ETCH! TTTP DATT.Y CAPTTAT, JQ' RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 191 G. 1 TDflPC AMPCCTDV T innuL nnuLuim iu m DAYS OF REVOLTTlONife $635 5 Paiitniw Tuurinf Cr Roadster $S2Q t.O.b. TolU There's little cars. You can t use tleir speeds. They jostle you they ride roughly they don't hold the road. The $635 Overland is different. It is not only the speediest of low priced cars t But yoxi can use the full speed of its power ful motor when you need it. CANADIAN EXPOSITION HONORS MAXWELL CAR j "Canopied also by fir branches, the I.U-itl weather and record crowds 'artistically arranged electric lights dif - chnrncterlxed tho Antomobilo Kxhibit j f" the'f " '"Oft uiag- . . .. ., .. ,, . ...... Iiiticent nrrnv of automobiles ever ex- . at the Canadian National exhibition, iibiteJ ln Halifax." Toronto, between August 2(!tli mill Kepi Alter u minute description of tie tember IMh. No fewer than H10.0U0 poo J various Maxwell "models, the iirticiu pie paid to pass the turnstile n re- Icoueludes: -mnrknhle evidence of Canada's vituli-j "A smart roadster with extra large iv. j no giguuric structure Known us transportation building; is exclusively reserved for thn automobile show, but its confines were taxed to capacity and some of the exhibitors were forced to crept spnee in a large adjacent tent. Owing to the congestion many of the eats could not be displayed to advant age mid the- Maxwell was no exception. However, nothing daunts the Maxwell erew ntwi linderthe ei;0t KfSitaJihip 'of 'bit.-Anderson, "supported by a bat tery of salesmen, the exhibit, which ...mprised nn assembly of all of tu 1017 models, Including a cut out chassis was constantly, thronged. Indeed the approaching aisles became, impassable periodically . nnd gentle measures bad to be employed to keep the crowd mov ing. The lectures of Messrs. Nye and undersoil were listened to Willi Intel iiiiiierson were nsieneu 10 witii Intel- ,. . , , . .. .1 , . tiirj icaiurn uiiiii nurj lurt 4.111m- .gent interest, nn, these gentlemen nnd,,0 , , d fc, taJ Dotxil. he cut o .t uhass s showing the work;, Jl HbUmitv where he resided till intr operation, formed the pivot;"" , , , " " , i" " l point of the vast throng. Cndi.ul.t-1 tT " J1'' odly this combination made the Max- ... , !" '""""J1 1 ,I- H" well exhibit the feature; of the auto show. Several thousand enquiries were deposited by interested visitors and al though the Maxwell Motor company of Canada is to be congratulated in carrying off the honors. arrving off the honors. .nim-u, n uicu .vugusi is.ivvi. uu No time was lost on the closing night H "'"vivnd by six childreu, X. J. I.ani r September Dili, in challenging iiew;'V'rt ,f rndv'w, Oregon, Mrs. .Mary ii.lil. nf en.lemr.r nn.l riir.iiyt.mi Hull. Tate, Sublimity, Oregon, I". H. Lambert fax. Nova Hcotia, was the selected the-' KiiiBston, Oregon. Mis Kate Courley of tiler of opcrHtion. ! Taeoina, Wash., L. S. Lambert, Stnyton, The Maxwell Mascot the cut out j 0r"' l"'' 'N,is I'fnnces Lambert of Los chiiBHis was cnii'l'iilly wrapiH'd in its' Angeles, California, sleeping uniform and 'dispatched by ex-1 '''I'" funeral service were conducted press to the Lniiil of Kvnngeline. 'J.v ltev. Locklimt at the "Hobson nnd The following brief extract from nn 1 Whitney cemetery, ut 2:00 o'clock. Nov article in the Halifax Herald descrip- N 12. Ntaytou Standard. five of the Nova Hcotin Provincial cx position happily this see- -J- - - " Kuclnsed by a live barred rustic I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL fence of silver birch, with a background : composed of cunningly interlaced evei-' green fir branches, studded at intervals I by minntiire firs, the 1800 sipmre feet! composing, the exhibit of tlio Maxwell j Motor compnny of Canada, Limited,' A Trip to Portland Transportation Refunded to Portland and Return. Write for Details Vour chance to own a car at a price within your reach. Terms to suit your cinvtnUnce. Our Annual Clearance Sale is on I Once each year we must sell every used car in stock regardless of the price It may bring. For instance: MAXWELL . $300 STUDEBAKER , $425 BUICK . $373 CHALMERS . . $400, REO . . . . $425 J And forty other famous ttandard maket In roiditenj four, five and feven-psenger touring carti runabout and special designs equally at low. Remember you are dealing with the biggett auto concern in the Pacific Northwest. Our standing and reputation protect you. ALL CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED HS"8 NORTHWEST AUTO CO. ftlL!5S V Broadway and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon AddrM Manager Used Cm Speedy and comfort in most low priced D. MISNER, Dealer, 245 South Commercial Street. Phone 97 The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "M.d. In U.S.A." .presents n scene of delight to llie eye! 'of the visitor. carrying capacity, in its rear compart incut completes Pii exhibit which fur educntional raluo, variety of models and artistic, display has never .been re motely approached in the history of the exhibition. ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES. Nicholas Lambert passed away with a stroke, oS-paralysis on November 10, MHO. Jle was born in Ireland, June MH, IH-lft helnir 87 fmu 4 mnnlki and 1.1 day, olJ "h, crossed the Atlantic ocean at the age of 14 years, went to Wise on sin, where he lived for two years. He then went to New Orleans, whcr ho lived for a number of years and while there married Miss Bridget . Coulou. They moved to Missouri in 1S5S where ,k.... ; 11 , ho went to here he staved until his death. He was a lifelong democrat, having fought for the .South in the Civil War. His wife died October 2.l,lS7ci. (Sev eral years later he married Mrs. Klviia H ranch, who dieil August 12.1Ulif. He Classified Ads BRINO YOU RESULTS Phon 81 Prompt rrlc iivB SmO At Our Expense Department - Horae power 5 Easy Riding It has long 42-inch, easy riding, shock ab sorbing cantilever rear springs. In addition the 75 B Overland is a longer car 104 inch wheelbase. And it has 4-inch tires. Its smoothness and ease of riding at any speed would do justice to a much larger and heavier car. Come' in and let us demonstrate. That's the best kind of proof. Letter Caused Resignation of Canada's Prime Minister Ottawa, Out., Nov. 18. Following is the letter written to the prime minister bv General Hughes on November 1, which prompted the premier to cull for the resignation of bis minister of mili tia: "Ottawa, November 1, 1910. ".ear Hir Hobe-rt: " " "la reply to your memorandum of October SI, ultimo, permit me in brief to summarize: "I do recall my visit to Great Ilrit sin in the autumn of 914. I did expect both under the statutory Inw -of Brit ain and under the law of common cour tesy th tit I would have been permitted to exercise some control and direction over v ar- gallant Canadian boys, in the way of organization. . "But there has evidently been some communication to the effect that 'con trol and direction' of this magnificent force should bo under the British gov ernment direct.- The then Minister George Tonley, acting high commission er, implied such iq the following words: " ' Vou do not pretend surely to have anything to do with the Canadian sol diers in Britain?' " Further, Sir Robert, I spoke to you on my return and told you the circum stances both then and subsequently. You yourself know that last year you took occasion to speak to Sir George 1'erley concerning the matter. The treatment he accorded me after this was the only respectulde or courteous trentjnent he ever gave me. "ltegarding the consultative sub-militia council. It has only been tentative ly formed. My wny of doing things is to obtain results, not necesarily the creation of bodies organized by order in council. "As n result, before I left Kngliind. we hud nmde many improvements. " t'ermit me io draw your attention to nearly every . commission which has btten formed. They look beautiful on paper, but few, if any. one of them, have been anything like perfect in ornctice. The hospitals commission, the pensions board unit the national ser vice commission all seemed lovely when sent out, but every one concerned with them knows of the absurdities therein contained. "Permit me, further, to draw your Send for free details, specifica tions, and picture of the kind of a car you would like to own attention to the fact that the British constitution does not exist on paper, No order iu council is behind it. "The second line of ypur memoran dum says: -o tar as 1 am aware you exercised the same control and direc tion over the forces in Great Britain during the first year as subsequently. ".Sir Robert, no one knows better tnan you that this statement is mcor rect. This last year with the full con- currnnce ot the war oflice, our manage ment. and direction have bceu given every consideration and by tneir re quest. "One other point and I am through. ii miijui oe implied iroui your memo randum, that my failing to- securo au thority by order in council for his sub- militia council impelled you to the course you are now pursuing regarding Sir George Perley. May I be permitted to say that both you and I know to the contrary. I knew early in August that Hir beorgn I'erley had planned some thing along these very lines. You have also admitted that as early as the first week of September you bad this matter unuer consideration. I understood that it was under consideration by you and reney earlier. . lou. incidentally re marked yesterday that vou had not con sulted any of your colleagues. Of course when I drew your attention to the statement vou corrected vourself. ' Faithfullv," "SAM HUGHES.' How Do You Like These Fall Novelties ? All summer women wore gav silk baudnnuas over their bath caps. Now motor gills are wearing- them under their hats as protection from dust, so destructive to beautiful hair.' Daring ine n-iini II.a.i, au ,...t.i.A Thn Pa. rrisian turban, worn wim white (fox, is a white velvet top faced with black and trimmed with irideseent .Mercury wings ,of metal. Wedding invitations, announcements. and calling cards printed at the Journal Job Department Prices right. 111 Twelve Saleimtes Among the J 6 Joining "Sons and Daughters I'ndcr ordinary circumstances the av erage citizen is not especially interest ed ia who or what was his great grand father or his-great great grandfather. But Bincc the Sons of the American rev olution have been organized, and also the Daughters of the American resolu tion, many an American has suddenly become aware of the fact that a family tree was a handy thing to have about the house, and forthwith began the search of records to establish a tree that extended back into revolutionary times, ror be it known, no one may be come' a Son or a Daughter of the Amer ican revolution unless there is evidence that a relative of theirs iu those trouble some days eilher served in the revolu tionary army or navy, in congress or state legislatures or gave aid to the pa triotic cause. With proper credentials showing such to be the case, one may become a Daughter or Son ot the Amer ican revolution. George M. Post is in receipt of the otticial bulletin ot the .ntional Society of the Sons of the American revolution which notes the fact that since May 1, 1911), of the l(i new members enrolled from Oregon, 12 are from Salem. These twelve, and their ancestral claims prop erly authenticated by revolutionary rec ords on file in the archives of the Smi.hsonian Institute of Washington the as follows, in alphabetical order: Krnest Blue. Great grandson of Mi chael Blue, private, aiit. House Van Materes' company, Virginia militia. Keubeu Patrick Boise, Jr. Great grandson of Reuben Boise, private, minute man, CapJ John Ferguson's company, Col.' Danielson's Massachu setts regiment, and other service. Benjamin Lloyd Beall. Great grand son of William Dent Beall, major bee ond Maryland regiment. Samuel Alexander - Bowman. Great grandson ' of John Bowman, captain iNcw lork militia. James S. Cooper, Jr. GrerT grandson" of Frederick Cooper, private 1 ork coun ty militia, corporal in ('apt. McKee's company, .North Carolina m'litia. - William V. Foster Great grandson of Orlando Root, corporal, Col. Elish Porter's Massachusetts regiment. ' Frank Stinson Gannett. Grea grand son of Michael Farley,, major , general Massachusetts militia, member of gen eral court. . . - . ' James Dana Hart well. Great grand son of Kiehard Gale, Jr., private, Capt. Elihu. Lyman's company, Colonel Por ter's Massachusetts regiment. John H. Lauterman. Great grandson of Hosea Hamilton, ad jutant, Col. Hen ry Ludington's New York regiment. " Frank J. Miller. Great .grandson' of Roger Miller, private- Col. John Fel low's 8th Massachusetts regiment; great grandson of Zcbadiah Miller, pri vate, Col. Nathan Sparhawk's. Massa chusetts regiment. Rollin K. Page. Great grandson . ot Richard Henry Lee, Biguer of the dec laration of independence. George Morrison Post. Great grand son of David Post, private militia com pany of Hebron, Cnnn., on Legingtou Alarm. Augustus Jessup Strang. Great grand son of Lemuel Perrin, sergeant -Col Abiel Mitchell's Massachusetts regi ment. Frederic. Delahaye Thielson. Great zrandson of Greshorn Pope, captain Connecticut Light Horse, under Major hbenezer Backus. Fred Thomson. Great grandson - of Levi Thomson, sergeant, (apt. .thin ning's company, Thirteenth regiment Connecticutt militia. Georgo William Weeks. Great grand son of Jedediah Hvde, captain Connecti cut militia. HORSESHOERJJ. ELECT Woodburn local, No.'HHM, of the Mas ter Horseshoers' National Protective as sociation, held their regular meeting at Woodburn last Sunday, at which time officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: - J'resident, a. u. ftteeinammer. oi nn verton; vice-president. W. S. Maple, of C'nnby; secretary,.!. C. Moore, of Don ald; treasurer. Paul Sown, of Wood burn. This organization has been formed for the betterment of conditions among the members of the craft. It has an im mense membership list in the United States and is accomplishing good re sults While there are some blacksmiths who do not affiliate, it i-s a safe asser tion that all the best, of them are mem bers. Woodburn local includes all of this portion of Marion county, eitending ns far south as Silverton, and north into Clackamas countv to Canby. J. C. Moore, our local blacksmith, has never missed a meeting since coming- to this place. It is quite likely that a future meeting will be held at Donald. Donald Record. INSPECT CHEESE FACTORY S. V. Knser and Herman H. Kuenzi.' of Silvcrton, were in our town a short time Tuesday. They came for the pur- pore of inspecting the Douald chees factory and seemed quite well pleased as a result of the investigation, the writer did not have opportunity to learn the details of their plans.but we are well acquainted with both men and know that they are capable of putting through any enterprise thev may see fit to undertake. Mr. Kueuzi is nn extensive dealer in nnd breeder of registered Hoi stein Fresian cattle, and Mr. Kascr also know s the dairy game quite well. Don ald Record. . MISS MART KOCHER BURIED. Funeral services were held Thursday at thte Aurora cemetery for Miss Marv Kocher, who died Wednesday, Nov. 8. Rev. F. W. Launer conducted the ser vices at the Kocher home in Canby, where she died- Miss Kocher was born in Bethel, Mo., in lMfi, and rame to Oregon in lStiT. and settled near this -ce. as a member of the Aurora colony. In 1903 she moved Bicycle Mudguards Tires, Lamps and every thing for the bicycle. Umbrellas Covered an Repaired Agents for Excelsior Autocycles, Iver John son, Pope and Hartford bicycles. Expert Bicycle and Motorcycle Repairing. Everything Guaranteed We give you a ticket to the Oregon Theatre with a 50c purchase. Morse & Ramsden 221 S. High St. West Side Highway - Association Would Vote Bond Issue of $500,000 At a meeting of members of tho West Side Highway assocjat.on iu McMiun ville Wednesday a committee of five was appointed to draft suitable plans for the submission to tho voters of lam hill county a $300,000 bond issue for hard surfacing of county roads. A mo tion was passed asking that the. state highway commission set a day to hear arguments In favor of designation of the Pacific highway route on the west side of the Willamette river. Secretary Vinton was '. instructed to make the necessary arrangements for the joint meeting or the .Multnomah, Washington, Benton and Polk county courts to meet at Hillsboro to discuss certain road mat ters. A motion was made to prepare a new qui tor tne licensing ot automo biles that the fees might be used on county roads. ' - The routes for hard surfacing work in Yamhill county were suggested as fol lows: From Rex, or the Yamhill county line near there, to Willamina by way of Dayton and Lafayette; from tho Yamhill county line near Gaston, by way of Yamhill and Carlton; from Day ton to the Polk county line on the Sa lem road; also from the concrete bridsti at McMinnville through Amity to the roin county line. Among those present, at the meeting were: l'resident R. J. Moore, of New berg; Secretary W. T. Vinton, of Mc Minnville; 0. B. Rippey, of Dayton; A. J. Bewley, of Sheridan; Kugene Court ney, of Lafayette; Mr. Hirschberg, of Independence; G. T. Boothbv, of Mon mouth; J. W. McCoy nnd G" L. Kelty, of Nevvberg, nil vice-presidents of the association. to Canby to live with her brothers, Hen ry and Andrew, who with another bro ther, Christian, nnd two si.ters Sophia and Christina survive her. Miss Koch er was a woman of mild manner, sweet disposition and lovable character, highly respected by all who knew her, and death removed another early member of the Aurora colony whose surviving mem bers will mourn her loss deeply. Aur ora Observer. FERN RIDGE NOTES. Miss Lizzie Trimberger and Miss Frances Neitling spent Tuesday down by the river. Mr. and Irs. Phillip Wagner and their niece Stella, visited at the N. Neitling home Friday. J. N. Neitling was iu town Friday of last week. Roy Stewart visited the V. Basl home Sjmday. Mike and Frances Neitling were vis itors at the F- Basl home last Sunday. John and George Neitling and Vintz Ritzinger and Carl Schultobeiu walked to Stayton Sunday. iranK iMcgmund was a SaVm visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sieffmund were iu town Tuesday. Marie Wourrus started school last Monday. Stayton Standard. HUBBARD HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. J. C. Come of Portland who was operated on Monday, afternoon at the home of her sister in" Can by is doing nicely. Mrs. Peter Fellers is doin nicely. Mrs. Harry Shauer is now improving. Mrs. Albert G. Yodcr of Yoderville underwent an operation at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. F. M. Altimus who was in a ser ious coudition at her home in Woodburn with neueresthenia and septicaemii. is improving. Mrs. L. 0. F.bbers of Donald whn lm teen very ill, is improving. me young oaDy of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christener near Molalla that has been very sick is getting better. En terprise. . Sell it Journal want ads will sell it. HEAVEN ENOUGH FOR HIM. Last evening I was talking With a grocer old and gray, Who told me of a dream he had, I think it was New Year's day. , While snoozing in his office The vision came to view, For he saw an angel enter Dressed in garments white and new. Said the angel, I am from Heaven, , The Lord jnst sent me down To bring you up to glory And put on you your crown. You have been a friend to every ona And worked hard aud day, You have supported many, And from few received your pay. . And we want you up to glory, rvnem you deserve to De, So place your trusting hand in mine And como along with me. . -Then the grocer and the angel, ; Started up to glory's gate, But passing close to hades. The angel murmured wait. I have a place to show you, It's the hottest place in h Where the ones that never paid you Do in torment always dwell. And, behold the grocer saw tboui there His old patrons by the .score, And grabbing up a chair nnd faif He wished for nothing more. He was bouud to sit and watch them, As they sizzle, singe and burn, And his eyes would rest on debtors Whiche 'r way they would turn. Said tho angel, "Come on, grocer, There aro the pearly gates to see," But the grocer only murmured, "This is heaven enough for me." Grocer and Butcher i CROWDS SEE CORN SHOW Woodburn, Ore., Nov. 17. The corn and land products show drew an im mense crowd today. Tonight the arm ory was jammed, among the visitors be ing the Cherrians and their band from Salem. Premiums were awarded this after noon and a lecture delivered by Georgo R. Hystep, of Oregon Agricultural col lege. The individual farm products dis play taking first prize cousists of 1.10 varieties,' the exhibit beinsr owned bv Sperb & Son. NOTICE Salem, Oregon, November 11, 1910 Notice is hereby given to tho lesral voters of school district No. 2-4 in Mar ion county, state of Oregon, that a special school meetiut" of said district will be held at the high school building on Marion street between High ami Church streets, in tho city of Salem Marion county, Oregon, on Thursday evening tho twenty-third day of No vent ber, 191(1, at the hour of eight o'clock for the purpose of levying a tax for the support and benefit of the schools in said district for the ensuing year. The purpose for which the money to bo raised by this levy shall be expend pended, are shown by the following; itemized budget which is horeby mndo a part of this notice. Budget wood Supplies Repairs Water and phones Power and light i 2000.00 iiOOO.Ott 3000-00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 ' 200.00 10.)dOO.OO 4500.0O 500.00 500.00 J0O0.0O . 100.00 Furniture. Insurance Salaries Betterments Census, election Miscel. expense Interest :. Freight printing.... 1 132,000.00 This meeting is called for the purpose of raising a tax for the a,bove mention ed purposes, by order of the district school board, of school district No. -'4, in Marion county state of Oregon. Iated this eleventh dav of November 191ii. " A. A. LEE. Chairman of the P,oard of Directors. W. H. Burghardt. Jr., - District Clerk. Nov. 18-23