione G92, E. A. Wav. tf
WANTED Second hand one horse de
livery wagon, l'hone 31U. novlS
V A N'TED Children to care fur. -Mrs.
Ethel Smith. Locust and Kim Sts. n20
STEADY WOMv For women and girls
at the glove factory 14.".) Oak St. n20
FOE SAI.K Two young row, one milk
ing, other fresh soon. 10ki Mission
St. novlS
l'OH SAI.K flood team. S and 9 years
old, weight 1250 each, l'lione 31 P21.
WE HAVE Baled hav and oats for
sale. George Sweigle, Garden road, tf
rOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. t)
UAKliY-'iniW cleune
l'hone 70S
The Journal office.'
sale trHls at
WANTED Fat and fresh cows. .142.1
M. nov29
TRE8P ASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
A FRESH COW I'or sale, ui vin; nbout
4.iinls. of milk daily-.' loo North 24ih
' ' ' " nov21
GOAT MEAT For sale. - first elass.
only 5 cents per lb. at O. K. Grocery
delivered in eity.
dec 11
PHONE 206 When ' yort have' wood
sawing to be done, all work guaran
teed, Jim Rogers. ' nov24
BftARn With or without room, reas
onable rates.- 040 Winter. 4'ij bloc Us.
from state hou'se. Phone 15j. hoV21
WANTED Men and "women ' to ent
rngs.npply at store corner Chemeketa
and Commercial. " ft"
FOR RENT New five room bungalow,
modern. I'rioo 10. 59S North 17th
St. "'' novl.H
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, now
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
STOCK FEED Pumpkins and com for
sale. Wanted a few stock hogs. l'hone
44F22. tf
WANTED To contract cutting and
placing of wood on cars, 2001' cords
cut by spring. Phone 12S1. nov.ti
WANTED Plain sewing, children's
clothing specialty. Mis. I.ayton.
phone 11211, 4i2 S. High St. n'nv-1
TO TRADE S room house and It lots,
modem improvement,' for country
property, phone 1010. necl
FOR SALE New crop English walnuts
20 cents per lb. mid 2nd hand wheel
cheap. Phone 2374W. nov23
WANTED Girl or middle age woman
for house work, fnmilv of three. Ad
. dress box 190, Fall City, Or. novlS
WANTED All round man wishes po
sition setting n j Xnias toys or ma
chinery. Add. H. r.ayton, 4S2 S. High,
or phone 112". . nov24
WANTED A "000 lb. well matched
young team, blockv built, sound and'
true to pull. I!, Ciiiiiiingiiam. Phone
21F2. nov20
FOR RENT Large modern house with
nice yard ami barn ...... blocks from iw sll( ,oo. (..ft at tup rh(.r,.v
ottv hall. Phone oP.iR or call .Ins N. ,
Winter. novlSjl l'.v nro, bought n ticket tit the Ore-
' K(,n electric depot and has not been
JCOn vnfiT 07fl s.nnh rnmiiier. l.il :
street, invites his old friends to cnlll
on him when in need of shoe repair
ing. Host of work at lowest prices.
deelO :
I Lelia Lynch, Chief of Police Shedeck.
WAN'TKD Teams to haul (i." cords of; Mrs. Summers and Mrs. Fink, who
oak and fir wood to Marion station; wished to be notified if any demand
nt once; to trade ',', Studebaker was ever mnde on it. It is declared
wagon for n heavy wagon. W. F.;that Mrs. Lorentzen died iu KentrV
Proctor. Phone U!22.T. . novl S April 17, the news coming through
r , , I Eniil Kallvig, the liritish vice-coiwul
4fl ACRES For rent: 1.-.0 in cnltivn-;nt Arendal, Xorwnv. who got his in
tiom bal. jiasture: I..';, acres peach- foriim,ion from -JIr4 Lorentzen's
. aeresi .ga.ioerr.es wen waiereu
111' RliMTt4 " ImtWtta .! Iimt-tW IMinilA
by springs
84 PJ.
FOR SALE Or trade, team 0 KOod .1; uandl.nK the Salem end of ,t before
work "horses, weight about 2900. j i thn. rnowy in he United States Na
' chestnut sorrel and 1 bnv. r, and tionnl bank will be turned over to Ll
vears old. also Roval blooded Poland I "" A- tnoste. who has been np
Cliiaa boar, l'lione Hlii. novHj pointed ndiuinsirtntor of the estate by
uhii Multnomah county court.
MONEY LOANED On furniture, hors- ' " '
es. vehicles, merchandise, etc. Trans- Of K-.7G0 cows tested through 4. is-
ftctious private. Possession retained. .
Union Loan Agem-v
South High
dec 14
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
jewelry, men's clothing, musical in
struments, tools, guns, bicycles ft.-.
Also bought sold and traded. Capital
Exchange I!."" Court St. Phone 49::.
FOR SALE Fresh cow with heifer calf
209!! Le St. nov2l
CHOICE Goat meat for sale cheap at
1230 Ferry street. tf
OLD FIR Vood for sale, delivered in
town, l'hone G92 E. A. Way. tf
FINE Young horse to trade for fat
or fresh cow. Call S7F.4. novlS
FOR SALE At a bargain, painters out-
fit.Judders, paper outfit, etc. Phone
FOR SALE New Indian bicycle, run I
mx weeKs, cheap lor cusu. uliJ Court I
strel't- "ovlS
" ;
.'lUrln.aC,r' 'f' t,,a,"1-
Scott, 4X14 Hubbard Whig.
.Tohn II.
Phone 254.
1TRNJ.SI1ED House keeping r ooim
flit- I'llllt at 1- A.l.l.... . L- It
,.r i - " "..;
j The money found on tho two men,
'FRUIT TREES Shrubs and roses at ! ('"'"S it! '"'! Wong Sing, amounting
Jones' Nurserv, State and 24th. Plant i t0 nl,0,,t 14l)' ,vtts turned over tc
now. Phone 4 i:t. novlH' Wong Leong on the insistence of Chiel
I of Police Welsh, who took a receipt for
CUT 'FLOWERS And pot plants, (.''.' n addition tho two men were tc
chuiien specialty at Smith's 127i N.'l 'cave Salem and not return, on penalty
ijlierty St., on ear line. nuv2o!ot having tue case reopened and
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms clean
and well furnished, modern conven
iences, 057. North Front. uov!9
WANTED Light auto truck, for cash,
description and price first letter. Ad
dress box 27, Mehanin, Or. novlS
FOR RENT A suite of housekeeping
rooms, well lurnisued at 3wb IN. bib
nt jwo bio-1
uence. 1 lionel
erty. Inquire ut resi
1040 J. Cf
FOR SALE A nice uiano sliahtlv used
lrice $400.00, ' will sell for $150.00.
l.liner U. Smith, 1640 Hall St. Fair
ground road. novlS
I'OR RENT Space in 2 good windows
at 4-it(.ourt, suitable for real estate,
transfer ortic.c or barber
LOST Part of a silver mounted fouu
- tain pen bearing initials "I. G. M. "
Return to Ivan G. Martin, Masonic
bldg. , nov2ll
WAXTF.D--Tn buy a good. young cow
must be fresh, gentle and good milk
er. r Address tiSO N. Liberty , St. or
phone 57W. ""' uov IS
make $"0 weekly selling Nuniud Fa
cial treatment, "0c package. One half
profit. Hux.403, Oakland. Oil.
FOR RENTA nice pleasant rOoid suit
able for. 2, with board, reasonable
rates by .mouth. . 1 block of post of
fice, 292 N. Church. Phone 101U. nolS
TIlIAL PACKAGE 10c trial package,
Xuniud for removing pimples, blotch
les, liveispols, , freckles;. ontrauts op
en pores and facia) muscles, inaking
" wrinkles disappear, .Confidential! Pox
Ab:, Oakland, Calif. " "
teiriadieS to travel tieuionstrate, Hint
sell well established line to pur deal
ers. Previous "experience not neces
sary. Good pay. Railroad tare paid.
Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. SI."), Oma
ha, Nebr.
HORSES FOR SALE 4.1 head of hors
es never before inspected or offered
for sale. We are selling nil of our
horses, weights run from one thous
nnd to seventeen hundred pounds
Prospective buyers welcome any tune
on or lifter Tuesday, November twen
ty first. E. Clemens Horse Co., Eola
Ranch, Independence, Or. Phone farm
4H02. uov24
vertising salesmen for finest line of
advertising metal, fibre, cardboard,
muslin, oil cloth, wood and .brass
signs: art calendars, 12-sheet business
calendars and novelties of every de
scription. Good territory nvnilublo.
Give references and experience. Lib
eral terms on commission basis. Dig
money. Write for particulars now.
The Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, Ohio.
Want Proof of Death
Before Giving Up Money
Considerable irterest ims been
aroused over tho case of Mrs. Km in a
Lorent.en, the woman who was taken
up in this city two years ago, searched
and found to have nbout $1000 sewed
up in her skirt, and who was commit
ted to the Oregon insane hospital mid
later released as cured. After her re-
seen since.
Xo"' comes a demand for the turning
over of the money taken from Mrs.
Lorentzen nnd placed in the United
States bank by Former Police Matron
.. -. r
a 1'roof of tin? uriitu or -Mrs. l.ortntzon
j 1 -tl.-fti'U U iviiwi 1117 vii 11 nt i.ui v iiv
e insin ( ow testing associations last year,
."'..rt7,i were disposed of ns unprofitable.
read in the Journal in all lire
Marion county homes Try 'em.
Wrong Chink Robbed, Money
Returned, No Evidence
; Scared until they could only talk in
whispers and fearful that at any mo
ment n tOtlir vnr miirtit hrpnlr mif in
the city and be the cause of sending
some one on a premature journey to
the realms of celestial bliss, the
'hiiiese mixed up in the robborv of
,Wo,,e I-wng, an aged Chinaman of" this
I'ciu. Wednesday nieht when he was
bound and gagged .and a sum said to
be nbout $500 taken from him, today
settled. the case and it was dismissed
hy District Attorney Ringo.
charge of assault and robbery being
pressed against them.
Chief Welsh is of the opinion that
the two Chinese were the perpetrators
of the deed. However, iu the uncer
tain testimony dieted from the reluct
ant Orientals, it was learned that the
deed was committed on the wrong man,
and that the two men were after a
man belonging, to another tong. Be
cause Wong Leong. belongs 4o the same
toug a8 cllillg Xiiug and Wong Sing, it
was tcared a war- mignt develop in the
tong itself.
The Chinamen, accordingly, besieged
Chief Welsh and District Attorney
Ringo to dismiss the case and promised
settlement. Yesterday evening the
president of tho Suoy Sing tong, the
highbinder society of San Francisco,
and the secretary, who happened to bo
in Portland, were in Salem and con
ferred with the local Chinese on tho
case. '
It was an extremely difficult matter
for the officers to elicit any informa
tion concerning tho "Chinese as they
were very reticent and" close mouthed.
It is practically certain that a pliuliad
been made to rob a Chinese in the city
but a-mistake was mado. It is the
opinion of the chief that only about
I'll) or possibly $200 was taken from
Wong Leong, as the Oriental is wont
to exaggerate. ,
Johnny Aitken Wins
Grand Prize Auto Race
Knee Course, Santa .Monica, Cal.,
Nov. IS. Johnny Aitken in .a Peugeot
crossed the finish line first in tho. in
ternational. Graud Prize- nice here to
day, but he does not get the. credit for
Hie win..' vr ..."
' Aitken- was forced to JenVR.thft race
.-when- his own enf developed valva trou;
ble. In the twentieth lap he' relieved
his team mate, Wilcox, but notwith
standing the fact he drove the first car
across the line, Wilcox will be paid the
$4,000 prize money. ,
Berkeley, Cal., Nov. IS. The Washington-California
game stood Washing
ton, (i; California, 3, at the end of the
first half.
Albany, Ore., Nov. IS. At the end o'f
the first quarter tho score stood: Al
bany High, 0; Salem High, 0.
End of the first half: Albany, 19;
Salem, 0.
t Princelon: Yale, 10; Princeton, 0.
At Cambridge: llfffvardO; Blown,
At Havre: Dnitmouth, 7; West Vir
ginia, 7.
At Swarthmore: Dickinson, 29;
Swarthninre, 20.
At Syracuse: Colgate, 15; Syra
cuse, 0.
At Pittsburg: Carnegie Tech, 6;
Pittsburg, 14. . ;
At Champaign Illinois, 7; Chi
cago, 20.
At Ann Arbor: Michigan, 7; Pennsyl
vania, 10.
At East Lansing: Michigan Aggies,
0; Notre Dame. 11.
At Minennpolis; Minnesota, 54;
Wisconsin, 0.
At Amherst: Williams, 2(1; Am
herst, 0.
At Detroit: Heidelberg, 13; Detroit
University, 12.
At Ithaca: Cornell, 37; Massachusetts
Aggies, 0.
At New Y'ork: Columbia, 0; Wes
leyan, 40. .
At West Point: Army, 17; Spring
field, 2.
At Annapolis: Nuvy, 57; Villa
Nova, 7.
At Evanston, III.: Northwestern, 3H;
Purdue, (i.
At Ames Iown, 19; Ames, lfl.
At Washington: Georgetown, f.lj'N.
C. A. M., .
At St. Louis: Wurrensburg, 24
Louis University. 0.
Ycm hctferMacmjaintwiih
rwrAfan J-TiV11wilihrm&
I Irtl rfSSlllt"! nOtTifittGrWrlTi
your want may be.
30C sc 3fC jc sc JC jfc 3C 3QC 3C 3C JC 3c
Why the Journul is popular
It prints the world's news to
day while it ' new s.
Boise, Idaho, Nov. IS. Of
ficial returns from all Idaho
counties today showed that Gov
ernor Moses Alexander received
a plurality of b'05 votes over D.
W- Davis, the republican can
didate. When tho unofficial
tabulation was in progress, sup
porters of Davis declared him
This Fetching Party
Frock for the Debutante
Palest blue silk no. .a double floinic
ed and banded "witn silver lace. The
bodice is mostly of wide blue satin
ribbon cleverly arranged, nnd the shoul
der caps are silver net. Trailing down
the left side over a'ijtrlp of the silver
material is a gorgeous bunch of laven
der orchids.' "' :-'
. :
. ',' .
Berlin, via wirjulos,. to 'Say
villo, L. .1., Nov. JS-rA second
official statement issued by tint
war office late" this afternoon
said " English attempts to break
through the. German line on
both banks of Wtc 'Ancre-after
preparation by enormous artil
lery failed.
"Near Giandcoiirt the fight
ing w still going' 011," said the
British Report Gain.-
London, Nov. )ti New ground
has been gained by the 'allies
in-' the Struma vailey, an of
ficial statement from Salonika
reported this afternoon.-.
Berlin, via wireless to Snyville, No-.
1. An explosion of ammunition on the
steamer Marou Pir.'Hcn in - Archangel
harbor, killed I'm and injured 'ti.ill, ac
cording - to 'Russian official reports,
which add that German agents probably
were responsible. . ' -
Private advices from Stockholm say
the Muron Direscn was torpedoed by
a submarine nnd give tho number of
dead as 530. Among them 1 1 . Kiissiun
and five English officers.
An ideal stock and dairy ranch of
100 acres, about 25 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture and Romo timber, some
beaverdam land, 5-room bungalow,
barn 32 by 32 feet, cow shed, chicken
house, running water, fine spring, five
miles from small tow'n. Price .fi'.OOO.
04 acrii farm, about 58 acres under
cultivation, balance timber and pas
ture, 0-rorim house, nearly new; good 1
...... I 1 a .......
Niiii, nt.., uinriiiiii 111 r.iu.i, i I mill's
from Salem, price $10 per acre.
Fine suburban home of' 10 acres, 7
room house, close to school and enr
line, family orchard. Will consider
modern home close in. Price $5250.
310 acre stock farm, about 81) acres
plow land, balance timber and pasture,
running' water, old orchard, on 'main
road, 5 1-2 miles from good town. Price
$35 per acre.
Well improved 42 acre farm, 30 acres
in clover, fruit and berries, close to
school and station on Oregon Electric.
Price $('200.
10 aero tract, all under cultivation,
5 acres two year old prune orchard,
family orchard, five-room plastered
bungalow, new barn 20 by 40 feet, well,
sightly location, good road, 3 1-2 miles
from Salem. Price $3200.
30 acres of bearing Italian prune
I orchr1. in "mdition, dryer and
equipment, G room modern house, good
barn, garage, close to school, macadam
road; produced this year 411 tons of
dried prunes. Come in and see iih about
lfifi acre farm located in Mellenrv
sjc I county, North Dakota, will exchange
A 4
ror Willamette auey .anil. ir.ee
If you want to buy, trade or sell,
see ns
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State Street.
The followiag prices for - frniu
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailor, ai.il
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.-ices are those paid tho
producer. Corrections are made
The cold weather seems to have dis
couraged the farmyard poultry as eggs
are scarco and today the cash price is
42 cents and tho trading price two or
three cents higher. $9.10 is the top for
pork on font. In the fruit market Jap
anese oranges are now -offered at $3."
For some reason, probably because
the farmer has more money than-any
one else this fall, offerings- of ' the
Thanksgiving turkey- are not very gen
erous. Iu fact, the farmer seems "just a
trifle backward about selling nt the
present price, Portland has established
a 20 cent price for dressed turkeys and
uom 21 to 23 cents on those on foot.
Of course the Sulem market is a couple
of cents lower, .lust at present the far
mers nave the turkevs.
... $1.30
. $40.00
. $27.".0
. 30.00
Outs, new
tolled barloy
Shorts, per ton
Hay, clover
Hay, cheat $11(12
uay, vetcn i
Hay, timothy $l(i
Butterfat a 40c
Creamery butter, per pound 41c
Country' butter 2S(a32c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 42c
Eggs, trade : 45c
Hens, pound 13(S14c
noostcrs, old, per pound 9c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14c
Turkeys, live 19(o)21c
Turkeys, dressed 23(??;24c
Ducks, ltvo ll(a 13e
Gccsc, livo 8(S10c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Pork, dressed 12 l-213c
Pork, on foot : if.oiii 9,10
Spring lambs, 1910 .....,.. 7V47V.iC
Veal, according to quality 10c
Steers ........... 6e
Cows 3 1-2(3-4.
Bulls 33 1-4
S 1-2
Figs and Dates
Pigs, 70 four 07.
. 2.C0
... 90c
.. 10c
.. 3.75
Pigs, 36 12 oz
Figs, 12 10-oz
Black figs
Whito figs . . ;
Dromedary dates
V 40.
10(312 1 2c
String garlic
Potalqes, swcot . . . ., ;. 2 a-4c
Potatoes, per, 100 P6unds....1.20rl.25
Green onions ......... 1 40-
Green peppers .................... 7c
Carrots, dozen 40
Artichokes .'. $1
Lettuce, local 40c
Lettuce, California, crato $2.50
Egg plant 7c
Celery Toe
Cauliflower. 2.50
Grapes $1.75
Apples S0c$1.0t
Oranges, Vulencics $5.25
Oranges, Japanese $2.00
Lemons, per box 40.00(S G.50
T Bananas, pound B
1 I r...i;cn.-..:.. . r...;.. . i on
.jiiiuuiiiiu k'"I U . inu r i.v
Florida grape fruit $0.50
Pineapples 8e
Honey , $3.5
$10.00 12.00
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ".0c
Sugar, cane $S.70
sugar, beet $8.50
Creamery butter 45c
Flour, hard wheat
Flour, valley
$1.95(0 2.13
Portland, Ore., Nov. lb.
Wheat, club $1.50
Ked Hiissian $1.47
Forty fold $1.51
Bluestein $1.57
Outs, .No. 1 white food $35.73
Hurley, feci $3S
Hogs, host live $9.00
Prime steers $7fri 7.10
Fancy cows $5(a5.35
Calves $7
Spring lambs $S.75fi 9
Butter, city creamery 10c
Eggs, selected local ex. 50c
lr.'iis 15c
Broilers li!(af7c
Geese lie
fill it up
Capital Journal
ad will do the job. It
only costs lc a word,
and you can't worry
for that amount---
Just Phone 81
-'- "
PriiiJtni American Society for Thrill
iiat use
did the boys
and girls ot
the country
make of their
long vaca
tion ?
In Spokane,
W a shington.
no time was
lost 111 cam
ing money, as
tar as the pu
pils of the
North Central
High School
. . were con
cerned, "and the results were truly
.amazing. ( The statistical' report of
Miss Ida May Wilson, head of the
vocational department at one of the
- Spolfxne high schools, shows that 65
per cent of the boys attending the
high school worked during the sum
mer. They earned a total of
$4,247.45. Hoys and girls- together
earned a total of $.).!,083.35. It was
found that girls had a lesser earning
power than the hoys. vTlie senior
fills earned on an average of only
50.50, in comparison with $10.6o by
the boys of the same class. The
average earned by the girls gradually
decreased by classes, each class earn
ing less than the class above. The
freshmen -held the lowest average,
each girl worker earning on an aver
age of $24.81. The average earnings
O. P. Hoff is in Portland today.
J. . IMllette, of Marion, is in the
L. B. allace, of Albany, visited Sa
lem yesterday.
Geurgo Miller and wife, of Hubbard.
nre in tho eity.
t- .. l.ibby was m the city yesterday
from Jefferson.
W. II. McDnniel, of Dallas, was in
the city Friday.
Mrs. Harrison Jones, of Gervais, was
in the city Friday.
James M- Wilson, of Dallas, was a Sa
lem visitor vesterdav.
J. J. McCormiek, of Eugene, is reg
istered at the Bligh.
Mrs. L. Robinson was a Salem visitor
yesterday from Silverton.
1L W. Smith, of Turner, has been vis
iting in the city a few days.
E. K. Huuscton left yesterday for San
Francisco on a business trip.
Attorney General George G. Brown
went to Portland this morning.
Gale W. Church, of Forest Grove, reg
istered yesterday nt the Capital hotel.
I). D. Rowland, of. Rickreall, was
transacting .business iu the eity Fri
day. MrsE, D. Smith, of Jefferson, return
i, home lifter- npend ing -several duys iu
!,7.1r :Jli '4 "Ml
Is Business
Your business may be going along nicely
today, but there are days ahead when an
accident policy tucked away in , your safe
would make you feel much more comfort
able. A dollar spent in advertising the
service you render, your reasons why you
ask for patronage, and anything that will
individualize your proposition, will go
further than ten times the amount spent
to crowd your establishment with bargain
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
... good Printing,
of all the boys and. all the girls was
$64.62, while the -average earning
power of the boys was $'2J8Z and oi
the girls J36.62. The total number of
boys who worked during vacation
was 35a, and the girls 116, the boys
working in mines, mills and factories
and on the farm.
If the road of economy is the high
way leading to success, art you, as
parents, preparing your children for
this journey?
Down in Athens, Georgia, a graph
ic picture of thrift and enterprise
was presented this summer at the
opening of the short course of the
State College of Agriculture when
300 boys and girls and some grizzled
men enrolled. These boys and girls
won their scholarships in the State
College in their corn club, canning
club and pig club contests. They
worked hard and incessantly to win,
these scholarships, and who will say
they will not make better citizen,
thereby? .1
We see these evidences of the thrift
rtf timi Inntnitifr tin in ill ni,n .( Um.'
'-- ... nil ft.. ui MIC
country. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, tho
. , . .. I - , r . . .,
iota, ciiro.nnciir. or pupils lor ttl
winter niirl.r sr-tinnl i-I.e.. Mi..,ka
760, the largest night school in the
...u.v. " v V C JU"1IS in
these evening classes vary from 14 to
72 years, all workers, boys, girls an4
old persons, shop girlj, laborers ami
mill hands, high school and college
graduates, all seeking to take ot
torn practical study- 1
tho city.
George Lewis was a passenger this
morning on the Oregon Electric for
Bert Dennis and daughter, Lolita, am
visitors over Sunday-- in -DtJlns. ith
F. E. McAllister, a banker of Silver
ton, was transacting business in Salem
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Joles, of Browns
ville, returned home today atter a Bhort
visit in tho city.
B. C. Miles, secretary of the Spauld
iK I-"K(fing company, and Waltor I
Spuulding went to Newbcrg yesterday.
T. G. Albert, of the Barnes store,
will spend Sunday iu Eugene with his
sou, E. T. Albert, a hardware , mer
chant. Miss Frances Gellary of the office of
Iho state board of control, was called
to Philomath on account of the illness
of lior father.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 18.
Welsh rarebit is going up.
Checso advanced threo cents ou
the Portland market today, the
biggest jump on record. At
wholesale triplets sold for 23 1-2
cents and Tillamook ut 22. No
surplus cheese -was stored lust
summer, hence the iucreuse.