THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1916. .1 ;7 i 3). "Complete line of known merchandise at the right prices; a pleasure to show them. WM. GAHLSDORF Phone 67. The Store of Housewares. 135 N.Liberty SOCIETY By ALINE (CoiitinueJ from page two.) Sleeves and Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Legg entertained the Cherry City Flinch club at the Sleeves residence on Court street. Tho rooms wore attractively adorn ed witn palms and potted plants. Ten tables of flini-h were arranged for the placers, who wore for the most part iho club members. Dr. Kpley and Mr. Todd contributed t-e the dolifftitful affair with Hovernl solo and duets. Mm. W. K. Kirk ac companied them at the piano. Assisting in mo serving were, .ujss Muriel Hteeves, Miss Margnrett Legg, Miss Helen Hunt and Masters Kenneth egg and Donald Bradshnw. The non-club guests , were: Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Kbsen, Mr. and Mrs. La bun Steeves, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge M. Brown, Mr., and Mrs. George Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Lue Atchison, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Schramm; Miss Grace Young. . The club members were: Mr. and Mrs. J. !t Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills, .Mr. and Mrs. K. Kr Junes, Dr. and Mrs. M. C, Findley, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Swulford, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, Dr. and Mrs. It. C. Kpley, Mr. uud Mrs. U. G. Boycr, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Karnes,-Mrs. B. C-Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. A. if.- Vundvrvertj Mr. and Mrs. t;. O. Holt. ... Mrs. William C. Knighton of Port- land, ut the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. , K. Waters. Mrs. Knighton came Friday . by Mr. Knighton, who will remain over the wek end. . Mrs. Harry H. Olmger entertained recently with a delighhtful stag din ner in honor of Dr. dinger, on the oc casion ol his birthday . An artistic arru' of crimson carna tion intermingled with greens, adorn ed the table. The guests were a few of Mr. CHinger's friends who aanually form a hunting pa"?' They were: Thomas B. Kay, Milton L. Meyers, Dr. W. B. Morse, Homer Smith, George G. Brown, lh C. II. Kob - ertson and John Moir. A chunning dinner party was given Alondnr evening Dv Mrs. u. r: rur vine, for her daughter, Miss Laura Pur- vine, on the occasion ol her birthday. The affair was u complete surprise to the young honoree and the guests were a lew ot ner gin menus, juige - chrysanthemums decked the rooms and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill and duugh the prettily appointed table was cen-1 ter, Miss Mercella Gill of Portland, arc tered with an artistic floral arrange-' the week end guests of Mr. ami Mrs. nient of waxy pink begonias surrounaeu with wmte chrysanthemum. Mrs. Pur- vine was assisted by Mrs. W. W". Hen ry . Dinner was followed by an evening land, who has been the guest of her of music, and dancing. " sister, Mrs. W. F. Fargo, returned home The guests were: Miss Elsie Gilbert,1 the first of tho week. Miss Celia Wilson, Miss Celestia Brace ... of Chemawa, Miss Lillian Olsen, Miss Miss Marie Bennett was hostess for Emily Pulmcr and Miss Edna Gilbert, la delightful informal evening Monday " when she entertained the members of Mrs. Charles H. Fisher entertained the Quiuze Jour elub of which she also inrormally Frid.y afternoon with a is a member. charming Kensington in honor of Mis. Games and music formed the even Tt. B. Houston, who left Inst night foi'iing's diversions. The club will meet in her home in California. About a dozen two weeks ut the home of Miss Mar matrons, old friends of Mrs. Houston 's garet Hodge. were asked to bid her adieu. A prettily appointed dinner was that presided over last, night by Dr. and , Mrs. Floyd L. Utter. Feathery yellow chrysanthemums adorned the table and the favors and i pointinents were suggestive of Thanksgiving. Dinner was followed by an evening or music. Mr. and Mrs. Utter's guests were e: Dr. ami Mrs. F. H. Thopmson, Dr. and said, expect to make their home in Can Mrs. Roy Pemberton and Mr. and Mrs. ada much to the regret of their friends Pe er Ginber. 1 En route Mrs. Xiemeyer visited her fsiBter, Mrs. Arthur Lennon in Portland. Mrs. C. G. Arnold of Portland, who .. has been the house guest of Mrs. J. A. On Saturday afternoon, November Wilson, has. been made- the motif of the twenty-fifth, at the meeting of the several informal affairs during the week. I Tuesday Mrs. Harry H. Oliuger was i 11 :.,f-...l l.ln.,l,Ann ' nosiess lur u nuitm iuiuiw.i .mhv . complimentary to the visitor, and ea- Jlc?nuy mui .ilia, r.uniji u piv sided over a dinner in honor of Mrs. Arnold. The table which was centered with yellow chrysanthemums, had covers for the border, Paul Wallace was host FN Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wil- day evening for an attractive dinner sou, Mr. ami Mrs. William II. Dancy party. and Mr. and Mrs. Baker. I Mr.. Wallace planned the most appro- j priate and unique fabe decorations A small informal dinner party was an,l appointments for the dinner. There jiiven on Wednesday evening by Mr. was a tiny tent surrounded by a flower and Mrs. C. C. Cory at tneir noma on ( Marion street. .niinature camp at Imperial Deach. - ! ume years. - Chrysanthemums adorned the pretty Small individual pictures of the pTrn " l' sometimes think that God must table which was circled by Miss Zoe ty, taken by .at. Wallace at the border! laugh to see all the cross stitches which Olmstead, M'ss Gertrude Cory, Miss marked each place. jare embroidered on towels that serve Lnuanna Brown, Misa Florence Cory Covers wero placed for 7. " 'chiefly to scratch the face. We should and the hosts. j . t0 (.mi.f,,!,;,, towels and get to j The members of the Dramatic section work on something worth while. We, One of the delightful informal Ken-(nf the Salem Woman's elub were enter-: more than nuy other people in tho un ingtous of the mid-week was thnt giv-,tained at their premier meeting of tln',in, are inclined to accept the tradi eit on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. season on Friday afte rnoon at the stu-jtimis of the previous centuries, and we Thanksgiving Specials That You Need ( Roasters, Pudding Moulds Carving Sets Turkey Platters Community Silverware New Dinnerware THOMPSON George O. Brown and her mother Mrs. I). W. Mathews. The affair was fiiven at the residence of iris. Brown and the guests were the matrons of the Leisure Hour club. A short programme also was enjoyed dur ing the afternoon. The hostesses were assisted In- Miss Jennie Pearee and Miss Gertrude Cun ningham. The members included in the club are Mrs. George G. liinRlinm, Mm. U. S. Wallace, Mrs. Charles W. Parks, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. Mrs. V. O. Shipley, Mrs. l'erry H. Kuymond, Mrs. George J. I'earee, Airs. Duninl J. Fry, Mm. Memo uiapman, -VLrs. Lot Peurcc, Mrs. Aman- Ida ,1. Herren, Mrs. K. C. .Small, Mrs. H. .1. Clements, Mrs.' Davis, Mrs. William Steusloff, Mrs. Eugenia Gillingham, Mrs. Ada Dayton, Mrs. George G. Brown and Mrs. D. V. Mathews. . . Mrs. M. H. Utter asked the members of the Jolly Neighbors club at her home on tho Jefferson road on Wednes day. Lata in tho afternoon the hostess sorved dainty refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. M. Boise, Mrs. Wallace Hutch, Mrs. David Koese, Mrs. John F. Shear, Mrs. .17 K.-brothers, Mrs. C. H. Loomis, Mrs. K. U. Prothero and Miss Carrie Grubenhorat. Xows of the death of K. M. Messick of Victorville, Cal., came as a great shock , to Us many friends hero last Monday. Mr. Messick resided in Sulem for many years end was formerly pas tor of several Christian churches in Oregon. He. has three daughters,-Miss Virginia Messick and Miss . Margaret .uessicK wno are at tuo lainily home in California, and Mrs. Mahoney of Port land, all of whom are well known in Salem. - --. In celebration of the sixty fourth an nivnrsary of Mrs. C. F. Ijinsing's birth day a ilver tea was given recently at her home on Fairvicw Avo. - . -Following a short nnsiness session, daintv refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. E. N. Starr, -mis. Jienry voorneis, Mrs. c. 1'. Living iston, Mrs. J. E. Ellison, Mrs. lluvey, I Mrs. E. J. Pntchin, Mrs. Jacob Warner, Mrs. M. C. Wild, Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. W. F. Xcptune, Mrs. John Conrad, I Mrs. P. McMillin, Mrs. M. W. Gleason, Mrs. C. F. Lansing. Mrs. Mary Hunt entertained the members of tho Samedi club this ufter- noon with a line party at one of the local theatres, wfth tea at the Spn. l L. 1'urvine. Miss Edna Daily, well known nurse of the Willamette sanatorium of Port- iiwcu ana surruuuuiii; lunus uuu Mrs. Anna Ilogers Fish will go to subscribed 4."i,U00 to a new building V.lrlarff Mn.J.,.. 4. ...J ,1,. I . L ffl. 13! 1 J . L - NVwberg Monduy to read at the benefit j entertainment to bo given at Pacific college. Mrs. Fish will read "Tom Saw- yer. " Mrs. Blanche Liston Xiemeyer left early in the week for Edmonton, Cana da, where she will join Lieutenant Xie-iUOu meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Xiemeyer, it is .Salem Woman's club. Miss Mozelle Hair of Eugene, will address the club, Her subject will include tho extension, 1 ..1 L - m ,-imiitiiic3 siiiu. ciunses, lecwirrs pictorial instructor and reading circle nurn niiu wiruM -irui urrs. Complimentary to the' members of Uompojiy m, who were in his squad at garden and tre trees which represented a : dio of Mrs. Anna Rogers Fi9h. : During the afternoon the work for the year's enleudar was planned and will include interesting iip-oduto dra- mas. Later the guests enjoyed a ehnt over the tea cups. to Tomorrow tho Knights of Columbus will hold their initiatory exercises, and j visitors from the Albany, McMinnville, , Eugene and Portland chnjitors will come ! to .Salem to attend the event. I Following the initiation which will itake place in Hearst hull, a programme jof music and speaking and a supper will I be given at St. Joseph's hall. Thomas J Brown will be toast master for the cv lening and responses will be made by W. A. Barrett of Albany; ltcv. A. A. (Moore, Frank Dnvey, Mrs. T. J. Walsti, j Herbert Michelbrook of McMinnville, and S. J. Lonergan of Portland, i Tho Sacred Heart academy orchestra ; will furnish.thc music for the evening and Albert Kgan will be tho soloist. An engagement that will lie of iinus i nal interest to society maids of Snlcm has just been made known in San Fran ieisca. The lovely bride-to-be is Miss Elsn Deimel who for the past two sum mers has been tho house guest of Miss hJiznueth j.ord and has made many friends in Salem society. Miss Deimel kas announeeil her en gagement to Hobert Stubbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Osmon B. Stubbs of Portland. The wedding will be solemnized on Sat urday. November the twenty fifth. The bride-elect is the daughter of Dr. Deimel, president of the Deimel Linen Mesh Manufacturing Co., of London, r.ngluuu. o Mrs. Lloyd Mott left this morning for Fort Stevens to join her hushnud who has recently been appointed lieu tenant surgeon at the fort. She was ac eompnuied its. far as Portland by her mother, Mrs.. W. II. Mott, who will visit her son. Dr.-William Mott, who is in the Good Samaritan hospital. j g lt 4 tjf g jjg : Y.W.C.A.NOTES All women of the-eity are, invited to the vesper services Sunday at i p. in. at the V.. W, C. A. rooms. These ser vices uro to commemorate this week of prayer being held in all associations. The Northwuutern Field which includes this association, supports a missionary, Jtiss r.inerson, in Japan. Miss Ulndya Carson will talk about Miss Emerson's work tind tha women will have the pleasuro of hearing Mrs. - Alden. Miss Um Met addam and Miss Lucille Bar ton will favor us with solos and Miss Ethel Forbes will preside at the piuuo It is indeed fortunate that the Willam ette University Y. W. C. A. could co operate with the city association at this time and a very enjoyable social hour is anticipated atter the services. The board of directors held their monthly meeting lust Tuesday morning with the following members present: Mrs. C. A. l'ark, Mrs. Wm. Kirk, Mrs. A. N.Bush, Miss Florence Cleveland, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. K. S. Wallace, Mrs. O. U. Brown, Miss Nina, McNary, Mrs.- H. .Cv Epley, Mrs. R. C. Bishop, Mrs. Fruuli Spears and Miss Veda Mae Cross. Tho ladies reuiainin for lunch as is their custom. Tha general secretary gave a very en couraging report showing. October the banner month in, our association a his tory. There were sixteen 30 eent lunch es served: one hundred i!3 cent lunches: three hundred seventy five 20 cent luncues; seven hundred fourteen lo cent lunches; four Jiundred twenty, one 10 cent lunches an4 one hundred forty eight 5 cent lunches served during the month of Uctober. It is nlwnys very gratifying to the board members to realize tho number of friends the association is gaining. The generosity of our friends is shown by the apples, pears, canned fruits, jel ly, vegetables and wood for the lire place all things so vitally needed, giv- en so loyally. If the friend that gave the wood could look into the 1. . C. A. living room some evening his heart would fill with joy to see the girlB gath er around the fire place for cheer and comfort after the days work. Your association is growing, and growing fust and we dream of a home lor our own some sweet day. The number of bequests to tho asso ciation grows year by year as tho people become more fully aware of tho quali ty of sisterhood the association offers. fliss Louise B. Cromwell has left if-'OOO to the boarding home department of Brooklyn. In the summer a bequest of nearly 407.000 was loft to the same association by the will of Miss Maria Holstcin. Ltreu and surrounding towns have in that city. The final sum in the cam Ipaign was underwritten by tho execu tive staff and the persons belonging to tho various teams. Tuisu, Oklahoma, has opened a cam paign for !fl3VlU0 for a new building. I Auizusta. Ga.. has been Taisinir if.'HI.- the past month, Why not Sulem Oregon f The Happy Hour club recently re organized will hereafter be called tne W. T. K. club. Much fun is being had by non-members to guess the meaning The club members are to spend the win ... i: - i . i. ... -1 .1 if These lessons will bo very educational. instructive and interesting and affords a splendid opportunity to study the . ' ' diTierent countries. IT'he following is taken from a speech by a field industrial secretary: I1 " hile admitting tne benelit of sew ing circles, etc., as social diversions, there is grnve danger of neglecting worth while things for the more super ficial amusements. I know a girl who belonged to a weekly sewiug society for nine years, in which time she had never missed a meeting. She said they llilaved nuessing games. Imagine play- inc Kiiessing names every week fur Plan to Organize Junior Commercial Club in Salem If the plans oT the Salem Commerciiil nger of newspapers has promoted Boys' club materialize, there will be organized clubs mid similar activities, and w ho in Sulem, "The Salem Junior Comeinr-' ehargc of vocational eclucntinii cial elub." This will also include tho ' w"r.ks nt,,,h,n 1'm"& l'neific exposition . .. during 1(H5, Hoy. fleady appreciate election of a junior mayor, junor ity(th I1CIM, of trBiB. council and junior police force. The I was a newsboy at 11 years of age, ami purpose of this organization is to sup-1 ho is interested in all boys for a reason plement and assist in all education and , worth while he has a boy of his own. to instruct boys in pratcical commercial j Hev. Heady has specialized in n class and civic affanrs during the adolescent j of vocational educntion at the Vnivor period. It will also assist them in earn-' "ity of California. This class was taught mg money and teach them the value of systematic saving. It will .create nud i foster city pride and national patriot ism. It will impress the truth thnt, "the boy of today is the man and citi zen nf tomorrow." The rjuroose. then will be to help every boy in the most important step in life, the choice of a I vocation, the social problem in wh'i.ii all the other problems of life aro root-1 ed. ; Flan. j Any boy between 10 and 21 years of j age is eligible to membership( provided . he is engaged in some work for which! ho receives some kind of compensation. On recommendation of Ar toruey Gen As near as is practical, the general ideas oral George M, Brown, .1. II. llawley. of the senior organization should be formerly governor of Idaho, who ap followed. A canvass of the boys known penrcd before the state land board yes to be employed at this time will be tcrday on behalf of the Harney Luke made. - . reclamation project, was yesterday ad- The junior exposition, very success- mitted to practise law in' the state of fully conducted in Snn Francisco nud . Oregon bv the supreme court, lie had l.os Angeies, may ue tuipiicnicu ncre and aside from the direct - benefits, would serve as a factor in promoting the growth ot the organization. There may be created a junior city government," with mayor, city council, courts, police, etc., in which all of the boys and girls of the city would be in vited to participate. Each school would elect a councilman and make n nomina tion for mayor, and during the month of January tffe election will be neia, Arrangements' would be made for lec tures and instruction in vocational edu cation mid other practical subjects. It would be tho plan to investigate nnu when necessaryi instigate lines oi nc tivitv in which boys might engage them selveB for all or part of their time. Some probable lines are: a messenger nnu parcel delivery service; a distributing agency; a service bureau wnere ooys can bo secured for odd jobs, cleaning lawns, etc., also, for work in summer season, picking 'fruit and packing house work- The oronnizfltion. would also act as a cleariug house and information bureau for.staiools ot all Kinds, business, oppor tunities, etc. . . Advantages ana seneiiu. The bov who would not otherwise be driven to realize the necessity of pre paring for a. life work, is by this" plan und organization, brought faco to face with the practical nttuirs or lire, auci therefore, better prepared and equipped to take his place in "tho workaday world," when the time in his life has arrived. The chief complaint of .the business man today that much of edu cntion is not Bracticul. elinp inated. Teaching and training, ot. noys to think and eot.lor themselves, nnu ,io feel an individual responsibility for the acts, is the one hope for, and of, the proposed organization. - The oue fear of most? parents is that their boy's trainiug is not sufficiently practical to assuro him of a reasonable degree of success. The intelligent cul mination of their plan together with the n.nrrurinn of men who have been suc cessful, promises excellent results. The transforming ot a "community mum iiy" into a "defiuito asset" early in li'o is assuredly a decided civic, bene fit. The advertising of Salem as "a city of homes" where our chief concern is the building of the moral and civic char acter of our boys and girls, certainly finds a response in every heart. A Member Hag. Tho distinction of belonging. The use of the club rooms at certain times. The knowledge that he is a coming citizen. The advantage of special training. A feeling of defiuito individual re sponsibility for the success of the enter prise. An opportunity for self betterment in training, acquaintanceship, and environ ments otherwise; impossible. The right to assert himself at his most impressionable age. The privilege of studying his life work at close range. The Junior Exposition. There will be held, soon after or ganization, an exposition modeled after Furger similar enterprises, but-limited to boys and girls under 21 years of age. Any inrgo building, preferably the arm ory", will serve as a place for the ex position, to Ins! not more than three davs or r. week. The purpose of such na exposition rs to give nnv boy or girl an opportunity to display" nny article that they have manufactured, to exhibit any pet or .keepsake or to demonstrate nny accomp lishment that may oe meirs. uppunuin ties for vocalists, instrumentalists, speokers, writers, nrtistsnnd agricul- The co-operution of the schools is turists, will be made, necessary, and has been nssured by S(t prrintendent Todd- The Salem Commercial club has had this work under consideration for some time, and the plans have now been fully outlined with the assistance of Rev. James M. Heady, n ninn who has done active work in Y. M. C. A.'s, Boy Scout movements; as circulation mnn- keep on going round a circle. The posi tion of women will be just exactly what we make it." Anil the W. T. K. club want to do something worth while. The following new members and re newals have been enrolled since Octo ber 2Mlh. Mcsdames w. 0. Hawlev. lies sic Bennett. Paul Stege. Clyde Graham, Hairv Kulph, r . r. Harlan. O. K. Franzke, O. B. Gingrich, Ilenrv Mevers, M. E. Pe. lt. Dwight Misner, It. E. Lee Steiner, John Griffith, M. C. Findley, Misses Lorilla Bolter, Frances Hodge, lunula Chripmger. Evelyn Je Long, Lois Okiunrt. Pauline Marniich, Xellie I 'lark, Mabel llaivht, Hazel Barton, Ethel L. Thomas. Estella lliirtmnn Hitu Steiner, Delia Ilngen, Alice Lupton, Maxine Iturca nud Eva Miles. ; "y "r. .vieyer Bloomrield, who is ac knowledged to be chief authority on vo cational education in the United States A discussion of this project will take place at next membership meeting of the club, Wednesday, November 22, '1910. $ State House News UPcn admitted to the bar of Idaho ill 1871. Among those who aro candidate for the position of warden nt the state penitentiary are Willis S. Hale, who has announced his candidacy for that place. He states he is in favor of sweeping changes in the prison system, in favor of giving the niciun voice in governing themselves, in fnvior of keeping them busy and interested and in favor of humanitarian methods. He is now superintendent of the boy's training school. Articles of incorporation were filed this morning with the corporation com missioner by the Bennett Meat company of Portland. The capital is placed at ir'.'iOOO and the incorporators are J. E., E. M. and G. H. Bennett. The purpose of the business is to 'buy uud sell all kinds of men fa. Supplementary articles were filed by the liitter, Lowe and Del Forrest coninuv chnuiniiir the nainer to the Hitter, l.iwe, company. The bus- j international Grand Prize race hero to iCS is real estate. lay. Besides Jackson ami his meclian- The annual- report of the Northern Pacific railway company was filed yes terday afternoon with the public ser vice commission by II. A. Cray, comp troller of the company. The report shows-that the total operating income was ;ill,4:i, 1 hl.s:i, which was an in crease of ,'psJ!iu41t;tH).14 over the same period last year. Tho gross income is liven as :IH.!72.447.7S, . which with a deduction of 13,2I2,")74.i:i for expenses leaves a net incomo of ip25,72!l,S7;i.0o. The report of. the Great . Northern was filed by U. K. Martin, vice presi dent, and it shows a total operating in come of $3'J,2;i-,Ho-t.:iS which was an in crease over last year of 0,.":il,r!i:t.72. The gross income was ff'M,i lo.",7.0.1, which with a deduction for expenses of $12,OSii,I.S7.77, leaves u net income ol 27,02.-., I01I.2H. Yesterday the car shortage dropped from ;i0i'.(i to 2021. Regarding this situ ation -information received by tho pub lie service commission states that in tho hearing of the railroads at Louis ville, Kentucky, L. J. Anthony of the Boston and Albany railroad stutcd his line was not. experiencing any cur short age but that it. had a surplus of curs on its trucks. He agreed it would bo only lust to relievo the other roads by re- turniiur the excess and said ho could I return 2S per cent to owning lines with in ilO days without iiiconveni u to the shippers his line served, lie believ ed the situation could be relieved if shippers would only order the curs lib j solutely needed. It was urougni out ui this hearing that there were 2,.10(i,0ii(l cars in the country but that they werei not sutlicieut to bundle I lie uiiiioiinui traffic. The report of the Pacific Cur Demur- , . ' .i i.i: mission showed that the total nun.berlis asked and whatever further relief, of cars reported for lending and unload-1 inir in Cnlitomn for September IOI'ii was Hiii,(ir! and for September P.HH it w.ik 1 70.2 1 fi. Comiiarimr this with the lotal 'number for Oregon for the same period shows us follows: September, IWlj a total ol 10,2i., anil in sepiem ber 101U a total of 8000. This report contradicts tho statement of tne South ern Pacific, that there is no discrimi nation between Culitonua and Oregon shipjiers. At a meeting of the highway com mission lust night a request from Ex Senator Johnson, F. B. Ingalls, H. H. Mil-hard and Dr. Dodgo of llul'ur, Was co Co.for a portion of government funds to match the money put up by Wasco county for the improvement of the road from The Dalles south through Du t'ur, Tygh valley to the Wasco county line was received. The county of Wasco has appropriated l.'."i,0,,n !' recent bond issue for the improvement of the above road and it is desired to have government help on the eight mile stretch south of Dufur on the Dulles California Highway. The commission explained to the delegation thnt under the rules provided for tho handling of fedornl money in the state it would probably be impossible to take up this project this yeur and it advised the men to see B. J. French of Portland, of the Unite,! Slates forest service in the matter. The members" of the coin- mission present were Governor Withy-! combe. Secretary of State Olcott, Treas urer Kay and C. hd Hobs, acting secre tary. " Court House News Industrial clubs in the scUffils of Marion county are numerous and great ,,, erest ,s bemg taken in them by the children according to County Hup.-r.ii- tendent Smith, who, with li. IV I r ringtun, industrial club representntivo SALEhVS NEWEST ESTABLISHMENT Tr Iv Terwilliger Funeral Home No Publicity, No Signs, Homelike. The only establishment of its kind between Seattle. and San Francisco HOME OF THE LUNGMOTOR Telephone 724 E r ;Big Car Leaves Track and, Crashes Into Tree, Up rooting It lince Course, Sunta Monica'. Cnl., Nov. IS. Four persons were lulled and two are dying as n result of Lewis Jnckoii's Murinon ear hitting a tele phone pole On Snn Vincente rond in the i. iruiiuiii, une spectator, a milium, nuose name nuu not been learned, was killed. The two dying al so were spectators. At the end of 20 laps, Aitkeu, who substituted for Wilsox ill a Peugeot, was first. Uickenbnche.r second and Cooper third. Itesta was foreod from the rnee temporarily by spulk trouble. Cameraman P. T.. Jenkins, of. the Keystone forces, sent out to film (lie race was' one .spectator killed, accord ing to unofficial report. This would make four dead. . . . . ; . ... . Accordion to Ann retiArl . li-nm llm Scene of the accident lhn nmX.ntH'i..,! woman who was killed in the crush!, i'rincetoii began some effective over-;, was tendHg a confectionery atuud u-"0ul1 work 'a tho game waned, .but it, longsido the race course. .. ": j was too late, Dave Tibbott was twi.-c The hurtling Murmon, buyoud con- "ed in from the rl'inceton side lin.s trol of Driver Jackson, struck a tree.!"1 un attempt to score for the Tigoi. Uirooling it and crushing the frail 'le ,,''e1 'wiee but each effort failed. stnud. Two slightly fin.jured sHeta-l ! . tors were removed" to St. Catharine's'! '"Is'"ess, with one of these tours in hospital. Others more, seriously hurt ! lir"Kect, are not uituuncing ; tliemsclv. s were taken to tho temporary first aid '''" ' extent. However, tho station on the rield. j following have been suggested as go.!.) of the state school department, yester day evening returned from u visit of a large number of Marion county schools. In the districts visited it, was found that the students had clubs formed or in process of formation. It is the plan of Superintendent Smith to have each school hold a local lair and the best exhibits of this fair be shown at a general central fair city. to be hi Id in this ; Cllmslnint was filed this morning byi!"1)"1 l'o;qoiimon bill, was uwanbd Grant Mnrphv, administrutor of the ,'"'"v ""' ""'er Slnpliuildic-j .Ktnte of 11. W. Murphv, deceased, a-! ""lP'V".n " (i"l''.''v; -M ; gainst C. E. Ashlev, lor a breach of, I' l. ....I.. ..( I I T I, i .... ii-liio 1...I tho court may grant A pitition to Judge Biishey for the uiiiinitt iiii-ut of Arthur Reynolds, a do- pendent child, was filed this morning by Mvi'ii Shank and Mis. W. J. Porter. It is alleged he has no proper piireutul care, that lie roams the streets, begs. . uud is out aii hours of the night. Keports from India ' An order for the sale of real prop-j pnrl Wrioof Ilnu'n erty ill the estate of G. W. Murphy, de-j iJCUU llUCdl UUWII censed, was affirmed this nioriiing bv Judge Hushey. The limd hus been sold' Chicago, Xov. 1 S. Wheat took a. . to M. I,. Eskew for the sum of 2IH.I2 "harp drop today when tho pit received and the deed was ordered delivered. ; reports that India is believed to haie In surplus of 100,000,000 bushels ..f .V motion to compel the defendants ' wheat ready to be shipped to allied in the i use of T. A. Livesley ngniust F. ! countries. After a slightly low. r W. Buell, the Oregon Hop Grower us-.opening, December closed down I! X 1 ;if socintion, uud the Silverton Hop Grow-, 1 7X1,4 ; May down .'I at JS4 and July ers warehoiiso association, to state tlieir'down il at I'm. defenses separately was filed in the cir- Corn was lower on general selling of -iit court this morning. mM lots. December was down 1 ut The Next King Bing Will Have Much Work T..Ai i. .1..:.... UUnt 111,1V IX'' UUIIlUMf nil- lli'lll H M.VpHMMa.n lot of thinking over the election of, their next King Bing, which will beTlAHV PA PIT A? IftlTVrilJiI decided at a meeting culled for tlie Urtllil LATlIAL JuUnimL evening of Monilay, December I. This booster organization now efin- ' rinir ui,'(i-fil liifr ti-ttiR fnr next i sum .' and tho job of serving ns King, Bing will -incur more than usual re-, sponsibt'ities. The Alaskan trip h 1 been discussed as well ns the weel stay in the Notional Velbiwstone par But now there is talk of making n tout , of the Coifed States, one that will really advertise Sulem, and one that, will not cost much morn than the i Yellowstone trip. The plans are to goj east over the northern route, puss; through Chicago, on to Xew Vork uud' il'.. 1. :...... n.l ...I.I.-.. ,ll..IWrll 111.. I . . . ,,,,. ,.mU: , . . praises ;im nm , w K- , hit V I! BY YALE 10 TO 0 Game Was Fiercely Contested and Was 0 to 0 Until Last Quarter By H. O. Hamilton, ; (United Press. Stuff Corespondent.) .. J'aliuer Field, Princeton, .V. J., Xov. IS. The first, 'touchdown of the yiur to cross Princeton's goal line- na scored this afternoon bv- Vnlo as the Blue hung a 10, to 0 "defeat on. 'the Orange nnd Muck. .... Ilobey Baker in an aeroplane, aei'uin pained by another machine, did stums over tho field ns the Vale students Kwarined under Princeton's goal' pos-s and started a parade over the fieid after the game. ..... There was scarcely a' hero 'of this afternoon's stnigggle,-" but Ledor.v Hmden, Neville tnd .liicque, Vnlo bnet:' field men, did excellent duty' ns 'they smashed and tore in iho Princeton lino: It was Legore who drew the honor ;f currying the' ball across Princeton's una aim iirndon gave; Vale three pn.' with a field goal from the 2S yir.) lillO. Uniterm! -and the next King Hiug will probably be selected from this list: C. S. Hamilton, t hus. II. Dick, Hailev 1. While, A. . Wilson, V. tl. shijd.v, William Lercheii and Hal 1). Pinion. Contracts Let For Eighteen Destroyers Washington, Nov. IS Contracts for eig-ht desi rovers, authorized bv the hi-r '" "". ' "lu" """ company, mm J I II M,,. ' ."'is cuin iicies oiitruets fur M nf " -' ' 'n'!'"' i' ' i''"eci,i,. by contract or bv the navy vnnl. Hie Fore Idler contract culls ..r l,liili,IHUI fur ouch destroyer. While the first four of the Union Iron Works n Ml cost l, 1110,11(111, the lust two will cot i)l,lx,VM0 each. H2 1-2; May down Vt at 84 1-2 ar.d July down 1 14 nt 94 1-2. Z'Z ? 'S 7 , ' mIdi rtil v ' Classified Ads BRING YOU HJCSTJXTS ntuma Rl Prompt Service - m We ChalJeE&s uou lo Act Better rwuJb wan VKcaniwe Ujo,, Wh IlllloWnl Arl U WUIQ JllUe Want Ad, . . io-lTlOrrOV i7 ittiwijwv.